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additional architecture artificial average boring

cancer coupled crossed describe despite

destroyed distant emotionally ensure established experiences familiar focused historical increasingly instruments investigated mysterious normal percent

perhaps permitted popular prints quality

recommend relatively retirement romantic ruining

species success typical uniform value

variety world’s


classified background album appreciation implies

image calling up mixed with shoot informational

in touch with preserve appreciate households convenient

rates submit philosophies thoughts care about

survive distant stand still backward discovered

motion predicted serve as capture definition

company single on my own vacation sewn

evidence journey independence take responsibility for burden

calculators handle items responding emergencies

rarely no murders property left lying around careful with

foreign concerned with interpersonal controlled abruptly

references indication appointment highly valued believe in

especially driven commit pay off turn out

shocking contract losing ruin deal with

in addition software available individuals technological manufacture in short by contrast scientific quantity

identical approach back and forth opposite indicates

referring to parallel to reserved at a right angle embarrassing


容易拼写错误的词。每个人都会有自己的盲点,一些容易拼写错的单词必须给予足够的重视,练习中要及时发现,认真总结,采取相应的对策。下面是经专家统计后归纳的一些常用的容易拼写错的单词,希望大家认真记背。请大家重点注意元音字母a,e,i(y),o,u 的发音、字母组合的拼写顺序,辅音字母的双写,不发音的字母。

campaign architecture artificial emotionally

species mysterious established instruments

investigated recommended acceptable accidentally

accommodate acquire amateur apparent

argument believe calendar category

cemetery changeable collectible column

committed conscience conscientious conscious

consensus definite discipline drunkenness

embarrassment equipment foreign grateful

guarantee harass height humorous

ignorance jewelry judgment leisure

library license lightening maintenance

medieval mischievous misspell neighbor

noticeable occasionally pastime perseverance

personnel playwright possession precede

principal/ principle privilege publicly

questionnaire receive/receipt recommend referred

reference relevant restaurant rhyme

schedule separate sergeant their/they’re/there

threshold twelfth tyranny until

vacuum weather/whether weird


spokesman suppliers cooperation approved

decision current treatments resistance

release direction records status

background overseas connection screamed out

joined sign confined undergoing

needs early frustrated Dismissed

focused emotionally distant cancer

retirement crossed related increasingly
