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课题Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section A



教学设计: teaching design

教学目标:学会形容词的比较级。掌握more 和than 的用法。

语言目标:掌握句型Pedro is funnier than Paul .Tom is more athletic than Sam .

学习策略与思维技巧:(1)个体、群体思维(2) 作比较(3) 进行描述

重点词汇:taller shorter thinner longer calmer wilder quieter funnier heavier smarter athletic popular

语言结构:comparatives with –er , -r , -ier , more and both

语言功能:talk about personal straits



第一课时the first period


Step 1 : warming up ( 5 minutes )

free talk ; everyday English


free talk检查学生课后语言的实践与运用的情况。每天安排两小组进行实行记分评比,主要是培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力

everyday English主要是以问题的形式,尽可能地多出现一些已学过的形容词。

s tep 2 : lead-in (10 minutes)

Show the pictures on the screen and talk about it

describe each persons in the picture

Patten drills :Yao ming is taller thanLi xiang.

Chui yongyuan is more outgoing thanLi baotian


运用所学的词(calm wild outgoing athletic )使学生更加直观地描述每个人的外貌特征,从而引出比较级的主要句型。

step 3 teaching (10 minutes)

show the main patten drills

Yao ming is taller thanLiu xiang.

Cui yongyuan is more outgoing than Li baotian .

∙summary the grammar ruler .


∙compare yourself with you partner, talk about the similarities and differences.

you may talk like this :

well , in some ways we are the same and in some ways ware different.

both of us are …

we have the same …

I’m as … as …

however , … is ( a little / much ) … than me …

∙We want to put on a play in the English festival of our school . who do you think is the right actor or actress, you or your partner? why?



step 6 a questionnaire ( 5 minutes)


1) how often do you exercise ?

a、everyday b、more than twice a week c、hardly ever

2) What sports would you like to do ?

a 、climbing mountains b、ball games c、taking a walk

3 )How long dose it usually take you to make friends is a new class ?

a. one day

b. one week

c. more than a month

4) Who would you like to go to travel with ?

a、Somebody wishing to make a new friends on the trip.

b、an old friend


5) Your birthday is coming , how do you plan to celebrate it ?

1.invite all the friends to party.

2.celebrate with parents .

3.celebrate alone

6)can you finish your homework by yourself ?

1.yes , always.

2.yes , but sometimes need other’s help

3.hardly ever

7) what do you think is a good way to relax yourself ?

1.listen to music or do some reading.

2.take a walk around the neighborhood.

3.play games with friend .
