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• bat 罪恶、黑暗势力 vs. 福气,福禄寿喜
vampire bat 吸血蝙蝠
as crazy as a bat 精神失常、发痴
The poor man must have bats in the belfry -- he
wears such peculiar clothes .
nothing out of her if you go at it like a bull at a gate.
用正确的方法接近她。如果你鲁莽行事,你就别想从她那 里得到什么。
• In delicate negotiations like these, he's too much of a
bull in a china shop. 在这样微妙的交涉里,他显得太笨拙了些。
sheep in the future.
没有父母的良好教育,孩子可能会成为迷途羔羊。 • What if you retired into the teeth of that bear market?
• bull/calf/cow/buffalo--缺点 vs. 依托、奉献 a bull in a china shop 鲁莽闯祸的人 calf 呆头呆脑的年轻人 cow 肥胖丑陋的女人 to buffalo 哄骗 bull market 牛市 to bull the market (通过大量买进股票)使行情上
• an ass in lion’s skin 狐假虎威 • as mute as fish 噤若寒蝉 • to shed crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠 • as timid as rabbit 胆小如鼠 • Don’t beard the lion. 老虎屁股摸不得。
• They often talk horse when they are free.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

• ‚You old buffalo ‛she thought, her face crimson
with suppressed fury. ‚你这令人讨厌的老东西!‛她压着一腔怒火,满脸憋得 通红。 • Try to approach her the right way. You‘ll get
• pig--肮脏、贪吃 vs. 肮脏、愚蠢 Tom is a pig. 汤姆像头猪,又脏又贪吃。
• dog--忠诚、友好 or 肮脏、龌蹉vs. 肮脏、龌龊 top dog 有优势的人、团体 sea dog 老练的水手 treat someone like a dog 虐待
• 直译法 • 意译法
• 代换法
• 增词法
• as timber as a deer 像鹿一样胆小温驯 • as pure as swan 像天鹅一样圣洁 • as fat as a pig 像猪一样肥 • to fish in troubled water 浑水摸鱼 • Don’t believe in him. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing . 不要相信他,他是披着羊皮的狼。
• 白象牌方便面--white elephant vs. pet elephant • 五羊牌自行车--five rams • 白羽牌钢笔--white feather vs. snowy feather
• 飞鸽牌自行车--flying pigeon vs. pigeon
• Goldlion/金狮 vs. 金利来 • 鸳鸯—mandarin duck vs. a pair of lovebirds • throw a sprat to catch a whale--抛砖引玉 vs.用小虾钓 大鱼、吃小亏占大便宜
live a dog’s life 过着很惨的生活
live a cat and dog life 争吵不和的生活
狗嘴吐不出象牙一A filthy mouth can’t utter decent
language. 狗咬吕洞宾,不识好人心一to mistake a good man for a bad one
他们有空时常常在一起吹牛。 • After he heard this news, he is like a cat on hot bricks. 他听到这个消息后,就如热锅上的蚂蚁,忐忑不安。
• a bull in a china shop 公牛闯进瓷器店--肆意捣乱 • Tom is a pig. 汤姆像头猪,又脏又贪吃。
• lion of the day 当今最红的人
• 狗拿耗子,多管闲事一poke one’s nose into other people’s business
• We do not want it to rain cats and dogs tomorrow.
我们不想明天倾盆大雨。 • A cold fish is not a fish. 冷酷的人不是鱼。 • Every dog has its day. 人人皆有得意之时.
I'm as blind as a bat without my glasses.
• tiger—凶残 vs. 勇敢 残暴戾
lion—勇猛、强悍、权利 vs. 凶
as bold as a lion 勇猛如虎 as majestic as a lion 威严如虎 a lion in the way 拦路虎 to place oneself in the lion’s mouth 置身虎穴/身处
• 动物词汇带有鲜明的民族文化特征 • 部分动物词具有不同的褒贬含义
• 历史传统和宗教信仰 • 地理环境和生产活动
• 自然环境和物产影响
• 审美价值和社会心理
• 概念意义与文化意义基本相同 • 概念意义相同但文化内涵矛盾
• 文化意义有相同之处又存在差异
• as meek as a lamb 像绵羊一样驯服
• Barking dogs don’t bite.
会叫的狗不要人 • I was so hungry yesterday that I ate like a wolf . 我昨天太饿了,吃饭的时候才狼吞虎咽。 • He doesn't have any idea at all. He always parrots what others say. 他毫无思想,只会鹦鹉学舌。 • Without proper parenting, a child could become a lost
Thank you!
a dead lion 纸老虎/外强中干
• I used to drink like a fish and get drunk all the
time. 我过去常常牛饮,并且每次都喝醉。 • That movie really gave me goose bumps. 那部电影看得我起了鸡皮疙瘩。 • There are still some black sheep in our society. 社会上还是有这么一些害群之马。 • She is a cat. 她是个包藏祸心的女人。
• 概念意义与文化意义都不同
• as stupid as ass 蠢钝如驴 • as clever/naught as monkey 像猴子一样聪明/淘气 • as slow as a snail 像蜗牛一样慢 • as stubborn as mule 像驴一样犟 • as sly/cunning as fox 像狐狸一样狡猾 • as hungry as a wolf 像狼一样饿 • as busy as bee 像蜜蜂一样忙
• Love me,love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 • You are a lucky dog. 你真幸运。 • I am too old a dog to learn new tricks. 我上了年纪,学不会新道道了。 • Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. 一些人说我们住在一个同类相残的社会。 • What a dirty dog you are! 你真是卑鄙无耻!
• dragon 一种巨大的蜥蜴,长着翅膀,身上有鳞,拖着一条长 长的蛇尾,能够从嘴中喷火,是邪恶的象征,被认为是 凶残肆虐的怪物,应该消灭。圣经中龙是与上帝作对的 恶魔撒旦的化身。 一种能够兴云降雨的神异动物,它集蛇、鸟、马、鹿、 鱼、鹰等八种动物于一身,具有这八种动物的本领,能 上天,能入地,能在陆上走,能在水里游,能在空中飞, 具有勇猛和不屈精神。
• I was so hungry yesterday that I wolfed down.
我昨天太饿了,吃饭的时候才狼吞虎咽。 • Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。
• like a dog with two tails 非常开心 • throw the bull 胡言乱语
• dragon’s teeth 互相争斗的根源 • the Old Dragon 恶魔 • Her step mother is a real dragon. 她的后母是个母夜叉。 • 望子成龙 to expect one’s son to become an outstanding personage