皇帝的新装 英语PPT

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Cheater a :Could we ? Could
we fool the Emperor who loves new clothes ? (they asked themselves.) Cheater b :Let's try, Aside:They left their homes and travelled to the Emperor's city and applied to meet the Emperor. Cheater a :dear chancellor .We have something very special to show the Emperor。 Chamberlain:That's what everyone says。. Cheater b :Ah, but this is magical。We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret method.
Emperor:Why? Chamberlain:Your Majesty, A wise
man such as yourself can surely see the colours and sheen of this magical cloth. Emperor:oh,my god !Am I foolish? Am I unquartifited? I would not let others know it! Of course I can, It's beautiful. Simply enchanting. When can my outfit be made? end for the royal tailors!" Cheater b:Your Majesty, We would be delighted to make your outfit for you. There is no need to trouble your hardworking tailor. It is such a difficult fabric to cut and sew. We will make the suit. Emperor:Very well, First fitting tomorrow. Cheater a:Is it not beautiful? Of course, only the wise and very clever can see the beauty of the cloth. Look at the colours, feel the weight. Chamberlain:Of course !
warm as wool,
• Cheater a : It is as light as air, a most
wonderful fabric.
• Emperor :There is a grand parade in
the city in two weeks time, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?
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• Cheater a :Oh yes, your Majesty。
But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.
• Emperor :No matter, Money is no
problem. I must have an outfit. Just see the Chamberlain and he'll sort it out. Make it here in the palace.
Long ago and far away, there lived an Emperor. This Emperor was very vain and could think about nothing but his clothes. He had wardrobes and cupboards full of clothes. He just changed his clothes from time to time. • News of the Emperor spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to the ears of two very shady characters.
• Emperor :so why you say your cloth
are magical?
• Cheater a:oh your majesty.It is
gold,silver and rainbow coloured, all at the same time,
• Cheater b:It feels like silk, but is as
Emperor:Am I not
the handsomest of men in my marvellour suit? Chamberlain : Undoubtedly, sir,There is no outfit on earth to equal this one
Chamberlain :The parade now
Audience:It’s said that only the
truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man will see the wonderful cloth. Audience :Oh, really? What a suit!
Child:What suit? The
Emperor has no clothes on at all! Audience:It's true! No clothes! The Emperor is naked! Emperor:Am I? oh ,no!
Camberlain:The Emperor has
sent me to check on the progress of the cloth, Cheater a:Is it not beautiful? See the lustre, feel the softness! Cheater b:Oh wise Chamberlain , Now you can see why it is magical. Only the truly clever and brilliant can see the cloth. Most people would see an empty loom, but a clever man like you will see our wonderful cloth. Camberlain:Um,oh,my god !Am I foolish? Am I unquartifited? I would not let others know it! Cheater a: Are you satisfied? Camberlain:Of course, It really is quite marvellous. Those colours, that shimmer of the gold and silver threads. Marvellous." Cheater a:Oh, you are so wise.