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学院: 机械自动化学院

专业: 机械电子工程











As the last rolling process in the rolling process, finishing mill has a great influence on the performance of the workpiece. In the process of rolling, the finishing mill not only controls the width and thickness of the workpiece, but also monitors the other properties of the product. For hot rolling mills, the mill also suffers from high temperatures. In order to ensure the product requirements, the main drive system of rolling mill must ensure good transmission requirements and quality requirements. At present, due to the continuous progress of the scientific and technological level, the rolling mill in all aspects of performance are constantly improving, Steel Corp has created an tremendous income.

The main drive system of F1 finishing mill is to realize the output speed of the motor by slowing or increasing speed. This design according to the demand of the reduction scheme, using the single stage helical gear transmission, the transmission process is simple, reducing the power loss, but also to ensure the higher transmission precision, using helical gear transmission intensity increases to a certain extent reduces the difficulty of maintenance. The main purpose of this design is in the sake of having a deeper understanding of the mill, and to design and calculate the drive system, and to understand the selection principle of other components.

Finally, according to the design of the size parameters, draw the reducer assembly drawing and key parts of the parts diagram, to further understand the internal structure of the reducer.

Key words: Finishing mill; Main drive system; Reducer; Gear


1 绪论 0

1.1 选题背景 0

1.2目的 0

1.3轧机的发展 0

1.4 轧机主传动系统的组成 (1)

2设计要求与参数 (3)

2.1 设计题目 (3)

2.2 设计参数 (3)

2.3 设计内容 (3)

3 总体方案设计 (4)

3.1 传动方案设计思路 (4)

3.2 传动方案设计 (4)

4电机的选择与传动比的确定 (6)

4.1 轧制力与力矩 (6)

4.1.1 轧制力的确定 (6)

4.2 电机的选择 (8)

4.2.1 电机的选择原理 (8)

4.2.2 电机功率的计算 (8)

4.3传动装置运动参数的确定 (9)

4.3.1传动比的计算 (9)

4.3.2各轴转速、输入功率、输入转矩的计算 (9)

5齿轮的设计计算 (11)

5.1按齿面接触强度设计 (11)

5.2按齿根弯曲强度设计 (13)

5.3齿轮几何尺寸的计算 (16)

6轴的结构设计与校核 (17)

6.1高速轴Ⅰ的结构设计 (17)

6.2低速轴Ⅱ的结构设计 (18)

6.4低速轴Ⅱ的校核 (20)

6.4.1低速轴受力分析 (20)

7轴承的选择与校核 (22)

7.1高速轴轴承 (22)

7.2低速轴轴承 (22)

8键的选择与校核 (24)

8.1高速轴与联轴器键连接 (24)

8.2低速轴上的键连接 (24)

9 润滑方式、润滑油牌号以与密封装置选择 (26)

11 设计总结 (28)

参考文献 (29)

致谢 (30)
