裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第75课

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lesson 75 SOS 呼救信号

New words and expressions

thick adj.

①厚的(反义词thin 薄的)

eg. This board is the thickest of all. 这木板是最厚的。

a thick book 一本厚书;thick walls 厚墙壁; ice ten centimeters thick 十厘米厚的冰

②粗的,粗大的(反义词thin 纤细的)

a thick line 粗线;thick fingers 粗大的手指

③(液体,气体) 浓的,浓厚的(反义词thin 稀薄的)

eg. This source is too thick. 这调味汁太浓了。

thick soup 浓汤; a thick fog 浓雾,大雾

④(树林,树叶,毛发等)密的,浓密的(反义词thin 稀疏的)

a thick forest 茂密的森林; thick hair 浓密的头发

thick adj.相关短语:

give a person a thick ear (英口语)把(某人)耳朵打肿

through thick and thin 经历过艰难困苦,无论什么状况

thicken v.使…变厚(粗,浓)

thickness n.

thickhearded adj. 笨头笨脑的,傻里傻气的


①n. 信号,暗号

a distress signal 遇难信号; a danger signal 危险信号

eg . She gave the signal of emergency. 她发出紧急情况的暗号。

③n. 信号器,交通信号

eg. The traffic signal wasn’t working.. 交通信号失灵了。

④v. 发信号,以信号通知

signal + n.

eg. How can we signal that row-boat.? 我们怎样才能发信号通知那条划艇呢?

signal orders 以信号下达命令;signal a message 用信号发送消息

signal to + sb + to do(向…)发信号示意要…

eg. He signal to the band to start playing.他向乐队做出手势开始演奏。

③v. 发信号,以信号通知

signal to + sb + that (向…)发送信号称…,发信号说

eg. She signaled to the other girls that everything was all right.



①v. 跺(脚,地板等),跺脚

eg. He stamped his feet in anger. / He stamped his feet with anger. 他气得直跺脚。eg. He stamped about the room impatiently. 他很不耐烦,在房间里踱着足来回走动。eg. She stamped upstairs. 她踏着重重的步子走上楼梯。

②v. 用力踩住,踩坏

eg. Don't stamp on insects. 不要踩死昆虫。

eg. The naughty boys stamped the grass flat. 那些顽皮的男孩踩坏了草坪。

③n. 邮票

eg. My hobby is collecting stamps. 我的嗜好是收集邮票。

④n. 印章,戳记

a rubber stamp 橡皮章 a date stamp 日期印


eg. A helicopter was flying above the school. 一架直升飞机在学校上空飞着。



Exercise 用正确的时态填空①:

Once upon a time, there______(live) a woodman and his wife. They______(be) very poor, and they______(live) in a cottage on the edge of forest. Everyday, the

woodman______(will) set out early in the morning to chop down trees.

Exercise 用正确的时态填空②:

Just as she______(walk) in the door, the telephone______(begin) to ring.

She______(dash) to answer the phone and______(find) that the caller______(be) a man trying to sell her some light bulbs. She______(refuse) and ______ (hang) up the phone.

答案①:lived ;were ; lived ; would.


答案②:walked; began(动词begin的不规则变化); dashed; found(动词find的不规则变化); was; refused; hung(动词hang的不规则变化)


文章标题:SOS 国际通用的呼救信号


①save our souls(拯救我们的灵魂)

②save our ship(拯救我们的船只)




When a light passenger plane flew off course some time ago, it crashed in the mountains and its pilot was killed.
