1062021年14期总第558期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】英语作为南疆地区中考的新学科,对于当地中考教学是一个巨大的挑战。
本文以南疆地区使用的人教版新目标英语Go for it系列教材第一册为例,以新课标为指导,试图为初中英语语法教学提供一些切实有效的语法教学活动实例,以期为当地英语语法教学提供更多思路。
基于新课标的初中英语语法教学活动实例与分析——以人教版新目标七年级英语上册为例文/章 翎笔者于2020年初随苏州援疆团赴新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州支教,教学期间与当地同事交流,得知南疆地区英语教学刚刚起步,许多老师对新课标、英语教学法等缺乏一定的认识。
语法,是 “形式— 意义—使用”的统一体,与语篇、词汇、语音和语用知识密切相关,直接或间接影响着语言的可理解性以及语言表达的流利性和通畅性。
二、教学目标1. 知识目标:掌握本节课的单词和句型,了解西方文化背景。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的听说能力,培养他们的思维敏捷性和反应速度。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心。
四、教学过程(一)导入(5分钟)1. 播放一段英文歌曲,如《Happy》,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。
2. 引导学生说出歌曲中的单词和句型,复习旧知识。
(二)呈现新知(15分钟)1. 创设情境:以“学校生活”为主题,展示一张校园地图,包括教室、图书馆、操场等地点。
2. 引导学生用英语描述地图上的地点,如:“This is our classroom. That is the library. O ver there is the playground.”3. 教授新单词:classroom(教室)、library(图书馆)、playground(操场)等。
4. 教授新句型:Where is...? It is...(在哪里?它在...)(三)巩固练习(15分钟)1. 游戏环节:进行“找朋友”游戏,让学生用所学单词和句型描述自己,如:“I am in the classroom. I like reading books.”2. 小组合作:分组讨论,设计一个校园地图,并用英语标注地点。
3. 角色扮演:模拟校园生活场景,如上课、借书、运动等,让学生用英语进行对话。
(四)总结与拓展(10分钟)1. 总结本节课所学单词和句型,强调重点。
新课标下xx课堂教学案例分析一、教学案例描述教学课题:人教版第二册(上)Unit 7 Lesson 27时间:1课时英语课执教教师:xx授课对象:初二某班教学目标1.语言知识与技能目标(1)xx学生的单词量(2)培养学生快速阅读的能力(3)了解英式与美式足球的异同2.情感态度目标(1)通过丰富的教学活动激发学生学习英语的兴趣(2)通过课堂教学促进学生的主动发展与全面发展,体现学生的主体性(3)将素质教育融入到课堂教学中教学重点:掌握新单词quitepopularsoccer要求做到会读、会拼、会用教学难点:从各个方面比较xx足球的不同教学方法:任务型教学法合作学习法情景教学法教学工具:实物、图片、视频二、教学过程及分析Step 1 Revision and Lead-inWhoisondutytoday?Whatistheweatherliketoday?教师先通过日常聊天进行课前热身,随后邀请两名学生上台进行五分钟的对话表演,教师提问what did Marry ask Lucy to doat first?评析:该部分为复习导入,请同学上台表演,这样就把复习形式从简单的做题变成了生动的对话表演,让课堂上的师生互动更加活跃,也检查了学生对对话中提建议表达法的理解。
Step 2 New words1.教师没有枯燥乏味地马上让学生去翻开课本进行陈词滥调的教学,而是把课堂氛围延续下去,将话题进一步深入,在自然真实的情景中,通过与课文息息相关的对话把新单词引出。
教育实习教案初中英语课时:1课时年级:八年级教学目标:1. 能正确运用所学词汇和句型进行简单的日常交流。
2. 提高学生的口语表达能力,培养良好的交际习惯。
3. 增强学生的自信心,激发对英语学习的兴趣。
教学内容:1. 词汇:hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you, fine, thank you, and you, goodbye, see you tomorrow等。
2. 句型:How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?3. 情景:在校园内与同学打招呼、询问健康状况。
教学步骤:Step 1: 热身活动(5分钟)1. 教师与学生进行简单的自我介绍,营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围。
2. 学生分组,进行简单的英语口语练习,如:介绍自己的姓名、年龄、爱好等。
Step 2: 教学新词汇和句型(10分钟)1. 教师出示词汇卡片,引导学生跟读并记忆新词汇。
2. 通过示范和练习,让学生掌握句型How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you?Step 3: 情景交际(10分钟)1. 教师创设校园场景,让学生模拟与同学打招呼、询问健康状况的情景。
2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,练习新学的词汇和句型。
3. 教师巡回指导,纠正学生的发音和表达错误。
Step 4: 小组活动(10分钟)1. 学生分组,进行小组内的英语口语练习,如:讨论周末计划、分享兴趣爱好等。
2. 教师选取部分小组进行展示,给予评价和鼓励。
Step 5: 总结与作业(5分钟)1. 教师对本节课的内容进行简要回顾,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 布置作业:让学生运用所学词汇和句型,写一篇关于校园生活的短文。
教学评价:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与程度,评估口语表达能力。
2. 关注学生在情景交际中的表现,评价交际能力。
《义务教育英语课程标准(2022 年版)》的颁布,为英语教学指明了新的方向和理念。
具体来说,英语新课标对大单元教学提出了以下要求:1. 主题的选择与确定主题应具有现实意义和生活相关性,能够激发学生的兴趣和学习动机。
2. 教学目标的明确化大单元教学的目标应涵盖语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等方面,且目标要具体、可操作、可评估。
3. 教学内容的整合与重构教师要对教材内容进行筛选、整合和拓展,将相关的知识和技能有机地融合在一起,形成一个完整的教学单元。
4. 教学活动的多样性与创新性教学活动应丰富多彩,包括听说读写等多种语言技能的训练,以及探究性学习、合作学习、项目式学习等多种教学方式的运用,以激发学生的学习积极性和主动性。
5. 评价的多元化与过程性评价应贯穿教学的全过程,包括形成性评价和终结性评价相结合,评价内容要全面,评价方式要多样化,以促进学生的全面发展。
二、大单元教学的优势1. 提高教学的整体性和系统性大单元教学将教学内容整合为一个有机的整体,有助于学生形成系统的知识结构。
3.2 课程标准
《国家基础教育英语课程标准(3-12年级)》(教育 部,2001)的研制是新一轮国家基础教育课程改革 的重要组成部分。在教育部基础教育司和教育部基 础教育课程教材发展中心的直接组织和领导下,英 语课程标准研制工作组在前期理论研究、现状调查 和专家研讨的基础上,经过近两年的时间,通过多 次全国范围的征求意见和反复的研讨和不断的修改 后形成了《国家基础教育英语课程标准(3-12年级)》 (实验稿,以下简称课程标准)。
《标准》特别注重对课程资源的开发与利用。对于英语课程 来说,语言环境的创设,语言运用的真实性和语言材料是否 丰富是实现课程目标的有力保证。现代网络技术的发展和教 育技术的开发为英语学习创造了新的教与学的方式和前所未 有的空间。 《标准》要求教师要合理地利用和开发课程资源,针对本地 区的条件,积极和有创造性地利用多种资源,保证课程目标 的实现,提高课程实施的效果。
2.2 语言能力与语言表现
交际能力理论中的语法能力、社会语言能力指 学生对相关知识的了解、掌握和运用。在语言交际 活动中,学生的交际能力还与他们的语言策略能力 包括跨文化交际意识与能力及他们的表述能力有关。 这些基础能力构成了他们内隐的语言素质,即:语 言能力。缺少这些基本语言素质,学生的英语交际 能力就无从谈起。然而,学生的英语交际能力是通 过他们在英语交际活动中以听、说、读、写的形式 表现出来,这就是所谓的外显的语言表现。 因此,在教学中我们培养的是学生的语言能力, 在测试中我们测量的是学生的语言表现。
1 我国的英语
程,英语是外语课程中的主要语种之一。”(教育部, 2001, P.1) 相关专业术语: ESL: English as a second language EFL: English as a foreign language TESL: teach English as a second language TEFL: teach English as a foreign language TESOL: teach English to speakers of other languages
二、教学目标1. 知识目标:掌握本单元的词汇、语法知识,了解西方文化背景。
2. 能力目标:提高学生的听说读写能力,培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力。
3. 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生良好的学习习惯。
三、教学内容本实践教学设计以人教版初中英语教材为例,以七年级上册第二单元为例,围绕“School Life”这一主题进行设计。
四、教学过程(一)导入1. 播放一段关于学校的英语视频,让学生初步了解学校生活。
2. 提问:What is this video about? 引导学生关注学校生活。
(二)词汇教学1. 展示与学校生活相关的词汇卡片,如:classroom, teacher, student, desk, chair等。
2. 学生分组,每组选一个代表,进行词汇接龙游戏,巩固所学词汇。
3. 教师提问,检查学生对词汇的掌握情况。
(三)语法教学1. 介绍一般现在时的构成及用法,如:主语 + 动词原形。
2. 学生进行句子仿写练习,如:The teacher teaches us English.3. 教师巡视指导,纠正错误。
(四)听力训练1. 播放一段关于学校生活的英语听力材料,让学生根据听力内容回答问题。
2. 教师总结听力技巧,如:关注关键词,注意语音语调等。
(五)阅读训练1. 分发课文,让学生自主阅读,了解文章大意。
2. 教师提问,检查学生对文章的理解。
3. 学生分组讨论,分享阅读心得。
(六)口语交际1. 教师设置情景,如:介绍自己的学校,询问同学的学校等。
2. 学生分组进行口语交际练习,教师巡视指导。
(七)总结与反思1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。
Rice, rice,学生一个个拍着掌与video里的声音a bowl of rice. Juice, juice, a bottle of juice….交相应和着,很快打破了沉闷紧张的气氛。
念完chant后,我微笑地说:“I’m new here.. I want toknow more about you. What’s your favourite drink?”生1: My favourite drink is coke.我笑着点头说:Coke is very popular now. (生1露出笑容,坐下) 老师又继续问:What’s your favourite fruit?生2:My favourite fruit is apples. 我惊喜地说:老师又微笑地问:Can you ask me questions?Apples are nice. I like apples, too. … 由于老师做了很好的引导和铺垫,语言又具极强的亲和力,学生们开始砰然心动,纷纷举手,新问题更是层出不穷,如:What’s your name?/ What’s yourfavourite food?/ Can you swim?,问出了许多老师想要的答案,拉近了师生的距离。
2023年初中英语教学案例 初中英语教学案例及反思优秀5篇
step 1. lead in: 通过讨论下面的问题,引出本节课的大任务。
列一个目录在黑板1. how often do you exercise ?2. how often do you eat vegetables?3. how often do you eat fruit ?4. how many hours do you sleep every night ?5. how often do you drink milk ?6. how often do you eat junk food ?7. how often do you drink coffee ?step on 让学生先以小组的形式复习section a 和section b的内容,使用大脑风暴法(让学生brainstorm)说出一些食物名称和healthy 有关的单词短语和句子,目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题keep healthy 相关的东西来酝酿写作的思路,以便写作时能选择有意义的东西。
同时通过ppt出示一些good habits or bad habits及一些建议的短语:taking a walk after meals. taking a walk after meals. drinking enough water every day. washing hands before meals eating too much meat. going to bed late and getting up late.throwing litter around.going to school without breakfast problems: unhealthy advice 1. should eat a lot of vegetables 2. should eat a lot of fruits 3. can drink milk every day 4. don’t drink coffee 5. shouldn’t eat junk food se every day have eight hours’ sleep ’t play computer games or watch tv too muchstep3. 展示作文题目,指导学生如何谋篇布局,规划文章结构,起草文章,组织语言。
二、教研目的1. 深入理解初中新课标英语课程理念,明确教学目标。
2. 探讨初中英语教学策略,提高课堂教学效果。
3. 促进教师之间的交流与合作,共同提高教学水平。
4. 为学生提供更好的英语学习环境,提升英语素养。
三、教研内容1. 初中新课标英语课程理念解读本次教研活动首先由教研组长带领全体英语教师共同学习了初中新课标英语课程理念。
2. 初中英语教学策略探讨针对新课标的要求,教师们结合自身教学实践,就以下教学策略进行了深入探讨:(1)情景教学法:教师应充分利用多媒体、实物、图片等资源,创设真实、生动的教学情境,激发学生的学习兴趣。
3. 教学反思与改进在教研活动中,教师们针对自己的教学实践进行了反思,总结了以下问题:(1)部分教师对新课标理解不够深入,教学目标不明确。
二、案例目标1. 培养学生对英语学习的兴趣,提高英语学习积极性。
2. 培养学生的英语听说读写能力,为后续英语学习打下坚实基础。
3. 培养学生的团队协作精神,提高课堂参与度。
三、案例实施过程1. 课前准备(1)教师根据教材内容,设计丰富多样的教学活动,如游戏、角色扮演、小组讨论等,激发学生学习兴趣。
2. 课堂实施(1)导入环节教师通过歌曲、游戏等方式导入新课,如播放英文歌曲,让学生跟唱;或者进行简单的英语游戏,活跃课堂气氛。
3. 课后反思教师对本节课的教学效果进行反思,总结优点和不足,为今后的教学提供借鉴。
四、案例评价1. 学生评价通过本节课的学习,学生对英语学习产生了浓厚的兴趣,课堂参与度明显提高,英语听说读写能力得到锻炼。
新课标下初中英语探究式教学案例:Friendship Between Animals
新课标下初中英语探究式教学案例:Friendship Between Animals 《义务教育英语课程标准(2022年版)》指出,教师在初中英语课程活动中要落实立德树人的根本任务,发挥核心素养的统领作用,构建探究式课堂模式,科学安排课程内容,创新教学方式,优化作业设计,构建完善的英语课堂教学体系,提升英语学科教学综合质量,同时为学生搭建更加多样化的英语学科学习与实践活动平台,达到提升学生英语学科综合素养的目标。
下面以Friendship Between Animals 教学设计为例,进行初中英语探究式教学研究。
【案例内容】冀教版英语八年级下册Lesson 18 Friendship Between Animals。
Friendship Between Animals是Danny和李明写给彼此的信件,本身属于应用文范畴,第一封信Danny向李明分享了自己刚刚了解的动物间的趣事,他发现不同种类的动物也能够和平共处,这与他一直认为的“只有同类动物才可以一起生活”产生了矛盾。
而且其中提出的问题也是难易适中,刚好能引发学生的下一步思考,如Do you know about the rhino?Are they having fun together?How does the rhino help the egret get food easily?第二封信是李明给Danny的回信,他首先肯定地认为犀牛和白鹭之间的友谊是非常美好的,紧接着分享了小河马和小乌龟的真实故事,在老师的帮助下理解了为什么不同的动物之间会有深刻的友谊,从而进一步理解真正的友谊是没有边界的。
新课程标准下初中英语课堂教学有效探究的教学案例全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Embracing the New English Curriculum: A Middle School Student's PerspectiveAs a middle school student navigating the complexities of adolescence and academic demands, the English classroom has always been a space where I've found both challenges and opportunities for growth. However, with the recent implementation of the new curriculum standards, my English learning experience has undergone a transformative shift, one that has not only enriched my language proficiency but also instilled a newfound appreciation for the subject.The first noticeable change was the emphasis on interactive and communicative activities. Gone were the days of monotonous lectures and rote memorization; instead, our English teacher, Ms. Johnson, introduced a plethora of engaging tasks that encouraged us to actively participate and express ourselves in the target language. From role-playing scenarios to group discussions, each lesson became a vibrant exchange ofideas and perspectives, fostering a supportive environment where we could practice our speaking skills without fear of judgment.One particular activity that stands out in my mind was the "Cultural Ambassadors" project. In groups, we were tasked with researching and presenting on various aspects ofEnglish-speaking cultures, ranging from traditions and customs to art and literature. This not only allowed us to delve deeper into the cultural richness associated with the language but also challenged us to think critically, synthesize information, and effectively communicate our findings to our peers. The experience was both educational and empowering, as we gained a broader understanding of the world beyond our immediate surroundings.Another significant shift under the new curriculum was the integration of technology into our English lessons. Ms. Johnson embraced the digital age by incorporating multimedia resources, educational apps, and online platforms into our learning experience. We used language-learning apps to practice vocabulary and grammar exercises, watched authentic video clips to explore real-life contexts, and even participated in virtual language exchanges with students from other countries. Thisseamless blend of traditional and modern teaching methods not only made the lessons more engaging but also prepared us for the increasingly digitized world we live in.Moreover, the new curriculum emphasized the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, moving away from the traditional focus on passive knowledge acquisition. We were regularly presented with open-ended tasks andthought-provoking questions that challenged us to analyze, evaluate, and formulate well-reasoned arguments. For instance, during our literature study of a classic novel, we engaged in lively debates and discussions, exploring the deeper themes and underlying messages conveyed by the author. These experiences not only deepened our understanding of the English language but also honed our ability to think critically and articulate our thoughts coherently.Perhaps one of the most significant impacts of the new curriculum was the emphasis on personalized learning and differentiated instruction. Ms. Johnson made a conscious effort to understand our individual strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles, tailoring her teaching methods accordingly. For those who excelled in certain areas, she provided additional challenges and enrichment opportunities, while offering extra support andguidance to those who needed it. This personalized approach ensured that no student was left behind and that we all had the opportunity to reach our full potential.Furthermore, the new curriculum encouraged us to take ownership of our learning journey. We were encouraged to set personal goals, reflect on our progress, and actively seek out additional resources and opportunities for practice. This fostered a sense of responsibility and self-motivation, qualities that will undoubtedly serve us well in our future academic and professional endeavors.Looking back on my middle school English experience under the new curriculum, I can confidently say that it has been a transformative and empowering journey. The emphasis on interactive and communicative activities, the integration of technology, the development of critical thinking skills, personalized learning, and student ownership have all contributed to a more engaging, relevant, and meaningful language learning experience.As I prepare to transition to high school, I feel well-equipped with the necessary language proficiency and transferable skills to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. The new curriculum has not only provided me with a solid foundation in English but hasalso instilled in me a lifelong love for learning and a curiosity about the world around me.While the path ahead may be uncertain, one thing is clear: the new English curriculum has equipped me with the tools and mindset to embrace the challenges of the future with confidence and resilience. I am grateful for the dedication and innovative approach of educators like Ms. Johnson, who have made this transformative learning experience possible. As I embark on the next chapter of my academic journey, I carry with me the invaluable lessons and skills acquired through this dynamic and engaging English curriculum.篇2A Case Study on Effective English Teaching in Middle School Under the New Curriculum StandardsAs an 8th grade student, I have experienced quite a few changes in how English is taught in my middle school over the past few years. Our school has adopted the new national curriculum standards for English education, and this has really transformed the English classroom. In my opinion, the new teaching methods are much more effective in helping students like myself build real-world English skills.The biggest shift I've noticed is that English classes now focus heavily on practical communication abilities rather than just rote memorization of vocabulary and grammar rules. When I was in 6th grade, most of our English classes revolved around copying down long lists of words and their definitions, filling out worksheets of sentence patterns, and preparing for tests where we had to recite all that information back.Now in 8th grade, our classes look completely different. There is still some vocabulary and grammar instruction, but it is always tied to authentic language use through activities like role-plays, discussions, presentations, and project work. For example, when recently learning about giving directions, we didn't just memorize prepositions and sentence frames. Instead, we played games working in pairs to direct each other to different locations around the school using those language forms. We also did a mapping project where we had to give written and spoken directions for how to get to different places in our city.This application-focused approach has helped me actually learn how to use English to communicate, not just recognize the linguistic forms. I feel much more confident now about understanding English audio or video and expressing myself,whereas before I could fill out grammar exercises accurately but froze up when trying to have a real conversation.Another major change is how our teachers integrate more culturally authentic English resources and tasks into the lessons nowadays. Instead of just following the textbook dialog passages written specifically for a Chinese audience, we explore things like English books, websites, music, TV shows, and movies from places like the US, UK, Australia, and other countries. Our teacher has us listen to podcasts, read short stories, analyze advertisements, and discuss current events and cross-cultural experiences.Getting this kind of rich exposure to real English content makes the language feel much more relevant, useful and interesting to me. When I encounter English in my life outside of school through media, travel, or interaction with native speakers, I'm able to engage with it more seamlessly. Before, English always felt like an artificial construct - now I truly see it as a vital means of global communication and connection to the world beyond China.Admittedly, these new teaching methods require much more active participation, critical thinking, and output from students. It's not just listening to the teacher explain and thenmechanically copying down notes anymore. We have to constantly use English to collaborate, debate, create, and solve problems through group discussions, research projects, and presentations. At first this learning style was quite challenging for me because I was so accustomed to the passive reception of knowledge.However, as I've grown more acclimated to this participatory approach, I realize how valuable those skills are. Not only am I becoming a stronger English speaker, writer, and thinker, but I'm building lasting competencies in communication, teamwork, researching, organizing ideas, and public speaking. These are universally applicable assets that will serve me well in any future academic or career path. The old teaching methods never gave me an opportunity to practice and develop those real-world capabilities alongside the language itself.One concern I've heard raised is that this more open-ended, exploratory style of learning could mean sacrificing mastery of the core grammar, vocabulary, and test-taking abilities required to perform well on the high-stakes English exams in high school and university. After篇3A Case Study on Effective Middle School English Instruction Under the New StandardsAs an 8th grader, I've experienced quite a few different English teachers and classroom approaches over the years. This year, with the new national curriculum standards being implemented, my English class has taken on a refreshing new style that I find much more engaging and effective. Let me walk you through what a typical lesson looks like now.The class always starts with my teacher Ms. Wang greeting us warmly and getting us energized through an interactive warm-up activity. One day she had us go around making sentences using vocabulary words we had learned, giving points for using them correctly in context. Another time she had us practice conversational scenarios like ordering at a restaurant. These short activities really get our minds turned on and ready to dive into the main lesson content.Rather than just lecturing at us, Ms. Wang makes sure we are constantly interacting and actively using the language. When we started the unit on writing emails, she put us into pairs and had us compose an email to a friend describing our weekend plans. We worked together to choose the appropriate language,formality, and structure. Then volunteer pairs read their emails aloud and we gave feedback as a class.For the reading lessons, we never just do rote comprehension questions. Ms. Wang has us analyze the textsin-depth, identifying themes, making inferences about characters' motivations, and applying the content to our own lives. For example, when we read a passage about a student stressed about exams, we related it to our own experiences and wrote journal entries from that perspective. Activities like this make the texts feel much more relevant and meaningful.The grammar instruction is also interactive rather than just rote memorization and drills. When we were studying the different verb tenses, we did an activity where we had to walk around the classroom acting out actions happening in the present, past, or future. Then we had to describe what each other was doing or did using the proper tenses. It was a fun way to build a physical association with how to properly use each tense.One of the biggest changes I've noticed is how much more we get to apply our English skills to real-world situations and our own interests. For the unit on giving instructions and descriptions, we first watched video tutorials for things like baking a cake or changing a bike tire. Then we choose somethingwe were knowledgeable about, like a sport or hobby, and each created our own how-to video providing step-by-step instructions.We've also done debate units where we had to research and discuss issues relevant to youth like school policies or environmental topics. Not only did this improve our argumentative skills, but it allowed us to explore content we were genuinely curious about and had strong opinions on.I really appreciate how much more autonomy and freedom of expression Ms. Wang gives us now too. Rather than always following a rigid textbook curriculum, she designs tasks that allow us to choose our own topics and formats for projects when possible. For example, for our creative writing unit, we could pick any genre of writing we wanted like a short story, poem, comic book script, etc.We even have opportunities to give input on how we would like to conduct certain lessons and activities. Recently when we were planning how to practice our presentation skills, Ms. Wang had us vote on whether we wanted to give individual speeches, work in groups, or film video presentations. This democracy in the classroom makes us much more invested in the learning process.My classmates and I look forward to English class now in a way we never really did before. The interactive teaching style keeps us engaged, the meaningful real-world applications make the lessons feel relevant, and the autonomy Ms. Wang gives us makes us feel respected as learners with our own voices.I'm understanding and retaining the material better than ever before too. Instead of just cramming for tests, the interactive tasks are reinforcing what we've learned in a deeper, more lasting way. I've found myself naturally incorporating new vocabulary and expressions into my conversations and creative writing outside of class.The new standards Ms. Wang is following clearly put a huge emphasis on building overall communicative competence and meaningful interaction with the language. Long gone are the days of just drilling grammar rules and antiquated textbook exercises. We are utilizing English in the same ways we would in real-world scenarios at an appropriate level for our age.I can definitely see how an approach like this is progressively building our listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities in a more cohesive and practical manner. Even though the workload is arguably higher than just doing rote exercises, the learning just sticks better and feels more relevant and purposeful.While initially a bit overwhelming for both my teacher and our class to adapt to the new standards, we've settled into these new methods nicely. As long as teachers continue training in and evolving these best practices, I'm confident the new curriculum will be successful in producing a new generation of English learners who are truly skilled communicators in the language.。
初中英语人教版新目标教学案例范文English: In teaching the New Standard English Curriculum for junior high school students, it is important to incorporate a variety of teaching methods and strategies to cater to the diverse learning styles and abilities of the students. One effective teaching approach is to use a combination of interactive activities, multimedia resources, and hands-on projects to engage students in the learning process. For example, teachers can use group discussions, role-playing exercises, and educational games to encourage active participation and collaboration among students. Additionally, incorporating videos, online resources, and interactive simulations can help students visualize complex concepts and enhance their understanding of the material. It is also essential to create a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and ideas, and where they can receive constructive feedback and guidance from their peers and teachers. By utilizing a variety of teaching methods and creating an engaging learning environment, teachers can effectively support students in their learning journey and help them achieve academic success.中文翻译: 在教授初中新目标英语教学大纲时,重要的是要融合各种教学方法和策略,以满足学生多样化的学习风格和能力。
初中英语教学实践案例设计unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf? ( the first period)人教版新目标( go for it ! ) 八年级英语(下)一、指导思想与理论依据《中小学英语课程标准》指出:英语教学中应体现交际性,要结合学生的年龄特点和生活实际,创设交际情景,通过大量的语言实践,使学生获得综合运用英语和语言技能进行交际的能力。
针对初中英语新教材容量大的特点,为了使教学面向全体学生,依据go for it!教材的课程理念,采用课堂小组合作学习模式,充分发挥学生的创造性与积极性。
本单元的话题gift giving 学生都很熟悉,很容易激发学生们的学习兴趣。
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课题Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister Section A
教学设计: teaching design
掌握more 和than 的用法。
语言目标:掌握句型Pedro is funnier than Paul .Tom is more athletic than Sam .
学习策略与思维技巧:(1)个体、群体思维(2) 作比较(3) 进行描述
重点词汇:taller shorter thinner longer calmer wilder quieter funnier heavier smarter athletic popular
语言结构:comparatives with –er , -r , -ier , more and both
语言功能:talk about personal straits
第一课时the first period
Step 1 : warming up ( 5 minutes )
free talk ; everyday English
free talk检查学生课后语言的实践与运用的情况。
everyday English主要是以问题的形式,尽可能地多出现一些已学过的形容词。
s tep 2 : lead-in (10 minutes)
Show the pictures on the screen and talk about it
describe each persons in the picture
Patten drills :Yao ming is taller thanLi xiang.
Chui yongyuan is more outgoing thanLi baotian
运用所学的词(calm wild outgoing athletic )使学生更加直观地描述每个人的外貌特征,从而引出比较级的主要句型。
step 3 teaching (10 minutes)
show the main patten drills
Yao ming is taller thanLiu xiang.
Cui yongyuan is more outgoing than Li baotian .
∙summary the grammar ruler .
∙compare yourself with you partner, talk about the similarities and differences.
you may talk like this :
well , in some ways we are the same and in some ways ware different.
both of us are …
we have the same …
I’m as … as …
however , … is ( a little / much ) … than me …
∙We want to put on a play in the English festival of our school . who do you think is the right actor or actress, you or your partner? why?
step 6 a questionnaire ( 5 minutes)
1) how often do you exercise ?
a、everyday b、more than twice a week c、hardly ever
2) What sports would you like to do ?
a 、climbing mountains b、ball games c、taking a walk
3 )How long dose it usually take you to make friends is a new class ?
a. one day
b. one week
c. more than a month
4) Who would you like to go to travel with ?
a、Somebody wishing to make a new friends on the trip.
b、an old friend
5) Your birthday is coming , how do you plan to celebrate it ?
1.invite all the friends to party.
2.celebrate with parents .
3.celebrate alone
6)can you finish your homework by yourself ?
1.yes , always.
2.yes , but sometimes need other’s help
3.hardly ever
7) what do you think is a good way to relax yourself ?
1.listen to music or do some reading.
2.take a walk around the neighborhood.
3.play games with friend .。