

2 习题参考答案word版本

2 习题参考答案word版本








所得的数均聚合度X n 与两官能团摩尔数之比r(r≤1)和反应程度P之间有:关系。






2 (1) y = 3 x − 2 x + 5

(2) y =

x2 + 1
(3) y = 4sin 2 x ; (5) y = ln ln x ;
(4) y = 2sin (6) y = sec
1 ; x2
x a + csc2 ; a x x+ x+ x ;
7.讨论下列函数在 x = 0 处的连续性与可导性: (1) y = x x ; (2) y = ⎨
⎧x + 2 ⎩3 x − 1
x>0 ; x≤0
1 ⎧ ⎪ x sin x (3) y = ⎨ ⎪ln (1 + x 2 ) ⎩
x<0 x≥0
提示:根据连续性定义(极限值等于函数值)和可导性的定义(差商的极限存在) 。 (1)连续且可导;
x →0
∆x → 0
( x + ∆x ) + 2 − ( 3x − 1) = 1 ≠
∆x → 0
3 ( x + ∆x ) − ( 3 x − 1) = 3, ( x = 0) ∆x
1 lim x sin = lim ln (1 + x 2 ) =0; − + x →0 x x →0 1 ∆x sin ∆x = lim sin 1 , 极限不存在。 lim− ∆x → 0 ∆x → 0− ∆x ∆x
x → 0+
lim x x = lim x x = 0; −
x →0
∆x → 0



新概念2课后习题答案1.This XXX!2.What a surprise this is!3.He'XXX.4.They are such wonderful actors!5.She works so hard.6.That building is incredibly tall.7.That film is just terrible.8.You're such a clever boy!9.She's such a pretty girl.10.He'XXX.多项选择题1.c)2.d)3.c)4.c)5.a)6.b)7.b)第三课P21练B。

参照课文原文8.a) XXX.9.d) He gave me the prize.10.c) XXX.C。










lostP22难点练答案1.He gave some money to the XXX.2.He passed the prize over to me.3.XXX.4.He sold me all of his books.5.XXX.6.He did me a big favor.7.XXX.8.She promised to give a reward to the person who found it.9.He gave his son some advice.10.His uncle left him some money.11.He'XXX.12.XXX.1.Could you bring me that book。

please?2.XXX.3.Can you read the first paragraph to me?4.I have XXX.5.I owe him a lot of money.6.Can you pass the mustard to your father?XXX 23:1.c2.a3.c4.a5.d6.b7.c8.c9.b10.a11.b12.bXXX 25:A.1.I just had breakfast.2.He has been imprisoned for six months.3.The thief has not been caught yet by the police.4.You have asked that XXX already.5.Have you ever been to Switzerland?6.I have never been to Switzerland.7.XXX.8.I XXX.C.1.He has just left the house.2.He just had breakfast.3.She just XXX.4.My sister just turned on the。





亲和力内在活性亲和力微弱的内在活性拮抗⒉药物的安全范围是指______________到___________之间的距离,差距越___ ___则越________。






治疗副⒏用青霉素G治疗大叶性肺炎是属于________治疗,用苯巴比妥处理高热惊厥是属于__ ___治疗。

对因对症二、单项选择:A型题:⒈药物效价:( C )A值越小则强度越小 B与药物的最大效能相平行C指能引起等效反应的相对剂量 D反映药物与受体的解离度E越大则疗效越好⒉药物副作用:( B )A常在较大剂量时发生 B治疗量时发生 C与剂量无关D因为用药时间过长而引起 E并非药物效应⒊药效学是研究:( C )A药物的临床疗效 B药物在体内的变化 C药物对机体的作用及其作用机理D药物的转运 E药物的毒性⒋长期应用降压药普萘洛尔,停药后血压激烈回升,这种反应为:( E )A后遗效应 B毒性反应 C特异质反应 D变态反应 E停药反应⒌肺炎病人应用镇咳药是:( B )A对因治疗 B对症治疗 C补充治疗 D安慰治疗 E以上都不对⒍药物的治疗指数是指:( B )A ED50/LD50B LD50/ ED50C LD5/ ED95D ED95/ LD5E ED99/LD1⒎药物产生副作用的药理学基础是:( D )A药物的剂量太大 B药物代谢慢 C用药时间过久D药理效应的选择性低 E病人对药物反应敏感⒏用苯巴比妥治疗失眠症,醒后嗜睡、乏力,这是药物的:( B )A副作用 B后遗效应 C继发反应 D治疗作用的延续 E选择性低所引起的作用⒐有关变态反应的错误叙述是:( C )A与药物原有效应无关 B与剂量无关 C与剂量有关D停药后逐渐消失 E再用药时可再发生⒑药物作用是指:( D )A药理效应 B药物具有的特异性作用 C对不同脏器的选择性作用D药物与机体细胞间的初始反应 E对机体器官兴奋或抑制作用⒒药物的内在活性是指:( B )A药物穿透生物膜的能力 B受体激动时的反应强度 C药物水溶性大小D药物对受体的亲和力高低 E药物脂溶性强弱⒓半数致死量用以表示:( C )A药物的安全度 B药物的治疗指数 C药物的急性毒性D药物的极量 E评价新药是否优于老药的指标13.在下表中,安全性最大的药物是:( D )药物 LD50(mg/kg) ED50(mg/kg)A 100 5B 200 20C 300 20D 300 10E 300 4014. 药物的不良反应不包括:( D )A 副作用B 毒性反应C 过敏反应D 局部作用E 特异质反应15. 某药的量效曲线因受某种因素的影响平行右移时,表明:( E )A 作用点改变B 作用机理改变C 作用性质改变D 效能改变E 效价强度改变16. 量反应与质反应量效关系的主要区别是:( C )A 药物剂量大小不同B 药物作用时间长短不同C 药物效应性质不同D 量效曲线图形不同E 药物效能不同三、多项选择:⒈部分激动药:( CDE )A与受体亲和力小 B内在活性较大 C具有激动药与拮抗药两重特性D与激动药共存时,其效应与激动药拮抗 E单独用药时为激动作用⒉难以预料的不良反应有:( BD )A后遗效应 B变态反应 C停药反应 D特异质反应 E药源性疾病⒊可作为药物安全性指标的有:( ACE )A LD50/ ED50 B极量 C LC50/ EC50 D 常用剂量范围 E ED95 /LD5之间的距离⒋竞争性拮抗药具有以下特点:( BE )A使量效曲线平行左移 B Emax不变 C与受体呈不可逆性结合D与受体无亲和性 E与受体有亲和性,但缺乏内在活性⒌部分激动药的特点是:( BCDE )A与受体的亲和力很弱 B内在活性较弱 C单独应用时可引起较弱的生理效应D与激动药合用后,有可能拮抗激动药的部分生理效应 E与受体的亲和力不弱6.药物作用包括:( ABCDE )A 引起机体功能或形态改变B 引起机体体液成分改变C 抑制或杀灭入侵的病原微生物或寄生虫D 改变机体的反应性E 补充体内营养物质或激素的不足7.药物与受体结合的特性有:( ABCD )A 高度特异性B 高度亲和力C 可逆性D 饱和性E 高度效应力8.下列正确的描述是:( AE )A 药物可通过受体发挥效应B 药物激动受体即表现为兴奋效应C 安慰剂不会产生治疗作用D 药物化学结构相似,则作用相似E 药效与被占领的受体数目成正比9.下列有关亲和力的描述,正确的是:( AC )A 亲和力是药物与受体结合的能力B 亲和力是药物与受体结合后引起效应的能力C 亲和力越大,则药物效价越强D 亲和力越大,则药物效能越强E 亲和力越大,则药物作用维持时间越长10.药效学的内容包括:( AC )A 药物的作用与临床疗效B 给药方法和用量C 药物的剂量与量效关系D 药物的作用机制E 药物的不良反应和禁忌症四、名词解释:1.量效关系:是指药物效应在一定范围内随剂量增加(变化)而加强(变化),这种剂量与效应之间的关系称量效关系。

第二章 习题参考答案(修正)

第二章 习题参考答案(修正)

第二章 需求、供给与均衡价格(题目及习题解答)一、判断题1.需求曲线描述了:其它条件不变,市场需求量与价格之间的关系。







理由:图中,直线AC 、BD 分别为需求曲线1和需求曲线2,AC 比BD 陡峭。

AC 之上的E 点弹性等于|AE|/|CE|,而BD 之上的E 点弹性等于|BE|/|DE|。






如左下图所示:D 点价格大于B 点,D 点弹性=|AD|/|CD|>B 点弹性=|AB| /|BC|;第二种利用21页公式2.6。

因为B 点和D 点都在同一条直线上,所以dQ/dP 都相同,而P2<P 1,Q 2>Q1。

2121E E B D P P dQ dQ dP Q dP Q =⋅<=⋅ 4.如供给是一条直线,则供给的价格弹性为常数。


26页2.10b 。


设供给函数为P=a+b ·Q s ,则dQ s /dP=-1/b 2,5.需求曲线越陡峭,则供给的变化对价格的影响越大。

P=a 1+b 1·Q s ,需求曲线P=a 2-b 2·Q d 。

令Q *=Q s =Q d ,得P *=(a 1b 2+b 1a 2)/(b 1+b 2)。

需求曲线a 1变化而b 1不变(平行移动)。



新模式英语2习题册答案新模式英语2练习册参考答案Pre-Unit: Welcome to Our Class (p. P 2) Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Be (p. P2)C.Answers will vary.E.Answers will vary.F.1. am; I’m2. are; They’re3. are; We’re4. is; He’s5. are; They’re6. is; She’s7. are; You’re8. is; It’sG1. d.2. c.3. e.4. b.5. a.H.1.She’s tired. She needs some rest.2.They’re nervous. They have a test today.3.We’re happy. We have a new baby!4.He’s hungry. He wants a hamburger.5.I’m sad. I have no friends.I.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 所有格形容词(p. P4)B.Name: Smith, JonathonPhone: (714) 555-8989Birth Date: March 3, 1978Street Address: 2356 Orchard Lane City: Pine CityState: CAZip Code: 90638Exercise D.1.My2.Their3.Your4.Our5.His6.His7.ItsE.1. His address is 2274 W. Bayside Dr.2. Their school is Lincoln Adult School.3. Her birth date is June 5, 1975.4. Their state is California. (Note: CA = California)5. His last name is Nakamura.6. ourF.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Can的问句 (p. P6)C.Answers will vary.E.1.Can you spell that?2.Can you say that again?3.Can you repeat that?4.Can you speak louder?5.Can you help me?6.Can you speak slower?7.Can you teach me English?8.Can you open the door?9.Can you write it?F.1. c.2. e.3. b.新模式英语2习题册答案4. d.5. a.G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Student A: Can you help me with a problem? Student B: Sure.Student A: Can you help me spell certain words? Student B: OK.Unit 1 Everyday Life (p. 2)Challenge 1: 一般现在时: Live and Be (p. 2)B.Kenji: single, 22 years old, Los AngelesAnya: married, 68 years old, Los Angeles Gilberto: single, 30 years old, Los AngelesMarie: divorced, 32 years old, Los AngelesD.1.lives2.are3.are4.are5.am6.lives7.live8.live9.is10.lives11.is12.am.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:Anya: Anya is 68 years old. She lives in Los Angeles. She is a student. She is married.Gilberto: Gilberto is a student. He is 30 years old. He is single. He lives in Los Angeles.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时: Have (p. 4)B.1.Three2.One3.Four4.Vietnam5.The United States6.NguyenD.1.I have two sisters.2.I don’t have a wife.3.You don’t hav e an aunt in Korea.4.Ken doesn’t have a brother.5.My mother has four sisters.6.You don’t have a niece in Poland.7.Maria doesn’t have a husband.8.We don’t have children.9.Jessica and Kate have a brother.F.Sample answers:1.Martha has three brothers.2.Ned has three sisters.3.Both Martha and Ned have brothers.4.Martha and Ned both have five cousins.5.Martha has three uncles.6.Ned has two brothers.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 6)B.1.Howard is tall.新模式英语2习题册答案2.He has blonde hair and green eyes.3.Sam is average height.4.He has brown hair and brown eyes.5.Kyle is short.6.He has blue eyes and red hair.D.1.taller2.shorter3.heavier4.thinner5.younger6.older7.thinner, taller8.taller, thinnerE.1.John2.Herbert3.Herbert4.Lien5.Jack6.Frank7.MariaF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: 一般现在时与频率副词(p. 8)B.1. c.2. a.3. a.D.1.Anya wakes up at 6:00 A.M.2.You get up at 7:00 A.M.3.Ivan goes to work at 8:00 A.M.4.They help with the grandchildren.5.We play soccer.6.Ivan works in Los Angeles.7.I go to school.8.Anya takes the children to the beach.E.1.often wakes up2.always works3.sometimes take4.often play5.sometimes works6.rarely get up7.sometimes wakes up8.rarely takeF.1.Kim works every day at 12:30 P.M.2.Kim goes to school on Mondays andWednesdays.3.Kim studies at 9:00 A.M. on Thursdays.4.Kim watches the kids in the mornings onTuesdays and Thursdays.5.Kim takes a break at 9:00 A.M. on Mondayand Wednesday.6. Kim goes to school at 7:00 A.M.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般疑问句: Is it? (p. 10)D.1.Is it rainy today?2.Is it snowy in the mountains?3.Is it hot in California today?4.Is it foggy by the ocean every morning5.Is it windy at night?6.Is it cloudy and rainy today?F.1.No, it isn’t.2.Yes, it is.3.Yes, it is.4.Yes, it is.5.No, it isn’t.6.Yes, it is.G.Answers will vary.Sample answers:新模式英语2习题册答案True: It is cloudy today.True: It is windy today.False: It is rainy today.False: It is 90 degrees today.H.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Be的否定句 (p. 12)B.Mario: single; Mexico; short; brown; black Sylvia: single; Peru; average height; brown; blackD.1.am not2.’m not3.’s not4.isn’t5.are not6.aren’t7.’re not8.are not9.is not10.’s notE.1.Mario isn’t from Peru.2.Her name isn’t Maria.3.They aren’t teachers.4.His last name isn’t Ortiz.5.Sylvia isn’t sad in the U.S.6.Mario isn’t tall.7.Sylvia and Mario aren’t married.8.Sylvia isn’t old.F.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.I’m not a teacher.2. a woman, not a man.3.handsome, he is not ugly.4.nice, They are not mean.Extension Challenge 2: Be的一般疑问句(p. 14)B.1.Yes2.No3.Yes4.No5.No6.YesD.1.Is Kenji from Japan?2.Are Anya and Ivan from Russia?3.Are you from Korea?4.Am I late for class?5.Is Marie from Haiti?6.Are Gilberto and Mario tall?7.Is Mario from Mexico?8.Is Kenji at school?F.1.No, he’s not.2.Yes, they are.3.No, she’s not.4.Yes, they are.5.No, they aren’t.6.No, she’s not.7.Yes, she is.G.Answers will vary.Unit 2 Let’s go Shopping! (p. 16)Challenge 1: 一般现在时的否定式与肯定式(p. 16)B.Summer Clothes: sandalsshortsswimsuitT-shirtjacketWinter Clothes: a scarfbootsa coatsweaterBoth Winter and Summer: dress新模式英语2习题册答案a capsunglassesD.1.doesn’t shop2.doesn’t wear3.don’t need4.don’t buy5.don’t like6.doesn’t need7.don’t shop8.never eat9.don’t want10.don’t workE.1.wear, don’t wear2.likes, doesn’t like3.need, don’t n eed4.wants, doesn’t want5.wear, don’t wearFAnswers will vary.GAnswers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 18)B.1.$33.592.$111.883.$52.484.$29.97C.1.socks2.shirt3.shorts4.dress5.jacketE.1.cheaper than2.more expensive than3.more expensive than4.more expensive than5.cheapest6.most expensive7.cheaper8.cheaperF.1.socks2.sandals3.pajamas4.shorts5.shirt6.pants7.shoes8.dress9.sweater10.jacketG.1.the jacket2.The jacket and the sweater3.The socks and the sandals4.The jacket5.The socks, sandals6.The shoes, the sweaterH.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 现在进行时 (p. 20)D.1.ing2.ing3.is4.ing5.are6.are7.are8.is9.ing10.areE.1.Anya is looking for new summer clothes.2.I am buying sandals.3.You are wearing your new blouse.4.Three men are sitting on a bench.新模式英语2习题册答案5.We are not eating at the mall today.6.Duong is going to the shoe store.7.The children are talking to their friends.8.Irina is not buying the blue skirt.9.You are reading a book at the bookstore.10.We are taking the bus home.Challenge 4: Because的用法 (p. 22)B.1.Armstrong Clothing2.Armstrong Clothing3.Fashion Express4.Fashion Express5.Armstrong ClothingC.Answers will vary.E.1. c.2. a.3. b.4. f.5. e.6. d.F.1.I like Armstrong’s because the blouses arecheaper then at fashion express.2.I want the dress because it is long andbeautiful.3.I like the shoes because they are cheap.4.I want the hat because it is perfect with mydress.5.I like the shirt because it has long sleeves.6.I want the plans because they are my size.H.1.Kim likes Sally’s Clothing Store because it hasgood prices.2.She also likes the store because it has goodsales people.3.Kim likes it because it also has a greatselection.4.She likes the shoes because they arecheaper than at the other stores. Challenge 5: 指示形容词: This, That, These和Those (p. 24)E.1.Plural, Far2.Plural, Far3.Singular, Far4.Plural, Near5.Singular, Far6.Plural, Near7.Singular, Near8.Plural, FarF.1.this2.these3.Those4.this5.Those6.Those7.this8.Those9.Those10.theseG.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 一般现在时: 一般疑问句 (p.26)B.Sample answers:1.Lien wears boots in the winter.2.Steve wears a T-shirt in the summer.3.Lien wears a scarf in the winter.4.Steve wears sandals in the summer..D.新模式英语2习题册答案1.Do they cost $45.00?2.Does the price include tax?3.Do you shop at the mall?4.Does Kenji shop at the mall, too?5.Do we want to buy new clothes?6.Do I need more money?7.Does Mr. Lee have a new raincoat?8.Does Sylvia wear sandals every day?E.1.Yes, I do.2.No, it doesn’t.3.Yes, it does.4.No, they don’t.5.No, we don’t.6.Yes, it does.7.Yes, you do.8.No, she doesn’t.9.No, I don’t.10.Yes, she does.G.Answers will vary..Extension Challenge 2: 现在进行时:一般疑问句 (p.28)D.1.Are Anna and Ivan buying summer clothes?2.Are you buying the blue pants or the redpants?3.Am I buying the dress with a coupon?4.Is Teresa buying the flowered raincoat?5.Are we buying the extra large T-shirt?6.Are they buying the expensive shoes?7.Is Steve buying the brown boots?8.Is your family buying winter clothes today? E.1.Yes, they are.2.No, he isn’t.3.Yes, I am.4.No, she isn’t.5.No, you’re not.6.Yes, we are.7.Yes, we are.8.No, I’m not.F.1.Are they wearing suits?2.Is he wearing tennis shoes?3.Are they wearing gym clothes?4.Is he wearing a sweatshirt? Unit 3 Food and Nutrition (p. 30)Challenge 1: Can的问句 (p. 30)B.1.Sirloin steak2.Soda; potato chips3.Answer will vary.4.Answer will vary.5.$12.27D.1.Can I take your dishes?2.Can you help me understand?3.Can you see the server?4.Can you eat faster?5.Can I talk to the Manager?6.Can you pay?7.Can I have the shrimp?8.Can you help?E1. c.2. a.3. b.4. d.F.新模式英语2习题册答案1.Can I have a soda, please?2.Can I please talk to the manager?3.Can you help me, please?4.Can you please take my dishes?G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: How much / How many (p. 32)B.Jose: 3 pounds of bananas1 jar of peanut butter2 boxes of cereal3 bags of potato chipsMarie: 2 pounds of oranges1 can of green beans1 carton of ice cream1 bottle of oilBoth: 2 gallons of milk1 loaf of breadD.E.Sample answers:1.pounds of bananas do we need?2.bread do we need?3.oil do we need?4.pounds of oranges do we need?5.bottles do we need?k do we need?7.cans of green beans do we need?8.peanut butter do we need?9.ice cream do we need?10.cans of chips do we need?F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: Be的问与答(p. 34)A.Aisle 1: pears, oranges, tomatoesAisle 4: cake mix, flour, sugar, pancakeAisle 8: ham, bacon, steak,Aisle 3: soup, tuna, beansAisle 5: milk, ice cream, butterC.1.are2.is3.is4.is5.is6.are7.is8.are9.is10.is11.are12.isD.1.The potatoes are in the produce section.2.The cake mix is in aisle 4.3.Where is the cheese?4.The pears are in the produce section.5.Where is the milk?6.The flour is in aisle 4.7.Where is the bread?8.Where is the chicken?E.Answers will vary.Challenge 4: Have的用法 (p. 36)A.1.Vegetables2.Meat新模式英语2习题册答案3.Dairy4.Bread, grains5.Fruit6.Fats, oils, sweetsB.carrots, lotus root, broccolifish, beef, chickenmilk, cheese, butterpasta, bread, riceorange, bananas, applesoda, candy, oilD.1.have2.have3.have4.have5.have6.has7.has8.hasF.S ample answers1.has a donut with milk for breakfast.2.both have a ham sandwich for lunch.3.has a hamburger and fries for lunch.4.both have chicken and rice for dinner.5.Javier, Huyen, and Alexi all have milk atbreakfast.6.Huyen has cereal and milk for breakfast.7.Javier has a salad and soda for dinner.8.Alexi has fruit and milk for breakfast.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 5:祈使句 (p. 38)B.’t use4.Listen5.Don’t cook6.Don’t eat7.Cut8.Write9.Don’t take10.Don’t putE.1.vacuum2.clean3.Don’t eat4.Buy5.Don’t buy6.Go7.Peel8.whip9.Make10.Wash11.drain12.set13.Don’t use14.Choose15.PutF.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Some / Any (p. 40) A.1.box2.jar3.carton4.can5.bottle6.bagB.1.jars新模式英语2习题册答案2.cartons3.box4.bottle5.bags6.cansD.1.some2.any/some3.some4.any5.any6.some7.any8.any9.some10.any/some11.any12.someE.1.She needs some green beans, too.2.She doesn’t need any carrots.3.Augustin wants some rice.4.He doesn’t buy any onions.5.They need some fish for the restaurant.6.Augustin buys some beverages every week.7.We don’t usually buy any ice cream.8.I don’t want any ice cream.9.Do you want some ice cream now?10.We are buying any cans of soup?F.1.Does he need any mayonnaise?2.Does he need any sugar?3.Does he need any soup?4.Does he need any carrots?5.Does he need any cereal?6.Does he need any oil?G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: There is/ There are (p. 42)C.1.fruits and vegetables2.carrots, potatoes, lettuce3.oranges, applesE.1.There are2.There is3.There are4.There is5.There are6.There are7.There is8.There are9.There is10.There areF.1.Are there ten tables in the restaurant?2.Is there a new cook?3.Are there many people in the restauranttoday?4.Are there six main courses on the menu?5.Are there many soups and salads?6.Is there a dinner salad on the menu?7.Are there hamburgers and cheeseburgers?8.Are there many different beverages?9.Are there many special desserts?10.Is there a good chocolate cheesecake?G.Answers will vary.Unit 4 Housing (p. 44)Challenge 1: Be与Do的特殊疑问句(p. 44)B.1.b2.b3.c4.b.D.1.Are2.is3.do you4.cars5.do you6.are7.do you8.isE.1. c.2. a.3. e.4. b.5. d.F.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: Which的特殊疑问句 (p. 46) B.D.1.Which house is near my school?2.Which houses have two bathrooms?3.Which house has a balcony?4.Which houses are big?5.Which apartment has furniture?6.Which condo is expensive?7.Which car is in the garage?8.Which class starts at 10:00 A.M.E.1.Ads 1, 4, 5, and 6 include two bathrooms.2.Ads 2 and 5 are condominiums.3.Ad 3 has a pool.4.Ads 1 and 3 are cheap.5.Ad 4 is most expensive.6.Ad 6 is $1,200.F.Sample answerse:1.Which homes are houses?2.Which home is an apartment?3.Which homes are near schools?4.Which homes have a pool?5.Which home has a garage?6.Which home has paid utilities?Challenge 3: 特殊疑问句 (p. 48)A.Name: Aguilar, JavierPhone: (408) 555-2234City: Santa ClaraHow long? 2 Years, 6 MonthsPrior Address: 97235 Artesia PlaceState: CAZip: 94801Employer: Anchor MotorsPosition: MechanicC.1.What is your last name?2.What is the name of your bank?3.Where do you go to school?4.How long did you work in Santa Clara?5.Who is your supervisor?6.Where did you live?D.1. c.2. d.3. a.4. b.E.Sample answers:Student A: Where did you study English?Student B: I studied English at Palm City Adult School. Student A: How long did you study English?Student B: I studied English for four years.Student A: Who was your teacher?Student B: My teacher was Steve Hampson. Student A: What is the address?Student B: The address is 9977 W. Broadway.Challenge 4: 方位介词 (p. 50)A.Sample answers:clocktoastertablerefrigeratorstoveC.1.next to2.over3.in the corner4.next to5.in6.next to7.between8.on9.under10.in front of11.in back of12.betweenD.1.The house is on Madison Street.2.The swimming pool is behind the house.3.The Yard is in front of the house.4.The flowers are in the corner.5.The house is next to the garage.6.The balcony is over the door.7.The fireplace is in the living room.8.The bathroom is between two bedrooms.9.The dishwasher is under the kitchen counter.10.The cupboard is over the kitchen counter.E.Answers will vary.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 情态动词: May 与Might (p. 52)B.Over (Circled)WaterGasolineEntertainmentOtherUnder (Checked)GaswaterFoodPhoneClothingHousehold repairsFurnitureSavingsD.1.We may move in two weeks.2.They may have a three bedroom house.3.She may live in an apartment on Main Street.4.You may need a new job.5.It may be a beautiful house.6.He may spend $300 a month.E.1.Gasoline might be $250.2.They might need money for clothes.3.She might want help with the rent.4.He might earn $6,500 a month.5.We might spend $800 on food.6.I might go to the bank today.F.1.2502.1003.5,4674.1755.4006.100G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 用and连句 (p. 54)A.1.has, bedrooms, $2,000.2.has, bedrooms, $1,400.3.have one, $1,400.4.has, bathrooms, hasC.1.The rent is $800 a month, and the utilitiesare included.2.The living room has a fireplace, and thekitchen is large.3.Nikolai and Andrea need an apartment, andthey are looking in the classified ads.4.His wife wants an apartment with threebedrooms, and she needs a washer/dryer.5.Our dream house is in a friendlyneighborhood, and it has a swimming pool.6.Peter and I are buying a house in September,and we need new furniture.D.1.Kyung moved here from Korea last monthand he lives in Arcadia, Florida.2.The teller is opening a checking account forhim and she is also opening a savingsaccount.3.Kyung can get his checks immediately and hecan write checks from the checking account.4.Kyung uses checks to pay for food and hewrites the checks in the check ledger.5.Nam-young Kim writes the check for the rentand she also pays for the utilities.6.Mr. and Mrs. Kim buy clothes from Sal’sClothes and they buy food from RencoMarket.7.Mr. and Mrs. Kim pay $850 a month for rentand they need $400 a month for food.8.Their house has three bedrooms and it is in aquiet neighborhood.E.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 形容词与名词修饰语(p. 56) A.1.Number 2 is the biggest.2.Number 1 is the smallest.3.Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have chimneys.4.Numbers 2 and 3 are two-stories.C.1.The house has a separate garage.2.He’s buying some expensive flowers.3.The balcony has a beautiful view.4.These are comfortable chairs.5.I live in a quiet neighborhood.6.The rent for the remodeled apartment is$750.7.We need a good dishwasher.8.What is your prior address?9.She wants to rent a big house.10.You want some small lamps.D.1.bank account2.ATM card3.photo ID4.application forms5.three-story house6.dream house7.two-car garage8.coffee tablesE.Answers will vary.Unit 5: Our Community (p. 58)Challenge 1: When, Where与介词(p. 58)B.1.32 minutes2.37 minutes3. 2 hours and 11 minutes4.5605.6006.625D.1.in2.in3.at4.[none]5.in6.in7.from8. ØE.keview2.Franklin City, 10:02 A.M.3.Jackson, Broadwaykeview5.Pleasantville6.Broadway, JacksonF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 一般现在时(p. 60)B.Lincoln High; 555-8336; Fire Department; 911 / 555-8461D.1.needs2.call3.wants4.looks5.call6.like7.prefers8.calls9.eat10.stops11.visites E.Sample answers:1.Raquel needs money.2.Raquel has a toothache.3.Raquel needs new shoes.4.Raquel and Mario are sick.5.Raquel needs new glasses.6.Raquel and Mario need a doctor.7.Raquel needs a driv er’s license.8.Mario’s house is on fire.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3: 祈使句(p. 62)B.1.the high school2.the City Hall3.Marie’s apartmentD.Here are the ... Go north on Emerson Street. Walk straight … Turn left on Michigan Avenue. Go two blocks … Linco ln Street, turn right. Don’t turn left; that’s … Walk up the stairs. Find apartment #3.E.1.Don’t go to the post office today.2.Don’t write your address on the form.3.Don’t fill in all the customer forms now.4.Don’t walk from the post office to the pharmacy.5.Don’t turn right at the next intersection.6.Don’t stop at the corner of Main and Robinson.F.1.Send the package economy class.2.Buy insurance for the package.3.Turn left at the corner.4.Go west on Broadway.G.Sample answers:1.Go south on Commonwealth. The University ison the left after Monroe.2.Go south on Main. Turn right on Lincoln. TheMuseum is the last building on the right onLincoln, before Commonwealth.3.Go east on Lincoln. Turn right on Main. Turnright on Broadway. The Court House is after the Police Station on the right.Challenge 4:一般现在时与现在进行时(p. 64)B.1. b. She wants to get a letter from her friend.2. c. She wants to see Antonio.D.1.has2.is working3.visits4.go5.am living6.go7.have8.are eatingE.1.walk2.am taking3.goes4.are waiting5.stops6.take7.are going8.visit9.wait10.are readingF.Answers will vary.Challenge 5: 一般过去时 (p. 66)A.From: Jennifer Gault895 Main PlaceMiami, FL 33010To: John Gil 8246 Wilson St.Bend, OR 97701C.1.wanted2.bought3.went4.walked5.ate6.talkedD.went, talked, wanted, talked, talked, went, ate, sentE.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: 方位介词(p. 68)Exercise B.Service Buy and Sellbus stop mallpolice station pet storehospital (and pharmacy) supermarketmuseum hardware Storebank bowling alleyschool movie theaterbus stationpharmacyD.1.yes2.no3.yes4.yes5.no6.no7.yes8.yes9.yes10.noE.1.West Broadway2.8th Avenue3.the supermarket4.the bus station5.the museum, the bank6.the hospital7.the school8.Main Street, Park StreetF.Answers will vary.G.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 2: 时间介词(p. 70)B.Event Date Timemeeting with marjorie 9/4/2009 1 P.M. library 9/8/2009 P.M.library 9/9/2009 P.M.library 9/10/2009 P.M.fly to NY 9/14/2009 7 A.M.dentist appt. 9/24/2009 4 P.M.D.1.in2.on3.at4.at5.on6.in7.in8.at9.In10.on11.inE.1.in2.At3.on4.at5.in6.in7.on8.in 9.in10.atF.1.She is going to New York on September 14 at7:00 A.M.2.She has a meeting with Marjorie on September 4at 1:00 P.M.3.Marjorie goes to the library in the afternoon onSeptember 8,9,and 10.4.Marjorie will go to the dentist in 2 hours.Unit 6: Health (p. 72)Challenge 1: Need to的用法 (p. 72)B.1.Gilberto2.Kenji3.LienD.1.likes to2.want3.need to4.likes to5.likes6.work7.need to8.relaxE.1.wants to2.needs to3.eat4.exercises5.want6.drink7.needs to8.likes toF.Answers will vary.Challenge 2: 形容词的比较级与最高级(p. 74)A.Answers will vary.B.Answers will vary.D.Answers may vary.Sample Answers:1. A cold is more serious than a runny nose.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A toothache is more common than the flu.4. A runny nose is less serious than a backache.5. A bad headache is the most common ailment.6. A cold is less serious than a backache.7.The flu is less common than a cold.8.The flu is the most serious ailment.E.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.The flu is more serious than a cold.2. A sore throat is the most serious ailment.3. A backache is the most common ailment.4. A cold is less serious than a headache.5. A sore throat is less common than a headache.6. A cold is the most common ailment.F.Answers will vary.Challenge 3:一般过去时: 规则与不规则(p. 76)A.1. c. to a doctor.2. d. three times a day.3. a. in the park every week.4. b. cigarettes.B.Anya talked to a doctor. She exercised three times a day. She walked in the park every week. She also smoked cigarettes.D.1.was2.was3.was4.had5.were6.had7.had8.were9.had10.wereE.1.played2.wanted3.visited4.asked5.needed6.smoked7.talkedF.Last week, Alex exercised every day. He also played tennis on Saturday. He wanted his wife to play tennis, too. On Saturday, she visited the doctor. She asked for medicine for more energy. She needed more exercise and not medicine. She also smoked a pack of cigarettes a day. She talked to her husband about it.Challenge 4: 情态动词: Should (p. 78)A.DUDWUWUWDDDUC.1.You should go to the drugstore.2.You should sleep eight hours tonight.3.Ricardo should take some cough syrup.4.You should go to the hospital.5.You should go to bed.6.Luisa should take some aspirin.7.They should stop smoking.8.You should go to the optometrist.D.1.shouldn’t2.should3.shouldn’t4.shouldn’t5.should6.should7.should8.shouldn’t9.should10.shouldn’tE.Answers will vary.Sample Answers:1.You should sleep eight hours tonight.2.You should take cough medicine.3.You shouldn’t smoke cigarettes.4.You shouldn’t play tennis today.Challenge 5: 一般过去时:不规则动词(p. 80)B.1. b. call the fire department, the police, or apoison control center2. a. his or her name and addressD.1.drove2.woke3.went4.bought5.came6.did7.ate8.slept 9.took10.got11.said12.drankE.1.My throat hurt.2.You drove me to the doctor at noon.3.The doctor said to take some medicine.4.I got the medicine from the doctor.5.You read the directions.6.I took two teaspoons of the syrup.7.I slept for ten hours.8.We ate a good breakfast.9.My friends came to see me.10.They bought me some flowers.F.Answers will vary.Extension Challenge 1: Should的问句 (p. 82)A.toothache, stomachache, headache, backache, sore throatB.Answers will vary.Sample answers:1.aspirin2.calcium carbonate3.aspirin4.aspirin5.cough syrupD.1.Should I drink coffee?2.Should Eva eat three meals a day?3.Should the medicine reduce the fever?4.Should Mario have a checkup?5.Should you chew the tablets?6.Should they make an appointment?7.Should I call an ambulance?8.Should your parents stop smoking?E.1.How should your mother lose weight?2.When should Rosa take her medicine?。


试写出测量结果。③若手头无该仪器测量的标准差值的资料,试由②中 10 次重复测量的 测量值,写出上述①、②的测量结果。 【解】① 单次测量的极限误差以 3σ计算,δlimx=3σ=3×0.5=1.5(μm)=0.0015 (mm) 所以测量结果可表示为:26.2025±0.0015
② 重复测量 10 次,计算其算术平均值为: x = 26.2025(mm). 取与①相同的置信度,则测量结果为:26.2025±3σ= 26.2025±0.0015 (mm). ③ 若无该仪器测量的标准差资料,则依 10 次重复测量数据计算标准差和表示测量结 果。选参考值 x0 = 26.202,计算差值 ∆x i = x i − 26.202 、 ∆ x 0 和残差ν i 等列于表中。 序 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 号
i =1
n( n − 1)
= 1.253
0.0008 5× 4
= 0.000224 (mm)
σx =
0.000255 5
= 0.000114 ; σ x =
0.000224 5
= 0.0001
⑤求单次测量的极限误差和算术平均值的极限误差 因假设测量值服从正态分布,并且置信概率 P=2Φ(t)=99%,则Φ(t)=0.495,查附录
∆ x0 = 1 10 ∑ ∆xi = 0.0005 10 i =1
0 +0.0003 +0.0003 0 +0.0001 -0.0003 -0.0002 0 +0.0001 -0.0003
ν i2
0 9×10 9×10 0 1×10



英语2复习题及参考答案中南大学网络教育课程考试(专科)复习题及参考答案大学英语 2一、选择题:(一)、choose the best answer:1) I’m looking forward to ____ the party next Friday.a. attendb. being attendedc. attendingd. be attending2) I’ll tell him what needs ______.a. to repairb. repairedc. to be repairedd. being repaired3) I can’t understand why he avoided _____ to me.a. to speakb. being spokenc. to be spokend. speaking4) He objects to _____ like this.a. treatingb. being treatedc. be treatedd. have been treated5) I’m too tired and don’t fell like _____ today.a. to studyb. studyc. studyingd. to be studied6) Have you ever considered _____ in another countrya. going to liveb. to be going to livec. to go to lived. of going to live7) Because of my poor English, I’m afraid I can’t make myself ______.a. be understoodb. to understandc. understandingd. understood8) We are glad _____ such a warm welcome.a. givingb. to have givenc. to have been givend. being given9) This bridge is said _____ in a battle during World War II.a. to have been destroyedb. to be destroyedc. being destroyedd. to have destroyed10) The young man complained of _______ too much work.a. givingb. having givenc. to be givend. having been giving11) The forest is alive with rare birds and animals, some __________none of us have ever heard of before.A. thatB. whichC. of whatD. of which12) On the south bank of the river is a meadow ________ I used to take walks at sunset.A. whichB. whereC. thatD. it’s13) She’s married to a physicist of ________ you may have heard: his mane’s Valentine Burroughs.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. whom14) The reason ________ he rejected our plan is that he had no faith in us.A. whatB. whyC. becauseD. which15) It was in this wood ________ the enemy spy was caught and killed.A. in whereB. whichC. thatD. how16) His youngest son, _______ , is now working at the Chinese Academy of Science.A. that is twenty-fiveB. his age is twenty-fiveC. who is twenty-fiveD. whose age is twenty-five years old17) The day will surely come _______ all the people in the world enjoy a happy life.A. whenB. howC. thenD. why18) He doesn’t know the answer _____ I’ve told him several times.a. in spite ofb. evenc. whiled. although19) Speak to him slowly _____ he will understand you better.a. becauseb. so thatc. ford. in case20) He wanted to know ____ there.a. how long time I had beenb. how long had I beenc. how long time had I beend. how long I had been21. Is this _____ looking fora. you areb. that you arec. what are youd. what you are22. _____ he earns, the more he spends.a. How muchb. For how muchc. The mored. Whatever23. Although _____ happened in that country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world.a. whichb. whatc. howd. things24. That’s the course of studies _____.a. what I’m interested inb. that I’m interestedc. I’m interested ind. in that I’m interested25. I’m sure that all _____ you s aid is wrong.a. whichb. thatc. thisd. what26. I was _____ tired that I had to rest.a. veryb. soc. enoughd. too27. She had three sons, _____ were doctors.a. whomb. whoc. whichd. that28. The taxi driver was accused ____ overcharging customers.a. forb. withc. ond. of29. How to dispose _____ the nuclear waste is a pressing problem for scientists and politicians alike.a. outb. ofc. ond. after30. I won’t have my son associating ________criminals.a. forb. withc. tod. after31. They can’t rule _____ the possibility that he was dead.a. ofb. offc. outd. from32. Have the advertisers tried ____ the new soap on real people yeta. inb. onc. outd. for33. He was afraid the others might think he was showing ____ or being superior.a. inb. upc. outd. off34. By referring _____ his notes, the speaker was able to give the exact details required.a. tob. forc. asd. in35. The new bridge will link the island _____ the mainland.a. byb. toc. ford. in36. I think that he has not been equipped _____ enough ability for the job.a. forb. withc. ond. in37. It’s not safe to travel by standing at the roadside hoping to be picked _____ by passing motorists.a. onb. outc. overd. up(二)、There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked a, b, c, and d. Choose the one thatbest fits into the passage.The country and the city each have advantages and disadvantages. People in the country live in more beautiful 1. ______ . They enjoy peace and quiet, and can do their work at their own because no one is in a hurry. , they live in larger, more comfortable houses, and their neighbours are more friendly, and ready to help them when they need it. , their life can be boring, and they may be , a long way from the nearest town, which is a serious problem if they are ill or have to take children to school.The city, , has all the services the country , but it also has a lot of disadvantages. , cities are often ugly and polluted. , they not only have bad airbut are also noisy. , everyone is always in a hurry, and this means that people have no time to get to know each other and make friends.1. a. background b. conditions c. surroundings d. space2. a. pace b. speed c. rate d. movement3. a. On the other hand b. Apart from thatc. In contrastd. In comparison4. a. Therefore b. Moreover c. Thus d. However5. a. unusual b. separate c. cut d. isolated6. a. what’s more b. on the other handc. in other wordsd. in brief7. a. has b. needs c. lacks d. enjoys8. a. For one thing b. In the same wayc. In this wayd. As a result9. a. In theory b. For example c. In practice d. On the average10. a. On the contrary b. On the one handc. In additiond. In the endwhat is the difference between public relations and advertising Advertising tries to gain public and goodwill so that people will buy a company’s products or . Public relations at getting the public to understand and of a company and its . In a , public relations may be thought as a type of advertising –institutional advertising – tries to make an important point abouta company than about a .11. a. opinion b. service c. impression d. confidence12. a. goods b. matters c. services d. things13. a. aims b. gets c. goes d. points14. a. remind b. approve c. inform d. think15. a. rights b. beliefs c. actions d. relations16. a. meaning b. sense c. term d. case17. a. of b. on c. out d. over18. a. it b. that c. this d. which19. a. more b. less c. better d. rather20. a. plan b. program c. product d. research二、填空题:1. fill in the blanks with a suitable subordinator:1) It’s impossible for me to do all the jobs _____.2) The teacher told the student to ____ his spelling.3) Since you work so hard, there is no sense in ____ the future.4) The Whites are always _____ their neighbors, wherever they live.5) Mrs. Lee ____ not only her own family but also her distant relatives.6) He made every possible effort to get to know the people_____ the local government.7) The old lady cannot ____ herself _____ the idea that somebody is following her all the time.8) The teaching staff in colleges ______ usually ____ professors, lecturers and assistants.9) _____ their own public relations staffs, some companies hire a few specialists from abroad.10) If we want to win the confidence of people, we should _____ their feelings and interests _______.11) Wastes should be _____ in a proper way.12) It’s unkind to _____ a person who is in trouble.13) What a wonderful film! I ______ it ______ the best one I’ve ever seen.。



一、 选择题1、用同一NaOH 滴定相同浓度和体积的两种弱一元酸,则a K Θ较大的弱一元酸(B ) A 消耗NaOH 多;B 突跃范围大;C 计量点pH 较低;D 指示剂变色不敏锐。

2、滴定分析要求相对误差±0.1%,万分之一的分析天平绝对误差为±0.0001g ,则一般至少称取试样质量为(B )A0.1g ;B0.2g ;C0.3g ;D0.4g.3、以HCl 溶液滴定某碱样,滴定管的初读数为0.25±0.01ml ,终读数为32.25±0.01ml ,则用去HCl 溶液的准确体积为(D )A32.0ml ;B32.00ml ;C32.00±0.01ml ;D32.00±0.02ml 。

4、指示剂的变色范围越窄,则(A )A 滴定越准确;B 选择指示剂越多;C 变色敏锐;D 滴定越不准确。

5、溶液pH 降低,EDTA 的配位能力会(B )A 升高;B 降低;C 不变;D 无法确定。

6、用KMnO 4法测定Ca 2+离子,所采用的滴定方式是(B )法A 直接滴定法;B 间接滴定法;C 返滴定法;D 置换滴定法。

7、不同波长的电磁波,具有不同的能量,其波长与能量的关系为(B )A 波长愈长,能量愈大;B 波长愈长,能量愈小;C 波长无能量无关。

8、在酸性条件下,莫尔法测Cl -,其测定结果(B )A 偏低;B 偏高;C 正好;D 无法确定。

9、下列有关配体酸效应叙述正确的是(B )A 酸效应系数越大,配合物稳定性越大;B 酸效应系数越小,配合物稳定性越大;CpH 越高,酸效应系数越大。

10、酸性介质中,用草酸钠标定高锰酸钾溶液,滴入高锰酸钾的速度为(B )A 同酸碱滴定一样,快速进行;B 开始几滴要慢,以后逐渐加快;C 始终缓慢;D 开始快,然后逐渐加快,最后稍慢。

11、酸碱滴定中,选择指示剂可不考虑的因素是(D )ApH 突跃范围;B 要求的误差范围;C 指示剂的变色范围;D 指示剂的结构。



习题2参考答案2.1 8086 CPU共有哪些16位寄存器?其中哪些16位寄存器可分为二个8位寄存器来使用?参考答案:8086 CPU共有AX、BX、CX、DX、SI、DI、SP、BP、IP、FLAGS、CS、DS、ES、SS共14个16位的寄存器。

其中AX、BX、CX、DX可分为二个8位寄存器来使用2.2 简述8086 CPU各通用寄存器的主要功能?参考答案:8086 CPU包含AX、BX、CX、DX、SI、DI、SP、BP共8个通用寄存器。


2.3 8086 CPU的标志寄存器有几个状态标志位?几个控制标志位?它们各自的含义和作用是什么?在Debug环境下,对应的用什么符号来表示之?参考答案:8086 CPU的标志寄存器有6个状态标志位,有3个控制标志位。

其中CF进位标志位主要用来反映运算结果是否产生进位或借位,如果运算结果的最高位向前产生了一个进位(加法)或借位(减法),则其值为1,否则其值为0;PF奇偶标志位用于反映运算结果中低8位含有“1”的个数的奇偶性,如果“1”的个数为偶数,则PF 的值为1,否则为0;AF辅助进位标志位表示加法或减法运算结果中D3位向D4位产生进位或借位的情况,有进位(借位)时AF=1;无进位(借位)时AF=0;ZF零标志位用来反映运算结果是否为0,如果运算结果为0,则其值为1,否则其值为0;SF用来反映运算结果的符号位,当运算结果为负数时,SF的值为1,否则其值为0;OF溢出标志位用于反映带符号数运算所得结果是否溢出,如果运算结果超过当前运算位数所能表示的范围,则称为溢出,OF的值被置为1,否则,OF的值被清为0。

逻辑学导论2 第二章习题参考答案

逻辑学导论2 第二章习题参考答案











【解】:设p表示“大连队将获得今年的甲A冠军”,q表示“国安队将获得今年的甲A冠军”,则上述命题可表示为:p∨ q。


















第二章知识表示习题参考解答2.3 练习题2.1 什么是知识?它有哪些特性?有哪几种分类方法?2.2 何谓知识表示? 陈述性知识表示法与过程性知识表示法的区别是什么?2.3 在选择知识的表示方法时,应该考虑哪些主要因素?2.4 一阶谓词逻辑表示法适合于表示哪种类型的知识?它有哪些特点?2.5 请写出用一阶谓词逻辑表示法表示知识的步骤。

2.6 设有下列语句,请用相应的谓词公式把它们表示出来:(1)有的人喜欢梅花,有的人喜欢菊花,有的人既喜欢梅花又喜欢菊花。






2.7 房内有一只猴子、一个箱子,天花板上挂了一串香蕉,其位置关系如图2. 11所示,猴子为了拿到香蕉,它必须把箱子推到香蕉下面,然后再爬到箱子上。


图2.11 猴子摘香蕉问题2.8 对习题2.7中的猴子摘香蕉问题,利用一阶谓词逻辑表述一个行动规划,使问题从初始状态变化到目标状态。

2.9 产生式的基本形式是什么?它与谓词逻辑中的蕴含式有什么共同处及不同处?2.10 何谓产生式系统?它由哪几部分组成?2.11 产生式系统中,推理机的推理方式有哪几种?在产生式推理过程中,如果发生策略冲突,如何解决?2.12 设有下列八数码难题:在一个3×3的方框内放有8个编号的小方块,紧邻空位的小方块可以移入到空位上,通过平移小方块可将某一布局变换为另一布局(如图2.12所示)。


2831231684754765S0S g图2.12 习题2.12的图图2.13 习题2.13的图2.13 推销员旅行问题:设有五个相互可直达且距离已知的城市A、B、C、D、E,如图2.13所示,推销员从城市A出发,去其它四城市各旅行一次,最后再回到城市A,请找出一条最短的旅行路线。



第二章供需(ɡònɡ xū)理论一、选择题二、名词解释1、需求:是指在某一特定时期内,在各种可能的价格上,人们愿意(yuàn yì)而且能够购买的商品的数量。

















例如需求价格的弧弹性公式:△Q (P1+P2)/2 △Q P1+P2Ed= ──·───── = ──·───△P (Q1+Q2)/2 △P Q1+Q28、需求的价格弹性:又称需求弹性,指在一定时期内一种商品的需求量对于其价格变动的反应程度。


2 习题参考答案

2 习题参考答案








所得的数均聚合度X n 与两官能团摩尔数之比r(r≤1)和反应程度P之间有:关系。







高中数学必修高中数学必修 2 课后习题答案课后习题答案第一章第一章 空间几何体空间几何体1.1 空间几何体的结构空间几何体的结构练习练习((第 7 页)1.(1)圆锥; (2)长方体; (3)圆柱与圆锥组合而成的组合体; (4)由一个六棱柱挖去一个圆柱体而得到的组合体。

2.(1)五棱柱; (2)圆锥 3.略习题 1.1 A 组1.(1) C; (2)C; (3)D; (4) C 2.(1)不是台体,因为几何体的“侧棱”不相交于一点,不是由平等于“底面”的平面截棱锥得到的。






B 组1.剩下的几何体是棱柱,截去的几何体也是棱柱;它们分别是五棱柱和三棱柱。


1.2 空间几何体的三视图和直观图空间几何体的三视图和直观图练习练习((第 15 页)1.略2.(1)四棱柱(图略);(2)圆锥与半球组成的简单组合体(图略); (3)四棱柱与球组成的简单组合体(图略); (4)两台圆台组合而成的简单组合体(图略)。

3.(1)五棱柱(三视图略);(2)四个圆柱组成的简单组合体(三视图略); 4.三棱柱练习练习((第 19 页)1.略。

2.(1)√ (2)× (3)× (4)√ 3.A 4.略 5.略习题 1.2 A 组1.略 2.(1)三棱柱 (2)圆台 (3)四棱柱 (4)四棱柱与圆柱组合而成的简单组合体 3~5.略B 组1~2.略3.此题答案不唯一,一种答案是由15个小正方体组合而成的简单组合体,如图。



第2章思考题及习题2参考答案一、填空1. 在AT89S5仲片机中,如果采用6MHz晶振,一个机器周期为_________ 。

答:2g2. AT89S51单片机的机器周期等于______ 个时钟振荡周期。

答:123. 内部RAM中,位地址为40H、88H的位,该位所在字节的字节地址分别为________ 和______ 。

答: 28H, 88H4. 片内字节地址为2AH单元最低位的位地址是___________ ;片内字节地址为A8H单元的最低位的位地址为_________ 。

答:50H, A8H5. 若A中的内容为63H,那么,P标志位的值为___________ 。

答:06. AT89S5仲片机复位后,R4所对应的存储单元的地址为_______ ,因上电时PS ________ 。

这时当前的工作寄存器区是_________ 组工作寄存器区。

答:04H, 00H, 0。

7. 内部RAM中,可作为工作寄存器区的单元地址为______ 也〜 ______ 也。

答:00H,仆H8. 通过堆栈操作实现子程序调用时,首先要把___________ 的内容入栈,以进行断点保护。

调用子程序返回指令时,再进行出栈保护,把保护的断点送回到____________ ,先弹出的是原来中的内容。

答:PC, PC, PCH9. AT89S51单片机程序存储器的寻址范围是由程序计数器PC的位数所决定的,因为AT89S51单片机的PC是16位的,因此其寻址的范围为KB 。

答:6410. AT89S51单片机复位时,P0~ P3口的各引脚为_______ 电平。

答:高11. AT89S51单片机使用片外振荡器作为时钟信号时,引脚XTAL1接________ ,引脚XTAL2的接法是_________ 。

答:片外振荡器的输出信号,悬空12. AT89S51单片机复位时,堆栈指针SP中的内容为____________ ,程序指针PC中的内容为________ 。



二、电阻应变式传感器(二)习 题2-1.一试件受力后的应变为3102-⨯;丝绕应变计的灵敏系数为2,初始阻值120Ω,温度系数C61050-⨯-,线膨胀系数为C 61014-⨯;试件的线膨胀系数为C 61012-⨯。


答:()t S t Ra t K t Rββ∆=∆+-⋅∆ =()C C C C20101410122201050666⨯⨯-⨯⨯+⨯⨯---- =31008.1-⨯-2-2. 在悬臂梁的上下方各贴一片电阻为120Ω的金属应变片R 1和R 2。

若应变片的灵敏系数k =2,电源电压U =2V ,当悬臂梁顶端受到向下的力F 时,电阻R 1和R 2的变化值ΔR 1 =ΔR 2 =Ω,试求电桥的输出电压。

答:A1R2120124R R U U R R ⎛⎫∆∆∆=- ⎪⎝⎭20.480.4844120120mV ⎡⎤⎛⎫=--= ⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦解析:参见PPT P23~24,关于电阻应变计的测量电路。


2-3.图为一直流应变电桥,图中U =4V ,1234120R R R R ====Ω,试求:① 1R 为金属应变片,其余为外接电阻,当1R 的增量为1 1.2R ∆=Ω时,电桥输出电压U O 。

② 1R 、2R 都是应变片,且批号相同,感应应变的极性和大小都相同,其余为外接电阻,电桥输出电压U O 。

③ 题②中,如果2R 与1R 的感受应变的极性相反,F A且12 1.2R R ∆=∆=Ω,电桥输出电压U O 。

答:①31241123414 1.210444120O R R R R R U U U mV R R R R R ⎛⎫∆∆∆∆∆∆=-+-==⨯= ⎪⎝⎭ 或者更精确地()()()()()()1132411234120 1.212012012049.95120 1.2120120120O R R R R R U U mV R R R R R +∆-+-⨯=⋅=⨯=+∆+++++或者()411311011241113111111R R R R R R U U UR R R R R R R R ∆∆==⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫∆∆++++++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭=② 312412123412044O R R R R R R U U U V R R R R R R ⎛⎫⎛⎫∆∆∆∆∆∆∆=-+-=-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭或者3110112234R R R U U R R R R R R ⎛⎫∆+=- ⎪∆+++∆+⎝⎭=0V③3124121234124 1.2 1.220444120120O R R R R R R U U U mVR R R R R R ⎛⎫⎛⎫∆∆∆∆∆∆⎛⎫⎛⎫∆=-+-=-=--= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭或者 3110112234R R R U U R R R R R R ⎛⎫∆+=-⎪∆++-∆+⎝⎭=解析:参见PPT P23~27,关于电阻应变计的测量电路。

北邮C++数据结构课后习题 习题2参考答案

北邮C++数据结构课后习题 习题2参考答案


答案:q->next = s; s->next = p; 或s->next=q->next; q->next = s;(2)表长为n的顺序表,当在任何位置上插入或删除一个元素的概率相等时,插入一个元素所需移动元素的平均个数为(___________),删除一个元素需要移动元素的平均个数为(___________)。

答案:n/2 (n-1)/2(3)表长为0的线性表称为(___________)。





答案:数组 O(1) O(n) 顺序(6)在链表某个位置上进行插入和删除操作,只需要修改(___________)即可,而无须移动大量元素,操作的时间复杂度为(___________)。






0 K
1 20 52 2
510 kNm
FQ0K FAy 20 5 52 kN
(3)求三铰拱 K 截面内力。
4 fx(l x) l2
3 m , tanK
4 f (l 2x) l2
2 5
sin K
2 22 522 29来自, cosK5 22 52
5 29
0 K
510 130 3 120
FQK FQ0K cosK FH sinK 52
5 130 29
2 0 29
FNK FN0K sinK FH cosK 52
2 130 29
5 140 kN 29
2-12 图示圆弧三饺拱,求支座反力及截面 D 的 M 、FQ 、FN 值。 20kN/m

D Ⅰ FN2y
FN2x FN2

B 10kN
解 (1)求支座反力 FAx 0 , FBy 10 kN , FAy 25kN
(2)求指定杆轴力 Ⅰ—Ⅰ截面(图(b))
MD 0 , FN1x 30kN , FN1
5 2
5 kN
M A 0 , FN2y 5kN , FN2
FNAC FN2 30 2 kN , FN1 30 kN
FNBE FN1 30 kN 由 E 结点的平衡条件,得
FN3 15 2 kN
3m 3m 3m 1.5m 1.5m
2-9 选用较简捷的方法计算图示桁架中指定杆的轴力。
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所得的数均聚合度Xn 与两官能团摩尔数之比r(r≤1)和反应程度P之间有:关系。


d、HOOCRCOOH+ HOR’OH+R“(OH)3两基团等摩尔比时可形成体型网状结构当羧基远大于羟基时,得到羧端基的低聚物,当羧基远小于羟基时,得到羟端基的低聚物。





a、氨基酸 H2N(CH2)mCOOHb、乙二醇和二元酸 HO(CH2)2OH+HOOC(CH2)mCOOH参考答案:能形成5、6元环的异成环,能形成3、4元环的可以缩聚成链。


















参考答案:a、已知Mw =184000,M=100根据下式求出数均分子量:Xn=Mw /M=184000/100=1840,再根据Mw=(1+P)/(1-P)求反应程度:解得:P=,所以羧基已酯化的百分数等于%,b、根据Mw / Mn=1+P,求得数均分子量:Mn=9251c、根据Xn = Mn/M,求得结构单元数为3、等摩尔己二胺和己二酸进行缩聚,反应程度p为、、、、、、,试求数均聚合度Xn、DP(聚合度)和数均分子量Mn,并画出Xn~p关系图。

参考答案:当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-)=2 DP=1当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-)=5 DP=当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-)=10 DP=5当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-)=20 DP=10当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-0. 980)=50 DP=25当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-0. 990)=100 DP=50当P=时,Xn=1/(1-p)=1/(1-0. 995)=200 DP=100当P=时,Mn=(116+138)×1-18×1=254-18=236当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×-18×4=635-72=563当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×5-18×9=1270-162=1108当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×10-18×19=2540-342=2198当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×25-18×49=6350-882=5468当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×50-18×99=12700-1782=10918当P=时,Mn =(116+138) ×100-18×199=25400-3582=218184、等摩尔二元醇和二元酸经外加酸催化缩聚,试证明从开始到p=所需的时间与p从到的时间相近。

计算自催化和外加酸聚酯化反应时不同反应程度p下Xn、[c]/ [c]与时间t值的关系,用列表作图说明。


另在排除副产物水的条件下,欲得Xn=100,问体系中残留水分有多少?参考答案:Xn= K1/2+1=41/2+1=3因为:Xn=(K/nw ) 1/2,所以nw= K/ Xn2=4/1002=9、等摩尔二元醇和二元酸缩聚,另加醋酸%,p=或时,聚酯的聚合度多少?(醋酸浓度以二元酸计)参考答案:r=Na/(Nb+2Nb’)=1/(1+=当p=时,Xn=(1+r)/(1+r-2rp)=(1+/(1+-2××=-= =当p=时,Xn=(1+r)/(1+r-2rp)=(1+/(1+-2××= =10、尼龙1010是根据1010盐中过量癸二酸来控制分子量,如果要求分子量20000,问1010盐的酸值应该是多少?(以mgKOH/g计)参考答案:1010盐的相对分子质量:374尼龙1010结构单元的平均分子量M=169Xn=20000÷169=假设癸二胺P=1,根据Xn=(1+r)÷(1-r)求得:r=设癸二胺的基团数Na=1,则癸二酸的基团数Nb=1÷=酸值={(Nb-Na)×MKOH ×2}÷(Na×M1010)={(-1)×56×2}÷(1×374)=(mgKOH/g)17、邻苯二甲酸酐、1mol乙二醇、1mol甘油体系进行缩聚,为了控制凝胶点需要,在聚合过程中定期测定树脂的熔点、酸值(mgKOH/g)、溶解性能。



f=(1×2+1×3+×2)÷(1+1+)=按Carothers方程计算:Pc=2÷f=2÷=起始的羧基物质的量:×2=5mol当反应程度P=时,残余羧基物质的量5mol-5mol×= mol,c体系中物质的总量为524g,出现凝胶时体系的酸值:×56÷524=(mgKOH/g)18、制备醇酸树脂的配方为 mol季戊四醇、 mol苯酐、丙三酸,问能否不产生凝胶而反应完全?参考答案:体系羟基基团的摩尔数:×4=体系羧基基团的摩尔数:×2+×3=体系反应物的总摩尔数:++=由于体系两官能团的基团数不相等,平均官能度:f=(2×)÷()==2÷f=2÷=Pc答:反应不完全就会产生凝胶。



若己二酸过量,则己二酸与己二胺摩尔投料比为1:又由于p=,r=(Nb>Na)端氨基数= Na(1-p)= Nb× r(1-p)端羧基数=Nb-Na ×p= Nb-Nb×r×p= Nb(1-r×p)端氨基数/端羧基数= Nb× r(1-p)/ Nb(1-r×p)=1/2产物端基是羧基。

