



2017一年级语文下册一、二类生字及扩词(新苏教版)锛?017璇嗗瓧1銆?鏄?鏍?鑺?甯?璋?姊?鏉?妗?2銆?瓒?鍙?鍊?鍕?杩?闂?鍔?3銆?鑸?鐭?娉?宸?娌?闂?浠€鍥?4銆?杞?杞?杞?杞?杞?缇?浜?娴?5銆?鏄?鐖?濂?涓?鎵?濂?鏂?6銆?浼?鏉?榛?鍙?閲?鍗?涓?7銆?娓?娲?璇?鏅?鎯?鐫?鐪?椋?8銆?閾?閽?閾?閾?瀹?鍙?鍚?璺?璇炬枃鏂?璇?鏍?绗?涓€缃?1銆?鍏?鎴?浜?璧?鐨?闃?澶?2銆?澹?瀹?鍐?鏉?澶?鐢?绗?鑺?3銆?鍙?杩?灏?璧?杩?蹇?楂?鍏?4銆?鍛€鍏?鏄?涔?鑹?涔?绌?绔?5銆?浼?鍜?鍚?鍔?宸?鐨?杈?璺?6銆?鍚?瀛?鍙?鍔?鍖?鏍?鍑?灏?楗?7銆?瑙?鐭?鍘?宀?灏?鍚?8銆?鍙?鎵?闈?鍗?浜?娉?鍗?9銆?鐪?鑷?宸?闂?鏈?鏃?涓?棣?10銆佸徃鍙?鏃?鍊?鍒?鍝?娌?閭?11銆佹殫璇?寰?蹇?鏂?瀹?鍔?12銆佸厔寮?浣?鍛?鐜?琛?13銆佷笘鐣?鎶?骞?浠?瑕?姹?14銆佷範浣?浼?浣?姣?闂?鍚?鏄?15銆佷富鍐?鍥?鑳?缇?浜?鑰?鏈?16韬?鎵?瀹?鍩?鎸?寮?17銆佸洟鍦?瀹?鐢?鏈?鍙?闃?绁?18銆侀檲姣?鍏?搴?琛?鎵?娆?浠?19銆佸钩鍐?瀛?鏍?璇?涓?椤?鍐?20銆佹€?鑹?鐗?鍏?鍝?缁?浣?閬?21銆佹澗鏋?寰?鍐?浠?鐩?瑷€璇?22鑳?鎷?姹?鐡?鐢?娲?鍐?23銆佸憿绛?璇?琚?浼?瀛?24銆佸啘绂?鍗?杈?鑻?绉?闂?澶?姝?2017骞磋嫃鏁欑増涓€骞寸骇涓嬩簩绫?璇嗗瓧锛堝姞鎷奸煶锛?1銆佹煶瀚?铚?铚?2銆佺悆鎷?鎶?浜?椤?浼?灏?鍠?娌?3銆佺嚂铚?钃?4杈?璋?鍙?绐?鏅?璐?5绻?钂?钀?鐗?缁?6銆佽窡缇?妫?绾?鐙?7銆佸潗浜?铓?8銆侀拤闃?鍜?鐙?鍧?璇炬枃1銆佹櫒閱?婊?钀?鐫?鏈?鐑?闂?2銆佺瑡闆?鍞?鐮?鎺€缈?鍐?娴?瑜?濞?3銆侀浘杩?钂?杞?鎽?鍝?鐏?闇?鐪?4銆佽共瀛?铔?鍢?鍟?纰?缈?鑶€鎾?5銆侀噹鐚?琚?鏍?閿?鎸?鎷?绛?娴?6銆佺壒楗?閭€鎷?鎶?宸?妯?鎯?绔?7銆佹檽鐪?鍟?绂?鏋?鑽?鐑?8銆佸枬娓?鐡?鎬?鏃?缁?琛?棰?娓?9銆佸拸鐧?娌?鑹?鐖?鏄?椋?璇?璧?10銆佸亣缂?鎺?鎱?鎼?浣?鍔?鐮?鏁?11銆佸僵闄?鐜?鍕?鐒?鍗?12銆佺郴鏈?鑳?鍦?娓?搴?娣?鍋?缁?13銆佹梾宄?鏄?甯?鑱?鏄?瓒?鏂?14鐗?闇€鎭?鏌?灞?鍙?鎷?鍨?15銆佹瀬鏄?鎸?鑳?浼?鎶?缇?瀵?瀵?16銆佹湇妤?鐏?绗?鑱?17銆佸矝鏍?鐖?鐔?浣?鍟?鎺?褰?蹇?18銆佹瘏鎺?甯?浜?鐥?璧?鏁?涔?璇?鏇?19銆侀倱缁?甯?澶?濂?璇?甯?鎸?20銆侀獞璧?娲?鑷?鍕?鎽?鎶€鐤?鐙?鐚?21銆侀紶鐏?铓?铓?鎽?鐣?濂?鎬?閽?22銆佽潏杩?绮?椋?鍌?涔?鍒?钘?楗?绁?23銆佹5鍠?杩?鎽?鎵?24銆佹偗鐩?椁?绮?鐨?绉?鏀?鐘?涓€骞寸骇涓嬪唽鐢熷瓧鎵╄瘝璇嗗瓧 1 鏄ワ細鏄ュぉ鏄ラ洦绔嬫槬鏍戯細澶ф爲鏍戝彾鏉忔爲妗冩爲鑺斤細鍙戣娊鍙惰娊鑽夎娊璞嗚娊甯冿細鑺卞竷甯冨ご甯冭胺璋凤細甯冭胺璋峰瓙灞辫胺璋烽洦姊ㄦ爲姊ㄥ瓙鏉忥細鏉忚姳鏉忓瓙鏉忔爲绾㈡潖妗冿細妗冭姳妗冩爲妗冨瓙璇嗗瓧2 瓒筹細鎵嬭冻鍗佽冻瓒崇悆瓒虫湀鍙帮細鐪嬪彴鐢靛彴鍙颁笂鍊掞細鍊掔珛鍊掕溅鍊掓暟鍊掓按鍕撅細鍕剧敾鍕剧粨鍕捐繛鍊掑嬀杩囷細杩囨潵杩囧幓鐪嬭繃ч棬鐪嬮棬闂ㄥ彛灏勯棬鍔狅細鍔犱笂鍔犲噺鍔犳补鍔犲叆璇嗗瓧3 鑸燂細灏忚垷鑸熻溅杞昏垷鏈ㄨ垷鐭筹細鐭冲ご鐭冲瓙鐭虫灄灞辩煶娉夛細娉夋按灞辨硥娓呮硥娉夌溂宸濓細灞卞窛鍥涘窛宸濊礉娌冲窛娌筹細姹熸渤灏忔渤澶ф渤娌虫按浠€锛氫粈涔?瀹朵粈涓轰粈鐗╀粈鍥戒汉澶栧浗璇嗗瓧4 骞磋疆杞︼細姹借溅杞﹀瓙杞ㄩ亾鍑鸿建鍏ヨ建杞斤細杞戒汉瓒呰浇婊¤浇瑁呰浇璋冭浆缇庯細缇庡ソ缇庢湳缇庝汉缇庝附涓滀含鍗椾含娴凤細澶ф捣娴锋按娴烽潰鍖楁捣绗?璇?鏅ㄥ厜鍏夛細鍙戝厜鍏変寒鍏夌嚎鎴愶細鎴愬姛鎴愰暱鎴愪负瀹屾垚鏄庝寒鏈堜寒璧凤細璧锋潵璧风珛璧峰簥鍗囪捣鐨勶細濂界殑澶х殑灏忕殑鐧界殑闃冲厜闃虫皵鏈濋槼澶勬墍绗?璇?鏄ョ瑡澹帮細澹颁箰澹版氮鍥炲0澶у0瀹冿細瀹冧滑鍏跺畠瀹冨北涔嬬煶鍐诧細鍐插嚮鍐插ぉ鍐插姩鍐茬牬鏉ワ細鏉ュ幓杩涙潵鏉ヤ汉澶栨潵澶栭潰澶栧叕鐢燂細鐢熼暱鐢熸棩鐢熸皵浜虹敓绗戯細绗戣瘽璇寸瑧绗戝0澶х瑧鑺傦細鑺傛棩鑺傜洰杩囪妭鏄ヨ妭绗?璇?鍙跺瓙鐨勭溂鐫?鍙讹細鍙跺瓙鏍戝彾鏋濆彾缁垮彾杩橈細杩樻槸杩樻湁杩樹細杩樺湪灏憋細灏辨槸灏辨墜灏变笟鎴愬氨璧帮細璧扮孩鍑鸿蛋璧板紑璧拌繘杩涳細杩涘幓璧拌繘杩涙潵杩涘叆蹇冿細蹇冮噷绾㈠績蹇冧腑鐖卞績楂橈細楂樺北楂樺ぇ楂樺叴楂樻ゼ鍏达細楂樺叴鍏磋嚧鍏磋叮灏藉叴绗?璇?涓栫晫澶氱編鍛€鍛€锛氬ソ鍛€鍝庡憖鍟婂憖澶╁憖鍏堬細鍏堢敓鍏堝悗鍏堝墠棣栧厛涓嶆槸杩樻槸涔庯細鍑犱箮鍦ㄤ箮浼间箮榛戜箮涔?鑹诧細鐧借壊棰滆壊榛勮壊浜斿厜鍗佽壊涔咃細涓嶄箙濂戒箙闀夸箙璁镐箙绌洪棿绌烘皵绔欙細绔欑珛杞︾珯灏忕珯绔欏彴绗?璇?涓変釜灏忎紮浼?浼欙細鍚屼紮浼欎即灏忎紮鍜岋細鍜屽钩鍜屾皵骞冲拰鍜屽ソ鍚岋細鍚屾牱涓€鍚?鍚屾剰鍔烇細鍔炴硶鍔炰簨鍔炲叕寮€鍔?宸达細鍢村反涓嬪反娉ュ反骞插反铏剧毊涔︾毊鐗涚毊杈癸細姘磋竟鍗婅竟澶╄竟娌宠竟璺筹細璺虫按璺宠垶璺抽珮韫﹁烦绗?璇?鐗瑰埆濂藉悆鐨勯ズ瀛?鍚冿細鍙e悆鍚冮キ濂藉悆鍚冨姏瀛︼細瀛︿範瀛﹂棶鍙戯細澶村彂鐞嗗彂闀垮彂娲诲姏鍔涢噺鍏ㄥ姏鍖咃細涔﹀寘鍖呭洿閽卞寘鍖呮嫭鏍凤細鏍峰瓙妯℃牱鏍锋湰灏忔牱鍑犱釜鍑犲勾鍑犳椂灏戯細澶氬皯涓嶅皯灏戞暟鏃╅キ鍗堥キ绗?璇?瑙夛細瑙夊緱鐭ワ細鐭ヨ瘑鏃犵煡鐭ラ亾鐭ヤ簡鍘燂細鍘熸潵鍘熸湰鑽夊師骞冲師宀侊細骞村瞾宀佹湀宀佹暟灏斤細灏藉揩鐢ㄥ敖灏藉ご灏藉姏鍚癸細鍚硅捣鍚规皵鍚圭墰绗?璇?涔岄甫鍠濇按鑸瑰彧鎵撅細瀵绘壘鎵惧埌鎵惧嚭鏌ユ壘姘撮潰鑴搁潰鐧介潰闈㈠墠鍗婏細涓€鍗?鍗婅竟鍗婂ぉ鍗婂渾浜庯細浜庢槸澶т簬灏忎簬瀵逛簬娉曪細鍔犳硶鏂规硶鍔炴硶娉曞緥鍗囷細鍗囨棗涓婂崌鍗囬珮鍗囧ぉ绗?璇?鍜忓崕灞?鐪燂細璁ょ湡鐪熺殑澶╃湡鐪熸儏宸憋細鐭ュ繁宸辨柟鎴块棿姘戦棿浜洪棿鏈碉細鑺辨湹浜戞湹鑰虫湹?鏃狅細鏃犳硶鏃犺竟鏃犳剰鏃犲姏涓庯細涓庡叾鐩镐笌浠樹笌鍙備笌棣栵細棣栧厛棣栦綅绗?0璇?鍙搁┈鍏?涓婂徃鍙告満鍙告硶鍙わ細杩滃彜涓婂彜鍙や粖鍙や汉鏃讹細鏃堕棿鏃跺€?灏忔椂鏃跺厜鍊欙細鏃跺€??姘斿€?鍊欒溅澶у摥娌★細娌℃湁娌℃硶娌″姴娌′汉閭o細閭eぉ閭h竟閭d箞绗?1璇?鏈堜寒鍜屼簯褰?鏆楋細榛戞殫鏄忔殫鏆楀湴璇达細璇磋瘽璇存儏寰楋細寰楀埌寰楁暟蹇冨緱瑙夊緱鎰夊揩鏂囧瓧鏂囧寲瀹讹細瀹堕噷寮€鍔?鍔ㄨ剳鍔ㄦ墜璇嗗瓧5 鏄燂細鏄熸槦鏄熷厜绾㈡槦鏄熺伀鐖凤細鐖风埛鐜嬬埛灏戠埛濂讹細濂跺ザ鐗涘ザ濂舵补涓侊細浜轰竵瀹朵竵鎵囷細鎵囧瓙绾告墖椋庢墖鍥㈡墖濂筹細濂充汉濂崇敓鐢峰コ濂冲+鏂楋細浜夋枟鏂楃墰濂芥枟鏂楀+璇嗗瓧6 浼椾汉瑙備紬姘戜紬鏉★細鐧芥潯绾告潯鏉′欢绾挎潯榛勶細榛勮壊榛勫北榛勬矙閲戦粍鍙橈細鍙樻垚鍙樺寲涓嶅彉鍙樺ぇ閲戯細閲戦粍閲戣壊榛勯噾閲戞潯鍗曪細鍗曚竴鍗曚釜鍗曞厓鍚嶅崟涓濓細涓濈嚎鍚愪笣涓€涓?闈掍笣璇嗗瓧7 娓咃細娓呮按娓呮磥娓呯悊娓呮棭娲侊細娲佺櫧娲佸噣鍏夋磥鏁存磥璇凤細璇峰潗閭€璇?璇峰洖鏅达細鏅村ぉ鏅存湕鏅村ソ鏀炬櫞鎯咃細蹇冩儏鎰熸儏浜嬫儏澶氭儏鐫涳細鐪肩潧鐢婚緳鐐圭潧鐪硷細鐪肩潧鐪肩彔鐪煎厜娉夌溂椋烇細椋炴潵椋炲幓椋炶蛋璇嗗瓧8 閾侊細閾侀拤鐢熼搧閾佷汉閾佽矾閽夛細閽夊瓙鍥鹃拤閽夐瀷铻洪拤閾滐細榛勯摐閾滄澘閾滈挶閾滅墝閾冿細閾冮摏鐢甸搩闂ㄩ搩椋庨搩瀹侊細瀹夊畞瀹侀潤鍗楀畞瑗垮畞鍙鍚擄細鍚撲汉鍚撹蛋鍚撳埌鍚撹窇璺戣蛋璧疯窇璺戞潵绗?2璇??鍏勶細鍏勯暱鍏勫紵寮熷厔鑰佸厔寮燂細寮熷紵灏忓紵寮熷瓙寮熷厔浣忔埧绔欎綇鍏ヤ綇鍛硷細鍛煎彨鍛兼皵鍛煎惛鍛兼晳鐜嬶細鐜嬪瓙鍥界帇澶х帇濂崇帇琛岋細琛屾槦琛岃蛋琛岃繘绗?3璇?姘存淮鐨勬梾琛?涓栵細涓栫晫涓栦笂鏉ヤ笘涓栭棿鐣岋細鐣岀嚎鍒嗙晫鍦扮晫鐣岀墝鎶婏細鎶婃墜闂ㄦ妸鎶婂叧骞匡細骞垮ぇ骞挎挱鎺ㄥ箍骞垮満浣犱滑浠栦滑浜轰滑瑕佺偣姹斤細姹借溅姹芥补姘存苯钂告苯绗?4璇?浼氱潯瑙夌殑妞嶇墿涔狅細瀛︿範琛ヤ範缁冧範涔犱綔浣滐細浣滄枃浣滃搧澶т綔宸ヤ綔浼戯細浼戞伅鍗堜紤浼戝亣浣狅細浣犱滑浣犲ソ浣犵殑浣犳垜姣忥細姣忓ぉ姣忎釜姣忓勾姣忎綅鍚堬細鍚堜綔寮€鍚?鐧惧悎鍚堢悊鏄庯細鏄庡ぉ鍏夋槑鏄庣櫧鏄庝寒绗?5璇?鍗楁瀬鐨勪富浜?涓讳汉姘戜富鍐帮細鍐版按缁撳啺鍐板喕鍐板潡鍥狅細鍥犱负鎴愬洜鍥犳灉鍘熷洜鑳栵細鑳栧瓙鐧借儢鑲ヨ儢鍙戣儢缇斤細缇芥瘺缇藉寲缇界考缇芥墖浜ゅ線涓婁氦浜ゅご鎺ヨ€?鑰筹細鑰虫湹鑰崇洰鑰冲厜鑰虫満鏈猴細椋炴満鑰虫満鏈哄叧鎵嬫満绗?6璇??澶у浜鸿韩涓婃壃椋炴壃瀹夛細骞冲畨瀹夐潤瀹夊畾涓嶅畨鍩庯細杩涘煄鍩庢ゼ鍩庝埂鎸傦細鎸傜潃鎸傝捣鎸傞潰鎸傚彿寮狅細寮犲紑寮犲ぇ绾稿紶澹板紶绗?7璇?鍥㈠洟鍜屽渾鍦?鍥㈢粨鍦嗭細鏈堝渾鍦嗗舰鍦嗙悆鍦嗘煴瀹濓細瀹濆矝瀹濊礉鍏冨疂璐㈠疂鐢凤細鐢蜂汉鐢峰瓙鐢峰+鏈嬶細鏈嬪弸浜叉湅楂樻湅浜叉湅鍙嬶細鍙嬪ソ鍙嬩汉鍙嬫儏鏈嬪弸闃燂細鎺掗槦闃熼暱闃熷憳闀块槦杞︾エ闂ㄧエ寮€绁?绗?8璇?闄堟瘏鎺㈡瘝闄堬細闄堝垪闄堟棫闄堢背闄堢毊姣嶏細姣嶄翰鐖舵瘝姣嶅瓙瀛楁瘝鍏冿細鍏冩棪鍏冨疂鍏冩皵搴婏細涓婂簥搴婁笂搴婂ご鏈ㄥ簥琛o細琛f湇澶ц。


microwave ['maikr蓹weiv] n.寰尝锛屽井娉㈢倝
oven ['蕦vn] n.鐐夌伓
safekeeping ['seif'ki:pi艐] n.濡ュ杽淇濈
Newcastle ['nju:'ka:sl] n.绾藉崱鏂皵(鑻卞浗娓彛鍩庡競)
identify [ai'dentifai] v.閴村畾锛岃瘑鍒
flood [fl蕦d] v.鍏呮弧姘
float [fl蓹ut] v.婕傛诞锛岄娴
tragic ['tr忙d蕭ik] a.鎮叉儴鐨
liner ['lain蓹] n.鐝埞, 澶у杞紱鐝満
voyage [v蓴id蕭] n.鑸
iceberg ['aisb蓹:g] n.鍐板北
lookout ['luk'aut] n.鐬湜鍛
spokeswoman [] n.濂冲彂瑷€浜
monastery ['m蓴n蓹stri] n.瀵洪櫌锛屼慨閬撻櫌
St.Bernard [] 鍦d集绾冲痉
pass g] n.鐪嬮棬鐙
rashly ['r忙蕛li] a.鑾芥挒鍦帮紝鍐掑け鍦
collision [k蓹'li蕭(蓹)n] n.纰版挒
narrowly ['n忙rouli] ad.鍒氬垰锛屽媺寮哄湴
miss [mis] v.閬垮紑
slight [slait] a.杞诲井鐨
tremble ['trembl] v.闇囬ⅳ
faint [feint] a.寰急鐨
horror ['h蓴r蓹] n.鎭愭儳

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理

新目标英语八年级下册Unit 1 Will people have robots单词表整理鏂扮洰鏍囪嫳璇叓骞寸骇涓嬪唽Unit 1 Will people have robots?鍗曡瘝琛ㄦ暣鐞?will 灏嗭紱浼氾紱瑕?Clare will be five years old next month. 鍏嬭幈灏斿皢鍦ㄤ笅涓湀婊′簲宀佷簡銆?They won't lend us any more money. 浠栦滑涓嶄細鍐嶅€熺粰鎴戦挶浜嗐€?I'll see him tomorrow. 鎴戞槑澶╄瑙佷粬銆?1 robot 鏈哄櫒浜?These cars are built by robots. 杩欎簺姹借溅鏄敱鏈哄櫒浜哄埗閫犵殑銆?2 won't =will not 灏嗕笉 3 they'll =they will 4 everything姣忎欢浜?涓€鍒?Take this bag, and leave everything else to me. 浣犳嬁鍖咃紝鍏朵粬涓€鍒囩暀缁欐垜銆?鈥楬ow's everything with you?鈥?鈥楩ine, thanks.鈥?鈥滀竴鍒囬兘濂斤紵鈥?鈥滄槸鐨勶紝璋㈣阿銆傗€?My family means everything to me. 瀹跺涵瀵规垜鏉ヨ鎰忓懗鐫€涓€鍒囥€?閾炬帴鈫抋nd everything 绛夌瓑She told me about the baby and everything. 濂规妸鍏充簬杩欎釜瀛╁瓙鐨勬儏鍐电瓑绛夐兘鍛婅瘔浜嗘垜銆?5 paper n. 绾?涓嶅彲鏁?,鏂囦欢,璁烘枃,鎶ョ焊; 璇曞嵎(鍙暟) v. 鐢ㄧ焊绯?璐村绾? adj.绾稿埗鐨?a piece/sheet of paper 涓€寮犵焊The photo was on the front page of all the papers. 杩欏紶鐓х墖鐧诲湪鎵€鏈夋姤绾哥殑澶寸増銆?6 use n. 鍒╃敤,浣跨敤,鐢ㄩ€? v. 浣跨敤; vt. 浣跨敤,鐢?鈼弖se something Can I use your phone? 鎴戝彲浠ョ敤浣犵殑鐢佃瘽鍚楋紵鈼弖se something for something/for doing something We used a carrot for the snowman's nose. 鎴戜滑鐢ㄤ竴鍙儭钀濆崪褰撲綔闆汉鐨勯蓟瀛愩€?鈼弖se something to do something Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. 璀﹀療鐢ㄥ偓娉摝鏂┍鏁d汉缇ゃ€?鈼弖se something as something You can't keep using your bad back as an excuse. 浣犱笉鑳戒竴鐩寸敤鑳岀棝褰撲綔鍊熷彛銆?閾炬帴鈫?use up鐢ㄥ畬;鑰楀敖锛寀se your head鍔ㄥ姩鑴戠瓔7 less a. pron.adv. 鏇村皯鐨?鏇村皬鐨? 鏇村皯鍦?鏇村皬鍦?Exercise more and eat less. 灏戝悆澶氳繍鍔ㄣ€?Getting out of bed in summer is less difficult than in winter. 澶忓ぉ璧峰簥姣斿啲澶╁鏄撶偣銆?閾炬帴鈫掆棌less and less 瓒婃潵瓒婂皬銆斿皯銆曞湴He's less and less able to look after himself. 浠栬秺鏉ヨ秺涓嶈兘鐓ч【鑷繁浜嗐€?鈼弆ess than ... 涓嶅埌锛屽皯浜?The young man is less than twenty years old. 杩欎釜骞磋交浜轰笉鍒?20 宀併€?鈼弉o less than 鎰忎负鈥滀笉灏戜簬锛涗笉涓嬩簬鈥︹€︿箣澶氾紱澶氳揪鈥︹€濄€備緥濡傦細In that battle, we wiped out no less than twenty thousand enemies. 鍦ㄩ偅涓€娆℃垬褰逛腑锛屾垜浠秷鐏殑鏁屼汉涓嶄笅20,000 浜恒€?鈼弉ot less than 鎰忎负鈥滀笉灏戜簬鈥濓紝鍚?at (the) least銆?Our school has not less than three thousand students. 鎴戜滑瀛︽牎鎷ユ湁鐨勫鐢熶笉涓?3,000 浜恒€?8 fewer a. 灏戠殑; int. 杈冨皯鏁? a. 杈冨皯鐨?There seem to be fewer tourists around this year. 浠婂勾娓稿浼间箮灏戜簡銆?閾炬帴鈫抐ewer+鍙暟鍚嶈瘝锛屽锛歠ewer books銆?less+涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇嶏紝濡傦細less water銆?9 pollution n. 姹℃煋air/water pollution 绌烘皵銆佹按姹℃煋environmental pollution 鐜姹℃煋noise pollution鍣煶姹℃煋10 tree 鏍?We sat under a tree for shade. 鎴戜滑鍧愬湪鏍戜笅涔樺噳銆?11 she'll=she will 12 building寤虹瓚鐗?tall/old/historic buildings 楂樺ぇ銆佸彜鑰併€佸巻鍙插缓绛?the building of the school 瀛︽牎鐨勫缓绛?the building trade寤虹瓚涓?13 astronaut 瀹囪埅鍛?14 rocket n. 鐏,鐑熺伀; v. 鍙戝皠鐏,鐚涙定They launched a rocket to the planet Venus. 浠栦滑鍚戦噾鏄熷彂灏勪簡涓€棰楃伀绠€?15 space n. 浣嶇疆,绌洪棿,璺濈; v. 闅斿紑,鍒嗛殧Is there any space for my clothes in that cupboard? 琛f煖杩樻湁绌洪棿鏀炬垜鐨勮。



七年级英语下册全册单词归纳整理(外研版)涓冨勾绾ц?20 here is/are... 鍦ㄨ繖鍎?1 crayon 铚$瑪21 camera 鐓х浉鏈?2 eraser 姗$毊鎿?22 phone 鐢佃瘽3 glove 23 lost and found office 澶辩?4 wallet 閽卞寘24 in a hurry 鍖嗗寙蹇欏繖5 watch 鎵嬭〃25 leave(left) ?6 whose 璋佺殑26 plane 椋炴満7 first of all 棣栧27 taxi ?8 lose (lost) 澶卞幓28 why 涓轰粈涔?9find(found) 鍙戠幇锛屾壘鍒?29 airport 鏈哄満10 Lost and found box 澶辩墿鎷?30 hundred 鐧?11 mine 鎴戠殑31 hundreds of 鎴愮櫨锛屾垚鐧句笂鍗?12 yours 浣犵殑32 look for 瀵绘壘13 tape 褰曢煶甯?33 thousand 鍗?14 purple ?34 strange 15 her 濂圭殑35 boat 鑸?16 careful浠旂粏鐨勶紝璁ょ湡鐨?36 duck 楦?17 be careful with ........37 pig 鐚?18 on 浠庢煇鏃舵煇鍒昏捣38 sausage 棣欒偁19 from now on 浠庣幇鍦ㄥ紑濮??56 ready 涔愭剰鐨?39 play ?57 ready to do sth. 涔愪簬鍋氭煇浜?40 tennis 缃戠悆58 promise ?41 piano 閽㈢惔59 fast 42 ride 楠戙€佷箻60 fit 鍋ュ悍鐨勶紝寮哄仴鐨?43 club 淇变箰閮?61 ball 鐞冿紝鐞冪被娓告垙44 term 瀛︽湡62 game 杩愬姩椤圭洰45 board 甯冨憡鏉?63 team 闃熶紞锛岀悆闃?46 would like ?64 best 鏈€濂界殑47 well 65 score 鎴愮哗锛屽緱鍒?48 that鈥檚all 66 tidy 鏁撮綈鐨勶紝鏁存磥鐨?49 worry鐒﹁檻銆佹媴蹇?67 sure 50 worry about 鎷呭績......68 everybod 姣忎釜浜?51 teach(taught) 鏁欙紱璁叉巿69 just like濡?52 then 閭d箞锛屽氨70 beautiful 缇庣殑锛岀編涓界殑53 monito锛岀洃鐫e憳71 fly ?54 Start 寮€濮嬶紝寮€绔?72 kite 椋庣瓭55 get on well with sb. 涓庢煇浜虹浉澶勮瀺娲?73 swim 娓告吵?93 enjoy oneself 杩囧緱鎰夊揩74 go over 澶嶄範锛岀粌涔?94 myself 鎴戣嚜宸?75 picnic 95 during 鍦?....鏈熼棿76 housework 瀹跺姟鍔冲姩96 May 5鏈?77 on 鍦?.....鐨勬椂鍊?97 May Day 浜斾竴鍔冲姩鑺?78 else 鍏朵粬锛屽彟澶?98 late 鏅氾紱杩燂紱鏅氱殑锛涜繜鐨?79 nobody 娌℃湁浜?99 walk 80 at 鍦?....鐐归挓100 take a walk 81 nothing 娌′粈涔堬紝娌℃湁浠€涔堜笢瑗?101 country 涔′笅锛涗埂鏉?82 silly 鎰氳牏鐨勶紝鍌绘皵鐨?102 second 83 fantastic 鏋佸ソ鐨?103 collect 鏀堕泦84 forward 104 litter 鍨冨溇85 look forward to 鐩兼湜105 fun 濞变箰锛涗箰瓒?86 fan ?106 summer holiday 鏆戝亣87 make friends 浜ゆ湅鍙?107 camp 钀ュ湴锛涘笎绡?88 shirt 鐞冭。



2017七年级英语上册Unit4重点短语词组归纳2017涓冨勾绾цnit4Unit4 Having fun ?1. buy sth. for sb. = buy sb. sth.涓烘煇浜轰拱鈥︹€?Linda wants to buy a toy car for her cousin. = Linda wants to buy her cousin a toy car. 2. try on sth.= try sth. on 璇曠┛try it/them on(鍥哄畾鎼) Maria tries on the coat in a clothes shop. 3. The coat looks very nice on you.?4. That鈥檚fine. We鈥檒l take it. 濂界殑?5. I am just looking. ?6.鈥淎re you kidding?鈥濅綘鍦ㄥ紑鐜╃瑧鍚楋紵7. think 鎯筹紝璁や负think about 鑰冭檻think of 璁や负Kangkang thinks it鈥檚Li Ming鈥檚. I鈥檒l think about it. ?think about a plan鍒?What do you think of this yellow skirt? 8. Thank you all the same. 浠嶇劧鎰熻阿浣犮€?9. get some wate 鍙栨按fly a kite / kites ?sing some songs 鍞辨瓕meet friends at home ?have a picnic=go (out) for a picnic 鍘婚噹椁?get up 璧峰簥go home go fishing 鍘婚挀楸?go shopping=do some shopping go to the zoo 鍘诲姩鐗╁洯go to the West Hill 鍘昏タ灞?visit a friend call 鈥?back 鍥炵數璇?do one鈥檚homework 鍋氫綔涓?take one鈥檚order鐐硅彍take some bread 甯︿竴浜涢潰鍖?see the Monkey Show 鐪嬬尨瀛愯〃婕?10. ask sb. to do sth. 璇?瑕佹煇浜哄仛鏌愪簨Could you ask her to call me back this evening? 浣犺兘璁╁ス浠婃櫄缁欐垜鍥炰釜鐢佃瘽鍚楋紵11. need sth. /to do sth. 闇€瑕?鍋?鏌愪簨We need to help them with their English. 鎴戜?We need two kilos of apples and some rice. 12. have / has to do sth. 涓嶅緱涓?蹇呴』鍋氣€︹€?Kangkang has to cook. ?Kangkang doesn鈥檛have to cook. (鍙樺惁瀹氬彞) 13. save 鑺傜渷锛屾敀閽憋紝鎸芥晳Big sale! Buymore and save more! 澶ч檷浠凤紒涔板緱澶氾紝鐪佸緱澶氾紒Ben can save 楼5. 14. here 杩欓噷there 閭i噷Here you are. 缁欎綘銆?Here it is. 鍦ㄨ繖銆?Here we are. 鎴戜滑鍒颁簡銆?The clothes are there, madam.呭湪閭h竟銆?---Where is Baby Monkey鈥檚home? --- It鈥檚there. 15. be free = have time 鏈夋椂闂达紝鏈夌┖Are you free this Sunday? = Do you have (any) time this Sunday? I鈥檓sorry I have no time. = I鈥檓sorry I don鈥檛have any time. 16. It鈥檚time to do sth / for sth.椂鍊欎簡It鈥檚time to have breakfast.= It鈥檚time for breakfast. 17. Thank you for your help. = Thank you for helping me. 璋?18. at eight o鈥檆lock 鍦ㄥ叓鐐规暣in the morning / afternoon / evening 鍦ㄦ棭涓?涓嬪崍/鏅氫笂on Sunday moring鍦ㄦ槦鏈熷ぉ鏃╀笂19. on one鈥檚way home 鍦ㄦ煇on one鈥檚way to school Buy some eggs and rice on your way home. The Baby Monkey can鈥檛find his way home. 銆愬崟鍏冪煡璇嗙偣璇﹁В銆?1. ?1) ---Can I help you? / May I help you? ---Yes, please. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. / I鈥檓just looking, thanks. 2) ---What can I do for you? ---I want a T-shirt for my son. 3) ---Can I try it on? / Why not try them on? --- Sure / No problem. 4) That鈥檚fine. We鈥檒l take it. 5) 280 yuan! Are you kidding? I鈥檒l think about it. Thank you all the same. 6) ---Could you help me do some shopping? --- Sure. What do we need? 7) ---Is that all? 灏遍偅浜涘悧锛?--- Yes, I think so. ?8) ---It鈥檚too heavy. 瀹冨お閲嶄簡銆?---Let me help you. ?2. 璇㈤棶瀵逛簨鐗╃殑瑙傜偣銆佺湅娉?---How do you like this pair of pants?=What do you think of this pair of pants? --- They鈥檙e too long. / I don鈥檛like it at all. How about the blue one? 3. 璇㈤棶鏁伴噺how much +涓嶅彲鏁板悕璇?+ 鈥︼紵how many+(澶嶆暟) +鈥︼紵---How many apples do you need? ---We need two kilos of apples. ---How many bags of rice do you need? ---We need five bags of rice. --How much rice do you need?---We need five bags of rice. 4. 璇㈤棶浠锋牸(price) ---How much is / are 鈥︹€︼紵---It鈥檚/ They鈥檙e 鈥︹€? ---How much is the bread? ---It鈥檚three yuan a loaf. ---How much are the shoes? ---They are 280 yuan. 5. 璇㈤棶閲嶉噺(quantity) ---How heavy is it? --- It鈥檚one kilo a bag.涓€鍗冨厠涓€琚嬨€?6.鎵撶數璇濈殑绠€鍗曚氦闄呯敤璇?1) ---Who is this, please? ---This is Sally. 2)---May I speak to Maria? ---Sorry, she isn鈥檛in/at home now. 3) ---Are you free this Sunday? ---Yes. What鈥檚up? 4) ---Would you like to go to the West Hill with us? 5) ---Could you ask / tell him to call me back this evening? ---Sure. 7.傘€佸缓璁?1) ---Would you like to fly a kite with me? ---Oh/Yes, I鈥檇love/like to.2) ---How/What about flying a kite with me?---I鈥檓sorry I can鈥檛. I have to cook.3) ---Why not fly a kite with me? ---I鈥檇like that, but I鈥檓sorry I have no time. 4) ---Let鈥檚fly a kite. --- Good idea. / OK. / That would be very nice. 8. 璇㈤棶鏃堕棿(time) ---What time is it, please? / What is the time, please? ---It鈥檚seven o鈥檆lock. 9. ?---What are your favorite animals?---Elephants/Monkeys/Panadas/Tigers. They鈥檙e so/very kind/clever/cute/strong.?1. 鏃堕棿琛ㄨ揪娉?锛?锛夌洿鎺ヨ〃杈?鈥滄椂+鍒嗏€濓紝濡? 4:00 four o鈥檆lock ; 12:05 twelve o five锛?:30 two thirty 锛?锛?0鍒嗛挓浠ュ唴锛氱敤鈥滃垎+ past+ 鏃垛€濓紝琛ㄧず鈥滃嚑鐐瑰嚑鍒嗏€?濡傦細8:15 a quarter past eight; 9:30 half past nine 锛?锛夎秴杩?0鍒嗛挓锛氱敤鈥?60-鍒?+ to+(鏃?1)鈥濊〃绀衡€滃樊鍑犲垎鍒板嚑鐐光€?濡傦細3:55 five to four ; 5:40 twenty to six 2. some涓巃ny 鐨勭敤娉?someny鐢ㄤ簬鍚﹀畾鍙ュ拰鐤戦棶鍙ヤ腑銆?She wants some oranges. Does she want any oranges? What about / Why not have/ Would you like some chicken?。

2017八年级英语下册unit 7必背词组及句子(新人教版)

2017八年级英语下册unit 7必背词组及句子(新人教版)

2017八年级英语下册unit 7必背词组及句子(新人教版)2017цnit 7蹇呰儗璇嶇粍鍙婂彞瀛愶紙鏂颁汉鏁欑増锛?т笅unit 7蹇呰儗璇嶇粍鍙婂彞瀛?蹇呰儗璇嶇粍1. the highest mountain in the world (Qomolangma)涓栫晫涓婃渶楂樼殑灞?2. the biggest desert in the world (the Sahara)涓栫晫涓婃渶澶х殑娌欐紶3. the longest river in the world (the Nile)涓栫晫涓婃渶闀跨殑娌?4. the deepest of all the salt lakes (the Caspian Sea)?5. the biggest population in the world涓栫晫涓婃渶澶х殑浜哄彛鏁伴噺6. be higher than any other mountain姣斿叾浠栦换浣曞北鏇撮珮7. the biggest country in Asia浜氭床鏈€澶х8. the second longest river in the world9. one of the oldest countries in the world 10. one of the world鈥檚most dangerous sports 鏈€鍗遍櫓鐨勮繍鍔ㄤ箣涓€11. one of the most popular places12. the most famous part鏈€钁楀悕鐨勯儴鍒?13. of all the mountains鎵€鏈夌殑灞变箣涓?14. a lot/much bigger澶у緱澶?15. the population of the US缇庡浗鐨勪汉鍙f暟閲?16. as big as 鈥﹀拰鈥︿竴鏍峰ぇ17. the same size as鈥﹀拰鈥︿竴鏍峰ぇ18. mountain climbing19. feel free to ask me鈥﹂殢渚块棶鎴戔€?20. the ancient emperors鍙や唬鐨勭殗甯?21. as you can see,..?鈥?22. as far as I know,鈥﹀氨鎴戞墍鐭?鈥? 23. man-make objects浜洪€犵墿浣?24. 8848.43 meters high 8848.43绫抽珮25. about 6,300lilometers long澶х害6,300 ?26. around 20 miters wide澶х害2027. freezing weather conditions鍐板喕鐨勫ぉ姘旀潯浠?28. take in air鍛煎惛绌烘皵29. the first people to reach the top?30. risk their lives鍐掔潃浠栦滑鐨勭敓鍛藉嵄闄?31. challenge themselves32. in the face of difficulties33. the forces of nature?34. achieve our dreams瀹炵幇姊︽兂35. at birth鍦ㄥ嚭鐢熺殑鏃跺€?36. live up to鈥︽椿鍒扳€?37. at the Chengdu Research Base鍦ㄦ垚閮藉ぇ鐔婄尗鐮旂┒鍩哄湴38. panda keepers鐔婄尗楗插吇鍛?39. die from illnesses姝讳簬鐤剧梾40. bamboo forests绔规灄41. in the remaining forests?42. another 200 or so杩樻湁澶х害200宸﹀彸43. research centers44. endangered animals婵掑嵄鍔ㄧ墿45. importance of saving these animals€?46. wild animals閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿47. only live for a short time because of illnesses 鐢变簬鐤剧梾浠呮椿寰堢煭鐨勬椂闂?48. make more homes for the pandas涓哄ぇ鐔婄尗寤洪€犳洿澶氱殑瀹跺洯49. catch whales for meat, fat and oil涓鸿倝,鑴傝偑鍜屾补鑰屾崟椴?50. sea life娴锋磱鐢熺墿51. jump high out of the water 楂橀珮鍦拌穬鍑烘按闈?52. rules on whale protection淇濇姢椴哥殑鍒跺害53. water pollution姘存薄鏌?54. stop putting rubbish into the seaф捣閲屼涪鍨冨溇55. whale parts sold?56. have to be protected57. protect 鈥?from鈥︿繚鎶も€﹀厤浜庘€︾58. weigh many times more than this panda?59. weigh about 0.1 to 0.2 kilos 閲嶉噺澶х害鏄?0.1鍒?.2鍗冨厠蹇呰儗鍙ュ瓙1. This makes it the longest wall in the world.€闀跨殑澧?2. The main reason was to protect their part of the country.. 3. As far as I know, there are no man-make objects as big as this.灏辨垜鎵€鐭?涓栫晫涓婃病鏈夊拰杩欎釜涓€鏍峰ぇ鐨勪汉閫犲伐绋? 4. The Himalayas run along the southwestern part of China.? 5. Of all the mountains, Qomolangma reses the highest.鎵€鏈夌殑灞变箣涓?鐝犵﹩锟絆鐜涜€哥珛寰楁渶楂? 6. Thick clouds cover the top and snow can fall very hard.鍘氬帤鐨勫幓瑕嗙洊鐫€灞遍《, . 7. It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top.(as = when)褰撲綘鎺ヨ繎灞遍《鐨勬椂鍊?鍛煎惛涔熼潪甯哥殑鍥伴毦. 8. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams.? 鎴戜滑搴旇? 9. No ocean in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocean.. 10. This elephant weighs many times more than this panda.杩欏ご澶ц薄鐨勯噸閲忔瘮杩? 11. Lin Wei and the other panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas鈥?breakfast.鏋椾紵鍜屽叾浠栫殑鐔婄尗楗插吇鍛樻. 12. The babies are already awake and hungry.鐔婄尗瀹濆疂宸茬粡閱掍簡,涔熷緢楗? 13. When the babies see the keepers, they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over!褰撳疂瀹濅滑鐪嬪埌楗插吇鍛樼殑鏃跺€? 浠栦滑灏卞叴濂嬪湴璺戣繃鏉?,骞朵笖鎽斿€掍簡. 14. I take care of them like they鈥檙e my own babies.? 15. I wash, feed and play with them every day.鎴戞瘡澶╅兘娲椾粬浠?. 16. Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years.鐔婄尗涓嶈兘鐢熷緢澶氬疂瀹? ? 17. Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo.鎴愬勾鐔婄尗姣忓ぉ鑺卞ぇ绾?2灏忔椂鍚?0鍗冨厠绔瑰瓙. w W w .X k b 1.c O m 18. The Chinese government is also planting more bamboo trees so there will be more forests for pandas to live in.鏋楀彲浠ョ敓娲? 19. We all hope that in the future there will be a lot more pandas than now.鎴戜滑閮藉笇鏈? ?。



2018春七年级英语下册全册词汇表2018?Unit 1 1. person n. 浜?2. cheerful adj. ?3. hard-working adj.鍕ゅ媺鐨?4. patient adj. 鑰愬績鐨?5. smart adj. ?6. probably adv. 寰堝彲鑳?7. forget v. (杩囧幓寮廸orgot)8. smell n. 姘斿懗9. care n. 鐓ч【锛涚収鏂?10. miss v. 鎯冲康锛涙€€蹇?11. joke n. 鐜╃瑧12. laugh v. 绗?13. remain v. 14. strict adj. 涓ユ牸鐨勶紱涓ュ帀鐨?15. encourage v. 榧撳姳16. support n. 17. successful adj. 鑾峰緱鎴愬姛鐨?18. member n. 鎴愬憳19. paragraph n. 娈佃惤20. as well 闄も€︹€︿箣澶栵紱涔?21. take care of 鐓ч【锛涚収鏂?22. tell jokes 璁茬瑧璇?23. make fun of 鍢插紕锛涘彇绗?24. (be) strict about ?25. give up 鏀惧純26. go to work 涓婄彮27. all day and all night 澶滀互缁ф棩Unit 2 1. France n. 娉曞浗2. French adj. 娉曞浗鐨?3. flag n. 鏃楀笢4. wine n.钁¤悇閰?5. tick v. ?6. possible adj. ?7. Europe n. 娆ф床8. store n. 锛堝ぇ鍨嬶級鐧捐揣鍟嗗簵9. *vineyard n. 钁¤悇鍥?10. excellent adj. ?11. south n. 鍗楅儴锛涘崡鏂?12. lie v. (杩囧幓寮弆ay)浣嶄簬锛涘潗钀藉湪13. coast n. 娴峰哺锛涙捣婊?14. perfect adj. 瀹岀編鐨?15. prefer adj. 鏇村枩娆?16. ski v. 婊戦洩17. tower n. 濉?18. finish v. 瀹屾垚19. lift n. 20. step n. 鍙伴樁21. stairs n.[pl.] 22. receiver n. 鎺ュ彈鑰?23. date n. 鏃ユ湡24. greeting n. ?25. address n. 鍦板潃26. (be) famous for 浠モ€︹€﹁€岄椈鍚?27. department store 鐧捐揣鍟嗗簵28. prefer to 鏇村枩娆?29. go on holiday 鍘诲害鍋?30. go sightseeing ?Unit 3 1. blind adj. 鐬庣殑锛涘け鏄庣殑2. radio n. 鏃犵嚎鐢靛箍鎾?3. programme n. 鑺傜洰4. helpful adj. 鏈夌敤鐨勶紱鏈夊府鍔╃殑 5. *rescue n. 钀ユ晳 6. mean v. (杩囧幓寮弇eant)琛ㄧず鈥︹€︾殑鎰忔€?7. *receptionist n. 鎺ュ緟鍛?8.allow v. ?9. pet n. 瀹犵墿10. anywhere adv. 浠讳綍鍦版柟11. apologize v. 閬撴瓑12. lead v. (杩囧幓寮弆ed)13. bark v. 锛堢嫍锛夊悹鍙?14. wake v. (杩囧幓寮弚oke)閱掓潵15. towel n. 姣涘肪16. bottom n. 搴曢儴17. finally adv. 缁堜簬锛涙渶鍚?18. airport n. 鏈哄満19. appear v. 鍑虹幇20. act v. с€佺數褰变21. climb v. 鏀€鐧伙紱鏀€鐖?22. dark adj. 榛戞殫鐨?23. nothing pro n. 娌℃湁浠€涔堬紱娌℃湁涓€浠朵笢瑗?24. arrive at 鍒板ぇ25. by oneself 26. lead (sb.) to 甯︾潃锛堟煇浜猴級鍒扳€︹€?27. fall asleep 鍏ョ潯28. wake up 閱掓潵29. get down 韫蹭笅锛涜洞涓?30. fire engine 娑堥槻杞?Unit 4 1. save v. ?2. pine n. 鏉炬爲 3. discuss n. 璁ㄨ4. branch n. 鏍戞灊5. *root n. 鏍?6. fight v. (杩囧幓寮廸ought)涓庘€︹€︿綔鏂椾簤7. against prep.8. example n. 渚嬪瓙9. harmful adj.鐨?10. gas n. 姘斾綋11. produce v. 浜х敓锛涚敓浜?12. oxygen n. 姘ф皵13. major adj. ?14. convenient adj. 鏂逛究鐨?15. furniture n. 瀹跺叿16. imagine v. ?17. disease n. 鐤剧梾18. dig v. (杩囧幓寮廳ug)鎸?19. hole n. 娲?20. carry n. ?21. *container n. 瀹瑰櫒22. take in 鍚告敹23. come from 鏉ヨ嚜24. for example 25. in fact 锛堣ˉ鍏呯粏鑺26. look around 27. (be) made of 鐢扁€︹€﹁亴绉?28. millions of 澶ч噺鐨勶紱鏁颁互鐧句竾璁$殑29. (be) good for 瀵光€?Unit 5 1. drop n. 婊磛. 鎺変笅锛涜惤涓?2. journey n.?3. quantity n. 鏁伴噺4. experiment n. 瀹為獙锛涜瘯楠?5. fresh adj. 娣$殑锛涙棤鐩愮殑6. salt n. 鐩?7. on adv.8. voice n. 9. reservoir n. 姘村簱10. add n. 澧炲姞锛涙坊鍔?11. chemical n. ?12. through prep.閫氳繃锛涚┛杩?13. pipe n. 绠¢亾14. valuable adj. 瀹濊吹鐨勶紱寰堟湁鐢ㄧ殑15. bit n. 鏈夌偣锛涗竴鐐?16. bank n. 17. change n. 鎵剧粰鐨勯浂閽憋紱鎵惧ご18. return v. 褰掕繕19. *vapour n. 钂告苯锛涢浘姘?20. form v. 褰㈡垚锛涙瀯鎴?21. *stir v. 鎼呮媽22. continue v. 缁х画23. *crystal n. 缁撴櫠锛堜綋锛?24. turn off 鍏虫帀25. add ... to ... 鎶娾€︹€﹀姞鍏モ€︹€?26. a bit 涓€鐐?27. part of 鈥︹€︾殑涓€閮ㄥ垎28. pocket money 锛堢埗姣嶇粰瀛╁瓙鐨勶級闆惰姳閽?29. (be) made up of 鐢扁€︹€︾粍鎴?30. dry up 骞叉陡Unit 6 1. electricity n. 鐢?2. conversation n. 璋堣瘽3. *identity v.鍑?4. rule n. 瑙勫垯 5. anyone pro n. 浠讳綍浜?6. reply v. 鍥炵瓟7. foolish adj. 鎰氳牏鐨?8. wire n. 鐢电嚎9. connect v. 锛堜娇锛夎繛鎺?10. *cable n. 鐢电紗11. moment n. ?12. battery n. 鐢垫睜13. cooker n. 鍘ㄧ伓锛涚倝鍏?14. fridge n. 15. *bulb n. 鐢电伅娉?16. lock v. 锛堢敤閿侊級閿佷笂17. test v. 娴嬭瘯18. tidy v. 浣挎暣娲侊紱浣挎暣榻?19. touch v.20. a packet of 涓€琚?21. in a way 鍦ㄦ煇绉嶇▼搴︿笂22. (be) connected to杩炴帴鍒?23. power station 鍙戠數绔?24. washing machine 娲楄。



2014九年级英语第⼀单元单词、重点词组和句型(新版新⽬标)2014九年级英语第⼀单元单词、重点词组和句型(新版新⽬标)20149textbook /tekstbuk/ n. p.1 conversation /k蓴nv蓹se瑟蕛n/, n. 浜よ皥锛涜皥璇?p.2 aloud /蓹laud/ adv. 澶у0鍦帮紱鍑哄0鍦? p.2 pronunciation /pr蓹n蕦nsieI蕛n/ n. ?p.2 sentence /sent蓹ns/ n. 鍙ュ瓙p.2 patient /pei蕛nt/ adj. 鏈夎€愬績鐨?n. 鐥呬汉p.2 expression/ikspre蕛n/ n. 琛ㄨ揪锛堟柟寮忥級锛涜〃绀?p.3 discover /dIsk蕦v蓹(r)/ v. 鍙戠幇锛涘彂瑙?p.3 secret /si:kr蓹t/ n. 绉樺瘑锛沘dj. 绉樺瘑鐨勶紱p.3 fall in love with p.3 grammar /gr忙m蓹(r)/ n.p.3 repeat /ripi:t/ v. 噸鍋?p.4 note /n蓹ut/ n. ?v. 娉ㄦ剰锛涙寚鍑簆.4 pal /p忙l/ n. 鏈嬪弸锛涗紮浼?p.4 pattern /p忙tn/, /p忙t蓹n/ n. 妯″紡锛涙柟寮?p.4 physics /fiziks/ n. p.4 chemistry /kemistri/ n. p.4 partner /pa:(r)tn蓹(r)/ n. ?p.5 pronounce /pr蓹nauns/ v.鍙戦煶p.5 increase /Inkri:s/ v. ?p.5 speed /spi:d/ n. 閫熷害v.鍔犻€?p.5 ability /蓹bil蓹ti/ n. 鑳藉姏锛涙墠鑳?p.6 brain /brein/ n.澶ц剳p.6 active /忙ktiv/ adj. ?p.6 attention /蓹ten蕛n/ n. 娉ㄦ剰锛涘叧娉?p.6 pay attention to 娉ㄦ剰锛涘叧娉?p.6 connect /k 蓹nekt/ v.p.6 connect 鈥?with ?p.6 overnight /蓹uv蓹(r)nait/adv. ?p.6 review /rivju:/ v. & n. 鍥為【锛?p.6 knowledge /n蓴lid蕭/, n. .6 wisely /waizli/ adv. 鏄p.6 Annie /忙ni/ 瀹⼢Ξ锛堝コ鍚嶏級p.2 Alexander Graham Bell 鈥?璐濆皵p.6 涓€銆侀 1.work with sb?2.make word cards鍒朵綔鍗曡瘝鍗$墖3.listento tapes?4.ask sb for help鍚戞煇浜烘眰鍔?5.watch videos鐪嬪綍鍍?6.have conversations with sb鍚屾煇浜鸿皥璇?7.too...to..澶?..鑰屼笉鑳?.. 8.give a report浣滄姤鍛?9.at first璧峰垵10.word by word閫愯瘝閫愬彞鍦?11.the secret to.... ...12.be afraid to do sth瀹⾍€曞仛鏌愪簨13.fall in love with鐖变笂... 14.body language15.as well涔?16.a piece of cake灏忚彍涓17.look up鏌ラ槄锛涙煡鎵?18.18.so that浠ヤ究锛涗负浜?19.repeat out loud澶у20.take notes璁扮瑪璁?21.sentence pattens鍙ュ瀷22.spoken English23.make mistakes in鍦?..鏂归潰24.the ability to do sth鍋氭煇浜嬬殑鑳藉姏25.depend on瑙?..鑰屽畾锛涘彇鍐充簬锛涗緷闈?26.pay attention to娉ㄦ剰锛涘叧娉?27.connect...with... 鎶?..鍜?..杩炴帴鎴栬仈绯昏捣鏉?28.get bored鎰熷埌鍘岀儲29.try to do sth灏藉姏鍋氭煇浜?30.be stressed out鐒﹁檻涓嶅畨鐨?31.be afraid of瀹⾍€?.. 32.each time姣忓綋锛涙瘡娆?浜屻€佸姛鑳藉彞鍨嬶細1.鈥滆秺...瓒?..鈥濈殑琛ㄨ揪娉? The more you read, the faster you鈥檒l be. 2.so...that..锛?The teacher spoke so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time. 3.so that?I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understand of English movies. 4.氾紙1锛夆€旽ow do you learn English? 鈥旾learn by studying with a group. 锛?锛夆€旸o you learn English by reading aloud? Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. 5.whether?But whether or not you can do this well dependson your learning habits. В璇伙細鈥渂y+doing褰㈠紡鈥濊〃绀烘柟寮忋€佹柟娉?by+doing褰㈠紡锛屸€滈€氳繃鍋?..鐨勬柟寮忊€?I learn Chinese by listening to tapes銆?鎻愰棶鏂瑰紡by+doing缁撴瀯甯哥敤鏉ュ洖绛擧ow do you...锛?鎴朒ow can I...?杩欑被鍙ュ瀷-How can I turn on the light? -By turning this button. 鎷撳睍锛氫粙璇峛y鐨勫叾浠栫敤娉曪細1锛塨y+浜ら€氬伐鍏凤紝鈥滀箻/鍧?..鈥漛y bus 2锛塨y+鍦扮偣锛屸€滃湪...鐨勬梺杈癸紱闈犺繎...鈥?by the lake 3锛塨y+鏃堕棿锛屸€滄埅姝㈠埌...锛涗笉杩熶簬...鈥?by ten 4锛夎鲸鏋恇y銆亀ith銆乮n锛屸€滅敤鈥?by 渚ч噸鈥滅敤鈥濇煇绉嶆墜娈点€佷氦閫氬伐鍏枫€佷紶閫掓柟寮忔垨濯掍粙绛?with 渚ч噸鈥滅敤鈥濇湁褰㈠伐鍏枫€佹潗鏂欍€佸唴瀹圭瓑in 渚чEg. We鈥檒l be traveling by car. He broke the window with a stone. Please answer the question in English.锛?1.-How do you learn English words? -_____making word cards. A. To B. By C. For D. With 2.-How do you get to school every day. Lucy? -I go to school _____. A.ride my bike B.by my bike C.by bus D.by a bus 3. Mr.Scott made a livingby____(sell) old things. 4. She learns English by listening to tapes.(鎻愰棶) _________ __________ she learn English? 5. Most of them take the train to work.(鍚屼箟鍙? Most of them go to work ___________ _______. 瑕佺偣璇﹁В锛?Section A 1.by asking the teacher for help閫氳繃鍚戣€佸笀姹傚姪銆傦紙P1锛?1锛塨y锛屸€滈€氳繃锛涢潬鈥濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝/浠h瘝/鍔ㄥ悕璇嶃€?Eg. He had to do all the work by hand. 2锛塧sk 锛坰b锛?for sth锛屸€滃悜鏌愪汉瑕佹煇鐗╋紱瑕佹眰鏌愪汉鏌愪簨鈥濄€?Eg. My mother asked me for help yesterday. 2. Do you have conversations with friends in English?P2锛? conversion锛屸€滀氦璋堬紱璋堣瘽鈥濄€備笌鍔ㄨ瘝have/hold杩炵敤鏃讹紝椤诲姞涓嶅畾鍐犺瘝锛屼絾涓庡姩璇峬ake杩炵敤鏃讹紝涓嶅姞涓嶅畾鍐犺have/hold a conversion with...鈥滀笌...浜よ皥/璋堣瘽鈥濓紱make conversion?be in a conversion with...鈥滀笌...鍦ㄨ皥璇濃€?Eg. He had a conversation with his son yesterday. 3. What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?2锛?1锛塛hat about...?= How about...?鈥?..鎬庝箞鏍凤紵鈥?2锛夎鲸鏋?aloud adv锛屸€滃ぇ澹板湴锛涘嚭澹板湴鈥濓紝澶氭寚浣垮埆浜哄惉鍒扮殑鎰忓懗锛屽⽗涓巖ead杩炵敤銆?loud adj銆乤dv銆備綔adv涘ぇ澹板湴鈥濓紝甯告斁浜巗peak銆乼alk銆乴augh銆乻ingㄦ瘮杈冪骇銆?loudly 鈥滈珮澹板湴鈥濓紝鏈夋椂涓巐oud鈥滃枾闂光€濈殑鎰忓懗銆傚湪鐢ㄤ笌姣旇緝绾ф垨鏈€楂樼骇鏃讹紝閫氬⽗鐢╨oud鑰屼笉鐢╨oudly銆?Eg. Reading aloud is different from reading loudly.鏈Don鈥檛talk so loud.3锛塸ractice锛屽姩璇嶏紝鈥滅粌涔犫€濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃€佸姩鍚嶈瘝銆?缁冧範锛歍hey practice_____(speak) English every day. 4. It鈥檚too hard to understand spoken English.P2锛?1锛塈t+be+adj+for/of sb+ to do sth. Eg. It鈥檚dangerous for children to play with fire. 2锛塼oo...to...鈥滃お...鑰屼笉鑳?..鈥? Eg. He is too young to join the party. 娉ㄦ剰锛歯ot...enough to.../ so...that... 缁冧範锛歍he girl is ____ tired ____ she could walk any more. A.too; to B.not; enough C.so; that 5. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday.(P2)鍛ㄤ竴浣滄姤鍛娿€?1锛塮inish鈥滃畬鎴愨€濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃€佸姩鍚嶈瘝銆?Eg. I finished doing my homework half an hour ago. 鎷撳睍锛氬悗鍔犲姩鍚嶈瘝鐨勫姩?enjoy/practice/finish/mind doing sth keep (on) doing sth be busy (in) doing sth have fun doing sth feel like doing sth look forward to doing sth can鈥檛help doing sth 2锛塯ive a report鈥滀綔鎶ュ憡鈥濓紝make a report鈥滃啓鎶ュ憡鈥濓紝have a report鈥滃惉鎶ュ憡鈥?6.Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first.(P2)涓€寮€濮嬪彧绠″揩閫熼槄璇昏幏鍙栨枃绔犲€?1锛塲ust?..灏卞ソ浜嗏€濄€?Eg. Just come here a moment. 2)at first锛屸€滆捣鍒濓紱涓€寮€濮嬧€濄€?Eg. At first we used hand tools. Later we had machines. 娉ㄦ剰锛歠irst of all=first锛岃〃绀洪『搴忥紝鍚庡線寰€鐢╪ext锛宼hen绛?缁冧範锛歘_________I didn鈥檛want to go, but I soon changed my mind. __________, open the windows, the turn off the gas, and if necessary, call an ambulance. 7. Well, be patient.(P2)鍝︼紝鑰愬績鐐⼴€?patient锛屽舰瀹硅瘝锛屸€滄湁鑰愬績鐨勨€濄€傦紙1锛塨e patient with sb瀵规煇浜烘湁鑰愬績锛?锛?锛塨e patient of sth 蹇嶈€愭煇浜?Eg. We shouldbe patient with our students. You should learn how tjo be patient of pains. 鎷撳睍锛歱atient杩樺彲浣滃悕璇嶏紝鈥滅梾浜衡€濄€?8. The more you read, the faster you鈥檒l be.(P2)?鈥渢he+姣旇緝绾?..锛宼he+姣旇緝绾?..鈥濓紝鎰忎负鈥滆秺...瓒?..鈥?Eg. The more you smile, the happier you will feel. 鎷撳睍锛氣€滄瘮杈冪骇+and+姣旇緝绾р€濇剰涓衡€滆秺鏉ヨ秺...鈥?Eg. The weather becomes colder and colder. 9. Why did Wei Fen find it difficult to learn English?(P3)find+it+adj+to do sth鈥滃彂鐜板仛鏌愪簨...鈥?Eg. I find it very interesting to learn English. 10. What is the secret to language learning?(P3)the secret to...鈥?..?eg. Her age is a secret to us all. 11. But I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. (P3)銆?1锛塨e afraid to do sth?eg. I鈥檓afraid to travel by plane. 鎷撳睍锛歜e afraid of doing sth瀹⾍€曞仛鏌愪簨be afraid ofsth/sb瀹⾍€曟煇浜?鏌愮墿I鈥檓afraid that浠庡彞锛屾亹鎬?.. 2锛塨ecause of鈥滃洜涓猴紱鐢变簬鈥濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝鎬х?12. Then one day I watched an English movie called Toy Story. I fell in love with this exciting and funny movie.(P3)涔嬪悗鏈変竴澶╋紝鎴戠湅浜嗕竴閮ㄥ悕涓恒€婄帺鍏锋€诲姩鍛樸€嬬殑鑻辨枃鐢靛奖銆傛垜鐖变笂浜嗚繖閮ㄤ护浜哄叴濂嬭€屾湁瓒g殑鐢靛奖锛?1锛塩alled Toy Story called amed 锛屼慨楗癿ovie銆?Eg. That man called Bob is my uncle. 2锛塮all/be in love with 鈥滅埍涓娾€?Eg. They fell in love with each other after working together, 13. Although I could not understand everything the characters said, their body language and the expressions on their faces helped me to get the meaning.(P3)█鍜岄潰閮ㄨ〃鎯呭府鍔╂垜鐞嗚В鎰忔€濄€?1锛塧lthough鈥滃敖绠★紱铏though锛屼笉鑳戒笌but鍚屾椂鍑虹幇鍦??Eg. Although it rained, the boys still played outside.=It rained, but the boys still played outside. 2锛塰elp sb 锛坱o锛塪o sth 锛沨elp sb with sth锛沨elp 锛坱o锛?do sth Eg. She often helps me with my English. 14. I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning.(P3) 鎴戝彂璇€銆?1锛夎鲸鏋愶細discover/invent discoverㄤ絾涓€鐩翠笉涓轰汉鐭ョ殑涓滆タ缁冧範锛歊ecently they _____ gold in this area. Edison ______ the electric light bulb. Columbus ______America. invent 鈥滃彂鏄庘€濆嚭鐨勬柊鐨勶紝鍘熸湰骞朵笉瀛樺湪鐨勪笢瑗?2锛塴istening to something interestingEg. Watching TV too much is bad for our eyes. 15. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them up in the dictionary.(P3)浣嗗洜涓烘垜鎯冲紕鏄庣櫧杩欎釜鏁呬簨锛屾墍浠ユ垜灏辨煡璇嶅吀銆?1锛墂ant綋浜巜ould like锛屽悗鎺ュ悕璇嶃€佷唬璇嶃€佸姩璇嶄笉瀹氬紡銆?2锛塴ook up...in a dictionary?..鈥?Eg. I don鈥檛know the word. Let 鈥檚look it up in the dictionary. 16. I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.(P3)鎴戞兂瀛︿範鏂板so thatn order that...an銆乵ay銆乻hould绛夋儏鎬佸姩璇嶅強be able to杩炵敤銆?Eg. My father bought me a bicycle so that I can go to school quickly. 杈ㄦ瀽锛歴o that涓巗o...that so that屸€滃洜姝わ紱鎵€浠モ€?so...that姝?..浠ヨ嚦浜庘€?Eg. Please turn on the light so that we can see clearly. I am so tired that I can鈥檛walk any further. Section B 1. I can鈥檛always understandspoken English.P5锛?not always鈥not涓巃lso銆乤ll銆乪verything銆乪veryone銆乪verybody绛夎瘝杩炵敤鏃讹紝琛ㄧず閮ㄥ垎鍚﹀畾銆?Eg. People who have a lot of money are not always happy. 2. I don鈥檛know how to increase my reading speed.鎴戜笉鐭ラ亾濡備綍鎻愰珮鎴P5锛?1锛塰ow to increase my reading speed+to do鈥濈粨鏋勶紝浣渒now what銆亀ho 銆亀hich銆亀hen銆亀here銆乭ow銆亀hy绛⼢彲浠ヤ笌to do涓€璧锋瀯鎴+to doEg. I really don鈥檛know what to write about. 2锛塱ncrease?鈶爄ncrease to...犲埌...鈥?eg. The population in this city will increase to 1,000,000. ncrease by...澧為暱浜?..鈥?eg. The price of petrol increased by 5%. 3锛塻peed鈥滈€熷害鈥濓紝at a/the speed of鈥滀互...鐨勯€熷害鈥濓紱at full speed鈥滃叏閫熷湴鈥濓紱with great speed鈥滃揩閫熷湴鈥濄€?Eg. Please drive at a speed of sixty miles an hour. 3.I often make mistakes in grammar.P5锛?make mistakes in...=make a mistake...鈥滃湪鏌愭柟闈㈢姱閿欌€?Eg. He always make mistakes in spelling the new words. 鎷撳睍锛歮istakeВmistakes A for B 鈥滈敊鎶夾褰撲綔B鈥濄€?Eg. The teacher mistook me for my twin brother.鑰4. I don鈥檛know enough words to write well.€傦紙P5锛?enough庡悕璇嶅悗銆?enough杩樺彲浠ヤ慨楗癮dj/adv锛屾斁浜庡叾鍚庛€?Eg. It鈥檚warm enough in the room. 鎷撳睍锛歟nough+锛坒or+sb锛?to do sth鈥滆冻澶?..锛堜娇...锛夎兘鍋氭煇浜嬧€濄€?Eg. The box is light enough for the boy to carry. 5. Maybe you should join an English club.儴銆傦紙P5锛?maybe adv,鈥滄垨璁⾰紱澶ф瘝perhaps銆乸robably銆?may be 鈥滄儏鎬佸姩璇?be鍔ㄨ瘝鈥濈粨鏋勶紝鈥滃彲鑳芥槸鈥濄€?Eg. Maybe you are right. You may be right. 6. How can you become a successful learner?燂紙P6锛?learn+er=learner 鎷撳睍锛氬姩璇嶅悗鍔爀r鏋勬垚鍚嶈瘝锛歵each-teacher write-writer sing-singer read-reader work-worker dance-dancer 7. Everyone is born with the ability to learn.姏銆傦紙P6锛?1锛塨e bornbe鍔ㄨ瘝甯哥敤was/were锛宐orn鏄痓ear?Eg. I was born in a small village. 2锛塧bilityㄧ煭璇have the ability to do sth鈥滄湁鍋氭煇浜嬬殑鑳藉姏鈥濄€?Eg. Man has the ability to speak. 8. But whether or not you can do this well depend on your learning habits.浣嗘槸浣犳槸鍚﹁兘瀛﹀ソ鍙?鍐充簬浣犵殑瀛︿範涔犳儻銆傦紙P6锛?1锛墂hether or not鈥滄槸鍚︹€濓紝whether屼笉鑳戒笌if鏇挎崲銆?Eg. Whether she will come or not is still a problem.2)depend on...鑰屽畾锛涘彇鍐充簬锛涗緷闈犫€濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃€佸姩鍚嶈瘝銆備笉鑳界敤浜庤繘琛屾椂?Eg. We depend on the newspaper for daily news. You may depend on his coming. 9. Creating an interest in what they learn紙P6锛?1锛塩reate-creative-creation-creature 2锛塱nterestake/show an interest in.........鐨勫叴瓒b€濄€?Eg. She shows an interest in music. 10. Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time.ц剳灏变細鏇村姞娲昏穬锛屼綘涔熸洿瀹规槗闀挎椂闂村叧娉ㄥ畠銆傦紙P6锛?1锛塧ctiveН鏋佺殑鈥濓紝take an active part in鈥滅Н鏋佸弬鍔犫€濄€?Eg. Although he is over 80, he is still very active.active-activity-actively 2锛塸ay attention to (doing) sth鈥滄敞鎰忥紱鍏⾍敞鈥?Eg. You鈥檇better pay attention to this word in the English exam last time. 11. Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something interesting.郴璧锋潵銆傦紙P6锛?1锛塩onnect...with...鈥滄妸...鍜?..杩炴帴鎴栬仈绯昏捣鏉モ€濓紝connect涓哄姩璇嶏紝鍚嶈瘝涓篶onnection銆?Eg. Please don鈥檛connect this person with that person. 2锛塶eed鈥滈渶瑕佲€濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃€乼o do鎴杁oing銆?Eg. I need a lot of money now. 3锛塻omething interestingsomething銆乤nything銆乶othing绛夋椂锛屽舰瀹硅瘝鏀惧叾鍚庛€?Eg. There is nothing new in today鈥檚newspaper銆?12. Practice and learning from mistakes.P锛?learn from...鈥滃悜...瀛︿範鈥?13. Good learners think about what they are good at and what they need to practice more.浠€涔堛€傦紙P6锛?1锛塼hink about鈥滆€冭檻鈥濓紝鍏跺悗鍔犲悕璇嶃€Eg. They are thinking about a serious problem. 2锛塨e good at鈥滄搮闀库€濓紝鍚庡姞鍚嶈瘝銆佷唬璇嶃€佸姩鍚嶈瘝銆傜浉褰撲簬do well in鈥滃湪鏌愭柟闈㈠仛寰楀ソ鈥濄€?14. Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it.P6锛?1锛塭ven if鈥€姝ョ殑鎰忓懗锛岀浉褰撲簬even though銆?Eg. I鈥檒l help you, even if I must stay up the whole night. 2锛塮orget/remember 杈ㄦ瀽锛歳emember/forget to do 鍜宺emember/forget doing 3锛塽nlessif...not銆?Eg. Don鈥檛come unless I call you. 15. Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned.細缁х画缁冧範浠栦滑宸?P6锛?1锛塳eep 锛坥n 锛塪oing sth 涓€鐩达紙缁х画锛⼢仛鏌愪簨銆?Eg. He didn鈥檛stop, and he just kept running. 2锛塳eep sb doing sth 璁╂煇浜轰竴鐩村仛鏌愪簨銆?Eg. I鈥檓sorry to keep you waiting. 16. For example, they may take notes by writing down key words or by drawing mind maps. ?嶆垨鑰呯敾鎬濈淮鍥炬潵鍋氱瑪璁般€傦紙P6锛?1锛塮or example鈥滀緥濡傗€濓紝寰€寰€鐢ㄩ€楀彿闅斿€?Eg. I know the film star-Zhang Ziyi, for example. 杈ㄦ瀽锛歴uch as涓巉or example 2锛塵ind?Eg. Do you mind giving me a glass of water. 17. They also look for ways to review what they have learned.浠栦滑璁炬硶澶嶄範宸茬粡瀛﹁繃鐨勭煡璇嗐€?锛圥6锛?1锛夎鲸鏋?look for鍦版壘銆?缁冧範锛欼鈥檓_______my pen everywhere, but I can鈥檛_____it. Read the passage, and _____the answer to this question. find 鈥滄壘鍒帮紱鍙戠幇鈥濓紝鎵惧埌鎴栧彂鐜板叿浣撶殑鍔ㄨ瘝锛屾垨鍋剁劧鍙戠幇鏌愮墿锛屽⼰璋冪粨鏋溿€?find out 鈥滃紕娓咃紱鏌ユ槑鈥濓紝缁忚繃鍥伴毦銆佹洸鎶樿皟鏌18. Knowledge comes from questioning.鐭ヨ瘑鏉ヨ嚜鐤戦棶銆傦紙P6锛?鏍稿績鑰冪偣鍏ㄧ獊鐮达細 1.锛?013閲嶅簡锛塝ou can improve yourEnglish______practicing more. A.by B.with C.of D.in 2.锛?013鍗椾含锛塋inda鈥檚father hates waiting in long lines. I think he鈥檚not very ______. A.patientB.talentedC.popularD.powerful 3.锛?013閲戝崕锛?Tommy, you can never let others know what I have told you today. -Don鈥檛worry,. I will keep the _____. A.secret B.money C.address D.grade 4.锛?013浜戝崡锛塝ou don鈥檛have to_____every new word in the dictionary while reading. A.look for B.look up C.look at D.look after 5.锛?013娉板畨锛塤____you鈥檙e tasted it, you can鈥檛imagine how delicious the dishes are. A. Because B. Although C. When D. unless 6.锛? 013鎵Mr Li, I can鈥檛understand everything in class. -Don鈥檛worry. I鈥檒l ____the main points at the end. A.record B.reviewC.requireD.remember 7.锛?013閬傚畞锛塇e was____tired_____he could not go on walking. A.too;to B.such;that C.so;thatD.not;enough。



精品教案设计资料八年级上册英语单词表Unit7(人教版)тUnit7锛堜汉鏁欑増锛?Unit 7 Will people have robots?paper['pe瑟p蓹r] 绾?pollution [p蓹'lu藧蕛n] 姹℃煋锛涙薄鏌撶墿prediction[pr瑟'd瑟k蕛n]棰勬祴future ['fju藧t蕛蓹r] pollute[p蓹'lu 藧t] 姹℃煋environment [瑟n'va瑟r蓹nm蓹nt] planet ['pl忙n瑟t] 琛屾槦earth[蓽藧r胃] n.鍦扮悆锛涙偿鍦?plant [pl忙nt] ?part [p 锟斤拷藧rt] 鍙傚姞锛岄儴鍒?peace [pi藧s]鍜屽钩sky[ska瑟] 澶╃┖play a part 鍙備笌astronaut['忙str蓹n蓴藧t] 瀹囪埅鍛?apartment[蓹'p锟斤拷藧rtm 蓹nt] rocket ['r锟斤拷藧k瑟t] ?space[spe瑟s] .绌洪棿锛涘お绌?even['i藧vn] 鐢氳嚦锛涙剤鍔?human ['hju藧m蓹n] 浜虹殑锛?n.浜猴紱浜虹被servant['s蓽藧rv蓹nt] 浠嗕汉dangerous ['de瑟nd蕭蓹r蓹s] 鍗遍櫓鐨?already[蓴藧l'redi]宸茬粡factory['f忙ktri] 宸ュ巶believe [b瑟'li藧v] 鐩镐俊disagree [藢d瑟s蓹'锟斤拷ri藧]涓嶅悓鎰?shape [蕛e瑟p] 褰㈢姸fall [f蓴藧l] ?possible ['p锟斤拷藧s蓹bl] ?probably ['pr 锟斤拷藧b蓹bli] 澶ф堝彲鑳?holiday ['h锟斤拷藧l蓹de瑟] 鍋囨棩word [w蓽藧rd] 鍗曡瘝锛?space station ?over and over againhundreds of 锛涘ぇ閲忥紱鎴愮櫨涓婂崈fall down look for ?。



小学英语三年级上册单词表(人教版)т笂鍐屽崟璇嶈〃锛堜汉鏁欑増锛?Unit 1 pen [pen]閽㈢瑪pencil ['pens蓹l]閾呯瑪pencil-case ['pens蓹lkeis]閾呯瑪鐩?ruler ['ru:l蓹]灏哄瓙eraser [i'reiz蓹]姗$毊crayon ['krei蓹n]铚$瑪book [buk]涔?bag [b忙锟斤拷]涔﹀寘sharpener['蕛锟斤拷:p蓹n蓹]鍗风瑪鍒€school [sku:l]瀛︽牎Unit 2 head[hed] 澶?face[feis] 鑴?nose[n蓹uz] 榧诲瓙mouth ]mau胃]鍢?eye [ai]鐪肩潧ear [i蓹]鑰虫湹arm[锟斤拷:m] 鑳宠唺finger['fi艐锟斤拷蓹] 鎵嬫寚leg [le 锟斤拷]鑵?foot [fut]鑴?body ['b蓴di]Unit 3 red [red]绾㈣壊鐨?yellow ['jel 蓹u]榛勮壊鐨?green [锟斤拷ri:n]缁胯壊鐨?blue [blu:]钃濊壊鐨?purple ['p蓹:pl] ?white [hwait] 鐧借壊鐨?black [bl忙k]榛戣壊鐨?orange ['蓴rind蕭] 姗欒壊鐨?pink [pi艐k]绮夎壊鐨?brown [braun]妫曡壊鐨?Unit 4 cat [k忙t] 鐚?dog [d 蓴锟斤拷, d蓴:锟斤拷]鐙?monkey ['m蕦艐ki]鐚村瓙panda ['p忙nd蓹]鐔婄尗rabbit ['r忙bit]鍏斿瓙duck d蕦k] pig [pi锟斤拷]鐚?bird [b蓹:d]楦?bear [b蔚蓹]鐔?elephant ['elif蓹nt]澶ц薄mouse ]maus, mauz]鑰侀紶squirrel ['skw 蓹:r蓹l] 鏉鹃紶Unit 5 cake [keik] 铔嬬硶bread [bred]闈㈠寘hot doghamburger ['h忙mb蓹:锟斤拷蓹]姹夊牎鍖?chicken ['t蕛ikin]楦¤倝French [frent 蕛] Fries 姒ㄨ柉鏉?Coke [k蓹uk] juice [d蕭u:s] 鏋滄眮milk[milk]鐗涘ザwater['w蓴:t蓹] 姘?tea[ti:]鑼?coffee ['k蓴fi]鍜栧暋Unit 6 one [w蕦n]涓€two [tu:]浜?three[胃ri:] 涓?four [f蓴:]鍥?five [faiv] 浜?six[siks] 鍏?seven['sev蓹n] 涓?eight [eit]鍏?nine[nain] 涔?ten[ten]鍗?doll [d蓴l]鐜╁叿濞冨▋boat [b蓹ut]灏忚埞ball [b蓴:l]鐞?kite[kait] 椋庣瓭balloon ]b蓹'lu:n] 姘旂悆car [k锟斤拷:]灏忔苯杞?plane [plein] 椋炴満唽鈥㈠崟璇嶈〃Unit 1 boy [b蓴i]girl [锟斤拷蓹:l] teacher ['ti:t 蕛蓹] 鏁欏笀student ['stju:d蓹nt]瀛︾敓this [冒is, 寮泵吧檚] 杩欎釜my 鎴戠殑friend [frend] 鏈嬪弸I鈥檓=I am 鎴戞槸nice [nais]good morning ['m蓴:ni艐] 鏃╀笂濂?good afternoon [,锟斤拷:ft蓹:'nu:n]" 涓嬪崍濂?meet [mi:t]?goodbye [,锟斤拷ud'bai] too [tu:] 涔燂紱澶?Unit 2 father ['f锟斤拷:冒蓹] 鐖朵翰锛涚埜鐖?dad 鐖哥埜mother ['m蕦冒蓹]?mom man [m忙n] 鐢蜂汉woman['wum蓹n]濂充汉grandmother ['锟斤拷r忙nd,m蕦冒蓹] 澶?绁栨瘝grandma ['锟斤拷r忙ndm锟斤拷:]瘝grandfather ['锟斤拷r忙nd,f锟斤拷:冒蓹]?grandpa ['锟斤拷r忙ndp锟斤拷:]紙澶栵級绁栫埗sister ['sist蓹] brother ['br蕦冒蓹] let鈥檚=let [let] us [蕦s] 璁╂垜浠?great [锟斤拷reit] ?really ['ri蓹li, 'ri:li] 鐪熷湴锛涚‘鍒囧湴and 忙nd, 鍜岋紱骞朵笖how [hau] 澶氫箞锛涙€庝箞鏍?Unit 3 eleven [i'lev蓹n]鍗佷竴twelve [twelv] 鍗佷簩thirteen '胃蓹:'ti:n]鍗佷笁fourteen ['f蓴:'ti:n]鍗佸洓fifteen ['fifti:n]鍗佷簲sixteen ['siks'ti:n] 鍗佸叚seventeen [,sev蓹n'ti:n] 鍗佷竷eighteen ['ei'ti:n] 鍗佸叓nineteen [,nain'ti:n] 鍗佷節twenty ['twenti] 浜屽崄how [hau] many ['meni]澶氬皯can [k忙n, k蓹n] ?look [luk] at [, 寮鄙檛]鐪嬶紱鐬?Unit 4 peach [pi:t蕛]妗?pear [p蔚蓹]姊?orange ['蓴rind蕭] 姗欏瓙watermelon ['w蓴:t蓹mel蓹n]瑗跨摐apple ['忙pl] 鑻规灉banana [b蓹'n锟斤拷:n蓹] 棣欒晧strawberry ['str 蓴:b蓹ri]鑽夎帗grape [锟斤拷reip]钁¤悇like [laik]some [s蕦m, 涓€浜涳紱鏌愪簺thanks 澶氳阿Unit 5 bus [b蕦s]bike [baik]杞?taxi ['t忙ksi] ?jeep [d蕭i:p]鍚夋櫘杞?desk [desk]chair [t蕛蔚蓹]妞呭瓙Walkman 闅忚韩鍚?lamp [l忙mp]鍙扮伅your [j蓴:, j蓹u, 寮眏蓹]zoo [zu:] 鍔ㄧ墿鍥?Unit 6 small [sm蓴:l] 灏忕殑big [bi锟斤拷]澶х殑long [l蓴艐, l蓴:艐] 闀跨殑short [蕛蓴:t] ?tall [t 蓴:l] 楂樼殑giraffe [d蕭i'r锟斤拷:f] ?deer [di蓹] 楣?浜烘暀鐗堝皬瀛Unit 1 unit 3 window锛歔'wind蓹u] 绐楁埛thin [胃in] 鐦︾殑board锛歔b蓴:d] 鏈ㄦ澘strong [str蓴艐] 寮哄.鐨? light锛歔lait] 鍏夌嚎quiet [kwai蓹t] 瀹夐潤鐨?picture锛歔'pikt蕛蓹] 鐢?friend[frend] 鏈嬪弸door锛歔d蓴:] 闂?Chinese [t蕛a瑟ni:z, -ni:s] ?floor 锛歔fl蓴:] 鍦版澘like [laik] classroom锛歔'kl锟斤拷:srum] his [hiz, 瑟z] 浠栫殑many锛歔'meni] ?photo [f蓹ut蓹u] 鐓х墖our锛歔'au蓹] 鎴戜滑鐨?has [h忙z鏈?classmate锛歔'kl锟斤拷:smeit] name [neim] 鍚嶅瓧seat锛歔si:t] 搴т綅he [hi: 浠?near锛歔ni蓹] 杩戠殑teacher [ti:t蕛蓹锛宼i藧t蕛蓹(r)] 鏁欏笀what锛歔hw蓴t] 浠€涔?student [stju:d蓹nt] 瀛︾敓in锛歔in] 鍦?..閲? music [mju:zik] 闊充箰the锛歔冒蓹] 杩?涓?,閭?涓?science [sai蓹ns] we锛歔wi:] 鎴戜滑sport [sp蓴:t] 杩愬姩have锛歔h忙v] 鏈?鎷ユ湁right [rait] 姝g‘鐨?new锛歔nju:] 鏂扮殑;鏂伴矞鐨?鏂板瀷鐨?boy [b蓴i] go锛歔g蓹u] 鍘?绂诲幓girl [锟斤拷蓹:l]where锛歔hw蓻蓹] 鍦ㄥ摢閲?unit 4 computer锛歔k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 鐢佃剳,鐢靛瓙璁$畻鏈?study [st蕦di] 瀛︿範wall锛歔w蓴:l] 澧?bathroom [b锟斤拷:胃rum] fan锛歔f忙n] 鎵囧瓙bedroom [bedru:m, -r蕣m] 鍗уclean 锛歔kli:n] 娓呮磥鐨?kitchen [kit蕛in] 鍘ㄦ埧you锛歔ju:] 浣?浣犱滑fish [fi 蕛] . 楸?see锛歔si:] here [hi蓹] 鍦ㄨ繖閲?me锛歔mi:] 鎴?home [h蓹um] 瀹?look at锛歔luk] [忙t] 鐪?room [ru:m] 鎴块棿Unit2 school [sku:l] 瀛︽牎Chinese book锛歔't蕛ai'ni:z][buk] ?phone [f蓹un] 鐢佃瘽English book锛歔'i艐gli蕛] [buk] ?bed [bed] 搴? math book [m忙胃] [buk] 鏁板?schoolbag [sku:lb忙g] 涔﹀寘storybook [st蓴:ribuk] 鏁呬簨涔?fridge [frid蕭] notebook [n蓹utbuk] ?table [teibl] 妗屽瓙colour [k蕦l蓹] 褰╄壊they [冒ei, 冒e] 浠朳濂? 瀹僝浠?fat [f忙t] 鑳栫殑sofa [s蓹uf蓹] 娌欏彂shelf [蕛elf] 鏋跺瓙key [ki:]閽ュ寵may [mei]open [蓹up蓹n]寮€鐫€鐨?sure [蕛u蓹] 褰撶劧please [pli:z]璇?bag [b忙锟斤拷] 琚? 鍖?on [蓴n]鍦ㄢ€︿笂pencil[pens蓹l閾呯瑪no [n蓹u]涓? 涓嶆槸pen [pen] 绗?desk [desk]twenty-one [twenti:w蕦n, tw蕦n-] 浜屽崄涓€door [d蓴:]闂?thirty [胃蓽:ti:] 涓夊崄chair [t蕛蓻蓹锛宼蕛e蓹(r)]妞呭瓙forty [f 蓴:ti:] 鍥涘崄bed [bed]搴?fifty [f瑟fti:锛宖瑟fti] 浜斿崄heavy [hevi] 閲嶇殑sorry [s蓴ri] 瀵逛笉璧?sorry [s蓴ri] 瀵逛笉璧?book [buk] 涔?ruler [ru:l蓹]灏?Unit 3 thin [胃in] 鐦︾殑strong [str蓴艐] 寮哄.鐨? quiet [kwai蓹t] 瀹夐潤鐨?friend [frend] 鏈嬪弸Chinese [t蕛a瑟ni:z, -ni:s] ?like [laik]his [hiz, 瑟z] 浠栫殑photo [f蓹ut蓹u] 鐓х墖has [h忙z鏈?name [neim] 鍚嶅瓧he [hi: 浠?teacher [ti:t蕛蓹锛宼i藧t蕛蓹(r)] 鏁欏笀student [stju:d蓹nt] 瀛︾敓music [mju:zik] 闊充箰science [sai蓹ns] sport [sp蓴:t] 杩愬姩right [rait] 姝g‘鐨?boy [b蓴i] girl [锟斤拷蓹:l] Unit 4 study [st 蕦di] 瀛︿範bathroom [b锟斤拷:胃rum] bedroom [bedru:m, -r蕣m] 鍗уkitchen [kit蕛in] 鍘ㄦ埧fish [fi蕛] . 楸?here [hi蓹] 鍦ㄨ繖閲?home [h蓹um] 瀹?room [ru:m] 鎴块棿school [sku:l] 瀛︽牎phone [f蓹un] 鐢佃瘽bed [bed] 搴? sofa [s蓹uf蓹] 娌欏彂shelf [蕛elf] 鏋跺瓙fridge [frid蕭]table [teibl] 妗屽瓙they [冒ei, 冒e] 浠朳濂? 瀹僝浠?key [ki:]閽ュ寵open [蓹up蓹n]寮€鐫€鐨?please [pli:z]璇?on [蓴n]鍦ㄢ€︿笂no [n蓹u]涓? 涓嶆槸desk [desk]door [d蓴:]闂?chair [t蕛蓻蓹锛宼蕛e蓹(r)]妞呭瓙bed [bed]搴?Unit5 rice [rais] 澶х背fish [fi蕛] 楸?noodle [nu:dl]闈㈡潯beef [bi:f]鐗涜倝vegetable [ved蕭it蓹bl]soup [su:p]姹?have [h忙v, h蓹v, 蓹v, v]鍚?dinner [din蓹]wait [weit]绛?bread [bred]闈㈠寘milk [milk]鐗涘ザegg [e锟斤拷]铔?water [w蓴:t蓹]姘?hungry [h蕦艐锟斤拷ri]楗ラタ鐨?for [f蓴:, f蓹]涓猴紝缁?knife [naif]鍒€chopstick [t蕛蓴pst瑟k]绛峰瓙spoon [spu:n]鍕哄瓙plate [pleit]鐩樺瓙fork [f蓴:k]鍙夊瓙help [help]pass [p锟斤拷:s]浼犻€?ready [redi]try [trai]灏濊瘯show [蕛蓹u]灞曠ずyummy [j蕦mi]濂藉悆鐨?food [fu:d]椋熺墿use [ju:z]浣跨敤chicken [t蕛ikin]楦¤倝fish [fi 蕛]楸?Unit6 family [f忙mili]瀹跺涵parent [p蓻蓹r蓹nt锛宲e蓹r蓹nt]鐖舵瘝uncle [蕦艐kl]鑸呰垍aunt[锟斤拷:nt]baby [beibi]濠村効people [pi:pl]浜?member [memb蓹]鎴愬憳only [蓹unli]浠呬粎puppy [p蕦pi]灏忕嫍gee [d 蕭i:]come [k蕦m]鏉?who [hu:, hu]璋?sister [sist蓹]brother [br蕦冒蓹]鍏勫紵father [f锟斤拷:冒蓹]鐖朵翰mother[m蕦冒蓹]姣嶄翰driver [draiv蓹]鍙告満doctor [d蓴kt蓹]鍖荤敓farmer [f锟斤拷:m蓹]鍐滄皯nurse [n蓹:s]鎶ゅ+young [j蕦艐]骞磋交鐨?浜烘暀鐗堝皬瀛﹁Unit1 playground ['plei锟斤拷raund] 鎿嶅満garden ['锟芥嫭锟?dn ] 鑺卞洯office ['蓴fis] 鍔炲叕瀹?teacher,s-office ['蓴fis] 鏁欏笀鍔炲叕瀹?library [ 'laibr蓹ri ] 鍥句功棣?canteen [ k忙n'ti:n ] 椋熷爞first [ f蓹:st ] floor [ fl蓴: (r)] 灞傦紙妤硷級welcome [ 'welk蓹m ] 娆㈣繋to 缁欙紝瀵?our [ 'au蓹] 鎴戜滑鐨?many [ 'meni ]?visitor [ 'vizit 蓹] ;?there [ 冒蔚蓹] ;閭i噷class [ kl锟斤拷:s]骇;璇剧▼lunch [ l蕦nt蕛] at 鍦?this way [ wei ] 杩欒竟please [ pli:z ] 璇?beautiful [ 'bju:tiful ]缇庝附鐨?computer [ k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 璁$畻鏈?board [ b 蓴:d ]鍐欏瓧鏉?fan [ f忙n ]鎵囧瓙锛涚數鎵?light ['lait ]鐏?this [冒is] 杩欙紝杩欎釜is 鏄?my [ma瑟] 鎴戠殑that [冒忙t] 閭?閭d釜your 浣犵殑art [锟斤拷:t]art room [锟斤拷:t] [ru:m] computer [ k蓹m'pju:t蓹] 璁$畻鏈猴紱鐢佃剳computer room 璁$畻鏈烘暀瀹?washroom ['w蓴蕛rum] ?music ['mju:zik] 闊充箰music room['mju:zik] [ru:m] gym [ d蕭im ] 浣撹偛棣?TV roomsecond [ 'sek蓹nd ] cool [ ku: ] 璁㈠ソ鐨?閰风殑teacher,s desk[ desk ]璁插彴picture[ 'pikt蕛蓹]鍥剧敾. wall[ w蓴:l ]澧?floor[ fl蓴: ] 鍦版澘yes [ jes ] it [ it ] 瀹?Unit2 English [ 'i艐gli蕛]嫳鏂?English class璇?class [ kl锟斤拷:s ] 璇?music class [ kl锟斤拷:s ] 闊充箰璇?P.E. class浣撹偛璇?breakfast [ 'brekf蓹st ] dinner [ 'din蓹] ? over [ '蓹uv蓹] 缁撴潫go [ g蓹u ]鍘?go to the playground [ 'plei锟斤拷raund ]鍘绘搷鍦?go home [ h蓹um ] now[ nau ]鐜板湪just a minute ['minit]€浼?kid [ kid ] ;瀛╁瓙run [ r蕦n ] 璺?one[ w蕦n ]涓€two[ tu: ]浜?three [ 胃ri: ]涓?four [ f蓴: ]鍥?five[ faiv ]浜?six[ siks ] 鍏? seven[ 'sev蓹n ]涓?eight[ eit ] 鍏? nine[ nain ] 涔? ten[ ten ]鍗?what[ w蓴t]浠€涔?time [ta瑟m] 鏃堕棿it鈥檚= it is o鈥檆lock [蓹鈥檏l蓴k] 鈥︹€︾偣閽?get [ 锟斤拷et ]寰楀埌鑾峰緱get up [ 锟斤拷et ] [ 蕦p ] 璧峰簥go to school [sku:l]go home go to bed ready [ 'redi ] hurry [ 'h 蕦ri ] 鎶撶揣;璧跺揩math [ m忙胃] Chinese ['t蕛ai'ni:z] n眽璇?dj;china ['t蕛ain蓹] n ;鐡峰櫒English [ 'i艐gli蕛] a鑻卞浗鐨?鑻卞浗浜虹殑;;鑻卞浗浜?England ['i艐gl蓹nd] n鑻辨牸鍏?鑻卞浗P.E.浣撹偛music[ 'mju:zik ] 闊充箰for [ f蓴] 涓?缁?class [ kl锟斤拷:s] ;璇剧▼Unit3 jacket [ 'd蕭忙kit ] 澶瑰厠琛?shirt [ 蕛蓹:t ] skirt [ sk蓹:t ] 瑁欏瓙dress [ dres ] 杩炶。



2016七年级英语上册重要单词汇总2016涓冨勾绾ц?1銆?meet 150銆?鏃跺埢time? 2銆?first 151銆?娓告吵swim 3銆?English152銆?鏉?com 4銆?lesson153銆?浠婂ぉtomorrow 5銆?class154銆?璁″垝plan 6銆?瀛︾敓student155銆?鎿嶅満playground 7銆?濂冲+锛屽皬濮?miss156銆?鍋滅暀stay 8銆?鍗佷簩twelve157銆?娓告垙game 9銆?...宀?years old158銆?talk 10銆?鍗佷笁thirteen159銆?鍏充簬about 11銆?涔?too160銆?鈥︽€庝箞鏍? What about...? 12銆?浠庘€︽潵from161銆?鏃堕棿time 13銆?鍏抽棴close162銆?鈥︾偣閽?o'clock 14銆?鎵撳紑open163銆?涓€鍗?half 15銆?鐩哥О/鍖归厤match164銆?瓒呰繃鈥?over 16銆?鍐?write165銆?缇庢湳,鑹烘湳art 17銆?缁冧範exercise166銆?chemistry 18銆?鍩庡競city167銆?鍘嗗彶history 19銆?鑻卞浗Britain168銆?maths 20銆?鑻卞浗鐨?British169銆?鍦?鏌愭椂鍒? at 21銆?鍗佸洓fourteen170銆?寮€濮?start 22銆?鍗佷竴eleven171銆?璧峰簥get up 23銆?榛戞澘blackboard172銆?鍚?eat 24銆?浜屽崄涔?twenty-nine173銆?鏃╅キbreakfast 25銆?浜斿崄fifty174銆?鎴垮瓙,浣忓畢house 26銆?鐖?姣?parent175銆?璇鹃棿浼戞伅break 27銆?can/could176銆?鍗堥キlunch 28銆?basketball177銆?鎴栬€?or 29銆?閽㈢惔piano178銆?鍥炲go home 30銆?缃戠悆tennis179銆?鏅氶キ,dinner 31銆?涔掍箵鐞?table tennis180銆?缁撴潫,瀹屾垚finish 32銆?楠戯紝寮€杞?ride181銆?洯park 33銆?椹?horse182銆?瀹跺姟鍔冲姩housework 34銆?娆㈣繋welcome183銆?涓嶅悓鐨?different 35銆?鍥介檯鐨?international184銆?涔犳儻habit 36銆?宸ュ巶factory185銆?鎬绘槸,涓€鐩?always 37銆?/hotel186銆?鍗$墖card 38銆?澶уuniversity187銆?绀肩墿gift 39銆?鍖婚櫌hospital188銆?閫氬父usually 40銆?鍔炲叕瀹?office189銆?缁忓父鈥?often 41銆?鍖荤敓doctor190銆?浠庝笉never 42銆?宸ヤ汉worker191銆?寰楀埌receive 43銆?缁忕悊manager192銆?鍙戦€?send 44銆?鍦ㄢ€﹀湴鐐?at?193銆?濂借〃鍚屾剰OK 45銆?鐓х墖photo194銆?绁?ticket 46銆?瀹跺涵family195銆?鍙?瀵?pair 47銆?濂圭殑her196銆?涓€鍙?涓€瀵?a pair of 48銆?鐢ㄧ敱浜庡紩瀵煎彞瀛?that197銆?繍鍔ㄩ瀷sneakers 49銆?鍥涘崄鍏?forty-six198銆?(澶?鐗涗粩瑁?jeans 50銆?瀛楀吀/璇嶅吀dictionary199銆?T鎭?T-shirt 51銆?鍥句功棣?library200銆?闊充箰浼?concert 52銆?鍥剧墖picture201銆?鐩掑瓙box 53銆?姝g‘鐨?correct202銆?涓濈桓silk 54銆?鍗佷簲fifteen203銆?shirt 55銆?鍗佸叚sixteen204銆?鏉傚織magazine 56銆?鍗佷竷seventeen205銆?灏忚novel 57銆?鍗佸叓eighteen206銆?鍏夌洏disk 58銆?鍗佷節nineteen207銆?閫夋嫨choose 59銆?涓夊崄thirty208銆?澶ч噺,much 60銆?sixty209銆?澶ч噺,lot 61銆?涓冨崄seventy210銆?澶ч噺, a lot of 62銆?eighty211銆?琛f湇(鎬荤О) clothes 63銆?涔濆崄ninty212銆?闊充箰music 64銆?restaurant213銆?姝屾墜singer 65銆?浣撹偛棣?gym214銆?浠モ€︽柟寮?by 66銆?science215銆?on TV 67銆?瀹為獙瀹?lab 216銆?瀹冪殑its 68銆?鍦?..鍓嶉潰in front of217銆?鎯?璁や负think 69銆?鍦ㄢ€︽梺杈?beside218銆?鎯冲嚭think of 70銆?鍦ㄢ€﹀悗闈?at the back of 219銆?trip 71銆?涓€浜?some220銆?鍔ㄧ墿鍥?zoo 72銆?浠讳綍涓€涓?any221銆?鑰佽檸tiger 73銆?/浜?anyone222銆?楠嗛┘camel 74銆?寤虹瓚鐗?building223銆?澶ц薄elephant 75銆?many224銆?lion 76銆?浜轰滑people225銆??giraffe 77銆?闃垮Жaunt226銆?琚嬮紶kangaroo 78銆?绁栫埗grandpa227銆?鐚村瓙monkey 79銆?绁栨瘝grandma228銆?鐔婄尗panda 80銆??grandpa229銆?铔?snake 81銆?鍙斿彅uncle230銆?鐙?wolf 82銆?濮?sister231銆?鍖楁瀬鐔?polar bear 83銆?鏈?have232銆?瀵兼父guide 84銆?鎷ユ湁have got233銆?鍗?thousand 85銆?鐖风埛grandfather234銆?,璁块棶visit 86銆?濂跺ザgrandmother235銆?姣忎竴涓?鍙?every 87銆?e-mail236銆?鍔ㄧ墿animal 88銆?浠栵紙瀹撅級him237銆?鏂戦┈zebra 89銆?鍋氾紝鍒堕€?do238銆?more 90銆?鍋ュ悍鐨?healthy239銆?婢冲ぇ鍒╀簹Australia 91銆?姗樺瓙orange240銆?婢冲ぇ鍒╀簹鐨?Australian 92銆?drink241銆?鍖楁瀬Arctic 93銆?姘存灉fruit242銆?娆ф床Europe 94銆? vegetable243銆?娆ф床鐨?European 95銆?鐗涜倝beef244銆?浜氭床Asia 96銆?鑳¤悵鍗?carrot245銆?浜氭床鐨?Asian 97銆?楦¤倝chicken246銆?杩欓噷here 98銆?鏋滄眮juice247銆?绔瑰瓙bamboo 99銆?鐢滅摐melon248銆?闈炴床Africa 100銆?鐗涘ザmilk249銆?闈炴床鐨?African 101銆?娲嬭懕onion250銆?缇庢床,缇庡浗America 102銆?pork251銆?缇庢床/鍥界殑American 103銆?鍦熻眴potato252銆?澶ф磱娲?Oceania 104銆?瑗跨孩鏌?tomato253銆?澶ф磱娲茬殑Oceanian 105銆??favourite254銆?娌欐紶desert 106銆?闈㈡潯noodle255銆?forest 107銆?绯栨灉sweet256銆?涓涙灄jungle 108銆?Coke257銆?鑽?grass 109銆?姹夊牎鍖?hamburger258銆?鑽夊師grassland 110銆?鍐版縺鍑?ice cream259銆?鍗板害India 111銆?涓嶅仴搴风殑unhealthy260銆?鍙跺瓙(鍗?leaf 112銆?fridge261銆?鍙跺瓙(澶? leaves 113銆?鏅氫細,鑱氫細party262銆?涓栫晫world 114銆?鐢熸棩birthday263銆?鐢佃剳,涓绘満computer 115銆?杩囧幓鐨?past264銆?keyboard 116銆?妗屽瓙desk265銆?鏄剧ず鍣?monitor 117銆?浠栦滑瀹炬牸them266銆?榧犳爣mouse 118銆?骞磋交鐨?young267銆?鎵撳嵃print 119銆?鐢熸椿,浣?live268銆?鎵撳嵃鏈?printer 120銆?宸у厠鍔?chocolate269銆?杩炴帴connect 121銆?閭€璇?invite270銆?鍏虫帀turn off 122銆?鐢靛奖闄?cinema271銆?寮€(鐢靛櫒) turn on 123銆?鎰挎剰would like272銆?鏈€鍚?at last 124銆?鐢靛奖film273銆?棣栧厛at first 125銆?浣撹偛棣?gym274銆?鏂囦欢file 126銆?姣旇禌competition275銆?浣跨敤use 127銆?鏄庢槦star276銆?鐐瑰嚮click 128銆?闃熶紞team277銆?鐒跺悗,next 129銆?鏅氫笂evening278銆?淇濆瓨,鎸芥晳save 130銆?鍛ㄦ棩Sunday279銆?block 131銆?鍛ㄤ竴Monday280銆?鐒跺悗then 132銆?鍛ㄤ簩Tuesday281銆?鍐嶄竴娆?鍙?again 133銆?鍛ㄤ笁Wednesday282銆?鍦ㄧ嚎鐨?online 134銆?鍛ㄥ洓Thursday283銆?travel 135銆?鍛ㄤ簲Friday 284銆?涓嬭浇download 136銆?鍛ㄥ叚Saturday285銆?缃戠粶net 137銆?鍜屸€︿竴璧?together286銆?澶栧瓩瀛?濂?grandson/granddaughter 138銆?濂?浼熷ぇ鐨?great287銆?鏈夋椂,鏃惰€?sometimes 139銆?鎯虫硶,涓绘剰idea288銆?妫€鏌?check 140銆?璁╂垜浠?let's289銆?train 141銆?褰撯€︽椂when290銆?鏃跺埢琛?timetable 142銆?涓婃紨on291銆??laptop 143銆?闂?ask292銆?鍛ㄦ湯weekend 144銆?榄旀湳magic293銆?缃戠珯website 145銆?琛ㄦ紨show294銆?浼︽暒London 146銆?鏃ュ瓙,鐧藉ぉday295銆?淇℃伅information 147銆?鍦扮偣place296銆?绉嶇被kind 148銆?浠锋牸price297銆?绉戠洰subject。



2018年人教版新目标八年级英语上册全册词汇表整理2018骞翠汉鏁欑増鏂扮洰鏍囧叓骞寸骇鑻辫涓婂唽鍏ㄥ唽璇嶆眹琛ㄦ暣鐞? Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?anyone ['eniwn] pron.浠讳綍浜?anywhere ['eniwe(r)] adv.浠讳綍鍦版柟n.浠讳綍(涓€涓?鍦版柟wonderful ['wndfl] adj.绮惧僵鐨勶紱鏋佸ソ鐨?few [fju] adj.寰堝皯鐨勶紱n.灏戦噺quite a few鐩稿綋澶氾紱涓嶅皯(鍚庢帴鍙暟鍚嶈瘝)most [mst] adj.鏈€澶氱殑锛涘ぇ澶氭暟鐨勶紱something ['sm胃] pron.鏌愪簨鐗╋紱nothing(=not鈥nything) ['n胃] pron.娌℃湁浠€涔坣.娌℃湁everyone ['evriwn] pron.姣忎汉锛涗汉浜?of course [vks] 褰撶劧myself [ma'self] pron.鎴戣嚜宸?yourself [j'self] pron.浣犺嚜宸憋紱浣犱翰鑷?hen [hen] n.姣嶉浮锛涢泴绂?pig n.鐚?seem [sim] vi.浼间箮锛涘ソ鍍?bored [bd] adj.鏃犺亰鐨勶紱鍘岀儲鐨勶紱閮侀椃鐨?someone ['smwn] pron.鏌愪汉锛涙湁浜?diary ['dari] n.鏃ヨ锛涙棩璁扮翱(keep a diary)activity [忙k'tvti] n.娲诲姩锛涙椿璺?decide [d'sad] v.鍐冲畾锛涢€夊畾(decide to do sth.)try [tra] v.灏濊瘯锛涜娉曪紱鍔姏(try to do sth. /try doing sth.) paragliding ['p忙rlad] n.绌轰腑婊戠繑璺充紴feel like(doing sth.)鎯宠bird [bd] n.楦燂紱绂?bicycle ['baskl] n.鑷杞?building ['bld] n.寤虹瓚鐗?trader ['tred(r)] n.鍟嗕汉锛涘晢鑸?wonder ['wnd(r)] v.鎯婂锛涙兂鐭ラ亾锛涙€€鐤?difference ['dfrns] n.宸紓锛涗笉鍚?top [tp] n.椤堕儴锛涢《wait [wet] v.绛夛紱绛夊緟(wait for)umbrella [m'brel] n.浼烇紱闆ㄤ紴wet [wet] adj.婀跨殑锛涢洦澶╃殑because of鍥犱负锛涚敱浜?below [b'l] prep.浣庝簬锛涘湪...涓嬮潰adv.鍦ㄤ笅闈?enough ['nf] adj.瓒冲鐨刟dv.瓒冲鍦帮紱鍏呭垎鍦?hungry(鍙峟ull) ['hri] adj.楗ラタ鐨勶紱娓存湜鐨?as [z] conj.濡傚悓锛涘儚...涓€鏍?hill缇嶽hl] n. 灏忓北锛涗笜闄碉紱鏂滃潯锛涘北鍐?duck [dk] n.楦倝锛涢腑dislike [ds'lak] v.涓嶅枩娆紱鍘屾伓n.涓嶅枩鐖憋紱鍘屾伓锛涘弽鎰?have a good time=enjoy oneself=have fun(doing sth.)鐜╁緱鐥涘揩Central Park 涓ぎ鍏洯Huangguoshu waterfall 榛勬灉鏍戠€戝竷Hangkong H.K. 棣欐腐Malaysia 椹潵瑗夸簹Georgetown 鍦簹閭d箶娌绘暒娓彛锛岀編鍥戒箶娌诲煄澶уWeld Quay琛?(娴蜂咕琛?鐮佸ご) 浣嶄簬椹潵瑗夸簹妲熷煄宀?宸?,涔旀不甯? Penang Hill 椹潵瑗夸簹妲熸灞憋紙鍗囨棗灞憋級tian'anmen square 澶╁畨闂ㄥ箍鍦?the Palace Museum 鏁呭鍗氱墿闄?Unit2 How often do you exercise?housework ['haswk] n.瀹跺姟鍔冲姩hardly ['hdli] adv.鍑犱箮涓嶏紱绠€鐩翠笉锛涘垰鍒?ever ['ev(r)] adv.鏇剧粡锛涘湪浠讳綍鏃跺€?hardly ever寰堝皯锛涘嚑涔庝粠涓嶏紱闅惧緱once [wns] adv.涓€娆★紱鏇剧粡twice [twas] adv.涓ゅ€嶏紱涓ゆInternet ['ntnet] n.鍥犵壒缃?program ['prr忙m] n.鑺傜洰锛涚▼搴忥紱璇剧▼锛涜妭鐩崟full [fl] adj.婊$殑锛涘厖婊$殑锛涘畬鍏ㄧ殑swing [sw] n.鎽囨憜锛涚鍗僾.鎽囨憜锛涙棆杞?swing dance鎽囨憜鑸?maybe ['mebi] adv.鎴栬锛涗篃璁革紱鍙兘least [list] adj.鏈€灏忕殑锛涙渶灏戠殑at least鑷冲皯junk n.鍨冨溇锛涘簾鏃ф潅鐗?junk food n.鍨冨溇椋熷搧锛涙棤钀ュ吇椋熷搧coffee ['kfi] n.鍜栧暋锛涘挅鍟¤壊health [hel胃] n.鍋ュ悍锛涗汉鐨勮韩浣撴垨绮剧鐘舵€? result [r'zlt] .缁撴灉锛涘悗鏋?percent [p'sent] adj.鐧惧垎涔?..鐨?online [n'lan] adj.鍦ㄧ嚎鐨刟dv.鍦ㄧ嚎鍦?television ['telvn] n.鐢佃鏈猴紱鐢佃鑺傜洰although [l'冒] conj.铏界劧锛涘敖绠★紱鐒惰€岋紱鍙槸through [胃ru] prep.绌胯繃锛涘嚟鍊燂紱涓€鐩村埌mind [mand] .澶磋剳锛涙兂娉曪紱鎰忚锛涘績鎬?body ['bdi] n.韬綋such [st] adj.杩欐牱鐨勶紱濡傛鐨?such as渚嬪锛涜濡?together [t'e冒(r)] adv.鍏卞悓锛涗竴璧?die [da] v.姝伙紱鏋锛涙秷澶?writer ['rat(r)] n.浣滆€咃紱浣滃dentist ['dentst] n.鐗欑鍖荤敓magazine ['m忙zin] n.鏉傚織however [ha'ev(r)] adv.鐒惰€岋紱鏃犺濡備綍锛涗笉绠″涔?than [冒n] conj.姣?more than瓒呰繃锛涘浜庯紱涓嶄粎浠咃紱闈炲父almost ['lmst] adv.鍑犱箮锛涘樊涓嶅none [nn] pron.娌℃湁浜猴紱娌℃湁浠讳綍涓滆タ锛屾鏃?less [les] adj.鏇村皯鐨勶紱杈冨皯鐨?less than涓嶅埌锛涘皯浜?point [pnt] n.鐪嬫硶锛涜鐐癸紱閲嶇偣锛涘皬鏁扮偣锛涚洰鏍囷紱鍒嗘暟Unit3 I'm more outgoing than my sister.outgoing ['at] adj.澶栧悜鐨?better ['bet(r)] adj.鏇村ソ鐨勶紱杈冨ソ鐨?adv.鏇村ソ鍦?loudly ['ladli] adv.澶у0鍦帮紱楂樺0鍦帮紱鑺变繌鍦?quietly ['kwatli] adv.瀹夐潤鍦帮紱鎮勬倓鍦帮紱骞抽潤鍦?hard-working [hd'wk] adj.鍕ゅ媺鐨勶紱鍔姏宸ヤ綔鐨?competition [kmp'tn] n.绔炰簤锛涙瘮璧?fantastic [f忙n't忙stk] adj.鏋佸ソ鐨勶紱浜嗕笉璧风殑which adj.鍝竴涓紱鍝竴浜沺ron.鍝竴涓紱鍝簺clearly ['klli] adv.娓呮鍦帮紱鏄剧劧鍦?win [wn] v.璧紱璧㈠緱锛涜幏鑳滐紱鑾峰緱n.鑳滃埄though conj.铏界劧锛涘敖绠★紱adv.涓嶈繃talented ['t忙lntd] adj.鏈夋墠鑳界殑锛涙湁澶╄祴鐨?truly ['truli] adv.鐪熷疄鍦帮紱鐪熻瘹鍦帮紱姝g‘鍦?care [ke(r)] v.鍏冲績锛涙媴蹇э紱鐓ч【锛涘湪涔?care about鍏冲績serious ['sris] adj.涓ヨ們鐨勶紱涓ラ噸鐨勶紱搴勯噸鐨?mirror ['mr(r)] n.闀滃瓙锛涘弽鏄?kid n. 瀛╁瓙锛屽皬瀛?as long as鍙necessary ['nessri] adj.蹇呰鐨勶紱蹇呯劧鐨?be different from鍜?..涓嶅悓both [b胃] adj.涓よ€呴兘pron.涓よ€?bring out鎷垮嚭锛涙帹鍑?grade n. 鎴愮哗should [d] aux.搴旇锛涘彲鑳斤紱搴斿綋锛涘皢瑕?the same as涓?..鍚屾牱鐨?saying n. 鍚嶈█reach [rit] v.鍒拌揪锛涗几鍑猴紱杈炬垚锛涘彇寰楄仈绯伙紱寤朵几锛?浼告墜)鍘诲hand n.鎻存墜touch [tt] vt.瑙︽懜锛涙劅鍔?heart [ht] n.蹇冭剰锛涘唴蹇?fact [f忙kt] n.浜嬪疄锛涚湡鐩革紱瀹為檯in fact浜嬪疄涓婏紱瀹為檯涓婏紱纭垏鍦拌break [brek] v.鎵撶锛涙姌鏂紱杩濊儗锛涜В鍐筹紱涓柇arm n. 鑳宠唺laugh [lf] v.鍙戠瑧锛涚瑧锛涘槻绗?n.绗戝0锛涚瑧锛涚瑧鏂? share [e(r)] vt.鍒嗕韩锛屽叡浜紱鍒嗛厤锛涘叡鏈?loud [lad] adj.澶у0鐨勶紱adv.澶у0鍦帮紱鍝嶄寒鍦? similar ['sml(r)] adj.绫讳技鐨?be similar to绫讳技浜庯紱涓?..鐩镐技primary ['pramri] adj.鏈€鍒濈殑锛屾渶鏃╃殑primary school 灏忓information [nf'men] n.淇℃伅锛涙儏鎶ワ紱璧勬枡锛涢€氱煡Unit4 What's the best movie theater?theater ['胃t] n.鍓у満锛涚數褰遍櫌锛涙垙闄?comfortable ['kmftbl] adj.鑸掗€傜殑锛涘厖瑁曠殑seat [sit] n.搴т綅锛?screen [skrin] n.灞忓箷锛涢摱骞?close [kls] v.鍏筹紱鍚堟嫝锛涗笉寮€鏀撅紱鍋滀笟ticket n. 绁?worst [wst] adj.鏈€鍧忕殑锛涙渶宸殑cheaply ['tipli] adv.寤変环鍦帮紱绮椾織鍦?song [s] n.姝屾洸锛涙瓕鍞?choose [tuz] v.閫夋嫨锛涘喅瀹?carefully ['kefli] adv.灏忓績鍦帮紝璁ょ湡鍦?reporter [r'pt(r)] n.璁拌€?so far鍒扮洰鍓嶄负姝紱杩勪粖涓烘fresh [fre] adj.鏂伴矞鐨勶紱娓呮柊鐨?comfortably ['kmftbli] adv.鑸掓湇鍦帮紱瀹规槗鍦帮紱鍏呰鍦? worse [ws] adj.鏇村潖鐨勶紱鏇村樊鐨?service ['svs] n.鏈嶅姟pretty ['prti] adv.鐩稿綋鍦癮dj.婕備寒鐨?menu ['menju] n.鑿滃崟act [忙kt] v.琛屽姩锛涜〃婕?meal [mil] n.涓€椁愶紱鑶抽creative [kri'etv] adj.鍒涢€犵殑锛屽垱閫犳€х殑锛? performer [p'fm(r)] n.琛ㄦ紨鑰咃紱鎵ц鑰?talent ['t忙lnt] n.澶╄祴锛涙墠鑳斤紝鎵嶈壓锛?common ['kmn] adj.甯歌鐨勶紱鍏卞悓鐨勶紱鏅€氱殑have鈥n common鏈夌浉鍚岀壒寰?magician [m'dn] n.榄旀湳甯堬紱鏈+all kinds of鍚勭鍚勬牱锛涘悇绉嶇被鍨?beautifully ['bjutfli] adv.缇庝附鍦帮紱瀹岀編鍦帮紱be up to鏄€︹€?鐨勮亴璐o紱鐢扁€︹€?鍐冲畾role [rl] n.浣滅敤锛涜鑹?play a role鍙戞尌浣滅敤锛涙湁褰卞搷winner ['wn(r)] n.鑾疯儨鑰?prize [praz] n.濂栧搧锛涘閲?everybody ['evribdi] pron.姣忎汉锛涗汉浜?make up缂栭€?example ['zmpl] n.渚嬪瓙锛涙鏍?for example渚嬪poor [p(r)] adj.鍙€滅殑锛涜传绌风殑seriously ['srisli] 涓ラ噸鍦帮紝涓ヨ們鍦?take鈥eriously璁ょ湡瀵瑰緟give [v] v.缁欙紱璧犱簣锛涢€?crowded ['kradd] adj.鎷ユ尋鐨?Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show?sitcom ['stkm] n.锛坰ituation comedy) 鎯呮櫙鍠滃墽news [njuz] n.鏂伴椈锛涙秷鎭?soap [sp] n. 鑲ョ殏锛?soap opera 鑲ョ殏鍓?educational [edu'kenl] adj.鏁欒偛鐨勶紱鏈夋暀鑲叉剰涔夌殑plan [pl忙n] n.璁″垝锛涙柟娉晇.鎵撶畻锛涜鍒?hope [hp] .甯屾湜锛涙湡鏈涳紱鐩兼湜n.甯屾湜find out鏌ユ槑銆佸紕娓?discussion [d'skn] n.璁ㄨ锛涜皥璁?stand [st忙nd] v.绔欑珛锛涘繊鍙?happen ['h忙pn] vi.鍙戠敓锛涚宸э紱鍑虹幇锛涘伓閬? may [me] aux.鍙互锛岃兘澶燂紱鍙兘锛屼篃璁? expect [k'spekt] v.棰勬湡锛涙湡寰咃紱鐩兼湜joke [dk] n.绗戣瘽锛涚帺绗憊.璇寸瑧璇濓紱寮€鐜╃瑧comedy ['kmdi] n.鍠滃墽锛涙粦绋斤紱骞介粯浜嬩欢meaningless ['minls] adj.鏃犳剰涔夌殑锛涗笉閲嶈鐨? action ['忙kn] n.琛屼负锛涙椿鍔?action movie鍔ㄤ綔鐗?cartoon [k'tun] n.鍗¢€氾紱婕敾culture ['klt(r)] n.鏍藉煿锛涙枃鍖栵紱鏁欏吇famous ['fems] adj.钁楀悕鐨勶紱鏈夊悕鐨?appear ['p(r)] vi.鍑虹幇锛涘嚭鐗堬紱鏄惧緱become [b'km] v.鍙樻垚锛涙垚涓?rich [rt] adj.瀵屾湁鐨勶紱瀵岄ザ鐨勶紱涓板瘜鐨?successful [sk'sesfl] adj.鎴愬姛鐨勶紱鍦嗘弧鐨?might [mat] aux.鍙兘锛涗篃璁革紱may鐨勮繃鍘诲紡main [men] adj.涓昏鐨勶紱鏈€閲嶈鐨?reason ['rizn] n.鍘熷洜锛涚悊鐢?comedy ['kmdi] n.鍠滃墽film [flm] n.鐢靛奖unlucky [n'lki] adj.鍊掗湁鐨勶紱涓嶅垢鐨勶紱涓嶅悏鍒╃殑lose [luz] vt.涓㈠け锛涘け璐i.澶辫触girlfriend ['lfrnd] n.濂虫湅鍙?ready ['redi] adj.鍑嗗濂界殑锛涗箰鎰忕殑be ready to鎰挎剰杩呴€熷仛鏌愪簨character ['k忙rkt(r)] n.涓€э紱鍝佽川锛涗汉鐗╋紱simple ['smpl] adj.绠€鍗曠殑锛涙湸绱犵殑锛涘崟绾殑锛涚鐨? dress up瑁呮壆锛涗箶瑁呮墦鎵?take sb.鈥檚place浠f浛锛涙浛鎹?army ['mi] n.鍐涢槦锛涢檰鍐涳紱涓€澶ф壒do a good job宸ヤ綔骞插緱濂斤紱鍋氬緱濂?Unit6 I'm going to study computer science.grow up 闀垮ぇ鎴愰暱computer programmer 璁$畻鏈虹鐞嗗憳cook [kk] vt. 鐑硅皟锛岀叜锛岀儳锛屽仛(楗?锛歷i. 鐑归オ锛屽仛楗紝鐑ц彍锛涘姞鐑鐞嗛鐗?doctor ['dkt(r)]鍖荤敓engineer [end'nr] 宸ョ▼甯?violinist [va'lnst]灏忔彁鐞存墜driver ['drav] n. 椹鹃┒鍛橈紱椹卞姩绋嬪簭锛涜捣瀛愶紱浼犲姩鍣?pilot ['palt] 椋炶鍛?pianist ['pnst] 閽㈢惔瀹?scientist['santst]绉戝瀹?be sure about 纭俊make sure 纭繚college ['kld] 澶уeducation [edu'ken] 鏁欒偛medicine ['medsn]鑽紝鍖诲university [jun'vrsti] 澶у锛岄珮绛夊搴?London 'lndn] n.浼︽暒article ['rtkl]鏂囩珷锛岃鏂?send [send] 閭瘎锛屽彂閫?resolution [rez'lun] 鍐冲績锛屽喅瀹?team [tim] (涓€)闃?浜?锛?涓€)缁?浜?foreign ['frn] 澶栧浗鐨?able [ebl] 鑳藉be able to 鑳藉鍋氭煇浜?question ['kwstn] n.闂meaning ['min] n. 鎰忎箟锛涳紱adj. 鎰忓懗娣遍暱鐨剉. 鎰忓懗锛涙剰鎬濇槸discuss [dsks] 璁ㄨ锛屽晢閲?promise [prms] 鎵胯锛岃瑷€beginning [bn] 寮€澶达紝寮€绔?at the beginning of 璧峰垵improve [mpruv] 鏀硅繘锛屾敼鍠?write down 鍐欎笅physical ['fzkl]韬綋鐨?themselves [冒m'slvz] 浠栦滑鑷繁have to do with鍏充簬;涓庘€︹€︽湁鍏崇郴selfimprovement [selfmp'ruvmnt]鑷垜鏀硅繘锛岃嚜鎴戞彁楂?take up瀛︾潃鍋氾紱寮€濮嬪仛hobby ['hbi] 涓氫綑鐖卞ソweekly ['wikli] adj. 姣忓懆鐨勶紱锛?n. 鍛ㄥ垔adv. 姣忓懆涓€娆★紱閫愬懆[ 澶嶆暟weeklies ]school work 瀛︽牎浣滀笟agree ['ri] vt. 鍚屾剰锛涜禐鎴愶紱鎵胯vi. 鍚屾剰锛涙剰瑙佷竴鑷?agree with 鍚屾剰own [on] 銆€鑷繁鐨勶紝鏈汉鐨勶紝鎷ユ湁personal ['prsnl]涓汉鐨勶紝绉佷汉鐨?relationship [r'lenp] 鍏崇郴Unit 7 Will people have robots?paper['pepr] 绾搞€€pollution [p'lun] 姹℃煋锛涙薄鏌撶墿prediction[pr'dkn]棰勬祴future ['fjutr] 鏈潵銆€pollute[p'lut] 姹℃煋environment [n'varnmnt] 鐜銆€planet ['pl忙nt] 琛屾槦earth[r胃] 銆€n.鍦扮悆锛涙偿鍦?plant [pl忙nt] 銆€绉嶆锛屾鐗?part [prt] 鍙傚姞锛岄儴鍒?play a park 鍙備笌锛堟煇浜嬶級銆€peace [pis]鍜屽钩sea [si] n. 娴凤紱娴锋磱锛涜澶氾紱澶ч噺sky[ska] 澶╃┖astronaut['忙strnt] 銆€瀹囪埅鍛?apartment['prtmnt] 鍏瘬鎴块棿rocket ['rkt] 鐏锛?space[spes] .绌洪棿锛涘お绌?space station 澶┖绔?human ['hjumn] 浜虹殑锛?n.浜猴紱浜虹被servant['srvnt] 浠嗕汉dangerous ['dendrs] 鍗遍櫓鐨?already[l'redi]宸茬粡factory['f忙ktri] 宸ュ巶over and over again 澶氭锛涘弽澶嶅湴believe [b'liv] 鐩镐俊disagree [ds'ri]涓嶅悓鎰?even['ivn] 鐢氳嚦锛涙剤鍔?hundreds of 璁稿锛涘ぇ閲忥紱鎴愮櫨涓婂崈shape [ep] 褰㈢姸fall [fl] 鍊掑锛涜穼鍊?fall dow n 绐佺劧鍊掍笅锛涜穼鍊掞紱鍊掑inside ['n'sad]n. 閲岄潰锛涘唴閮紱鍐呮儏锛涘唴鑴廰dj. 閲岄潰鐨勶紱鍐呴儴鐨勶紱绉樺瘑鐨刟dv. 鍦ㄩ噷闈rep. 灏戜簬锛涘湪鈥︿箣鍐?look for 瀵绘壘锛涘姹?possible ['psbl] 鍙兘鐨?impossible [m'psbl]adj. 涓嶅彲鑳界殑锛涗笉鍙兘瀛樺湪鐨勶紱闅句互蹇嶅彈鐨勶紱涓嶇湡瀹炵殑n. 涓嶅彲鑳斤紱涓嶅彲鑳界殑浜?side [sad]n. 鏂归潰锛涗晶闈紱鏃佽竟vi. 鏀寔锛涜禐鍔╋紱鍋忚adj. 鏃佺殑锛屼晶鐨剉t. 鍚屾剰锛屾敮鎸?probably ['prbbli] 澶ф锛涙垨璁革紱寰堝彲鑳?during ['dr] prep. 鍦ㄢ€︾殑鏃跺€欙紝鍦ㄢ€︾殑鏈熼棿holiday ['hlde] 鍋囨棩word銆€[wrd] 鍗曡瘝锛?Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake?shake [ek] vt. 鍔ㄦ憞锛涙憞鍔紱闇囧姩vi. 鍔ㄦ憞锛涙憞鍔紱鍙戞姈n. 鎽囧姩锛涘搯鍡?milk shake濂舵様锛堢墰濂跺拰鍐版穱娣嬬瓑鐨勬贩鍚堥ギ鏂欙級blender['blendr] 鎼呮媽鍣紱鏋滄眮鏈?turn on 鎺ラ€?姘淬€佺叅姘斻€佺數绛夊紑鍏?鎵撳紑peel [pil] vt.鍓ヨ惤锛涘墛鐨?pour [pr] pour[pr] 鍊掞紱鍊惧€?yogurt ['jort] 閰稿ザ锛?honey ['hni]铚傝湝watermelon ['wtrmeln]瑗跨摐spoon [spun] 鍕猴紝璋冪竟pot [pt] n. 澹讹紱鐩嗭紱缃恦t. 鎶娾€﹁缃愶紱灏勫嚮锛涜妭鐣i. 闅忔墜灏勫嚮add [忙d] 澧炲姞finally ['fanli] 鏈€鍚庯紝鏈€缁?salt[slt] 鐩?sugar['r] 绯?cheese[tiz] 骞查叒锛屽ザ閰?popcorn ['ppkrn] 鐖嗙背鑺?corn [krn] 鐜夌背锛岃胺鐗?machine[m'in] 鏈哄櫒dig [d] vt. 鎸栵紝鎺橈紱鎺㈢┒vi. 鎸栨帢n. 鎴筹紝鍒猴紱鎸栬嫤hole [hol] n. 娲烇紝瀛旓紱娲炵┐锛岀┐锛涚獊鐮村彛vi.绌垮瓟锛涳紙楂樺皵澶悆绛夛級杩涙礊vt. 鍑挎礊sandwich['s忙nwt] 涓夋槑娌?butter['btr] 銆€榛勬补锛屽ザ娌?turkey ['trki]鐏浮lettuce ['lets] 鑾磋嫞锛岀敓鑿?piece[pis] 浠讹紱绡囷紱鐗囷紱鍧楋紱Thanksgiving [,胃忙ks'v] n. 鎰熸仼鑺?traditional [tr'dnl] 浼犵粺鐨?autumn ['tm] n. 绉嬪ぉ锛涙垚鐔熸湡锛涙笎琛版湡锛屽噵钀芥湡adj. 绉嬪ぉ鐨勶紝绉嬪鐨?traveler ['tr忙vl] 鏃呰鑰?England['lnd] 鑻辨牸鍏帮紱鑻卞浗celebrate ['selbret] 搴嗙锛涘簡璐?mix [mks] vt. 閰嶅埗锛涙贩娣嗭紱浣挎贩鍜岋紱浣跨粨浜?vi. 鍙備笌锛涚浉娣峰悎锛涗氦寰€n. 娣峰悎锛涙贩鍚堢墿锛涙贩涔?pepper ['pepr] 鑳℃绮夛紱杈ffill [fl] vt. 瑁呮弧锛屼娇鍏呮弧锛涙弧瓒筹紱鍫靛锛涗换鑱?vi. 琚厖婊★紝鑶ㄨ儉n. 婊¤冻锛涘~婊$殑閲忥紱瑁呭~鐗?oven['vn] 鐑ょ锛涚儰鐐?plate [plet]鈥?n. 纰燂紱閲戝睘鏉匡紱閲戝睘鐗岋紱鎰熷厜搴曠墖鈥t. 鐢甸晙锛涚粰鈥﹁鐢?cover['kvr] 閬洊锛岀洊瀛愶紝gravy['revi] 鑲夋眮锛涜倝姹?serve[srv] 銆€鎺ュ緟锛屾湇鍔?temperature ['temprtr] 娓╁害锛屾皵鍊?Unit 9 Can you come to my party?prepare [pr'per]v.棰勫锛涘噯澶?prepare for 涓衡€︹€﹀噯澶?exam['z忙m] 鑰冭瘯flu [flu] n. 娴佹劅available['velbl] 鍙緱鍒扮殑锛涙湁绌虹殑锛?another time 鍏朵粬鏃堕棿锛屽埆鐨勬椂闂?until [n'tl]conj. 鍦ㄢ€︿互鍓嶏紱鐩村埌鈥︽椂prep. 鍦ㄢ€︿互鍓嶏紱鍒扳€︿负姝?hang [h忙] 鎮寕锛?浣?浣庡瀭hang out 甯稿幓鏌愬锛涙场鍦ㄦ煇澶?catch[k忙t] 璧朵笂锛涙姄浣忥紱鎹曟崏invite [n'vat] 閭€璇?accept[k'sept] 鎺ュ彈锛?refuse [r'fjuz] 鎷掔粷the day before yesterday 鍓嶅ぉthe day after tomorrow 鍚庡ぉweekday ['wikde] n. 骞虫棩锛屽伐浣滄棩look after 鐓ч【锛岀収鏂?invitation [nv'ten]銆€閭€璇凤紱閭€璇峰嚱turn down鍑忓皬锛屽叧灏忥紝璋冧綆reply [r'pla] 鍥炵瓟锛屽洖澶?forward['frwrd] 杞氦锛涘彂閫侊紝鍚戝墠鐨?delete [d'lit] 鍒犻櫎print [prnt] n. 鍗板埛涓氾紱鍗拌姳甯冿紱锛涘嵃绔狅紱鍗拌vt. 鍗板埛锛涙墦鍗帮紱鍒婅浇锛?vi. 鍗板埛锛?sad [s忙d] adj. 闅捐繃鐨勶紱鎮插搥鐨勶紝浠や汉鎮茬棝鐨勶紱鍑勬儴鐨勶紝闃撮儊鐨勶紙褰㈠棰滆壊锛?goodbye [gd'ba] int. 鍐嶈take a trip 鍘绘梾琛?glad [l忙d] adj. 楂樺叴鐨勶紱涔愭剰鐨勶紱浠や汉楂樺叴鐨勶紱鐏跨儌缇庝附鐨剉t. 浣块珮鍏?preparation [prep'ren]鍑嗗锛屽噯澶囧伐浣?glue [lu]vt. 绮樺悎锛涗技鑳惰埇鍥虹潃浜巒. 鑳讹紱鍚勭鑳跺悎鐗? without [w'胃at] prep. 娌℃湁锛涜秴杩囷紱鍦ㄢ€﹀闈?adv. 鎴峰锛涘湪澶栭潰锛涙病鏈夋垨涓嶆樉绀烘煇浜嬬墿n. 澶栭儴锛涘闈?surprised [s'prazd] adj. 鎰熷埌鎯婅鐨勶紝鍑轰汉鎰忔枡鐨?v. 浣挎儕濂囷紙surprise鐨勮繃鍘诲垎璇嶅舰寮忥級look forward to 鐩兼湜锛屾湡寰?hear from 鏀跺埌......鏉ヤ俊housewarming ['has,wrm] n. 涔旇縼搴嗗opening['opn]寮€骞曞紡锛岃惤鎴愬吀绀?concert ['knsrt] 闊充箰浼?headmaster[hed'm忙str] 鏍¢暱event['vent]澶т簨锛屽叕寮€娲诲姩guest[est] 瀹汉calendar['k忙lndr] 鏃ュ巻锛屾棩绋嬭〃daytime ['detam] n. 鏃ラ棿锛岀櫧澶?Unit10 If you go to the party,you 'll have a great time!meeting ['mit] n. 浼氳锛涗細瑙侊紱闆嗕細锛涙眹鍚堢偣v. 浼氶潰锛涗細鍚堬紙meet鐨刬ng褰㈠紡锛?video ['vdio] 褰曞儚锛屽綍鍍忓甫potato chips椹搩钖墖锛涙补鐐歌柉鐗?chocolate銆€['tklt]宸у厠鍔?upset[p'set]闅捐繃锛屽け鏈?taxi ['t忙ksi] vi. 涔樺嚭绉熻溅锛涙粦琛寁t. 浣挎粦琛岋紱鐢ㄥ嚭绉熻溅閫乶. 鍑虹姹借溅advice[d'vas]鍔濆憡锛屽缓璁?travel['tr忙vl] 鏃呰agent['ednt] 浠g悊浜猴紝缁忕邯浜?expert ['eksprt]涓撳锛岃兘鎵?keep鈥o oneself 淇濆畧绉樺瘑teenager ['tined] 闈掑皯骞?normal['nrml]姝e父鐨?unless[n'les] 闄ら潪锛屽鏋滀笉certainly ['srtnli] 褰撶劧锛岃偗瀹?wallet['wlt] 銆€鐨す锛岄挶鍖?mile [mal] n. 鑻遍噷锛涗竴鑻遍噷璧涜窇锛涜緝澶х殑璺濈angry ['忙ri] 鐢熸皵鐨勶紝鍙戞€掔殑understanding [ndr'st忙nd]鍠勮В浜烘剰鐨勶紝浣撹皡浜虹殑careless銆€['kerls] 绮楀績鐨勶紝涓嶅皬蹇冪殑mistake[m'stek] 閿欒锛屽け璇?himself [hm'slf] pron. 浠栬嚜宸憋紱浠栦翰鑷紝浠栨湰浜?careful['kerfl] 灏忓績鐨勶紝缁嗚嚧鐨?advise [d'vaz] v鍔濆憡锛屽缓璁?solve [slv] 瑙e喅锛涜В绛?step [stp] n. 姝ワ紝鑴氭锛涙楠わ紱姝ヤ紣锛涙绾i. 韪忥紝韪╋紱璧皏t. 璧帮紝杩堟trust[trst] 鐩镐俊锛屼俊浠?experience [k'sprins] 淇′换锛?缁忓巻in half 鍒嗘垚涓ゅ崐,涓€鍗?halfway [h忙f'we] 涓€旂殑adv.鍗婅矾鍦?else[els] 鍒殑锛屽叾浠栫殑。



2018春九年级英语下册全册词汇表2018鏄ヤ節骞寸骇鑻辫涓嬪唽鍏ㄥ唽璇嶆眹琛?涔濆勾绾т笅鍐岃瘝姹囪〃Unit l-32 1. voyage ['v蓲瑟瑟d蕭] n. 鑸 2. repetition [rep瑟't瑟蕛(蓹)n] n. 閲嶅 3.American /蓹藞m蓻r瑟k蓹n/adj. n 缇庢床鐨?4.continent ['k蓲nt瑟n蓹nt] n. 澶ч檰 5.*route [ru藧t] n. 璺嚎6.discovery n. 鍙戠幇7.rise v锛?rose锛宺isen) 鍙樺緱鏇村姞鎴愬姛锛堟垨閲嶈銆佸己澶х瓑锛?8. official [蓹'f瑟蕛(蓹)l] n. 瀹樺憳9. develop v. 澧炲己锛涘姞寮?10.relation n. 鍏崇郴锛涗氦寰€11.trade n. 璐告槗i.v. 浠ョ墿鏄撶墿锛涗簰鐩镐氦鎹?12.foreign ['f蓲r瑟n] adj. 澶栧浗鐨?13.*fleet n. 锛堢粺涓€璋冨害鐨勶級鑸归槦锛涙満缇?14.Africa ['忙fr瑟k蓹] n. 闈炴床15.Nowhere adv. 鏃犲锛涘摢閲岄兘涓?16. silk n. 涓濈粐鐗╋紱涓濈桓17. giraffe [d蕭蓹'r锟斤拷:f] n. 闀块楣?18. besides prep. 闄も€︹€︿箣澶栵紙杩橈級19. development n. 鍙戝睍锛涘.澶?20. *region ['ri藧d蕭(蓹)n] n. 鍦板尯21. pioneer [pa瑟蓹'n瑟蓹] n. 鍏堥攱锛涘厛椹?22. people n. 姘戞棌锛涚鏃?23. wealth [wel胃] n. 璐㈠瘜24. spread v. (spread,spread) 浼犳挱25. open up 寮€杈?26. go on a trip鍘绘梾琛?27. set up 寤虹珛锛涜绔?28. set sail 璧疯埅29. (be) known as 琚О涓?30. as well as 涔燂紱杩?31. lead to 瀵艰嚧32. compare鈥ith鈥?鎶娾€︹€︿笌鈥︹€﹀姣?Unit 2-31 1. culture shock ['k蕦lt蕛蓹] [蕛蓲k] n. 鏂囧寲鍐插嚮锛涙枃鍖栦紤鍏?2. camp [k忙mp] n. 搴﹀亣钀?3. *firework n. 鐑熺伀锛涚儫鑺?4. *turkey ['t蓽藧k瑟] n. 鐏浮 5. international [瑟nt蓹'n忙蕛(蓹)n(蓹)l] adj.鍥介檯鐨?6. admit [蓹d'm瑟t] v. (甯告寚鍕夊己锛夋壙璁?7. spare [spe蓹] adj. 绌洪棽鐨勶紱绌轰綑鐨?8. degree [d瑟'gri藧] n. 绋嬪害9. fail [fe瑟l] v. 澶辫触锛涙湭鑳斤紙鍋氬埌锛?10. manage ['m忙n瑟d蕭] v. 瀹屾垚锛堝洶闅剧殑浜嬶級锛涘媺鍔涘畬鎴?11. idiom ['瑟d瑟蓹m] n. 涔犺锛涙儻鐢ㄨ12. everyday ['evr瑟de瑟; -'de瑟] adj. 姣忓ぉ鐨勶紱鏃ュ父鐨?13. uniform ['ju藧n瑟f蓴藧m] n. 鏍℃湇14. whatever pron. 浠讳綍浜嬬墿锛涗竴鍒囦簨鐗?15. pink adj. 绮夌孩鑹茬殑16. purple ['p蓽藧p(蓹)l] adj. 绱壊鐨?17. anyway adv. 鏃犺濡備綍锛涘弽姝?18. especially [瑟'spe蕛(蓹)l瑟; e-] adv. 灏ゅ叾锛涚壒鍒?19. baseball n. 妫掔悆杩愬姩20. education [edj蕣'ke瑟蕛(蓹)n]n. 鏈夋暀鐩婄殑缁忓巻21. state n. 宸?22. national ['n忙蕛(蓹)n(蓹)l]adj. 鍥藉鐨勶紱姘戞棌鐨勶紱鍏ㄥ浗鐨?23. president ['prez瑟d(蓹)nt] n. 鎬荤粺24. vacation[edj蕣'ke瑟蕛(蓹)n] n. 鍋囨湡25. schedule ['蕛edju藧l; 'sked-]n. 鏃ョ▼瀹夋帓26. set off 浣匡紙鐐稿脊绛夛級鐖嗙偢27. take off 鑴变笅28. in one's spare time 鍦ㄦ煇浜虹殑绌洪棽鏃堕棿閲?29. to a certain degree 鍦ㄦ煇绁炵▼搴︿笂30. get used to 涔犳儻浜庯紱閫傚簲31. under the weather 鐣ユ湁涓嶉€傦紱涓嶅緱鍔?Unit 3-33 1. concern [k蓹n's蓽藧n]n. 鎷呭績锛涘咖铏?2. atmosphere['忙tm蓹sf瑟蓹] n. 澶ф皵灞?3. temperature ['temp(蓹)r蓹t蕛蓹]n. 娓╁害锛涙皵娓?4. consumer [k蓹n'sju藧m蓹]n. 娑堣垂鑰?5. guess v. 鐚滄祴6. green v. 鐜淇濇姢鐨勶紱璧炴垚鐜淇濇姢鐨?7. lifeless adj. 鏃犵敓鍛界殑锛涙棤鐢熺墿鐢熼暱鐨?8. fuel [fj蕣蓹l] n. 鐕冩枡9. coal n. 鐓?10. result [r瑟'z蕦lt]n. 缁撴灉11. increase [r 瑟'z蕦lt]v. 锛堜娇锛夊闀匡紱澧炲12. sea level n. 娴峰钩闈?13. destroy [d 瑟'str蓲瑟]v. 鎽ф瘉锛涙瘉鐏?14. nature['ne瑟t蕛蓹] n. 鑷劧鐣岋紱澶ц嚜鐒?15. surface ['s蓹藧f瑟s]n. 琛ㄩ潰锛涜〃灞?16. soil [s蓲瑟l]n. 鍦熷¥17. flood n. 娲按锛涙按鐏?18. habit n. 涔犳儻19. proper ['pr蓲p蓹]n. 姝g‘鐨勶紱鎭板綋鐨?20. friendly adj. 鏃犲鐨?21. recycle [ri藧'sa瑟k(蓹)l] v. 鍥炴敹鍒╃敤22. purpose ['p蓽藧p蓹s]n. 鐩殑锛涚敤閫?23. solution[s蓹'lu藧蕛(蓹)n]n. 瑙e喅鍔炴硶锛涘鐞嗘墜娈?24. government[ 'g蕦v蓹m(蓹)nt] n. 鏀垮簻25. role model['m蓲dl] n. 妤锋ā锛涜涓烘鏍?26. greenhouse effect 娓╁鏁堝簲27. in danger 鍦ㄥ嵄闄╀腑28. as a result of 鐢变簬29. result in閫犳垚锛涘鑷?30. mountains of璁稿锛涘ぇ閲?31. take action閲囧彇琛屽姩32. make a difference鏈変綔鐢紱鏈夊奖鍝?33. act as鍏呭綋Unit 4-32 1.*asteroid ['忙st蓹r蓲瑟d] n. 灏忚鏄?2. *typhoon [ta瑟'fu藧n] n. 鍙伴 3.earthquake ['蓽藧胃kwe瑟k] n. 鍦伴渿4. *melt v. 锛堜娇锛夌啍鍖栵紱锛堜娇锛夎瀺鍖?5. flood v. 锛堜娇锛夌亴婊℃按锛涙饭娌?6. badly adv. 涓ラ噸鍦帮紱鍘夊鍦?7. alive adj. 娲荤潃锛涘湪涓?8. pool n. 姘村潙锛涙按濉?9. object['蓲bd蕭瑟kt; -d蕭ekt] n. 鐗╀綋锛涚墿鍝?10. coach [k蓹蕣t蕛] n. 闀块€旀苯杞?11. pass v. 閫氳繃12. line n. 鐢佃瘽绾胯矾13. dead adj. 锛堝洜涓虹己鐢碉級涓嶈繍琛岀殑锛涗笉杞姩鐨?14. boss n. 鑰佹澘15. deaf adj. 鑱嬬殑16. stare v. 鐩潃鐪嬶紱鍑濊锛涙敞瑙?17. screen n. 灞忓箷锛涜崸鍏夊睆18. notice v. 鐪嬶紙鎴栧惉锛夊埌锛涙敞鎰忓埌锛涙剰璇嗗埌notice sb.to do sth notice sb. doing sth 19. awake[蓹'we瑟k] v. (awoke[蓹'w蓹蕣k] , awoken [蓹'w蓹蕣k蓹n] ) 锛堜娇锛夐啋鏉?20. immediately [瑟'mi藧d瑟蓹tl瑟] adv. 绔嬪嵆锛涢┈涓婏紱鍗冲埢21. missing adj. 澶辫釜鐨?22. fellow adj. 鍚岀被鐨勶紱鍚屼即鐨?23. natural disaster ['n忙t蕛(蓹)r(蓹)l] [d瑟'z锟斤拷藧st蓹][d瑟'z忙st蓺] 鑷劧鐏惧24. pass by 閫氳繃锛涚粡杩?25. stick with 鎸佺画锛涘潥鎸?26. sit around 鏃犳墍浜嬩簨鍦版秷纾ㄦ椂闂达紱闂插潗27. have no time to do 涓嶆効涓衡€︹€﹁姳鏃堕棿锛涙病鏈夋椂闂村仛鈥︹€?28. fall on deaf ears 涓嶈鐞嗙潿锛涗笉琚敞鎰?29. stare at 鐩潃鐪嬶紱鍑濊锛涙敞瑙?30. in surprise 鎯婅鍦?31. for now 鏆傛椂32. survival kit [s蓹'va瑟v(蓹)l]鏁戠敓鍖咃紙瑁呮湁椋熺墿銆佸尰鐤楃敤鍝佸拰宸ュ叿锛?Unit 5-29 1. announcement [蓹'na蕣nsm蓹nt]n. 鍏憡锛涢€氬憡2. passport['p锟斤拷藧sp蓴藧t] n. 鎶ょ収3.the Pacific [p蓹's瑟f瑟k]n. 澶钩娲?4. Canada['k忙n蓹d蓹] n. 鍔犳嬁澶?5.*resort[r瑟'z蓴藧t] n. 鏃呮父鑳滃湴锛涘害鍋囪儨鍦?6.Canadian[k蓹'ne瑟d瑟蓹n] adj. 鍔犳嬁澶х殑7.*slope n. 鏂滃潯锛涘潯鍦?8.opposite ['蓲p蓹z 瑟t; -s瑟t]prep. 涓庘€︹€︾浉瀵癸紱鍦ㄢ€︹€﹀闈?9.glove [gl蕦v]n. 鎵嬪10.couple ['k蕦pl] n. 澶锛涙儏渚?11.gentle ['d蕭ent(蓹)l]adj. 骞崇紦鐨?12.honest ['d蕭ent(蓹)l]adj. 鍧︾巼鐨勶紱鍧﹁瘹鐨?13.rope n. 缁崇储14.rapid ['r忙p瑟d]adj. 杩呴€熺殑锛涘揩閫熺殑15.over adv. 缁撴潫16. shame n. 浠や汉鎯嬫儨鐨勪簨锛涜浜洪仐鎲剧殑浜?put to shame 浣胯挋缇烇紱浣胯嚜鎰т笉濡?in shame 鍥犱负鑰昏颈锛涘洜涓哄缇?bring shame on 鎶归粦锛屼娇鈥︹€﹁挋缇?sense of shame 缇炶€绘劅what a shame 澶氬彲鎯滐紱鐪熶涪鑴?17. fee [fi藧]n. 璐圭敤18. enter['ent蓹] v. 鎶ュ悕鍙傚姞enter sb for 缁欐煇浜烘姤鍚嶅弬鍔?enter oneself for 鎶ュ悕鍙傚姞enter for(鎶ュ悕鍙傚姞)run for(绔為€?stand for(浠h〃)know about(鐭ラ亾鍏充簬. 19. *semi-fina n. 鍗婂喅璧?20. final['fa瑟n(蓹)l] n. 鍐宠禌21. badminton ['b忙dm瑟nt(蓹)n]n. 缇芥瘺鐞冭繍鍔?22. stress n. 绮剧鍘嬪姏锛涚揣寮?23. 锛坆e) dying to (do sth.) 娓存湜锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛夛紱鏋佹兂锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛?24. check in (at) 锛堝湪鏃呴銆佹満鍦虹瓑锛夌櫥璁帮紱鎶ュ埌25. can't wait to (do sth.) 杩笉鍙婂緟鎯筹紙鍋氭煇浜嬶級26. to be honest 璇村疄鍦ㄧ殑27. fall over 琚€︹€︾粖鍊?28. keep one's balance 淇濇寔骞宠29. build up 寤虹珛Unit 6-32 1. conduct [k蓹n'd蕦kt] ['k蓲nd蕦kt]n. 瀹炴柦锛涙墽琛?2. *lifestyle ['la瑟fsta 瑟l]n. 鐢熸椿鏂瑰紡 3. quarrel['kw蓴r蓹l] n. 浜夊惖 4. focus ['f蓹蕣k蓹s]v. 闆嗕腑锛堟敞鎰忓姏銆佺簿鍔涚瓑锛変簬 5. *peer[p瑟蓹] n. 鍚岄緞浜猴紱鍚岃緢6. pressure ['pre蕛蓹]n. 鍘嬪姏7. whether ['we冒蓹] conj. 鏄惁8. risk n. 椋庨櫓9. guard v. 瀹堝崼锛涗繚鍗?10. *positive['p蓲z瑟t瑟v] adj. 绉瀬涔愯鐨勶紱鑷俊鐨?11. cancel['k忙ns(蓹)l] v. 鍙栨秷锛涙挙閿€锛涚粓姝?12. bright adj. 鏈夊笇鏈涚殑13. force [f蓴藧s]v. 寮鸿揩锛涜揩浣匡紙鏌愪汉鍋氭煇浜嬶級14. concert['k蓲ns蓹t] n. 闊充箰浼氾紱婕斿浼?15. private['pra瑟v 蓹t] adj. 绉佷汉鐨?16. silent ['sa瑟l蓹nt]adj. 涓嶈璇濈殑锛涙矇榛樼殑17. musical instrument['mju藧z瑟k(蓹)l] ['瑟nstr蕣m(蓹)nt] n. 涔愬櫒18. enemy ['en蓹m瑟]n. 鍗卞鐗╋紱澶ф晫19. regular ['regj蕣l蓹]adj. 鏈夎寰嬬殑锛涘畾鏃剁殑20. cheer [t蕛瑟蓹]v. 榧撳姳锛涢紦鑸?21. low adj. 娌抚鐨勶紱娑堟矇鐨勶紱鏃犵簿鎵撻噰鐨?22. eyesight n. 瑙嗗姏23. dentist ['dent瑟st]n. 鐗欑鍖荤敓24. recovery [r瑟'k蕦v(蓹)r瑟]n. 鎭㈠锛涚棅鎰?25. deal with 瑙e喅锛涘鐞嗭紱搴斾粯26. guard against 闃叉锛涙彁闃?27. cancel out ['k 忙ns(蓹)l]鎶垫秷锛涘娑?28. look on the bright side 锛堝涓嶅ソ鐨勭姸鎬侊級鎸佷箰瑙傜殑鎬佸害29. take up 锛堝挨鎸囦负娑堥仯锛夊鐫€鍋氾紱寮€濮嬪仛30. (be) busy with 蹇欎簬鍋氣€︹€?31. leave鈥ehind 鎶娾€︹€︽姏鍦ㄥ悗闈?32. cheer鈥p 锛堜娇锛夊彉寰楁洿楂樺叴锛涳紙浣匡級鎸璧锋潵。



九年级英语下册Unit1-6短语词组汇总涔濆勾绾цnit1-6?Unit 1 travel writer the American continents 缇庢床澶ч檰have an effect on鈥?瀵光€﹂€犳垚褰卞搷open up 寮€杈?go on a trip 鍘绘梾琛?set up ?trade routes 锛堟棫鏃剁殑锛夊晢闃熻矾绾匡紝鍟嗚set sail 璧疯埅the Ming Dynasty 鏄庢湞be known as О涓?as well as 涔燂紱杩?a new age of 鈥︹€︾殑鏂版椂浠?lead to 瀵艰嚧an interview with sb. compare ith鈥?鎶娾€︹€︿笌鈥?the Silk Road涓濈桓涔嬭矾Unit 2 summer camp 澶忎护钀?thank-you email way of life 鐢熸椿鏂瑰紡international exchange 鍥介檯浜ゆ祦be strange to sb. 瀵规煇浜烘潵璇粹€︹€︿笉鐔熸倝in one鈥檚spare time 鍦ㄦ煇浜虹殑绌洪棽鏃堕棿閲?to a certain degree 鍦ㄦ煇绉嶇▼搴︿笂get used to 涔犳儻浜庯紱閫傚簲under the weather 鐣ユ湁涓嶉€傦紱涓嶅緱鍔?capital city 棣栭兘national flag 鍥芥棗full-time education 鍏ㄦ棩鍒舵暀鑲?state school private school 绉佺珛瀛︽牎Unit 3 greenhouse effect harmful gas green consumer 缁胯壊娑堣垂鑰?in danger 鍦ㄥ嵄闄╀腑let n ?as a result of 鐢变簬result in ?mountains of ?take action 閲囧彇琛屽姩make adifference ?act as 鍏呭綋use both sides of the paper 鍙岄潰鐢ㄧ焊plastic bottle 濉戞枡鐡?have a normal life 杩囩潃姝e父鐨勭敓娲?throw nto a dustbina layer of soil 涓€灞傚湡Unit 4 natural disater express feelings 琛ㄨ揪鎯呮劅forest fire pass by 閫氳繃锛涚粡杩?stick with 鎸佺画锛涘潥鎸?can鈥檛afford to鈥?鎵挎媴涓嶈捣锛堝悗鏋滐級sit around 鏃犳墍浜嬩簨鐨勬秷纾ㄦ椂闂达紱闂插潗have no time to do 涓嶆効涓衡€︹€﹁姳鏃堕棿锛涙病鏈夋椂闂村仛鈥︹€?fall on deaf ears?stare at ?in surprise ?for now 鏆傛椂the moral of a story 鏁呬簨鐨勫瘬鎰?survival kit 鏁戠敓鍖咃紙瑁呮湁椋熺墿銆佸尰鐤楃敤鍝佸拰宸ュ叿锛?make sb.鈥檚hair stand on end 鎯婂悡鏌愪汉hold back sth. 鎶戝埗锛屾帶鍒讹紙鎰熸儏绛夛級an open area 闇插ぉ鍦哄湴rebuild homes 閲嶅缓瀹跺洯Unit 5 unforgettable experience 闅惧繕鐨勭粡鍘?take sb. on a holiday 甯︽煇浜哄幓搴﹀亣ski resort 婊戦洩鑳滃湴be dying to (do sth.) 娓存湜锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛夛紱鏋佹兂锛堝仛鏌愪簨锛?check in (at) 锛can't wait to (do sth.) 笉鍙婂緟鎯筹紙鍋氭煇浜嬶級to be honest 璇村疄鍦ㄧ殑fall over鍊?hold on (to sth.) 鎶撶揣锛堟煇鐗╋級keep one鈥檚balance 淇濇寔骞宠wish sb. would do sth. 甯屾湜鏌愪汉city centre 甯備腑蹇?reduce stress 鍑忚交鍘嬪姏build up 寤虹珛track event 寰勮禌椤圭洰field event 鐢拌禌椤圭洰Unit 6 under stress 鍦ㄥ帇鍔涗箣涓?deal with peer pressure 鍚岃緢鍘嬪姏guard against ?cancel out娑?positive thinking 姝i潰鎬濊€?look on the bright side鎬侊級鎸佷箰瑙傜殑鎬佸害take up€濮嬪仛be busy with 蹇欎簬鍋氣€︹€?leave ehind 鎶娾€︹€︽姏鍦ㄥ悗闈?cheer p 锛堜娇锛夊彉寰楁洿楂樺叴锛涳紙now and then 鏃跺父go blind 澶辨槑head into 杩涘叆take respondsibility for 鈥?瀵光€︹€﹁礋璐?begin/start puberty 杩涘叆闈掓槬鏈?。



2017初中英语单词、短语、词组汇总(N、O、P开头)2017鍒濅腑鑻辫鍗曡瘝銆佺煭璇€佽瘝缁勬眹鎬伙紙N銆丱銆丳寮€澶达級N name n. 鍚嶅瓧锛屽鍚嶏紝鍚嶇Оvt. 鍛藉悕锛屽悕鍙?narrow a. 鐙獎鐨?nation n. 姘戞棌锛屽浗瀹?national a. 鍥藉鐨?鍏ㄥ浗鎬х殑锛屾皯鏃忕殑nationality n. 鍥界睄nationwide ad.鍏ㄥ浗鑼冨洿鐨?鍏ㄥ浗鎬х殑native a. 鏈湡鐨勶紝鏈浗鐨?natural a. 鑷劧鐨?nature n. 鑷劧, 鎬ц川锛岀绫?near a. 杩戠殑ad.闄勮繎锛岄偦杩憄rep. 鍦ㄢ€﹂檮杩戯紝闈犺繎nearby a. 闄勮繎鐨?nearly ad. 灏嗚繎锛屽嚑涔?necessary a. 蹇呴渶鐨勶紝蹇呰鐨?neck n. 棰堬紝鑴栧瓙necklace n. 椤归摼need n. 闇€瑕侊紝闇€姹俛ux.& v.锟斤拷闇€瑕侊紝蹇呴』eighbour (缇?neighbor) n.閭诲眳,閭讳汉neighbourhood (缇巒eighborhood) n. 鍥涢偦锛涢偦杩戝湴鍖?neither a. 锛堜袱鑰咃級閮戒笉锛涗篃涓?nervous a. 绱у紶涓嶅畨鐨?net n. 缃?never ad. 鍐充笉锛屼粠鏉ユ病鏈?new a. 鏂扮殑锛涙柊椴滅殑New York n. 绾界害New Zealand* n. 鏂拌タ鍏?New Zealander n. 鏂拌タ鍏颁汉news n. 鏂伴椈锛屾秷鎭?newspaper n. 鎶ョ焊next a. 鏈€杩戠殑锛岀揣鎸ㄧ潃鐨勶紝闅斿鐨勶紱涓嬩竴娆?ad. 闅忓悗锛岀劧鍚庯紝涓嬩竴姝?n. 涓嬩竴涓汉锛堜笢瑗匡級nice a. 浠や汉鎰夊揩鐨勶紱濂界殑锛屾紓浜殑night n. 澶滐紱澶滈棿night-club n. 澶滄€讳細nine num. 涔?nineteen num. 鍗佷節ninety num. 涔濆崄ninth num. 绗節no ad. 涓嶏紝涓嶆槸 a.娌℃湁锛屾棤锛屼笉No.(缂? = number n. 鏁板瓧锛涘彿鐮?nobody n. 娓哄皬浜虹墿pron. 娌℃湁浜猴紝璋佷篃涓?nod vi. 鐐瑰ごnoise n. 澹伴煶锛屽櫔澹帮紝鍠ч椆澹?noisily ad. 鍠ч椆鍦?noisy a. 鍠ч椆鐨勶紝鍢堟潅鐨?none pron. 鏃犱换浣曚笢瑗挎垨浜猴紝鏃犱竴浜?noodle n. 闈㈡潯noon n. 涓崍锛屾鍗?nor conj. 涔熶笉normal n.& a. 姝e父鐨勶紙鐘舵€侊級north a. 鍖楃殑锛涙湞鍖楃殑锛涗粠鍖楁潵鐨?ad. 鍚戯紙鍦ㄣ€佷粠锛夊寳鏂?n. 鍖楋紱鍖楁柟锛涘寳閮?northeast n. 涓滃寳锛堥儴锛?northern a. 鍖楁柟鐨勶紝鍖楅儴鐨?northwards ad. 鍚戝寳northwest n.瑗垮寳nose n. 榧?not ad. 涓嶏紝娌?note n. 渚挎潯锛岀瑪璁?娉ㄩ噴锛涢挒绁紝绾稿竵锛涢煶绗︼紝闊宠皟vt.璁颁笅锛岃褰曪紱娉ㄦ剰锛岀暀鎰?notebook n. 绗旇绨?nothing n. 娌℃湁涓滆タ锛屾病鏈変粈涔?adv. 涓€鐐逛篃涓嶏紱骞朵笉notice n.甯冨憡锛岄€氬憡锛涙敞鎰弙t.娉ㄦ剰锛屾敞鎰忓埌novel n. 锛堥暱绡囷級灏忚novelist n. 灏忚瀹?November n. 11鏈?now ad. 鐜板湪nowadays ad. 褰撲粖锛岀幇鍦?nowhere ad. 浠讳綍鍦版柟閮戒笉锛?鏃犲number n. 鏁帮紝鏁板瓧锛屽彿鐮侊紱鏁伴噺nurse n. 鎶ゅ+锛涗繚鑲插憳nursery n. 鎵樺効鎵€O object n. 鐗╋紝鐗╀綋锛?瀹捐ocean n. 娴锋磱Oceania* n. 澶ф磱娲?o'clock n. 鐐归挓October n. 10鏈?of prep. (琛ㄧず鎵€灞?鏁伴噺,鍏朵腑) 鈥︾殑off prep. 绂诲紑锛岃劚绂伙紝锛堣蛋锛夊紑ad.绂诲紑锛涳紙鐢点€佽嚜鏉ユ按锛夊仠浜嗭紝涓柇offer n.& vt. 鎻愪緵锛?寤鸿office n. 鍔炲叕瀹?officer n. 鍐涘畼锛涘叕鍔″憳锛屽畼鍛橈紱璀﹀療锛岃瀹?official n.锛堝叕鍙搞€佸洟浣撴垨鏀垮簻鐨勶級瀹樺憳锛岄珮绾ц亴鍛?a.瀹樻柟鐨勶紝鏀垮簻鐨?often ad. 缁忓父锛屽父甯?oh int. 鍝︼紒鍟婏紒oil oilfield . n. 娌?娌圭敯OK ad. 锛堝彛璇級濂斤紝瀵癸紝涓嶉敊old a. 鑰佺殑锛屾棫鐨?Olympic(s) Olympic Games a. & n. n.濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠濂ユ灄鍖瑰厠杩愬姩浼?on prep. 鍦ㄢ€︿笂锛堟椂锛夛紝鍏充簬ad. 锛堢┛锛屾斁鈥︼級涓婏紱鎺ラ€氾紱杩涜涓嬪幓锛涳紙鐢电伅锛夊紑once n.& ad. 涓€娆★紝涓€搴︼紝浠庡墠conj. 涓€鏃?one pron. 涓€锛堜釜锛屽彧鈥︼級(pl. ones)num. 涓€oneself pron. 鑷繁锛?鑷韩only a. 鎯熶竴鐨?浠呮湁鐨?ad. 浠呬粎,鍙墠onto prep. 鍒扳€︾殑涓婇潰open a. 寮€鐫€鐨勶紝寮€鍙g殑vt. 寮€锛屾墦寮€operation n. 鎵嬫湳锛屾搷浣?opinion n. 鐪嬫硶锛岃瑙?opposite n. 鐩稿弽锛屽闈?a. 鐩稿弽鐨勶紝瀵归潰鐨?or conj. 鎴栵紱灏辨槸锛涘惁鍒?orange n. 姗樺瓙锛屾瀛愶紝姗樻眮 a. 姗樿壊鐨勶紝姗欒壊鐨?order1 n. 椤哄簭order2 vt. 瀹氳喘锛屽畾璐э紱鐐硅彍ordinary a. 鏅€氱殑锛屽钩甯哥殑锟斤拷other pron. 鍒汉锛屽埆鐨勪笢瑗?a. 鍒殑锛屽彟澶栫殑our pron. 鎴戜滑鐨?ours pron. 鎴戜滑鐨?鍚嶈瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇? ourselves pron. 鎴戜滑鑷繁out ad. 鍑哄锛涘湪澶?鍚戝锛涚唲outdoors ad. 鍦ㄦ埛澶栵紱鍦ㄩ噹澶?outside n. 澶栭潰ad. 鍦ㄥ闈紱鍚戝闈?prep. 鍦ㄢ€﹀闈?over prep. 鍦ㄢ€︿笂鏂癸紱瓒婅繃锛涢亶鍙?ad. 缈诲€掞紱閬嶅竷锛涜秺杩囷紱缁撴潫overcoat n. 澶ц。

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绿城房地产集团有限公司精装修管理规程二〇〇七年四月三十日ﻬ目录第一部分目的和适用范围----------------------------------------------------------------------11目的--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12适用范围-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1第二部分精装修管理人员的聘用和管理----------------------------------------------11精装修管理人员的聘用-----------------------------------------------------------------------------12精装修管理人员的管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1第三部分精装修管理工作细则---------------------------------------------------------------11设计准备阶段-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11.1编写《室内设计指导书》-------------------------------------------------------------------------11.2编写《室内设计任务书》-------------------------------------------------------------------------21.3室内设计委托-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21.4建筑设计方案评估-------------------------------------------------------------------------------32方案设计阶段-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42.1项目公司内部评审-------------------------------------------------------------------------------42.2集团评审-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42.3确认与备案----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53初步设计阶段-------------------------------------------------------------------------------53.1项目公司内部评审-----------------------------------------------------------------------------53.2集团评审-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------53.3确认与备案--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64施工图设计阶段-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64.1项目公司内部评审-----------------------------------------------------------------------------64.2集团评审-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------64.3确认与备案--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------75施工前准备阶段------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----75.1编写《主材招标文件》-----------------------------------------------------------------------75.2签订《主材采购合同》-----------------------------------------------------------------------75.3编写《监理招标文件》-----------------------------------------------------------------------75.4签订《监理合同》------------------------------------------------------------------------------85.5编写《施工招标文件》-------------------------------------------------------------------------85.6签订《施工合同》-------------------------------------------------------------------------------95.7施工前现场协调----------------------------------------------------------------------------------96施工阶段-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------96.1材料管理-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------96.2质量管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106.3进度管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106.4成本管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116.5安全管理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116.6资金管理------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------116.7设备管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------126.8人工管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------126.9变更管理-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------126.10分包管理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------136.11文明管理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------136.12隐蔽及中间验收------------------------------------------------------------------------------136.13资料管理---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------137验收交付阶段----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------137.1精装修的验收与交付-------------------------------------------------------------------------138总结评价阶段----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.1对精装修产品的评价-------------------------------------------------------------------------148.2对合作单位、职能部门及项目公司自我管理的评价----------------------------------15第四部分附则----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15附件:绿城房产集团精装修工程管理流程第一部分目的和适用范围1目的为加强集团公司及所属项目公司对室内装修工程的管理与监控,明确责权、提高工作效率、保证工作品质,特制定本规程。
