热门话题流行词汇1201.AA制Dutch treatment; go Dutch2.按揭/抵押贷款mortgage loan3.八卦the Eight Diagrams/Trigrams/Hexagrams, gossip,nosy/snoopy/gossipy4.白手起家starting from scratch / build up from nothing5.摆架子put on the airs6.拜年pay New Year calls or visits7.搬迁户relocated families8.傍大款(of a girl) find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a richman; lean on a moneybags9.变相涨价disguised inflation10.不可再生资源non-renewable resources11.产业结构升级upgrading of an industrial structure12.长江三角洲Yangtze River Delta13.超前消费over-consuming, excessive consumption14.朝阳产业sunrise industry15.炒作speculation, sensationalization16.筹资raised capital/funds/money17.出风头show off; in the limelight18.传销pyramid selling; multi-level marketing19.窗口行业service trades20.春运Spring Festival travel season, transport during theSpring Festival21.打白条issue IOU22.打黑crack down on speculation and profiteering23.打假crack down on counterfeit goods24.倒计时countdown25.倒爷profiteer26.盗版VCD pirated VCD27.保持低调keep a low key/ a low profile,low-key(ed)/low-pitched/low-profile(d)28.低碳经济low-carbon economy29.第三产业tertiary industry; service sector30.第三代移动电话(3G手机) third generation mobile; 3Gmobile31.点球penalty kick32.点子公司consultancy company33.电话会议teleconference34.豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects35.夺冠take the crown36.二手房second-hand house37.发烧友fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan38.反腐倡廉combat corruption and build a clean government39.房产house property 房地产real estate40.分期付款installment payment41.风险投资venture capital; risk investment42.扶贫poverty alleviation43.福利彩票welfare lotteries44.工薪阶层salariat; state employee; salaried person45.公费医疗medical services at state expense /free medicare46.公积金public accumulation funds, public reserve funds47.股本share capital48.国际惯例international common practice49.国内生产总值gross domestic product (GDP)50.航母aircraft carrier51.好莱坞大片Hollywood blockbuster52.宏观调控macro-control53.户口簿residence booklet54.黄金时段prime time55.回扣(return) commission, rake-off56.灰色收入income from moonlighting57.机构臃肿overstaffing in organizations (government)58.基层组织organizations at the grass-roots level59.基础设施infrastructure60.基因工程genetic engineering61.基因突变genetic mutation62.吉祥物mascot63.集体婚礼collective wedding ceremony64.加班work extra shifts / overwork65.假日经济holiday economy66.减负alleviate burdens on sb.67.减员增效downsizing for efficiency; cut payroll to improveefficiency68.剪彩cut the ribbon69.节能减排energy (saving/conservation/efficiency) andemission reduction70.进修班class for further studies71.京剧票友Peking Opera fan72.经济全球化economic globalization; economic integration73.经济头脑commercially minded people; people withbusiness sense74.精简机构streamline government organs75.居委会neighborhood committee; residents' committee76.举报电话informants' hot-line telephone77.开夜车burn the midnight oil; work over night78.科技含量technology content79.空头支票accommodation note, lip service80.扣帽子put a label on81.扩大内需to expand domestic demand82.拉关系try to curry favor with83.拉拉队cheering squad84.老字号a time-honored brand85.礼仪小姐ritual girl86.连带责任joint liability87.猎头公司head-hunting company88.流动人口transient/floating population89.龙头企业leading enterprise; flagship of the industry90.裸机bare computer / mobile phone91.孟子Mencius 孔子Confucius92.模拟测试mock test; simulated exam93.脑残brain impairment/disfunction, brain-impaired,illogically-minded, idiot, moron94.年夜饭family reunion dinner95.碰钉子get snubbed, get the cheese96.皮包公司bogus company97.啤酒肚beer belly98.票贩子/黄牛scalper, ticket tout99.票房box office100.强化班intensive training program/class101.勤工俭学part-work and part-study system; work-study program102.全能冠军all-around winner103.全天候服务round-the-clock/all-weather service104.绕/兜圈子beat around the bush105.人才流失brain drain106.人均住房per-capita housing107.人情债debt of gratitude108.软新闻soft news109.三八红旗手woman pace-setter110.三维电影three-dimensional movie111.沙尘暴sand storm; dust storm112.商品房commercial housing113.世界末日doomsday, judgment day114.提成take/deduct a percentage (as commission)115.伪娘pseudo girl116.猥琐wretched in appearance, lewd/obscene (猥亵的), freak/weirdo (怪人)117.蜗居Dwelling Narrowness118.无线应用协议WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) 119.选秀talent show120.赈灾disaster relief, relieve the people in disaster。
1. 社会热点话题社会热点话题一直是考研英语一作文的重要考点之一。
下面是一些与这些话题相关的核心词汇:- 环境保护:pollution(污染)、ecosystem(生态系统)、climate change(气候变化)、sustainable development(可持续发展)- 人口老龄化:aging population(老龄化人口)、pension(养老金)、healthcare(医疗保健)、retirement(退休)- 教育问题:education system(教育体制)、curriculum(课程)、compulsory education(义务教育)、educational equality(教育公平)2. 科技与创新话题科技与创新是现代社会不可忽视的重要领域,也是考研英语一作文中常见的话题之一。
以下是一些相关的核心词汇:- 人工智能:artificial intelligence(人工智能)、machine learning (机器学习)、big data(大数据)、automation(自动化)- 科技发展:technological advancement(科技进步)、digitization(数字化)、internet of things(物联网)、virtual reality(虚拟现实)- 创新思维:creative thinking(创造性思维)、entrepreneurship(创业精神)、problem-solving(问题解决)3. 教育与人才话题教育与人才是国家发展的基石,因此在考研英语一作文中也经常涉及这些话题。
热点话题积累一、健康问题(Good health)1、in order to possess a healthy body, not only need we keep a nutritious diet and adequate sleep, it is crucial for individuals to form the habit of exercising regularly.(如何做)3、on the individual level, his exercises improve his health and mood as well.4、on the social level, the improvement in quality of life contributes vastly toa harmonious society. (意义)二、产品对消费者、国家的伤害1、on the micro level, consumers are vastly hurt by these products, which might even be life-threatening.2、on the macro level, if low-quality products continue to spread, they will damage the normal function of healthy market economy.三、虚假宣传Their emergence dues to the negative effect of a growing market economy. False advertisement seems to be most convenient to attract clients and increase profit.四、私家车(Private cars)1、the majority of people indulge in the convenience brought by cars while2、forgetting their harmful impact on the atmosphere.3、to improve and beautify the environment / human exploitation of natural resources has caused destruction that is for beyond our imagination.五、教育1、in my opinions, there needs to be a comprehensive renovation in the educational system in which new educational concepts are introduced.2、only by new teaching methods can we cultivate children into talents and elites who will meet the requirements of our society.六、正直诚实:好处:1、enable honest person to succeed in work and life.(获得成功)2、to work honestly to attain one’s life goal. (实现人生目标)3、to enhance reputation of a country.七、坚持:(成功)1、No accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success needs efforts.2、Success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit +定语从句Olympic game好处:1、it can be a tremendous momentum pushing the country’s development2、When equipped with willingness, spurring people to overcome anydifficulty and conquer any challenge.八、献爱心(灾区、世博)好处、意义:1、Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal wayto express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility.2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one’s heart.3、A harmonious society is based on a sound relationship,九、文化交流好处:1、cultural exchanges can enhance international friendship.2、people can acquire better understanding of each other.3、can also greatly benefit the countries and stimulate their own social development and culture prosperity.十、繁荣:thrive/boom/flourish/blossom十一、人口问题、解决问题:1、the awareness of struggling for one’s life is essential to the young man2、parents indulge children in consumption with an objective outlook onmoney十二、交通事故Traffic accidents have long been a problem and are becoming a severe problem原因:1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol十三、城市发展与历史传承1、a balanced economic development is not accompanied by sacrifice of history.2、historical sites are the treasure of our country’s glorious past. We must figure out a win-win method to promote sustainable development while retaining our cultural heritage.十四、身体健康锻炼心理问题减肥知识分子1、to develop good health2、to keep regular exercise3、to make more contributions to the society4、to make do with bad diet5、to neglect sports and exercise十五、职业道德及素质类虚假宣传假冒伪劣产品排队鼓掌文明言行文明交通谦虚宽容医患矛盾药品回扣诚信豆腐渣家庭作坊卫生跳槽与商业机密1、the sanitation problem of family workshops2、the promise of one’s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德)3、low-quality products4、the ignorance of sanitation5、short of occupational disciplines6、the false commercial advertising and promotion十六、工作就业前途高薪加班技能学历自立自强创业1、to display talent and capability;2、to be of real service to fellowmen and the country;3、to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters;4、to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace;5、to despise jobs of lower social status and less income;6、to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas7、to find (search\hunt) the right career;十七、环境保护动植物保护保护森林水污染汽车尾气沙尘暴温室效应节约资源垃圾污染1、the exhaustion of resources;2、pollutions from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water.3、the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.4、garbage output, such as plastics and glass.5、deforestation Global warming, current greenhouse effect remains out of control6、human exploitation of natural resources十八、教育上网成瘾上网交友青少年犯罪个人隐私出国留学知识学术欺诈望子成龙拔苗助长应试教育素质教育考试作弊相互攀比名牌浪费课业负担恋爱兼职占座 8090后富二代校园旅游教育平等独生子女农民工子女创新迷信溺爱(spoiled)1、To concentrate limited resources on creative talents, or elite;2、Enable students to possess better job skill;3、prepare students for future employment;4、to enhance the quality of population;5、to promote scientific and technological level;6、to prepare one for a better and more meaningful life rather than a job;7、one-child policy8、migrant workers(农民工);9、impartial education opportunities10、overwhelming homework;11、quality education(素质教育)12、a comprehensive renovation十九、人生价值创新勇气奋斗勤俭高瞻远瞩奉献浪费社会公德幸福观勇敢得与失正直诚实持之以恒拼搏的奥运精神读书1、To be fair and upright; honest person;2、economical and simple life; to learn to be frugal;3、success derives from persistence; Olympic motto, read more books二十、情感友谊团队合作帮助让座邻里关系捐款献爱心1、show love; provide assistance to others; teamwork and cooperation; selflessly offering help2、contributing money and other necessities to people who are in great need Eager to donate money to charity二十一、交流文化中西方文化民族文化老外过春节老外学书法学英语城市发展与历史传承1、a balanced economic development is not necessarily accompanied by the sacrifice of history.2、participating in the annual celebration of the Chinese spring festival3、practicing Chinese calligraphy (书法)4、cultural exchanges; acquire better understanding of each other;the traditional Chinese culture.5、pass down culture habit and treasure; absorb and assimilate traditional culture; reserve and spread brilliant diverse culture; be under the threat of extinction; be in great danger二十一、人口增长人口质量小学生肥胖养老与老龄化性别比例1、population aging; outdated and abandoned; to improve the living condition of the aging population ; to respect and appreciate the aged; to provide safety and happiness2、the number of males outweighs that of females;the population growth is almost out of control, the humans to live is increasingly circumscribed.二十二、家庭关系养老啃老Young people are used to relying financially on their families二十三、社会热点黄天和谐社会学术腐败可持续发展抗争救灾众志成城交通旅游国际化堵车宠物农业酒后/疲劳驾车黄金周旅游1、traffic jams(堵车);the successful launch of the shenzhou-6 spaceship, our national strength and scientific competency.2、traffic accidents; drive days and night with little rest; drive after drinking alcohol3、to keep domestic animals; to make family life more colorful and rich; to develop sense of responsibility and caring;4、to make people feel closer to the natural world; to spread disease and pollute living environment; to waste time and money; to scare and hurt people, kid and the aged alike二十四、法律合法致富经济发展科技发展网络电子交通传媒动车1、get rich by legal means; be entitled to wealth and prosperity; stimulate people into hard working; reduce the gap;2、help the poor with better opportunities; make big money illegally; make this society insecure网络好处:1、share individual viewpoints and insights; enable better and more efficient interpersonal communication;2、enjoy equal right t personal opinion; 网络坏处:1、reveal and spread rumors; occupy and waste net space; follow trend and fashion; ( help distinguish between right and wrong;2、offer proper guidance; check and restrict unhealthy content; create a clean and safe environment; mislead children by indecent content; indulge n violent act and aggressive behavior)。
高考英语话题词汇分类一、人物与人际关系类(5题)题1:- 词汇:parent(父母),child(孩子),family(家庭),relative(亲戚),friend(朋友)。
- 解析:这些词汇是描述人物关系的基本词汇。
题2:- 词汇:teacher(教师),student(学生),classmate(同学),schoolmate (校友)。
- 解析:在学校环境中,“teacher”是传授知识的人,“student”是接受教育的人。
题3:- 词汇:neighbor(邻居),community(社区),acquaintance(熟人)。
- 解析:“neighbor”是居住在附近的人,邻里关系是社区关系的一部分。
题4:- 词汇:boss(老板),employee(员工),colleague(同事)。
- 解析:在工作场所,“boss”是领导和管理者,“employee”是被雇佣工作的人。
题5:- 词汇:hero(英雄),role model(榜样)。
托福综合写作话题词汇1. 观点 (Opinion)2. 讨论 (Discussion)3. 问题 (Issue)4. 研究 (Research)5. 调查 (Survey)6. 实践 (Practice)7. 理论 (Theory)8. 现象 (Phenomenon)9. 方法 (Method)10. 结论 (Conclusion)11. 规则 (Rule)12. 解决方案 (Solution)13. 影响 (Impact)14. 原因 (Reason)15. 优点 (Advantage)16. 缺点 (Disadvantage)17. 主题 (Theme)18. 趋势 (Trend)19. 社会问题 (Social issue)20. 科技发展 (Technological development)21. 经济增长 (Economic growth)22. 文化差异 (Cultural differences)23. 教育问题 (Educational issues)24. 健康问题 (Health issues)25. 环境保护 (Environmental protection)26. 交通拥堵 (Traffic congestion)27. 全球化 (Globalization)28. 广告行业 (Advertising industry)29. 政府政策 (Government policies)30. 社交媒体 (Social media)31. 女性权益 (Women's rights)32. 科学发现 (Scientific discoveries)33. 文化遗产 (Cultural heritage)34. 青少年问题 (Teenage problems)35. 高效能学习 (Efficient learning)36. 污染问题 (Pollution issues)37. 能源危机 (Energy crisis)38. 食品安全 (Food safety)39. 水资源短缺 (Water scarcity)40. 全球变暖 (Global warming)。
高中英语24个话题词汇Topic 1 Personal Information个人出生地信息Place of birth, address, nationality, province, state, community, block, neighborhood, located/situated, etc.个人婚恋信息Marriage, remarry, single, bachelor, fall in love with, abandon, break up, make up with, divorced, heartbroken, widow, etc.个人职业信息Architect, athlete, tutor, general, minister, performer, porter, detective, director, novelist, astronaut, interpreter, accountant, lawyer, statesman, coach, designer, editor, dentist, headmaster, chef, salesman, etc.个人工作资质和能力Suitable, capable, qualified, professional, skillful, determined, talented, lack, motivation, potential, promising, energetic, full-time, part-time, achieve, ambitious, responsible, stress, teamwork, employed, fired, assist, challenge, opportunity, process, tiresome, take charge of, manage, personnel, staff, accomplish, imaginative, intelligent, etc.个人性格信息Adventurous, enthusiastic, creative, generous, moody, friendly, innocent, childish, sensitive, romantic, considerate, humorous, confident, independent, selfish, selfless, easy-going, strong-willed, stubborn, modest, open-minded, optimistic, smart, outgoing, etc.个人其他信息Male, female, e-mail address, ID number, postcode, identification, income, salary, passport, educated, degree, major, hobby, occupation, race, minority, immigrant, orphan, career, status, diploma, position, relative, etc.信息、数据的使用Register, delete, leave out, copy, usage, survey, fill out, questionnaire, application form, chart, table, apply for, look up, download, data, update, material, analyze, input, erase, preserve, store, convey, connection, evaluate, reference, imitate, etc.Topic 2 Family, Friends and People Around家人及关系描述Couple, cousin, father-in-law, mother-in-law, nephew, niece, parent, relationship, relative, sister-in-law, adopt, communicate, anniversary, divorce, inherit, marry, quarrel, raise, shelter, split; close, considerate, distant; break up, bring up, depend on, make up, etc.朋友和周围的人及关系描述Acquaintance, colleague, company, companion, fellow, guest, host, hostess, neighbor; argue, share; familiar; get along with, get on well with, have fun with, make fun of, make one’s acquaintance, play a trick on, rely on, etc.其他Ancestor, argument, bride, bridegroom, generation, harmony, marriage, personality, privacy, widow; engaged, personal, single, married, etc.Topic 3 Personal Environments方位地点描述Be located/situated in, stand, location, off, lie in/on/to, across from/opposite, on the left/right of, to the left/right of, next to, between, at the back of, near, nearby, on top of, bound, behind, etc.周围环境描述Surroundings, improve, take measures, equip, equipment, facility, public, build, scenery, scenic spot, mountainous, landscape, be abundant in, etc.对周围环境感受Comfortable, comfort, dirty, keep a balance, balanced, peaceful, cozy, in order, in harmony, shelter somebody/something from, shelter, convenient, modern, quiet/silent, rough, grand, shabby, impress, etc.房屋内部组成Downstairs, upstairs, entrance, entry, exit, fence, furnished, furniture, study, roof, basement, living room, dining room, bath, bathe, balcony, etc.房屋类型Architecture, architect, design, flat, apartment, house, bungalow, villa, cottage, dormitory, decorate, decoration, one-story house, etc.服务设施Access, accessible, neat, mess, attractive, serve, service, parking lot, laundry, garage, supermarket, museum, stadium, theatre, gallery, hotel, barber shop, restaurant, travel agency, bank, tea house, grocery, green grocery, railway station, subway/metro/underground/tube, drugstore, cafeteria, etc.周围环境变化Change, take place, take on a new look, newly-built, used to be, etc.Topic 4 Daily Routines看电视、上网、聊天Watch, view, surf, chat, email, message, text, interview, report, series, micro-blog, record, impress, move, laugh, broadcast, produce, announce, adapt, enjoy, undated, host, advertise, affect, effect, direct, act, live show, switchon/off, turn over, turn up/down, be on air, etc.就餐Dine, feed, swallow, breakfast, snack, barbeque, picnic, fresh, raw, ripe, cook, heat, bite, drink, book, order, reserve, pay, serve, taste, recommend, tip,atmosphere, seat, toast, diet, nutrition, lay, at table, help oneself to, treat sb. to sth. , etc.家务Sweep, cook, wash, housework, tidy, clean, mess, neat, furniture, equipment, polish, household, put away, water the flower, iron the shirt, etc.外出:Trip, visit, ride, walk, drive, fly, fishing, diving, sailing, breathe, sunbathe, view, relax, nature, refresh, explore, sightseeing, go outing, go camping, drop in at/on, get close to nature, take photos of sth., etc.起居:Brush, shower, wash hands and face, bathe, dress, shave, asleep, awake, sleepy, daily, lay the table, sit around, stay up, wake up, be up, put on, etc.日常学习:Study, learn, write, teach, method, example, think, reflect, attention, focus, concentrate, progress, prepare, break, interval, effort, hurry, go to school, gain, achieve, dream, aim, goal, pay off, be absorbed in, be buried in, problem, trouble, accumulate, pressure, relieve, stick to, etc.生活娱乐:Live, lead a happy life, positive, attitude, recreate, entertain, enjoy, leisure, keep fit, etc.Topic 5 School Life学校概述Scholarship, academic, course, compulsory course, optional/selective course, cover, be divided into, etc.学科:Mathematics, biology, geography, IT(Information Technology), PE(Physical Education), physics, etc.对待学习的态度:Attitude, be enthusiastic about, amazed, serious, bored, embarrassed, be impressed with, disappointed, etc.课堂活动/表现Behavior, lively, organized, amusing, energetic, popular, hard-working, intelligent, shy, strict, stupid, comprehension, handwriting, instruction,by/with a ... Method, textbook, patient, misunderstanding, get down to, focus on..., consider, make progress, etc.实验课堂:Add...to..., aim, balance, burn, expand, float, equipment, form, liquid, solid, mixture, oxygen, steam, percent, a quarter, draw a conclusion, etc.课外活动:After-school/outdoor activities, punctual, look back on, have fun, competitive, elect, attractive, photography, be keen on..., suit, etc.表达观点:It’s a great pity that..., as far as I am concerned, in my view, as for me, I find it strange/interesting/amusing that..., it seems to me that..., be considered as..., it is up to you, I am with you on that..., to one’s amazement, in other words, as a result, etc.Topic 6 Interests and Hobbies兴趣类别Basketball, soccer, bicycle, bowling, boxing, camp, cartoon, go to the cinema, stamp collecting, comedy, computer, cook, dance, gymnastics, play the guitar, kite, literature, marathon, motorcycle, go to a movie, go to a concert, music,outing, reading, go sightseeing, sport, play table tennis, play ping-pong, symphony, watch television/TV, go to the theatre, trip, travel, walk, etc.喜爱:Be fond of, be keen on, prefer, enjoy, feel like(doing) sth.,have/show/express/take an interest in sth., be interested in, desire, delight, delighted, etc.习惯:Develop/form a habit of (doing) sth., get into/be in the habit of (doing) sth., get/be used to (doing) sth., get/be accustomed to (doing) sth., etc.吸引:Appeal to sb, appeal to sb. to do sth., attract, attractive, fascinate, etc.赞美:Amusement, amazing, amazed, awesome, comfortable, cool, entertainment, enjoyable, fantastic, extreme, extra, extraordinary, favourite(美式:favorite), fun, great, happiness, happy, interesting, joy, pleasant, please, pleased, pleasure, practical, etc.专注投入:Be absorbed in, be buried in, commit oneself to (doing) sth., concentrate on, focus on, be devoted to, devotion, be eager to do sth., be enthusiastic about, be occupied with., etc.收获益处:Gain, obtain, beneficial, benefit, contribute to, make contributions/a contribution to, make a difference (to), have an effect/influence on, affect, influence, harvest, health, healthy, help sb. (do) sth., help (do) sth., help sb. With sth. Helpful, inspire, provide a platform for sb., relax, refresh, tool, treasure, various, variety, value, valuable, useful, worth, worthy, worthwhile, wonderful, wisdom, wise, etc.Topic 7 Emotions愉快与满足:Delighted, delightful, joyful, amused, pleased, pleasant, be satisfied with, satisfaction, etc.厌倦与厌恶:Be/get bored with, be tired of, be fed up with, disgusted, disgusting, etc.恐惧:Frightened, be scared of, scare sb. to death., scary, panic, horror, horrible, make one’s hair stand on end, etc.痛苦、悲伤、失望:Painful, sorrow, miserable, be disappointed at/about/by sth., be disappointed in/with sb., to one’s disappointment, let sb. Down, frustrated, etc.焦虑与压力:Anxious, anxiety, under stress/pressure, be stressed out, stressful, etc.后悔、遗憾:Regret, to one’s regret, regretful, It’s a pity that, what a pity, wish+虚拟语气,etc.愤怒、不快:Anger, annoying, annoyed, upset, depressed, depression, etc.其他:Awkward, embarrassed, astonished, sympathy, be sympathetic with, etc.Topic 8 Plans and Intentions计划:Plan, intend, dream, aim, reserve, draw, approach, outline, scheme, map out, be determined to do sth., long for, make up one’s mind to do sth., etc.建议:Advise, suggest, recommend, proposal, declare, etc.请求许可、禁止:Permit, allow, forbid, ban, prohibit, etc.可能:Possible, probably, likely, be likely to do sth., etc.需要:Want, need, require, deserve, must, demand, etc.Topic 9 Festivals, Holidays and Celebrations中国传统节日:New Year’s Eve, Spring Festival/Chinese New Year’s Day, Lantern Festival, Tomb-Sweeping Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Double SeventhFestival/Chinese Valentine’s Day, Mid-Autumn Festival/Moon Festival, Double Ninth Festival, etc.西方传统节日:New Year’s Day, Valentine’s Day, April Fool’s Day,Easter Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, etc.时间:Be celebrated on, celebrate...for...years/since..., on the first/second/...day of the first/second/...month of the lunar/solar calendar, last(for)...on end, date back to/from..., etc.地点:Origin, originate from/in..., be celebrated in/on...意义:Be symbolized by, symbolic/symbolical, symbol, stand for, mark, a mark of穿着:Wear, be dressed in..., dress up, be dressed up...as..., a magnificent costume 活动:Decorate...with..., wander, be crowded with, wear masks, parade, have fun, be made fun of, play a joke on, unite, propose a toast, set off fireworks, family reunion dinner, be reunited with, lucky money, be celebrated with, a celebration of, ceremonyTopic 10 Shopping买卖:Customer, buy/purchase, cheap, valuable, change, select, sell (out), on sale, go shopping, pick out, try on, at least/most, bargain, catalogue, consumer, consume, marketing, charge(free of charge), return, supermarket, etc.产品:Product, produce, production, etc.支付:Money, price, receipt, tax, cost, pay, spend, cash, credit card, bill, exchange rate, interest rate, cheque/check, expense, fare, fee, tip, etc.场所:Counter, mall, shelf, shop, stall, supermarket cashier, cash desk, department store, shopping center, show window, etc.其他:Account, deposit, discount, e-shopping, afford, book, decline, decrease, increase, order, raise, worth, of good/poor value, in need of, run out (of), goods, etc.Topic 11 Food and Drink宴会用语:Guest, entertainment, menu, customer, barbecue, begin with, end up, manners, etc.点评食物:Delicious, appetite, remark, favorite, like, dislike, complain, taste, etc.烹饪或食用方式:Boil, roast, raw, ripe, fry, etc.饮食文化:Fixed, consume, abundant, be popular, etc.饮食与健康:Owe…to…, go against, injure, diet, fit, balance, unhealthy, treat, overweight, patient, have an effect on, symptom, nutrition, nutritious, painful, etc.Topic 12 Weather晴朗天气:Sun, sunny, clear, fair, fine, sunshine, cloudless, warm, fresh, mild, sunny, cosy, shine, brilliant, etc.阴沉天气:Cloud, cloudy, dull, dark, etc.雨雪天气:Rain, rainy, rainfall, ice rain, icy, downpour, rainbow, shower, storm, stormy, thunder, thunderstorm, lightning, pour, snow, snowfall, snowy, frost, dew, chilly, freezing, etc.风:Wind, windy, gentle, etc.雾:Fog, foggy, smoke, mist, misty, haze, dust, etc.自然灾害:Disaster, earthquake, flood, drought, hurricane, volcano, typhoon, sandstorm, desertification, tidal wave, mudflow/landslide, volcanic earthquake, tsunami, tornado, catastrophe, etc.描述天气:Cool, cold, chilly, damp, wet, freeze, freezing, frozen, hot, dry, changeable, terrible, bright, calm, temperature, degree, humidity, forecast, gorgeous, fascinating, expand, fantastic, frequently, go up, go down, reduce, be likely to, colorful, column, erupt, tropical, violent, tidal, frightening, equator, wave, inland, melt, pick up, prediction, solar, vary, decline, annual, extreme, balance, exploration, promote, severe, alarm, decrease, heaven, peaceful, etc.天气影响:Violent, scary, be caught in, one after another, have a bad effect on, give out, cause, bury, occur, strike, ruin, blow, burn, burst, destroy, predict, rescue, shake, supply, survive, survival dangerous, muddy, natural, conditions, pleasant, compared to, urgent, pollute, complain, damage, danger, death, terrifying, affect, influence, sunburnt, current, be blocked with, prevent from, etc.衣着:Coat, hat, sunglasses, sun-cream, umbrella, raincoat, warm clothes, collar, gloves, rubber boots, etc.天气相关:Climate, atmosphere, environment, experience, on average, end up, plenty of, in all, northwest, above zero, below zero/freezing, season, spring, summer, autumn(fall), winter, visibility, desert, scenery, seaside, scene, landscape, etc.Topic 13 Interpersonal Relationship问候与介绍:introduce, make an introduction to sb., greet, recommend, salute sb., give a salute to sb., remember me to sb., give/send one’s (kind/best) regards to sb., etc.感谢: thank, thankful, grateful, appreciate, owe, in return, appreciation, etc. 道歉与原谅:Apology, apologize, excuse, forgive, pardon, regret, forget it, never mind, etc. 祝愿与祝贺:Celebrate, in celebration of, congratulate, congratulation, wish, hope, bless, good luck, etc.告别:Say goodbye to, see sb. off, departure, get separated, part, break up, etc.打电话:call up, ring up, hang up, hang on, get through, call back, phone, busy, dial, answer, message, etc.约会:date, appointment, cancel, call off, agree on, etc.帮助:help…out, do sb. a favor, aid, assist, assistance, turn to sb. for help, with the help of, etc.允许: allow, permit, approve of, in favor of, admit, permission, etc.拒绝: refuse, reject, turn down, rejection, decline, refusal, etc.要求与命令: require, requirement, order, command, request, demand, ask for, claim, call for, insist, etc.警告与禁止: warn sb. of sth., forbid, prohibit, remind, watch out, look out, caution, etc.劝告与建议: advise, advice, suggestion, suggest, persuade, recommend, urge, propose, etc.交往: make contact with, share…with, get on with, disagree with, argue with, be in disagreement with, rely on, be in conflict with, be on good/bad terms with, get/keep in touch/contact with, quarrel, make up, betray, exchange ideas/views with, communicate with, stay best friends, etc.感受: look upset, get nervous, be pleased with, be worried about/worry about, be/get angry with sb. about sth., be disappointed with/in sb., be disappointed at/about/with sth., be confident of sth., It is a pity that…, be hurt/be in pain, be blessed with, be ashamed of, etc.Topic 14 Health健康: keep energetic, wish you good health, be in poor health, healthy, unhealthy, slim, junk food, keep fit, stay healthy, build up one’s strength, etc. 受伤与: suffer from, headache, get relief from, recover from one’s injury,painstaking efforts, no pains, no gains, stomach pains, wound, hurt, injure, damage, ache, harm, do such great harm to health, the injured, etc.饮食习惯: go on a balanced diet, lose weight, keep fit, develop healthy eating habits, be good for health, get into the habit of, protein, nutrition, physical health, produce far-reaching effect on the health of grown-ups, be iin good health, balance one’s diet, build physical endurance, be high in fat, gain weight, be on a diet, form a good habit of, relax my body, take deep breaths of fresh air, lose weight, cut down, take regular exercise, a well-balanced diet, etc.心理健康: mental ability, mental attitude, physical and mental health/fitness, abnormal mental state, do good to health, be mentally unhealthy, keep optimistic pessimistic, etc.Topic 15 Entertainment and Sports(一)运动项目、场地、器械和服装: marathon, boxing, football, rugby, volleyball, badminton, tennis, table tennis, baseball, golf, wrestling, bowling, swimming, skiing, shooting, skating, diving, athletics, gymnastics; stadium, track, ring, pitch, field, net, bat, club; tracksuit, trainer, brand, sportswear, etc.比赛和参赛人员: race, competition, match, tournament, league, association, final, tie; win, beat, defeat, defend, victory, glory, failure; prize, medal; professional, amateur, etc.其他: participate in/take part in; give up, set/hold/break the record, take the lead, audience, hold on e’s breath, cheer, rise to one’s feet, referee, register, time, retire, challenge, tough, determined, etc.(二)娱乐消遣1. 音乐类型和乐器: country music, popular (pop), classical, rap, blues, rock, folk, symphony, jazz, piece of music, characteristic; instrument, string, drum, violin, piano, etc.听音乐的方式: on the radio, on CD, on television, etc.人员: master musician, band, composer, conductor, pianist, etc.创作演出: tune, perform, put on, concert, interpret, give life to, skillful, album, interval, audience, etc.2. 影视戏剧: action, cartoon, comedy, tragedy, horror, thriller, detective, science fiction, opera, series, etc.人员:director, actor, actress, cast, etc.创作、演出、观看:character, plot, role; act; theatre, cinema, channel, stage, studio, audience, clap; admission, box office, etc.评论:receive reviews, entertainment; amuse, impress; amusing, critical, boring, dull, entertaining, funny, horrible, humorous, impressive, interesting, moving; burst into, etc.Topic 16 Travel and Transport交通方式及工具: aboard, aircraft, airplane, ambulance, cab, canal, carriage, coach, board, means of transport, transfer, traffic jam, ferry, freeway, helicopter, highway, lorry, motorcycle, railway, sail, shuttle, spaceship, tractor, tram, trolleybus, ride a bike/by bike, drive a car/by car, take a bus/by bus, by boat/ship/water/sea, take off, etc.指路与问路: crossroad/crossing; It’s about five minutes’ walk; Take Bus No. 2 and get off at the next stop; Turn right at the second turning. / Take the second turning on the right ; Go/Walk down/along the road and turn right. You’ll see the post office, etc.询问与预订: accommodation, association, agent, travel agency, book, guide, airlines/airways, flight ticket, passport, visa, identity (ID) card, national park, DIY tour, space tourism, group/organized tour, a self-driven trip, reception, receptionist, reservation, etc.描绘旅程:abandoned, accident, adventure, attain, attract, attractive, attraction, camp, cottage, custom, expedition, explore, destination, distant, grand, hilly, luggage, mountainous, natural, outdoors, comfortable, well-organized, outing, parking, path, pedestrian, passenger, portable, primitive, precious, prohibit, recreation, remote, roundabout, scenery, sightseeing, souvenir, steep, sunny, sunrise, sunset, tax-free, tent, tour, journey, trip, voyage, wide, wild, wildlife, worldwide, go on a wildlife tour/a hiking trip, see sb. off, be on holiday/a visit, etc.旅游感受: awesome, awful, enjoyable, flexible, horrible, impress, interesting, appeal to, rare, regret, remote, splendid, sunny, super, superb, fantastic, boring/dull, tiring, in high spirits, etc.描绘(旅游)地点: abroad, accessible, arch, automonous, avenue, bank, barbecue, beach, capital, castle, coast, country, desert, downtown, harbour, inn, jungle, lounge, nearby, nest, offshore, passage, port, pub, pyramid, range, seaside, shelter, sight, skyscraper, stream, temple, terminal, tower, town, urban, valley, places of interest, scenic spots, have access to, etc.Topic 17 Nature(一)动物与植物: horse, bull, cow, pig, sheep, goat, lamb, zebra, deer, giraffe, camel, elephant, cat, lion, tiger, dog, fox, wolf, squirrel, bear, rabbit, rat, mouse, monkey, kangaroo, bat, whale, dolphin, eagle, hen, chicken,parrot, snake, frog, fish, butterfly, mosquito, etc.常见植物名称: rose, pea, apple, pear, orange, pine, bamboo, cabbage,carrot, onion, pumpkin, potato, tomato, wheat, watermelon, banana,cherry, coconut, grape, mango, nut, bean, etc.与动物和植物相关的名词:Insect, nest, tail, zoo, wing, beef, pork, tusk,fur, claw, feather, root, seed, leaf, fruit, flower, trunk, branch, ring,wood, juice, etc.修饰动物和植物的形容词:gentle, fierce, violent, cute, pretty, cold-blooded, aggressive, lazy, tough, thin, bush, high, crisp, juicy, gorgeous, fresh, reproductive, etc.(二)自然环境七大洲、四大洋和两极: Asia, Europe, Africa, Oceania, Antarctica, SouthAmerica, North America, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, theIndian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the South Pole, the North Pole, Mt.Qomolangma, etc.地形地貌: plain, plateau, hill, mountain, river, lake, stream, land,ocean/sea, waterfall, gulf, island, rainforest, etc.自然资源: oil, coal, water, air, soil, (natural) gas, wood, sunshine, solid, liquid, oxygen, metal, iron, etc.天气: sunny, rainy, windy, cloudy, fine, snowy, warm, cold, cool, hot, mild, rain, wind, snow, cloud, storm, etc.自然现象与灾害: disaster, flood, hurricane, lightning, thunderstorm, tornado, column, current, equator, wave, ash, lava, volcano, earthquake, sandstorm, tide, stream, etc.自然灾害的发生: strike/hit, erupt, ruin, occur, active, worldwide, extinct, etc.Topic 18 Language LearningListen, speak, read, write, pronounce, spell, copy, repeat, practice, review, translate, memorize, consult, adopt, imitate, attention, dictionary, motivation, vocabulary, atmosphere, confidence, concentration, resource, grammar, effective, selective, etc.语言学习的目的: attempt, communicate, express, convey, exchange, broaden, promote, interpreter, conversation, cooperation, tool, growth, social relationship, proficiency, fluent, appropriateTopic 19 The World and Environment地球环境: atmosphere, soil, farmland, water source, natural resources, ocean circulation, ecosystem, forest, desert, mountain range, ecological balance, etc.环境污染与破坏: pollute, radiate, poison, noise, destroy, harm, increase, bring about, due to, have an influence on sth., etc.环境恶化的表现: acid rain, global warming, greenhouse effect, desertification, deforestation, soil loss, climate change, energy crisis,be threatened with, population explosion, etc.环境保护: protection, preserve, reserve, environmentally-friendly, improve, harmony, sort, garbage classification, solar, take action to do sth. prevent sb. from doing sth., be responsible for, attach importance to sth., advocate doing sth., bring/get sth. under control, raisepeople’s environmental awareness, in return, protect sth. against sth. etc.节约与循环利用: save, economize, conservation, recycle, reuse, alternative, renewable, circulate, make full use of, etc.垃圾和各种废物: rubbish, waste, trash, garbage, litter, landfill, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, smog, pollutant, emission, ash, dust, dirt, etc.缺乏与过度开发: short, lack, overdevelop, surplus, water shortage, etc.Topic 20 Tropical Issues――low-carbon lifestyle低碳生活的概念: low-carbon, lifestyle, environment, environmentally-friendly, eco-friendly, alternative, energy, consumption, reduce,carbon-dioxide, emission, attitude, etc.低碳生活的意义、重要性: rewarding, benefit, make a contribution to, contribute to, slow down, meaningful, significant, significance, provide sth. for sb., have access to, harmony, prevent sb. from doing sth., etc.低碳生活的方法、措施:take measures/take action, protect…from, improvement, become devoted to, develop a habit, get rid of, overcome, absorb, undertake, lead to, etc.Topic 21 Popular Science and Modern Technology计算机软件和硬件:computer, keyboard, modern, monitor, mouse, screen, program, software, system, virus, battery, application (apps), break down, etc.信息和网络: data, document, information, e-mail, file, Internet, link, network, website, online, search engine, web page, chat, exchange, message, electronic, communicate, get in touch with, shop online, surf the Internet, on the Internet, etc.操作:access, scan, click, copy, crash, delete, download, editor, insert, operate, switch, click on, shut down, etc.太空旅游与探索:astronaut, astronomer, globe, gravity, orbit, pilot, rocket, satellite, shuttle, space, spaceship, telescope, universe, experiment, explore, solar, plane, aircraft, airline, discover, solar system, remote control, etc.发明与创造: revolution, observe, analyze/analyse, solve, inspire, measure, simplify, conclude, contribute, predict, design, invent, create, patent, update, make a breakthrough, make great contributions to, etc.设备、技术与进步: advance, breakthrough, development, progress, process, procedure, technology, technique, equipment, method, nuclear, etc.科学与生活:science, scientific, disaster, advantage, disadvantage, convenient, intelligent, fundamental, practical, skeptical/skeptical, beneficial, controversial, valid, optional, contradictory, portable, automatic, trend, benefit from, put…into use, have an effect on, change one’s life, bring about, etc.材料与属性:mixture, steel, aluminium, metal, mineral, dioxide, plastic, liquid, steam, expand, react, form, boil, float, resist, radioactive, take the place of, etc.Topic 22 History and Geography(一)历史(history)时期朝代:AD, age, ancient, BC, century, contemporary, decade,dynasty, generation, history, historic, historical, modern, period,previous, permanent, evolution, past, present, primitive, date back to/date from, throughout, all through, etc.文化风俗:ancestor, anniversary, antique, civilization, conventional, culture, cultural, custom, immigration, observe, origin, religion,religious, settle, settlement, tradition, traditional, pyramid, keep up, pass down, know for/as, etc.(二)地理(geography)方位、方向: bottom, centre/center, central, opposite, direction, edge, north, northern, northeast, northeastern, northwest, northwestern, northward(s), south, southern, southeast, southeastern, southward(s), east, eastern, eastward(s), west, western, westward(s), locate, location, position, lie, surface, upper, altitude, offshore, seaside, beginning, end, ahead of, etc.距离、范围: distance, distant, depth, height, kilometer, mile, remote, faraway, apart, throughout, away, spread, extend, extension, as far as, out of reach, within one’s reach, be/get close to, all over, etc.经济、资源: abundant, rich, agriculture, agricultural, industry, industrial, commercial, business, resource, develop, development, boom, increase, decrease, decline, double, export, import, financial, output, energy, trade, etc.人口和面积: area, population, rural, urban, female, male, age group, birth rate, death rate, resident, explode, aging, nationality, grow, fall, expand, explosion, spread, bring/get...under control, etc.自然地貌: land, sea, bay, canal, ocean, vast, coast, harbour, island, lake, port, river, strait, channel, stream, land, boundary, desert, field, forest, jungle, mountain, mountainous, hill, hilly, plain, range, rock, soil, valley, earth, environment, shore, beach, seashore, volcano, volcanic, etc.世界、地区、国家、省、州和城市: continent, country, border,k divide, separate, empire, globe, global, international, mainland, nation, national, nationwide, world, worldwide, native, republic, state, capital, district, downtown, province, region, zone, town, suburb, etc.宇宙、太空和天空: universe, star, planet, satellite, sun, earth, moon,orbit, (outer) space, solar, sky, air, atmosphere, sunrise, sunset, etc.Topic 23 Society遵守与违反: obey, respect, show respect for, observe, keep, behave well, be in harmony with, in support of, break, be suitable for, etc. 社会与社区: society, government, community, neighborhood,household, social order, social issues, social problem, social system, public concern, the nursing home, law, rule, regulation, discipline, the one-child policy, set up, etc.关护: care for, care abo ut, show one’s concern for, take ... intoconsideration, pay attention to, call on, etc.就业:occupation, job, career, employ, employment, employer,unemployed, volunteer, temporary/permanent, apply for, take-home salary, full-time salary, full-time employee, in the demand for, etc.宗教、风俗、文化: religion, religious, race, racial, custom, culture, take it for granted, establish, have (an) effect on, etc.Topic 24, Literature and Art文学作品类型: adventure, biography, crime, fantasy, history, thriller, cartoon, horror, science fiction, etc.电影类型:adventure film, crime film, thriller film, horror film, martial arts film/action film, romantic film, comedy, tragedy, documentary film, detective film, animation/cartoon, fantasy film, military/war film, etc.电视节目类型: TV series, chat show, quiz show, soap (opera), sports program, news, etc.。
主题与话题整合集主题话题子主题主题一人与自我话题1个人情况、家庭与周围的人1.丰富、充实、积极向上的生活;2.自我认识,自我管理,自我提升;3.职业启蒙,职业精神;4.身心健康,抗挫能力,珍爱生命的意识:5.劳动实践,劳动品质与工匠精神;6.勤于动手,乐于实践,敢于创新话题2个人兴趣情绪与情感话题3饮食与卫生话题4日常生活、计划安排、购物7.货币常识,理财意识,理性消费,信用维护话题5学校8.多彩、安全、有意义的学校生活;9.积极的学习体验,恰当的学习方法与策略,勤学善思主题二人与自然话题6自然与天气 1.世界主要国家的地理位置,不同地区的生态特征,自然景观;2.热爱与敬畏自然,与自然和谐共生;3.环境污染及产生原因,环保意识和行为;4.自然灾害与防范措施,人身安全与自我保护;5.地球与宇宙探秘话题7世界与环境话题8安全与救护话题9旅游与交通主题三人与社会话题10居住环境 1.家乡和社会的变迁,历史的发展,对未来的畅想话题11人际交往 2.良好的人际关系与人际交往;3.交流与合作,团队精神话题12节假日活动 4.世界主要国家的文化习俗与文化景观、节假日与祝活动话题13文娱 5.中文影视、戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、绘画、建筑等艺术形中的文化价值和作品赏析,了解优秀的艺术家及其术成就话题14体育 6.日常体育活动,重大体育赛事,体育精神话题15科普知识与现代技术7.科学技术与工程,人类文明与创新,航天事业发展话题16语言学习8.跨文化沟通与交流,语言与文化话题17历史与社会9.对世界、国家、人民和社会进步有突出贡献的人物10.公共秩序与法律法规,个人信息安全与国家安意识;11.身份认同与文化自信12社会热点与国际事务话题18故事与诗歌13.中外文学史上有代表性的作家和作品主题一人与自我话题1个人情况、家庭与周围的人★个人信息1.n.名字,姓名,名称2.n.出生,诞生3.adj.自己的v.拥有4.n.能力,才能5.adj.天生的6.adj.私人的,私有的7.n.背景8.n.人9.vi.看;看起来10.n.行为,举止11.n.人们,人民12.n.亲戚;亲属13.n.年龄14.n.生日15.adj.聋的16.n.地址17.n.学生18.adj.个人的,私人的,亲自的19.adj.瞎的20.n.班级21.n.爱好22.n.故乡23.n.工作24.n.年级25.n.家庭26.n.关系27.n.童年★家庭成员、亲属、周围的人1.n.(外)祖父/母2.n.(外)祖父3.n.(外)祖母4.n.孩子(们)5.n.男人6.n.女人7.n.夫妻8.n.叔父,舅舅9.n.婶母,姑母10.n.丈夫11.n.妻子12.n.爸爸13.n.父(母)亲14.n.妈妈15.n.堂兄(弟、姐、妹) 16.n.儿子17.n.女儿18.n.兄/弟19.n.男孩20.n.姐/妹21.n.女孩22.n.(外)孙子23.n.(外)孙女24.n.绅士,先生25.n.成年人,成年动物adj.成年的26.n.婴儿27.n.小孩28.n.女士,夫人29.n.朋友30.n.客人,宾客31.n.陌生人,外人32.n.邻居;邻近的人;邻国33.n.民众adj.公共的★主要职业1.n.医生2.n.科学家3.n.警察4.n.老师5.n.农民6.n.护士7.n.飞行员8.n.经理9.n.画家10.n.服务员11.n.商人12.n.作家13.n.司机14.n.歌手15.n.导游16.n.音乐家17.n.工程师18.n.男演员19.n.记者20.n.店员21.n.银行职员22.n.渔夫23.n.厨师24.n.理发师25.n.秘书26.n.士兵27.n.导演28.n.消防员29.n.警卫;看守30.n.演讲者31.n.领导者32.n.军官;官员33.n.女演员★性格特点1.adj.严肃的2.adj.幽默的3.adj.外向的4.adj.细心的5.adj.粗心的6.adj.腼腆的7.adj.沉默的8.adj.诚实的9..adj.活跃的10.adj.严格的11.adj.友好的12.adj.懒惰的13.adj.善良的14.adj.勇敢的15.adj.有趣的16.adj.体贴人的17.adj.善解人意的18.adj.聪明的19.adj.自信的20.adj.有合作精神的21.adj.富有创造力的22.adj.随和的23.adj.精力充沛的24.adj.健忘的25.adj.助人的26.adj.勤奋的27.adj.吝啬的28.adj.有礼貌的29.adj.自私的30.adj.无私的31.adj.有才能的32.adj.粗鲁的33.adj.耐心的34.adj.智慧的35.adj.镇定的36.adj.愚蠢的★外貌描述1.adj.胖的2.adj.矮的3.adj.高的4.adj.圆形的5.adj.好看的6.adj.老的7.adj.英俊的8.adj.年轻的9.adj.瘦的10.adj.直(发)11.adj.卷(发)12.adj.金(发)13.adj.苗条的14.adj.美丽的15.adj.可爱的★短语1.电话号码2.电子邮箱3.......岁时4.出生于5.来自6.长大7.看起来像8.毕业于9.受到...的欢迎10.擅长...11.在...方面做的差12.在...的业余时间里13.对...严格14.很高兴做某事15.尽某人最大努力做某事16.有能力做某事17.能够做某事18.和...相处19.对...友好20.过去常常做某事21.想要做某事22.与...交朋友23.照顾★词性变形1.friend n.朋友-adj.友好的-n.友谊2.child n.孩子-(pl.)3.strange adj.陌生的;奇怪的-n.陌生人4.gentleman n.绅士;先生-(pl.)5.behavior n.行为,举止-v.行为;举止6.person n.个人-adj.个人的,私人的,亲自的7.music n.音乐-n.音乐家-adj.音乐的8.cook n.厨师-n.厨具9.scientist n.科学家-n.科学-adj.科学的10.reporter n.记者-v.报道;报告n.报告-作报告(短语)11.honest adj.诚实的-n.诚实-adj.不诚实的12.patient adj.耐心的-n.病人adj.不耐心的对某人有耐心(短语)13.creative adj.富有创造力的-v.创造-n.创造力-n.创造作品14.active adj.活跃的-n.活动-adv.活跃地-积极参加(短语)15.silent adj.沉默的-n.沉默-保持沉默(短语)16.polite adj.有礼貌的-adj.不礼貌的-adv.有礼貌地-adv.不礼貌地17.understanding adj.善解人意的-v.理解-v.误解-n.误会18.helpful adj.助人的-adj.没有帮助的-v.帮助-n.帮手;助手-帮助某人做某事(短语)-帮助某人某事(短语)-帮助某人摆脱困境(短语)-情不自禁做某事(短语)-在某人的帮助下(短语)话题2个人兴趣、情绪与情感★兴趣爱好1.n.欢乐,高兴,喜悦2.v.更喜欢3.n习惯,习性4.n.天资,天赋5.n.业余爱好,嗜好6.v.想象,设想7.v&n爱,热爱8.v.相信;认为9.v.欣赏,享受...之乐10.v.数,计算总数,重要n.总数11.n.兴趣,利益v,使感兴趣12.v.&n.希望13.n.油漆vt.(用颜料等)画14.n.祝愿,愿望v.希望,想15.adj.完美的16.n.游戏,运动,比赛17.adj.特别的,专门的18.adv.完全,十分19.prep.像...一样vt.喜欢,喜爱20.adj.不同的,有差异的21.adj.同样的22.v.&n.憎恨,讨厌23.adv.将近,几乎24.adv.特别,尤其25.n.远足26.n.网络27.n.宠物28.v.旅游29.n.邮票30.n.电影31.n.园艺32.n.国际象棋33.n.运动34.n.写作35.n.阅读36.n.烹饪37.n.冒险38.v.唱歌39.v.聊天40.adj.特别受喜爱的n.特别喜爱的人41.n.戏剧★兴趣描述1.adj.有趣的2.adj.有价值的3.adj.重要的4.adj.令人激动的5.adj.令人放松的6.adj.有用的7.adj.令人无聊的8.adj.容易的9.adj.困难的10.adj.空闲的11.adj.精彩的12.adj.著名的13.adj.必要的14.adj.令人愉快的15.adj.简单的★积极情绪1.adj.自信的2.adj.满意的3.adj.意识到的,知道的4.adj.好奇的5.adj.激动的6.v.使愉快,使满意7.adj.惊讶的8.v.&n.微笑9.v.感谢10.v.笑11.v.鼓励12.n.高兴,愉快13.v.笑话;开玩笑14.n.自豪,骄傲15.adj.开心的;快乐的16.adj.受欢迎的17.adj.幸运的18.adj.自豪的19.adj.舒服的20.adj.平静的21.adj.有希望的22.adj.积极的;正面的23.adj.惊奇的24.adj.关心的★消极情绪1.n.&v.害怕,惧怕2.adj.难过,惋惜,歉疚3.adj.惭愧的4.adj.紧张的5.adj.无声的,不说话的6.v.争吵,争论7.v.使惊恐,使害怕n.惊恐,惊吓8.n.叫喊v.喊叫,哭9.v.使失望11.adj.笨拙的12.n.&v.懊悔13.adj.孤独的,寂寞的14.adj.单独的adv.独自15.adj.难过的16.adj.迷惑的17.adj.冷漠的18.adj.尴尬的19.adj.愤怒的20.adj.疯狂的;热衷的21.adj.发疯的22.adj.悲痛的23.adj.生气的24.adj.无望的25.adj.担心的26adj.灰心丧气的27.adj.不幸的28.adj.害怕的29.adj.不开心的30.adj.不安的31.adj.失望的32.adj.沮丧的33.adj.焦虑的34.adj.有压力的35.adj.害羞的36.adj.消极的,负面的37.n.令人震惊的事;v.使震惊38.adj.困倦的★短语1.参加音乐会2.看电影3.看电视4.空闲时间5.听音乐6.读报纸7.玩电脑游戏8.捉迷藏9.下棋10.去看电影11.对...感兴趣12.喜欢13.爱上弹钢琴14.集邮15.写博客16.跳舞17.照相18.放风筝19.加入网球俱乐部20.打扑克★词性变形1.prefer更喜欢-(过去式)-(过去分词)-比起...更喜欢...(短语)2.interest n.兴趣,利益v,使感兴趣-adj.感兴趣的-adj.令人感兴趣的3.different adj.不同的,有差异的-n.差异;不同-和...不同(短语) -对...产生影响(短语)4.important adj.重要的-n.重要性5.exciting adj.令人激动的-adj.激动的-n.激动;兴奋-对...感到兴奋(短语)eful adj.有用的-adj.无用的-n.用途7.boring adj.令人无聊的-adj.感到无聊的8.famous adj.著名的-因为...而著名(短语)-作为...而著名(短语) -为...所熟知(短语)9.confident adj.自信的-n.信心-对...感到自信(短语)10.curious adj.好奇的-对...感到好奇(短语)11.surprised adj.惊讶的-adj.令人惊讶的-v.使惊讶n.惊讶-令某人惊讶的是(短语)ugh v.笑-n.笑声-嘲笑某人(短语)13.encourage v.鼓励-n.鼓励-v.使沮丧;使泄气;阻止-adj.灰心丧气的-鼓励某人做某事(短语)-在...方面鼓励某人(短语)14.joke v.笑话;开玩笑-开某人的玩笑(短语)15.pride n.自豪,骄傲-对...感到骄傲(短语)-adj.自豪的-对...感到骄傲(短语)16.popular adj.受欢迎的-n.受欢迎;普及-在...之间受欢迎(短语)fortable adj.舒服的-adv.舒服地-adj.不舒服的-adv.不舒服地18.argue v.争吵,争论-n.争论-和某人争论(短语)19.disappoint v.使失望-adj.失望的-n.失望;沮丧20.lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的-adj.单独的adv.独自话题3饮食与卫生★食物1.北京烤鸭2.n.鱼肉3.n.猪肉4.n.羊肉5.n.牛肉6.n.鸡肉7.n.面条(常用复数)8.n.蛋;鸡蛋9.n.稻米;米饭10.n.小麦11.n.饺子12.n.汉堡包13.n.薄煎饼14.n.面包15.n.馅饼16.n.粥;面糊17.n.巧克力18.n.甜食19.n.糖果20.n.爆米花21.n.香肠22.n.三明治23.n.沙拉24.n.零食25.n.蛋糕26.n.肉27.n.食物28.n.玉米29.n.火腿30.n.蛋糕31.n.饼干32.n.巧克力33.n.曲奇饼干★饮料/饮品1.n.饮料2.n.咖啡3.n.可乐5.n.果汁 5.n.酸奶 6.n.柠檬汁7.n.牛奶8.n茶;茶叶9.n.橙汁10.n.水11.n.葡萄酒;酒12.n.汤13.n.泉水14.n.冰淇淋★水果&蔬菜1.n.水果2n.瓜 3.n.葡萄4.n.橙子 5.n.柠檬 6.n.梨7.n.草莓8.n.香蕉9.n.苹果10.n.蔬菜11.n.洋葱12.n.西红柿13.n.卷心菜;洋白菜14.n.土豆15.n.黄瓜16.n.莴苣;生菜17.n.胡萝卜18.n.蘑菇★佐料1.n.食糖2.n.奶酪3.n.胡椒粉4.n.食用油5.n.黄油6.n.蜂蜜7.n.食盐8.n.醋★餐具1.n.碗;钵2.n.筷子3.n.厨具4.n.盘子5.n.杯子6.n.盘;碟;一盘食物7.n.叉;餐叉8.n.锅9.n.玻璃杯10.(pl.)n.刀11.n.勺子12.n.烤箱13.n.盒子14.n.瓶子15.n.篮子★饮餐描述1.n.晚餐2.n.早饭3.n.午饭4.adj.新鲜的5.adj.美味的6.v.喂养;为……提供食物7.adj.酸的8.adj.饱的9.adj.甜的10.adj.饿的11.adj.口渴的12.adj.热的13.n.温度14.n.清单15.n.菜单16.v.加热17.v.烹饪;做饭18.adj.饱的18.adj咸的19.v.闻起来20.v.尝起来21.n.日常饮食22.v.咀嚼23.adj.苦的24.adj.有毒的25.v.服务;招待★身体部位1.n臂;胳膊2.n.背部;脊柱3.n.血液4.n.身体;躯体5.n.大脑6.n.胸脯;胸膛7.n.耳朵8.n.眼睛9.n.脸10.n.腿11.n.手指12.(pl.)n.脚;足13.n.头发;毛发14.(pl.)n.牙齿15.n.头部16.n.心;内心17.n.膝盖18.n.舌头19.n.脖子;颈20.n.嘴21.n.鼻子22.n.胃;腹部23.n.肩;肩膀24.n.咽喉;喉咙25.n.手26.n.肺部★卫生与健康1.n.疼痛2n.鼻出血 3.v.存活;幸存4.adj.瞎的 5.n.伤风;感冒 6.n.&v.咳嗽7.v.剪;切;割n.伤口8.adj.聋的9.n.疾病10.n.发烧;发热11.n.牙科医生12.n.头痛13.n.&.v.受伤14.n.疾病;病15.n.痛;疼痛16.n.问题;难题17.n.癌症18.n.牙疼19.v.受苦;经受(疼痛)20.n.伤;伤口21.n.病毒22.n.药物;毒品23.n.呼吸的空气24.adj.有害的25.adj.健康的26.adj.有病的27.n.药28.n.药丸29.adj.生病的30.n.吸烟31.n.治疗;待遇32.n.胃疼33.n.流行性感冒34.v.死35.adj.有病的;不健康的36.v.动手术37.n.救护车38.n.烧伤;晒伤39.n.诊所★短语1.均衡的饮食2.对...有益3.对...有好处4.对...有害5.节食6.富含...7.含……高/低8.在医疗中9.(身体)垮掉10.增加体重11.治愈某人的...12.养成...的习惯13.变得肥胖14.(某处)疼痛15.垃圾食品16.保持健康17.给某人动手术18.身心健康19.从...中恢复20.熬夜21.遭受,患上22.吃药23.定期锻炼24.深呼吸★词性变形1.breath n.呼吸的空气-v.呼吸-深呼吸(短语)2.healthy adj.健康的-n.健康-保持健康(短语)3.die v.死-adj.死的-n.死亡-adj.垂死的;濒临死亡的4.taste v.尝起来-adj.美味可口的-adj.无味的5.medicine n.药-adj.医疗的话题4日常生活、计划安排、购物★日常生活1.v.扫;打扫2.v.到达3.v.睡过头,睡得太久4.v.&.n.休息5.v.醒6.v.打扫;弄干净adj.干净的7.v.穿;戴8.v.煮沸;烧开9.v.做饭10.v.放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)11.v.修理;安装12.n.&.v.沐浴13.v.&.n.睡觉14.v.折叠;对折15.v.取消;终止16.v.开始17.v.注视;认为18.v.&.n.限制;约束;管理19.v.取来;带来20.n.&.v.拥抱21.v.发送;邮寄22.v.&.n.仓促(行事);急促23.v.带路;领路24.v.移动25.v.拥有;有26.v.阻止;阻挠27.v.处罚;惩罚28.v.鞭策;督促;推动29.v.募集;征集30.v.到达;抵达;伸手31.v.接收;收到32.v.反映;映出33.v.提醒;使想起34.v.重复;重做35.adj.睡着的36.adj.醒着37.n.家务劳动;家务事38.n.活动39.n.庆祝40.n.节日41.n.假日42.n.购物43.n.标志44.v..欣赏45.v.&n.参观;拜访46.v.&n.邮寄47.v.&n.款待48.v.吸引49.v.&n.承诺50.adj.传统的51.adj.不同的52.v.分享53.v.解决54.n.&.v返回★计划与安排1.n.计划,打算2.n.结果vi.因……发生3.vt.证明,证实4.n.任务,工作5.n.公正性;公平合理性6.adv.从不;绝不7.adv.时常;常常8.adv.一次;曾经9.adv.不常;很少10.adv.有时11.adv.两倍;两次12.adv.通常地;一般地13.v&n.变化;改变14.adv.代替;反而;却15.v,接受16.prep.倚;碰:撞;反对17.v.同意;赞成;应允18.v.不同意;有分歧19.n.(意见或看法)一致;同意20.v.允许;准许21.v.拒绝22.v.属于;归…所有23.n.决定24.v.组织25.v.准备26.v.建议27.v.邀请★购物1.n.(女士)短上衣;衬衫2.n.衣服;服装3.n.外套;外衣4.n.连衣裙v穿衣服5.n.时兴;时尚6.n.夹克衫;短上衣7.n.衣袋;口袋8.n.雨衣9.n.衬衫10.n.(pl.)短裤11.n.短裙子12.n.样式;款式13.n.西服;套装14.n.毛衣15.n.(pl.)裤子16.n.T恤衫17.n.(特定场合穿的)服装;装束18.n.背包19.n.(尤指有帽舌的)帽子20.n.(pl.)眼镜21.n.(分手指的)手套22.n.小手提包23.n.常指带檐的帽子24./n.钱包25.n.戒指26.n.围巾;披巾;头巾27.n.鞋28.n.短袜29.n.(pl.)太阳镜;墨镜30.n.领带v.捆;束31.n.表;手表32.n.耳环;耳饰33.n.鞋跟;足跟34.v.承担得起(后果);买得起35.v.购买;买36.v.花费n.价钱37.adj.廉价的;便宜的38.n.协议;交易39./adj.昂贵的40.n.展览会;交易会41.adj.免费42.v.列表;列清单n.名单;清单43.n.钱44.v.主动提出45.v.付费46.n.价格47.n.产品;制品48.adj.值得;有……价值49.v.提供;供应50.n.特价销售;出售51.v.出售;销售;卖52.v.花(时间、钱等)53.n.贸易;交易v.做买卖54.n.价值v.重视55.n.财富56.v.重量是;称.…的重量57.(pl.)n.长裤58.n.将来59.n(蚕)丝;丝织品材质60.n.服务61.vi.兑换62.n.英镑,磅63.n.宝藏,财宝64.adj.免费的★短语1.在将来2.决定做某事3.计划做某事4.制定计划5.设定目标6.制定策略7.去购物8.网购9.浏览商品10.结账11.购物袋12.购物篮13.购物中心14.去购物15.购物清单16.购物车17.和某人分享某物18.做家务19.铺床20.倒垃圾21.叠被子23.洗碗23.偶尔;有时候24.值得做某事24.邀请某人做莫事26.筹钱27.省钱28.赚钱29.支付30.属于★词性变形1.wake v.醒-(过去式)-(过去分词)--醒来(短语)2.hug n.&.v.拥抱-(过去式)-(过去分词)-给某人一个拥抱(短语)3.send v.发送;邮寄-(过去式)-(过去分词)-给某人发送某物(短语)-发射(短语)-发送(短语)4.remind v.提醒;使想起-提醒某人做某事(短语)-提醒某人某事(短语)5.repeat v重复;重做-v.复习-v.复述-v.回收利用-v.重复使用-v.减少6.promise v.&n.承诺-承诺某人做某事(短语)7.agree v.同意;赞成;应允-n.同意;协议-v.不同意-n.不同意;有分歧-同意某人的意见(短语)8.allow v.允许;准许-允许某人做某事(短语)-被允许做某事(短语)-允许做某事(短语)9.refuse v.拒绝-拒绝做某事(短语)10.decision n.决定-v.决定-决定做某事(短语)11.invite v.邀请-n.邀请;请柬-邀请某人做某事(短语)12.offer v.主动提出-=给某人提供某物(短语)13.provide v.提供;供应-=给某人提供某物(短语)话题5学校★学习用品1.n.书包2.n.蜡笔3.n.日记;日记簿4.n.磁带;录音带5.n.词典,字典6.n.橡皮擦;黑板擦7.n.墨水,油墨8.n.笔记簿9.n.统治者;直尺10.n.纸;报纸11.v.粘合n.胶12.n.粉笔13.n.包14.n.球15.n.文本,课文16.n.书17.n.页18.n.钢笔19.n.铅笔★学习科目和活动1.n.题目,主题;学科2.n.艺术,美术3.n.历史;历史学4.adj.中国(人)的;汉语的n.中国人;汉语5.n.数学6.n.生物学7.adj.英国(人)的;英语的n.英语8.n.物理学9.n.地理(学) 10.n.音乐,乐曲11.n.政治12.n.科学,自然科学13.n.化学14.n.体育15.n.竞赛16.n.篮球17.n.足球18.n.国际象棋19.n.通知20.n.规则;规定21.n.奖品22.n.演讲23.v.获胜24.足球赛25.运动会26.班会27.早操28.v.爬;攀登29.n.&v.野餐30.n.风筝31.n.地图32.n.(夏令)营vi.野营;宿营33.n.旗★学校设施和人员1.n.同班同学2.n.学生3.n.班长4.n.(小)学生5.n.教师,教员6.n.黑板7.n.校长8.n.班主任9.n.宿舍楼10.n.钟,铃;钟(铃)声;钟形物11.n.窗户12.n.(学校里的)班;课;阶级13.n.教室14.n.实验室15.n.办公室16.n.操场,运动场17.n.图书馆18.n.大厅,会堂,礼堂19.n.书桌、写字台20.n.椅子21.n.教学楼22.n.同桌23.n.器材;设备24.阅览室25.科学楼26.艺术楼27.餐厅★学习生活1.n.组,群2.v.划船n.一排;一行3.n.座位,座椅4.n.学期,术语,条款,项5.n.课;教训6.n.电脑7.n.&v.分数,得分8.v.&n.测试,考查,试验9.n.评分;成绩;等级10.v.回顾;复习n.审查;评论11.v.预习12.n.考试13.n.学校14.n.大学15.n.学院;专科学校16.v.学,学习17.n.教育18.v.学习;研究n.书房;研究19.v.教学,教20.v.传,递;经过,通过21.v.失败;不及格22.n.&v.谈话,交谈,讨论23.v.说,讲24.v.借(入)25.v.借(出),把……借给26.v.相配,与……匹配n.比赛,竞赛;火柴;相配27.v.丢失,遗失28.v.让29.adj.完全的30.n.副本;一本(份,册……)v.抄写;复印31.v.完成,达到;获得32.v.结束;做完33.v.站,立;起立;经受34.adj.明亮的;聪明伶俐的35.adj.严肃的;严重的36.adj.优秀的37.adj.极好的38.n.知识39.adj.级别高的40.n.笔记41.v.毕业42.n.方法;措施43.n.注意;关注44.n.能力45.v.增加46.v.创造v.发现47.v.重复48.v.记住49.adj.规则的;定期的50.n.表格;形式;结构51.n.日报adj.每日的52.n.文章53.n.经验;经历54.adj.伟大的55.adj.完美的56.adj.初级的;初等的57.adj.中级的58.adj.自己的v.拥有59.n.物主;所有人60.n.包裹61.n.句子★短语1.一支粉笔2.寄宿学校3.高中4.初中5.小学6.户外活动7.检查8.查阅9.取得进步10.向....学习11.写下;记录下12.集中注意力;关注13.多次;反复地14.对…心存感激15.把…和…连接起来16.渴望17.与……谈话18.努力学习19.一步一步地20.参加21.位于... 22.把注意力集中于...23.去野餐24.学生会25.兼职工作26.预习功课27.毕业典礼28.举行运动会29.学习压力30.做演讲29.寄宿学校30.私立学校31.公立学校★词性变形1.exam n.考试-通过考试(短语)-考试不及格(短语)2.learn v.学,学习-(过去式)-(过去分词)-从...学习(短语) -学习做某事(短语)cation n.教育-v.教育-n.教育家-adj.有教育意义的4.teach v.教学,教-(过去式)-(过去分词)5.borrow v.借(入)-从...借来(短语)6.lend v.借(出)-(过去式)-(过去分词)把...借给(短语)7.serious adj.严肃的;严重的-adv.严重地;严肃地-=认真对待(短语)8.graduate v.毕业-n.毕业-从...中毕业(短语)9.ability n.能力-adj.能够的-adj.不能够的adj.残疾的有能力做某事(短语)主题二人与自然话题6自然与天气★天气1.n.气候2.n.天气3.n.季,季节4.n.春天,春季5.n.夏天,夏季6.n.秋天,秋季7.n.冬天,冬季8.rn.雷,雷声v.打雷9.n.太阳10.n.风11.n.云;云状物;阴影12.n.雪v.下雪13.n.雨,雨水;下雨14.n.冰15.n.暴风雨16.n.阵雨:阵雪17.n.雾18.n.雨,雨水下雨19.n.雨伞20.n.雪v.下雪21.n.彩虹22.n.闪电23.adj.大风的,多风的24.adj.晴朗的25.adj.多云的26.adj.下雨的,多雨的27.adj.寒冷的28.adj.凉爽的;酷的29.adj.热的30.adj.暖和的31.adj.雪(白)的,下雪的32.adj.湿的,潮的34.v.冻结;结冰35.v.(使)变干adj.干燥的36.v.发光,照耀,擦亮37.v.吹;刮38.n.气温39.n.零度★自然地貌、资源和灾害1.n.大海;海洋2.n.土地,土壤3.n.生命;一生;生活4.n.大西洋5.n.太平洋6.n.塑料7.黄山8.n.均衡;平衡v.(使)保持平衡9珠穆朗玛峰10.泰山11.n.生物学;生理12.n.沙漠13.长江14.n.灾害;灾难15.黄河16.v.打猎;猎取17.n.陆地,土地u登岸(陆)18.n.森林19.n.岛20.n.山,高山21.n.小山22.n.海,海洋23.n.水塘,水池24.n.高,高度25n.湖26.n.发现27.n.(河、湖的)岸,堤;银行28.n.江,河29.n.海滨,海滩30.n.沙,沙子31.n.洪水v.淹没32.n.地震33.n.沙尘暴34.n.煤;煤块35.n.空气,大气36.n.蒸汽;水蒸气37.n.银38.n.热:高温39.n.黄金adj,金色的40.n.岩石;摇滚41.n.橡胶42.n.自然;本性;种类43.n.山坡44.n.峡谷45.n.山峰46.n.山洞47.n.平原48.n.海浪49.n.海岸50.n.小溪★动植物1.n.动物2.n.昆虫3.n.蚂蚁4.n.老虎5.n.熊6.n.鸭子7.n.长颈鹿8.n.猴子9.n.母鸡10.n.蛇v.蛇行,蜿蜒行进11.n.鸟12.n.猪13.n.母牛,奶牛14.n.鹅15.n.象16.n.宠物17.n.狮子18.n.翅膀,机翼19.n.马20.n.绵羊;羊21.n.兔子22.n.狗23.n.猫24.n.熊猫25.n.蜜蜂26.n.蝴蝶27.n.狐狸28.n.鲨鱼29.n.鹰,雕30.n.企鹅31.n.鲸32.(pl.)n.狼33.n.尾巴34.n.老鼠35.n.龙36.n.熊37.n.公鸡38.n.小鸡39.n.鱼40.adj.野生的;狂热的;荒凉的n.荒野41.v.种植n.植物42.n.棉花43.n.竹44.n.花45.n.草;草场;牧草46.n.玫瑰47.n.树48.n.木头,木材49.n.叶子50.n.竹子51.n.水果;果实51.v.生长;发育;种植;成为52.v.提升;饲养;筹集;引发,提出53.n.洞53.n.&v.使用,利用,应用★宇宙1.n.宇宙2.n.太空3.n.恒星4.n.行星5.n.卫星6.n.太阳7.n.地球8.n.月球9.n.火星10.n.星系11.n.太阳系12.n.银河系★颜色1.n.黑色adj.黑色的2.adj.白色的n.白色3n.蓝色adj.蓝色的4.adj.绿色的n.绿色5.n.红色adj.红色的6.adj.黄色的n.黄色7.adj.粉红色的n.粉红色8.adj.紫色的n.紫色9.n.棕色adj.棕色的10adj.灰色的n.灰色11.n.光,光亮;灯v.点火,点燃adj.明亮的;轻的;浅色的话题7世界与环境★世界与国家1.n.世界2.n.国家3.n.首都4.n.人口5.n.民族;人6.v.增加;增长7.n.国家;民族8.adj.国家的;民族的9.n.亚洲10.adj;亚洲的;亚洲人的n.亚洲人11.n.非洲12.adj.非洲的n.非洲人13.n.欧洲14.adj.欧洲的n.欧洲人15.n.美国16.adj;.美国的;美国人的17.n.中国18.adj.中国的;中国人的;汉语的19.n.英国20.n.英国人21.n.英格兰22.adj.英国的;英国人的;英语的23.印度24.adj.印第安人的;印度人的25.英国26.n.德国27.n.德国人28.n.日本29.adj.日本的;日本人的;日语的30.美国31.n.加拿大32.ad.加拿大的;加拿大人的33.n.新加坡34.n.俄罗斯35.adj;俄国人的;俄国36.n澳大利亚37.n.法国38.n.法语adj法国(人)的;法语的39.adj.外国的40.adj;澳洲的;澳大利亚的;澳大利亚人的41.n.伦敦42.n.国家;洲43.n.城市44.adj.国际的的45.n.种族;民族★环境保护1.n.环境2.adj.有关环境的3.n.污染4.n.热;高温v.加热5.n.法律6.n.能源7.v.倒出8.v.制订9.n.废物v.浪费10.n.垃圾11.n.垃圾12.n.垃圾v.乱扔13.n.废物;垃圾14.n.工厂15.n噪音16.adj.漂亮的17.adj.干净的v.清扫18.adj.有害的19.v.保护;防护20.n.保护;防卫21.v.拯救22.v.回收利用;再循环23.v.再利用24.v.上升25.n.火;火灾26.n.塑料adj.塑料的27.n.大自然;自然界28.n.地震29.v.控制30.v.着火;燃烧31.n.燃料32.n.资源33.v.减少34.adj;.晴朗的;清晰的35.adj.脏的36.ad;.整洁的37.adj;凌乱的38.ad;喧闹的;嘈杂的39. v.污染40.adj.可用的;有空的41.n.安宁,和平42.n.灰尘43.n.底部;最下部44.n.外卖食物45.adj.残酷的;残忍的46.n.生态系统47.n.工业;行业48.adj.可重复使用的;可再次使用的49.v.倒出;倾泻;不断流出50.n.羞耻;羞愧51.n.疼;痛52.v.呼吸53.n.呼吸54.v.承受;忍受55.n.沙漠v.舍弃;遗弃56.v.处罚,惩罚57.n不足;缺少;短缺58.v.发现59.adj.缺少的;口渴的60.n.行动;行为★灾害防范1.n.灾害2.n.台风3.n.水灾;洪水灾4.n.安全5.n.通知6.n.急救车7.v.欺骗8.adj.危险的9.adj.明智的10.adj.有耐心的11.n.烟雾;雾霾12.n.飓风13.n.地震14.n.危险15.n.注意16.v.避免;防止17.v.打扰18.adj.小心的19.adj.镇静的20.adj.恰当的21.n.暴风雨22.n.早灾23.n.森林大火24.n.信息25.n.伤口26.v.警告27.v.伤害28.adj.勇敢的29.adj.害怕的30.adj.严重的★短语1.全球变暖2.自然保护区3.在...的底部4.对某人/某事残忍5.对…有害6.参加7.在...中起作用/参与8.好好利用某物9.拆下;摧毁10.解决;算出11.代替,取代12.应该13.认真对待14.允许某人做某事15.缺乏16.有影响17.避免做某事18.渴望....19.制定法律20.因...惩罚某人21.(深)呼吸22.分类垃圾23.弄得一团糟24.把...倒入25.砍倒;减少26.切除27.切碎28.插嘴29.遵守规则30.健康问题31.一次性筷子32.听说33.收到某人的来信34.丧失某人的听力35.阻止...做某事36.付出极大的努力做某事37.环保的人38.采取行动39.环境保护★词性变形1.pollution n.污染-v.污染-空气污染(短语)w n.法律-n.律师-制定法律(短语)3.noise n噪音-adj.吵闹的-制造噪音(短语)4.rise v.上升-(过去式)-(过去分词)5.pain n.疼;痛-adj.痛苦的6.breath n.呼吸-v.呼吸-(深)呼吸(短语)7.bear v.承受;忍受-(过去式)-(过去分词)8.desert n.沙漠v.舍弃;遗弃-n.甜食9.discover v.发现-n.发现10.safety n.安全-adj.安全的-adv.安全地11.dangerous adj.危险的-n.危险-adj.濒危的12.careful adj.小心的-adj.粗心的话题8安全与救护★安全守则1.n.安全2.n.危险3.n.规定;规则4.adj.危险的5.n.通知6.n.注意7.n.毒品8.adj.小心的9.v.警告10.v.杀死11.n.警卫;看守v.守卫12.adj.活着的★意外1.v.欺骗;骗取2.v.打扰3.v.偷4.v.燃烧;烤糊5.v.喊叫6.n.意外;事故7.adj.死的8.v.发生9.v.死亡10.n.死11.adv.突然12.n.恐惧13.v.避开;逃脱14.v.引起n.原因;成因15.v.吸烟n.烟16.v.摇动;抖动;晃动17.n.暴风雨18.v.打碎19.n.地震20.n.火灾★急救1.n.伤口2.v.受伤;(使)疼痛3.v.剪;切4.v.挽救5.v.保护6.v.预防7.n.英雄8.adj.勇敢的9.v.避免10.n.药物11.n.疼痛12.n.手臂13.n.手指14.n.肩膀15.n.血16.v.检查17.adj.严重的18.adj.可怕的19.adj.吓人的20.n.健康状况21.n.病人22.n.医院23v.呼吸24.v.惩罚25.n.危害v.伤害26.adj.有害的★短语1.急救2.去医院3.对..有耐心4.阻止某人做某事5.因..惩罚某人6.对...叫嚷7.对...大喊8.对...小心9.处于危险之中10.避免做某事11.交通规则12.遵守规则13.制定规则14.破坏规则15.吃药16.警告某人做某事17.偶然地★词性变形1.steal v.偷-(过去式)-(过去分词)2.burn v.燃烧;烤糊-(过去式)-(过去分词)3.shake v.摇动;抖动;晃动-(过去式)-(过去分词)-握手(短语)4.break v.打碎-(过去式)-(过去分词)5.hurt v.受伤;(使)疼痛-(过去式)-(过去分词)6.cut v.剪;切-(过去式)-(过去分词)7.scary adj.吓人的-害怕的话题9旅游与交通★交通设施1.n.航空公司2.n.机场3.n.桥4.n.交叉;十字形的东西5.n.方向6.n.旗;标志7.n.记号;痕迹8.n.小路,小径9.n.铁路;铁轨10.n.路11.n.站;所;台12.n.车站13.n.街;街道14.n.交通;交通量15.n.道路★交通工具1.n.飞机2.n.自行车;两轮脚踏车3.n.甲板4.n.小船5.n.公共汽车6n.小汽车7.n.长途汽车8.n.快车;特快专递9n.执照,许可证10.n.摩托车11.n.船,轮船12.n.出租车13.n.火车14.n.卡车15.n.地下铁16.n.车轮,小汽车★旅游1.n.海滩;湖滩2.n.营地3.n.国家4.n.地图5.n.包裹6.n.郊游野餐,聚餐7.n.帆;航行8.n.护照9.n.视力,景物10.n,帐篷11.n.旅行;旅游;参观12n.旅行13.n.旅行;游历14.n.参观;游览;拜访;访问★短语1.避暑胜地2.名胜3.必游之地4.惊奇不已5.被......迷住6.预订房间7.送行8.违反交通规则9.登记入住/退房10.去露营11.去野餐12.接近大自然13.旅行顺利14.阻塞15.动身去某地16.预订17.一览无余18.旅行19.(在)度假20.出发21.加速22.恢复正常23.旅游景点24.旅行社25.交通堵塞26.拍照27.放慢速度28.交通事故29.度假30.碾过,压过31.撞上32.驾照33.支付罚款34.限速35.闯红灯36.遵守交通规则37.确保人们的安全38.提高交通安全意识★词性变形1.direction n.方向-adj.直接的-adv.直接地-adj.间接的-n.导演2.country n.国家-发展中国家(短语)-发达国家(短语)3.visit n.参观;游览;拜访;访问-n.游客4.tour n.旅行;旅游;参观-n.观光者。
热点话题及词汇话题一:中学生的爱好与兴趣Spare time(free time业余时间), favorite(最喜欢的), interest(兴趣), hobby(爱好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小说), play football/basketball(打足球/篮球), surf the internet(上网), chat online(在线聊天), play games(玩游戏), collect stamps(集邮), make e-friends(交网友), climb mountains(爬山), watch TV(看电视), enjoy popular music(喜欢流行音乐),be interested in(对…感兴趣), develop an interest in(在…方面发展兴趣), be fond of(喜欢…),be keen on(喜欢…), have love for(喜爱…), have a taste in(对…有兴趣) 等。
话题二:劳动与劳动观念Work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), produce(生产), worker(工人), labor force(劳动力), labor(劳动), voluntary labor(义务劳动),serve the people(为人民服务),heart and soul(全心全意),physical labor(体力劳动), mental labor(脑力劳动), labor viewpoint(劳动观念), labor Day(劳动节), workday(工作日), means of labor(劳动方式), honorable(光荣的), be devoted to(奉献于..), value(价值), earn money(赚钱) , personal interests(个人利益)等。
高考英语话题词汇一、旅游与交通【核心单词】名词accommodation 住宿,膳宿;departure 离开,启程;destination 目的地;direction方向;distance 距离;impression 印象,感觉;journey 旅行;luggage (总称)行李;outing 郊游,远足;queue 行列,长队;scenery 风景,景色;sightseeing 游览,观光;tourism 旅游业;tourist 旅行者,观光者动词attract 吸引;enjoy 欣赏,享受;impress 留下印象;satisfy 满足,使满意;wander 游荡,漫步形容词amazing 令人大为惊奇的;crowded 拥挤的;distant 遥远的;sunny 晴朗的,阳光充足的;well-known 众所周知的;well-organized 精心组织的; wonderful 美妙的,精彩的旅行准备arrangement n.安排,筹备;guide n.导游;pack n.包,捆vt.打包;reserve vt.预订;schedule n.日程表;suitcase n.(旅行用)小提箱,行李箱; sunglasses n.太阳镜景点描写及感受attractive adj.吸引人的,有吸引力的; comfortable adj.舒服的;cultural adj.文化的;fantastic adj.极好的,美妙的;historical adj.历史的交通状况block v.阻塞,阻挡;crash v.& n.碰撞,撞击;delay v.& n.延误,延迟,延期;trap n.陷阱vt.使陷入困境【高频短语】places of interest 名胜;adjust to调整,使适应;be struck by 被……迷住;feel/be at home感觉自在;hold up 耽搁,推迟;improve traffic safety awareness 提高交通安全意识;in one’s view在某人看来;keep in mind记住;make up one’s mind下定决心;obey/observe traffic regulations 遵守交通规则;pack sth. up将某物装箱打包;run a red light 闯红灯;slow down 放慢速度;speed up 加速;traffic accident 交通事故;sightseeing spots观光景点住宿check in 登记入住;check out 结账离开景点描写a dream trip 梦想之旅;appeal to... 对……有吸引力;beyond description 难以表达;catch one’s eye 吸引某人的注意交通状况avoid traffic jams 避免交通堵塞;be/get stuck in 被困在;knock into/against 撞上;pay a fine 支付罚款;run over 碾压,快速阅读【经典句式】1. Personally, I prefer the tour along the Yangtze River, the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese civilization.1从个人角度来说,我更愿意(推荐)“长江之旅”,长江是中国最长的河流,是中华文明的发源地之一。
1. 学校生活:学校、课程、图书馆、实验室、操场、老师、同学、作业、考试等。
2. 家庭生活:家庭、父母、兄弟姐妹、家事、家务、节日等。
3. 兴趣爱好:音乐、电影、运动、游戏、阅读、旅游等。
4. 健康饮食:食物、饮料、营养、健康饮食等。
5. 环境保护:自然环境、污染、节约能源、可持续发展等。
6. 社交交往:朋友、人际关系、交流、礼貌等。
7. 交通出行:交通工具、交通规则、出行路线等。
8. 科学技术:计算机、手机、互联网、人工智能等。
9. 旅游观光:旅游景点、酒店、旅行社等。
10. 文化传统:节日、习俗、传统艺术等。
1. 疫情防控:
2. 环保与气候变化:
3. 科技与创新:
- 5G技术、物联网
4. 社会公正与平等:
5. 经济与金融:
6. 健康与生活方式:
7. 文化与娱乐:
8. 教育与远程学习:
9. 政治与国际事务:
10. 人工智能与未来科技:
高考英语书面表达总复习46个话题常用词汇及经典范文1.话题: 朋友/友谊常用词汇:get to know sb.认识某人know sb.really well 熟知某人make friends with sb.和某人交朋友 a strong personality 一个很强的个性personal matters 隐私friendship 友谊friendly 友好的 a close friend 一个亲密的朋友trust each other 相互信任precious 珍贵的worthy 有价值的understanding 通情达理的share…with sb.与……分享…… be loyal to 对……忠诚keep in touch with sb.与……保持联系keep company with sb.和……结交stay best friends with sb.和……保持很好的友谊范例:Ladies and gentlemen,It’s my honor to stand here and say something about friendship.First, I think everyone needs friends and is eager to get friendship.When you are happy, you can share your happiness with your friends and when you are sad, you can complain to your friends.If you are arrogant, your friends can persuade you and they can make you confident and brave when you are discouraged.Second, as we all know, friendship is valuable.It can touch your heart and give you hope.Many people are proud of having a good friend.We must cherish our friends when we are happy with our friends.We should try our best to protect the friendship from being hurt.We will meet a lot of friends in our life.We should find the people who can understand us and share not only happiness but also sadness.When you lose it, both you and your friend will feel very sorrowful.So you can’t give up those friends, please don’t forget to keep in touch with your old friends, because staying with old friends is cherishable.Finally, just as an old saying goes, love comes and goes but friendship stays.It’s sweet and poetic, full of tears, hopes and happiness. So let’s cherish friendship!That’s all.Thank you for listening.2.话题:语言学习常用词汇:words and expressions 生词和习惯用语vocabulary词汇量spelling拼写pronunciation发音custom习俗idiom习语stress强调intonation语调list 列表recite背诵learning学习approach方法revision复习discuss讨论discussion讨论game比赛,游戏group组team work合作make notes做笔记attend a lecture参加讲座life-long learning终生学习communicate with交流teach oneself自学pick up习得take a course上课make preparations做准备make full use of 充分利用refer to a dictionary查字典keep a diary记日记consult an expert 咨询专家范例:Dear Peter,I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how to learn Chinese well. Here are a few suggestions.First, it is important to take a Chinese Course, as you’ll be able to learn from teachers and practice with your fellow students. Then, it also helps towatch TV and read books, newspapers and magazines in Chinese whenever possible. Besides, it should be a good idea to learn and sing Chinese songs, because by doing so you’ll learn and remember Chinese words more easily. You can also make more Chinese friends.They will tell you a lot about China and help you learn Chinese.Try and write me in Chinese next time.Best wishes,Li Hua3.话题:旅游常用词汇: Tour旅行,观光view 风景,视野travel/trip/visit 旅游tourist 游客tourism 旅游业scenery风景board 上/船、飞机等sightseeing 观光adventure冒险attractive 有吸引力的hiking远足local当地的luggage 行李souvenir 纪念品traveler 旅行者voyage 航行visa签证go on a tour去旅行tourism wave 旅游热tourist attractions 旅游景点 a busy/low season for tourism 旅游旺/淡季make a holiday trip 度假旅行places of interest 名胜范例:TourismTourism is now becoming a booming industry in many countries.It is obvious that it leads to the development of hotels and shopping facilities, and this creates jobs for the local people—jobs which would not otherwise exist.Since visitors are especially fond of examples of local crafts, a number of new industries tend to be developed to meet this demand.Still, the arrival of visitors always leads to improvements in ports, airports and roads.Local people then benefit from these improvements themselves, and meanwhile, the amusement parks, zoos and other amenities(文娱方便设施) gradually develop to attract more and more tourists.With the frequent contact between people from different places, science is bound to be promoted, possibly leading to the better understanding of people all over the world.4.话题:自然灾害常用词汇:earthquake 地震drought 干旱flood 洪水typhoon 台风hurricane 飓风mudslide/landslide 泥石流storm 风暴snow storm 暴风雪disaster 灾难catastrophe 大灾难extreme weather 极端天气hit/strike袭击happen/occur发生damage破坏warn警告forecast/predict 预报deaths 死亡人数lost 失踪injured受伤trapped 被困an economic loss of 经济损失donate money to the disaster-hit area 向受灾地区捐钱to be a volunteer 做志愿者One in trouble, all to help! 一方有难,八方支援the rescue work 援救工作范例:On August 7, 2010, a powerful mudslide hit Zhouqu, south of Gansu, causing one death, with 3 people lost and 166 towns trapped.It is reported that the flood has been the worst in the past 10 years. As is estimated , the mudslide has caused an economic loss of more than 3 million yuan. Fortunately ,thousands of soldiers are sparing no efforts in the rescue work. What’s more , people all over the country donate money to the disaster-hit area or become a volunteer with the faith that one in trouble, all to help.5.话题:伟人常用词汇:great 伟大的famous著名的success成功leader领导hard-working努力工作society社会effort努力determination决心devotion奉献ambition野心,雄心devote oneself to投身于be born in出身于attend school上学finish school毕业graduate from毕业be optimistic about对……乐观overcome barriers in life克服生活坎坷play an important role in在……中扮演重要角色take an active part in积极参与lead/live an active and meaningful life过着积极有意义的生活show great interest in对……有极大的兴趣take sth. seriously认真对待attach great importance/significance to非常重视pay attention to注重be a success in 在……的成功者under the guidance of 在……的指导下范例:Premier Zhou EnlaiZhou Enlai was born in Huai’an, Jiangsu, on March 5, 1898.In 1917, he finished school in Nankai Middle School, and then went to France to learn Marxist theory.In 1922, he joined the Chinese Communist Party. After that , he was active in his work and directed the Party work in Shanghai.He led the famous uprising—Nanchang Uprising on August 1st, 1927.Then he took part in the Long March.From 1937 to 1945, he worked in South China.After the People’s Republic of China was founded, he was elected Premier of China.He put all his heart into the work and always worked until midnight.He had no time to think about himself, but only the Chinese people.Premier Zhou died on January 8th, 1976.The whole nation was in deep sorrow at his death for he was loved by all the people.Our beloved Premier Zhou will always be alive in our Chinese people’s hearts. He was a great Marxist and communist.6.话题:文化遗产常用词汇:culture文化cultural relics文化遗产ruins废墟value价值valuable贵重的worth值得design设计favorite特别受喜爱的historic有历史意义的holy神圣的memorable难忘的mountainous 多山的primitive原始的remote遥远的sacred神圣的spectacular壮丽的wonderful美妙的belong to属于survive幸存date back to/from追溯到has a history of 有……的历史protect…from…保护…… the past civilization 过去的文明one of the wonders 奇迹之一historic relics 历史遗产tourist attraction 旅游热点范例:The Great WallThe Great Wall, which runs across North China like a huge dragon, is the longest wall on the earth.It’s actually over 6,000 kilometers long now.It’s one of the wonders in the world.The Great Wall has a history of more than 2000 years.The first part was built during the Spring and Autumn Period.All the walls were joined up in Qin Dynasty.It was verydifficult to build such a long wall without any modern machines.All the work was done by hand.Thousands of people died while building the wall.Thus the Great Wall came into existence.Since then, it has been rebuilt and repaired many times.Now the Great Wall, the admiration of the world, has taken on a new look.It’s visited by large numbers of people from all parts of the country and the world.7.话题:体育常用词汇:sports activity 体育活动athlete 运动员sports programs 体育节目physical fitness 身体健康compete 比赛,竞争competition 竞赛competitor 竞争者host主办medal 奖章stadium 体育场the Olympic Games 奥运会the Summer Olympics 夏季奥运会the Winter Olympics 冬季奥运会motto 座右铭,格言take part in 参加stand for 代表sponsor 赞助tournament 锦标赛bid 投标范例:Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century.The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 Games.The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932.Women were not allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting until 1968.As an Olympic event, shooting has been developing steadily, with only three events at the 1896 Olympic Games but 17 today.8.话题:现代技术常用词汇:Science and technology 科学技术computer电脑Internet网络computer games 电脑游戏email 电子邮件information信息message消息screen屏幕mouse鼠标apply应用application应用invent 发明invention发明electronic电子的laptop手提电脑equipment设备equip…with 装备software软件data数据database数据库robot机器人satellite 卫星battery 电池chip芯片digital 数据的fax 传真portable手提的engineer工程师update更新download下载net网network 网络系统virus病毒access进入scan浏览store sound and picture digitally自动贮存声音和图片deal with处理the latest version of the software最新版的软件surf the Internet上网shop on line 网上购物范例:The Advantages and Disadvantages of the InternetThe following aspects could best illustrate the advantages of the Internet. Net surfers (网上冲浪者) in different countries can share interesting knowledge and the latest information. Besides, The Internet has provided a major opportunity to buy and sell merchandise (商品).What is more, people may get medical help or even vote on the Internet .Its advantages seem countless.Behind all this glowing talk, however, are some problems. Internet makes people passive by stopping them making their own entertainment. So much that when there is a breakdown or jam, people may find that World Wide Web turns into World Wide Wait. What is worse, some children have access to the scenes of violence and sex. Apart from these, it can be affected by viruses(病毒) and hackers (黑客).We should handle its problems, meanwhile we should exploit its potential aswell .With proper management of Internet people ought to experience more fruits of the information revolution. All the wisdom of the ages, all the information that has enlightened mankind for centuries, should be available to us with the healthy development of the Internet.9.话题:野生动物保护常用词汇:wildlife 野生动物protect保护protection 保护performance表演feed 喂养preserve保护rare 稀有的settle定居existence生存ecosystem 生态系统creature动物,人habitat栖息地species物种trap 陷阱conservation 保护endangered 濒危的survive 幸存plain平原dinosaur恐龙evolution 进化jungle丛林disturb the wildlife’s natural habitat 扰乱野生动物的自然栖息地preserve the existing woodlands 保护现存的林地endangered species 濒危物种be of great importance to 对……具有重要意义范例:(2009年广东题:读写任务)The passage narrates that koalas who are repeatedly awoken from their deep sleep are unhappy and complaining for tourists taking photos. The author appeals to us to be more kind to animals.The reasons why tourists like taking photos of the animals in the zoo perhaps vary from people to people. Some think it a happy reminder of their visit to the zoo or the animals, while others may consider it just sort of fun to have. But anyway they may not share the deep feelings of the animals.If I were in the same position as the animal in the zoo, my reaction would be very severe strongly against being photographed. Not having peaceful surroundings to sleep, don’t you suffer restless and fidgets? No doubt we do and so do the animals.I think it necessary to ban tourists’ taking pictures with animals, making a comfortable environment for them to live and regarding them as our friends, so as to establish harmonious relations with animals.10话题:文娱常用词汇:popular (pop) music 流行音乐folk music民族音乐Rock Music 摇滚音乐fans 乐/影迷tune 曲调song 歌曲rhythm 节奏melody 旋律instrument 乐器classical 古典的beautiful美妙的exotic异国情调的New Age 新世纪音乐play the guitar 弹吉他see musicals 看音乐剧soap opera肥皂剧science fiction film 科幻片see an opera/go to the opera 看歌剧join clubs加入俱乐部yoga 瑜珈have dances on weekends参加周末舞会have a picnic over the weekend 周末去野餐范例:Pop Music and Folk MusicNo one can avoid being influenced by pop music. Even little child imitate pop singers.Many people feel pop music is lighter and easier to understand than folk music. Even some intellectuals have no interest in folk music.However, a lot of folk music is characterized by soft and sweet melody. Listening to it makes us proud of our country, builds hope for the future and encourages us to work harder for the common good. Mostpop songs, on the other hand, praise love and life styles which are beyond our reach, and they only concentrate on enriching our leisure life.As a middle school student, I want to know more about traditional music. When I turn on the radio or TV, I am overwhelmed by pop songs. I hardly hear any folk songs. I need a mixture of art, literature and pop music.11.话题:节假日活动常用词汇:celebrate庆祝celebration 庆祝custom 风俗origin 起源performance 表演festival 节日nowadays现在particular 特定的treat 款待wedding婚礼merry 高兴的occasion 场合lantern 灯笼reception 接待congratulate 道贺congratulation祝贺ceremony 典礼,仪式invitation邀请fireworks烟花harvest 收获recreation 娱乐方式religion宗教celebrate an anniversary 庆祝周年纪念an event of importance具有重要意义的事件attend a ceremony 出席一个仪式 a display of fireworks 烟火表演on special occasions 在特殊场合get-together 聚会in memory of 纪念……范例:Dragon Boat FestivalDuanwu Festival is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar.It is also known as the Double Fifth.It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well. In the West, it’s commonly known as Dragon Boat Festival.The exact origins of Duanwu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan (340BC~278BC) of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption(腐败) of the Chu government.The local people, knowing him to be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fish so they would not eat Qu’s body.They also sat on long, narrow paddle boats called dragon boats, and tried to scare the fish away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking carved dragon head on the boat’s prow(船头).Today, people eat bamboo—wrapped steamed glutinous rice dumplings called zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fish) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu’s dramatic death.12.话题:饮食常用词汇:physical and mental condition 身体与精神状态strong 强壮的un/healthy 不健康/健康的overweight/fat 肥胖的thin 瘦的near/short-sighted 近视的mentally unhealthy 精神不健全的normal 正常的abnormal 不正常的energetic 精力旺盛的unhealthy eating habit 不健康的饮食习惯eat much junk food 吃太多的垃圾食品stay/keep healthy/fit 保持健康build up one’s body/improve ones health 强身健体enough sleep 充足的睡眠take regular exercise 进行有规律的运动proper diet 合理的饮食good living habits 良好的生活习惯lose weight 减肥remove heavy burdens 减轻负担be good for/do good to 对……有益处nutrition 营养go on a diet 节食form a…eating habit 养成一个……的饮食习惯breathe in as much fresh air as you can 尽你所能呼吸多一些新鲜空气范例:No Breakfast No GoodNow a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast .But not having breakfast will do harm to their health and their study.Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion. As a result, it will do harm to our health. And at our age it is high time for us to grow up. So our bodies are in great need of energy. If we don’t have breakfast, there will be not enough energy to supply. This may stunt(阻碍) our growth.What’s more, it is a long period between breakfast and lunch. Breakfast provides us with the energy needed for the class. Without breakfast we cannot get along well with our classes. So for the sake of our health and our study, we must have breakfast.13.话题:文学—价值观常用词汇:honest 诚实的honesty 诚实selfish 自私的polite 有礼貌的cultivated 有教养的warm-hearted 热心的hardworking 勤劳的reliable 可靠的responsible有责任心的unselfish 无私的value 价值valuable 有价值的mental 精神上的material 物质上的treat 对待,看待character性格positive 肯定的active 积极的brave 勇敢的bravery 勇敢community 社区virtue 美德patience耐心to seek one’s fortune 追求财富have a right attitude towards…对……持正确的态度范例: (2010年广东高考读写任务题)The passage mainly tells us that parents give money to their children so that they can show up or get good grades recently by the way of taking the example of Ethan and his mother.Ethan’s mother failed to stop Ethan watching TV by rewarding him with cash. This kind of action is common, and even become a trend, which is concerned by many adults.Form where I stand, I am not in favor of encouraging kids with cash just because they have got good marks.My parents used to encourage me like this. Whenever I made progress in my studies, they bought me my favorite books, which not only made me motivated to learn, but also helped me get along well with my studies.To get kids motivated to learn, I think we should not treat every child in the same way. To some students, oral praise is essential. Don’t save the praise for only the top score. If possible, involve other adults in praising them. However, this method may not work well with other kids. Maybe what is more important to them is to watch a movie or go on a trip together with their parents.It just depends.14.话题:科普知识常用词汇:science 科学scientist 科学家technology 技术engineer 工程师astronaut宇航员astronomer 天文学家breakthrough突破project项目capsule太空舱manned spaceship/spacecraft载人飞船space shuttle航天飞机unmanned spaceship/spacecraft无人飞船circling themoon绕月landing on the moon登月return to Earth返回地球weather satellite气象卫星communication satellite通信卫星carry out scientific experiments开展科学实验、with all the information available 有所有的可用信息invent a folding wheel 发明可折叠的轮have access to space travel能到太空旅游apply basic technology to daily life 将基础科技运用到日常生活中范例:Is there life on Mars? We don‘t know.Can we land on Mars? It all depends on the development of science and technology.Man has known a little about Mars. There is almost no oxygen on Mars.It might be about 50 degrees above zero at noon and 100 degrees below zero at night, which prevents us from living there.Now that Mars are quite different from our earth, if we are to go to Mars one day, we should have to take along our own oxygen, food and clothing.But it is certain that with the development of science man will land on Mars in time.15.话题:地理常用词汇:position 位置size面积direction 方向population人口locate位于be located in 位于… history历史tradition传统custom习俗border边境distance 距离continent 大洲scenery风景official languag官方语言settle down 定居heritage遗产be deeply rooted in 深受……的影响be surrounded by 被……包围介绍地点常用句型:1.be situated, be located, lies, stands2.has a history of, date back to/from, with a long history of3.has an area of, cover an area of, with an area of4.has a population of, the population is, with a population of5.develop rapidly, change greatly, with the development of范例:Dear Bob,It’s very kind of you to write me and let me know about your beautiful city. Now I’d like to tell you something about my hometown Jiang cheng.My hometown Jiangcheng, standing on the bank of the Changjiang River, is a beautiful place for people to live in.As its economy has been developing rapidly in the past ten years, not only have new factories, houses and roads been built, but more schools and hospitals are also available for its people.However, there are still some problems, such as water and air pollution and heavy traffic in rush hours.In my opinion, Jiangcheng should develop its economy scientifically.For the sake of our having a better hometown in future, I would also think that the growth of its population should be brought under control.Yours,Xiaohua16.话题:个人情况—妇女的成就常用词汇:female 女性的achievement成就outspoken 直率的considerate 体贴的modest谦虚的attractive 吸引人的beautiful 漂亮的charming 迷人的confident自信的energetic 精力充沛的active 主动的worthwhile 值得的specialist 专家scientist 科学家respect 尊重look down upon 看不起be determined to do 决心做…… devote…to… 献身于…… second to none首屈一指lead a…life 过着……的生活be considered/regarded as 被认为是…… be aware of 意识到pursuit追求be concerned about 关心……范例:Helen KellerEvery time I read “…if I had the power of sight for three days”, I cannot help being moved by its author Helen Keller, an ordinary but great American woman.I admire Helen because she is optimistic about life. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. Since then she lived in a world of darkness and silence, and communication seemed only a dream for her. But she never gave up and struggled to lead an active life. Under the guidance of her teacher, Ms Sulliven, Helen learned to read and write and became a famous writer. For a disabled person like her, this was really a wonder.Helen has set an excellent example to all of us. Her story tells us that we should value what we have, and try our best to overcome any difficulty in life.17.话题:农业—劳动常用词汇:agriculture 农业agricultural农业的harvest 丰收yield 产量work工作be at work在工作work hard努力工作produce生产labor force劳动力labor劳动voluntary labor义务劳动serve the people为人民服务heart and soul全心全意physical labor体力劳动mental labor脑力劳动labor viewpoint劳动观念Labor Day劳动节workday工作日means of labor劳动方式honorable光荣的be devoted to奉献于…… value价值earn money赚钱personal interests个人利益范例:The Importance of AgricultureAgriculture is the foundation of the national economy. It is known that man has to eat before he can do anything.Without grain production, the developing of industry and the advance in science and technology would not be guaranteed.If food shortage occurs, a country will be faced with famine and social panic, to say nothing of its effect on the economy.Special emphasis, therefore, is laid on agriculture in the developing countries.In these countries, priority is given to production of farm machines and fertilizer. Great efforts are made to teach farmers the methods of scientific farming.These wise policies are beginning to bring about an increase in grain output.However, many developing countries are still confronted with agricultural problems, such as the overworked soil, low productivity, lack of labor force, and so on.Therefore, positive steps should be taken as soon as possible to solve these problems.18.话题:文学常用词汇:literature 文学novel 小说novelist 小说家classical 经典的author 作者review 回顾idiom 习语poem 诗poet 诗人skilled熟练的skillful熟练的translate翻译speech发言pronounce 发音bestseller 畅销书describe 描述description 描写letter 文字symbol 象征biography 自传comedy 喜剧tragedy悲剧fiction 小说line 台词phrase短语plot 情节recite 背诵tale故事,传说theme 主题entertaining 娱乐的amusing 逗人发笑的a literary masterpiece文学巨著 a learned novelist一位博学的小说家a best-selling author 畅销书作家be popular with 受欢迎star in 主演范例:Charlie Chaplin, born in a poor family in 1889, succeeded in making a sad situation humorous. With great determination to overcome all difficulties, he finally became an outstanding performer remembered by people. Chaplin starred in many humorous films, such as The Gold Rush and Modern Times, which are still loved among people today. He astonished people with his particular form of acting. All in all, Chaplin devoted all his life to filmmaking and made a great contribution to it.19.话题:日常活动常用词汇:gesture手势express 表达feelings感情communicate with 交流facial expression 面部表情angry生气的represent代表at ease舒适show respect to对……表示尊敬look down upon 看不起misunderstanding 误会lose face丢脸cultural gap 文化差异body language身体语言impress 留下印象impression印象tradition传统on special occasions 在特殊场合serve 招待ceremony 典礼celebrate 庆祝congratulate 祝贺make a face 做鬼脸keep in mind 记住……ignore the tradition 忽视传统go wrong 错了范例:I Want to SmileThere are many advantages of smiling .It can not only make us happy, but also please others.If we smile at life, life will smile on us in return.So I want to smile at all whenever and wherever possible.First , I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and take all the trouble to bring me up.They arrange almost everything for me.With their help, I have made great progress.I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a smile. Then my smile should go to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.In a word , let’s greet every day with a smile.Tomorrow is another day.20.话题:文化与娱乐常用词汇:entertainment 娱乐entertaining 娱乐的amuse 使娱乐amusing 令人高兴的amusement娱乐opera 戏剧delighted高兴的humor 幽默humorous幽默的sense 感觉imaginary 想象的inspiration 灵感romantic 浪漫的realistic 现实的instructive 有教育意义的moving/touching 感人的theme 主题unique独一无二的take delight in 对……兴致勃勃 a sense of humor幽默感look with amusement饶有兴趣地看着 a focus of attention 关注的焦点a theme park 主题公园范例:The CCTV Spring Festival Gala has lost its attraction to some extent.However,there are still lots of people who are fond of watching it since it provides a chance for family gathering, making people less homesick.The CCTV Spring Festival Gala, also known as Chunwan, has been one of the most watched and favorable programs in mainland China.Almost all the people around me have the experience of watching Chunwan with their family members.There is no denying that Chunwan has brought not only plenty of fun to people but also, served as a platform for many artists, who soon rise to fame after their appearance in Chunwan.From my point of view, Chunwan is an indispensable activity in the New Year’s celebration of my family. For one thing , Chunwan is elaborately designed with a number of wonderful performances like the Thousand Hands Buddist, which leave us audience a deep impression. For another , watching Chunwan with relatives is the most enjoyable thing in the New Year’s Eve and nothing can be compared with such great fun.21.话题:科学家常用词汇:science 科学scientist 科学家scientific 科学的challenge 挑战expert 专家specialist专家determination 决心perseverance 恒心self-confidence 自信hardworking 勤奋的modest 谦虚的put forward 提出draw a conclusion得出结论contribute to 有助于be enthusiastic about 对……热情be fond of 喜爱feel like 想be crazy about 对……入迷be strict with 对……严格be exposed to 接触……be born in 出生于graduate from 毕业于make a contribution to 对……做出贡献devote oneself to 奉献于take an active part in 积极参与……be cautious about 对……小心谨慎范例:Qian Xuesen was born in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou on December 11, 1911.He is a scientist who was a major figure in the missile and space programs of both the United States and the People’s Republic of China. He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 1934 and in the August of 1935 Qian Xuesen left China to study at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.He went to work as head of the Chinese missile program immediately upon his arrival in China.By 1958 he had finalized (使最终完成) the plans of the Dongfeng missile which was first successfully launched in 1964 just prior to China’s first successful nuclear weapons test.His program was also responsible for the development of the widespread Silkworm missile.He also contributed a lot to China’s Higher Education.In his late years, since the 1980s, he devoted himself to scientific investigation of traditional Chinese medicine.He died on 31 October, 2009.22.话题:历史与地理常用词汇:province 省countryside 乡下island 岛屿consist of 由……组成be made up of 由……组成be divided into 分成break away from 脱离furnish为……提供家具furniture家具historic有历史意义的history 历史locate使……坐落于location位置size 尺寸square kilometers 平方公里position位置direction 方向population 人口ancestor 祖先beach 海滩coast海岸port港口canal 运河strait海峡dynasty 王朝at a distance of 在……的距离has a history of有……的历史with apopulation of 有……的人口范例:T aiwan Island, the largest island in China, lies west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea on the north and the South Sea surrounding its southwest.Taiwan covers a total area of about 46,000 square kilometers with a population of over 20,000,000.It’s a place abundant in natural resources and bananas, rice, tea and other agricultural products are well-known both at home and abroad.The scenery is so beautiful and the climate is so pleasant that tourists come in large numbers for a visit from all over the world.Alishan National Scenic Area, lying in the northeast of Jiayi county on Taiwan Island, is one of the eleven scenic areas, which attracts thousands of tourists from home and abroad for sightseeing every year.23.话题:计划与愿望常用词汇:future未来plan计划prepare 准备wish 希望coming 到来next下一个oncoming 即将来临的tomorrow明天in the future 在未来make preparations for 为……做准备previous先前的in no time立即right away马上in time 及时with the hope/aim of 带着……的希望/目的face future面对未来 a promising future 光明的未来create a bright future with one’s own hands 用自己的双手去创造光明的未来范例:New Socialist Countryside in the FutureWith the efforts and support from the government in many aspects, a new socialist countryside will appear in China.There will be more new farmers with the basic knowledge of science and technology. With the help of scientists, farmers will use the latest technologies to increase agricultural production without harming the environment. As a result, the annual income of the farmers will be increased and their housing conditions will be improved as well and people in the new countryside will enjoy a clean, tidy and beautiful environment. Besides, the government will provide free compulsory education for kids and also perfect medical care system for farmers.24.话题:招聘与求职常用词汇:employ 雇佣look for 寻找take in 吸纳full-time 全职的part-time 兼职的well-paid 薪水高的be paid by the hour 按小时发工资requirement 要求resume 个人履历schooling 受教育情况subjects 课程working experience 工作经历qualification 合格证明transcript 成绩单health 健康状况present address 现在通讯地址apply for 申请……graduate from 毕业于major in 以……为专业degree学位scholarship 奖学金good grades 良好的成绩hobby 爱好favorite 最喜欢的be skilled in 在……方面熟练be good at 擅长……experienced 有经验的confident 自信的English and computer ability 英语和计算机能力healthy 健康的范例:A foreign trade company in Shenzhen is looking for two English interpreters who must not only have undergraduate diploma but also be able to speak English fluently. Besides, preference will be given to those who have foreign trade work experience. If you think you are suitable for the job, please remember to sign up at and the deadline for your signing up is May,1st. And don’t forget to come for the interview at the recruitment。
常用热点话题词汇总结热点话题一:环境保护基本词汇pollute(污染);cut down trees(砍伐树木);waste water(废水);throw rubbish around(乱扔垃圾);protect the surroundings(保护周边环境);protect rare animals(保护稀有动物);improve the environment(改善环境);save energy(节省能源)亮点词汇do great harm to(给……带来很大危害)preserve/protect the ecological environment 保护生态环境raise people’s awareness of environment protection 提高人们的环保意识care for trees and plants 爱护树木花草ride bicycles to work 骑自行车上班recycle textbooks/trash 课本/垃圾回收利用take public transport 乘坐公共交通deal with rubbish properly 正确处理垃圾save energy/water 节约能源/水don’t litter/spit everywhere 不随地扔垃圾/吐痰sort the garbage 分类垃圾ban abusing plastic bags 禁止滥用塑料袋ban smoking in public places 禁止在公共场合吸烟热点话题二和谐社会基本词汇harmonious(和谐的);honest(诚实的);credible (可信的);balanced(平衡的);social order(社会秩序);peaceful(和平的);sustainable development(可持续发展);help each other(互助);care for each other(互相关心);have a liking for (喜爱);build(创建);cherish(珍惜); public morals(社会道德)亮点词汇devote to(献身);be public\|spirited(有公德心的);be concerned with (关心);live in harmony(和谐共处)热点话题三现代技术基本词汇computer电脑 ; machine机器software软件; technique技术,技巧,技能equipment设备 ; science科学,自然科学experiment实验 ; research研究,调查project工程,项目 ; Internet因特网analyze分析 ; conclude总结create创造 ; explore探索measure测量 ; reflect反射,反应search搜索 ; observe观察update更新,使现代化 ; simplify使简化accurate精确地 ; digital数字化的亮点词汇realize one’s dream实现某人的梦想have access to\be accessible能使用come true实现,成为现实be related\linked to与…有关联advanced science and technology先进的科学技术catch up with the advanced world levels赶上世界先进水平make a great difference有很大影响,有很大作用play an important role in在…起重要的作用make it possible for life to develop使得生命发展成为可能with the rapid development of science and technology随着科技的迅速发展热点话题四语言学习基本词汇accumulate v. 积累,积聚approach n. 方法;途径base n. 基础 v. 以......为基础confuse v. 使迷惑;使混淆 ; consistent adj. 一致的distinguish v. 辨别 explain vt. 解释,说明explanation n. 解释,说明explicit adj. 清楚明白的,易于理解的expression n. 词语,表达;表情fluent adj. 流利的,流畅的grammar n. 语法; improve v. 提高master vt. 精通,掌握 ; overcome v. 克服,解决pronounce v. 发音 ; standard n.&adj. 标准(的)review vt. 重新调查;回顾;复习 n. 复查,复习,评论revision n. 复习,温习; shortcoming n. 缺点,短处specific adj. 明确的,具体的,独特的vocabulary n. 词汇,词汇表亮点词汇bear (sth) in mind 记住(某事)enlarge one’s vocabulary 扩大词汇量express oneself in English fluently 用英语流利地表达思想form a habit 养成习惯give sb some advice on how to learn English 给某人就如何学英语提出一些建议have a good command of sth 精通......have a good knowledge of English 精通英语insist on 坚持improve writting skills 提高写作能力learn...by heart 用心记......take part in the English corner 参加英语角热点话题五热点话题基本词汇absorb v.吸收;吸引……的注意 activity n.活动;活跃admirer n.钦佩者;仰慕者 attitude n.态度;看法celebrity n.名人 circulate v.传播evolution n.进化;演变everincreasingadj.不断增长的firstrateadj.第一流的,最上等的irresponsible adj.不负责任的;不可靠的mental adj.心理的;精神的moral adj.道德的;精神上的 negative adj.消极的;否定的observe vt.观察;注意到;遵守 phenomenon n.现象psychological adj.心理的;心理学的urgent adj.紧急的;急迫的warmhearted adj.热忱的,热心肠的wellreceivedadj.受到欢迎的亮点词汇adapt to适应于……be aware of意识到be classified as...被归类为……be devoted to专心于,献身于be ignorant of对……不知道,不了解broaden one’s horizon拓宽视野in favor of有利于;支持,赞同run into trouble陷入困境之中release the pressure释放压力result in导致control the population growth 控制人口增长lower the rate of teenage crime 降低青少年犯罪smart phone 智能手机deepen reform 深化改革the Scientific Outlook on Development 科学发展观follow the path of socialism with Chinese Characteristics 走中国特色社会主义道路we cannot ignore the fact that 无法忽视这一事实there is no denying the fact that 不可否认there is no doubt that; undoubtedly 毫无疑问。
合适preferable/fitting精美delicate/elaborate美好admirable/breathtaking杰出distinguished/prominent著名notable/distinguished聪明wise/sensible重要principal/major基本elementary/fundamental/不足insufficient/scarce充足sufficient/adequate过多excessive特殊unique/distinctive相似equivalent无效invalid有效competent成功achievement/attainment财产property/fortune优点merit/virtue缺点defect/flaw发展evolution/progress普及popularization/prevalence出现emergence情况circumstance/condition原因causation影响infection提供supply思考speculate建议proposal/advice吸引tempt/lure体现reveal/indicate说明demonstrate/illustrate暗示imply/insinuate产生generate/engender停止cease赞同approve明显markedly/visibly最后ultimately普通typical/ordinary坚持stick/adhere忽视ignore/neglect精确precise指责condemn名声prestige/reputation减轻relieve/alleviate扩大enlarge/magnify复杂complex/intricate赞扬compliment勤奋assiduous/diligent脆弱fragile/vulnerable大massive/enormous毁坏ruin/devastate惊startle热情enthusiasm安静tranquil/serene贵costly烦累tedious/tiresome尊重esteem担心fret危险hazardous颇fairly领域domain全部entire艰难formidable变化convert小心cautious能力capability使用utilize怀疑的skeptical愤怒enraged吸引人的appealing/absorbing多样diverse迅速rapid除了despite最好optimal 难以置信inconceivable方法approach古老ancient可行feasible易混词1dissemble/disassemble假装/分开2luminous/numinous发光/超自然3hospital/hostile/hospitable医院/有敌意的/好客的4livlihood/likelihood生计/可能5economic/economical经济的/节约的6historic/historical/histrionic有历史意义的/历史上的/戏剧化的7delicate/dedicate精致的,脆弱的/贡献8industrial/industrious工业的/勤劳的9complacent/complaisant自满/殷勤10graceful/gracious优雅/有礼貌11considerate/considerable周到的/巨大的12respectful/respectable/respective尊重他人的/可敬的/分别的13alternative/alternate替代/轮流14proceed/precede前进/在……之前15contact/contract/contrast接触/合同,收缩/对比16attribute/contribute/distribute归功于/贡献/分发17mediate/medicate/meditate调解/药物治疗/沉思18fragrant/flagrant芳香/恶臭19distinct/distinctive有区别的,显著的/与众不同的20comprehensible/comprehensive容易理解的/广泛综合的21comparable/compatible相同/协调22effective/efficient有效果/有效率23dicrete/discreet分离/小心谨慎24attitude/latitude/longitude/altitude/gratitud态度/纬度/经度/海拔/感谢Vocabulary→Topic Words话题词汇⒈Education教育类1The quality of education as a whole would be raised.2thirst⁄yearn for more knowledge and skills.3provide wide-ranging subjects receive a well-rounded education4enlarge⁄expand the scope⁄range of knowledge5keep pace with the latest developments in the academic fieldkeep in touch with the best fruits of the scholarship in the world6academic knowledge theoretical knowledgeShould not be either too academic nor too theoretical9cannot directly applied to the tasks of the modern⁄real life10gain⁄obtain⁄acquire/the acquisition of practical skills11equipt student with our ancestors’experiencegain invaluable grassroots/fundamental experiencereach the balance of academic and practical activities12stimulate⁄activate the power to think furtherencourage student to have their own ideas13form and voice original opinions14adopt an efficient methodswitch to a more suitable method16intensely academic atmospherethe cozy and liberal environment in the classteach educate nurture…..19independence:Cultivate the sense of independenceFoster the capacity to lead independent lives as individualsTrain them to adapt to a new environment20come up with their own solutions to problemsFace life’s challenges aloneBe a better pilot of one’s life21cultivate a healthy inner worldShape their personalitiesAttach more importance to the sound progress of student’s psychological abilityAttach more emphasis on the sound progress of student’s psychological abilityBe beneficial for/be contributory to the shaping of healthy psychologyDevelop healthy values and points of view towards other people and towards the world22stress pressure strainUnload the emotional baggagebear stand up to put up with endurance relieve reduce manageHandle various unexpected situation in later life23be in possession of adequate expertiseProfessional commitmentUpright conductCompetent mental condition1)培养(某种素质)cultivate/foster/nurture(vts)促进学生身心发展promote the student's physical,mental(或者用intellectual)and emotional development心理健康psychological soundness/well-being/welfare(nouns)学习能力(先天就有的)aptitude/ talent学习能力(后天学习到的)ability/skill学生接受的学校教育(名词)schooling(noun)儿童接受的家庭教育(名词)upbringing(noun)给学生以动力give the students motivation to do something或者motivate(vt)the student to do something青少年adolescents/youngsters/youths2)传授知识impart(vt)/inculcate(vt)knowledge灌输高尚的道德观念instill(vt)high moral values(注以values复数比试价值观)给学生以灵感stimulate the students; thought或者give the students inspiration家长教育子女的方式(名词)parenting/ upbringing教学法teaching methodology/pedagogical methodology适应(动词)adapt to do something/adjust oneself to do something/become accustomed to dosomething适应能力adaptability学生对老师所教授的知识的掌握students'grasp/command(nouns)of what has been taught就业技能employable/marketable skill3)限制创造力的发展extinguish(vt)/stifle(vt)/constrain(vt)creativity(noun)打击学生的积极性dampen/sap(vts)the students'enthusiasm或者frustrate the students产生不不要的压力beget/create undue pressure塑造某人的性格mould(BrE,vt)one'scharacter责任感a sense of obligation学生不应该只是被动的接收简单知识的容器student should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas.死记硬背learn thing by rote.4)记忆方程式,公式,定理,定律memorize equations,formulas,theorems andlaws(nouns)应用apply(vt)盲从follow something blindly/indiscriminately(adv)用填鸭式教学教育学生force-feed(vt)the students为了记忆而记忆memorize formemorization's own sake5)把学生分开教育(比如根据智力或者课堂上的表现)segregate(vt)students来自于其他同学的压力peer pressure逆境adverse circumstances/adversity团队精神teamspirit(noun)独立思考:think independently(adv)6)在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding鼓励学生用辨证的眼光看问题encourage students to think critically(adv)学生的反馈students'feedback或者students'input学生评价老师的教学students appraise/evaluate their teachers'performance7)学生学习的各门功课加在一起curriculum(noun)具体的一门课的内容syllabus课外活动extra-curricular activity学校是社会的缩影A school is society in miniature不遵守纪律(名词)indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(nouns)不遵守纪律的(形容词)学生disruptive/unruly students8)理论知识theoretical knowledge通才generalist专才specialist全面发展的well-rounded/versatile为社会健康发展做贡献contribute to societal well-being/welfare9)大学学科的分类可以分为:人文学科(包括文学,历史,语言学等)humanities社会科学(包括政治,经济,社会学等)social sciences艺术(包括音乐,雕塑等)arts文科的总称也可以称为liberal arts或者liberal studies理科(包括物理,化学,生物等)sciences工科(包括工程,自动化等)engineering大学里的任何一个学科都可以叫做一个discipline基础科学basic sciences应用科学applied sciences小学教育primary-level education中学教育secondary-level education大学教育tertiary-leveleducation职业教育vocational education/training青少年adolescents/youngsters/youths⒉Science and technology科技类1with the development of science and technologyContinuous popularizations and the extensive application of science and technologyThe advance of modern science and technology has always been accompanied by unfavorable consequences such as…2help reduce human sufferingMany technological developments during the last centuryThe20th century technological innovation enhance the overall standard of living and the comfort level3the advent of steel production and assembly-line manufacturingCreates countless job opportunitiesStimulate economic growthSupply a great number of innovation convince4computer-oriented eraplenty to boast when it comes to corporate management or computer literacyHelp free up our time by performing repetitive tasksAid in the designing of safer and more attractive buildings,bridges,vehiclesMake possible universal access to informationInnovation in medicine and medical technology from prostheses and organ transplants to vaccines and lasersOne of the harmful byproducts of industrial progressEnvironment contamination is gradually becoming a potential treat to public’s healthThe Internet breeds information overload/addiction/virtual property theftSteal our time and attention away from families,communities and coworkersRetreat from the world of reality to the world of virtual realityFeel an aversion to outside forms of socializingStart to feel as though we have become machines ourselves,taking data in and spitting them back out,just like another super link on the InternetReplace real human contacts with cyber interactionThe lack of self-disciplineInescapable consequenceUnavoidable consequenceThe shortage of sleepThe disorder of eatingPeople tend to crawl from bed to computer without any worries about their hair,faces,and clothesThe shortage of emotional cues given by typed dialoguesCreate misunderstanding or misinterpretation between people5bioThe cloning technologyCure some diseasesImprove genesThe moral uncertainty and chaosMorality ethics value systemExhausting physically and thrilling mentallyWar poverty violence famine an enduring problemStem from people’s nature such as greed and aggression,wrath and sloth(hatred stem from envy)10)尖端的技术cutting-edged(adj)technology信息爆炸information explosion/information overload信息时代the information age/the information era无联网被广泛的使用the proliferation of the Internet科技创新及发展technological innovations/inventions/advances/progressions(nouns)提高效率augment/enhance/boost(vts)efficiency提高生产效率augment/enhance/boost(vts)productivity减少人力的机器(计算机发明之前的技术)labor-saving machinery11)取代人力的机器labor-replacing machinery自动化automation(noun)/automated(adj)生物技术biotechnology克隆cloning(noun)clone(verb)远程通讯telecommunications(noun)太空探索(名词)space exploration人的基因构成one'sgenetic makeup/one's DNA programmingIn present-day society,technology is advancing/progressing by leaps and bounds in ahost of arenas.在当代,科技在在众多的领域告诉的发展.In this day and age,technology is transforming/revolutionizing the way we live,work,learn and play.在当代,科技正彻底的改变我们的生活,工作和学习的方式.Technology is like a two-edge sword—it has generated boons as well as banes to our lives.科技就像一把双刃剑,给我们的生活既带来了好处也带来了坏处.⒊mass media媒体类话题1an inalienable part of daily life2provide information and enjoyment3have access to accurate information4convey message to the public5no other approach can rival internet and television in the speed of information communication6offer effective and efficient interaction ways of message transmission7a major source of recreation8bring people joy,laughter and entertainment9refresh people’s minds and inspire the intelligences11human beings are emotional creaturesRequire care and love from family members12exchange ideas maintain an understanding and intimated relationship13be crammed with programs,video games and web site14feel no need to speak to othersReluctantly and impatiently throw one or two words back to thema sign of indifference16raise a communitive barrier17do harm to/weaken/fail/impair eyesight18shorten the attention span of young people and attenuate their patienceTake up children’s precious/limited time which could be otherwise spent on sports and assignments more valuable activities20the weak physical condition and the poor academic performance21advertisementsBe crammed with all kinds of commercials full of fake products/commodities22mislead misguide23present products as desirable/glamorous and sophisticated24exaggerate the merits of products while concealing the demerits25be tricked into buying what are not at all as what is advertised26a waste of time and money27portray people and their desires in a stereotyped way28present some distorted pictures of reality29not realize that the real life differs from the dreamily one that advertisement offer30lead people to follow the fashion blindly31mislead young people in choosing their lifestyle32be tempted by an unhealthy lifestyle33regulate the contents of commercials on a large scale34restrict advertisers by eliminating their unhealthy parts like pornographic or violent scenes35discipline the advertisers to present the true picture36serve as a deferent to deceitful and many thirsty business37adult-only programAdult-oriented information38violence brutality crueltyViolent brutal cruel39arouse the sadistic impulse and anti-social behavior40orignal-sins7deadly sinsGluttony sloth wrath greed envy pride lust41stimulate the fear of becoming victims of violence42discourage the sensitivity to violence and victims of violence43corrode the foundation of civilization44pornographySexual messages without references to the possible audiences such as young children.The safety of sex,the possible risk of sexThe responsibility of sex45blue seduce12)实事current affairs新闻界the press印刷媒体(如报纸,杂志)the print media报道新闻的机构news outlets电子媒体the electronic media无处不在的prevalent/ubiquitous/pervasive充斥着…be awash with/be inundated with/be saturated withsomething审查censor删除delete/eliminate/excise(vts)过多的暴力与色情内容excessive/gratuitous violent and pornographic contents13)有误导性的misleading/misrepresented/distorted诈骗性的fraudulent虚假的false/bogus报道非常详细的细节report something in graphic detail媒体炒作mediahype夸大事实exaggerate things/sensationalize things/blow things out of allproportion(最后一个口语化说法,但作文也可用)客观公正的objective and balanced揭露expose/reveal14)侵犯隐私violate/intrude on/infringe on/someone's privacy毁坏某人的名誉tarnish/sully/smear/besmirch one's reputation狗仔队paparazzi(复数名词,不能加s)名人a celebrity/celebrities(plural)丑闻scandals掩盖(丑闻或罪行等)cover up/gloss over/whitewash15)不客观的,不公正的biased/skewed/unobjective如实描写factual accounts可信的reliable/trustworthy/dependable及时的up-to-date/up-to-the-minute(后者比前者更及时)信息量大的informative娱乐性强的entertaining有新闻价值newsworthy道德准则code of ethic或者code of conductThe media are the most pervasive industries in today's world and they have profoundimpact on our lives.今天,媒体是传播最广泛的产业之一而且对我们的生活产生深远的影响.Since the advent of the information era,the media have assumed on increasingly pivotalrole in our lives.随着信息时代的到来,媒体正扮演着一种越来越重要的角色.⒌jobs and salary工作与薪水1wealth,possession,affluence,richness,a heavy purse2equate money with success4the working condition5getting alone well with one’s coworkers7the opportunity to balance professional and personal lives8derive a special personal fulfillment or pleasure from one’s job9the personal life can only be enjoyed adequately if there is enough time away from work/money earned at work place10a person who has to work night and day will not derive any pleasure from affluencebuilding→→traditional or modern⒍building1old buildings,aged/traditional/historic buildings,old homes and living quarters2modren constructions,modern concrete and steel3preseve historic buildings as a record of the past4the part of cultural heritage that gives an identity to a community5play a center role in cities history as a municipal constructure6serve as the home of a founding family7once destroyed leveled,and buried under thousands of tons of concrete and steel,the history they represent will be lost forever8lack any sort of connection to the local unique tradition and culture9be anonymous and cultureless10lack the charm and character11the buildings were utilitarian rather than decorative12an additional hospital is needed to adequately sew the health-care need of a fast growing community14the new building’s existence will attract future investment and thus greatly benefit the economy of the local area.15newly-built homes and offices include the comfort of modern life⒏动物animals1animals not only made good pets2make perfect workers,if they have the right training3teach animals to perform extraordinary tasks4througout history,human has relied on animals to get certain jobs done5monkeys are perfect helpmate for people6dolphins ever risk their lives guarding ship7oxen,water buffalo,horses are commonly used to pull ploughs and carry heavy loads9camels prove to be ideal animals for people in desert,capable of sensing water from a great distance and going days without water11the dog known in English-speaking countries as‘man’s best friend’is in fact a versatile animal.Can be trained to hunt,to guard,to herd sheep and cattle,to find people in the snow or in the rubble of earthquakes,to lead the blind,and to sniff for illegal drugs.13there is evidence that families mistreating pets are more likely than other households to abuse their children14houholds in which there has been serious cruelty to animals are more likely to have other forms of family violence, including children abuse and wife battering15experiments carried out on animals would be crucial for potential breakthroughs in treating some of the most-feared-incurable diseases.16enable us to gain the basic understanding that is necessary to begin developing treatments for human diseases17there is really no alternative if saving human lives is our priority18the most aggressive and cruel19animals are not made for humans22)动物权益保护主义者animal rights activists医学研究medical research残忍的cruel/merciless/inhuman/callous/brutal活体解剖vivisection麻醉anaesthetic减轻动物的痛苦alleviate/ease animals'pain宠物是主人的伙伴pets are companions of theirmasters给主人心理安慰afford their masters consolation and comfort偷猎poach(vi,vt)/poaching(noun)某一种事物是没有替代物的there are noreplacement/substitutes/alternatives(单数则去掉s)for something.Animals have been friends or foes of humanity at different times of human history.在人类历史的不同阶段,动物曾经是人类的朋友或者敌人.Animals are an integral part of the earth's ecosystem;therefore,animal welfare has longbeen an issue of intense debate.动物是生态系统的一个不可或缺的部分.因此,动物是否生存良好很久以来一直是引起激烈争议的话题.9.政府government18)当局authorities老百姓citizens/the citizenry(全体公民,不可数)规范,管理regulate/administer/oversee(vts)实施implement立法legislate/make laws严禁strictly prohibit/ban altogether严格的法律stringent laws/legislation监督scrutiny(noun)/scrutinize(vt)/monitor(vt)19)为…拨款allocate money to something/subsidize(vt)/be a patron of/invest in/finance(vt)/fund(vt)dedicate money to something预算budget税收tax revenue政府在某方面的开支the government spending/expenditure on something削减curtail增加augment当务之急priority把…当成当务之急give priority to something.责任obligation/responsibility20)军备竞赛arms race自卫self-defense国土安全national security/homeland security 缺乏远见的政策short-sighted policy扩张expansion/aggression谋求霸权seek/ pursue(vts)hegemony恶性循环a vicious circle地区不稳定因素destabilizing factor规章制度rules and regulations21)太空竞赛space race武器arms/weapons/armaments下岗工人lay-off workers/ downsize workers失业unemployment/joblessness基础设施infrastructure—比如public transport system公共交通系统,power grid电网pipelines石油和天然气管道water supply and drainage system给排水系统等,民主与开放的政府a democraticand progressive governmentHow the government can optimize its finite financial resources has long been a controversial issue.政府如何优化配置有限的财政资源长期以来一直有争议.There are a multitude of competing claims on the government's limited budget.很多需要钱的领域都在争夺政府的有限预算.Whether the government should allocated money to…has sparked off a spirited controversy.政府是否应该投资…引起了激烈的争论.How the government should administer…has long been an issue open to debate.政府应该如何管理…一直都是有争议的话题.10.发展类development26)生活节奏加速the tempo/pace of life has accelerated疲劳fatigue导致人与人的疏远create alienation between people过于功利的materialistic/mercenary/money-worshipping追求最大限度利润pursue maximum profit交通堵塞trafficjams/traffic congestions/grid block(最后一个是不可数名词)阻碍impede/hinder/ hamper/obstruct/inhibit(vts)扶贫poverty alleviation就业机会job opportunity/ employment opportunity贫穷的needy/poverty-stricken/impoverished/deprived/ destitute/indigent富裕的affluent/wealthy/well-off27)撞车car wrecks/car accidents行人pedestrians交通肇事者traffic accident perpetrators违章横穿马路jaywalk(可以记忆为:周杰伦走路――不走寻常路――美特斯邦威)监控摄像头surveillance cameras28)有特殊审美价值的老房子old buildings of special aesthetic value(注意审美观的英文说法是aesthetic values复数)有历史特殊意义的老房子buildings of historic significance民居vernacular dwellings让城市更美观beautify the cities/better the cityscape破旧的房子decrepit/rundown/rickety/dilapidated拆除tear down abuilding/demolish a building/raze a building/knock down a building高楼high-rise building摩天楼skyscrapers城市化urbanization城乡差距the disparity between thecity and countryside城市的urban乡村的rural搬迁relocate(vi,vt)29)在家上班(动词)telecommute休闲leisure/recreation精神上的享受amusement and enjoyment娱乐entertainment/diversion宽松的管理laissez-faire management运营成本operating costs/overhead costs雇用recruit会导致效率降低的counterproductive劳动力资源labor pool抑郁症depression失眠sleeplessness/sleep-deprivation/insomnia人口爆炸population explosion/population boom控制人口birth control/family planning爱慕虚荣的pretentious/ostentatious缺少运动的生活方式sedentary lifestyle营养过剩over nourishmentThe swift changes in…have thrown the issue of…into sharp focus/relief某方面的快速变革让…成为公众注意的焦点.In present-day society,the tempo/pace of life has accelerated immensely.在当代,生活的节奏大大的加快了.In preceding centuries have rendered numerous countries+形容词…过去的几个世纪的…让很多国家变成了…11.环境类environment30)生态平衡ecological balance/ecological equilibrium可持续发展sustainable development环保主义者environmentalists/conservationists对环境无害的environmentally-friendly节约使用conserve(vt)保护preserve再利用(动词)reuse/recycle各国必须携手解决环境问题:Countries on this planet must join forces/ make a concerted effort/unite to combat/tackle/resolve/address environmental problems.增强公众关于…的意识raise/elevate the public awareness of something短缺shortage/scarcity/dearth/lack给资源造成很大压力put a strain on the already stretched resource破坏自然资源wreak havoc on natural resources看法森林deforestation污染pollute/contaminate有毒的poisonous/toxic31)增加农产品产量boost crop yield可再生资源renewable resource不可再生资源non-renewable resource(包括金属metal,矿产minerals,石油petroleum,天然气natural gas,煤coal等,后三种可以总称为fossil fuels)消耗(某种资源)consume/deplete用尽use up/exhaust严厉的措施harsh action/measures生态系统ecosystem/ecological system某一地区所有的生物的总称the wildlife in a region/ the biota(=flora+fauna)of a region生物多样性biodiversity32)污水effluent/sewage排放discharge温室效应greenhouse effect/global warming严重的severe/grave白色污染产生的垃圾non-biodegradable garbage/wastes that cannot decompose or break down/inorganic trash谴责而不是纵容condemn ratherthan condone(vts)something臭氧层ozone layer肥沃的土壤fertile soil贫瘠的土壤infertile soil耕地arable land/farmlandEnvironment类模板The earth's ecosystem has been deteriorating at a staggering rate.地球的生态系统正以一种惊人的速度恶化.In this day and age,the impact man exerts on the environment is massive in scale.在当代,人类对环境的影响式巨大的.。
话题词汇话题1 人际关系一.单词:1. 不喜欢;厌恶n.& vt.2. 友谊n.3. 不顾;不理;忽视vt.4. 十几岁的青少年n.5. 心烦意乱的adj.6. 伙伴;合作者n.7. 同事;工友n. 8. 感激的;表示谢意的adj.9. 体贴的adj. 10. 诚实的;正直的adj. 11. 欺骗;作弊v. 12. 完美的;极好的adj. 13. 涉及;关心v. 14. 个人的;私人的adj.15. 仁慈的adj. 16. 珍贵的adj.17. 热情的adj. 18. 相关的adj. ; 亲属n. 19. 无私的adj. 20. 交际;沟通v.二.短语:1. 关心;挂念2. 建立真正的友谊3. 与……相处;进展4. 相爱;爱上5. 增进同……的友谊6. 对……评价很高7. 帮助(某人)摆脱困境8. 向某人求助9. 对……狂热10. 熟知某人11. 和某人交朋友12. 很强的个性13. 与某人建立友谊14. 相互信任15. 与某人同甘共苦16. 对……忠诚17. 取得/保持同某人的联系18. 看不起;轻视19. 照顾20. 守信用话题2 语言学习一.单词:1. 语法n.2. 方言n.3. 口音n.4. 句子n.5. 使用;用法n.6. 词语;表达n.7. 命令;指令n. & vt. 8. 词汇n.9. 发音n. 10. 逐渐地adv.11. 使充实;使丰富v. 12. 官方的;正式的adj. 13. 占领;征服v. 14. 受益v.15. 流利的adj. 16. 认出;承认v.17. 要求;请求n. & vt. 18. 标准n.二.短语:1. 语言学习策略2. 养成阅读习惯3. 学习态度4. 利用5. 英语口语比赛6. 扮演…角色;在…中起作用7. 精通……8. 写英语日记9. 查字典10. 有效的办事方法11. 查词典12. 信不信由你13. 阅读理解14. 比…有优势15. 写作技巧16. 扩大某人的词汇量17. 培养兴趣18. 阅读策略/ 能力19. 用英语流利表达思想20. 给我们提些如何学英语的建议话题3 旅游交通一.单词:1. 运送;运输n.2. 更喜欢v.3. 不利条件n.4. 费用n.5. 骑自行车vi.6. 最后adv.7. 时间表n. 8. 古代的adj.9. 组织v. 10. 旅游n.11. 现代的adj. 12. 安全的adj. 13. 包裹n. 14. 保险n.15. 风景n. 16. 景色n.17. 庙宇n. 18. 洞穴n.19. 到处adv. 20. 交通n.二.短语:1. 被认为是……2. 外国的风俗习惯3. 在……的南面4. 随着……的发展5. 对……很感兴趣6. 从古到今7. 从……飞到……8. 梦想之旅9. 骑自行车沿着…10. 一次有趣的经历11. 位于12. 名胜13. 有……悠久历史14. 因……而著名15. 人口有……16. 现代交通17. 来自国内外18. 自然资源丰富19. 最著名的首都之一20. 在……起重要作用一.单词:1. 运送;运输n.2. 更喜欢v.3. 不利条件n.4. 费用n.5. 骑自行车vi.6. 最后adv.7. 时间表n. 8. 古代的adj.9. 组织v. 10. 旅游n.11. 现代的adj. 12. 安全的adj. 13. 包裹n. 14. 保险n.15. 风景n. 16. 景色n.17. 庙宇n. 18. 洞穴n.19. 到处adv. 20. 交通n.二.短语:1. 被认为是……2. 外国的风俗习惯3. 在……的南面4. 随着……的发展5. 对……很感兴趣6. 从古到今7. 从……飞到……8. 梦想之旅9. 骑自行车沿着…10. 一次有趣的经历11. 位于12. 名胜13. 有……悠久历史14. 因……而著名15. 人口有……16. 现代交通17. 来自国内外18. 自然资源丰富19. 最著名的首都之一20. 在……起重要作用一.单词:1. 运送;运输n.2. 更喜欢v.3. 不利条件n.4. 费用n.5. 骑自行车vi.6. 最后adv.7. 时间表n. 8. 古代的adj.9. 组织v. 10. 旅游n.11. 现代的adj. 12. 安全的adj. 13. 包裹n. 14. 保险n.15. 风景n. 16. 景色n.17. 庙宇n. 18. 洞穴n.19. 到处adv. 20. 交通n.二.短语:1. 被认为是……2. 外国的风俗习惯3. 在……的南面4. 随着……的发展5. 对……很感兴趣6. 从古到今7. 从……飞到……8. 梦想之旅9. 骑自行车沿着…10. 一次有趣的经历11. 位于12. 名胜13. 有……悠久历史14. 因……而著名15. 人口有……16. 现代交通17. 来自国内外18. 自然资源丰富19. 最著名的首都之一20. 在……起重要作用。
高中英语写作24个常见话题语言学习相关词汇短语和优秀句型一、话题词汇1.absorb vt.吸收;理解;使全神贯注;吸引(注意)2.abundant adj.充足的,丰盛的,充裕的3.accent n.口音;腔调;重音4.accomplish vt.完成5.accumulatevt.&vi.积累;积聚6.accurate adj.准确的,精确的7.accuracy n.准确,精确8.alphabet n.字母;字母表9.approach v.接近;靠近;n.接近;方法;途径10.classify vt.分类11.consult v.咨询12.correction n.改正13.course n.课程;过程14.culture n.文化15.dictation n.听写16.drill n.&vi.训练,操练17.effective adj.有效的18.different adj.不同的,有差异的19.difficult adj.困难的;不易相处的20.difficulty n.困难,困境21.dialect n.方言,土语22.enlarge vt.扩大23.enrich vt.丰富24.exact adj.精确的;确切的25.excellent adj.极好的,优秀的26.explain vt.解释,说明27.explicit adj.清楚明白的,易于理解的28.express v.表达;表示29.expression n.表达;表示;表情;词语,措辞30.grasp vt.领会;掌握31.fluency n.流利32.fluent adj.流利的33.fluently adv.流利地34.frequent adj.频繁的;惯常的35.gradually adv.逐渐地36.idiom n.成语,习语37.inputvt.&n.输入38.knowledge n.知识,学问39.master vt.精通,掌握;n.大师;主人40.meaning n.意义41.memorize v.记忆42.mistake/error n.错误43.outputvt.&n.输出44.overcome v.克服,解决45.passage n.文章46.perfect adj.完美的,极好的47.phrase n.短语;词组48.practice n.&v.练习49.precise adj.准确的,精确的,确切的50.pronounce vt.发音51.pronunciation n.发音52.recite vt.背诵53.recognize v.辨认出;承认;识别54.request v.&n.请求;要求55.retell vt.复述56.review v.复习57.saying n.谚语58.scanvt.&vi.扫读;浏览59.sentence n.句子60.shortcoming n.缺点,短处61.shortly adv.不久;简单地,扼要地62.skimvt.&vi.跳读;略读63.speech n.演讲64.spell vt.拼写65.spelling n.拼写;拼法66.standard n.&adj.标准(的)67.straight adj.笔直的;正直的;adv.直接地;坦率地68.stress n.重音69.term n.术语;条目70.tone n.腔调;语调;声调71.usage n.使用;用法72.vocabulary n.词汇73.wonderful adj.精彩的;了不起的二、话题词组/短语1.at present目前;现在2.attach importance to重视3.be accustomed to习惯于……4.because of因为;由于5.come up提出;走近6.cultural difference文化差异7.form the habit of养成……的习惯8.have a good command of精通9.have a good knowledge of通晓10.insist on坚持11.keep/bear...in mind记住……12.learn...by heart背诵,记住13.look up查阅;向上看14.make great efforts努力15.make progress取得进步16.make full use of充分利用17.native/mother tongue母语18.official language官方语言19.pick up(偶然)学得;拾起,捡起;接收20.put...to use使用……21.refer to/consult a dictionary查字典22.set/take/write/note down写下,记下23.such as例如;像三、话题佳句/句式1.be supposed to doWe are supposed to learn English well because having a good command of English means more opportunities in the future.我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。
高考英语考试的热点话题多种多样,以下是一些常见热点话题以及相关的必备词汇:1. 环境保护:- pollution 污染- climate change 气候变化- global warming 全球变暖- renewable energy 可再生能源- deforestation 森林砍伐- biodiversity 生物多样性2. 科技与创新:- artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能- robotics 机器人技术- genetic engineering 基因工程- virtual reality 虚拟现实- nanotechnology 纳米技术- digitalization 数字化3. 教育与学习:- standardized tests 标准化考试- online learning 网上学习- lifelong learning 终身学习- critical thinking 批判性思维- educational equity 教育公平- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) 科学技术工程数学4. 社会问题:- poverty 贫困- inequality 不平等- unemployment 失业- gender equality 性别平等- aging population 人口老龄化- urbanization 城市化5. 健康与生活方式:- obesity 肥胖- mental health 心理健康- healthy diet 健康饮食- sedentary lifestyle 久坐生活方式- smoking cessation 戒烟当然,以上只是一些常见话题及相关词汇的例子,具体考试的热点话题可能会有所不同。
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Lexical Resource教育类词汇:培养(某种素质)cultivate/ foster/ nurture/ develop培养独立性和责任感cultivate independence and a sense of responsibility促进学生身心发展promote students’ physical and mental/ psychological development学习能力(先天)aptitude/ talent学习能力(后天)ability/ skill学校教育schooling家庭教育parenting/ upbringing给学生以动力give students motivation to do sth/ motivate students to do sth给学生灵感stimulate students’ thought/ give students inspiration传授知识impart/ inculcate knowledge教学法teaching/ pedagogical methodology适应adapt to sth/ adjust oneself to sth适应能力adaptability人际交往技巧interpersonal skills就业技能employable skills限制创造力extinguish/ stifle one’s creativity塑造某人的性格mould one’s character/ shape one’s personality死记硬背learn sth by rote盲从follow sth blindly/ indiscriminately, follow one’s suit把学生分开教育segregate students来自于同学的压力peer pressure鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题encourage students to think critically学生的反馈students’ feedback学生评价老师students evaluate their teachers’ performance课外活动extracurricular activity小学/中学/大学/职业教育primary/ secondary/ tertiary/ vocational education文化类:丰富知识enrich one’s knowledge开拓视野broaden/ widen one’s horizon/ vision/ mind娱乐entertainment/ recreation/ pastime得到放松和娱乐get relaxed and entertained代代相传carry down sth from generation to generation倡导新的生活方式advocate the new lifestyle是。
的一面镜子a mirror of..培养想象力nurture one’s imagination有启发性的instructive引发某人对某事的好奇心arouse one’s curiosity about sth 文化差异cultural differences文化多样性cultural diversity跨文化交流cross-cultural communication精神/人类文明spiritual/ human civilization历史文化遗产historical and cultural heritage文化古迹cultural and historical relics文化传统cultural traditions文化同化cultural assimilation保护preserve拆除tear down破坏destroy/ destruct/ demolish重建reconstruct视觉享受visual enjoyment文化摇篮the cradle of culture主流文化mainstream culture坚持传统adhere to the tradition弘扬carry forward民族特性和价值观national identity and value消除偏见,误解和敌意remove prejudice, misunderstanding and hostility英语的广泛使用the proliferation of English英语的统治地位the dominant role of English处于灭绝的边缘on the verge of extinction濒临灭绝的语言endangered languages本土语言indigenous languages少数民族minority ethnic groups环境类:环境保护environmental protection环境污染environmental pollution生态系统ecological system/ ecosystem生态平衡ecological balance某一地区所有生物的总称the wildlife in a region/ the biota(flora and fauna) of a region生物多样性biodiversity可持续发展sustainable development可再生资源renewable resources不可再生资源non-renewable sources环保的environmentally friendly/ eco-friendly环保主义者environmentalist保护(偏节约使用)conserve再利用,回收reuse/ recycle耕地arable land/ farmland肥沃的土壤fertile soil贫瘠的土壤infertile soil植被vegetation臭氧层ozone layer动物栖息地habitat短缺shortage/ scarcity砍伐森林deforestation过度种植over-cultivation过度放牧over-grazing过度捕捞over-fishing大面积的开垦荒地large-scale land clearing污染(V)pollute/ contaminate污染性物质pollutant废物处理waste disposal有毒的toxic/ poisonous消耗(某种资源)consume/ deplete能源消耗depletion of resources用尽use up/ exhaust给资源造成很大的压力put a strain on the already stretched resource增加农作物产量boost crop yield污水sewage排放discharge温室效应greenhouse effect/ global warming沙漠化desertification能源危机energy crisis能源短缺energy shortage严厉的措施harsh measures/ action严格的规章制度stringent rules and regulations各国必须携手/联合解决环境问题countries on this planet must join forces/ make a concerted effort/ unite to combat/ tackle/ resolve/ address environmental problems唤起/增强公众关于。
的意识arouse/ raise/ increase/ promote the public awareness of sth严重的severe/ grievous能进行生物降解的biodegradable不可生物降解的垃圾(白色污染产生的垃圾)non-biodegradable rubbish/ rubbish that cannot decompose or break down谴责而不是纵容condemn rather than condone濒危动物endangered animals濒临灭绝的物种endangered species/ species that are on the verge of extinction可替代的燃料alternative fuel科技类:先进的科学技术advanced science and technology科学发明scientific invention科技创新及发展scientific innovation and advances对。
产生深远的影响exert a far-reaching impact on…双刃剑double-edged sword为未来的发展铺平道路pave the way for the future development为。
打下坚实的基础lay a solid foundation for尖端的技术cutting-edged technology既快捷又舒适speedy and comfortable促进相关产业的发展promote the development of relative/ relevant industries交通方式means of transportation/ mode of transport交通工具vehicles太空探索space exploration前所未有的unprecedented极大地推动了经济发展give a great push to the economic growth万能良药cure-all solution互联网的广泛使用the proliferation of the Internet信息时代the information age/ era生物技术biotechnology媒体类:时事current events大众媒体the mass media新闻界the press电子媒体the electronic media无处不在的prevalent/ ubiquitous/ pervasive充满/充斥着be awash with/ be inundated with/ be saturated with 审查censor审查制度censorship过度的色情与暴力excessive pornography and violence有误导性的misleading/ misguiding/ misrepresented歪曲事实的distorted诈骗性的fraudulent欺骗性的deceiving/ cheating/ deceptive虚假的false/ bogus客观公正的objective and balanced很详细的报道某事report sth in graphic detail媒体炒作media hype侵犯隐私invade one’s privacy毁坏某人的名誉tarnish/ smear one’s reputation丑闻scandal掩盖(丑闻或罪行等) cover up/ gloss over/ whitewash不客观的,不公正的biased如实的描述factual account可信的reliable/ dependable/ trustworthy 及时的up-to-date/ up-to-the-minute信息量大的informative娱乐性强的entertaining有新闻价值的newsworthy道德准则code of ethic/ code of conduct狗仔队paparazzi侵犯。