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学校代号 分类号
10532 TU525
学 号 S11011206
磷酸镁水泥耐水性及抗钢筋锈蚀 性能研究
学位申请人姓名 培 养单 位 导师姓名及职称 学 科专 业 研 究方 向 论文提交日期
常远 土木工程学院 史才军教授 结构工程 建筑材料 2014 年 5 月 29 日
学校代号:10532 学 号:S11011206 密 级:公开
Phosphate to MgO ratio had an significant effect on the amount of hydration products and remaining amount of soluble phosphate in MPCBM. The low ratio of phosphate to MgO led to the decrease of the amount of hydration products and remaining amount of soluble phosphate in MPCBM without wet and dry cycles. MPCBM with small ratio of phosphate to MgO had stable steel corrosion resistance. Due to the dispersing effect, there was less amount of remaining soluble phosphate in MPCBM with addition of admixture, which led to a better steel corrosion resistance. MPCBM with addition of limestone powder had better steel corrosion resistance due to the generation of anhydrous calcium hydrogen phosphate. Key Words: Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement; Magnesium Oxide; Particle Size; Hydration; Water Resistance; Steel Corrosion
The existence of large amount of soluble phosphate within MPCBM was the main reason of the weakness in water resistance. Unreacted phosphate within MPCBM was dissolved in water which decreased the pH value of the solution when MPCBM were cured in water, thus the main hydration product — MgKPO4•6H2O was dissolved in acidic solution which result in the increase of porosity and significant decrease of strength. The addition of limestone powder that can react with unreacted phosphate and generate anhydrous calcium hydrogen phosphate can improve the water resistance of MPCBM. The MPCBM with addition of limestone powder had less amount of soluble phosphate in matrix and lower porosity leading to a better performance in water resistance.
日期: 年 月 日
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造成 MPCBM 耐水性能差的主要原因可能是磷酸镁水泥基材料内部存在大量 未反应可溶性磷酸盐,试样浸水后,可溶性磷酸盐溶出致使水化产物溶解,导致 基体内部孔隙率增加,强度显著下降。MPCBM 中掺入石灰石粉会与基体内部可 溶 性 磷 酸 盐 发 生 化 学 反 应 生 成 CaHPO4, 消 耗 MPCBM 基 体 内 部 磷 酸 盐 , 使 MPCBM 浸水后磷酸盐可溶出量减少,这是石灰石粉改进 MPCBM 的耐水性的主 要原因。
Research on water resistance and steel corrosion of magnesium phosphate cement based materials
by CHANG Yuan B.E. (Hunan University) 2011 A thesis submitted in partial satisfaction of the Requirements for the degree of Master of Engineering
磷酸镁水泥耐水性及抗钢筋锈蚀性 能研究
学位申请人姓名: 导师姓名及职称: 培 养 单 位: 专 业 名 称: 论 文 提 交 日 期: 论 文 答 辩 日 期: 答辩委员会主席:
常远 史才军 教授 湖南大学土木工程学院 结构工程 2014 年 5 月 29 日 2014 年 6 月 1 日 黄政宇教授
in Structure Engineering
in the Graduate School
of Hunan University
Supervisor Professor SHI Caijun
May, 2014
本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的 研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或 集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均 已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。
磷酸镁水泥基材料酸碱比是 MPCBM 基体内部水化产物生成量和磷酸盐剩余 量的重要影响因素。酸碱比越小,未经干湿循环的 MPCBM 基体内部磷酸盐剩余 量越少,致使 MPCBM 抗钢筋锈蚀能力受循环影响较小,钢筋锈蚀性能较稳定。 掺合料通过分散效应使 MPCBM 基体内部具有较低的磷酸盐剩余量,使其抗钢筋 锈蚀性能更稳定,其中掺石灰石粉因与 MPCBM 基体内部磷酸盐进一步发生化学 反应生成 CaHPO4 而明显改善 MPCBM 试件的抗钢筋锈蚀性能。
Magnesium Phosphate Cement Based Materials(MPCBM), which consist of magnesium oxide, soluble phosphate, retarder and mineral mixture, crystallize into an interlocking microstructure of struvite when reacting with water. This paper investigated the influence of fineness of magnesium oxide on the fluidity, setting time, temperature change, content of hydrated products and compressive strength of magnesium potassium phosphate cement. According to the particle size distribution of MgO, it was found that fluidity and setting time of MPCBM slurry were controlled by MgO with diameter less than 30μm. The results of temperature measurements and differential thermal analysis showed that the specific surface area of MgO had a great effect on hydration of MPCBM. When the specific surface area was less than 322 m2/kg, the hydration temperature profiles of MPCBM indicated two distinct temperature peaks and could be divided into four stages including dissolution, transition, acceleration of hydration and deceleration of hydration. When the specific surface area was greater than 322m2/kg, there was only one temperature peak appeared during the whole processes. From the compressive strength results, it was found that the specific surface area of MgO did not have obvious effect on the compressive strength of MPCBM. However, it could be inferred that the later compressive strength of MPCBM was influenced by MgO in the diameter range from 30 to 60μm. Accordingly in order to control the hydration rate of MPCBM and achieve higher later compressive strength, the specific surface area of MgO should be between 228 and 322m2/kg in this experiment.
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磷酸镁水泥基材料(Magnesium Phosphate Cement Based Materials - MPCBM) 是由 MgO、易溶于水的磷酸盐类、缓凝成分及矿物掺合料等按比例混合后与水发 生作用形成以水化产物为中间连接相的胶凝材料。通过研究 MgO 细度对磷酸钾 镁 水 泥 基 材 料 流 动 性 、凝 结 时 间 、水 化 反 应 温 度 变 化 、水 化 产 物 量 与 强 度 的 影 响 , 发现 MPCBM 净浆的凝结时间和流动性能是由 30μm 以下的 MgO 控制。MPCBM 净浆的温升曲线和差热结果表明 MgO 细度对 MPCBM 的水化过程影响显著。MgO 颗粒的比表面积在 322m2/kg 以内时,MPCBM 水化反应中有两个温度峰,可将其 分为溶解、水化过渡、水化加速和水化衰减四个阶段。MgO 颗粒比表面积大于 322m2/kg 时,水化反应过程只有一个温度峰。强度测试结果表明,MgO 的细度对 MPCBM 早期强度影响甚微,MPCBM 后期强度主要由粒径处 30~60μm 的 MgO 控制,MgO 颗粒的比表面积应控制在 238~322m2/kg 之间以使 MPCBM 早期水化 较慢而后期强度较高。