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Dangerous beauty
乃生男子,载寝之床,载衣之赏,载弄之璋 乃生女子,载寝之地,载衣之褐,载弄之瓦
If a boy are born , he will be put on the bed and have his own clothes to wear. Also, he will be given a jade plate as a toy to play. If a girl are born ,she will be put on the wooden board on the ground and just have a worn quilt to keep warm. The only toy she has is a spindle.
• "Or rather I'll ask her as soon as she wakes." • The girl opened her eyes then and pushed him away. • "What's the hurry? 'A gold pin may fall into the well, but if it's yours it remains yours.' Can't you understand that proverb? I'll tell you some-thing amusing to do. Go to the small east courtyard and see what your brother Huan and Caiyun are up to." • "I don't care what they're up to. It's you I'm interested in." • At this point Lady Wang sat up and slapped Jinchuan's face. • "Shameless slut!" she scolded. "It's low creatures like you who lead the young masters astray."
• Jinchuan, sitting by her to massage her legs, was nodding drowsily too. • Baoyu tiptoed up to her and flicked one of her earrings, whereupon she opened her eyes. • "You sleepy-head!" he whispered. • She pouted, smiled and motioned him away, then closed her eyes again; but Baoyu was reluctant to leave her. He stole a glance at his mother. Her eyes were closed. Then he took a peppermint pastille from his pouch and slipped it between Jinchuan's lips. She accepted it without opening her eyes. At that Baoyu pressed closer and took her hand. • "I'll ask your mistress for you tomorrow," he said softly. "Then we can be together." • Jinchuan made no reply.
• 一个盛暑的中午,宝玉与金钏儿在午休的王夫 人房中嬉戏,可是素来宽仁慈厚,把金钏当女 儿一样看待的王夫人竟然认为金钏儿是“行无 耻之事”,并且“此乃平生最恨者”,翻身起 来就照金钏脸上打了一嘴巴,还破口大骂,一 定要把她撵了出去,“虽金钏苦求,亦不肯收 留”。偏生在这段描写里又有了个不祥的话语 出现了,那就是金钏儿对宝玉说的玩笑话---“你忙什么,金簪儿掉在井里头,有你的只是 有你的”。后来王夫人请金钏母亲将她带走, 金钏儿不忍侮辱,跳井自尽。
• 宝玉轻轻的走到跟前, 把他耳上带的坠子一摘,金钏儿睁 开眼,见是宝玉。宝玉悄悄的笑 道:"就困的这么着?"金钏 抿嘴一笑,摆手令他出去,仍合上眼,宝玉见了他,就有些恋 恋不舍的, 悄悄的探头瞧瞧王夫人合着眼,便自己向身边 荷包里带的香雪润津丹掏了出来,便向金钏儿口 里一送。 金钏儿并不睁眼,只管噙了。宝玉上来便拉着手, 悄悄的 笑道:"我明日和太太讨你, 咱们在一处罢。"金钏儿不答。 宝玉又道:"不然,等太太醒了我就讨。"金钏儿睁开眼,将 宝玉 一推,笑道:"你忙什么!`金簪子掉在井里头, 有你的只 是有你的",连这句话语难道也不明白? 我倒告诉你个巧 宗儿,你往东小院子里拿环哥儿同彩云去。 "宝玉笑道:" 凭他怎么去罢,我只 守着你。"只见王夫人翻身起来,照金 钏儿脸上就打了个嘴巴子,指着骂道:"下作小娼妇,好好 的爷们,都叫你教坏了。