202X外研版九年级上册初三英语Module3 Unit1课件

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prize at last.
3. Remember, Sally: _w_h_a_t_e_v_e_rhappens, keep
calm and quiet.
4. My grandparents never travelled _a_b_r_o_a_d___
when they were children.
8. stop playing 开始打(乒乓球) stop +v.+ing 9. after that 从哪以后 • begin to study 开始学习 begin to do 开始做
… 10. good enough 足够好 enough 作后置定语修
11. once again 又一次、再一次(=once more)
A. very good B. not good enough C. very bad
5. Where did the hero completed the doctor’s
A. Beijing University
√ C. Cambridge University
B. Oxford University
17. helped make the Beijing… help do sth. 帮助做 …
18. simply 实在的,的确 simple 简单的
4. Complete the sentences so that they are true for Deng Yanping
1. She says she is not __c_le_v_e_r_e_r_th__a_n_a_n_y_o_n_e__e_ls_e___________
1. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. Who is she?
2. Why she is famous?
will whatever victory amazing abroad
attend including
1. The teams fight for the _v_i_ct_o_r_y_ of the match. 2. He had a strong _w_i_ll___ and he won the first
simply /'sɪmpli/ 实在,的确 adv.
Words and expressions
including 包含,包括 medal 奖牌,奖章 attend 上(学)出席,参加 abroad 在国外;到国外 once again 再一次 doctor 博士 degree 课程、学位
whatever 无论什么,不管什么 give up 放弃(努力) amazing 惊人的、极好的 will 意志、决心 victory 成功、胜利 simply 实在的,的确
• She’s my hero because she’s one of the best table tennis players in the world.
• She trained hard, so she became a great player later.
• She started playing table tennis when she was five.
Presenter: Hello! You are listening to Our Heros. Today I have Tang Yan 1. __w_i_th__ me, and we’re talking about Deng Yaping. Welcome, Tang Yan. Why did you 2.c_h_o__o_s_e_to talk about Deng Yaping?
Module 3 Unit 1 知识点 2
6. She trained hard, so she became a great player later. So 因此 引导结果状语从句
7. includiwenku.baidu.comg (介)+ 名/代词;名/代 + included(形) ; include(动) 作谓语
the teachers.
2. Listen and choose the correct answer
1.Who are the speakers? a) A student and a teacher b) Two students
√c) A person on the radio and guest
Read and complete the table
Facts about Deng Yaping
When she was five she_s_ta_r_t_e_d__p_la__y_in_g__ta_b__le_tennis
When she was twenty-four, After she stopped playing
2. She has a very ________s_tr_o_n_g_w__ill__________________
3. She helped m_a_k_e_B__e_iji_n_g_O__ly_p_i_c_s_a__v_ic_o_r_y_f_o_r _w_o_r_ld__s_port
4. Whatever she does, she ____________n_e_v_e_r_g_iv_e__u_p_.__________
2.Where are the speakers?
√a) At a radio station b) In a classroom c) At home 3.What are they talking about?
√a) A famous person b) A teacher c) A friend
• because 引导原因状语从句 • one of +最高级+名词复数 … 最…之一 3. love playing … love/like/enjoy + V.+ing喜爱… 4. start playing 开始打(乒乓球) start +v.+ing
5. She started playing table tennis when she was five. when引导时间状语从句(持续或短暂动作)
3. Listen and answer
√ 1. Who’s Daming’s hero? A. Deng Yapeng B. Yao Ming C. Guo Jinging
2. What did the hero do at the age of five?
√ A. went to school B. started playing table tennis
C. started learning English
3. How many gold medals did the hero win?
A. five
B. three
√C. four
4. How was the hero’s English when he/she began to
√ attend University abroad
Complete the passage with the correct form of the words for Deng Yaping
abroad attend clever victory will
Deng Yaping is Daming’s hero. At first, she was a table player. Later, she (1)a_t_t_e_n_d_e_dTsinghua University and then went to study (2)__a_b_r_o_a_d__. She says she is not (3)__c_l_e_ve_r_e_r____ than anyone else, but she has a very strong (4) ___w_il_l _. She also helped make the Beijing Olympics a(n) (5)_v_ic_t_o_ry__ for world sport. She is true hero.
once again
doctor /'dɒktə/ 博士 n.
degree /dɪ'gri:/ 课程,学位 n.
give up
amazing /ə'meɪzɪŋ/ 惊人的;(口)极好的 adj.
/wɪl/ 意志;决心 n.
victory /'vɪktəri/ 获胜;胜利 n.
Let’s read the dialogue
Module 3 Unit 1 知识点 1
1. heroes 以O结尾加es 变名词复数的有:黑人(negro)英雄
(hero)爱吃土豆(potato )和西红柿(tomato)
2. She’s my hero because she’s one of the best table tennis player in the world.
5. This story is very _a_m__a_z_in__g_. I have never read
it before.
6. Jenny didn’t _a_t_te_n__d_ the meeting yesterday
because she was ill.
7. Everyone is here, _i_n_c_lu_d__in_g__ the students and
After seven year’s study abroad
shes_to__p_p_e_d__p_l_a_y_in_g__t_a_b_le_ tennis
she began to _s_t_u_d_y__a_t___ _T_s_i_n_g_h_u_a__U_n_i_v_e_r_s_it_y in Beijing She _c_o_m__p_le_t_e_d__h_e_r_d_o_c_t_o_r’s degree at Cambridge Unversity
Tang Yan: Well, I love table tennis and Deng Yaping is my favorite table tennis player in China, so I 3. ______chheor.se
Presenter: What can you tell us about her life? Tang Yan: Well, she was born in 4.1_9_7_3___ and she was only 5. _1_3___when she 6. _w__o_n__her first national competition. She’s not tall, but her 7. s_u__c_c_e_s_s__ made everyone in China very 8._p__ro__u_d_.
Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a
great player later.
including /ɪn'klu:dɪŋ/ 包含;包括 prep.
medal /'medl/
奖牌;奖章 n.
attend /ə'tend/ 上(学);出席,参加
abroad /ə'brɔ:d/ 在国外;到国外 adj.
Module 3 Unit 1 知识点 3
12. whatever 无论什么 疑问词+ever 无论…… 13. give up 放弃…… give up + 名/动名词
give in 屈服 give away 赠送 give out 分发 14. anyone else (任何)其他人 anyone else’s 15. a very strong will 非常坚强的意志 16. as well as 和……一样,也