人教版英语 必修五 unit5知识点+练习





Whenthepainbecomes____________(bear),shesimplytakespainkillersinsteadofvisitingadoctororresting.Althoughhehadpreviouslyledastablelife,unemploymentandaseriesofillnesseslefthim____________(temporary)withoutahome. Therearetoomanybigfactoriesblowingoutdangeroussmokeandlettingout____________(poison)chemical sintorivers.If____________(possibility),everyoneshoulduseelectriccarstomaketheworldcleanerandbeer. Ifyoustick____________practisingthepiano,youcanbecomeagoodpianistsoonerorlater.6.Herfingerhad____________(swell)somuchthatshecouldn ’tgetherringoff.Asyoucanimagine,ifyourskingets____________(burn),itcanbeveryserious. Wemustdowhatwecantopreventthesourceofallthewatersuppliesfrom____________.(pollute)9.____________(give)thatshewasveryinterestedintheactivity,finallyLily ’smothpart.Thereisnodoubtthat____________isvitalforustodealwithe-wasteproperly.Recitethesenewwords____________(repeat)forseveraltimes.Thiswilldeeplyimpressthemonyourmemory. ExtralessonsonSundaysputmore____________(press)onstudents,whoalreadyhavepilesofhomework.Don’tturnoffthelight.Thedoctoristreatingtheboy____________hisburns. ThenumberofpeoplespeakingChineseisbecominglarger,foranumberofforeigners____________ learningChineseatpresent.I’mwritingthelett ertoapply____________thepositionasavolunteeradvertisedinthenewspaper. Itwaswhenwewerereturninghome____________Irealisedwhatagoodfeelingitwastohavehelped someoneintrouble.Afterdaysofsearching,hefinallyputhishands____________hisdyingwifeunderthestones. Hardlyhadshearrivedhome____________itbegantorainheavily.Though____________(lack)confidence,Tommanagedtofinishthespeech.Anyone,once____________(test)positiveforH7N9fluvirus,willreceivefreemedicaltreatmentfromourgovernme nt.单句改错Don’tmoveanythinghere.Mother likeseverythingtobeintheplace.MyfatherandIareworriedthathemayfallillnessifheworkstoohard.Heexplainedthatfundingusedtobeoneofthebiggestbarrierforthecompany.Manyonlinegamesarefullofviolence,whichiswhatmyconcernlies.heardJackwasbadlyinjuredinatrafficaccident.-Ifnot,let ’sgotoseehim.Istillrememberwhathappenedwithmydeskmateandmemanyyearsago.CoolChineseperformsvarietyoffunctionsandworksasapracticalguidetoChineselearning.8.Thedoctorhaswarnedhimoveroroveragaintostopsmoking,buthehasn ’ttakenanya9.Theinstantwhenthebuttonispushed,theseatwillgiveyouanelectricshock.10.Jerryhaspromisedtokeepthesecret,sohewon ’ttellanyoneeventhough.Sheheldmyhandtightwhenthepaingottoomuchandithelped.Becauseofourbrave,heleftwithoutsayingaword.Inreturn,thecomputercentrepresentedthedesigneralatestcomputer.Ofallthesubjects,Ilikehistorybestbecauseitgivesususefulknowledgeofthingsinthepast.I’mproudwhatIhaveachievedandIhavenoregretsinmylife.Hisdiscussionwithhisnewbossmadegreatdifferenceforhislifeasajournalist.17.Itissocoldthatyoucan’tgooutsideunlessfullycoveringinthickclothes.18. “Wecan’tgooutinthisweather,“saidBob,lookedoutofthewindow.Thoughnotverybig,buttherestaurantispopularinourarea.Beforewarnedofthesideeffects.hekepttakingthemedicine.语法填空AFirstaidisofimportanceinourlife.Thereisnodoubt1.____________itisnecessarytoknowsomeknowledgeoffirstaidasdangerslieeverywhereandaccidentshappenfromtimetotime.Ifapersonhasanaccident ,heneedsmedicalcarebeforeadoctorcan2.____________(find).Butintheprocessoffirstaid,whethertheinjuredwillbeproperlytreated3.____________(depend)onyourknowledgeoffirstaid.Inspiteof4.____________(various)ofpossibleinjuries,severalrulesoffirstaidapply5.____________all emergencies.Thefirststepis6.____________(call)forexpertmedicalhelp.Next,assessthescene,asking otherpeopleortheinuredperson ’sfamilyorfriendsabout7.____________(detail)oftheinjuryorilln Besides,8.____________theaccidentscenebecomesunsafeorthevictimmaysufferfurtherinjury,donot movethevictim.Onemethodforaccessingavictimsconditionisknownbytheacronym首(字母缩写词)ABC,whichstands9.____________:A-Airway:Isitopenandclear?B-Breathing:Isthepersonbreathing?Look,listen,andfeelforbreathingC-Circulation:Isthereapulse?Isthepersonbleeding10.____________(heavy)Checkskincolourand temperatureforadditionalsignsofcirculationproblems.BThebestwaytodealwithsportsinjuriesistokeepthemfromhappeninginthefirstplace.Knowingthe rulesofthegameyou ’replayingandusingtherig ht1.____________(equip)cangoalongwaytowards preventinginjuries.Ifyouthinkyou ’vebeeninjured,pull2.____________(you)outofthegameor____________(do)youractivityorworkout.Letacoachorparentknowwhathappenedincaseyouneedto seeadoctor.Seriousheadandneckinjurieshappenmostofteninathletes4.____________playcontact sportslikefootball.Keeptheinjuredpersonstillwithhisorherhead5.____________(hold)straightwhile someonecallsforemergency6.____________(medicine)help.Iftheperson7.____________(lie)onthe ground,donottrytomovehimorher.Yourfirstquestionafterasportsinjurywill8.____________(probable)be, “When “Thisdependsontheinjuryandwhatyourdoctortellsyou.Evenifyoucan’treturntoyouaway,adoctormighthaveadvice9.____________whatyoucandotostayfit.Alwayscheckwithyourdoctor10.____________tryinganyactivityfollowinganinjury.文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。

人教版新课标必修五unit5 知识复习与答案

人教版新课标必修五unit5 知识复习与答案

高二英语复习Book5 Unit5 First aidI. 单词拼写1.There are wide _____________of flowers in the park.(各种各样的)2.As in China , the climate in Canana __________from area to area. (变化,使多样化)3.He has collected a large number of coins of _________shapes and colors.(各种各样的,不同种类的)4.Some mushrooms contain a deadly _____________(毒素)5.Industrial wastes are ______________children’s health,both physically and mentally.(污染)6.The natives use ___________arrows to kill big game.(下了毒的)7.This kind of plant has _______________roots.(有毒的)8.Many common ____________ often happen in our house every day. (伤害)9.Don’t play with the knif, or you will get ___________.(受伤)10.The nurse is ___________some medicine to his wound.(敷,涂)11.This was the first time I had been __________with such respect.(款待,礼遇)12.Which doctor is __________ you for your trouble?(治疗)13.There is still no _____________ for AIDS.(治疗)14.It is my ___________. What would you like to eat?(请客)15.They ______ the poor country with money.(援助,帮助)16.Dictionaries are a great ________in learning languages.(帮助)17.He need to use a hearing ___________in his daily life.(辅助设备)18.A small business ___________into a big company.(发展成)19.Her face was____________ with toothache.(肿胀,鼓起)20.The boss ___________out tha last drop of blood of the worker.(榨干)I1用选出合适短语的正确形式填空2. Having been told _______________, he still made the same mistakes, which made his parents crazy.3. When I cut one of my fingers yesterday, I couldn’t _______________ any bandages at home.4. _______________ white snow in winter, the Songhua River has a different view.5. All the arrangements are now _______________ for their visit.6.There are other times when giving ___________________quickly can save lives.7.My wife and daughter ________________me for their living.8.She had a hard time_________________.9.I volunteer because I want to not just see the world, but _____________________in it.III. 完成句子1.正是他的奇怪行为引起了我的注意。

人教新课标高二英语必修5 Unit 5 基础知识 包含答案

人教新课标高二英语必修5  Unit 5 基础知识 包含答案

人教新课标高二英语必修5 Unit 5 基础知识基础知识归纳基础知识默写基本单词1. ___________ n. & vt. 帮助; 援助; 资助2. ____________ adj. 暂时的; 临时的3. ____________ vi. & vt. 流血4. ____________ vi. & vt. (使)康复; (使)化解5. ____________ vi. & vt.(使)噎住; (使)窒息6. ____________ n. 屏障; 障碍(物)7. ____________ adj. 复杂的8. ____________ n.液体9. ____________ n. (pl.) 剪刀10. ____________ n.盆; 盆地11. ____________ vt. & vi. 榨; 挤; 压榨12. ____________ n. 绷带13. ___________ adj. 至关重要的; 生死攸关的14. ____________ n. 症状; 征兆15. ____________ vt.& vi. 倒; 灌; 注; 涌16. ____________ n. 手腕17. ____________ adj. 潮湿的18. ____________ n. 袖子19. ____________ n. 女衬衫20. ____________ n. 典礼; 仪式; 礼节21. ____________ n. 咽喉; 喉咙22. ____________ n. 救护车派生单词23. ____________ n. 损伤;伤害→__________ v. 损害;伤害24. ___________ n. 变化; 多样(化); 多变(性)→__________adj. 各种各样的25. __________ adj. 轻微的; 温和的; 温柔的→________ adv. 轻微地; 温和地26. __________ vi. & vt. (使)膨胀; 隆起→__________adj. 肿胀的27. ____________ adj. 难以忍受的; 不能容忍的→__________v. 忍受; 容忍28. ___________ adj. 牢的; 紧的; 紧密的→____________ adv. 紧地; 牢牢地29. ____________ adj. (动作)稳定有力的; 坚定的→ ____________adv. 坚固地; 稳定地30. __________ vt.& vi. 治疗; 对待; 款待n. 款待; 招待→_________ n.治疗; 疗法; 对待; 待遇31. __________ n. 勇敢;勇气→_________ adj. 勇敢的v. 勇敢面对32. __________ vt. 涂; 敷; 搽; 应用; 运用vi. 申请; 请求; 使用; 有效→____________ n.申请人→____________ n.申请(书)33. ____________ n. 压力; 挤压; 压迫(感)→____________v. 挤压; 压迫短语1. 生病____________2. 急救____________3. 榨出; 挤出_____________4. 触电;电休克_____________5. 品种繁多的; 种种的_____________6. 反复; 多次_____________7. 在适当的位置; 适当_____________8. 许多……; 若干______________9. 找到______________10. 区别对待; 有影响; 起作用______________11. 应用于; 适用于_____________句型1. Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn.unless为从属连词, 引导条件状语从句, 意为“除非……否则的话…..”, 相当于if ... not ...。

人教版高中英语必修五(Book 5 Unit 5)考点训练

人教版高中英语必修五(Book 5 Unit 5)考点训练

人教版高中英语必修五(Book 5 Unit 5)Unit 5 First aid核心单词1. aid n.& vi. 帮助;援助;资助vt.&n. 帮助;援助;救助They aided flood victims. 他们援助遭受水灾的灾民。

They aided in solving the problem. 他们帮忙解决这个问题。

常用结构:first aid 急救aid sb. 帮助某人aid sb. with sth. 帮助某人(做)某事in aid of 支持;为……筹措aid sb. in (doing) sth. 在……方面帮助某人联想拓展表示一般意义的"帮助"或"援助"时,aid 是不可数名词;表示具体意义的"助手"、"辅助用品"时,aid是可数名词。

如:A dictionary is an important aid inlearning a new language.(字典是学习一种新语言的重要工具)。

用作动词时,搭配为aid sb. to do sth.帮助某人(做)某事(其中的to 不可省略),也可用于aid sb. in doing sth.帮助某人(做)某事。

易混辨析aid/help/assistanceaid 表示经济或其他方面给予的帮助或援助,多指强者(或足够者)援助弱者,多用于团体。

help 指给人精神或物质上的帮助,强调受助者的需要,有利于达到一定的目的或目标。

assistance 多指个人给予道义、知识、物质等方面的帮助,所提供的帮助往往只起辅助作用。

单句改错①The family lived on government aids for two years.②We may travel on/under the aid of a good map.③We've aided him finish the work ahead of time.答案:①aids→aid ②on/under→with ③finish→to finish或in finishing 2. injury n. 损伤;伤害Many common injuries happen every day in the home.家庭中每天都有许多常见的意外伤害。


答案 over and over again
10.Quite ________ students in our department are from the South.
答案 a number of
(2011·四川部分重点中学联考)I have tried to get up
5.If the bedclothes ________ and the whole house might be burnt down.
答案 caught fire
6.The village was ________ by the snow for more than a month.
apply apply
... to ... oneself
把……应用于……;将……涂/贴在……上 to ... 致力于;集中精力做……
apply one's mind to 致力于;专心于…… apply force/pressure 用力
apply to sb. for sth. 向……申请……;请求…… apply to to为介词适用于;对……有效
Ⅱ.短语填空 put one's hand on, catch fire, make no difference, fall ill, cut off, squeeze out, a number of, over and over again, in place, for the moment 1.She may ________, in which case she will have to be taken to the hospital at once. 答案 fall ill



Unit5 First aid-词汇篇__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________1.掌握重点词汇的搭配及用法,能够正确完成基础类型题。


重点单词讲解:1.aid n. & vt.帮助;援助;资助with the aid of 在…的帮助下,在…援助下observe the moon with the aid of a telescope通过望远镜观察月球in aid of 用以援助…;作为援助…之用,作为对…的帮助例:What is the money in aid of? 这钱用来做什么的?They gave a show in aid of charity。


He asked her what her crying was in aid of.他问她为什么哭。

give aid to 给…予帮助give aid to developing countries 援助发展中的国家first-aid the wounded 救护伤员Rich countries should more developing countries. 富有的国家应对开发中的国家多予援助。

first aid 急救;急救护理, 救护站aid in vt. 帮助;帮助(在...给予帮助)I aid him the matter. 我在这事上助他。

first aid(对伤患者的)急救2.temporary adj.时暂时的;临时的temporary storage 暂时存储器;暂时库容;中间存储器temporary work 临时工作;临时工程temporary shelter 临时避难所;临时收容中心;临时安置所;临时庇护站temporary construction 临时建筑工程;临时结构,临时构筑物temporary job 临时性工作3.fall ill 生病4.injury n.损伤;伤害brain injury [医]脑损伤personal injury 人身伤害serious injury 重伤;严重损害head injury 头部伤害bodily injury 身体伤害industrial injury 工伤;工业损伤back injury 背部损伤injury time (足球比赛中)伤停补时cold injury 冻伤skin injury 皮肤损伤human injury 人身事故5.skin n.皮;皮肤skin care 护肤品;皮肤护理dry skin 干性皮肤skin color 肤色under the skin 在内心,心里sensitive skin 敏感性皮肤skin cancer 皮肤癌in one's skin 裸体skin disease 皮肤病oily skin 油性皮肤;油性肌肤skin graft 植皮手术,皮肤移植术;移植的皮肤skin temperature 皮肤温度;外壳温度6.essential adj.最重要的;不可缺少的;本质的essential condition 必要条件essential element 必需元素an ['ɔ:ɡən] n.器官, 机构,机关;风琴,口琴administrative organ 行政机关;管理机构organ transplantation 器官移植sense organ 感觉器官8.barrier n.屏障;障碍(物)language barrier n. 语言障碍,trade barrier 贸易壁垒a barrier to progress 进步的障碍。

人教版必修五unit5 词汇练习

人教版必修五unit5 词汇练习

必修五Unit5 词汇全练习单句语法填空1.An English-Chinese dictionary is important aid in learning English.2.During the time when he was in trouble, I (aid)him with money.3.Four days after the (injure), I came to understand my situation.4.What you just said (injure) your mother.5.His dog has been (poison) to death.6.They have taken (variety) of measures to improve the people’s living conditions.7.Tom took off his wet clothes and (squeeze) the water out.8.Speed is vital the success of our plan.9.He (fall) silent when we mentioned this subject.10.My teacher has told me over and over not to get addicted to computer games.11.Hold the bandage place with tape.12.So you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.13.Why do you treat the matter a joke?14.She treated me lunch. It was beyond my imagination.15.This is my (treat), so put your money away.16.He slowed the bleeding by (apply) pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived .17.He wants to apply the volunteer work.18.He changed his mind under the (press) from others.19.The judge praised the firefighters for their (brave).20.A great number of fine songs written by YanSu.21.I can’t put my hands anything valuable.22.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real (different).23.Beautiful dreams should act our motivation pushing us towards the bright future.24.If you cut your finger it (bleed).25.Tie a bandage (firm) over the burnt area, when a bandage is necessary.26.They (bleed) for their country and died happily.27.Sam broke the blisters and (pour) icy water from the fridge onto the skin.28.Then he tied it (tight) so that it would stay in place.29.My scissors made of steel.30.His overcoat (swell)like a full balloon by the wind.31.The smoke almost (choke)me last night.单句改错1.Teachers give their lessons in the aid of computers.2.The injury were sent to the hospital immediately.3.There is no harm with calling him.4.Some mushrooms contain a dead poison.5.Do you believe television is poisoned the minds of our children?6.Everyone arrived late at the party for various of reasons.7.It is vital that we carried out the operation immediately.8.This matter is of vital important to us.9.The famous singer fell illy because of that long journey.10.I don’t think your suggestion quite at place.11.With we had expected, our team won the match at last.12.However possible, he will come to help me.13.She was treated with headache.14.You would pass your exams if you applied yourself in your study.15.I want to apply to working as a teacher.16.He has made quite a few new friend.17.A few words at the right time make all the different.18.The number of foreign students attending Chinese universities have been rising since last year.19.No matter how mild I mentioned it to her,she would be deeply hurt.20.The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming bearable and reduces swelling.21.The functions of your skin are also very complexly.22.By the following night,his feet were cold and swelled.下列短语或表达方式翻译成中文1.It is vital to do sth.2.treat sb. for…3.Treat sb/oneself to sth.4.be one’s treat5.apply to6.treat sb. as…7.put up with8.put up9.do sb. an injury10.poison sb to death11.in aid of sb12.be vital to sb.13.again and again14.fall off15.as is often the case16.a great deal of17.there is no doubt that必修五unit 5词汇练习参考答案单句语法填空1.An2.aided3.injury4.injured5.poisoned6.varieties7.squeezed8.to9.fell 10.again 11.in12.as 13.as 14.to 15.treat 16.applying 17.for 18.pressure 19.bravery 20.were 21.on 22.difference 23.as 24.will bleed 25.firmly 26.bled 27.poured 28.tightly 29.are 30.was swollen 31.choked单句改错1.in-with2.injure-injury3.with-in4.dead-deadly5.poisoning6.删of7.carried-carry8.importance9.ill 10.at-in 11.With-As 12.However-Whenever 13.with-for 14.in-to 15.work 16.friends 17.difference 18.have-has dly 20.unbearable plex 22.swollen下列短语或表达方式翻译成中文1.做…很重要2.为某人治疗…3.用某物款待某人/自己4.由某人请客5.把…应用于;给…涂… 6.把某人当成…7.容忍;忍受8.举起;张贴;搭建;为…提供食宿9.伤害某人10. 毒死某人11.为了帮助某人12.对某人极为重要13.反复;多次14.跌落15.这是常有的事16.很多17.毫无疑问。



Unit 5First aid1.temporary adj.暂时的;临时的2.squeeze vt.&vi. 榨;挤;压榨3.symptom n. 症状;征兆4.aid n.&vt. 帮助;援助;资助5.barrier n. 屏障;障碍(物)6.vital adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的7.treat vt.&vi.治疗;对待;款待n.款待;招待→treatment n.治疗8.pressure n.压力;挤压;压迫(感)→press v.压;按9.injury n.损伤;伤害→injure vt.受伤10.bleed vt.&vi.流血→blood n.血液11.poison n.毒药vt.毒害→poisonous adj.有毒的12.variety n.变化;多样(化)→various adj.各种各样的→vary v.变化d adj.轻微的;温柔的→mildly adv.轻微地;温和地14.swell vt.&vi.(使)膨胀;隆起→swollen adj.肿胀的15.tight adj.牢的;紧的;紧密的→tightly adv.紧地;牢牢地16.firm adj.(动作)稳定有力的;坚定的→firmly adv.坚固地;稳定地17.apply vt.&vi.申请;应用→applicant n.申请人→application n.申请18.bravery n.勇敢→brave adj.勇敢的→bravely adv.勇敢地用所给词的适当形式填空1.The burning plastic gave off __________(poison) gas, which is harmful to ourhealth.2.His face was__________ (swell) withtoothache so I advised him to see a dentistbefore it got worse.3.The woman shouted to the shopkeeper,who answered her __________ (mild).4.These days, I can’t fall asleep becausethe coming final exam is putting great__________ (press) on me.5.The people in the flooded area fought__________ against the naturaldisaster.Their __________ deserved to bepraised.(brave)6.He got __________ during the footballmatch and the __________ wasserious.(injure)7.We like to live a life full of __________and men’s tastes are __________.(vary)8.Liu Li is a new graduate from ShandongUniversity. She __________ to a bigcompany for a post last week. Theinterviewer said her __________ was thebest among all the__________.(apply)9.People had __________ themselves intheir own way before they received the__________ sent by the government.(treat)①aid n.&vt.帮助;援助;资助②favour n. 帮助;好意③assist vt. 帮助;协助④assistance n. 帮助;协助⑤support n.&vt. 支持;帮助⑥sponsor vt. 赞助⑦fund vt. 资助⑧give/lend sb. a hand帮助2.“-ure”后缀的高频名词小结①pressure压力②pleasure 乐事;快乐③exposure 暴露;揭发④failure 失败⑤mixture 混合物⑥signature 签名⑦architecture 建筑学⑧departure 出发;离开3.与“急救”有关的高频词汇集锦①injury n. 损伤;伤害②bleed vi.&vt. 流血③choke vi.&vt. (使)噎住;(使)窒息④poison n.&vt. 毒药;使中毒⑤treat vt.&vi. 治疗⑥cure vt. 治愈⑦apply vt. 涂;敷⑧first aid 急救Ⅱ.短语—在应用中记牢,在归纳中记多1.first_aid(对伤患者的)急救2.fall_ill 生病3.make_a_difference 区别对待;有影响;起(重要)作用4.squeeze_out 榨出;挤出5.over_and_over_again 反复;多次6.in_place 在适当的位置;适当7.prevent_...from_...阻止……8.put_one’s_hands_on 找到9.take_off 起飞;走红;请假;(事业)腾飞10.act_as 担任1.fall相关短语全扫描①fall ill生病②fall asleep 睡着;入睡③fall behind (竞赛等)落在(对方)后面④fall down 倒下;跌倒;倒塌;(计划等)失败⑤fall off 下降;跌落⑥fall over 跌倒2.“v.+as”短语回顾①act as担任②work as 以……身份工作③function as 起……作用④serve as 用作……;起……作用1.Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. 除非衣服紧贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把衣服脱掉。



高中英语必修5第五单元重点、难点Unit Five First Aid1、aid(1) 辅助工具;有助的东西A dictionary is an important aid in learning a new language.字典是学习新语言的重要工具。

(2) 帮助;援助With the aid of a neighbor, he managed to put out the fire.在邻居的帮助下,他把火扑灭了。

(3) vt.帮助 aid sb to do sth / in doing sthI aided her to work out the problem. 我帮助她解出了那道题。

aid help, assist, “帮助”的区别help 语气较随便。



assist 意为辅助。


aid 意为援助。



My mother is deaf so she has to use a hearing aid.The young nurse was very nervous when she assisted in her first operation.2、The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ.(p33)皮肤是身体必不可少的部分,也是身体的最大器官。

关键透析essential adj. 必要的,基本的,本质的Hard work is essential to success. 成功必须努力工作。

It is essential to know all the facts. 了解所有的事实是必要的。

联想拓展be essential for/to…对……来说是必要的Water is essential to the growth of crops. 水对庄稼生长是必要的。


young people. 我一次又一次地警告过你不要再做那么傻 的事。 (over and over again)
I’ve warned you over and over again not to do such silly things.
The young man often squeezes money from/out of the pupil.
10. squeeze out 榨出, 挤出 他们被年轻人挤出了就业市场。
They have been squeezed out of the job market by young people. squeeze money from sb 向某人勒索钱财 squeeze money out of sb
辨析:treat, heal, cure treat “治疗”,着重强调过程,不涉及结果, 不一定治愈。 heal 多用于治疗外伤。 cure “治愈”,强调结果。
6. swell v. 膨胀,隆起 ①她的腿肿得很厉害。 Her leg has swollen badly. ②风鼓起了帆。 The wind swelled the sails. ③大雨使河水上涨了。
答案:(1)Hold the bandage in place (2)With everything in place (3)to be in place
3 save one’s life 救某人的命 save one’s honor 保全名誉 save one’s face 保全面子 save one’s skin 避免受伤
➢为…而流血, 悲痛
➢bleed sb. white ➢榨干血汗
➢bleed to death ➢出血过多而死
➢lose blood




1.first aid________________________2.temporary(adj.)_______________________3.injury(n.)______________________4.bleed(v.)_______________________5.cupboard(n.)____________________6.barrier(n.)______________________7.poison(n./v.)_____________________plex(adj.)____________________9.a variety of_____________________dly(adv.)_____________________11.solid(n.)________________________ liquid(n.)____________________12.electric shock______________________ shock(v.)_______________________13.swell(v.)______________________14.scissors(n.)______________________15.unbearable(adj.)__________________16.squeeze out_____________________17.bandage(n.)______________________18.in place_______________________19.vital(adj.)____________________20.symptom(n.)___________________ symbol(n./v.)___________________21.pour(v.)_______________________22.tightly(adv.)____________________ firmly(adv.)____________________23.a number of____________________ the number of___________________24.put one’s hands on_____________________25.treat(n./v.)______________________26.apply to______________________ apply for_____________________27.make a difference___________________二、选词填空。

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必修五unit5知识点详解1 Aid (v)帮助; 援助=help sb帮助某人去做…. aid sb to do在…事帮助某人aid sb in …He aided me in business.I aided her to continue her study.At Christmas, many organizations aid the poor.n. /U/ 帮助; 援助在某人的帮助下with the aid of为了帮助… in aid ofTeachers give their lessons with the aid of computers.He raised money in aid of the sick.知识拓展:give/offer aid 援助come to sb.'s aid 帮助某人cut off aid (突然)终止援助a hearing aid 助听器teaching aids 教具 medical aid 医疗救护2. temporary 暂时的,临时的temporary relief from pain短暂的解痛temporary work/ solution临时工作/解决办法3. fall illfall+ adj.(ill, asleep, awake, sick, silent)4 get+过去分词表被动或状态The computer got damaged when we were moving.My bike is getting repaired now.My glasses got broken while I was playing basketball. Peter and Mary got married last year.get doneget injured受伤get dressed穿衣服get damaged遭到破坏get changed 改变get married结婚get infected被感染get broken被弄破 get lost迷失,走失5 injure v.injury to sth. …(部位)的伤injuries to the legsget/be injuredhurt肉体,精神上的伤害(一般用语),疼痛injure意外或事故而受伤wound指外伤(刀、枪、剑伤)6. bleed-blood-bloody(v.) (n.) (adj.)His nose was bleeding. = He was bleeding at the nose .= He has a bloody nose. 他在流鼻血。

bleed for为…而流血, 悲痛bleed to death出血过多而死lose blood流血、失血flesh and blood血肉之躯7. choke vi. & vt. 窒息; 阻塞She choked with emotion. 她激动得说不出话来。

The smoke almost choked me. 烟呛得我几乎喘不出气来。

At the bad news, he couldn't choke back his tear听到这则噩耗,他抑制不住自己的眼泪。

The man gave a few chokes and then got his breath.那个男人噎了几下才喘过气来。

8. essential adj. 最重要的,不可缺少的,本质的1)Sun and water are essential to the growth of crops.阳光和水是农作物生长不可缺的。

2)It is essential for us to set our study goal.我们有必要来设定我们的学习目标。

3)It is essential that you (should) win the voter's hearts.赢得选民的信任是至关重要的。

-----当用it充当主语而用它充当表语时,that 从句的谓语动词用should +动词原形。

9. You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease act as 作为….barrier 屏障,障碍物,隔阂You should show the ticket at the barrier.10. poison n./vt. 毒药,毒害;毒害,使中毒eg:1)Poisons must be put out of children’s reach. 2)This matter will make some poison to the crops.这种物质会对庄稼造成毒害。

3)Books of this kind can make poison to children.4)Heroin has poisoned a lot of people.5)The polluted water in the river poisoned people here.污染了的河水使这儿的人中毒。

-----poisonous adj. 有毒(害)的eg: This medicine is poisonous if taken in large quantities.11.protect…against/ from…保护…不受…的损害prevent…from doing阻止...protect your eyes from strong lightprevent them from getting marriedstop sb. (from) doingkeep sb. from doing12. sense (n. & v.)five senses:sense of smell sense of hearingthe sixth sense sense of touchsense of sight sense of tastesense of humour、duty、directionThe man has no common sense . (无常识)What he said made no sense.(没道理)sense (v.) 感觉到Although she didn‟t say anything, I sensed that she didn‟t like the idea.13.So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned, it can be very serious.as引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面的内容,有“正如……”或“就象……”的意思;它所引的从句位置较灵活,可以位于句首、句中或句末。

as we all know = as is known to allas we expect = as is expectedas everybody can seeas you can imagine14.various 不同的,各种各样的There are various colors to choose from.vary vi 1.~(in sth)- size, volume, strength, etc(体积、容积、力量等)呈现不同15. vary ~(with sth); ~(from sth to sth)Prices vary with seasons. 物价随季节而变动Her mood varied from optimism to extreme depression. variety n. 变化,多样性,种类We all need variety in our diet.The shopping center sells a variety of goodsa variety of+名词,谓语动词的数和后面的名词保持一致=various16.depend on取决于,依赖,依靠,信赖,信任His whole family depends on himHe is a man to be depended on. dependent ( adj. ) dependence ( n. )independent ( adj. ) independence (n.)17. mild-milder-mildest-mildlyExamples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment.1)轻微的、不严重的”。

如:Edward suffered from a mild heart attack. 2) mild还可以表示“温和的、暖和的;味淡的”如:She‟s the mildest person I have ever met in my life.a mild climate温暖的天气18. 词语辨析:electric电的,发电的,由电产生的,用于导电的. electrical有关电的,与电有关的.electricity电,电力. 电力学19.swell vt./vi. Swell swelled/ swelled swollen使膨胀,使(力量,数目等)增长,使壮大,1) The wind swelled the sails. 风使船帆鼓起。

2) His injured wrist began to swell (up).他那受伤的手腕开始肿起。

Her face swelled up with toothache.3)The wind swelled into a storm.a small business swelled into a big company.4) Never swell with pride when you make some contributions. 有了贡献不要沾沾自喜。

swell with pride/anger得意洋洋、怒气冲冲The doctor examined the swelling on my back.swollen adj. 肿胀的His eyelid is swollen. 他眼皮肿了。

20.stickstick sth. to sth. 粘住Stick the glue to my fingers.stick to sth/doing sth 坚持stick to one‟s view坚持自己的观点21. jewellery=jewelry 珠宝(总称) 不可数jewel 可数,珠宝,珍视的人、物She appeared at the reception wearing her finest jewels. She locked her jewels in the jewellery box.22.Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water.-y是个形容词后缀。
