新标准大学英语1 outside view听力原文

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet:So this is the Cherwell Boathouse —it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy.Mark:I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved. Janet:Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that.Mark:Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting.Janet:Sponsored punting! What's that?Kate:Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something —like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt.Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you! Mark:That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do.Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity.Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here.Kate:That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that?Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far? Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ... We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark: Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently.Kate: I'm with you on that.Janet: Me tooJanet: I'm not used to boats — Woah!Mark: Whoops!Kate: Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing! Mark: Sorry! I didn't mean to. ... OK, we're off! Kate: Maybe I should do the punting.Mark:It's 've got the hang of it now —give me a chance.Kate: Well, I'd like to have a go.Mark: Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to.Kate: Yes, great.Janet: You're really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It's exactly how I imagined life here! Look over there —isn't it lovely!Kate: Yes, it is.Unit 1-Conversation 2Janet: Kate, everything's organized, isn't it, for collecting the sponsorship money?Kate: Yes, I've arranged for people to get the money to me by next Friday — if they haven't paidonline. I'll count it all up.Janet: Good. We'd better have a meeting soon after that, don't you think? How much have we raised?Kate: About 600.Janet: Fantastic! I'm so enjoying this!Mark: Hey guys, I've got a suggestion —how about moving over to the bank and we can have our picnic! Hey, look, there's Louise and Sophie! Mark: Whoo ...Girls: Mark!Janet: Are you all right?Mark: Er .Of course I'm all right. Kate, I think it's your turn to punt!Unit 1-Outside ViewVoice-over Harvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke to Alex Jude, the university's Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks for the best and most talented students from around the world. Alex Harvard actually seeks students from around theworld, the best students that we can find, to study chemistry,or study literature, or study government, or business.Ourbusiness school is particularly well-known around the world, as is the medical school and law school, so, um, and, and theKennedy School of Government, or the John F KennedySchool of Government, so, er, we do seek very, very talentedstudents and we have open doors for them.Voice-over We asked five students at Harvard to tell uswhat kind of social life they have.Ashley Um, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lot of my friends, and ... Um, there's a good social life here if you look for it. I go to the gym, run. So that's what I do.Adam It's, it's whatever you want it to be. It's good. Ifyou wanna go out party, do anything you can. If you wannasit in your room and study all night like my friend over here,you can also do that.Brian Socially, like you said, it's, it's a lot of what youmake it. Um, we don't have fraternities here, and so, youknow, that's, it's obviously not as social. There's not as manyparties as there would be on another campus. Um,but on aFriday or Saturday night, there, there, there will be a party.Usually we end up studying until about 10 o'clock.And thenwe, and then we'll go out and have fun maybe, or just watch amovie with friends, or, you know, whatever is going on forthe night.Jodie Not everyone would agree with me, obviously, but it's, I think it's a fun place to be. Interviewer Have you made a lot of friends?Jodie Oh, definitely.Interviewer Mm.Jodie Many.Interviewer What, what do you do with your friends?Jodie Um, well, I like to go to concerts. I'm in threemusic groups, so I have lots of rehearsals during the week forthat. Um, just do, you know, some fun things, on the weekend.Voice-over We asked the Harvard students if they use theInternet.Ashley Um, I, I use it a fairly good amount. Um, our library system is online, so I use that a lot. And a lot of myclasses, you know, have to do research papers. You can find alot of information on there, so.Interviewer So how often do you use it, a week, a day?Ashley Um, I use it probably on more of a weekly basis. Maybe three or four times a week. Brian Oh yes, definitely. We live through the Internetactually. Well, I do a lot of research through the Internet,follow my stocks on the Internet. Um, well, even thoughe-mail is not officially Internet, we, that's how we communicate a lot at college, so, through the e-mail.John Um, I use the internet mostly for, er, I'd say,sort of leisure purposes. I mean, I play, um, I use it for a lotof, I don't, we don't have TV in my room, so I use it, uh, uh,go to the CNN website, keep up on current events, things likethat. Uh, I also, uh, you know, there's some little games toplay over the Internet. Um, just um, I go to to seewhat's happening, follow the Boston Red Sox, things likethat. Um, I think a lot of courses use it to post things, but I, Idon't usually use it that much for research, or things.I tend touse the libraries for such things, so.Unit 1-Listening inNews reportStanford University has recently changed its financial aid policy for students to make the university more affordable and accessible. Students who don’t have financial aid pay about $46,000 a year just for tuition. It’s not unusual for students to be forced to decline an offer because they can’t afford to go to their dream school. The new policy means that for students whose families earn less than $125,000, tuition is fully covered by scholarship and grant aid. Those with a family income below $65,000 are not expected to pay for either tuition, or room and board. This is great news for talented students who are concerned about fees.However, Stanford is not the only top university in the United States that makes tuition affordable for students. Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale, also offer free tuition plans to students from low-income and middle-class families.Stanford and Ivy League schools can offer generous financial aid packages because they are very wealthy. They receive large annual donations that can be used for specific purposes, such as financial aid.1 What has Stanford University done recently?2 How much is the tuition a year at Stanford if students don’t receive financial aid?3 Why is Stanford University so wealthy? Passage 1Voice-over Hi, I'm Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campus to ask freshers -now half-way through their first year -the question, "How are you finding uni?" Here are some of the answers we got. Speaker 1It's cool. It's everything I hoped it would be. I'mvery ambitious, I want to be a journalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. I've started writing for the university newspaper so I've got my foot on the ladder already.Speaker 2I'm working hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And I've made some good friends. But I'm very homesick. I'm Nigerian and my family's so far away. I went home at Christmas for a month -that really helped, butman, I miss my family so much.Speaker 3"How am I finding uni?" It's great. It's not perfect, nothing is, but, like, I've got a brilliant social life, just brilliant, and I've made lots of friends. For the first few months I just didn't do, really enough work. But I -1 talked about it with my parents and I'm working harder now and getting good grades.Speaker 4Actually, I've been quite lonely to be honest. I'm a bit shy ... everyone else seemed to find it so easy to make friends straight away. But things have been better recently - yeah, they have. I've joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah - I'm feeling a lot happier now.Speaker5 Uni's great, I love it. My only problem -and it'squite a big problem - is money. My parents are both unemployed so, you know, they can't help me financially. Mygrant just isn't - it's just not enough for me to live on, so I'vetaken a part-time job as a waitress — a lot of peopleI know,like a lot, have had to do the same. I don't want to have hugedebts at the end.Speaker 6I love my subject. History, and I'm, I'm getting fantastic teaching here. I want to be a university lecturer andthat means I have to get a first. I have a good social life butwork definitely comes first for me.Passage 2Oxford and Cambridge - two universities so similar that they are often spoken of together as "Oxbridge". They're both in the UK, fairly near London, and both regularly come top in any ranking of the world's best universities.The two universities began within a century of each other. Oxford University, now 900 years old, was founded towards the end of the 11th century. In 1209 there was a dispute between the university and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university in the town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the two institutions have been very competitive.Unlike most modem universities, both Oxford and Cambridge consist of a large number of colleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Many of these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large numbers of tourists visit them.In all UK universities, you need good grades inthe national exams taken at 18. But to get into Oxford and Cambridge, it's not enough to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long interview. In these interviews, students need to show that they are creative and capable of original thinking.Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural life. They have produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scientists whose discoveries and inventions have changed our lives.Among the great university institutions is the world's most famous debating society, the Oxford Union, where undergraduates get a chance to practise speaking in public. Cambridge's comedy club Footlights has produced many first-class comedians, while some of the UK's most famous actors and actresses began their careers at The Oxford University Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then there's the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place every year in March or April, and is watched on television all over the UK.So with all this excellence in so many fields, it's not surprising that the ambition of clever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities.。

新标准大学英语1 outside view第一单元Julie:My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene:My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie:Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English speaking university in the, in the world. And so there aremany traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of theyear, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene:Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much moreliberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are alsosome specific traditions.Julie:Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and theprofessors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students siton common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together.It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal andwe eat by candlelight.Eugene:I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debatingsociety where speakers come from all around the world to address thestudents and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students,making it a very interesting forum.Julie:My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody getsup very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir whichsings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the townand all the students go to listen to the singing. So it‘s very nice.Eugene:The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held inMay in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying toimprove its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its wayup the river.Julie:When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, sothey wear a gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, andthe men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirtand a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, whichhas a Latin name – sub fusc – and they must wear this uniform in order totake their examinations.Eugene:I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. Forexample, sub fusc. This is the uniform that we are required according to theuniversity rules, to wear.Julie:They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers arecarnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear differentcoloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your firstexam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam youwear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a redcarnation.Eugene:So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilstwearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie:I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.第二单元Voiceover:We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase'sRestaurant. Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. Shetold us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called"shrimp Clemenceau".Leah:This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just browna little thing ...Interviewer:And, and what's, what's the actual, what's the cooking in?Leah:Butter.Interviewer:OK.Leah:It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that's it, a little cholesterol. Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces.You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on thecholesterol, you see.Interviewer:OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah:Well, my mother, you know. I'm the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way.Then here you want to add a little mushroom in here, this is just slicedbutton mushroom. If you like other mushroom, you can do that, we justsauté that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook,everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used inseveral restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it differentthan this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlicin there?Interviewer:Oh, yeah.Leah:Alright?Interviewer:That smell is very strong.Leah:Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It's very, very simple. Interviewer:And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah:No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before Icame in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added manythings. You have to understand in 41. Now here we can add our potatoes.You see our shrimp is all cooked there. Just add the potato. You canpre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanchthem a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you get one, you get justone casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a gooddash of pepper. A little salt. It's very simple, but it's a good dish. And as Isaid, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and getit there.Interviewer:And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah: A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don't know how it got that name, but it's popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different.You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it,but I, I just don't like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that alot. And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer:That's parsley, isn't it?Leah:Parsley. Uhm. And I'm gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen. You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But everyCreole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika.And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it'svery, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see? And youhave a good dish.第三单元Teacher:Good morning, class.Students:Good morning.Teacher:What we're going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before? Students:Yes ... No ...Teacher:Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven't. OK. Have any of you actuallyused mind maps in the past?Students:No ...Teacher:No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1:It’s a way of thinking.Teacher:It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I'dlike to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mindmaps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2:To make a list?Teacher:To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyonecontributes their ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyonein a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage. OK, brainstorming is one of themost important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use oranother reason for using mind maps?Student 3:It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher:OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind mapsto collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a verygeneral understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easilyand um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4:Preparing for exams?Teacher:OK. Preparing for exams. That's a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision. Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days oreven weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very generalunderstanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can thinkof for mind mapping?Student 5:We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher:For finding answers. That's, that's a very good, good answer. We could callthis problem- solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possiblealternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I'd like us to talkabout some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead ofjust writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obviousadvantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give usum, almost a picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or adiagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas,which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way. Arethere any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping? Student 4:It lists the main points.Teacher:They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map,not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and thekey connections for mind maps or for our given subject. Are there any otheradvantages you can think of?Student 1:To think creatively.Teacher:To think creatively. That's, that's a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of thebox or thinking laterally. Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical theyencourage us to think creatively, you might say.Teacher:Next, I'd like us to think about aspects of design orconstructing mind maps. So far we have completed threequarters of our mind map about mind maps. And then I'djust like you to have a look at this mind map and tell mewhat some of the most noticeable or striking features arethat we can talk about.Student 2:There is a centre.Teacher:There is a centre. There is what we call a central word, acentral word or a phrase. It might also be a sentence or aquestion. You might have that in the centre of the board andyour related thoughts spiraling or radiating out. What elsedo you notice about the design of this mind map?Student 1:There are only words, not sentences.Teacher:Exactly. There are many what we call key words as they capture the main thought of, of an issue rather than a longsentence or, or a passage. This helps us to concentrate onthe main issues and find connections between these issuesas well. What other aspects of design do you notice here? Student 5:It looks like a tree.Teacher:It does look like a tree because it has branches. By having branches, it shows how, um, thinking is radiating out orspiraling out from key ideas or central ideas to key words tosub-words and, and so forth. Are there any other aspects ofdesign which you notice in this particular map?Student 2:You used a lot of colours.Teacher:I did. I perhaps use too many colours. I have used different colour to show the different key words or different aspects ofmind mapping. You might like to use different colours tohighlight different sections of a mind map or keyinformation. Or you may, you may choose to have it all inone colour. It's very much a personal choice, depending onhow you like to, to think and, and plan your thinking. Youmight also like to use images or pictures related to some ofthe key words. Or you might even use symbols. We'll put aquestion mark because this again is a personal choice andhow you like to design your mind maps. For example, Imight choose to use a thought bubble as a symbol,highlighting or identifying my central phrase, mind maps.This could be a, a feature of my own mind maps. WheneverI design a mind map, I highlight my central thought using aspeech bubble symbol.第四单元Voiceover:It's the most popular means of communication in the 21st century. Nobody writes letters any more, especially young people. They all use textmessaging instead. Officially called SMS – short message service – textmessaging is slow to enter, and you can only key in 160 characters. So whyis it such a success? The first text message was sent in 1992, but textingonly became commercially available in 1995. It has grown incredibly quicklysince then. Just look at the graph. In 1999, the number of texts sent reachedone billion. Over the next three years, it grew to 20 billion! So people havenow sent billions of texts, and the number continues to rise. It isn't difficult tosee why it quickly became part of youth culture.Emily:I use it every day. I don't call a lot of people on it. I just use it for text messages because it's easy and quick to send things and arrange things bytext.Heidi:Mainly to friends. Sometimes it's useful to get information for work as well.You know, if people want to give you contact numbers or things like that, it'seasier than phoning.Andy:I've had my mobile phone for about three years. I mostly use it for just texting my mates and arranging sort of social meetings with them.Alice:I like texting. I don't really talk much on it except just to make arrangements but texting's the biggest thing I do.Male:I probably text message about ten, 15 times a day.Alice:Usually, I don't know, about ten. Ten to 15. Fifteen maybe to 20. Voiceover:It isn't just young people who use texting. Companies use it too – for advertising and promotion. For example, the Orange telephone network hasrun a text message promotional campaign since April 2004. People text aspecial number on a Wednesday and receive a discount voucher by text.They show this message to any one of 450 cinemas in Britain and get twotickets for the price of one. Why Wednesday? Wednesday has always beenthe worst day of the week for cinemas. Since the campaign started, cinemaattendance has risen on Wednesdays by nearly ten per cent. And, ofcourse, TV uses text message voting to decide lots of things. Texting hasbeen one of the most successful inventions for years.第五单元Voiceover:Finding someone to love isn't easy. For years, single people have looked for prospective mates in a few tried-and-true ways. They met in school or atwork, through friends or relatives. Or they met by chance in bars, atweddings, or at parties. Today there's a new way to find that specialsomeone. Many people have met boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés,husbands, and wives in a way that didn't exist up to about ten years ago.The Internet has completely changed the world of dating. Anyone can lookfor a match online at one of hundreds of different websites like these.Consultant:There are approximately 150 million singles in North America, and what's interesting is that a lot of them are trying online dating.Speaker 1:I've never tried Internet dating.Speaker 2:I have friends who have tried Internet dating, and one of them is getting married to the person he dated.Speaker 3:I have not tried Internet dating, but I have a friend who has.Speaker 4:I have not tried Internet dating.Speaker 5:I have tried Internet dating. I had one good experience and one bad experience.Speaker 6:I've tried Internet dating. It worked out very well.Carol:Hi!Daughter:Hi!Carol:Oh, it's good to see you! You look great!Daughter:Thank you.Carol:Hey, I love the color.Daughter:Thank you. Come in, come in.Voiceover:How does Internet dating work? Carol is about to find out. She's having dinner with her daughter, who has just registered on an Internet dating site. Carol:So how's work?Daughter:Work is really good. It's busy, so I've been making money.Carol:Good. Have you met anyone yet?Daughter:No, not yet. But I just signed up. Mum? Mum, come on. I'll show you. Consultant:To get started with Internet dating, there are four steps. The first one is to find the service that works for you. Second step is to create your profile.Find a great picture of yourself that shows you doing something that youenjoy. Write about who you are and who you're looking for. Third step is tostart searching for that special someone. Use the search function on thesite to identify people in your area that you may want to hook up with.Fourth step is to reach out to those people. You write them a nice shortletter. Show that you're interested in them and off it goes. After that, sitback, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.。

Unit 1OutsideviewConversation 1Li:What a wonderful view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy? A;"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford"Li:That's a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?A:Correct,so do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?Li: I've got another year to go and then I suppose I'll go back home.A; And you will find a job?Li:I think I have to do my Master's before I look for work.But I must admit London is very special.Do you think you would ever leave London?A:Sure, I'd love to come to china one day, and I like traveling. But i think I'll always come back here.Li:Well, your roots are here and there are so many opportunities.A;But have you ever thought of living in London for a year or two?Li:Yes, but what could I do here? I had planned to become a teacher.But i have often thought if there was a job i could do here in publishing,maybe as an editor, I'll go for it.A:That's sounds like a great idea.I think that would really suit youLi:Maybe I should update my CV and send it to one or two publisher.A:Don't make it look too goodLi:Why not?A;Well,if you enjoy working with London Time Off, we don't want you working with anyone elseLi:Oh, working with you and Joe it's great fun and really interesting. I couldn't think of a better way to find out about a cityA;So maybe you should think about applying for a job with usLi:But do you think I'd stand a chance(有可能,有希望)?I mean, I'm not sure if Joe likes meA:Don't even think about it!Joe is very straight talking and I promise you that you'd know if he didn't like you. Li:Perhaps we should both update our CVs and look for jobs togetherA:Hey,right!That would be fun.Li:What a wonderful view! This is such a great city!Do you ever get tired of living in London, Andy?李:多美的景色!这是一个伟大的城市!你是否厌倦了伦敦的生活,安迪?A;"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford"一;“当一个人厌倦了伦敦,他就厌倦了生活,因为伦敦拥有生命可以负担得起”Li:That's a quotation by Samuel Johnson, isn't it?李:这是塞缪尔约翰逊的一句话,不是吗?A:Correct,so do you have any plans when you finish at Oxford?答:正确,那么你有没有什么计划,当你完成在牛津?Li: I've got another year to go and then I suppose I'll go back home.李:我有一年去,我想我会回家的。

Unit 1-Conversation 1**(1)Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse —it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy.Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved.Janet: Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that.Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting.Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that?Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something —like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you!Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do.Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity.Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here. Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that?Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far?Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ... We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark: Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently. Kate: I'm with you on that. Janet: Me tooJanet: I'm not used to boats —Woah!Mark: Whoops!Kate: Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing!Mark: Sorry! I didn't mean to. ... OK, we're off!Kate: Maybe I should do the punting.Mark:It's fine.I've got the hang of it now —give me a chance.Kate: Well, I'd like to have a go. Mark: Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to.Kate: Yes, great.Janet: You're really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It's exactly how I imagined life here! Look over there —isn't it lovely!Kate: Yes, it is.Unit 1-Conversation 2Janet: Kate, everything's organized, isn't it, for collecting the sponsorship money?Kate: Yes, I've arranged for people to get the money to me by next Friday —if they haven't paid online. I'll count it all up.Janet: Good. We'd better have a meeting soon after that, don't you think? How much have we raised? Kate: About 600.Janet: Fantastic! I'm so enjoying this!Mark: Hey guys, I've got a suggestion — how about moving over to the bank and we can have our picnic! Hey, look, there's Louise and Sophie!Mark: Whoo ...Girls: Mark!Janet: Are you all right?Mark: Er .Of course I'm all right. Kate, I think it's your turn to punt! Unit 1-Outside ViewVoice-over Harvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke to Alex Jude, the university's Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks for the best and most talented students from around the world.Alex Harvard actually seeksstudents from around the world, the best students that we canfind, to studychemistry,or study literature, or studygovernment, or business.Ourbusiness school is particularlywell-known around theworld, as is the medical school and lawschool, so, um, and, andtheKennedy School of Government, or theJohn F KennedySchool of Government, so, er, we doseek very, very talented students and we have open doors forthem.Voice-over We asked five studentsat Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have. Ashley Um, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lot of my friends, and ... Um, there's a good social life here if you look for it.I go to the gym, run. So that's what I do.Adam It's, it's whatever youwant it to be. It's good.Ifyou wanna go out party, do anythingyou can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all nightlike my friend over here, you can also do that.Brian Socially, like you said,it's, it's a lot of whatyoumake it. Um, we don't havefraternities here, andso, youknow, that's, it's obviously not associal. There's not asmanyparties as there would be on anothercampus. Um, but on a Friday or Saturday night, there,there, there will be aparty.Usually we end up studying untilabout 10 o'clock. Andthenwe, and then we'll go out and have funmaybe, or just watch a movie with friends, or, you know,whatever is going on forthe night.Jodie Not everyone would agreewith me,obviously, but it's, I think it's afun place to be.Interviewer Have you made a lot offriends?Jodie Oh, definitely.Interviewer Mm. Jodie Many.Interviewer What, what do you do withyour friends?Jodie Um, well, I like to go toconcerts. I'm in threemusic groups, so I have lots ofrehearsals during theweek forthat. Um, just do, you know, some funthings, onthe weekend.Voice-over We asked the Harvardstudents if they use theInternet.Ashley Um, I, I use it a fairlygood amount. Um, our library system is online, so I usethat a lot. And a lot ofmyclasses, you know, have to doresearch papers. You canfind alot of information on there, so. Interviewer So how often do you use it, a week, a day?Ashley Um, I use it probably on more of a weekly basis. Maybe three or four times a week.Brian Oh yes, definitely. Welive through theInternetactually. Well, I do a lot ofresearch through theInternet,follow my stocks on the Internet. Um,well, even though e-mail is not officially Internet,we, that's how we communicate a lot at college, so,through the e-mail.John Um, I use the internetmostly for, er, I'd say, sort of leisure purposes. I mean, Iplay, um, I use it for alotof, I don't, we don't have TV in myroom, so I use it, uh, uh, go to the CNN website, keep up oncurrent events, thingslikethat. Uh, I also, uh, you know,there's some littlegames toplay over the Internet. Um, just um,I go to to see what's happening, follow the BostonRed Sox, things like that. Um, I think a lot of courses useit to post things, but I,Idon't usually use it that much forresearch, or things. Itend touse the libraries for such things,so.Unit 1-Listening inNews reportStanford University hasrecently changed its financial aid policy for students to make the university more affordable and accessible. Students who don’t have financial aid pay about $46,000 a year just for tuition. It’s not unusual for students to be forced to decline an offer because they can’t afford to go to their dream school. The new policy means that for students whose families earn less than $125,000, tuition is fully covered by scholarship and grant aid. Those with a family income below $65,000 are not expected to pay for either tuition, or room and board. This is great news for talented students who are concerned about fees.However, Stanford is not the only top university in the United States that makes tuition affordable for students. Ivy League schools, such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale, also offer free tuition plans to students from low-income and middle-class families.Stanford and Ivy League schools can offer generous financial aid packages because they are very wealthy. They receive large annual donations that can be used for specific purposes, such as financial aid.1 What has Stanford University done recently?2 How much is the tuition a year at Stanford if students don’t receive financial aid?3 Why is Stanford University so wealthy?Passage 1Voice-over Hi, I'm Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campus to ask freshers -now half-way through their first year -the question, "How are you finding uni?" Here are some of the answers we got. Speaker 1 It's cool. It's everything I hoped it would be. I'm very ambitious, I want to be a journalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. I've started writing for the university newspaper so I've got my foot on the ladder already.Speaker 2 I'm working hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And I've made some good friends. But I'm very homesick. I'm Nigerian and my family's so far away. I went home at Christmas for a month -that really helped, but man, I miss my family so much. Speaker 3 "How am I finding uni?" It's great. It's not perfect, nothing is, but, like, I've got a brilliant social life, just brilliant, and I've made lots of friends. For the first few months I just didn't do, really enough work. But I -1 talked about it with my parents and I'm working harder now and getting good grades.Speaker 4 Actually, I've been quite lonely to be honest. I'm a bit shy ... everyone else seemed to find it so easy to make friends straight away. But things have been better recently - yeah, they have. I've joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah - I'm feeling a lot happier now. Speaker5 Uni's great, I love it. My only problem -and it's quite a big problem - is money. My parents are bothunemployed so, you know, they can'thelp me financially. My grant just isn't - it's just notenough for me to live on, soI'vetaken a part-time job as a waitress— a lot of people I know, like a lot, have had to do the same.I don't want to have huge debts at the end.Speaker 6 I love my subject.History, and I'm, I'mgettingfantastic teaching here. I want tobe a university lecturerandthat means I have to get a first. Ihave a good social life but work definitely comes first for me.Passage 2Oxford and Cambridge - two universities so similar that they are often spoken of together as "Oxbridge". They're both in the UK, fairly near London, and both regularly come top in any ranking of the world's best universities.The two universities began within a century of each other. Oxford University, now 900 years old, was founded towards the end of the 11th century. In 1209 there was a dispute between the university and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university in the town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the twoinstitutions have been very competitive.Unlike most modem universities, both Oxford and Cambridge consist of a large number of colleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Many of these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large numbers of tourists visit them.In all UK universities, you need good grades in the national exams taken at 18. But to get into Oxford and Cambridge, it's not enough to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long interview. In theseinterviews, students need to show that they are creative and capable of original thinking.Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural life. They have produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scientists whose discoveries and inventions have changed our lives.Among the great university institutions is the world's most famous debating society, the Oxford Union, where undergraduates get a chance to practise speaking in public. Cambridge's comedy club Footlights has produced manyfirst-class comedians, while some of the UK's most famous actors and actresses began their careers at The Oxford University Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then there's the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place every year in March or April, and is watched on television all over the UK.So with all this excellence in so many fields, it's not surprising that the ambition of clever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities.。

Unit1 ➢Insid e View➢Outsid e viewHappiness is not what most students have in mind when they think of school. Yet a school in Germany has developed a novel way to raise the morale(斗志) of its students, by teaching happiness in classes. Students at Heidelberg’s Willy Hellpach School of Economics are learning how to achieve happiness as an official subject, alongside mathematics and languages. This is the first school in Germany to develop a happiness course, intended for 17- to 19-year-olds preparing for university entrance exams. Ernst Fritz-Schubert, the school’s principal, is on a mission to change things.Ernst Fritz-Schubert: It was my idea-I’ve been at this school for 31 years,and I feel that school and happiness have to bereunited. These are two terms which are notconsidered together, because one does not connectschool with happiness. In some cases school comesbehind the dentists on the popularity scale(规模) andwe should try to push schools’ popularity a bit. It hasbeen proved by science that a happy student canlearn more than an unhappy one, Unhappy studentscan concentrate for a while but do not use all theirpotential. The happiness classes are intended to helpstudents fulfill their potential. They will help thestudents live happy and prosperous lives.The classes aim to help students in achieving a positive state of mind, by using all their own resources and boosting their self-esteem. In addition, they hope classes will increase self-awareness and physical comfort. Happiness classes are also intended to make students more aware about their environment and society as a whole. During classes students are encouraged to express themselves and observe their peers’ behavior. The classes are taught by Bjoern Bonn, an actor and visiting lecturer.Bjoern Bonn: One of the exercises I do is to have one of the students walk across the classroom, with the others copying his walk.Through this exercise, I hope they learn something aboutthemselves. Why do I move like this? How do others see myway of walking? I hope that with a higher body awarenessthey ideally –of course it will take time-achieve a higherself-consciousness which could lead to happiness. Wolfgang Lang: We give these classes to students to help them find happiness. Now the question is: How do I definehappiness? Happiness is for example a strengthening ofthe personality. We are providing helpful suggestions tomake stronger people. People that ask “Who am I as aperson? Am I really happy?”Pascal Gemble: It takes time and everybody has to find happiness for themselves. You cannot go into a coaching lesson and sayteach me happiness. One can only get indications fromteachers or the visiting lecturers. There are also happinessscientists, if we could talk to one of those, I am sure hewould have some hints.Yosma Pinar Cetinkaya: You would think that the teachers are writingdefinitions on the board. Not true. Those whowant happiness have to find it for themselves,you cannot really learn that. So what does it taketo be happy and can you learn it at school?➢Listening inPassage 1Interviewer: Can you tell me, how do you think you have changed as you have matured? What things have had a major influence onyou?Speaker 1: Well, let me think…I suppose going to university had a big impact on my life. It made me much moreopen-minded. I met so many different types of people therewith weird and wonderful ideas and it changed the way I seethe world. I’m much more tolerant now. It made me a morerounded person.Interviewer: Great, and had any particular person had a central role in forming your character?Speaker 1: I guess that’d have to be my grandfather. I was very close to him, and he taught me to stand up for my beliefs. He was alwaystelling me about this.Interviewer: So what people or events have had an impact on your life? Speaker 2: I think that traveling my gap yea r made me grow up and see both the beauty of the world and, well…just the generosity(慷慨,大方)of ordinary people. I traveled a lot around Asia andyou know, I found that in some of the poorest countries, likeCambodia and Laos, people share whatever little they have, andthey possess a real joy for life. It’s probably made me a lessselfish person.Interviewer: Interesting,so you would recommend that young people takea gap year to discover themselves and the world?Speaker 2: Definitely. It gives you an opportunity to learn about the world beyond the one you grew up in and I foundit reall y… Interviewer: Could you tell me what things in your life have had the greatest influence in forming your personality?Speaker 3: Well…a couple of years ago I was on a reality TV show where a group of young people all lived in a house together. Each weeksomeone was voted off by the audience. I got down to thefinal three! I suppose being on the show and seeing how theother contestants behaved made me realize how selfish andspiteful some people can be just to get what they want. I alsorealized it’s best to just be yourself in life. If you pretend to besomeone different people will eventually see through the lies. Interviewer: Right…And how did you feel when you were eventually voted off?Speaker 3: Relieved, to be honest with you. But you know, a slight regret that I didn’t win because I kind of…Interviewer: So you can tell me, what one thing do you think that has had the biggest impact on your life?Speaker 4: Hmm, that’s a difficult question. But I think helping victims of just arrived in Thailand for a family Christmas holiday.When I heard the news I knew I had to help-you couldn’tnot. I ended up acting as an interpreter for a group of volunteerdoctors. It was an incredibly difficult time but you know, even inthe middle of such a horrific tragedy there is still a huge amountof genuine human kindness. Interviewer: That’s amazing! Andhas it changed the way you view your future…Passage 2Tony: Talking to us today in our Life Choices series is Joan Robinson, an academic counselor at Manchester University. She gives advice to school students on choosing the right subject to study at university.Joan, welcome to the show.Joan: Thanks Tony.Tony: So Joan, what do our listeners need to think about when choosing a course? It’s a huge, potentially life-changing decision, isn’t it? Joan: Yes. I generally give students advice in two areas. Firstly, know yourself, and secondly, think to the future.Tony: When you say “know yourself” what do you mean?Joan: Basically, I mean evaluate your own personal strengths and weaknesses, your personality traits and the things you like.Tony: I see…So how can our listeners do this?Joan: Well, start by asking yourself questions to help reflect on your life so far. For example, what subjects are you good at? Are you an organized and self-disciplined person? Are you confident and outgoing? Do you like working with others in a team or do you prefer working alone? These kinds of questions will help you discover more about yourself.Tony: Sounds like good advice. How about your second point regarding the future?Joan: Well, your choice of major subject is likely to have a significant impact on your future career so it’s important to look into this carefully. I recommend you check not only which academic subjects will help you get into a particular area of work, but also look carefully at what universities offer. Each university has its strengths so try to choose one that is the best in your chosen field. Find out what links the department has to related industries and leading companies in it.Tony: Good point. Now I’d like to take some calls from our listeners. First up we have James on the line. Hi, James! How can we help? James: Hi. I’m interested in career in IT and I’d like to ask Joan whether shethinks it’s better to go to a highly respected university, like Oxford, or to study somewhere that has more of a vocational focus? Joan: Well, James, you know it really depends on what you expect to get out of a university and how you see your future. Basically a handful of the brightest graduates are picked from the top universities around the world to join the leading IT companies. So I’d say if you’re a high-flyer then this is the route that might be for you. But if you are looking for a more mainstream career then you should consider a course that helps you acquire practical, transferable skills that you can use in the workplace…and look at which universities have the best levels of graduate recruitment for the kind of job you are aiming for.James: I see! Thanks a lot. That really helps me out.Unit 2➢Inside view➢Outside viewAround the world, many children are living in poverty. Many children live in countries where there's war. Many children do not get enough to eat. Some of these children are suffering from malnutrition(营养失调). Many children in the world can’t go to school. One agency that is helping these children is UNICEF.UNICEF means the United Nations Children's Fund. UNICEF has more than seven thousand people working and one hundredand fifty-seven countries around the world to help children. One country where they are doing a great deal of work is Afghanistan. A whole generation of children in Afghanistan has never known peace, until recently. Now UNICEF is bringing food for malnourished children. They're bringing medicine. Here a medical team travels on horseback to bring medicine to a remote mountain village. And UNICEF is helping the children get an education."During the time of Taliban, we have made a survey among 40000 kids. And , they all say that the first thing they want is peace, and the second thing that they want is ,was education."The Taliban destroyed almost 2000 schools. Under the Taliban , girls weren't allowed to attend school at all. "Well, over 50 percent of the school has been destroyed completely, in the rest of the 50 percent schools which, eh, eh, needs repair. We are trying to accommodate all the children in the schools."Some of these schools are in people's home. This is a home school in Kabul. The teacher, Habiba Kilwati, has been running the school for 12 years. She supervises 26 other schools like it."We want to learn, so we can become teachers, doctors, or engineers, and be like normal students."It was dangerous for children to go to school. Under the Taliban, police punished families whose children went to school. Today, children are happy to be in school."This morning I had some tea and an egg, and came to school. I have notebooks , pencils, erasers, and friends, and fun here.“UNICEF is helping rebuild the educational system in Afghanistan in many ways. UNICEF is helping to train teachers. They're rebuilding schools, they're printing textbooks, and delivering books and other supplies to schools. This girls school was closed under the Taliban. Now, it's opening again. It has room for 960 students. These girls are happy to be back to school."I'm very disappointed and sad that I wasted six years. There was no education then. I tried to study then with my parents, but it's not the same. It wasn't so bad, but now I'm much happier because the schools are reopening.""We plan to open the schools, and get these children enrolled, and back in school, and to give them back their education so they can read and write.""When the Taliban came to power and closed the schools, girls stayed at home. Now there's an opportunity for them to continue their education. We are very happy about this. We can be proud of our girls, our young people. They can go back to school.UNICEF is working on its mission to bring food, medicine and education to the children of Afganistan .In the process, they're also bringing hope.➢Listening inPassage1One of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had was when I returned by chance to a place where I’d been happy as a child. My husband and I were visiting some friends for the weekend-----they lived about 200 kilometers away. We were driving along when I suddenly saw a church in the distance that I recognized. My favorite aunt had lived very near it on a farm that my brother and I used to visit once a year with our parents.We were city kids, brought up in the middle of London, and this was a working farm-----the real thing-----with cows in cowsheds, fields with ponds and a muddy yard full of smelly pi gs-----we had the run of the whole place-----it was just paradise for us.And then-----there was the food-----home-made jam and bread and cakes, milk fresh from the cow. And my aunt Lottie-----a farmer’s wife-----and her husband, uncle George and their kids, Katie and Ben, our two cousins who my brother and I really got on with. It was heaven that week we used to spend there. They moved from the farm when I was… how old? ----- about 14. So I’d never been back or seen it again.An yway, there we were, and I’d just seen the church, so we turned off and drove down this really narrow lane. And before I knew it we were in front of Aunt Lottie’s farm. The extraordinary thing was that it hadn’t changed------ not one tiny bit.It was a lovely old place with a typical country cottage garden, full of flowers. There were lots of barns and sheds-----they were next to-----next to the farm. And you know, I can’t even begin to describe the feeling I had standing there. It was-----oh, what was it? An incredibly powerful feeling of longing-----nostalgia(怀旧;乡愁) for the past-----for times I’d been very,very happy. But it was the past. I hadn’t been there for 20 years and I couldn’t go back, so also I had a feeling of huge sadness, that I couldn’t have those times again. And-----at the same time-----great sweetness, because those times had been so happy, so innocent-----because I was a child. So there was this extraordinary mix-----of longing, sadness andsweetness, all at the same time. It was the strangest feeling I’ve ever had. Passage2Interviewer: So what's your first memory of school, Kevin?Kevin: I was really looking forward to school, I remember that, I just couldn't wait. Yeah, Johnny, my brother, was a year older than me and he seemed so grown-up, with his red blazer and smart shoes.And I wanted to go to school and be grown-up too. I don't remember much of the first day actually, apart from this little boy lying on the floor and screaming and screaming and me thinking what a baby he was.Interviewer: Right! What about you, Eva?Eva: I just have this one memory of this coat rack with(遭受……痛苦)all our coats. And I was looking for my peg which had a little picture of an elephant next to it. I remember I was crying because I wanted to go home and I couldn't get my coat on. I was crying so much and then the teacher came and helped me.Interviewer: OK, so what about your first best friend at school?Kevin: Oh, yeah, well, Steve, I remember him, because he's still my best friend!Interviewer: Still your best friend!Eva: That's so great!Kevin: Yeah, we didn't know each other before we started school but we became really good friends and so did our mums. Our families ended up going on holiday together and that kind of thing. But we used to fight a lot, Steve and I, and the teachers used to get very cross with us. But we were just having fun.Interviewer: Cool! And what about you, Eva?Eva: My best friend was a girl called Robina. She had short blond hair, I remember I thought she looks like an angel. We sat next to each other and held hands and played fairies in the playground. She left in Year 3 and I cried for days.Interviewer: Oh, how sad! So what about the day you left school? How was that?Eva: I had a lot of mixed feelings, I remember walking home with this amazing feeling of freedom, you know, no more rules, no morebossy teachers. But I also felt pretty sad, because I'd had some good times. I was in a group of girls who were so supportive of each other.Kevin: I couldn't wait to leave, I was counting the days.I just wanted to geta job, get a life, earn some cash. The day I left, I went out tocelebrate with a couple of my mates and--had a very good time!Unit 3➢Insid e view➢Outsid e ViewThe Mona Lisa, the most famous painting in the world, was trully revolutionary even in its time. While he was painting the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci broke all the rules, even his own. In spite of the fact that Leonardo and other aritists believed that women should only be portrayed with eyes gazing slightly down. Leonodo painted the Mona Lisa looking directly at the viewer. The position of her body is another innovation. While her face looks straight ahead, her body is slight turned, a pose that creates a sense of movement and tension. In another break from tradition, the Mona Lisa is not wearing any jewellery or adorments. Finally, backgrounds in portraits usually indicated a real place but the landscape in Leonardo’s portrait seems almost imaginary.A: One of the things I like to do is, um, think about her face and why, what is she trying, why, what is she trying to say with her face and I used to think that her face told more than one story. For instance, if I covered up one side of her face, it seemed like she might be a little sad or resevered, almost secretive.S:Her eyes are, they’re kind of looking at us or around us, through us perhaps. I think with that painting she is the viewer and we are the subject in a way. And she has this look that she knows something that we don’t know.A: And then when I covered up that side and looked at the other side, she seemed happier, um, more satisfied. And together, it created sort of the mystery about her that, um, made interpreting her face very enigmatic.S:There’s speculation that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of Leonardo and I, I believe that it is, there, there, the features do line up between the Mona Lisa and sketches of Leonardo.Scott McMahon and Anne Pfaff are both portrait artists. They believe that portraits can tell a story and make people think, just as the Mona Lisa has done for so many years.A: When I was young, um, I was always interested in, um, reading books about people and, and the dynamics(动力学), different kinds of relationships they had and so when I became a painter it was natural for me to be interested in painting people and looking for similar kinds of stories to tell about them that you might read in abook.S: Uh, most of my work consists of photographic self-portraiture. Um, I’m interested in using myself as the subject, um, not only as the creator of the image but as the, the character, or the performer of, of the images. So in my portraits I’m tryi ng to capture, um, a deeper essence of a person, um, more or less. This work here is done with a pinhole camera, which requires a very long exposure so, with a portrait you can get this feeling of time passed. It’s not a, it’s not an instant, per se, it could be five minutes of exposure.A: So this is another project I’m working on. I’m almost finished with it but I still need to work on the reflections in the water, um, and the face of the boy before it’s finished.S: I often work with multiples and, you know, using a mirror or the same image twice and what I wanted to do was link the two portraits together with the string. It’s kind of the string of thought or this idea of remembering or the resilience(弹力;恢复力)of memory.A: I don’t just paint from photographs. I try to make a work of art. Um,I try to make a painting that goes beyond a mere photographicimage. I try to capture something about the soul of the, or the essence of this person.S: This pie ce here is, uh, it’s called The Measure of Decay and behind the piece there are portraits, again, of me I have this clay(黏土) covering on that has cracked and so it’s, it’s kind of like the process of decay. So as each portrait goes around you can, you can see the image in a different focus. I love painting portraits.A: I love painting but portraits are very special because they’re about people.S: I’m fascinated by portraiture in general, and the human body and how the image lives over time. I like to capture what is unique and special about an individual in paint.➢Listening inConversation 1Lily: So what was the highlight of your trip to (South) Korea?Hugh: Well that's…let me see...it's got to be going to see Nanta.Lily:What on earth is Nanta?Hugh:It's this amazing live show-part theater-part dance-part music. Lily: Sounds really interesting. But why’s it so brilliant?Hugh: I think it's the energy of the performers. Also it has a unique concept. It's a mixture of traditional Korean music, percussion anddrums, into a western style performanceLily: I've never heard of it. Has it ever been performed in the West? Hugh: Yeah, it's been a sell-out. They've toured in over 30 countries since the show began in 1997.It's a non-verbal performance so there areno language barriers. That's what's made it an internationalsuccess.Lily: What else makes it so special then?Hugh: Well...the other thing is that all the action takes place in the kitchen.You see these four chefs preparing the food for a weddingreception. The performers use knives, dustbin lids and variousother kitchen utensils(厨房用具)to create a hypnotic(催眠的)soundtrack. The food literally flies everywhere! It's hilarious(欢闹的).Lily: That sounds quite funny I must admit. Is there an actual story though?Hugh: Oh yes, there is a story. The four chefs have to prepare the meal by 6 o'clock and they also have to give the manager's nephew cookinglessons too, which adds to the fun. There’s loads of audienceparticipation and despite there being no language involved you getcompletely engrossed(全神贯注的). It's really quite wacky(古怪的)!Lily: And what about the audience? I suppose they start throwing food around?Hugh: Not quite! But they are totally involved in what's going on---everyone loves it. It's a really great family show. In fact it's oneof the best shows I've ever seen. Jim, my friend, says he takes all hisvisitors. He's seen it about eight times and still loves it.Lily: I bet it's popular with tourists then.Hugh: Well apparently over a million foreign tourists in (South) Korea haveseen the show and it's had a run on Broadway too. It first got popular after they appeared at the Edinburgh Festival. Now they are planning to tour more cities in Asia where (South) Korean popular culture is becoming incredibly trendy.Lily:By the way what does “Nanta” mean?Hugh:It means random drumming in Korean. The English name for the show is Cookin’, which gives you a clearer idea of what it's all about.Lily:You've got me interested now. I'll have to check it out on the internet.Conversation 2Interviewer: Kathy Richards is a specialist art tour guide. Kathy-can you tell us what trends you've noticed in recent years?Kathy: Well, one of the biggest phenomena I've noticed is a huge increase in visitors to galleries-and a growing interest inmodern art in general.Interviewer: What do you think the reason is for that?Kathy: Well, there are several reasons, I think. The most important ones are firstly, that some new contemporary art gallerieshave opened which have had a lot of publicity, and secondlythe younger generation feel more comfortable with modernart so the kind of people visiting galleries is changing. Finally,the new generation of galleries have become destinations inthemselves...they tend to be housed in amazing buildings. Interviewer: So which are the most popular new galleries?Kathy: Well, the Tate Modern in London has had over 30 million visitors since it opened in 2000. The annual average is nowover 4.5 million. The Museum of Modern Art, or MoMA inNew York is an older gallery, it was founded in 1929 but hasbeen recently renovated and expanded. This work wasfinished in 2006 and it had over 2.5 million visitors in the firstyear after reopening. Another very successful new gallery isthe Guggenheim in Bilbao in Spain. It opened in 1997 and nowgets about a million visitors a year.Interviewer: Those are pretty impressive figures. Maybe the fact that theTate Modern is free to visit might have something to do withit?Kathy: It's true that entrance to the permanent collection is free but the numbers of people visiting the temporary exhibition arealso high and the entrance fee is usually about ten pounds. Interviewer: Do you have to pay to get into the other galleries you mentioned?Kathy: Oh yes. You do. Admission to MoMA is 20 US dollars and the Guggenheim in Bilbao costs eight euros.Interviewer: Do people mind paying, do you think?Kathy: No, I don't think they do mind. Most people feel the fees are reasonable considering the outstanding collections of pricelessworks of art that they get to see.Interviewer: You mentioned that the buildings that art galleries are in can be an attraction themselves these days.Kathy: Well, yes, the Guggenheim has literally revitalized the whole city and put Bilbao on the tourist map. It's got a futuristic,curvy metallic(金属的)structure and people love it. The TateModern has helped redevelop an old industrial area beside theRiver Thames. The gallery itself is actually inside a huge, old,brick power station. And MoMA is interesting as it's indowntown New York.Interviewer: And who visits these galleries? What's the profile of the average art lover?Kathy: Well, in the past museums and galleries were seen as appealing to the older generation. But in fact, 48 percent of visitors tothe Tate Modern are under 35.Unit4➢Insid e view➢Outsid e viewTo fly like a bird. It’s a desire that captures the human imagination. The Greeks told stories of Daedalus, an inventor who created wings made of wax and feathers and flew. The first person who seriously tried to fly like a bird was an Italian artist and inventor, Leonardo da Vinci. Da Vinci designed complex and wondrous flying machines, but his designs never got off the ground. Early inventors, like da vinci, tried to fly by flapping, just like birds. Here is what happens when a bird flaps:When a bird flaps, thrust and lift and control are created at the same time. Lift is the force that keeps the bird elevated. Lift is generated by the air under the bird’s wings. Thrust is the force that keeps the bird moving forward. Thrust is generated by powerful muscles in the bird’s chest and wings. The bird maintains control by constantly adjusting its flapping. Much of a bird’s control is generated by its tail.A successful flying machine needed to provide the same forces that a bird used, A successful flying machine needed to provide lift to overcome gravity, control to let the driver change direction. And thrust to make it move forward. And it needed to be light enough to stay in the air. Once inventors understood these three challenges separately, and stopped trying to flap, they made progress.One inventor was the Brazilian pilot and aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont. Santos-Dumont experimented with balloons. He flew his lighter-than-air flying machines in France. In 1901, Santos-Dumont was the first to fly from Sant Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and back in a given time. Meanwhile other inventors were working on heavier-than-air flying machines. With these aircraft, lift was a big problem. German flyer, Otto Lilienthal, tackled the problem of lift. He built many large gliders, constantly refining their design. Lilienthal made thousands of flights from the top of a hill. Some that lasted as long as five hours. But he eventually died in a tragic crash. Lilienthal successfully mastered the challenge of lift, but he did not master the challenge of control. The Wright Brothers were inspired by Lilienthal’s inventions. The Wright Brothers started to develop and test their own flying machines. In their Ohio workshop, they built a wind tunnel and study aerodynamics. Through trial and error, they discovered how the shapes of different wings affected lift. They added a tail that moved, a stabilizer that made the front steady, and wings that were more flexible. Their 1902 glider was the first aircraft that was completely controllable. The next year they added a customed-built engine that provided thrust. The engine powered them forward and increased distance and duration. On December 17th, 1903, after about 1000 text flights, the Wright Brothers flew the first powered airplane over the sand dunes of North Carolina. Santos-Dumont invented heavier-than-air planes, too. In 1909, he developed a monoplane called Demoiselle, or the Grass Hopper. It was the first modern aircraft. After that, advances in aircraft design came quickly. More powerful engines were invented. New lightweight materials were developed so aircraft could go higher and faster. By World War Two, strong metal replaced the canvas and wood of earlier planes. In 1947, text pilot Chuck Yeager went faster than the speed of sound in a rocket-powered plane that looked like a bullet with wings. The invention of the jet engine。

Unit 1 Starting outInside viewConversation 1Porter Good afternoon.Janet Good afternoon.Porter New student?Janet Yes.Porter Welcome to Hertford College.Janet Thank you.Porter Can I have your family name, please?Janet Yes, it’s Li.Porter Er, L-double E?Janet No, L-I.Porter And what’s your first name, Ms Li?Janet Janet.Porter Janet Li... ah yes, there you are. Here are your keys.Janet Where’s my room?Porter You’re in Staircase 6 Room 5.Janet Who am I sharing with?Porter Nobody. You have your own room. Er...there’s a Ms Santos in the room next to you. Janet Oh. My own room? In China we usually have several people in a dormitory.Porter Well, here you don’t have to share with anyone.Janet Thank you Sir.Porter No need to call me sir, Ms Li. Everyone calls me Stewart.Janet Please call me Janet!Porter OK, Janet, um, can you just sign for your keys, please?Conversation 2Kate Hi, have you just arrived too?Janet Yes!Kate I guess we’re neighbours. My name’s Kate Santos.Janet I’m Janet Li. Where are you from?Kate From New York. How about you?Janet I’m from Anshan in China.Kate Is Janet your real name?Janet No, it’s my English name. My Chinese name is Li Hui. Is Kate your full name?Kate No, it’s short for Catherine.Janet So do I call you Catherine or Kate?Kate Everyone calls me Kate.Janet Nice to meet you.Kate OK, Janet. See you later.Janet Bye!Conversation 3Kate Hey! This is awesome! Look at the size of this dining hall.Janet Is this where we have all our meals?Kate I guess.Mark You just arrived?Girls Yes!Mark Me too. By the way, I’m Mark. Nice to meet you.Kate Hi, I’m Kate.Mark Hi Kate, I guess you’re from the States.Kate Right! How can you tell? You’re British, huh?Mark Yes, I’m from London. And you are ...?Janet I’m Li Hui. I’m from China. But you can call me Janet.Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading?Janet English.Mark How about you, Kate?Kate My major is law. And you?Mark I’m studying PPE.Kate That’s a special Oxford subject, isn’t it?Outside viewJulie My name’s Julie Dearden, and I’m the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene My name’s Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English-speaking university in the, in the world. And so there are many traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of the year, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character.Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much more liberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are also some specific traditions.Julie Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students.Usually it takes places at seven o’clock in the evening, and the professors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students sit on common table, which are the tables here.But everybody eats together. It’s a very beautiful evening because there are, there’s a special meal and we eat by candlelight.Eugene I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debating society where speakers come from all around the world to address the students and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students, making it a very interesting forum.Julie My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody gets up very early and the students havea celebration. There is a choir which sings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and allthe people of the town and all the students go to listen to the singing. So it’s very nice. Eugene The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower.And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held in May in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up the river.Julie When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it’s called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear E.gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, arid the men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, which has a Latin name - sub fuse — and they must wear this uniform in order to take their examinations.Eugene I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it’s such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. For example, sub fuse. This is the uniform that we are required according to the university rules, to wear.Julie They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear different coloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you weara red carnation.Eugene So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carrya mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which you’renot allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it’s part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You’re a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That’s right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many institutions?Professor In total there are eight institutions: There’s Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania.Interviewer Ah, OK. And what’s the sporting ... I believe there’s some link with sports. Professor There certainly is, yes. Originally the Ivy League referred to the sports teams from the universities which competed against each other, especially in football, basketball and ice hockey. Now sometimes these universities, institutions, chose their students on the basis of their skills at these particular sports. But in the last 50 years, Ivy League schools have accepted a wider range of students because it wasn’t possible to be both world-famous for research and also top class in sport.Interviewer And what about their academic importance? I gather they’re academically very, very important, they’re very well-known.Professor Absolutely at the top. They’re near or at the top of the USA colleges and university rankings. And they’re almost always in the top one per cent of the world’s academic institutions for financial resources.Interviewer And what does it mean socially to go to an Ivy League university?Professor Certainly if you’ve been to one of these institutions, you are presumed or assumed to be at the top end of the scale. The Ivy League institutions have a reputation for social elitism, many of the students are rich, intellectual, white Anglo-Saxon, protestants. Not all of them of course, but quite a lot of them.Interviewer And do you know ... why’s it called the Ivy League, what’s the origin of the name? Professor There are a number of stories, derivations, but possibly it’s based on four universities, and IV, the letters IV, that’s the Roman numeral for four. Another more likely story is that ivy plants, which are symbolic of the age of the universities, you know, would be grown at the walls of these universities, these institutions, they cover the walls of the buildings. The term was created by a sports journalist, I think in the 1930s.Interviewer Right, OK. And which is the oldest university?Professor The oldest goes back to the 17th century, that’s Harvard which was founded in 1636.And the youngest of the institutions is Cornell which was founded in 1865.Interviewer And which has the largest number of undergraduates?Professor Cornell has the largest number, about 13,000, 13,500 undergraduates. The institution with the smallest number is Dartmouth College with a little over 4,000.Interviewer And what about the acceptance rate? Is it hard to get into?Professor That ranges from about seven per cent to 20 per cent.Interviewer And any famous alumni? Famous old boys?Professor Hundreds! Hundreds of them. But I suppose worldwide, the two that would be definitely known all over the world would certainly be George Bush who went to Yale, and John F Kennedy, President Kennedy, who was at Harvard.Interviewer Thank you.Passage2Andy Did you see the film on television last night?Jane No, I was out. What was it?Andy A Beautiful Mind. It’s about John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who won the Nobel Prize. Jane I’ve heard about that film, yes. He’s played by Russell Crowe, isn’t he? I like Russell Crowe, he’s great.Andy That’s the one, yes.Jane What’s it about?Andy Well, the story begins in the early years of Nash’s life at Princeton University as a graduate student.Jane That’s one of the Ivy League schools, isn’t it?Andy Yes, it’s all set in New England, lovely old buildings, beautiful autumn colours. It’s lovely to look at. Anyway, Nash meets his roommate Charles, a literature student, who soon becomes his best friend. Nash admits to Charles that he is better with numbers than people, and the main thing he’s looking for is a truly original idea for his thesis paper.Jane So he’s not interested in having fun?Andy Well, yes, but he’s not very good with people or successful with women, that’s all. But, you know, it’s one of these bad experiences with people which ultimately inspires his brilliant work in mathematics.Jane No good at relationships, so he becomes a genius at maths?Andy That’s about right, yes. So when he finishes his studies at Princeton, he accepts a job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Five years later, he meets Alicia, a student who he falls in love with and eventually marries.Jane Ah! At last, the love interest!Andy Yes, but wait a moment. Nash believes that he’s been asked to work by William Parcher for the US Department of Defense on breaking Soviet codes. At one point he’s chased by the Russians, and it’s after this that he becomes mentally ill.Jane I think I’ve seen this in the trailer to the film.Andy So when he’s put in a psychiatric hospital, he thinks the Soviets have captured him. He’s given this painful treatment which affects his relationship with his wife. And his intellectual skills. So he stops taking the medicine.Jane It sounds quite hard to watch.Andy Well, it is, but it’s well acted and directed, and so, you know, there’s a-bit of distance between the audience and what’s happening on film.Jane So what happens next?Andy Well, then his illness returns, so he and his wife decide to try and live with it. It all gets a bit complicated, because we’re no longer sure if Charles, you know, his old friend, or even Parcher were real, or if they were just people that existed only in Nash’s mind. Jane That sounds awful. He must have been so ill,Andy Actually, I’m kind of giving away the twist in the story. Anyway, later in his life, while he’s using the library at Princeton again, he asks his rival Martin Hansen if he can start teaching again. And so the story ends when he goes on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics. Jane Well, it sounds like a great film.Andy Yes, you should see it sometime.Unit 2 Food, glorious food!Inside viewConversation 1Kate Oh, this looks nice.Mark Cool.Waitress Good afternoon, table for three? Come this way.Mark Let’s have a look at the menu.Mark Thank you.Janet Thank you.Waitress The specials are on the board.Kate So, what sort of food do you like, Janet?Janet Well, I like spicy food. And I’m not very fond of raw food! What would you recommend? Mark Why don’t you try the chicken curry? That’s nice and spicy.Janet What’s in it?Mark Chicken cooked in tomatoes and onions with Indian spices.Janet I’ll try it. Do we all choose a selection of dishes to share or only one dish per person? Mark Usually one dish per person.Kate Or the moussaka looks good.Janet What’s it made with?Kate It’s made with lamb and eggplant. It’s a Greek dish.Janet How is it cooked?Kate It’s baked in the oven.Janet Mm, that sounds good too.Kate And as a starter?Janet What’s minestrone soup?Mark It’s an Italian soup with vegetables and pasta. It’s delicious!Janet OK, I’ll have that.Kate Waitress?Waitress What can I get for you?Kate Well, for the starter, can we have two minestrone soups, and for the main course, one moussaka and one curry, please. What about you, Mark?Mark I’ll have the prawns with garlic and the chilli con carne. And could you bring us some water, please?Waitress OK.Mark Thank you.Waitress Thanks.Janet What’s chilli con carne?Mark It’s a spicy Mexican dish with beef and beans. It’s very hot!Conversation2Janet That was great! Except I don’t like cold water. I usually drink hot water.Kate Hot water? We never drink hot water except with tea. Let’s have a dessert. What would you like, Janet?Janet Any suggestions?Kate Well, why don’t you try the apple strudel? It’s an Austrian dish. It’s made with apple, pastry and spices.Janet No, I’m not so keen on pastry. ... What’s a chocolate brownie?Mark It’s a kind of chocolate cake.Janet How is it made?Kate It’s made with flour, eggs and butter ...Mark And lots of chocolate!Kate You’ll love it.Janet What kind of ice cream is there?Kate I’ll ask ... Excuse me ... What flavour ice cream do you have?Waitress Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate.Janet I’ll just have a fruit salad, I think.Mark And Kate, what are you going to have?Kate Same for me.Mark Could you bring us two fruit salads, and a chocolate brownie?Waitress Sure.Outside viewVoice-over We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase’s Restaurant. Leahhas been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. She told us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called "shrimp Clemenceau".Leah This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just brown a little thing... Interviewer And, and what’s, what’s the actual, what’s the cooking in?Leah Butter.Interviewer OK.Leah It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that’s it, a little cholesterol.Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces. You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on the cholesterol, you see.Interviewer OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah Well, my mother, you know. I’m the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way. Then here you want to adda little mushroom in here, this is just sliced button mushroom. If you like other mushroom,you can do that, we just saute that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook, everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used in several restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it different than this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlic in there?Interviewer Oh, yeah.Leah Alright?Interviewer That smell is very strong.Leah Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It’s very, very simple.Interviewer And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before I came in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added many things. You have to understand in41. Now here we can add our potatoes. You see our shrimp is all cooked there.-Just add thepotato. You can pre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanch them a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you get one, you get just one casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a good dash of pepper. A little salt. It’s very simple, but it’s a good dish. And as I said, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and get it there.Interviewer And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don’t know how it got that name, but it’s popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different. You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it, but I, I just don’t like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that a lot. And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer That’s parsley, isn’t it?Leah Parsley. Uhm. And I’m gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen.You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But every Creole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika. And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it’s very, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see?And you have a good dish.Listening inPassage 1Ben If it’s a formal meal, maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas, or if you’re with your boss or someone like that, you are being careful about your table manners. So you’d wait until everyone is served before you eat. But most of the time,, if you know each other well you would just go ahead and start. It’s more usual to entertain them at home because it shows your hospitality.We have a lot of barbecues outside, maybe in the garden or maybe at a campsite. But sometimes if you don’t want to cook, you can go to a restaurant.Oh, well, after dessert you’ll have a little talk, then talk some more, have some coffee.Then you’ll say, "Oh well, it’s time for us, we should get going." And if you don’t thenyou’re probably going to be rude and stay too late.Michelle Well, it would be between 8 and 8.30. It is unusual that if somebody is invited for8 they would be there at 7.30 or 7.45. Probably 8, or 8.30 would be when all the guests wouldarrive. It’s OK to refuse something if you don’t like it, but it might be embarrassing.For example, if I’m cooking dinner and I discover one of my guests is a vegetarian, I’ll feel a bit frustrated that I didn’t know before. But usually everyone tries everything. Tom Well, usually the host serves the guests, so you should make sure you tell him or her not to give you too much, because yes, it’s quite important to eat everything on your plate.It doesn’t matter if you leave something, but if you leave a lot, it will look as if you don’t like their cooking.My mother always told me to put my hands on my lap, under the table when I wasn’t eating, and I would be in big trouble if I ever put my elbows on the table. But actually I know that in some countries that’s considered rude. So I might rest my hands or my arms on the table, and I suppose it’s a bit more relaxed today than it used to be when I was young.No, it’s the worst thing you can do if you’re eating. Any strange noises are absolutely forbidden. I mean you can say "mmm, this is good", but nothing more than that. And even when you drink soup or eat noodles, you have to do it in silence, otherwise it’s considered very bad manners.Passage 2News-reader The government announced today that they are going to ban advertisements for junk food during TV programmes for children under the age of 16. The rules will include any foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. There will be a total ban on ads during children’s programmes and on children’s channels, as well as adult programmes watched by a large number of children. But there will not be a total ban on all ads for junk food which are shown on television before 9 pm. This was thought to be "over the top" by representatives of the food industry. The new rules will come into effect before the end of December this year, and mean that television channels will lose about £39 million in revenue for advertising.So why has the government introduced this ban? We asked leading food and nutrition expert, Neil Bennett.Neil Well, we all know that over the last 30 years, what we call junk food, bad food with too much fat and salt, has become easily available and eating habits have changed.However, in recent years many of us have become aware of the importance of keeping fit and eating healthily, and this means people are not going to fast food restaurants so often. So, the result is that the fast food business has increased the number of ads in order to recover some of the business it’s lost.News-reader And how do the fast food restaurants do this?Neil The biggest problem is that they aim their ads at young people. One well-known fast food restaurant chain sells hamburgers which come with a free gift, usually a toy which is linked to a new children’s film. Other fast food restaurants aim their ads at teenage and college-age men, trying to make their food trendy and, you know, kind of masculine food.News-reader So a ban on junk food ads will stop the sales of junk food?Neil Almost certainly not, but it might reduce the growth of the fast food industry.News-reader So you’re in favour of the ban?Neil As a nutritionist, I am. As a father of two young children, I’m not sure.News-reader Why not?Neil Because less money from advertising will mean less money for children’s TV programmes.So we’re likely to see more cheap and violent cartoons, and fewer programmes produced specially for children.News-reader So the choice is between junk food and junk television?Neil Yes, that just about sums it up.News-reader Neil Bennett, thank you.Unit 3 Learning to thinkInside viewConversation 1Mark Hi, what’re you doing?Janet Oh, nothing much... Well, I’m just doing this quiz here in the newspaper.Mark Let’s have a look then.Janet Here. It’s called, "How much do you know about memory?" I’ve just done it. Do you want to have a go?Mark OK, might as well. I’m not busy.Janet Right. Look, I’ll read the statements. Then you have to answer "true" or "false". Ready? Mark Yea.Janet OK. Physical exercise improves your memory. True or false?Mark True, I suppose. It sounds like the right answer.Janet You’re right, exercise does improve your memory. Next statement: 30 per cent of people have a visualmemory.Mark That sounds about right. True?Janet No, wrong, I’m afraid. In fact, 60 per cent of people have a visual memory.Mark Really? Actually, I’ve got a pretty good memory.Janet Have you? OK... Next one... When you’re tired, it’s more difficult to remember things. Mark That’s true, obviously. I can’t remember a thing when I’m tired.Janet Correct! If you do one activity for a long time, your memory will improve.Mark I’m not sure ... True?Janet Actually, it’s false.Mark Oh!Janet Eating fruit and vegetables can improve your memory.Mark I read something in The Times about that. True.Janet True, it says here.Mark Oh, no! I’ve got a lecture. I’d forgotten. I’d better get going!Janet Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!Conversation 2Kate You’re looking a bit down, Janet. What’s up?Janet Well... I’m finding studying at Oxford quite hard.Kate You’re telling me! There’s so much work!Janet It’s not the amount of work - but everything’s so different. In China, generally we have large classes, we don’t have tutorials. And mostly, our teacher tells us what we should do.So I’m not used to asking questions or discussing things. I find it difficult.Kate You have to memorize a lot, don’t you?Janet Yes, but I’m good at that.Kate You’re lucky. There’s so much to remember studying law! I have difficulty sometimes, I really do.Janet Yes, well, we’ve been trained to do that. But we don’t have so much training in critical thinking.Kate What do you mean by critical thinking?Janet Let me think ... I think it’s giving your opinion and then justifying it.Kate Yes, I suppose that’s what our teachers have always encouraged us to do.Janet I am getting better at it, I suppose.Kate Hey! How about this? Let’s pretend I’m your tutor. I’ll make a statement. Your task is to examine it and then ask questions.Janet OK.Kate Everyone is capable of learning a second language. Go on, ask a question!Janet Why do you say that?Kate That’s what the research tells us. Now ask another one.Janet Can you give an example of some research?Kate Um ... No! Look, I’m starving and I can’t think at all when I’m hungry.Outside viewPart 1Teacher Good morning, class.Students Good morning.Teacher What we’re going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before?Students Yes ... No ...Teacher Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven’t. OK. Have any of you actually used mind maps in the past?Students No ...Teacher No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1 It’s a way of thinking.Teacher It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I’d like to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mind maps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2 To make a list?Teacher To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyone contributes then-ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyone in a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage.OK, brainstorming is one of the most important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use or another reason for using mind maps?Student 3 It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind maps to collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a very general understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easily and um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4 Preparing for exams?Teacher OK. Preparing for exams. That’s a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision.Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days or even weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very general understanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can think of for mind mapping?Student 5 We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher For finding answers. That’s, that’s a very good, good answer. We could call this problem-solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possible alternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I’d like us to talk about some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead of just writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obvious advantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give us um, almost a picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or a diagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas, which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way. Are there any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping?Student 4 It lists the main points.Teacher They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map, not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and the key connections for mind maps or for our given subject.Are there any other advantages you can think of?Student 1 To think creatively.Teacher To think creatively. That’s, that’s a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of the box or thinking laterally.Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical they encourage us to think creatively, you might say.。

College culture Unit 1Unit 1 College cultureInside viewConversation1Janet :So this is the Cherwell Boathouse –it’s lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy.Mark :I’m not so sure about that! Janet, there’s something Kate an d I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We’ve decided to get involved. Janet :Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don’t usually do that.Mark :Stu dents often do that here. Anyway, we’re thinking of doing sponsored punting.Janet :Sponsored punting! What’s that?Kate :Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something – like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt.Janet :What a great idea! I’d love to join you!Mark :That’s why we’re telling you about it. So that’s decided then. Let’s make a list of things we need to do.Kate :I’ll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity.Mark :Yes. And cho ose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I’ve got one here.Kate :That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that?Mark :I’ll do that. What have we got so far?Kate :Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form …Um … We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark :Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently.Kate :I’m with you on that.Janet :Me too …Conversation2Janet :I’m not used to boats – Woah!Mark :Whoops!Kate :Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing!Mark :Sorry! I didn’t mean to. … OK, we’re off!Kate :Maybe I should do the punting.Mark :It’s fine. I’ve got the hang of it now – give me a chance.Kate :Well, I’d like to have a go.Mark :Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to.Kate :Yes, great.Janet :You’re really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It’s exactly how I imagined lifehere! Look over there –isn’t it lovely!Kate :Yes, it is.…Janet :Kate, everything’s organized, isn’t it, for collecting the sponsorship money?Kate :Yes, I’ve arranged for people to get the money to me by next Friday –if they haven’t paid online. I’ll count it all up.Janet :Good. We’d better have a meeting soon after that, don’t you think? How much have we raised?Kate :About 600.Janet:Fantastic! I’m so enjoying this!Mark :Hey guys, I’ve got a suggestion – how about moving over to the bank and we can have our picnic! Hey, look, there’s Louise and Sophie!Mark :Whoo …Girls Mark!Janet :Are you all right?Mark :Er … Of course I’m all right. Kate, I think it’s your turn to punt!Outside viewV/OHarvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke to Alex Jude, the university’s Head of Communications. He explained that Harvard looks for the best and most talented students from around the world.AlexHarvard actually seeks students from around the world, the best students that we can find, to study chemistry, or study literature, or study government, or business. Our business school is particularly well-known around the world, as is the medical school and law school, so, um, and, and the Kennedy School of government, for the John F. Kennedy School of Government, so, era, we do seek very, very talented students and we have open doors for them.V/OWe asked five students at Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have.AshleyUm, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lot of my friends, and … Um, there’s a good social life here if you look for it. I go to the gym, run. So that’s what I do.AdamIt is whatever you want it to be. It’s good. If you wanna go out party, do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all night like my friend over here, you can also do that.BrianSocially, like you said, it’s, it’s a lot of what you make it. Um, we don’t have fra ternities here, and so, you know, that’s, it’s obviously not as social. There’s not as many parties as there would be on another campus. Um, but on a Friday or Saturday night, there, there, there will be a party. Usually we end up studying until about 10 o’clock. And then we, and then we’ll go out and have fun maybe, or just watch a movie with friends, or, you know, whatever is going on for the night. JodieNot everyone would agree with me, obviously, but it’s, I think it’s a fun place to be.Int.Have you made a lot of friends?JodieOh, definitely.Int. :Mm.JodieMany.Int.What, what do you do with your friends?JodieUm, well, I like to go to concerts. I’m in three music groups, so I have lots of rehearsals during the week for that. Um, just do, you know, some fun things, on the weekend.V/OWe asked the Harvard students if they use theInternet.AshleyUm, I, I use it a fairly good amount. Um, our library system is online, so I use that a lot. And a lot of my classes, you know, have to do research papers. You can find a lot of information on there, so.Int.So how often do you use it, a week, a day?AshleyUm, I use it probably on more of a weekly basis. Maybe three or four times a week.BrianOh yes, definitely. We live through the Internet actually. Well, I do a lot of research through the Internet; follow me stocks on the Internet. Um, well, even though e-mail is not officially Internet, we, that’s how we communicate a lot at college, so, through the e-mail.JohnUm, I use the internet mostly for, er, I’d say, sort of leisure purposes. I mean, I play, um, I use it for a lot of, I don’t, we don’t have TV in my room, so I use it, uh, uh, go to the CNN website, keep up on current events, things like that. Uh, I also, uh, you know, there’s some little games to play over the Internet. Um, just um, I go to to see what’s happening, follow the Boston Red Sox, things like that. Um, I think a lot of courses use it to post things, but I, I don’t usually use it that much for research, or things. I tend to use the libraries for such things, so.Listening inPassage1V/OHi, I’m Nick Carter, and this is SUR, your university radio station. This morning we went around campus to ask freshers –now half-way through their first year –the que stion, “How are you finding uni?” Here are some of the answers we got.Speaker 1It’s cool. It’s everything I hoped it would be. I’m very ambitious, I want to be a journalist and I want to get to the top of the profession. I’ve started writing for the university newspaper so I’ve got my foot on the ladder already.Speaker 2I’m working hard and the teaching is as good as I expected. And I’ve made some good friends. But I’m very homesick. I’m Nigerian and my family’s so far away. I went home at Christma s for a month –that really helped, but man, I miss my family so much.Speaker 3“How am I finding uni?” It’s great. It’s not perfect, nothing is, but, like, I’ve got a brilliant social life, just brilliant, and I’ve made lots of friends. For the first few months I just didn’t do, really enough work. But I –I talked about it with my parents and I’m working harder now and getting good grades.Speaker 4Actually, I’ve been quite lonely to be honest. I’m a bit shy … everyone else seemed to find it so easy to make friends straight away. But things have been better recently –yeah, they have. I’ve joined a couple of clubs and like, it really helps to get to know people when you have shared interests. So, yeah –I’m feeling a lot happier now.Speaker 5Uni’s great, I love it. My only problem –and it’s quite a big problem – is money. My parents are both unemployed so, you know, they can’t help me financially. My grant just isn’t –it’s just not enough for me to live on, so I’ve taken a part-time job as a waitress – a lot of people I know, like a lot, have had to do the same. I don’t want to have huge debts at the end.Speaker 6I love my subject, History, and I’m, I’m getting fantastic teaching here. I want to be a university lecturer and that means I have to get a first. I have a good social life but work definitely comes first for me.Passage2Oxford and Cambridge – two universities so similar that they are often spoken of together as “Oxbridge”. They’re both in the UK, fairly near London, and both re gularly come top in any ranking of the world’s best universities.The two universities began within a century of each other. Oxford University, now 900 years old, was founded towards the end of the 11th century. In 1209 there was a dispute between the university and the townspeople of Oxford. As a result, some of the Oxford teachers left and founded a university in the town of Cambridge, some 84 miles away. Ever since then, the two institutions have been very competitive.Unlike most modern universities, both Oxford and Cambridge consist of a large number of colleges. Oxford has 39 and Cambridge 31. Many of these colleges have old and very beautiful architecture, and large numbers of tourists visit them.In all UK universities, you need good grades in the national exams taken at 18. But to get into Oxford and Cambridge, it’s not enough to get A grades in your exams. You also have to go for a long interview. In these interviews, students need to show that they are creative and capable of original thinking.Through the centuries, both universities have made huge contributions to British cultural life. They have produced great writers, world leaders and politicians. Cambridge, in particular, has produced scientists whose discoveries and inventions have changed our lives.Among the great university institutions is the world’s most famous debating society, the Oxford Union, where undergraduates get a chance to practise speaking in public. Cambridge’s comedy clubFootlights has produced many first-class comedians, while some of the UK’s most famous actors and actresses began their careers at The Oxford University Dramatic Society, known as OUDS. Then there’s the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race, which takes place every year in March or April, and is watched on television all over the UK.So with all this excellence in so many fields, it’s not surprising that the ambition of clever students all over the world is to attend either one of these great universities.Unit 2Inside viewConversation1Kate :Come in. Hey, Janet.Janet :Hi Kate, are you busy?Kate :Yes, I’m just doing an essay. But it’s great to see you. So what’s new?Janet :Well, nothing much.Kate :You look a bit fed up. What’s bugging you?Janet :Well, I had a phone call from my parents and it made me feel homesick. It happens every time they call, and it gets me down.Kate :I’m sorry to hear that. I know how you feel. I love speaking to my mum and dad, but I always feel miserable after the call.Janet :My dad doesn’t say much, and I want to speak to him, but I wish I knew what to say. Kate :Don’t let it get to you. My dad doesn’t say much on the phone either. I call, he answers the phone, and says, “Hi, I’ll pass you to your mother.” It’s really irritating.Janet :But I miss him and my mother a lot, and I like to hear his voice.Kate :Just tell him what you’re up to.Janet :Sometimes I feel as if I made a mistake leaving home and coming to Oxford. Sometimes I feel like a moody teenager.Kate :Try not to worry about it, Janet. It’s normal to feel like that. I understand how you feel, but I bet everything will be fine next term. You’ll get used to it. Hey, why don’t you do what I do?Janet :What’s that?Kate :When my dad calls, I ask him for more money! He usually says no, but at least I getto hear his voice!Janet :Maybe. I’m sorry to take up your time, Kate, but I must go now. Bye!Kate :Wait a minute …!Conversation2Kate :I think I may have upset Janet last night.Mark :What happened?Kate :She came to see me. I was busy doing an essay but I was really pleased to see her. She’d had a call from home, and said she was feeling homesick.Mark :Poor kid! It must be tough on you guys, living so far away from home.Kate :I tried to make her laugh, told her not to worry about it, and that it was normal to feel miserable. Suddenly she looked miserable, and then she got up and said, “I must go now” and left my room. It was really sudden. I felt as if I’d said something wrong.Mark :Maybe she was just being polite. It was probably because she realized you were working and didn’t want to disturb you.Kate :I just wonder if she found it difficult to talk about her feelings with me. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to make her laugh? Perhaps she thought I wasn’t taking her serio usly.Mark :I wouldn’t worry about it. Put yourself in her shoes. How would you feel if you were a student at college in China?Kate :I know. That’s why I feel bad. If only she had stayed longer! I wish I could have helped her more.Janet :Hey, everyone!Mark :Hi Janet, you look cheerful!Janet :Yes, I’ve just got my essay back. I got an alpha minus!Kate :What an amazing grade! Well done.Mark :I’m really happy for you, Janet.Janet :I feel on top of the world!Outside viewSebastienHi. I’m Sebastien. I’m from Germany. Um, the idea of IQ of a measure of your brain power has been around for a while, but recently there’s been this new idea of the EQ –your emotional quotient. And by now, it’s actually almost being regarded as more important. If you look at it, businesses will ... Well, they will prefer employing people with great EQ. Well, of course, IQ cannot be disregarded, but um, EQ does have its importance as well. Uh, I believe that, um, (I)mean, people, most people will have, um, their basic means of communicating with other people. Most people are somewhat socially adept, and just like most people have, you know, a basic general knowledge. But then, what I think really is the difference betweenIQ and EQ, I mean, you can have a “brainiac”, and they will be great at most things they do, but if you just can’t get along with him, if you just can’t communicate with him, I mean, you know, he’snot really that useful.KimHi. This is Kim. I’m originally from Korea, and I was raised in Californ ia. And today, we are going to talk about the differences between IQ and EQ –IQ meaning your intelligence, EQ meaning your emotions. Now, in … When I was, when I was a little, little boy in Korea, I had to take … I think I’d taken like two or three IQ tes ts before the age of ten, which is when I moved to California. So, I guess we stress a lot of importance on intelligence, on having great IQ scores. But after I moved to the States, I learnt how to associate with people, and along the lines that this word EQ came up, you know, emotional, caring about … It’s basically how you deal with people, how you make people feel, and how people make you feel.I think they’re equally as, as important, but it seems that in the Eastern world they kind of stress on that a lot more back in the days. But I think again, you know, now that with Internet and people are communicating so much faster, there’s a better mixture of the two I think. There’s a stress on EQ in Korea as well, and a stress on IQ in the States. Thank you.TedHello. My name is Ted, and I’m from the United States of America. Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about IQ or EQ – which is most important, or which is more important. Now, for a long time when I was growing up, people said, “IQ. What’s your IQ? Take an IQ test.” But then EQ, your emotions, how you interact with people, that became very important. And I think they’re … that people might be onto something with that, because your EQ – how you deal with people, how you interact with people – is important. Now, a big part of this, in my opinion, is listening. I know I’m talking a lot right now, but if you want to get along well with people, you have to listen to them, so just take a minute, maybe shut your mouth for a minute, and listen to others, and then you can understand and communicate with them in a better way. So, part of EQ, I think, is listening – listening to others – and it can be more important than IQ.Listening inPassage1PresenterWe’re fortunate to have as our guest today Dr Jenna Hudson, who has just written a book about how colours affect us in our surroundings, especially in the world of advertising. It’s called Market Colours. Dr Hudson, which are the most common colours in advertising and marketing? Dr HudsonWell, of course, it depends what image the marketing team wish to project with their products. So for example, we often think of blue as a cold colour, but it also makes you feel peaceful, quiet, and it doesn’t suggest strong emotions. So it’s a favourite for banks and insurance companies, who wish to suggest the image that they are trustworthy. And for selling products, it’s often used to suggest something is pure and fresh.What about red?You can sell almost anything with red. It’s a hot colour, which suggests a feeling of energy and even passion. It grabs your attention, and can make people buy almost anything. You often see red on magazine covers. But if you use it too much, it looks cheap and may make people tired. And orange has a similar effect to red, it’s upbeat and happy, it suggests pleasant feelings and images. Most people react well to orange, and it’s especially popular in advertising and on packaging for baked food.What about yellow, for instance?Yellow is the colour of sunshine and it’s a positive, happy colour, so it’s used a lot in advertising. But it’s also often used for warning signs, direction signs, and so on, where you have to read the message quickly and at a distance.What about less popular colours for advertising?Surprisingly, gre en isn’t used much in advertising except for garden products. It’s friendly and restful. It can be cool and soothing, the colour of apples and mint, but it can also be quite strong and many people associate it with unpleasant ideas of decay or slimy creatures. But most colours are not primary colours, they’re a combination. Absolutely. So yellow-orange is common, and often used to give an impression of style and class, it looks like gold. But it’s not often used in letters because it’s not very strong. And y ellow-green reminds people of feeling sick.Blue-green works well as a cool colour, suggesting freshness, and is sometimesused for toothpaste products, bathroom products, food and household cleaning products. It has many of the advantages of blue without the disadvantages of green.you very much, DrScriptsHudson. Market Colours by Dr JennaHudson is on sale from next week,priced £…Passage2Presenter :What makes you embarrassed, Sally?Sally :Oh, I’m easily embarrassed. If anybody notices me or looks at me, I get very embarrassed. When people sing me Happy Birthday on my birthday, I get very embarrassed.Presenter :And what makes you upset?Sally :When people are selfish, people who think only of themselves. And cruelty –I can’t bear people who are cruel, especially to animals or children.Presenter :Jake, what makes you depressed?Jake :I hate it when it rains, and I don’t like people who look down on me, who think they’re superior to me without any reason.Presenter :And what makes you angry?Jake :When people don’t behave properly in public, bad behaviour like dropping litter or people pushing each other on the bus or the train.Presenter :Andrew, what makes you cheerful?Andrew :I like to see everyone around me being happy and having a positive attitude towards the future, optimistic people.Presenter :And what makes you jealous?Andrew :Well, to be honest, I just never feel jealous. I can’t see the point of it.Presenter :Monica, what makes you proud?Monica :I’m proud when I’m successful, especially in my work. Being recognized by my boss for what I can do makes me feel really proud. Oh, and my family. I’m very proud of them. Presenter :And what makes you nervous?Monica :Every time I teach a new class. The night before I’m very nervous. You don’t know what the kids are going to be like and how they might behave, or if they’re going to like you. Presenter :Anything else?Monica :Doing interviews like this.Unit 3 Crime watchInside viewConversation1Kate :So, what did you think of the movie?Mark :It was good but I thought it was too long.Kate :Yes, me too.Kate :Hey, where’s my bike? I don’t believe it! It’s gone!Mark :It was next to mine, you chained it up!Kate :Someone’s stolen it! Oh, how could they!Mark :Oh, Kate!Kate :How could someone have done this! The creep!Mark :It’s a really mean thing to do, steal a bike.Kate :It was a mountain bike and it cost a fortune –I don’t have the money to buy another one. Mark :Listen, I’ll go down the street and see if I can see anyone with it. Why don’t you go into that shop and see if they’ve seen anything suspicious? I’ll be back in a minute.Kate :OK.…Kate :Well?Mark :No luck. What did they say in the shop?Kate :I asked the shopkeeper if she’d seen a nything –Mark :And?Kate :She said she hadn’t. I guess it was a long shot. She advised me to report it to the police. But according to her, bikes get stolen all the time around here.Mark :Listen, let’s get back so you can report it.Kate :I’ve got no bike. I’m just so upset!Mark :It’s not far to college. Come on!Conversation2Mark :So did you ring the police?Kate :Yes. I went to the police station to report it.Mark :What did they say?Kate :No one’s found it. This woman said that Oxford has the fifth highest rate of bike theftin the country!Mark :You’re joking!Kate :That’s what she said.Mark :What else did she say?Kate :She told me that sometimes you do get bikes back – the thieves use them and then abandon them, apparently, and then people find them and report them.Mark :So you might get it back.Kate :I hope so, Mark, I really do. It’s just too much you know? But … um … what else? She told me to go to this sale they have of abandoned bikes. She thinks I might find it there. But it’s only every two months, I can’t wait till then! Honestly, Mark, I’m really furious!Mark :You can always buy a cheap bike on eBay.Kate :Hello … Speaking … You found it! Where was it? Is it …? Oh, that’s fantastic news! There was a lamp and a baske t on it … Right … OK, thank you, I’ll be in tomorrow morning to pick it up. Unbelievable! This guy found it!Mark :Brilliant! Was that the police?Kate :Yes. What they said was, someone dumped it outside this guy’s backyard.Mark :That’s so strange!Kate :The lamp’s been stolen and the basket.Mark :Forget about it! You’re lucky to get it back!Outside viewPart1PresenterDodgy deals aren’t the only problems associated with doorstep sellers. Your door step presents these unannounced visitors with a real opportunity to undertake distraction burglary where they often pose as bogus officials to gain access to your home.I’m joined now by Ian Holt, from Thames Valley Police. Ian, just outline for me what does distraction burglary actually entail?IanHoltWell basically what happens is, somebody uses a story to get inside somebody’s house and then they steal items, usually cash or small items of jewellery.PresenterAnd what are the different techniques that are commonly used?IanHoltWell ba sically the er … the people that commit this crime move from area to area, er … they will look at an area, they will try and pick a particular target and they can find that by looking at property, it may beer, an uncut garden, it may be repairs that need doing to the property. Something that indicates that there’s, there’s a vulnerable person in there. It … usually, it’s an elderly person that lives there. Is this quite a common problem now? It is becoming more common. To get it in perspective, of the 14,000 burglaries that were in Thames Valley last year, we had reported 800 crimes of distraction burglary.But, it … there’s a slight increase this year over last year’s figures.OK, you mentioned some of the victimsbeing elderly. What other people aretargeted?Well, unfortunately, with this type of offence, it is the vulnerable in society and the elderly. The, the national average, if there’s such a thing as a, a victim for this type of crime, is a white female aged 81 years.And what about things that people can do to prevent it happening, basically?Well the things they can do are very, very simple. The difficulty comes, is that some of these people, er … it’s very difficult for them to remember what to do. But the three things we, we always say is: stop, chain and check. And that’s stop before you open the door to make sure who’s on the other side. Always apply a chain. If you haven’t got a chain, fit a chain to the door, or a door bar if you’ve got difficulty in handling a chain with arthritic fing ers.But also when you answer the door, check the identity of the person there. Generally the offenders say they are from the Water Board or from utilities. They may say they’re from a charity or even from local authority. But generally, a utility will be in uniform.Ask for their identification. A genuine person will not mind you doing that and will wait until you can check them out. If you do need to check them, phone the number on, on your last bill. What won’t happen is that if it is a bogus caller, t hey will become unnerved by this reaction and they will leave.PresenterOK and there’s also a couple of gadgets new on the market that also can help as well. Just talk us through that.IanHoltCertainly, yes. The … a spy er … viewer is fairly stand ard. But for elderly who may have poor eyesight there’s a spyscope which actually makes it a lot easier for them to see who’s outside.As I mentioned before about the door bar, again, it can be easier to apply than the chain. Very reasonable priced er, an d something that is fairly new … as I mentioned before it’s very difficult for some of these people to remember what they have to do when they go to the door and that’s why they become victims.And this item is called a Memo Minder and actually you can re cord a message on there and it’s nice to have a grand-daughter or somebody to record a message, but every time the person approaches the door it reminds them with a voice to say “Putyour chain on.”Listening inPassage1Patrick :I read a funny story today in the paper – true story.Steve :Go on, then.Patrick :OK. This 72-year old guy stole a pair of trousers from a department store in Paris. A security man saw him and alerted the police and they were waiting for him when he came out of the shop. The shoplifter started running, but the policeman soon caught up with him. The manthenbit the policeman on his arm several times.Steve :He bit the policeman?Patrick :Yes – you have to remember, he was 72.Steve :I’d forgotten that.Patrick :Problem wa s, it didn’t hurt the policeman at all, ’cause the guy had forgotten to put his false teeth in before he left home.Steve :Very funny!Patrick :And the moral of the story is –Steve :Always remember to wear your false teeth if you’re going to bite someo ne.Patrick :That’s good. I read a funny crime story the other day. Let’s see … yeah … this guy … this guy robbed a supermarket somewhere in America –I can’t remember where exactly – anyway, he got away with about 4,000 dollars. The next week the local newspaper reported the story but said he’d stolen 6,000 dollars. The thief rang the newspaper office to complain. He said, “Look, I only took 4,000 dollars. I’m wondering if the supermarket manager took another 2,000 and said I’d taken it. I did not take 6,000, I promise you.”Steve :He was probably telling the truth.Patrick :He probably was. Anyway, the newspaper managed to keep the guy talking while they rang the police. And the police traced the call – the guy was ringing from a phone booth – and they arrested him while he was still talking to the newspaper.Steve :That’s good. Stupid guy! I’ve got another true story … This – this – old guy was in court for some crime –and he fell asleep. His case began and his lawyer stood up and said, “My client p leads not guilty.” The man suddenly woke up, but wasn’t sure what was happening. He jumped up and shouted, “I plead guilty! I plead guilty!”Patrick :So what happened?Steve :The judge allowed him to plead not guilty.Patrick :That’s the best, I think.Passage2Presenter :You’re listening to Kevin Fallon and my topic for today is street crime. Being mugged is something that can happen to anyone –and it’s a very frightening experience. So it’s positive when you hear of someone who was attacked by a mugger and defeated them – especially when that person is a woman. Anna Black was attacked by a mugger. She’s here to tell us about it. How long ago did this happen, Anna?News 24/7 Unit 4AnnaJust over a week ago. The day it happened,I was coming home from work a bit laterthan usual – I think it was about seven. Iwas on my mobile phone, talking to myhusband.PresenterAnd it was still daylight?Anna :Yes. Anyway, suddenly, someone pulled my hair from behind – and at the same time they。
新标准大学英语视听说 unit Outside view

Outside view
Here are the Chinese meanings. Do you still remember the words?
模拟的 mock
trade show >>
Outside view
解决问题能手 troubleshooter
Outside view
4 Watch Part 2 of the video clip and answer the questions.
1 Why does Samantha decide to meet Phyllis Stein?
She needs to improve her interview techniques to help her to get a job.
Outside view
5 Watch Part 2 again and complete the sentences.
1 I met with Phyllis Stein, a _p_r_o_f_e_s_s_io_n__a_l_j_o_b__c_o_a__c_h_. 2 She showed me how to prepare for an interview
1 Looking for a job can be quite hard. 2 It’s even difficult to understand what
the jobs being advertised are. 3 You need to be outgoing and sociable for a
6 As long as you send out lots of résumés, you’ll be sure to get a job.

新标准视听说OutsideUnit 1Outside ViewAdditional activityWho said this? The following are some quotes on school. Can you figure out who said it? Use the clues to help you, if necessary. Work in groups of six. If you get the answer correct without the help of the clues, you get 100 points for each quote. For each clue you used, 30 points will be deducted. The group with the highest points win the game.There are advantages to being elected President. The day after I was elected, I had my high school grades classified Top Secret.Clues: Ronald ReaganU.S. President (1981-1989)I've never let my school interfere with my education.Mark Twain Clues: 1. American author and humorist. 2. Author of Adventures of Huckleberry FinnEducation is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.Albert EinsteinClues: 1. the father of modern physics2. Theories of relativityI got attention by being funny at school, pretending to be retarded, and jumping around with a deformed hand.Leonardo DiCaprio Clues:1. American actor2. Jack Dawson in TitanicI was born in Harlem, raised in the South Bronx, went to public school, got out of public college, went into the Army, and then I just stuck with it.Clues:U.S. Secretary of State (20XX年20XX年)Colin PowellIn high school, in sport, I had a coach who told me I was much better than I thought I was, and would make me do more in a positive sense. He was the first person who taught me not to be afraid of failure.Clues:1. Basketball Coach2. Duke Basketball and United States National Head CoachMike KrzyzewskiClues:1. American film producer and director2. Star Wars Even in high school I was very interested in history―why people do the things they do. As a kid I spent a lot of time trying to relate the past to the present. George LucasOutside view1 Circle the number that best represents how you felt about school.Now work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Are schools happy places? 2 Can school students be taught happiness in a class? 3 Do happy students learn better than unhappy ones? 4 What do you think happiness classes could achieve?Example answersAdditional activityHere are the Chinese meanings. Do you still remember the words? 自尊使命,任务missionself-esteem士气,精神面貌morale成功的,富足的prosperous增强,激励自我意识self-consciousnessboost给下定义define2 Watch Part 1 of the video clip and number the topics in the order you hear them. the aims of the happiness classes what students do in the happiness classes why the school is special the benefits of students being happy at school the need for introducing happiness classes Answers4-5-1-3-2Language and culture3 Watch Part 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.Answers1 (b)2 (c)3 (c)4 (a)5 (a)4 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 How do you think the school teaches students happiness? 2 What kind of activities do you think students might do in a happiness class? 3 What reactions do you think students have to the happiness classes?Example answer5 Watch Part 2 of the video clip and match the speakers withthe statements.1 Bjoern2 Wolfgang3 Pascal4 Yosma(b), (d), (f) (a), (e) (g) (c)6 Watch Part 2 again and answer the questions. 1 Why does Bjoern Bonn get students to copy each others’ walks? So that they can learn something about themselves. 2 What can higher body awareness lead to? It can lead to a higher self-consciousness.3 And what can that in turn lead to?It can lead to happiness.4 What example of happiness does Wolfgang give? A strengthening of the personality.5 What two questions do they encourage students to ask? “Who am I as a person? Am I really happy?”6 What does Pascal think st udents can get from teachers? He thinks students can get indications of happiness from teachers.7 Who else does he think can give hints on achieving happiness? Happiness scientists. 8 According to Yosma, what don’t teachers do in happiness classes? They don’t write definitions on the board.。

新标准大学英语1-outside-view听力原文新标准大学英语1 outside view第一单元Julie:My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene:My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie:Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English speaking university in the, in the world. And so there aremany traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of theyear, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene:Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much moreliberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are alsosome specific traditions.Julie:Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and theprofessors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students siton common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together.It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal andwe eat by candlelight.Eugene:I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debatingsociety where speakers come from all around the world to address thestudents and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students,making it a very interesting forum.Julie:My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody getsup very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir whichsings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the townand all the students go to listen to the singing. So it‘s very nice.Eugene:The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held inMay in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying toimprove its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its wayup the river.Julie:When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, sothey wear a gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear awhite shirt, andthe men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirtand a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, whichhas a Latin name –sub fusc –and they must wear this uniform in order totake their examinations.Eugene:I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. Forexample, sub fusc. This is the uniform that we are required according to theuniversity rules, to wear.Julie:They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers arecarnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear differentcoloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your firstexam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam youwear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a redcarnation.Eugene:So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilstwearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie:I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.第二单元Voiceover:We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase'sRestaurant. Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. Shetold us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called"shrimp Clemenceau".Leah:This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just browna little thing ...Interviewer:And, and what's, what's the actual, what's the cooking in?Leah:Butter.Interviewer:OK.Leah:It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that's it, a little cholesterol. Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces.You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on thecholesterol, you see.Interviewer:OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah:Well, my mother, you know. I'm the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way.Then here you want to add a little mushroom in here, this is just slicedbutton mushroom. If you like other mushroom, you can do that, we justsauté that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook,everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used inseveral restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it differentthan this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlicin there?Interviewer:Oh, yeah.Leah:Alright?Interviewer:That smell is very strong.Leah:Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It's very, very simple. Interviewer:And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah:No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before Icame in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added manythings. You have to understand in 41. Now here we can add our potatoes.You see our shrimp is all cooked there. Just add the potato. You canpre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanchthem a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you getone, you get justone casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a gooddash of pepper. A little salt. It's very simple, but it's a good dish. And as Isaid, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and getit there.Interviewer:And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah: A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don't know how it got that name, but it's popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different.You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it,but I, I just don't like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that alot. And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer:That's parsley, isn't it?Leah:Parsley. Uhm. And I'm gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen. You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But everyCreole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika.And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it'svery, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see? And youhave a good dish.第三单元Teacher:Good morning, class.Students:Good morning.Teacher:What we're going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before? Students:Yes ... No ...Teacher:Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven't. OK. Have any of you actuallyused mind maps in the past?Students:No ...Teacher:No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1:It’s a way of thinking.Teacher:It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I'dlike to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mindmaps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2:To make a list?Teacher:To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyonecontributes their ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyonein a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage. OK, brainstorming is one of themost important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use oranother reason for using mind maps?Student 3:It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher:OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind mapsto collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a verygeneral understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easilyand um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4:Preparing for exams?Teacher:OK. Preparing for exams. That's a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision. Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days oreven weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very generalunderstanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can thinkof for mind mapping?Student 5:We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher:For finding answers. That's, that's a very good, good answer. We could callthis problem- solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possiblealternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I'd like us to talkabout some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead ofjust writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obviousadvantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give usum, almost a picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or adiagram of understanding information or understandingconnected ideas,which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way. Arethere any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping? Student 4:It lists the main points.Teacher:They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map,not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and thekey connections for mind maps or for our given subject. Are there any otheradvantages you can think of?Student 1:To think creatively.Teacher:To think creatively. That's, that's a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of thebox or thinking laterally. Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical theyencourage us to think creatively, you might say.Teacher:Next, I'd like us to think about aspects of design or constructing mind maps. So far we have completed threequarters of our mind map about mind maps. And then I'djust like you to have a look at this mind map and tell mewhat some of the most noticeable or striking features arethat we can talk about.Student 2:There is a centre.Teacher:There is a centre. There is what we call a central word, acentral word or a phrase. It might also be a sentence or aquestion. You might have that in the centre of the board and your related thoughts spiraling or radiating out. What else do you notice about the design of this mind map?Student 1:There are only words, not sentences.Teacher:Exactly. There are many what we call key words as they capture the main thought of, of an issue rather than a long sentence or, or a passage. This helps us to concentrate onthe main issues and find connections between these issues as well. What other aspects of design do you notice here? Student 5:It looks like a tree.Teacher:It does look like a tree because it has branches. By having branches, it shows how, um, thinking is radiating out or spiraling out from key ideas or central ideas to key words to sub-words and, and so forth. Are there any other aspects of design which you notice in this particular map?Student 2:You used a lot of colours.Teacher:I did. I perhaps use too many colours. I have used different colour to show the different key words or different aspects ofmind mapping. You might like to use different colours tohighlight different sections of a mind map or keyinformation. Or you may, you may choose to have it all inone colour. It's very much a personal choice, depending on how you like to, to think and, and plan your thinking. Youmight also like to use images or pictures related to some of the key words. Or you might even use symbols. We'll put a question mark because this again is a personal choice and how you like to design your mind maps. For example, Imight choose to use a thought bubble as a symbol,highlighting or identifying my central phrase, mind maps.This could be a, a feature of my own mind maps. WheneverI design a mind map, I highlight my central thought using aspeech bubble symbol.第四单元Voiceover:It's the most popular means of communication in the 21st century. Nobody writes letters any more, especially young people. They all use textmessaging instead. Officially called SMS –short message service – textmessaging is slow to enter, and you can only key in 160 characters. So whyis it such a success? The first text message was sent in 1992, but textingonly became commercially available in 1995. It has grown incredibly quicklysince then. Just look at the graph. In 1999, the number of texts sent reachedone billion. Over the next three years, it grew to 20 billion! So people havenow sent billions of texts, and the number continues to rise. It isn't difficult tosee why it quickly became part of youth culture.Emily:I use it every day. I don't call a lot of people on it. I just use it for text messages because it's easy and quick to send things and arrange things bytext.Heidi:Mainly to friends. Sometimes it's useful to get information for work as well.You know, if people want to give you contact numbers or things like that, it'seasier than phoning.Andy:I've had my mobile phone for about three years. I mostly use it for just texting my mates and arranging sort of social meetings with them.Alice:I like texting. I don't really talk much on it except just to make arrangements but texting's the biggest thing I do.Male:I probably text message about ten, 15 times a day.Alice:Usually, I don't know, about ten. Ten to 15. Fifteen maybe to 20. Voiceover:It isn't just young people who use texting. Companies use it too –for advertising and promotion. For example, the Orange telephone network hasrun a text message promotional campaign since April 2004. People text aspecial number on a Wednesday and receive a discount voucher by text.They show this message to any one of 450 cinemas in Britain and get twotickets for the price of one. Why Wednesday? Wednesday has always beenthe worst day of the week for cinemas. Since the campaign started, cinemaattendance has risen on Wednesdays by nearly ten per cent. And, ofcourse, TV uses text message voting to decide lots of things. Texting hasbeen one of the most successful inventions for years.第五单元Voiceover:Finding someone to love isn't easy. For years, single people have looked for prospective mates in a few tried-and-true ways. They met in school or atwork, through friends or relatives. Or they met by chance in bars, atweddings, or at parties. Today there's a new way to find that specialsomeone. Many people have met boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés,husbands, and wives in a way that didn't exist up to about ten years ago.The Internet has completely changed the world of dating. Anyone can lookfor a match online at one of hundreds of different websites like these.Consultant:There are approximately 150 million singles in North America, and what's interesting is that a lot of them are trying online dating.Speaker 1:I've never tried Internet dating.Speaker 2:I have friends who have tried Internet dating, and one of them is getting married to the person he dated.Speaker 3:I have not tried Internet dating, but I have a friend who has.Speaker 4:I have not tried Internet dating.Speaker 5:I have tried Internet dating. I had one good experience and one bad experience.Speaker 6:I've tried Internet dating. It worked out very well.Carol:Hi!Daughter:Hi!Carol:Oh, it's good to see you! You look great!Daughter:Thank you.Carol:Hey, I love the color.Daughter:Thank you. Come in, come in.Voiceover:How does Internet dating work? Carol is about to find out. She's having dinner with her daughter, who has just registered on an Internet dating site. Carol:So how's work?Daughter:Work is really good. It's busy, so I've been making money.Carol:Good. Have you met anyone yet?Daughter:No, not yet. But I just signed up. Mum? Mum, come on. I'll show you. Consultant:T o get started with Internet dating, there are four steps. The first one is to find the service that works for you. Second step is to create your profile.Find a great picture of yourself that shows you doing something that youenjoy. Write about who you are and who you're looking for. Third step is tostart searching for that special someone. Use the search function on thesite to identify people in your area that you may want to hook up with.Fourth step is to reach out to those people. You write them a nice shortletter. Show that you're interested in them and off it goes. After that, sitback, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.。

Unit 1 Starting outInside viewConversation 1Porter Good afternoon.Janet Good afternoon.Porter New student?Janet Yes.Porter Welcome to Hertford College.Janet Thank you.Porter Can I have your family name, please?Janet Yes, it's Li.Porter Er, L-double E?Janet No, L-I.Porter And what's your first name, Ms Li?Janet Janet.Porter Janet Li... ah yes, there you are. Here are your keys.Janet Where's my room?Porter You're in Staircase 6 Room 5.Janet Who am I sharing with?Porter Nobody. You have your own room. Er...there's a Ms Santos in the room next to you.Janet Oh. My own room? In China we usually have several people in a dormitory.Porter Well, here you don't have to share with anyone.Janet Thank you Sir.Porter No need to call me sir, Ms Li. Everyone calls me Stewart.Janet Please call me Janet!Porter OK, Janet, um, can you just sign for your keys, please?Conversation 2Kate Hi, have you just arrived too?Janet Yes!Kate I guess we're neighbours. My name's Kate Santos.Janet I'm Janet Li. Where are you from?Kate From New York. How about you?Janet I'm from Anshan in China.Kate Is Janet your real name?Janet No, it's my English name. My Chinese name is Li Hui. Is Kate your full name?Kate No, it's short for Catherine.Janet So do I call you Catherine or Kate?Kate Everyone calls me Kate.Janet Nice to meet you.Kate OK, Janet. See you later.Janet Bye!Conversation 3Kate Hey! This is awesome! Look at the size of this dining hall.Janet Is this where we have all our meals?Kate I guess.Mark You just arrived?Girls Yes!Mark Me too. By the way, I'm Mark. Nice to meet you.Kate Hi, I'm Kate.Mark Hi Kate, I guess you're from the States.Kate Right! How can you tell? You're British, huh?Mark Yes, I'm from London. And you are ...?Janet I'm Li Hui. I'm from China. But you can call me Janet.Mark Hi Janet. Welcome to England. What are you reading?Janet English.Mark How about you, Kate?Kate My major is law. And you?Mark I'm studying PPE.Kate That's a special Oxford subject, isn't it?Outside viewJulie My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English-speaking university in the, in the world. And so there are many traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of the year, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much more liberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are also some specific traditions.Julie Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and the professors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students sit on common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together. It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal and we eat by candlelight.Eugene I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debating society where speakers come from all around the world to address the students and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students, making it a very interesting forum.Julie My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody gets up very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir which sings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the town and all the students go to listen to the singing. So it's very nice.Eugene The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held in May in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying to improve its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its way up the river.Julie When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, so they wear E.gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, arid the men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirt and a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, which has a Latin name - sub fuse — and they must wear this uniform in order to take theirexaminations.Eugene I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. For example, sub fuse. This is the uniform that we are required according to the university rules, to wear.Julie They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers are carnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear different coloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your first exam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam you wear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a red carnation.Eugene So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilst wearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.Listening inPassage 1Interviewer Can you tell me something about the Ivy League? You're a professor at Harvard, is that right?Professor That's right, yes.Interviewer Tell me how many universities are there? How many institutions?Professor In total there are eight institutions: There's Harvard, Yale, Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania. Interviewer Ah, OK. And what's the sporting ... I believe there's some link with sports.Professor There certainly is, yes. Originally the Ivy League referred to the sports teams from the universities which competed against each other, especially in football, basketball and ice hockey. Now sometimes these universities, institutions, chose their students on the basis of their skills at these particular sports.But in the last 50 years, Ivy League schools have accepted a wider range of students because it wasn't possible to be both world-famous for research and also top class in sport.Interviewer And what about their academic importance? I gather they're academically very, very important, they're very well-known.Professor Absolutely at the top. They're near or at the top of the USA colleges and university rankings. And they're almost always in the top one per cent of the world's academic institutions for financial resources.Interviewer And what does it mean socially to go to an Ivy League university?Professor Certainly if you've been to one of these institutions, you are presumed or assumed to be at the top end of the scale. The Ivy League institutions have a reputation for social elitism, many of the students are rich, intellectual, white Anglo-Saxon, protestants. Not all of them of course, but quite a lot of them. Interviewer And do you know ... why's it called the Ivy League, what's the origin of the name?Professor There are a number of stories, derivations, but possibly it's based on four universities, and IV, the letters IV, that's the Roman numeral for four.Another more likely story is that ivy plants, which are symbolic of the age of the universities, you know, would be grown at the walls of these universities, these institutions, they cover the walls of the buildings. The term was created by a sports journalist, I think in the 1930s.Interviewer Right, OK. And which is the oldest university?Professor The oldest goes back to the 17th century, that's Harvard which was founded in 1636. And the youngest of the institutions is Cornell which was founded in 1865.Interviewer And which has the largest number of undergraduates?Professor Cornell has the largest number, about 13,000, 13,500 undergraduates. The institution with the smallest number is Dartmouth College with a little over 4,000.Interviewer And what about the acceptance rate? Is it hard to get into?Professor That ranges from about seven per cent to 20 per cent.Interviewer And any famous alumni? Famous old boys?Professor Hundreds! Hundreds of them. But I suppose worldwide, the two that would be definitely known all over the world would certainly be George Bush who went to Yale, and John F Kennedy, President Kennedy, who was at Harvard.Interviewer Thank you.Passage2Andy Did you see the film on television last night?Jane No, I was out. What was it?Andy A Beautiful Mind. It's about John Forbes Nash, the mathematician who won the Nobel Prize.Jane I've heard about that film, yes. He's played by Russell Crowe, isn't he? I like Russell Crowe, he's great.Andy That's the one, yes.Jane What's it about?Andy Well, the story begins in the early years of Nash's life at Princeton University as a graduate student.Jane That's one of the Ivy League schools, isn't it?Andy Yes, it's all set in New England, lovely old buildings, beautiful autumn colours. It's lovely to look at. Anyway, Nash meets his roommate Charles, a literature student, who soon becomes his best friend. Nash admits to Charles that he is better with numbers than people, and the main thing he's looking for is a truly original idea for his thesis paper.Jane So he's not interested in having fun?Andy Well, yes, but he's not very good with people or successful with women, that's all. But, you know, it's one of these bad experiences with people which ultimately inspires his brilliant work in mathematics.Jane No good at relationships, so he becomes a genius at maths?Andy That's about right, yes. So when he finishes his studies at Princeton, he accepts a job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Five years later, he meets Alicia, a student who he falls in love with and eventually marries.Jane Ah! At last, the love interest!Andy Yes, but wait a moment. Nash believes that he's been asked to work by William Parcher for the US Department of Defense on breaking Soviet codes. At one point he's chased by the Russians, and it's after this that he becomes mentally ill.Jane I think I've seen this in the trailer to the film.Andy So when he's put in a psychiatric hospital, he thinks the Soviets have captured him. He's given this painful treatment which affects his relationship with his wife. And his intellectual skills. So he stops taking the medicine.Jane It sounds quite hard to watch.Andy Well, it is, but it's well acted and directed, and so, you know, there's a-bit of distance between the audience and what's happening on film.Jane So what happens next?Andy Well, then his illness returns, so he and his wife decide to try and live with it. It all gets a bit complicated, because we're no longer sure if Charles, you know, his old friend, or even Parcher were real, or if they were just people that existed only in Nash's mind.Jane That sounds awful. He must have been so ill,Andy Actually, I'm kind of giving away the twist in the story. Anyway, later in his life, while he's using the library at Princeton again, he asks his rival Martin Hansen if he can start teaching again. And so the story ends when he goes on to win the Nobel Prize in Economics.Jane Well, it sounds like a great film.Andy Yes, you should see it sometime.Unit 2 Food, glorious food!Inside viewConversation 1Kate Oh, this looks nice.Mark Cool.Waitress Good afternoon, table for three? Come this way.Mark Let's have a look at the menu.Mark Thank you.Janet Thank you.Waitress The specials are on the board.Kate So, what sort of food do you like, Janet?Janet Well, I like spicy food. And I'm not very fond of raw food! What would you recommend?Mark Why don't you try the chicken curry? That's nice and spicy.Janet What's in it?Mark Chicken cooked in tomatoes and onions with Indian spices.Janet I'll try it. Do we all choose a selection of dishes to share or only one dish per person?Mark Usually one dish per person.Kate Or the moussaka looks good.Janet What's it made with?Kate It's made with lamb and eggplant. It's a Greek dish.Janet How is it cooked?Kate It's baked in the oven.Janet Mm, that sounds good too.Kate And as a starter?Janet What's minestrone soup?Mark It's an Italian soup with vegetables and pasta. It's delicious!Janet OK, I'll have that.Kate Waitress?Waitress What can I get for you?Kate Well, for the starter, can we have two minestrone soups, and for the main course, one moussaka and one curry, please. What about you, Mark?Mark I'll have the prawns with garlic and the chilli con carne. And could you bring us some water, please?Waitress OK.Mark Thank you.Waitress Thanks.Janet What's chilli con carne?Mark It's a spicy Mexican dish with beef and beans. It's very hot!Conversation2Janet That was great! Except I don't like cold water. I usually drink hot water.Kate Hot water? We never drink hot water except with tea. Let's have a dessert. What would you like, Janet?Janet Any suggestions?Kate Well, why don't you try the apple strudel? It's an Austrian dish. It's made with apple, pastry and spices.Janet No, I'm not so keen on pastry. ... What's a chocolate brownie?Mark It's a kind of chocolate cake.Janet How is it made?Kate It's made with flour, eggs and butter ...Mark And lots of chocolate!Kate You'll love it.Janet What kind of ice cream is there?Kate I'll ask ... Excuse me ... What flavour ice cream do you have?Waitress Strawberry, vanilla and chocolate.Janet I'll just have a fruit salad, I think.Mark And Kate, what are you going to have?Kate Same for me.Mark Could you bring us two fruit salads, and a chocolate brownie?Waitress Sure.Outside viewVoice-over We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase's Restaurant. Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. She told us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called "shrimp Clemenceau".Leah This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just browna little thing...Interviewer And, and what's, what's the actual, what's the cooking in?Leah Butter.Interviewer OK.Leah It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that's it, a little cholesterol. Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces. You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on the cholesterol, you see.Interviewer OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah Well, my mother, you know. I'm the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way.Then here you want to add a little mushroom in here, this is just sliced button mushroom. If you like other mushroom, you can do that, we just saute that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook, everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used in several restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it different than this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlic in there?Interviewer Oh, yeah.Leah Alright?Interviewer That smell is very strong.Leah Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It's very, very simple.Interviewer And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before I came in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added many things.You have to understand in 41. Now here we can add our potatoes. You see our shrimp is all cooked there.-Just add the potato. You can pre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanch them a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you get one, you get just one casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a good dash of pepper. A little salt. It's very simple, but it's a good dish. And as I said, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and get it there.Interviewer And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don't know how it got that name, but it's popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different. You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it, but I, I just don't like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that a lot.And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer That's parsley, isn't it?Leah Parsley. Uhm. And I'm gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen. You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But every Creole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika. And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it's very, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see? And you have a good dish.Listening inPassage 1Ben If it's a formal meal, maybe Thanksgiving or Christmas, or if you're with your boss or someone like that, you are being careful about your table manners.So you'd wait until everyone is served before you eat. But most of the time,, if you know each other well you would just go ahead and start. It's more usual to entertain them at home because it shows your hospitality. We have a lot of barbecues outside, maybe in the garden or maybe at a campsite. But sometimes if you don't want to cook, you can go to a restaurant.Oh, well, after dessert you'll have a little talk, then talk some more, have some coffee. Then you'll say, "Oh well, it's time for us, we should get going."And if you don't then you're probably going to be rude and stay too late.Michelle Well, it would be between 8 and 8.30. It is unusual that if somebody is invited for 8 they would be there at 7.30 or 7.45. Probably 8, or 8.30 would be when all the guests would arrive. It's OK to refuse something if you don't like it, but it might be embarrassing. For example, if I'm cooking dinner and I discover one of my guests is a vegetarian, I'll feel a bit frustrated that I didn't know before. But usually everyone tries everything.Tom Well, usually the host serves the guests, so you should make sure you tell him or her not to give you too much, because yes, it's quite important to eat everything on your plate. It doesn't matter if you leave something, but if you leave a lot, it will look as if you don't like their cooking.My mother always told me to put my hands on my lap, under the table when I wasn't eating, and I would be in big trouble if I ever put my elbows on the table. But actually I know that in some countries that's considered rude. So I might rest my hands or my arms on the table, and I suppose it's a bit more relaxed today than it used to be when I was young.No, it's the worst thing you can do if you're eating. Any strange noises are absolutely forbidden. I mean you can say "mmm, this is good", but nothing more than that. And even when you drink soup or eat noodles, you have to do it in silence, otherwise it's considered very bad manners.Passage 2News-reader The government announced today that they are going to ban advertisements for junk food during TV programmes for children under the age of 16.The rules will include any foods that are high in fat, salt and sugar. There will be a total ban on ads during children's programmes and on children's channels, as well as adult programmes watched by a large number of children. But there will not be a total ban on all ads for junk food which are shown on television before 9 pm. This was thought to be "over the top" by representatives of the food industry. The new rules will come into effect before the end of December this year, and mean that television channels will lose about £39 million in revenue for advertising.So why has the government introduced this ban? We asked leading food and nutrition expert, Neil Bennett.Neil Well, we all know that over the last 30 years, what we call junk food, bad food with too much fat and salt, has become easily available and eating habits have changed.However, in recent years many of us have become aware of the importance of keeping fit and eating healthily, and this means people are not going to fast food restaurants so often. So, the result is that the fast food business has increased the number of ads in order to recover some of the business it's lost. News-reader And how do the fast food restaurants do this?Neil The biggest problem is that they aim their ads at young people. One well-known fast food restaurant chain sells hamburgers which come with a free gift, usually a toy which is linked to a new children's film. Other fast food restaurants aim their ads at teenage and college-age men, trying to make their food trendy and, you know, kind of masculine food.News-reader So a ban on junk food ads will stop the sales of junk food?Neil Almost certainly not, but it might reduce the growth of the fast food industry.News-reader So you're in favour of the ban?Neil As a nutritionist, I am. As a father of two young children, I'm not sure.News-reader Why not?Neil Because less money from advertising will mean less money for children's TV programmes. So we're likely to see more cheap and violent cartoons, and fewer programmes produced specially for children.News-reader So the choice is between junk food and junk television?Neil Yes, that just about sums it up.News-reader Neil Bennett, thank you.Unit 3 Learning to thinkInside viewConversation 1Mark Hi, what're you doing?Janet Oh, nothing much ... Well, I'm just doing this quiz here in the newspaper.Mark Let's have a look then.Janet Here. It's called, "How much do you know about memory?" I've just done it. Do you want to have a go?Mark OK, might as well. I'm not busy.Janet Right. Look, I'll read the statements. Then you have to answer "true" or "false". Ready?Mark Yea.Janet OK. Physical exercise improves your memory. True or false?Mark True, I suppose. It sounds like the right answer.Janet You're right, exercise does improve your memory. Next statement: 30 per cent of people have a visual memory.Mark That sounds about right. True?Janet No, wrong, I'm afraid. In fact, 60 per cent of people have a visual memory.Mark Really? Actually, I've got a pretty good memory.Janet Have you? OK ... Next one ... When you're tired, it's more difficult to remember things.Mark That's true, obviously. I can't remember a thing when I'm tired.Janet Correct! If you do one activity for a long time, your memory will improve.Mark I'm not sure ... True?Janet Actually, it's false.Mark Oh!Janet Eating fruit and vegetables can improve your memory.Mark I read something in The Times about that. True.Janet True, it says here.Mark Oh, no! I've got a lecture. I'd forgotten. I'd better get going!Janet Oh, Mark! What a good memory you have!Conversation 2Kate You're looking a bit down, Janet. What's up?Janet Well... I'm finding studying at Oxford quite hard.Kate You're telling me! There's so much work!Janet It's not the amount of work - but everything's so different. In China, generally we have large classes, we don't have tutorials. And mostly, our teacher tells us what we should do. So I'm not used to asking questions or discussing things. I find it difficult.Kate You have to memorize a lot, don't you?Janet Yes, but I'm good at that.Kate You're lucky. There's so much to remember studying law! I have difficulty sometimes, I really do.Janet Yes, well, we've been trained to do that. But we don't have so much training in critical thinking.Kate What do you mean by critical thinking?Janet Let me think ... I think it's giving your opinion and then justifying it.Kate Yes, I suppose that's what our teachers have always encouraged us to do.Janet I am getting better at it, I suppose.Kate Hey! How about this? Let's pretend I'm your tutor. I'll make a statement. Your task is to examine it and then ask questions.Janet OK.Kate Everyone is capable of learning a second language. Go on, ask a question!Janet Why do you say that?Kate That's what the research tells us. Now ask another one.Janet Can you give an example of some research?Kate Um ... No! Look, I'm starving and I can't think at all when I'm hungry.Outside viewPart 1Teacher Good morning, class.Students Good morning.Teacher What we're going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before?Students Yes ... No ...Teacher Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven't. OK. Have any of you actually used mind maps in the past?Students No ...Teacher No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1 It's a way of thinking.Teacher It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I'd like to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mind maps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2 To make a list?Teacher To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyone contributes then-ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyone in a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage. OK, brainstorming is one of the most important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use or another reason for using mind maps?Student 3 It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind maps to collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a very general understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easily and um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4 Preparing for exams?Teacher OK. Preparing for exams. That's a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision. Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days or even weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very general understanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can think of for mind mapping?Student 5 We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher For finding answers. That's, that's a very good, good answer. We could call this problem-solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possible alternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I'd like us to talk about some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead of just writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obvious advantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give us um, almosta picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or a diagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas, which is very helpfulfor people who like to learn from a different way. Are there any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping?Student 4 It lists the main points.Teacher They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map, not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and the key connections for mind maps or for our given subject. Are there any other advantages you can think of?Student 1 To think creatively.Teacher To think creatively. That's, that's a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of the box or thinking laterally. Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical they encourage us to think creatively, you might say.Part2Teacher Next, I'd like us to think about aspects of design or constructing mind maps. So far we have completed three quarters of our mind map about mind maps. And then I'd just like you to have a look at this mind map and tell me what some of the most noticeable or striking features are that we can talk about. Student 2 There is a centre.Teacher There is a centre. There is what we call a central word, a central word or a phrase. It might also be a sentence or a question. You might have that in the centre of the board and your related thoughts spiraling or radiating out. What else do you notice about the design of this mind map?Student 1 There are only words, not sentences.Teacher Exactly. There are many what we call key words as they capture the main thought of, of an issue rather than a long sentence or, or a passage. This helps us to concentrate on the main issues and find connections between these issues as well. What other aspects of design do you notice here?Student 5 It looks like a tree.Teacher It does look like a tree because it has branches. By having branches, it shows how, um, thinking is radiating out or spiraling out from key ideas or central ideas to key words to sub-words and, and so forth. Are there any other aspects of design which you notice in this particular map?Student 2 You used a lot of colours.Teacher I did. I perhaps use too many colours. I have used different colour to show the different key words or different aspects of mind mapping. You might like to use different colours to highlight different sections of a mind map or key information. Or you may, you may choose to have it all in one colour. It's very much a personal choice, depending on how you like to, to think and, and plan your thinking. You might also like to use images or pictures related to some of the key words. Or you might even use symbols. We'll put a question mark because this again is a personal choice and how you like to design your mind maps. For example, I might choose to use a thought bubble as a symbol, highlighting or identifying my central phrase, mind maps. This could be a, a feature of my own mind maps. Whenever I design a mind map, I highlight my central thought using a speech bubble symbol.Listening inPassage 1Interviewer With us today is Martin Downes, a carpenter, who's 51. A year ago, Martin had a stroke. But he's been lucky enough to make a full recovery from it. Can you tell us how it all began, Martin?Martin I'm very happy to - not that I remember much at all. I was at a customer's house, building a cupboard, and the next thing I knew, I woke up in hospital with people in white coats bending over me.Interviewer It must have been very frightening.Martin It was. But what was really frightening was that I couldn't speak. I couldn't say a word. And I couldn't understand much that people said to me. Interviewer How awful!Martin Yeah! I don't know what would have happened to me if I hadn't had my family. But they were there for me, they really were. I had something called aphasia, where the part of your brain gets damaged that affects your speech and language. But they started treatment for the condition almost immediately.This speech and language therapist came to see me every day for 12 weeks. They made me do all these exercises.。
新标准大学英语 视听说教程 听力原文及翻译

Unit 1Inside ViewConversation 1Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job?Well, I don’t know yet, because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy?Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. .Joe: Except for New York!Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh!Joe: And your point is…?Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York…Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact.Andy: A fact! Are you serious?\Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the world.Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself…Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy………珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。

Unit 1-- Conversation 1Janet: So this is the Cherwell Boathouse ¡ª it's lovely! And look at those people punting! It looks quite easy.Mark: I'm not so sure about that! Janet, there's something Kate and I wanted to discuss with you. Some people in college are organizing charity events this term. We've decided to get involved.Janet: Raising money for charity? Right. In China, people raise money for charity but students don't usually do that. Mark: Students often do that here. Anyway, we're thinking of doing sponsored punting. Janet: Sponsored punting! What's that?Kate: Sponsoring is when people pay you to do something ¡ª like run a long distance. So people would be sponsoring students to punt. Janet: What a great idea! I'd love to join you!Mark: That's why we're telling you about it. So that's decided then. Let's make a list of things we need to do.Kate: I'll do that. One of the first things we should do is choose the charity.Mark: Yes. And choose a day for the event. And we need to design the sponsorship form. I've got one here.Kate: That looks fine, but we must change the wording. Who wants to do that?Mark: I'll do that. What have we got so far?Kate: Choose a charity. Also a day for the event. Change the wording on the sponsorship form... Um ... We have to decide where the punt will start from.Mark: Cherwell Boathouse, no question! It's a very beautiful route from here, apparently. Kate: I'm with you on that.Janet:Metoo Unit 1--Conversation 2 Janet: I'm not used to boats ¡ª Woah! Mark: Whoops!Kate: Watch out! You nearly hit me with that thing! Mark: Sorry! I didn't mean to. ... OK, we're off! Kate: Maybe I should do the punting. Mark:It's fine.I've got the hang of it now ¡ªgive me a chance. Kate: Well, I'd like to have a go.Mark: Supposing I do the first hour. Then you can take over for a while, if you want to. Kate: Yes, great.Janet: You're really good at it, Mark! This is fantastic! It's exactly how I imagined life here! Look over there ¡ªisn't it lovely!Kate: Yes, it is.Janet: Kate, everything's organized, isn't it, for collectingthe sponsorship money?Kate: Yes, I've arranged for people to get the money to me by next Friday ¡ª if they haven't paid online. I'll count it all up. Janet: Good. We'd better have a meeting soon after that, don't you think? How much have we raised? Kate: About 600.1Janet: Fantastic! I'm so enjoying this!Mark: Hey guys, I've got a suggestion ¡ª how about moving over to the bank and we can have our picnic! Hey, look, there's Louise and Sophie! Mark: Whoo ... Girls: Mark!Janet: Are you all right?Mark: Er .Of course I'm all right. Kate, I think it's your turn topunt!Unit 1-Outside ViewVoice-over Harvard University in Cambridge is one of the best universities in the world. We spoke to Alex Jude, the university's Headof Communications. He explained that Harvard looks for the best and most talented students from around the world.Alex Harvard actually seeks students from around the world, thebest students that we can find, to study chemistry, or study literature,or study government, or business. Our business school is particularlywell-known around the world, as is the medical school and law school,so, um, and, and the Kennedy School of Government, or the John F Kennedy School of Government, so, er, we do seek very, very talented studentsand we have open doors for them.Voice-over We asked five students at Harvard to tell us what kind of social life they have.Ashley Um, well relaxing is a little hard to do around here, but basically, I mean, I still, I, I live nearby anyway, so I see a lotof my friends, and ... Um, there's a good social life here if you lookfor it. I go to the gym, run. So that's what I do.Adam It's, it's whatever you want it to be. It's good. If you wannago out party, do anything you can. If you wanna sit in your room and study all night like my friend over here, you can also do that.Brian Socially, like you said, it's, it's a lot of what you makeit. Um, we don't have fraternities here, and so, you know, that's,it's obviously not as social. There's not as many parties as there would be on another campus. Um, but on a Friday or Saturday night, there, there, there will be a party. Usually we end up studying until about 10 o'clock. And then we, and then we'll go out and have fun maybe,or just watch a movie with friends, or, you know, whatever is goingon for the night.Jodie Not everyone would agree with me, obviously, but it's, I thinkit's a fun place to be. Interviewer Have you made a lot of friends? Jodie Oh, definitely.Interviewer Mm. Jodie Many.Interviewer What, what do you do with your friends? JodieUm, well, I like to go to concerts. I'm in three music groups, so I have lots of rehearsals during the week for that. Um, just do, you know, some fun things, on the weekend.。

新标准大学英语1 outside view第一单元Julie:My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene:My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie:Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English speaking university in the, in the world. And so there aremany traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of theyear, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene:Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much moreliberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are alsosome specific traditions.Julie:Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and theprofessors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students siton common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together.It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal andwe eat by candlelight.Eugene:I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debatingsociety where speakers come from all around the world to address thestudents and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students,making it a very interesting forum.Julie:My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody getsup very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir whichsings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the townand all the students go to listen to the singing. So it‘s very nice.Eugene:The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held inMay in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying toimprove its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its wayup the river.Julie:When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, sothey wear a gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, andthe men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirtand a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, whichhas a Latin name – sub fusc – and they must wear this uniform in order totake their examinations.Eugene:I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. Forexample, sub fusc. This is the uniform that we are required according to theuniversity rules, to wear.Julie:They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers arecarnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear differentcoloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your firstexam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam youwear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a redcarnation.Eugene:So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilstwearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie:I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.第二单元Voiceover:We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase'sRestaurant. Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. Shetold us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called"shrimp Clemenceau".Leah:This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just browna little thing ...Interviewer:And, and what's, what's the actual, what's the cooking in?Leah:Butter.Interviewer:OK.Leah:It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that's it, a little cholesterol. Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces.You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on thecholesterol, you see.Interviewer:OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah:Well, my mother, you know. I'm the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way.Then here you want to add a little mushroom in here, this is just slicedbutton mushroom. If you like other mushroom, you can do that, we justsauté that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook,everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used inseveral restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it differentthan this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlicin there?Interviewer:Oh, yeah.Leah:Alright?Interviewer:That smell is very strong.Leah:Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It's very, very simple. Interviewer:And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah:No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before Icame in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added manythings. You have to understand in 41. Now here we can add our potatoes.You see our shrimp is all cooked there. Just add the potato. You canpre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanchthem a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you get one, you get justone casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a gooddash of pepper. A little salt. It's very simple, but it's a good dish. And as Isaid, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and getit there.Interviewer:And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah: A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don't know how it got that name, but it's popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different.You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it,but I, I just don't like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that alot. And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer:That's parsley, isn't it?Leah:Parsley. Uhm. And I'm gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen. You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But everyCreole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika.And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it'svery, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see? And youhave a good dish.第三单元Teacher:Good morning, class.Students:Good morning.Teacher:What we're going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before? Students:Yes ... No ...Teacher:Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven't. OK. Have any of you actuallyused mind maps in the past?Students:No ...Teacher:No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1:It’s a way of thinking.Teacher:It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I'dlike to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mindmaps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2:To make a list?Teacher:To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyonecontributes their ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyonein a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage. OK, brainstorming is one of themost important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use oranother reason for using mind maps?Student 3:It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher:OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind mapsto collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a verygeneral understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easilyand um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4:Preparing for exams?Teacher:OK. Preparing for exams. That's a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision. Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days oreven weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very generalunderstanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can thinkof for mind mapping?Student 5:We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher:For finding answers. That's, that's a very good, good answer. We could callthis problem- solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possiblealternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I'd like us to talkabout some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead ofjust writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obviousadvantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give usum, almost a picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or adiagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas,which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way. Arethere any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping? Student 4:It lists the main points.Teacher:They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map,not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and thekey connections for mind maps or for our given subject. Are there any otheradvantages you can think of?Student 1:To think creatively.Teacher:To think creatively. That's, that's a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of thebox or thinking laterally. Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical theyencourage us to think creatively, you might say.Teacher:Next, I'd like us to think about aspects of design orconstructing mind maps. So far we have completed threequarters of our mind map about mind maps. And then I'djust like you to have a look at this mind map and tell mewhat some of the most noticeable or striking features arethat we can talk about.Student 2:There is a centre.Teacher:There is a centre. There is what we call a central word, acentral word or a phrase. It might also be a sentence or aquestion. You might have that in the centre of the board andyour related thoughts spiraling or radiating out. What elsedo you notice about the design of this mind map?Student 1:There are only words, not sentences.Teacher:Exactly. There are many what we call key words as they capture the main thought of, of an issue rather than a longsentence or, or a passage. This helps us to concentrate onthe main issues and find connections between these issuesas well. What other aspects of design do you notice here? Student 5:It looks like a tree.Teacher:It does look like a tree because it has branches. By having branches, it shows how, um, thinking is radiating out orspiraling out from key ideas or central ideas to key words tosub-words and, and so forth. Are there any other aspects ofdesign which you notice in this particular map?Student 2:You used a lot of colours.Teacher:I did. I perhaps use too many colours. I have used different colour to show the different key words or different aspects ofmind mapping. You might like to use different colours tohighlight different sections of a mind map or keyinformation. Or you may, you may choose to have it all inone colour. It's very much a personal choice, depending onhow you like to, to think and, and plan your thinking. Youmight also like to use images or pictures related to some ofthe key words. Or you might even use symbols. We'll put aquestion mark because this again is a personal choice andhow you like to design your mind maps. For example, Imight choose to use a thought bubble as a symbol,highlighting or identifying my central phrase, mind maps.This could be a, a feature of my own mind maps. WheneverI design a mind map, I highlight my central thought using aspeech bubble symbol.第四单元Voiceover:It's the most popular means of communication in the 21st century. Nobody writes letters any more, especially young people. They all use textmessaging instead. Officially called SMS – short message service – textmessaging is slow to enter, and you can only key in 160 characters. So whyis it such a success? The first text message was sent in 1992, but textingonly became commercially available in 1995. It has grown incredibly quicklysince then. Just look at the graph. In 1999, the number of texts sent reachedone billion. Over the next three years, it grew to 20 billion! So people havenow sent billions of texts, and the number continues to rise. It isn't difficult tosee why it quickly became part of youth culture.Emily:I use it every day. I don't call a lot of people on it. I just use it for text messages because it's easy and quick to send things and arrange things bytext.Heidi:Mainly to friends. Sometimes it's useful to get information for work as well.You know, if people want to give you contact numbers or things like that, it'seasier than phoning.Andy:I've had my mobile phone for about three years. I mostly use it for just texting my mates and arranging sort of social meetings with them.Alice:I like texting. I don't really talk much on it except just to make arrangements but texting's the biggest thing I do.Male:I probably text message about ten, 15 times a day.Alice:Usually, I don't know, about ten. Ten to 15. Fifteen maybe to 20. Voiceover:It isn't just young people who use texting. Companies use it too – for advertising and promotion. For example, the Orange telephone network hasrun a text message promotional campaign since April 2004. People text aspecial number on a Wednesday and receive a discount voucher by text.They show this message to any one of 450 cinemas in Britain and get twotickets for the price of one. Why Wednesday? Wednesday has always beenthe worst day of the week for cinemas. Since the campaign started, cinemaattendance has risen on Wednesdays by nearly ten per cent. And, ofcourse, TV uses text message voting to decide lots of things. Texting hasbeen one of the most successful inventions for years.第五单元Voiceover:Finding someone to love isn't easy. For years, single people have looked for prospective mates in a few tried-and-true ways. They met in school or atwork, through friends or relatives. Or they met by chance in bars, atweddings, or at parties. Today there's a new way to find that specialsomeone. Many people have met boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés,husbands, and wives in a way that didn't exist up to about ten years ago.The Internet has completely changed the world of dating. Anyone can lookfor a match online at one of hundreds of different websites like these.Consultant:There are approximately 150 million singles in North America, and what's interesting is that a lot of them are trying online dating.Speaker 1:I've never tried Internet dating.Speaker 2:I have friends who have tried Internet dating, and one of them is getting married to the person he dated.Speaker 3:I have not tried Internet dating, but I have a friend who has.Speaker 4:I have not tried Internet dating.Speaker 5:I have tried Internet dating. I had one good experience and one bad experience.Speaker 6:I've tried Internet dating. It worked out very well.Carol:Hi!Daughter:Hi!Carol:Oh, it's good to see you! You look great!Daughter:Thank you.Carol:Hey, I love the color.Daughter:Thank you. Come in, come in.Voiceover:How does Internet dating work? Carol is about to find out. She's having dinner with her daughter, who has just registered on an Internet dating site. Carol:So how's work?Daughter:Work is really good. It's busy, so I've been making money.Carol:Good. Have you met anyone yet?Daughter:No, not yet. But I just signed up. Mum? Mum, come on. I'll show you. Consultant:To get started with Internet dating, there are four steps. The first one is to find the service that works for you. Second step is to create your profile.Find a great picture of yourself that shows you doing something that youenjoy. Write about who you are and who you're looking for. Third step is tostart searching for that special someone. Use the search function on thesite to identify people in your area that you may want to hook up with.Fourth step is to reach out to those people. You write them a nice shortletter. Show that you're interested in them and off it goes. After that, sitback, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.。

新标准大学英语视听说教程1unit1答案outsideviewlisteningin 1 246多年来,现代语言,特色餐饮,城镇,改善它的地位,白色衬衫,应该有传统,白色,粉色,红色,我们的历史ACCAD461352Bcad9 Bcad2257813496 许多颜色dbab51,50,12,三个半月穿着白大褂,我的家人,几乎立即,文字和图片,大量的文字,读和写,正确的时间326154bd add9 unit 4 1,4,5,6,8160,1999 对他们感兴趣c,c,d,a,db,a,c,b,d,c,b,d1,2,5,6,8,9,10撒谎,最近的照片,个人信息,听到这个人的声音,同意见面,你预计什么时候回来,一些紧急的事情9 购物单元7 2,4D,c,b,d,a美国,心理学,20,5,22,6月C,d,b,c,a,d,c,d9给一个肾,越来越多,38岁,就像母亲一样,同样的朋友,就像特蕾莎说的,五年前,大部分时间256 考拉和袋鼠d,b,a,c,b,b,在世界上,随着人口,或,原始,发现,自然特征,结束,著名,你必须,大约1,10,5,2,3,6,4,7,13,9,11,12,8 2,4Abca5,1,4,2 在我的一生中,他们一生中喝过的最好的酒6,7,4,1,5,8,3,2Aacbd2,3,6,7,810单元10 A,f,c,d 42319沉闷,灰暗,常冷;12月至2月;从树上掉下来;天气中心;天气预报;包括卫星;面向公众;全球变暖;造成如此大的损害;有话要说;67324159尽可能高效地,在他们的房子,木屋,推倒它,当地建筑商,地板下供暖,用电,拥有一个厨房145B,b,a,c,b,d9单元测试9 CBAAACADABDC AADCABDCCAADB ABDBBCBABC BADBBADBCACD ABDCABAD ABDCDABBCD。

Language and culture
3 Watch Part 1 again and choose the best way to complete the sentences.
1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (c) 4 (a) 5 (a)
4 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
8 According to Yosma, what don’t teachers do in happiness classes?
They don’t write definitions on the board.
7 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
Work in groups of six. If you get the answer correct without the help of the clues, you get 100 points for each quote. For each clue you used, 30 points will be deducted. The group with the highest points win the game.
Example summary
Additional activity
Memory Game:
expressions about Happiness
• Some expressions about Happiness will be presented to you. For each expression, you’ve got 4 seconds to learn.
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新标准大学英语1 outside view第一单元Julie:My name's Julie Dearden, and I'm the Director of International Programmes here at Hertford College.Eugene:My name's Eugene Berger, I studied here in Oxford for four years er, studying modern languages at Somerville College.Julie:Oh, there are many Oxford traditions. Oxford is a very old university, the oldest English speaking university in the, in the world. And so there aremany traditions which are associated with the colleges, with the times of theyear, and with sport, and with eating, for example.Eugene:Each college is very different um, from um, the others, and it has its own character. Some colleges are very conservative, and some are much moreliberal and have a tradition of um, kind of liberal politics. But there are alsosome specific traditions.Julie:Formal Hall is when we all eat together here in college, the professors and the students. Usually it takes places at seven o'clock in the evening, and theprofessors sit on high table which is the table over here, and the students siton common table, which are the tables here. But everybody eats together.It's a very beautiful evening because there are, there's a special meal andwe eat by candlelight.Eugene:I think er, the traditions that make Oxford so unique are firstly the Oxford Union and er, secondly, May Day. The Oxford Union being a debatingsociety where speakers come from all around the world to address thestudents and even allow themselves to be questioned by the students,making it a very interesting forum.Julie:My favourite is er, May Day. And May Day is the first day of May, and we have a tradition called May Morning, and on May Morning everybody getsup very early and the students have a celebration. There is a choir whichsings on top of the tower at Magdalen College and all the people of the townand all the students go to listen to the singing. So it‘s very nice.Eugene:The tradition that er, was most important to me was probably Summer Eights. I was a rower. And Summer Eights is a rowing competition, held inMay in the summer term. And in this competition, each college is trying toimprove its place which it won the previous year and gradually work its wayup the river.Julie:When the students take exams, they must go to a special building and it's called Examination Schools. And also they must wear a special uniform, sothey wear a gown like mine, a black gown, and they wear a white shirt, andthe men wear a white tie and black trousers. The women wear a white shirtand a black skirt or black trousers. And they must wear this uniform, whichhas a Latin name – sub fusc – and they must wear this uniform in order totake their examinations.Eugene:I think the Oxford traditions lend character to the place and it's such an old institution, it should have traditions, but they can be very inconvenient. Forexample, sub fusc. This is the uniform that we are required according to theuniversity rules, to wear.Julie:They also wear flowers in their buttonholes, and those flowers arecarnations. And they wear different colours, the students wear differentcoloured flowers for different examinations. So when you take your firstexam you wear a white flower, and when you take your second exam youwear a pink flower, and when you take your final examination you wear a redcarnation.Eugene:So we have to dress up in a full black suit, starched collar, white bow tie and carry a mortarboard. And to write an exam in the summer heat whilstwearing all that which you're not allowed to take off is um, uncomfortable.Julie:I really like the Oxford traditions, I think it's part of our history, and part of um, being a student or a teacher here at Oxford University.第二单元Voiceover:We were lucky to be invited into the kitchen at the Dooky Chase'sRestaurant. Leah has been working in the restaurant for over 50 years. Shetold us about her life and she explained how to make a simple dish called"shrimp Clemenceau".Leah:This is a very simple dish. First you get some shrimp. You can do this dish with chicken or shrimp, but I like it with the shrimp better. So you just browna little thing ...Interviewer:And, and what's, what's the actual, what's the cooking in?Leah:Butter.Interviewer:OK.Leah:It just cook, so here you get a little cholesterol, but hey, that's it, a little cholesterol. Then you wanna get the garlic. So you see it works two forces.You get the cholesterol, and then you get a little garlic, cut out on thecholesterol, you see.Interviewer:OK. And where did you, where did you learn all the cooking?Leah:Well, my mother, you know. I'm the top of the line of 11 children, so you get to learn how to cook whether you like it or not. You get to cook that way.Then here you want to add a little mushroom in here, this is just slicedbutton mushroom. If you like other mushroom, you can do that, we justsauté that in there. You know, at home, when you, you have to cook,everybody had that turn in the kitchen. So this is a dish that is used inseveral restaurants, but this is my own version. Some people do it differentthan this, but I like it this way, because I like the ... Can you smell the garlicin there?Interviewer:Oh, yeah.Leah:Alright?Interviewer:That smell is very strong.Leah:Uha, and then you want to add your peas. It's very, very simple. Interviewer:And did you, did your mum run the restaurant as well?Leah:No, no, my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law had this restaurant before Icame in. And she started it in 41. I came in in 46. So, and I added manythings. You have to understand in 41. Now here we can add our potatoes.You see our shrimp is all cooked there. Just add the potato. You canpre-cook your potatoes. You can boil them, or in this case, we, we blanchthem a little bit. In that and just toss together, and you get one, you get justone casserole like here. And you can put a little pepper on it. Give it a gooddash of pepper. A little salt. It's very simple, but it's a good dish. And as Isaid, you can do it with chicken breast or shrimp. You see? Toss it and getit there.Interviewer:And what do you, what do you call the dish?Leah: A shrimp Clemenceau. And I, I really don't know how it got that name, but it's popular in this area. But as I said, some people do it a little different.You can take wine at this point. You can hit a little wine in there if you like it,but I, I just don't like to kill the taste of the butter and the garlic. I like that alot. And you can take the parsley, always parsley.Interviewer:That's parsley, isn't it?Leah:Parsley. Uhm. And I'm gonna show you something that all Creoles keep in their kitchen. You see you get kind of a like a dull look here. But everyCreole has this paprika in their kitchen. And give it all a dash of paprika.And you get a little color there, you see? A little red color there. And it'svery, very simple, great dish to eat. Not hard to make. You see? And youhave a good dish.第三单元Teacher:Good morning, class.Students:Good morning.Teacher:What we're going to do today is start off looking at mind maps or mind mapping. Now have any of you heard about mind maps before?Students:Yes ... No ...Teacher:Yes. Some of you have, some of you haven't. OK. Have any of you actuallyused mind maps in the past?Students:No ...Teacher:No? OK. Who can tell me what a mind map is?Student 1:It’s a way of thinking.Teacher:It is a way of thinking. Mind maps are diagrams which help us to generate ideas, and also to organize or structure our ideas related to a topic. What I'dlike to do next is look at some of the uses or the reasons for using mindmaps. What are some of the reasons for using mind maps?Student 2:To make a list?Teacher:To make a list? Yes. We could say to brainstorm ideas. Everyonecontributes their ideas as many ideas as quickly as possible, from everyonein a shorter time, er, as, as we can manage. OK, brainstorming is one of themost important um, um, uses of mind maps. What might be another use oranother reason for using mind maps?Student 3:It can help me take notes in the class.Teacher:OK, for the note-taking, a very good reason. Mind maps help us to get an overview or a, a quick understanding about a subject. By using mind mapsto collect the main ideas from what the teacher says, you can keep a, a verygeneral understanding of a topic and understand connections quite easilyand um, quickly. What are some other uses of mind maps?Student 4:Preparing for exams?Teacher:OK. Preparing for exams. That's a, a very good reason. We might call this, er, revision. Before an exam, after having studied for many, many days oreven weeks, you might want to capture the, the, the very generalunderstanding about the subject. Are there any other uses that you can thinkof for mind mapping?Student 5:We can also use it for finding answers.Teacher:For finding answers. That's, that's a very good, good answer. We could callthis problem- solving. We can use mind maps to, to see other possiblealternatives, or options to, to, to solve a problem. OK. Next, I'd like us to talkabout some of the advantages or the benefits of using mind maps instead ofjust writing everything on a piece of paper. One of the most obviousadvantages, as you can see, is that mind maps are very visual. They give usum, almost a picture, a, a different perspective in terms of a picture, or adiagram of understanding information or understanding connected ideas,which is very helpful for people who like to learn from a different way. Arethere any other advantages that you can think of for mind mapping? Student 4:It lists the main points.Teacher:They do. They do list the main points. We could call this um, a quick summary. As you can see, we have main ideas throughout our mind map,not long texts. And in this way, it helps us to grasp the, the key ideas and thekey connections for mind maps or for our given subject. Are there any otheradvantages you can think of?Student 1:To think creatively.Teacher:To think creatively. That's, that's a very good point. We could call this creative thinking. And what we mean here is basically thinking outside of thebox or thinking laterally. Mind maps are illogical and by being illogical theyencourage us to think creatively, you might say.Teacher:Next, I'd like us to think about aspects of design orconstructing mind maps. So far we have completed threequarters of our mind map about mind maps. And then I'djust like you to have a look at this mind map and tell mewhat some of the most noticeable or striking features arethat we can talk about.Student 2:There is a centre.Teacher:There is a centre. There is what we call a central word, acentral word or a phrase. It might also be a sentence or aquestion. You might have that in the centre of the board andyour related thoughts spiraling or radiating out. What elsedo you notice about the design of this mind map?Student 1:There are only words, not sentences.Teacher:Exactly. There are many what we call key words as they capture the main thought of, of an issue rather than a longsentence or, or a passage. This helps us to concentrate onthe main issues and find connections between these issuesas well. What other aspects of design do you notice here? Student 5:It looks like a tree.Teacher:It does look like a tree because it has branches. By having branches, it shows how, um, thinking is radiating out orspiraling out from key ideas or central ideas to key words tosub-words and, and so forth. Are there any other aspects ofdesign which you notice in this particular map?Student 2:You used a lot of colours.Teacher:I did. I perhaps use too many colours. I have used different colour to show the different key words or different aspects ofmind mapping. You might like to use different colours tohighlight different sections of a mind map or keyinformation. Or you may, you may choose to have it all inone colour. It's very much a personal choice, depending onhow you like to, to think and, and plan your thinking. Youmight also like to use images or pictures related to some ofthe key words. Or you might even use symbols. We'll put aquestion mark because this again is a personal choice andhow you like to design your mind maps. For example, Imight choose to use a thought bubble as a symbol,highlighting or identifying my central phrase, mind maps.This could be a, a feature of my own mind maps. WheneverI design a mind map, I highlight my central thought using aspeech bubble symbol.第四单元Voiceover:It's the most popular means of communication in the 21st century. Nobody writes letters any more, especially young people. They all use textmessaging instead. Officially called SMS – short message service – textmessaging is slow to enter, and you can only key in 160 characters. So whyis it such a success? The first text message was sent in 1992, but textingonly became commercially available in 1995. It has grown incredibly quicklysince then. Just look at the graph. In 1999, the number of texts sent reachedone billion. Over the next three years, it grew to 20 billion! So people havenow sent billions of texts, and the number continues to rise. It isn't difficult tosee why it quickly became part of youth culture.Emily:I use it every day. I don't call a lot of people on it. I just use it for text messages because it's easy and quick to send things and arrange things bytext.Heidi:Mainly to friends. Sometimes it's useful to get information for work as well.You know, if people want to give you contact numbers or things like that, it'seasier than phoning.Andy:I've had my mobile phone for about three years. I mostly use it for just texting my mates and arranging sort of social meetings with them.Alice:I like texting. I don't really talk much on it except just to make arrangements but texting's the biggest thing I do.Male:I probably text message about ten, 15 times a day.Alice:Usually, I don't know, about ten. Ten to 15. Fifteen maybe to 20.Voiceover:It isn't just young people who use texting. Companies use it too – for advertising and promotion. For example, the Orange telephone network hasrun a text message promotional campaign since April 2004. People text aspecial number on a Wednesday and receive a discount voucher by text.They show this message to any one of 450 cinemas in Britain and get twotickets for the price of one. Why Wednesday? Wednesday has always beenthe worst day of the week for cinemas. Since the campaign started, cinemaattendance has risen on Wednesdays by nearly ten per cent. And, ofcourse, TV uses text message voting to decide lots of things. Texting hasbeen one of the most successful inventions for years.第五单元Voiceover:Finding someone to love isn't easy. For years, single people have looked for prospective mates in a few tried-and-true ways. They met in school or atwork, through friends or relatives. Or they met by chance in bars, atweddings, or at parties. Today there's a new way to find that specialsomeone. Many people have met boyfriends, girlfriends, fiancés,husbands, and wives in a way that didn't exist up to about ten years ago.The Internet has completely changed the world of dating. Anyone can lookfor a match online at one of hundreds of different websites like these.Consultant:There are approximately 150 million singles in North America, and what's interesting is that a lot of them are trying online dating.Speaker 1:I've never tried Internet dating.Speaker 2:I have friends who have tried Internet dating, and one of them is getting married to the person he dated.Speaker 3:I have not tried Internet dating, but I have a friend who has.Speaker 4:I have not tried Internet dating.Speaker 5:I have tried Internet dating. I had one good experience and one bad experience.Speaker 6:I've tried Internet dating. It worked out very well.Carol:Hi!Daughter:Hi!Carol:Oh, it's good to see you! You look great!Daughter:Thank you.Carol:Hey, I love the color.Daughter:Thank you. Come in, come in.Voiceover:How does Internet dating work? Carol is about to find out. She's having dinner with her daughter, who has just registered on an Internet dating site.Carol:So how's work?Daughter:Work is really good. It's busy, so I've been making money.Carol:Good. Have you met anyone yet?Daughter:No, not yet. But I just signed up. Mum? Mum, come on. I'll show you.Consultant:To get started with Internet dating, there are four steps. The first one is to find the service that works for you. Second step is to create your profile.Find a great picture of yourself that shows you doing something that youenjoy. Write about who you are and who you're looking for. Third step is tostart searching for that special someone. Use the search function on thesite to identify people in your area that you may want to hook up with.Fourth step is to reach out to those people. You write them a nice shortletter. Show that you're interested in them and off it goes. After that, sitback, cross your fingers, and hope for the best.。