土耳其旅游英文版 PPT

Perform military service
Every young man in Turkey will join the army as an honor. In Turkey, the men who did not have the military service were considered not to be a real man. The significance of military service in Turkey. Young people who join the army to participate in various military activities, such as visiting the elderly, to participate in regional events, spontaneous organization of recreational activities, so as to enjoy the happiness and glory as a soldier. The soldiers before retiring, people celebrated, while they welcome side drums. 服兵役
midwife delivered. Women and babies receive all kinds of gifts. Maternal 40 days can not be a house, career women also have 40 days of maternity leave. The first three days only relatives to visit. General maternal breastfeeding for two years, then give children weaned.

Turkish is the native language of the country more than 86% of the population. There are other major minority Kurds, Uighurs and Arabs. Kurdish mother tongue is Kurdish, approximately 11% of the population speaks this language, mainly spoken in rural areas of eastern and southeastern. Arabic-speaking population accounts for about 2%, mainly in southeastern Anatolia. 土耳其语是该国86%以上人口的母语。其他主要少数民族 有库尔德人、维吾尔族和阿拉伯人。库尔德语是库尔德人 的母语,大约有11%人口讲此种语言,主要通行于东部和 东南部的农村地区。讲阿拉伯语的人口大约占 2%,主要在 安纳托利亚的东南部。
Group : Canday Demi Jody Rosa Nini Michael
Location of Turkey
Turkey lies partly in Europe and partly in Asia. It has historically served as a bridge between the two continents. It is a relatively large country. It is bordered on the west by Greece, Bulgaria, and the Aegean Sea; on the east by Iran, Armenia, and Georgia; on the south by Iraq, Syria, and the Mediterranean Sea; and on the north by the Black Sea. It is slightly larger than the state of Texas but has three times its population. 土耳其位于欧洲和亚洲地区。它历来是两大洲之间的桥梁。这是一个比较 大的国家。它西部与希腊,保加利亚,和爱琴海接壤;东部与伊朗,亚美尼 亚,格鲁吉亚;在南部伊拉克,叙利亚和地中海;在北部黑海。它比得克萨斯 州略大,但有三倍的人口。

National Flag
National National Anthem Flower
National Food
fKorkma, sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak; Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak, O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal! Kahraman ırkıma bir gül! Ne bu şiddet, bu celal? Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal...
Turkey’s wedding
Turkey’s funeral
Kalkan is a beautiful resort, located in the turquoise coast of Turkey. There is an active KAPSA tourist destination with cat protection team. KAPSA was founded in 2008, a locals’ and foreigners’ protection spontaneous organization of stray cats. Its members to make cat sterilization and provide basic health care, and then release them. Animal lovers often give up vacation time to help stray cats and KAPSA Facebook group to share their experiences and the photos.
TURKEY 土耳其简介

Augustus temple
Aladdin mosque
பைடு நூலகம்
Turkey's largest city-Istanbul
Famous landscape
including the Topkapi Palace, Sü leymaniye Mosque, Hagia Sophia, the BlueMosque, Archaeological Museum, Khariya Museum, Duomabaqie palace, underground palace, the Bosphorus Bridge, Beylerbeyi Palace.
Famous landscape
including the Topkapi Palace, Sü leymaniye Mosque, Hagia Sophia, the BlueMosque, Archaeological Museum, Duomabaqie palace, underground palace, the Bosphorus Bridge, Beylerbeyi Palace.
Almira 2014-10-28
Do you know which city is the capital of Turkey?
Turkish capital, located in the northwestern Anatolia plateau on the peninsula of Asia Minor, is second only to Istanbul in Turkey's second largest city, but also a political, economic, cultural, transport and trade center, known as "Turkey's heart," said. Ankara urban attractions are many, such as Roman columns and Julian Augustus Temple; Byzantine castles and cemeteries; Aladdin Mosque in Seljuk and Ottoman periods of Mohammed and Mohammed Pasha market Matt market and so on.

● 土耳其宗教气氛相对宽松,与其他西亚地区伊斯兰国家迥异,在男女握手、饮酒等方面无特殊禁 忌,但禁食猪肉。土耳其社会风气比较多元、开放,由于地理位置、历史渊源、申请加入欧盟等 原因,当地人习惯将自己视为欧洲人而非亚洲人。服饰也是西式服装与伊斯兰教传统服装交杂, 大多数人特别是受过高等教育的人和年轻人穿西式服装,大多数女士不系头巾、不着罩袍。在商 务活动场合宜穿正装西服,女性忌穿无袖服装。
● 土耳其共和国国土包括西亚的安纳托利亚半岛以及巴尔干半岛的东色雷斯地区,首都是位处安纳 托利亚高原正中央的安卡拉。中央情报局将土耳其分类为发达国家,但经济学家及政治学家通常 将土耳其认定为新兴工业化国家,然而美林证券、世界银行及经济学人杂志将其归类为新兴市场。
● 土耳其拥有世界七大奇迹中的两个:阿尔忒弥斯神庙和毛瑟陆斯陵墓。卡帕多奇亚石林的仙女峰 和石骆驼。
● 土耳其矿产资源丰富,主要有天然石、大理石、硼矿、铬、钍和煤等,总值超过2万亿美元。其中, 天然石和大理石储量占世界40%,品种数量均居世界第一。三氧化二硼储量7000万吨,价值 3560亿美元;钍储量占全球总储量的22%;铬矿储量1亿吨,居世界前列。此外,黄金、白银、 煤 储 量 分 别 为 5 1 6 吨 、 11 0 0 吨 和 1 5 5 亿 吨 。
● 阿耳忒弥斯神庙(Temple of Artemis )、哈利卡尔纳苏斯摩索拉斯王陵墓( Halicarnassos Mausoleum)、精灵烟囱(Fairy Chimneys )、托普卡匹皇宫(Topkapi Palace)、戈雷迈国 家公园和卡帕多西亚石窟群(Goreme National Park and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia)、 艾菲索斯古城(Ephesus)。世界遗产伊斯坦布尔历史区,戈雷迈谷地和卡帕多西亚石窟区,迪 夫里伊大清真寺和医院,哈图沙,内姆鲁特山,桑索斯和莱顿遗址,赫拉波利斯和斯帕姆科卡莱, 桑美兰博卢城。卡帕多基亚石林的仙女峰和石骆驼。
Turkey土耳其介绍 ppt课件

• Karpathos
• In the Aegean sea .It covers an area of 301 square kilometers (301 square miles). Main towns are in southern island.It is a rocky island,except south without trees.
TTurkey is surrounded by the
Mediterranean ,the Aegean,the Marmara and the
Black Seas.
Local Customs
Living in Turkey
In Turkish society, because of the
Turkey Crafts
Scarves - women in Muslim countries
had to turban, the scarf has become their most important accessories
Famous Turkish carpets
You can go to the island after surfing, and watch the Mosaic and murals.
That is all. Thank you for your time. In Turkey, may all your dreams come true. Please love this country as you can!

【人口】7256万(截至2012年2月)。其中, 土耳其族占80%以上,此外还有库尔德、亚美尼亚、 阿拉伯和希腊等族。土耳其99%的居民信奉伊斯兰 教。土耳其语为国语。
【行政区划】土耳其行政区划等级为省、县、乡、 村。全国共分为81个省、约600个县、3.6万 多乡村。 【首都】安卡拉(Ankara),座落在安纳托利亚高原的 西北部,是一座海拔9 00米左右的高原古城,有人 口447万。 年最高气温31℃,最低气温-4℃。
2010年,土耳其国内生产总值(GDP)超过7 350亿美元,人均GDP突破1万美元,成为率先 摆脱经济危机的国家之一,年经济增长达到8.9%, 已成为世界第16大经济体。土耳其是继
中国、印度、俄罗斯、巴西等金砖国家之后又一个 蓬勃发展的新兴经济体,在国际社会中享有“新钻” 国家的美誉,已成为全球增长最快的经济体之一。 世界银行预计,土耳其2011年GDP增速将超 过8%,仍居世界前列。 在土耳其经济结构中,服务业约占六成,主要以金 融、旅游、通讯和交通为主;工业约占GDP比重 的三成,食品加工、纺织、汽车、采矿、钢铁、石 油、木材和造纸等行业的基础都比较好;农库尔德工人党:成立于1979年,试图通过 武力在土耳其、伊拉克、伊朗和叙利亚交界处的库尔 德人聚居区建立一个独立的“库尔德斯坦共和国”。 该组织于1980年被土耳其政府取缔,其武装人员 现多集中在伊拉克北部地区,经常潜入土境内发动袭 击。土东部和东南部地区是库尔德工人党武装活动频 繁地区。长期以来,土耳其安全部队经常在这些地区 采取军事行动,打击库尔德工人党武装人员。
【简史】土耳其人史称突厥,公元8世纪时开始从 阿尔泰山一带迁入小亚细亚,13世纪末建立奥斯 曼帝国。20世纪初,土耳其沦为英、法、德等国 的半殖民地。1919年,土耳其击退外国侵略者, 1923年10月29日建立土耳其共和国。

●/question/80114964.html土耳其历史●Bosphorus river, topkapi palace, diverse architecture, grand bazaar, blue mosque●Amzing sights●Is characterized not only by being one of the largest worship buildings in the world, but also by-in its 1500 years history-having served three purposes: as a church, as a mosque and as a museum.●It’s a great monument. One of the best historical sites in the world with its fantastic history.●For 1000 years, it was the largest church in the world.●The main dome was unfortunately under construction= Renovating works everywhere = There are restorationworks ongoing and scaffolding may be in certain places.●Mosaics 马赛克(It's such a pity that many of them were disfigured because when the Ottomans turned the churchinto a mosque, they disfigured these mosaics.)●The history of the building is fascinating and the impact it had on the architecture of Mosques was unexpected. Seeing both theinfluence of Christianity and Islam in one place is unusual. It has a cost associated with it but well worth the cost. It is usually busy but inside it is so massive that once you get inside the crowds don't really impact you.●Despite becoming a museum, both the Islamic and the preexisting Christian aspects were preserved. It is truly a melting pot for twodifferent religions. The ceiling is Majestic due to the nice drawings and the giant Chandeliers that are hanging from it.●Impression of Istanbul (CCTV)We start in Istanbul, the only city in the world with a foot in two different continents. It's been an extremely significant city throughout history, and today.Heavy traffic, the continual bustle and movement of crowds, the beautiful seaside and an unchanging skyline of numerous domes and minarets for thousands of years, that is Istanbul.Standing between Asia and Europe, Istanbul is Turkey's largest city, and the hub of the country's business and cultural life.Situated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, and bordered to the north by the Black Sea, Istanbul's strategic position made it the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And today, the precious relics of those past glorious days give this forward-moving and modern city a strong sense of historical significance. And it's also a mirror of Turkey.Mehmet Olcel, culture and Information Counselor of Turkish Embassy to China, said: "Istanbul is the place where you can observe all of Turkey."With a landscape dotted with more than 2,800 mosques within the city, some 98 percent of Turkey's people believe in Islam. And in this seaside city, the tolerant atmosphere allows people to go about their lives with ease... Religious beliefs are respected, as are individual rights.Tour Guide Umut Seferoglu said: "I pray everyday for five times, and after the praying, I get my T-shirt, and I swim... Islamic life and modern life mixed together..."This is a normal Friday. At this mosque built during the 18th-century, men from different corners of the city gather here to pray, facing in the direction of Mecca. For many Turkish Muslims, praying five times a day is a part of their standard routine. Twenty minutes later, prayers have ended. Everyone goes back to their normal lives, and the bustling market nearby breaks the silence.Reporter Feng Shu said: "Located at the meeting point of Asia and Europe, Istanbul has become an commercial center between the two continents. Originally built in 15th centurywith only 15-20 shops, this Grand Bazaar has become a real shopping heaven with 4,400 shops. Well, of course, my favorite place in Turkey."Shopping in Istanbul is a time-honored delight. In the labyrinth of 65 streets and passages in this Kapali Carsi-covered bazaar, a plethora of goods are available, enough to suit nearly every taste. There's a wide selection of jewelry, from traditional to modern styles, while the carpet shops display eye-catching wares with vivid colors and intricate designs. At the same time, Turkish arts and crafts, including hand-painted ceramic plates andhand-crafted copperware, are all popular choices for souvenirs and gifts.And for sellers, getting a space this bazaar means steady and booming business.A seller said: "This bazaar is much better, more famous than other shops."A tour guide said: "This bazaar has a mystical atmosphere."With Istanbul an important commercial city, the Grand Bazaar is not the only option for shoppers... Another attractive, covered bazaar of a different sort is the Misir Carsisi, or the Spice Market, located at the entrance of Golden Horn. At this market, built in the17th-century, the air is filled with the enticing aromas of cinnamon, caraway, mint and countless other spices and herbs.Despite the different choices, the two bazaars share something in common -- most of the dealers are international. English, Japanese, and even Chinese and more are at their command. For travellers without any knowledge of the Turkish language, it's a good place to find yourself.Geographically, Istanbul is flanked by a range of high hills to the east to the Bosphorus Strait.Because of this unique location, most of Istanbul's streets are on sharp slopes. They're so steep, you have to be careful not to fall down when climbing up.Any trip to Istanbul isn't complete without a ferry excursion along the Bosphorus Strait. Along its shores is a delightfully surprising mixture of the past and present, grand splendor and simple beauty, with imperial pavilions and palaces standing next to today's small fishing villages.The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973. It's still one of the longest bridges in the world, and spans the water, linking European and Asian shores by road.Under the bridge, the once-quiet village of Ortakoy, has been turned into an art gallery, a shopping destination and a bar street, a favorite place for entertainment for both tourists and locals.Church of Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂,学名是阿亚索菲亚博物馆(Ayasofya Muzesi),是国家博物馆,它具有曲折的历史,目睹了王朝兴衰,也反映了宗教的博弈、变迁和融合,所谓“东方与西方,过去与未来相结合”;它还占据了几个“唯一”:唯一从6世纪保留至今的古代建筑、唯一一个由教堂改成清真寺的古建筑,又是世界上十大令人向往的教堂之一圣索菲亚在基督教里的意思是“上帝智慧”,公元325年,君士坦丁大帝为供奉智慧之神索非亚,建造了圣索菲亚大教堂,成为拜占廷(Byzantine)帝国极盛时代的纪念碑。

土耳其共和国(土耳其语:Türkiye Cumhuriyeti,英语:The Republic of Turkey) 是一个横跨欧亚两洲的国家,北临黑海,南临地中海,东南与叙利亚、伊拉克 接壤,西临爱琴海,并与希腊以及保加利亚接壤,东部与格鲁吉亚、亚美尼亚、 阿塞拜疆和伊朗接壤。土耳其地理位置和地缘政治战略意义极为重要,是连接 欧亚的十字路口。 土耳其人是突厥人与属于欧洲人种的地中海原始居民的混血后裔,奥斯曼一 世在1299年建立奥斯曼帝国。到1453年5月29日,穆罕默德二世攻陷君士坦丁 堡,灭拜占庭帝国,至16世纪和17世纪,尤其是苏莱曼一世时期达到鼎盛,统 治区域地跨欧、亚、非三大洲。19世纪时开始衰落。极盛时势力达亚欧非三大 洲,故奥斯曼帝国的君主苏丹视自己为天下之主,继承了东罗马帝国的文化及 伊斯兰文化,因而东西文明在其得以统合。1914年8月奥斯曼帝国在第一次世 界大战中加入同盟国作战,1918年战败。土耳其丧失了大片领土。土崩瓦解。 1919年,土耳其击退外国侵略者,1923年10月29日建立土耳其共和国。
蓝色清真寺并不是它的本名,苏丹艾哈迈 德清真寺才是。说它是土耳其*出名的景色 之一,一定没有人异议。早晨九点才免费 开放的清真寺,你若提早过去,避开拥挤 的人潮,自会收获一份额外的惬意。和庭 院里不怕生的猫咪玩耍或者坐在拱廊下静 坐沉思,待阳光正好,步入寺内,感受内 部语言为土耳其语,其他语言还 有库尔德语、扎扎其语、阿塞拜疆语、卡巴尔 达语。
奥斯曼时期,诗歌是主要的文学体裁,主要 采用安纳托利亚方言或奥斯曼土耳其语,主要 题材是美丽和浪漫。奥斯曼宫廷文学深受波斯 文化影响,文学语言是阿拉伯语、波斯语和土 耳其语的混合。与繁琐的宫廷文学不同,土耳 其的行吟诗人创作的民间文学曾以简明的土耳 其语来赞美自然、爱情和真主。进入二十世纪, 土耳其文学语言趋于简化,题材则更多偏重政 治和社会民生。政治上颇有争议的伟大诗人纳 齐姆·希克梅特在俄罗斯诗人马雅可夫斯基的 影响下在三十年代进行了自由诗的创作。今天, 亚沙尔.凯末尔以其对土耳其生活逼真、生动 的描述成为公认的土耳其流行小说大家。土耳 其青年作家们往往超越普通的社会问题,试图 对女权、东西对立等问题加以探讨,这种探讨 一直深受土耳其知识分子的欢迎。
土耳其旅游讲义(ppt 38页)

航 空 系 统 VS 签 证
• 护照 原件 (半年以上有效期,至少还有两张空白签证页) • 个人资料表和2寸彩色照片2张(无特殊要求) • 成人前往土耳其需提供英文在职证明担保函(或单位空白抬头纸/加盖公章); • 离退休人员需要提供退休证复印件及每人3万存款证明; • 18岁以上22岁以下需提供学校的英文准假证明(加盖公章)及学生证复印件; • 18岁以下需提供亲属关系公证书原件(三方亲属公证)如单方家长随团,需另加委托
• 土耳其人非常好客,见面要亲脸颊,而且不停地问好。土耳其人对中国人也十分热情 友好。土耳其人生活节奏很慢,在餐馆吃一顿饭,至少要两三个钟头;土人喜欢饮茶和咖 啡,和一般的茶和咖啡不同,土耳其的茶和咖啡要煮很长时间,较有当地的特色。
(参考航班:CZ679 17:20-23:45 飞行时间约10.5 小时,乌鲁木齐是必经之地,经停约2小时 )
2,只有在双方的友谊有所发展时,才可以称对方的名字。 3,数次见面后,外国人可以直呼主人的名字,并带上一
个词尾,男子通常称“某贝”(芝芝•贝),妇女称“某 某哈尼姆”(如小玉•哈尼姆),意即“某某女士”。 4,当碰到一个见过面的人时,可以向其打招呼,说一声 “麦哈巴”,意即“您好!”
生活节奏 :
Cumhuriyeti) 国名解释:“土耳其”一词由“突厥”演变 而来。在鞑靼语中,“突厥”是“勇敢”的 意思,“土耳其”意即“勇敢人的国家”
n 国花:郁金香 n 国歌:《独立进行曲》 n 国鸟:红翼鸫
英语美食 ppt 土耳其

Topkapı Palace
The Topkapı Palace is a large palace in Istanbul, Turkey, that was the primary residence of the Ottoman sultans for approximately 400 years of their 624-year reign.As well as a royal residence, the palace was a setting for state occasions and royal entertainments. It is now a museum and as such a major tourist attraction. It also contains important holy relics of the Muslim world,including Muhammed's cloak and sword.
Hagia Sophia圣索菲亚大教堂
is a former Greek Orthodox (正教会的,希腊教会的。)patriarchal basilica , later an imperial mosque, and now a museum in Istanbul, Turkey. From the date of its construction in 537 until 1453, it served as an Eastern Orthodox cathedral and seat of the Patriarchate of Constantinople,except between 1204 and 1261, when it was converted to a Roman Catholic cathedral under the Latin Empire. The building was a mosque from 29 May 1453 until 1931. It was then secularized and opened as a museum on 1 February 1935.

●/question/80114964.html土耳其历史●Bosphorus river, topkapi palace, diverse architecture, grand bazaar, blue mosque●Amzing sights●Is characterized not only by being one of the largest worship buildings in the world, but also by-in its 1500 years history-having served three purposes: as a church, as a mosque and as a museum.●It’s a great monument. One of the best historical sites in the world with its fantastic history.●For 1000 years, it was the largest church in the world.●The main dome was unfortunately under construction= Renovating works everywhere = There are restorationworks ongoing and scaffolding may be in certain places.●Mosaics 马赛克(It's such a pity that many of them were disfigured because when the Ottomans turned the churchinto a mosque, they disfigured these mosaics.)●The history of the building is fascinating and the impact it had on the architecture of Mosques was unexpected. Seeing both theinfluence of Christianity and Islam in one place is unusual. It has a cost associated with it but well worth the cost. It is usually busy but inside it is so massive that once you get inside the crowds don't really impact you.●Despite becoming a museum, both the Islamic and the preexisting Christian aspects were preserved. It is truly a melting pot for twodifferent religions. The ceiling is Majestic due to the nice drawings and the giant Chandeliers that are hanging from it.●Impression of Istanbul (CCTV)We start in Istanbul, the only city in the world with a foot in two different continents. It's been an extremely significant city throughout history, and today.Heavy traffic, the continual bustle and movement of crowds, the beautiful seaside and an unchanging skyline of numerous domes and minarets for thousands of years, that is Istanbul.Standing between Asia and Europe, Istanbul is Turkey's largest city, and the hub of the country's business and cultural life.Situated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, and bordered to the north by the Black Sea, Istanbul's strategic position made it the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And today, the precious relics of those past glorious days give this forward-moving and modern city a strong sense of historical significance. And it's also a mirror of Turkey.Mehmet Olcel, culture and Information Counselor of Turkish Embassy to China, said: "Istanbul is the place where you can observe all of Turkey."With a landscape dotted with more than 2,800 mosques within the city, some 98 percent of Turkey's people believe in Islam. And in this seaside city, the tolerant atmosphere allows people to go about their lives with ease... Religious beliefs are respected, as are individual rights.Tour Guide Umut Seferoglu said: "I pray everyday for five times, and after the praying, I get my T-shirt, and I swim... Islamic life and modern life mixed together..."This is a normal Friday. At this mosque built during the 18th-century, men from different corners of the city gather here to pray, facing in the direction of Mecca. For many Turkish Muslims, praying five times a day is a part of their standard routine. Twenty minutes later, prayers have ended. Everyone goes back to their normal lives, and the bustling market nearby breaks the silence.Reporter Feng Shu said: "Located at the meeting point of Asia and Europe, Istanbul has become an commercial center between the two continents. Originally built in 15th centurywith only 15-20 shops, this Grand Bazaar has become a real shopping heaven with 4,400 shops. Well, of course, my favorite place in Turkey."Shopping in Istanbul is a time-honored delight. In the labyrinth of 65 streets and passages in this Kapali Carsi-covered bazaar, a plethora of goods are available, enough to suit nearly every taste. There's a wide selection of jewelry, from traditional to modern styles, while the carpet shops display eye-catching wares with vivid colors and intricate designs. At the same time, Turkish arts and crafts, including hand-painted ceramic plates andhand-crafted copperware, are all popular choices for souvenirs and gifts.And for sellers, getting a space this bazaar means steady and booming business.A seller said: "This bazaar is much better, more famous than other shops."A tour guide said: "This bazaar has a mystical atmosphere."With Istanbul an important commercial city, the Grand Bazaar is not the only option for shoppers... Another attractive, covered bazaar of a different sort is the Misir Carsisi, or the Spice Market, located at the entrance of Golden Horn. At this market, built in the17th-century, the air is filled with the enticing aromas of cinnamon, caraway, mint and countless other spices and herbs.Despite the different choices, the two bazaars share something in common -- most of the dealers are international. English, Japanese, and even Chinese and more are at their command. For travellers without any knowledge of the Turkish language, it's a good place to find yourself.Geographically, Istanbul is flanked by a range of high hills to the east to the Bosphorus Strait.Because of this unique location, most of Istanbul's streets are on sharp slopes. They're so steep, you have to be careful not to fall down when climbing up.Any trip to Istanbul isn't complete without a ferry excursion along the Bosphorus Strait. Along its shores is a delightfully surprising mixture of the past and present, grand splendor and simple beauty, with imperial pavilions and palaces standing next to today's small fishing villages.The Bosphorus Bridge was built in 1973. It's still one of the longest bridges in the world, and spans the water, linking European and Asian shores by road.Under the bridge, the once-quiet village of Ortakoy, has been turned into an art gallery, a shopping destination and a bar street, a favorite place for entertainment for both tourists and locals.Church of Hagia Sophia 圣索菲亚大教堂,学名是阿亚索菲亚博物馆(Ayasofya Muzesi),是国家博物馆,它具有曲折的历史,目睹了王朝兴衰,也反映了宗教的博弈、变迁和融合,所谓“东方与西方,过去与未来相结合”;它还占据了几个“唯一”:唯一从6世纪保留至今的古代建筑、唯一一个由教堂改成清真寺的古建筑,又是世界上十大令人向往的教堂之一圣索菲亚在基督教里的意思是“上帝智慧”,公元325年,君士坦丁大帝为供奉智慧之神索非亚,建造了圣索菲亚大教堂,成为拜占廷(Byzantine)帝国极盛时代的纪念碑。
土耳其简介 英文PPT幻灯片

Hagia Sophia:
It is by the church into the mosque and now it is a museum.
Ballon in Cappadocia
Pamukkale (棉花堡)
It’s natural swimming pools,you can take a hot spring bath in there
The president: Abdullah Gul (阿 卜杜拉·居尔)
Land: 97% in Asia 3% in Europe
●Republic Independence Day:10.29
● National anthem:Istiklal mar
brighter, also marks the Turkish people's faith
in Islam, also symbolize happiness and
Most of turkish are believe in islam and they are worshiping(朝拜).
When people go into the mosque,they need to take their shoes off. Women should wear headscarves and man should wear the long pants.
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7、翩翩新 来燕,双双入我庐 ,先巢故尚在,相 将还旧居。
9、 陶渊 明( 约 365年 —427年 ),字 元亮, (又 一说名 潜,字 渊明 )号五 柳先生 ,私 谥“靖 节”, 东晋 末期南 朝宋初 期诗 人、文 学家、 辞赋 家、散
11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。——邓拓 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。——爱尔兰 13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。——老子 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。——歌德 15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。——迈克尔·F·斯特利