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In recent years our country railroad to enter a period of rapid development, especially in the Leap-over Development of railway policy how-to below, our country railroad will enter a new stage of development. Hydraulic shock absorber of railway vehicle is one of the most important component. As a result of locomotive and vehicle wheel and rail surface contact between the steel on steel, therefore, the wheel surface irregularities and the track irregularity directly by the wheel to the suspension member to the vehicle, each part of the high and low frequency vibration. If the vibration through the shock absorber to decay, it will reduce the mechanical parts of the structure strength and the service life of deterioration, running quality. Oil damper and its performance will directly affect the safety and comfort of driving. As a result of the railway speed increase and the rapid development of city rail transit, highlights for high performance hydraulic shock absorber needs, but the domestic production of hydraulic shock absorber can not meet this demand, this situation is due to shock absorber test equipment is backward cause. Therefore, the development of

high-speed train damper test bench has a very important practical significance, it is necessary to use the good performance of the shock absorber.

Based on the hydraulic shock absorber for the analysis and design. The main work includes: classification and use of hydraulic shock absorber, oil damper resistance characteristics analysis, new oil damper, a new hydraulic vibration damper, structure design and calculation of key words: vehicles, hydraulic shock absorber, resistance characteristics, analysis, parameter


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1本课题设计的目的和意义 (1)

1.2减震器国内外的发展状况 (2)

1.3设计的主要研究内容 (3)

第2章油压减振器分类和用途 (1)

第3章油压减振器阻尼值计算 (1)

3.1 液压减振器阻力特性的计算 (1)

3.1.1 拉伸和压缩时的阻力介绍 (1)

3.1.2单向流动减振器的拉伸和压缩阻力 (1)

3.2 影响减振器阻力特性的主要因素 (1)

3.2.1 节流阀的结构和参数 (1)

3.2.2 结构参数对阻力特性的影响 (1)

3.3 液压双向流动减振器阻力特性分析 (1)

3.3.1 拉伸阻力特性 (1)

3.3.2 压缩阻力特性 (1)

3.4实现拉伸和压缩对称特性的措施 (1)

第4章新型油压减振 (1)

4.1 主要技术参数及其基本结构 (1)

4.1.1 主要技术参数 (1)

4.1.2 基本结构 (1)

4.2 作用原理 (1)

4.3 减振器的特点 (1)

4.4油压减振器的阻尼特性与阻尼系数 (1)

第5章油压减振器结构设计及计算校核 (1)

第6章结语 (30)

参考文献 (32)

致谢 (33)

附录 (34)
