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(一) 一般现在时


always,often,usually,sometimes,seldom,occasionally,now and then,every time等。


1.When I see Jane in the street, she always ___ at me.

A smiled

B has smiled

C was smiling

D smiles

2.Who___ to school earliest in your class every morning?

A come

B comes

C is coming

D are coming

3.Sound travels in the same way as light ____.

A does

B do

C travel

D travelled

4.Wherever I ____ these days,I always carry my umbrella.

A am going

B shall go

C go

D should go


2.条件句,时间状语从句和其他一些状语从句中用一般现在时,主句用will将来时。常见连词:if, unless,before, as soon as,when, once, however等。


1.Unless he____ to help us, we shall lose the game.

A promises

B will promise

C would promise

D had promised

2.Would you please give him this message the moment he ___ .

A arrives

B arrived

C will arrive

D will be arriving

3.However hard you ____, you will never succeed in pleasing her.

A should try

B will try

C would try

D try

4.I’ m sure he ’llcome to see me before he ___ Bei jing.

A leave

B left

C will leave

D leaves

5.We will not come to see me until we ___ a chance to discuss the problem thoroughly.

A are having

B had

C have

D will have

6.I don’t know when he ____, but when he ___, I’ll speak to him.

A will come; comes

B comes;comes

C comes;will come

D will come; will come

7.It won’t be long before such a thing ___ again.

A will happen

B happens

C is happened

D happened

8.You ’d better set about doing your homework now, or it ___too late.

A is

B was

C has been

D will be


3.表达时间表时。如:We leave Qingdao at 5:00a.m and arrive in Xuzhou at 7:00p.m..

(二) 一般将来时

1.will和shall表将来,另外will还有其特别的含义:a.表示客观必然 b.表意志,意愿 c.表功能/习惯性倾向。Exercises:

1.The boy is ill,He___ absent from school for at least a week.

A has to

B is to

C will have to

D will have to be

2.Some day you ____ your foolish behaviour.

A answer for

B are answered for

C will answer for

D will be answered for

3.Don’t get that ink on your skirt, for it ___.

A won’t wash out

B won’t be washing out

C isn’t washing out

D doesn’t wash away.

4.Next year,my little sister ____ ten years old.

A is to be

B is going to be

C shall be

D will be


2. be going to表示计划,打算将来要做的事,或推测将来要发生的事。(表示动作移动的词用进行时表示将来:come, leave, teturn, go, set out, meet, open, die, arrive, start.)


1.There ___ an English evening next Saturday.

A will have

B is to have

C is going to be

D is going to do (1C)

3. be to do表示计划,说话人的意志或应该。如:1)We are to go there tomorrow.2)You are to hand in your homework this afternoon. 3)What am I to do then?

4.be about todo sth.表示马上就要发生的事。

5.情态动词表将来(may,must, need, dare, should,ought to,would rather, had better)

(三) 现在进行时



1.How ___you ___ on with your work recently?

A do, get

B have,get

C were ,getting

D are, getting

2.If you climb mountains in such bad weather, you ___ trouble.

A ask for

B are asking for

C ask

D are asking

3.She ___ when I go to see her.

A is always working

B always worked

C has always worked

D was always working

4.They won’t buy any new clothes because they ___ money to buy a color TV set.

A save

B were saving

C is saving

D are saving

