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关键词:农业物联网;无线传感器网络;数据融合; B/S架构



The Internet of things as the third wave of information industry, its application in agriculture will solve the problem of a series of science and technology, such as distributed in wide area space information acquisition, high efficient and reliable information transmission, and geared to the needs of different applications of intelligent decision-making, etc., will is a booster to the transformation of traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and the accelerator. Agricultural production process, the temperature, humidity, light intensity, concentration of our fleet, moisture, and other nutrients such as the growth of the crops, the common effect of natural factors of traditional agricultural management way far not reached the standard of fine management, can be extensive management, in this kind of management mode, through people awareness of management environment of these parameters, cannot meet the accuracy requirements, in order to realize intelligent management of modern agriculture, to establish a practical, reliable, long-term monitoring of agricultural environment monitoring system is very necessary. Therefore, this article designed the agriculture intelligent monitoring system based on Internet of things, the system can accurately in real time for the growth of the crops and environmental information for remote monitoring of the information. Paper first elaborated the connotation of Internet of things and Internet of things of agriculture and architecture, the key technology of Internet of things of agriculture and the development in the future. Introduces the related concepts of data fusion, and proposed the KDF algorithm for system processing of sensory data. KDF algorithm is the data fusion algorithm based on kalman filter, can achieve reduce the redundant information and reduce energy consumption, and eliminate the interference to make a more accurate perception of the data obtained. Secondly, the paper gives the overall design of the system, and according to the design requirements, with MSP430F5438 microprocessor CC2520, rf module, rf amplifier front-end CC2591 and SHT10 such as temperature and humidity environment perception as the core, to build a sensor node hardware. Sensor node software based on the Z - Stack protocol Stack, successful implementation of the wireless Mesh network form and reliable transmission of data. Finally, the paper introduces the PC monitoring software, PC monitoring software based on B/S structure, using JSP language under the environment of MyEclipse development, has a good human-computer interaction interface at the front desk; The background using the MySQL database, complete environmental parameter data and other useful information storage; The entire online system by the Tomcat server, the system will be able to access to the Internet, the formation of "the underlying (sensor), the Internet network, remote monitoring of the structure, make the computer are connected to the Internet can access. The system from the perspective of functions in order to develop the experimental results show that the system can be normal and stable work, wireless sensor nodes can be normal to build wireless Mesh network, can undertake data reliable transmission, online system by the Tomcat server, the user can in any PC - units are connected to the Internet login this system for data query and management, realize the function of remote monitoring, and this system adopts the mechanism of energy saving achieved good energy saving effect, and data accuracy meets the requirements.

Keywords: Agricultural Internet of things; Wireless sensor network (WSN); Data fusion; B/S architecture
