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Unit 1

I Listening

Word dictation


2. cripple


4. revenge

5. initial

6. resentment

7. flaw

8. nurture

9. alternative 10. entitle

11. fiction 12. capture 13.dignity 14. authentic 15.genuine

Sentence dictation

1.Minnie was always good-tempered and agreeable.

2.A sprain usually takes longer to heal than a broken bone.

3.The core of the book focuses on the period between 1660 and 1857.

4.He’s only interested in your look, which shows how shallow he is.

5.Julia had stayed in her room to avoid any more confrontation. Passage dictation

1. bought a piece of cheap furniture.

2. it was smart, functional and impressive,

3.the thin covering slowly began to peel at the edges.

4. take a long, hard look at ourselves in the mirror.

5.the more we’ll know true contentment.

II Vocabulary

Section A

1~5. A B C D A 6~10. BC D AA

11~15. B BBB C 16~20. CA B BC

Section B

21. whether (it is) heated or not

22. Not only did he charge me too much或Not only did he overcharge me

23. compared with mine 或in comparison with mine

24. half as much(money)

25. to attribute/ascribe their children’s success to

Section C

physical and mental health root out

cling to sth roll off the tongue

constant emotional confrontation

heal broken relationships make the first move sweep…under the carpet

good-tempered count…against sb.

III Reading Comprehension

36-40 ABDBC

Unit 2

I Listening

Word dictation


2. condemn

3. confine

4. mortal

5. vigor

6. panorama


8. symmetry

9. quiver 10.respective

11. slide 12. cease 13.wrinkle 14. tremble 15. royal

Sentence dictation

1.The book is another thrilling story of mystery and suspense.

2.The order specifies a December deadline for completion of the work.

3.She confines her speech to environmental pollution.

4.In no circumstances should you leave your baggage unattended in the airport.

5.Most of us, busy with work, take our family for granted.

Passage dictation

1.the use of all our faculties and senses.

2.only the blind realize the blessings that lie in sight.

3. those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life.

4.make the fullest use of

5. being conscious of health until we are ill.

II Vocabulary

Section A

1~5 A B A DA 6~10A A D AC

11~15 A B D D B 16~20A CD B D

Section B

21. finding the way to the history museum

22. In order to support my university studies (或:to finance my education; to pay for

my education/to pay my tuition fees)

23. we(should) hand in our/the research report(s)

24. the more confused I am

25. he was fired by the company

Section C

be accustomed to be worthy of note

awakening Nature under similar circumstances

a thrilling story listless attitude

limited and specified time condemned criminals

delicate symmetry in search of

III Reading Comprehension

36-40 DADBC
