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室内灯residential lamp / light


吊灯pendant lamp / light

半吊灯half pendant lamp / light

台灯table lamp / light

壁灯wall lamp / light

落地灯floor lamp / light

吸顶灯ceiling lamp / light

水晶灯crystal lamp / light

木灯wooden lamp / light

宫灯palace lamp / light

仿水晶灯imitated crystal lamp / light 低压灯low voltage lamp / light

工艺灯artificial lamp / light

石艺灯marble lamp / light

羊皮灯parchment lamp / light

镜前灯mirror front lamp / light

镜画灯picture lamp / light

吊线灯track / line lamp / light

格栅灯grille lamp / light

水珠灯water pearl lamp / light

导轨灯track lamp / light

柱灯pillar lamp / light

蒂凡尼灯tiffany lamp / light

户外灯outdoor lamp / light

路灯street lamp / light

筒灯down lamp / light

投光射灯spot lamp / light

庭院灯garden lamp / light

草坪灯lawn lamp / light

草地灯lawn lamp / light

防水灯water proof lamp / Under water lamp 柱头灯water jet lamp / light

水底灯underwater lamp / light

户外壁灯outdoor wall lamp / light

组合灯assembled lamp / light

太阳能灯solar lamp / light

彩灯holiday lamp / light

彩虹灯rainbow lamp / light

烟花灯firework lamp / light

烛灯(candle lamp)

壁画灯(fresco lamp)

护眼灯(eye-protection lamp)

音乐灯(music lamp)

半吊灯(half-pendant lamp)

木灯(wooden lamp)

宫灯(palace lamp)

窗帘灯(curtain lamp)

投光灯(projection lamp)

筒灯(down lamp)

射灯(reflector lamp)


景观灯(landscape lamp)

户外灯(outdoor lamp)

草坪灯(lawn lamp)

工程灯(engineering lamp)

高杆灯(high-pole lamp)

指示灯(indicator light)

埋地灯(underground lamp)工厂灯(factory lamp)

庭院灯(yard lamp)

广场灯(square lamp)

防潮灯(moisture-proof lamp)椰树灯(coconut lamp)

不锈钢灯(stainless steel lamp)探明灯(search lamp)

隧道灯(tunnel lamp)

烟花灯(firework lamp)

壁灯(wall lamp)

桥梁灯(bridge lamp)

柱头灯(pillar lamp)

水底灯(underwater lamp)

网灯(net lamp)

线灯(line lamp)

造型灯(sculpt lamp)

门牌灯(doorplate lamp)

彩虹灯(rainbow lamp)


墙角灯(corner lamp)

a.c. powered lamp 交流供电的灯

accent lighting 重点照明

accommodate 调节

accuracy 准确度,精确度

acting-area(spot) lighting 舞台前台(聚光)照明activated electrode 激活电极

activated phosphor 激活荧光粉

actual life 有效寿命

adapting luminance (视觉)亮适应性additional exposure 辅助曝光

additional lighting 辅助照明

adiabatic 绝热的

adjustable spot lamp 可调聚光灯;车灯adjustment for illumination 照明调节;照度调整

advanced ignition 预热启动

advertising lighting 广告照明

afterglow 余晖

age 寿命;老化;灯老炼

aged lamp 已老炼的灯

aging condition 老炼条件

aging rack 老炼台

aging rate 老化速率

aging 老炼;老化

agreeable luminous enviroments 适宜的照明环境aiming of head lamps (汽车)前灯对焦

air discharge 空气放电

airborne lighting 飞机照明

air-cooled lamp 风冷式的灯

airfield lighting 机场照明

albedo 反射率

alight 发光的灯

alignment of headlights (汽车)前灯的对焦alignment 调整,对整

amalgam fluorescent lamp 汞齐荧光灯amalgam 汞齐

ambipolar diffusion [物]双极扩散

analog circut 等效电路,模拟电路

angle lighting fitting 定向照明灯具
