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easily - _m_o_r_e_e_a_s_il_y__ loudly - _m_o_r_e_l_o_u_d_ly____
三、以下情况需使用形容词或副词的比较级形式。 1. 在“... than ...”句型中。 I can jump _h_i_g_h_e_r__ than Tom. (high) 2. 在选择疑问句给出两个选项的情况下。 Who is __m_o_r_e_o_u_t_g_o_in_g__(outgoing), Tina or Tara? 3. 后面+“of the two”, 表示 “在两个...当中”。注意,这时比较 级前要+the. The __ta_l_le_r___(tall) of the two is my brother.
4. 句型 “比较级 and 比较级”表达 “越来越...”. It is getting _w__a_rm__e_r__ and _w_a_r_m_e_r____.天气越来越暖和。 He is running _fa_s_te_r_____ and _fa_s_t_e_r _____.他跑得越来越快。 0ur country is becoming _m_o_r_e_a_n_d__m_o_r_e____beautiful. 我们祖国越 来越美了。 (注意多音节形容词用more and more +原型,可以理解为more beautiful and more beautiful省略掉第一个beautiful)
3. 随着中国的发展,人民的生活越来越好了。
With the development of China, People’s lives are getting _b_e_t_te_r__a_n_d__b_e_tt_e_r__.
比...更... 比较级+than e.g. Mary 比Tom 更加开朗. Mary is _m__o_re__o_u_tg_o_i_n_g_t_h_a_n_ Tom.
不如... 怎么样
not asຫໍສະໝຸດ Baiduso ... as ...
e.g. 我不如Carol 那么有趣。 I am n_o_t_s_o__fu_n_n_y__a_s_ Carol.
(多音节)less ... than ...
e.g. 他不如三年那么流行了。
He is _l_e_ss__p_o_p_u__la_r__th_a_n__he was 3
years ago.
much/many -_m__o_re___; good/well - _b_e_tt_e_r _; little - _le_s_s____; bad/ill -_w_o_r_se___; old - _o_l_d_e_r _/e_l_d_e_r_ ; far - f_a_r_th_e_r___/_fu_r_th_e_r___
Unit 3 形容词、副词比较知识点总结
一:比较的分类 和... 一样的...
e.g. 袁莉和我一样的安静。 as ... as … Yuan Li is _a_s_q_u_i_e_t _a_s _ me. both e.g. 袁莉和我都很安静。
Yuan Li and I are _b_o_th__q_u_ie_t_.
多音节和加ly important- m__o_r_e_i_m_p_o_r_ta_n_t_ popular - _m__o_re__p_o_p_u_la_r_
构成的副词前 outgoing - _m_o_r_e_o_u_t_g_o_i_n_g_ hardworking- _m_o_r_e_h_a_r_d_w_o_r_k_ing
5. 句型 “The + 比较级... , the + 比较级...” 表达 “越..., 就越...” The __h_ar_d_e_r__(hard) you work, the _b_e_t_te_r__(good) grades you will get. 你学习越努力,你就能得到越好的成绩。 The _m__o_re___(much), the _b_e_tt_e_r___(good). 越多越好/多多益善。
单音节和部分 双音节+er
(注意不发音e,重读闭音节 和辅音字母+y结尾) tall- _t_al_l_er___ ; great - g_r_e_a_te_r__; nice - n_i_c_e_r ___; large - _la_r_g_er___; big- b_i_g_g_e_r__; hot- h_o_t_t_er___; easy - _ea_s_i_e_r ___; busy - _b_u_si_e_r___; early - _ea_r_li_e_r__
四、可以修饰比较级的副词:much; a lot; far; a little; a bit; even He is _m_u__ch__/a_l_o_t_/ _fa_rtaller than me.他比我要高得多。 I jump _a_l_it_tl_e_/ _a_b_i_t __ higher than him.我跳得比他高一点点。 In the afternoon, the weather got __e_v_en___ worse. 下午,天气变得甚 至更糟了。
练习:试着翻译下面的句子。 1. 在我把这些问题告诉我亲密的朋友之后我感觉好多了。
I felt _m__u_c_h__b_e_t_te_r__ after I told the problems to may close friend.
2. 有时候,学会小组合作甚至比成绩更加重要。
Sometimes, learning how to work in groups is _ev_e_n__m_o_r_e_i_m__p_o_rt_a_n_t _ than grades.