Poverty in Africa非洲贫困原因分析ppt

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The cause of a large area of famine is absolutely not like what people think it is. The unenlightened agricultural? The dry land? No. On the contrary ,the land criteria in Africa is better than so many land in other countries. Let’s look at the map .
There comes a time when we heed a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all We can't go on pretending day by day That someone, Somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of god's great big family And the truth, you know, love is all we need We are the world, we are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me
Civil war usually has the result of totally shutting down all government services. However, any conflict generally disrupts what trade or economy there is. Sierra Leone, which depends on diamonds for much of its economic activity, not only faces disruption in production (which reduces the supply), but a thriving black market in conflict diamonds, which drives down the price for what diamonds are produced.
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The lack of people’s crisis awareness
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Effect of poverty ——Children labor
The lack of people’s crisis awareness
The lack of people’s crisis awareness
What happened in Africa?
Designed by Cindy.
After searching for some information that analyzes the problems in Africa ,I think I have a brand new impression on it . Let’s see what causes its severe social situation.
3 Conflict
Despite other hot spots for war, Africa consistently remains among the top places for ongoing conflicts, consisting of both long standing civil wars and conflicts between countries Despite a lack of basic social services or even the basic necessities of life, military forces are often well-financed and wellequipped.
The greatest mortality in Africa arises from preventable water-borne diseases, which affect infants and young children greater than any other group. The principal cause of these diseases is the regional water crisis, or lack of safe drinking water primarily stemming from mixing sewage and drinking water supplies.
Much attention has been given to the prevalence of AIDS in Africa. 3,000 Africans die each day of AIDS and an additional 11,000 are infected. Less than 1% are actually treated . However, even with the widespread prevalence of AIDS (where infection rates can approach 30% among the sexually active population), and fatal infections such as the Ebola virus, other diseases are far more problematic.
Effect of poverty ——Child labor
Child labor 1
The prosperity and stability of the economics really can lower the ratio of child labor, but in Africa, more than 44percent families earn less than 1 dollar per day . As a result , it has been a consensus that children can work for extra money for family. The amazing increase in the rate of AIDS contingency forces the children to pay for the debt remained by their parents . They have to work for living as thieves , hookers or vendors.
The population explosion is one of the reasons why the number of child labor increases . According to a population report done by a NGO , recently , the population of Africa consists of more than 40%people under 15 years old , while that ratio not even reaches 20% in western developed countries.
Angola The east coast
The lack of people’s crisis awareness
Population explosion
When the population is kept at a proper level, it doesn’t matter if people have no save of food even the rain season comes late.However,After the population explosion,once the rain season comes late for only one month,100,000people will starve to death in one day. Actually,Africa has its own agriculture,but it is a cruel style of planting.They simply depend on the land condition and nice weather.They sow seeds casually with no chemical fertilizer and taking no care of them,which cause a severe soil and water erosion.
The UK government is seeking buyers for its 40% stake in the cross-Channel train operator Eurostar to help boost the public finances.
Sierra Leone
As a result, Africa is full of refugees, who are often deliberately displaced by military forces during a conflict, rather than just having fled from war torn areas. Although many refugees emigrate to open countries such as Germany, Canada, and the United States, the ones who do emigrate are often the most educated and skilled. The remainder often become a burden on neighboring African nations that, while peaceful, are generally unable to deal with the logistical problems refugees pose.
Look at those smiles and big innocent eyes on their faces.Most of us can’t imagine what we can do if we were born in Africa.But there really exists a group of children in this world who are suffering a lot when we are enjoying our beautiful life and whining about our pressure in studying.