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关键词:失物招领; SSH; MYSQL数据库;Vue.js

河南城建学院本科毕业设计(论文) Abstract


With the acceleration of the pace of human life,it is common for students to lose their belongings,but they are not always looking for things that are too time-consuming and laborious.The purpose of this system is to provide students with a public lost and found platform.All students who have lost articles or found objects can post on this platform to provide a public and centralized information exchange platform. This system does not support online business,posts provide contact information,or address is used offline contact.

The lost and found system has a security design and cannot enter the system without logging in.The system is divided into front-end and back-end management,through the ssh framework and vue.js technology,using eclipse to develop,and MySQL as a back-end database,the front-end achieves a release property module,Lost and Found module, Adding thank you letter,Successfully displaying cases,Viewing personal center, Background module management implements all user management implements all user management,module management module,post management module,thank-you module,unified log management,and personal center management module.

Key words:Lost and Found;SSH;MYSQL Database;Vue.js


1 绪论 (1)

1.1 系统研究背景 (1)

1.2 系统研究意义 (1)

1.3 系统开发设计思想 (2)

2 系统相关技术 (3)

2.1 SSH框架技术 (3)

2.2 Vue.js (4)

3 系统需求分析 (6)

3.1 系统的可行性分析 (6)

3.1.1 系统安全性 (6)

3.1.2 数据库选择 (6)

3.2 功能需求 (6)

3.2.1 基本功能需求 (6)

4 系统设计与实现 (9)

4.1 数据库设计 (9)

4.1.1 物理设计 (9)

4.1.2 E-R模型设计 (9)

4.1.3 数据库表设计 (13)

4.2 接口设计 (16)

4.2.1 用户接口 (16)

4.2.2 板块操作接口 (18)

4.2.3 帖子操作接口 (19)

4.2.4 回帖操作接口 (21)

4.2.5 感谢信操作接口 (21)

5 系统编码与实现 (23)

5.1 系统的实现平台 (23)

5.2 系统的整体架构 (23)

5.3 系统功能模块实现 (23)

5.3.1 登录模块 (23)

5.3.2 用户管理模块 (24)

5.3.3 板块管理模块 (27)

5.3.4 帖子管理模块 (29)

5.3.5 感谢信管理模块 (32)

5.3.6 留言管理模块 (33)

5.3.7 日志管理模块 (34)

6 系统测试 (36)

6.1 系统测试目的 (36)

6.2 开发环境测试 (36)

6.2.1 测试环境 (36)

6.2.2 数据测试 (36)

6.3 打包测试 (37)

6.4 测试结果 (37)
