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Of couese,a lot of girls want to get married in a romantic place, Aegean Sea, and it is preferred!
它是西方欧洲文明的 摇篮,对世界各国旅 客来说,更是浪漫情 调旅程的象征。
当然,其实很多女生 都希望能在一个浪漫 的地方结婚,爱琴海, 那是首选!
Aegean Sea的景色
As a result of our oral 由于我们的英语口语
English level is limited, 水平有限,所以我们
so we have to show
Biblioteka Baidu只能领大家看看爱琴
you love to the view of 海的景色了。
the sea.
I bring you,you take Money,to go with me Aegean Sea!
我带上你,你带上钱, 咋俩去爱琴海旅游吧!
If I marry you in this direction,will you promise me?Xiao Yu
我假如在这个地方向 你求婚,你会答应我 吗?
Aegean Aegean Aegean Aegean Aegean
Sea的地理位置 Sea的名称起源 Sea的旅游原因 Sea的特产 Sea的景色
Aegean Sea的地理位置
Aegean Sea is a great gulf eastern Mediterranean, is part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Greek peninsula and Asia minor peninsula. North and south long 610km, 300 km wide from east to west.
Aegean Sea的特产
To Aegean Sea tourism,back when must take something, the super olive oil is certainly love the sea!
去爱琴海旅游,回去 时总得带点什么,这 个肯定是爱琴海的特 级橄榄油!
爱琴海是地中海东部 的一个大海湾,是地 中海的一部分,位于 希腊半岛和小亚细亚 半岛之间。南北长 610公里,东西宽300 公里。
Aegean Sea的名称起源
Love there are all kinds of explain the origin of the name of the sea, a possible etymology is Aly ,mean wave, so love is the full name of the sea waves of the sea.
爱琴海名称的起源有 各种解释,一个可能 的词源是Aly-,意思 是波浪,所以爱琴海 的全称意思是波浪起 伏的海。
Aegean Sea的景色
It is the cradle of western European civilization, for travelers around the world,but also the symbol of romantic journey.
I want to grow with you in this place,will you?
我想在这个地方与你 白头,你愿意吗?