白猫工业洗涤剂 船用产品宣传册110526(中英文)
Unitor(优力特)船用化学品中文使用说明CLEANING CHEMICALSCARGO HOLD CLEANINGUnitor含丰富泡沫的通用强碱清洁剂AQUATUFF HIGH FOAM 产品属类:652 产品编号:(25LTR)/(210LTR)产品说明:Aquatuff High Foam是一种含丰富泡沫的重型强力多功能碱性清洁剂,能有效去除残留油脂,残蜡,动植物油,污泥,煤灰,积碳及其他污染,高质量的清洁效果特别适合用于清洗装有散货的船只,浓密的泡沫为垂直舱壁的清洗提供了有效的解决方法。
3.以1:10的稀释比例喷洒在污渍面,垂直板面建议添加适量的泡沫剂(form agent)以延长药剂的存留时间增强效果,以手喷洒器喷纯液每公升可喷12m2。
Isopropanol Cleaning Fluid 1 产品说明书
SCHEDA DI DATI DI SICUREZZAISOPROPANOL CLEANING FLUIDNOME DEL PRODOTTO ISOPROPANOL CLEANING FLUIDPRODOTTO N°EIPA200/400HUTILIZZO Cleaning ProductFORNITOREELECTROLUBE. A division ofHK WENTWORTH LTDKINGSBURY PARK, MIDLANDROADSWADLINCOTEDERBYSHIRE, DE11 0ANUNITED KINGDOM+44(0)1283 222 111+44(0)1283 550 177***********.ukTELEFONO DI EMERGENZA+44(0)1283 222 111 between 8.30 am - 5.00pm Mon - FriFacilmente infiammabile.L'inalazione dei vapori può provocare sonnolenza e vertigini.Irritante per gli occhi.CLASSIFICAZIONE Xi;R36. F;R11. R67.Il testo completo per tutte le frasi R si trova alla sezione 16.COMMENTI SULLA COMPOSIZIONEIngredients not listed are classified as non-hazardous or at a concentration below reportable levelsINALAZIONEPortare la persona esposta in luogo ben ventilato. Tenere la persona colpita a riposo in luogo caldo. Consultare prontamente un medico. Consultare un medico.INGESTIONESciacquare immediatamente la bocca e portare in luogo ben ventilato.CONTATTO CON LA PELLELavare immediatamente la pelle con acqua e sapone. Consultare un medico se il disturbo continua.CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHIAssicurarsi di aver tolto eventuali lenti a contatto prima di sciacquare gli occhi. Lavare prontamente e abbondantemente gli occhi con acqua mantenendo le palpebre aperte. Continuare a sciacquare per almeno 15 minuti. Consultare un medico se il disturbo continua.MEZZI ESTINGUENTIUsare Polvere. Prodotti chimici secchi, sabbia, dolomite etc. Spruzzo d'acqua, nebbia o nebulizzazioneSPECIALI PROCEDURE ANTINCENDIORimuovere il contenitore dell'area dell'incendio se questo può essere fatto senza rischi.PERICOLI ECCEZIONALI D'INCENDIO ED ESPLOSIONEIn caso d'incendio le bombole di aerosol possono esplodere.METODI DI RIMOZIONE PICCOLE QUANTITÀAssorbire in vermiculite, sabbia o terra asciutta e riporre in contenitori. Ventilare bene.PRECAUZIONI D'USOEvitare fuoriuscite e contatto con gli occhi e la pelle. Garantire una buona ventilazione.PRECAUZIONI PER LO STOCCAGGIOConservare a temperatura moderata in luogo asciutto e ben ventilato.ACGIH = American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists.DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONEMISURE TECNICHEGarantire una ventilazione adeguata. Rispettare i limiti di esposizione professionale e ridurre al minimo il rischio diinalazione di vapori.PROTEZIONE RESPIRATORIAIn caso di ventilazione insufficiente e per lavori di breve durata, usare un apparecchio respiratorio adatto.PROTEZIONE DELLE MANIUsare guanti protettivi adatti per rischi di contatto sulla pelle. Per scegliere i guanti più adatti chiedere consiglio al fornitoredei guanti che può dare informazioni relative alla durata limite del loro materiale costitutivo.PROTEZIONE DEGLI OCCHIPortare occhiali di sicurezza approvati contro le sostanze chimiche dove l'esposizione agli occhi è ragionevolmenteprobabile.ALTRE PROTEZIONIUsare indumenti adatti per prevenire ogni possibilità di contatto con liquido o prolungato contatto con i vapori.MISURE DI IGIENELavarsi alla fine di ogni turno di lavoro e prima di mangiare, fumare o andare alla toilette. Usare un'apposita crema per lapelle contro l'essiccamento della pelle. Non mangiare, bere o fumare durante l'impiego. NON FUMARE SUL POSTO DILAVORO!ASPETTO Aerosol LiquidoCOLORE IncoloreODORE CaratteristicoVOLATILITÀVolatile.SOLUBILITÀInsolubile in acqua.PUNTO DI EBOLLIZIONE (°C)82PUNTO DI FUSIONE (°C)-89DENSITÀ RELATIVA 0.780 - 0.790 @ 20 °c PUNTO DI INFIAMMABILITÀ (°C)Vaso chiuso.TEMPERATURA DI AUTOINFLAMMABILITÀ (°C)425LIMITE INFERIORE DI INFIAMMABILITÀ %2LIMITE SUPERIORE DI INFIAMMABILITÀ %12STABILITÀStabile a temperature normali.CONDIZIONI DA EVITAREEvitare calore, fiamme e altre sorgenti d'ignizione. Evitare il contatto con acidi e alcali.INALAZIONEAlte concentrazioni di vapori possono irritare le vie respiratorie e provocare cefalea, stanchezza, nausea e vomito. I vapori possono causare cefalea, stanchezza, vertigini e nausea. L'inalazione prolungata di alte concentrazioni può danneggiare le vie respiratorie.CONTATTO CON LA PELLEIl prodotto ha un effetto sgrassante sulla pelle. Il contatto prolungato può causare pelle secca. L'esposizione prolungata o ripetuta può causare una grave irritazione.CONTATTO CON GLI OCCHIIrritante per gli occhi.ALTRI EFFETTI SULLA SALUTEQuesta sostanza non ha mostrato di avere proprietà carcinogene.VIA DI ESPOSIZIONEContatto con pelle e/o occhi. Inalazione.NomePROPAN-2-OLO DOSE DI TOSSICITA 1 - LD505045 mg/Kg (orale ratti)DOSE DI TOSSICITA' 2 - LD503600 mg/kg (orale topi)CONC. DI TOSSICITA' - LC 5047-73 mg/l/4h (inalazione ratti)ECOTOSSICITÀNon considerato pericoloso per l'ambiente.NomePROPAN-2-OLO LC50, 96 ORE, PESCI, mg/l 9600EC50, 48 ORE, DAFNIA, mg/l10000METODI DI SMALTIMENTOI contenitori vuoti non devono essere bruciati per via del pericolo di esplosione. Smaltire residui e rifiuti conformemente a quanto disposto dalle autorità locali.DENOMINAZIONE CORRETTA DELLA SPEDIZIONE AEROSOLS 1950N° UN ADR 2N° CLASSE ADRClass 2CLASSE ADR N/A GRUPPO D'IMBALLAGGI ADR 2.1N° ETICHETTA ADR20G5FN° CEFIC TEC®2N° CLASSE RID N/A GRUPPO D'IMBALLAGGI RID 1950N° UN MARE2.1CLASSE IMDG N/A GRUPPO DI IMBALLAGGIO IMDG F-D, S-U EMSSee Guide MFAG No.INQUINANTE MARINO 1950Nr UN ARIA2.1CLASSE AEREAN/AGRUPPO DI IMBALLAGGIO AEREOETICHETTATURAIrritante Facilmente infiammabileFRASI DI RISCHIOR11Facilmente infiammabile.R36Irritante per gli occhi.R67L'inalazione dei vapori può provocare sonnolenza e vertigini.FRASI DI SICUREZZAA1Recipiente pressurizzato: proteggere dalla luce e non esporre a temperature superiori a 50°C. Non forare o bruciare, neanche dopo l'uso.A2Non spruzzare su una fiamma libera o su alcun materiale incandescente.S2Conservare fuori della portata dei bambini.S16Conservare lontano da fiamme e scintille - Non fumare.S23Non respirare i vapori/aerosoli.S25Evitare il contatto con gli occhi.S38In caso di ventilazione insufficiente, usare un apparecchio respiratorio adatto.DIRETTIVE EUROPEESistema di informazioni specifiche relative ai preparati pericolosi. 2001/58/CE.Direttiva sulle sostanze pericolose 67/548/CEE.Direttiva sui preparati pericolosi 1999/45/CE.Direttiva 2000/39/CE della Commissione, dell'8 giugno 2000, relativa alla messa a punto di un primo elenco di valori limite indicativi in applicazione della direttiva 98/24/CE del Consiglio sulla protezione dei lavoratori contro i rischi derivanti dall'esportazione ad agenti chimici sul luogo di lavoro.Regolamento (CE) n. 1907/2006 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 18 dicembre 2006 , concernente la registrazione, la valutazione, l'autorizzazione e la restrizione delle sostanze chimiche (REACH), che istituisce un'Agenzia europea per le sostanze chimiche, che modifica la direttiva 1999/45/CE e che abroga il regolamento (CEE) n. 793/93 del Consiglio e il regolamento (CE) n. 1488/94 della Commissione, nonché la direttiva 76/769/CEE del Consiglio e le direttive della Commissione 91/155/CEE, 93/67/CEE, 93/105/CE e 2000/21/CE, e successive modificazioni.COMMENTI SULLA REVISIONERevised in accordance with CHIP3 and EU Directives 1999/45/EC and 2001/58/ECEMESSO DAHelen O'ReillyDATA DI REVISIONENOVEMBER 2008N° di REVISIONE/ SOSTITUZIONE DATA 3SdS N°10516TESTO COMPLETO DELLE FRASI DI RISCHIOR11Facilmente infiammabile.R36Irritante per gli occhi.R67L'inalazione dei vapori può provocare sonnolenza e vertigini.RISERVA DI RESPONSABILITA'Queste informazioni si riferiscono esclusivamente al materiale specifico designato e potrebbero non essere valide per tale materiale usato insieme ad altro materiale o in altro processo. Tali informazioni sono, per quanto l'azienda sia a conoscenza, accurate ed affidabili alla data indicata. In ogni caso non si presta nessuna garanzia in merito alla loro precisione, affidabilità o completezza. E' responsabilità dell'utilizzatore assicurarsi che tali informazioni siano adeguate per l'uso specifico.。
洗涤加强剂-Spray'N Wash 亮白与Resolve力说明书
Product Safety Data Sheet1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product NameSpray 'N Wash Bright & White with Resolve powerProduct Identifier Laundry additive liquid for in-wash applications TDS formula code0167353 (R&D Code: Mira Lab-Book 290-54) Validation Date September 10th, 2008Distributor Reckitt Benckiser North America Inc.Morris Centre IV, 399 Interface Parkway (P.O. 225) Parsippany, N.J. 07054-0225Emergency Contact 1-800-228-4722Transport Emergency 1-800 424 9300 (North America) ; 703-527-3887 (outside North America)2. COMPOSITION IngredientsCAS N. Concentration RangeExposure LimitHydrogen Peroxide 7722-84-1 2% - 4% None Alcohol Ethoxylated C12-C16 7EO 68551-12-2 4% - 6% None62338-81761 (44oz) ; 62338-81762 (75 oz)August 13th, 2009Alcohol Ethoxylated C12-C16 3EO 68551-12-2 1% - 3% NoneSodium Alkylbenzen sulphonate 85117-50-6 2% - 4% None3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEW:WARNING. EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWEDKEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.DO NOT get in eyes, on skin or ingest. May be severely irritating to eyes. wash hands after use. For sensitive skin the use of gloves is recommendedContains Hydrogen peroxide and surfactants4. FIRST- AID MEASURESFirst Aid - Eye Contact In case of eye contact, hold eyes open and IMMEDIATELY, rinse thoroughly with plenty of waterRemove any contact lenses and continue rinsing for at least 15 minutes. I f irritation persists get medical attentionFirst Aid - Skin Contact I n keeping good hygienic practices, wash exposed areas thoroughly with soap and water. I f any irritation occurs get medical attentionFirst Aid - Ingestion If swallowed, rinse mouth and drink a glass of water. DO NOT induce vomiting. Call a physician or poison control centreFirst Aid - Inhalation The product is not volatile. In case of accident, move the person to fresh air5. FIRE- FIGHTING MEASURESFlammability Not flammableFire/Explosion Hazard None knownFire fighting media/Instructions Not a fire hazard. Use exthinguishing media for surrounding materialsSpecial equipment for Fire Fighters As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus, pressure-demand, MSHA/NI OSH (approved or equivalent) and full protecting gearFlash Point (°C) > 93.3°C (based on available information on raw materilas)Autoignition Temperature No information available6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions Avoid contact with skin and eyes.People working on cleaning-up accidental spillages should be using appropriate gloves and eye/body protection Spillages Small splillages: Cordon-off the area. Soak-up spill with adsorben material and dispose off as appropriate. Rinse surface residue and wipe dry to avoid splippery conditionsLarger spillages: Cordon-off the area. Large spill should be collected and disposed according to local regulations7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling Careful handling of chemicals is required. WARNING: EYE AND SKIN IRRITANT. MAY BE HARMFUL IFSWALLOWED. Avoid contact with eyes and skin.Do not ingestStorage Conditions Store the closed packages cool and under dry conditions. Do not freeze. Store in original container in a secure area, inaccessible to children and petsKEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN8. EXPOSURE CONTROL AND PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering Control Ensure adequate ventilation, especially in confined areasEye protection Wear safety goggles if the exposure is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Skin protection Wear safety gloves if the exposure is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Respiratory protection In case of airborne dusting wear dust mask (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection)Body protection Wear suitable protective clothes if the use is likely to be prolonged (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection).Hand protection Protective gloves (emergency responders should wear appropriate body protection).9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance Clear liquidColour AmberOdour perfumed (fruity scent)pH (as is)3,4 - 4,4Solubility in water (kg/m3)high solubilityViscosity (cPs, 25°C)< 100 (Brookfield RV, spindle 1, 60 rpm)Specific gravity (g/mL)1,0179 - 1,027910. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYChemical Stability The product is chemically stable under normal conditions. Store away from direct sun-light and from any source of heatConditions to Avoid T > 50°C, product contaminationHazardous decomposition products Carbon oxide and unknown organic compoundsMaterials to Avoid Hypochlorite based bleaches, metal ions11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEyes contact May be severely Irritating to eyes (based on raw material data)Skin contact Skin Irritant (based on raw material data).Ingestion May be Harmful by ingestion (Oral LD50 > 5000mg/kg, based on raw material data)Sensitization Not expected to be a sensitizer (based on raw material information)Chronic Effects No information availableCarcirogenic Effects Not listed as carcirogenic by OSHA, NTP, or IARCMutagenic Effects No information availableReproductive toxicity No information availableTarget Organ Effects No information availableInformation is based on data on the components and the toxicology of similar products12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONIncorporated surfactants are ultimately aerobically biodegradable according to OECD301 methodsMobility Not Applicable Bioaccumulation Not ApplicableEcotoxicityNot Applicable Aquatic toxicity The liquid contains hydrogen peroxide which decomposes in oxygen and water with no adverse effect For surfactants with EC 50 < 1mg/l no adverse long-term effects to the aquatic environment are foreseen,due to their biodegradability and non-bioacculable properties. the product may exhibit acute effects in case of massive disscharge in watercourses.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSProduct Disposal Disposal should be done in accordance with local/state or federal legislation Do not release in ground or on riverContainer DisposalCleaned to recycling, landfill or incinerator 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONGeneral Remark: Not classified as hazardous for transport.Dot Classification: Not a DOT regulated material (United States)TDG Classification: Not a TDG regulated material (Canada)UN NumberNot applicableProper Shipping Name Not applicable Packaging Group Not applicable Maritime TransportationNot applicable15. REGULATORY INFORMATION FEDERAL and STATE REGULATIONSARA Title III, Section 313 Toxic Chemical Notification Release Reporting: NonePROPOSITION 65 This product contains the following ingredients which require a warning under theSafe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act: NoneTSCA Listing Raw materials used in this formula are resistered and compliant with TSCA inventory16. OTHER INFORMATIONHMIS (USA) Health Hazard: 2 Fire Hazard: 0 Reactivity: 1Personal Protection: B NFPA Aerosol Level: Not applicable PSDS first issue September 10th, 2008PSDS last revision November 6th, 2008Reason for revisionUPC Code AdditionAugust 13th, 2009September 10th, 2008The information given in this data sheet is believed to be true and correct. This quality is not intended for wuality assurance purposedFinal determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials may present unknown hazards and should be used with cautionsAlthough certain hazards are described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist。
清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV 60 化学品安全技术说明书
化学品安全技术说明书产品名称: 清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV60修订日期: 2020年08月20日最初编制日期: 2020年08月20日依据GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制版本: 1.0第 1 部分化学品及企业标识化学名称 (中文名): 清洁剂 KRONES colclean EV 60化学名称 (英文名) : Cleaning agent KRONES colclean EV 60企业名称: KIC KRONES Internationale Cooperationsgesellschaft mbH 地址: Böhmerwaldstraße 5邮政编码: 93073 Neutraubling电话号码: +49-940170-3020传真: +49-940170-3696电子邮件地址: ******************进口商: KRONES Trading (Taicang) Co. Ltd.地址: No. 9 Ning Bo Dong Lu邮编: 215400 Taicang Jiangsu Suzhou电话号码: +86 512 5373 9300电子邮件地址: **************.com应急咨询电话: +86 400 120 6011 (NCEC, National Chemical EmergencyService)0532-8388-9090 (NRCC National Registration Centre forChemicals)建议用途: 用作清洁剂。
使用限制: 无相关信息。
第 2 部分危险性概述紧急情况概述无色液体,轻微的气味。
GHS 分类物理性危险: 易燃液体类别4健康危害: 吸入危害类别1上述未涉及的其他危险性,分类不适用或无法分类标签要素象形图 (GHS CN) :警示词 (GHS-CN) : 危险。
用烘干机烘干 Tumble Dry
用烘干机中温烘干 Tumble Warm
用烘干机低温烘干 Tumble Cool
平铺晒干 Flat Dry
定位干衣 Block to Dry
用蒸汽烘干 Steam Dry
不用蒸汽 No Steam / Do not Steam
用布间隔熨烫 Use Press Cloth
外包装 bale
箱 carton
件 package
色号 colour number
花号 design number
批号 lot number
唛头 marks
装箱单 packing list
漏验 omisson of examination
漏验率 percentage of omisson With Like Color
与深色衣物分开洗涤 Wash Dark Color Separetely
翻出底面洗涤 Wash Inside Out
不行拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring
不行拧绞 No Twist/ Do not Twist
温水清洗 Warm Rinse
复验 re-inspection
索赔 claim indemnity
毛重 gross weight
净重 net weight
外观质量 appearance quality
内在质量 inherent quality
外观疵点 appearance
技术要求 technical requirement
感观检验 subjective inspection
白猫工业洗涤剂 船用产品宣传册110526(中英文)
低温特种清洗剂LOW TEMPERA TURE CLEANER产品简介水基碱性清洗剂,该清洗剂含有乳化剂、特种分散剂及对锌、铝、铜和锡缓蚀剂。
特 点★ 无易燃性。
★ 适用于各种储罐的清洗。
★ 高浓缩、经济性稀释比例。
★ 快速渗透、乳化和分散动植物油、聚醚和增塑剂。
★ 易于漂洗。
★ 可以除去坚硬的氧化油脂污垢。
主要成份 非离子表面活性剂、偏硅酸钠、螯合剂 技术指标外 观:无色或微黄色液体 总碱度(Na 2O )%: >3.5比 重:1.05~1.15使用方法在储罐及货舱被卸空后应尽可能快地用冷水冲洗储罐,以防止聚合反应或轻油组分的挥发。
推荐用量表: 对于不同的储罐残留物,下表给出了大致的用量。
有 效 期 三年包装规格25L/桶(塑桶) 60067-51200L/桶(塑桶)60067-53商品编号:60067 商品简称:白猫1号Product Code:60067L O W TE M P E R AT U R E C L E AN E RProduct DescriptionWater based alkaline cleaner, containing emulsifier, dispersant, corrosion inhibitors to prevent the corrosion of metals such as zinc, aluminum, copper and tin. Suitable for dispersing polymer and plasticizer.Feature★Non flammable.★Suitable for all tank-coating.★High concentrated.★Easy to rinse.★Can be used for cleaning the solidified oilIngredientNonionic surfactant, anionic surfactant, sodium metasillcate, chelating agent.Properties Appearance:Colorless or pale yellow liquidDensity: 1.05~1.15(g/cm3,20℃)Total alkalinity:>3.5Use DirectionsAs soon as possible after the cargo has been discharged, the tanks should be flushed with cold water to prevent polymerization and evaporation of the lighter oil fractions.Whenever possible, the cleaning solution should be heated to 30-80℃.However, the polymerizing nature of some natural oils may demand lower cleaning temperature.The most economical method of using LOW TEMPERATURE CLEANER is by direct injection followed by recirculaion washing, using tank cleaning machine.If this method is not possible, other conventional methods such as separate rate direct injection, recirculation, or hand spraying provide acceptable options.Dosage tableThe table below gives approximate solution strengths for various cargo residues.coils are covered. As an average, this is approximately 0.6%of the volume of the tank. The figures mentioned in this column are the quantity of NON-CAUSTIC ALKALINE DETERGENT required to obtain the recommended solution strengths.NoticesAlkali product. Keep away from children. Safety gloves are necessary when dealing with the product.If swallowed, drink plenty of water immediately to dilute. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. See a physician.Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Lifting upper and lower lids intermittently. See a physician or ophthalmologist.Shelf time 3 yearsPackaging 25L/ Plastic Drum 60067-51200L/ Plastic Drum 60067-5360067低温特种清洗剂安全数据资料部分2:有害成分信息成分名称重量百分含量% CAS No.表面活性剂1~10% ——碱性助剂1~30% ——部分3:危害性鉴别食入:腐蚀嘴、咽、食道和胃。
SAFETY DATA SHEETD-167 INDUSTRIAL PRESSURE WASHER DETERGENT 1. IDENTIFICATIONProduct Code :D-167Product Name : Industrial Pressure Washer DetergentPackaging Size : 4 L Jug (4 x 4 L in one case)Packaging Code : 8582116Synonyms : NoneRecommended Use : Detergent for Cleaning and DegreasingRestrictions on Use : For Industrial and Commercial Use OnlySupplier Identifier : Aaladin Superior Cleaning Systems, Ltd.71 Don Valley ParkwayPO Box 62052 Transcona RPOWinnipeg, MB R2C 5G2CanadaPhone: (204) 663-6618 Fax: (204) 663-3125Emergency Telephone Number (CANUTEC): (613) 996-66662. HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONClassification: Acute toxicity, oral (Category 4)Symbol:Signal Word: WarningHazard Statements: ∙May cause irritation to eyes, skin and lungs.∙Harmful if swallowed,Precautionary Statements: ∙Wear protective gloves/protective clothing/eye protection/face protection. ∙Wash face, hands and exposed skin with plenty of water after handling. ∙Do not eat, drink or smoke when handling this product.∙Do not breathe mist/vapor.∙Call immediate medical attention when severely exposed.Other Hazards NotClassified:Not Applicable3.4. FIRST-AID MEASURESFirst Aid Measures by Route of Exposure:Inhalation: Move victim to fresh air. Seek medical attention if adverse effects occurs.Skin Contact: Wash the affected area with plenty of slow flowing water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.Eye Contact: Wash eye with plenty of water until irritation is gone. Seek medical attention if irritation persists.Ingestion: May cause upset stomach. Drink plenty of water to dilute. Seek medical attention.First Aid Comments: All first aid procedures should be periodically reviewed by a doctor familiar with the chemical and its conditions of use in the workplace.Most Important Symptoms and Effects (acute or delayed): Not AvailableImmediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary: Treat symptomatically.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable Extinguishing Media: Not combustible. Use extinguishing agent suitable for surrounding fire.Unsuitable Extinguishing Media: Not ApplicableSpecific Hazards Arising from the Chemical: Toxic sodium oxide fumes can be generated at high temperatures.Hazardous Combustion Products: Not ApplicableSpecial Protective Equipment and Precautions for Fire-Fighters: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective gear.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal Precautions: Remove or isolate incompatible materials as well as other hazardous materials.Methods for Containment and Clean-up: Contain and soak up spill with absorbent that does not react with spilled product. Flush spill area. Dike spilled product to prevent runoff.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for Safe Handling: Wear protective equipment. Ensure adequate ventilation. Keep away from heat, sparks, open flame and direct sunlight. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use or empty. Do not eat, drink or smoke while handling this product.Conditions for Safe Storage: Store in an area that is: cool, dry, well-ventilated, separate from incompatible materials. Keep amount in storage to a minimum. Store in the original, labelled shipping container. Vent drums to prevent pressure buildup. Do not handle swollen drums. Get expert advice.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/ PERSONAL PROTECTIONControl parameters, including occupational exposure guidelines or biological exposure limits and the source of those values:No exposure limitsAppropriate Engineering Controls: Use a local exhaust ventilation and enclosure, if necessary, to control amount in the air. Exhaust directly to the outside, taking any necessary precautions for environmental protection. Eye wash facility and emergency shower must be available when handling this product.Individual Protection Measures:Eye/Face Protection: Wear chemical safety goggles. A face shield (with safety goggles) may also be necessary.Skin Protection: Wear chemical protective clothing e.g. gloves, aprons, boots.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical State: Liquid Colour: Dark Yellow Odor: Detergent ScentOdor Threshold: Not Applicable pH: 10 to 14 Freezing Point: Not AvailableInitial Boiling Point/Boiling Range: Not available Flash Point: Not AvailableEvaporation Rate: Not Available Flammability (solid; gas): Not AvailableLower Flammable/Explosive Limit: Not Available Vapour Pressure: Not AvailableUpper Flammable/Explosive Limit: Not Available Vapour Density: Not AvailableRelative Density: Not Available Solubility: Completely SolublePartition Coefficient – n-octanol/water: Not Available Viscosity: Not AvailableAuto-ignition Temperature: Not Available Decomposition Temperature: Not Available10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYReactivity: Not availableChemical Stability: StablePossibility of Hazardous Reactions: None under normal processingConditions to Avoid: Water, moisture or humidity, generation of mists and dust.Incompatible Materials:Highly reactive. Reacts violently with organic acids (e.g. acetic acid), inorganic acids (e.g. hydrofluoric acid), oxidizing agents (e.g. peroxides).Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of sodium11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONInformation on the Likely Routes of Exposure: Skin contact, Eye contact.∙Inhalation: Not expected to be an inhalation hazard unless it becomes an airborne dust or mist. May cause irritation of the nose and throat.∙Skin Contact: Not expected to cause irritation.∙Eye Contact: May cause mild irritation.∙Ingestion: May cause stomach upset. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea. Can cause death.∙Effects of Long-Term (Chronic) Exposure: Not Available.∙Carcinogenicity: Not known to cause cancer.International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC): Not specifically designated.American Conference for Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH): Not specifically designated.∙Teratogenicity / Embryotoxicity: Not known to harm the unborn child.∙Reproductive Toxicity: Not known to be a reproductive hazard.∙Mutagenicity: Not known to be a mutagen.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: Not available Persistence and Degradability: Expected to be biodegradable.Bioaccumulative Potential: Not Available Mobility in Soil: Not AvailableOther Adverse Effects: No adverse environmental effects are expected from this product.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste Disposal Methods: Disposal of all wastes must be done in compliance with federal, provincial and local regulations. Liquid residues must be properly neutralized to pH 6 – 9 then may be disposed off in waste water treatment facilities which allow the discharge of neutral salt solutions.Contaminated Packaging: Empty containers should be recycled or disposed off through an approved waste management facility.14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN Number: Not Applicable UN Proper Shipping Name: CLEANING COMPOUND Transport Hazard Class: Not Hazardous Packing Group: II Environmental Hazards: Not Available Transport in Bulk: Not AvailableSpecial Precautions:15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONCanadian DSL Inventory Status: All components of this product are either on the Domestic Substances List (DSL), the Non-Domestic Substances List (NDSL) or exempt.16. OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by: JAIME CORPUZAaladin Superior Cleaning Systems, Ltd.71 Don Valley ParkwayPO Box 62052 Transcona RPOWinnipeg, MB R2C 5G2CanadaDate Prepared: 25 June 2018General Disclaimer: The information provided on this SDS is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information provided is for the purpose only as a guide for safe handling, use, processing,storage, disposal and release. It is not to be considered as a warranty or quality specification.To the best of our knowledge, the information contained herein is accurate. However, neither the supplier nor anyof its subsidiaries assumes any liability whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of the information containedherein. Final determination of suitability of any material is the sole responsibility of the user. All materials maypresent unknown hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards are described herein, wecannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist.Aaladin Superior Cleaning Systems expressly disclaims all expressed or implied warranties of merchantability andfitness for a particular purpose with respect to the product provided.。
以下是一个洗水唛的英文范本,供您参考:Washing InstructionsCaution: This garment is made of delicate material. Please follow the washing instructions below to ensure longevity and maintain the quality of the product.1. Hand Wash Only: This garment should only be hand washed to prevent damage to the fabric.2. Cool Water: Use cool water when washing to prevent shrinkage and maintain the color of the fabric.3. Gentle Cycle: Use the gentle cycle in the washing machine to ensure the garment is washed gently.4. Do Not Bleach: Do not use bleach as it may cause discoloration and damage to the fabric.5. Do Not Iron: Do not iron directly on the garment as it may cause damage to the fabric.6. Hang Dry: It is recommended to hang dry the garment to prevent stretching and maintain the shape.Failure to follow these washing instructions may result in damage to the garment and void any warranty associated with the product. We recommend that you read and understand these instructions before washing your garment.。
白猫白猫牌无尘服擦拭布专用洗涤剂系列产品技术指标与检测报告上海白猫专用化学品有限公司SHANGHAI WHITECAT SPECIAL CHEMICALS CO., LTD1、产品技术指标2、产品质量检测报告3、产品安全性(MSDS)报告1、产品技术指标PRODUCT INTRODUCTION40202 低泡浓缩洗衣液LOW FOAM HIGH DUTY LAUNDRY本品适用于采用自动液体分配器进行加料的隔离式全自动电脑洗衣机及需用液体产品进行衣物的无尘洗涤操作(CLASS100~10000)产品成份产品由牛油皂、KOH、NTA、柠檬酸盐、非离子表面活性剂组成,完全无磷,不含硅,无萤光剂配方。
密度:1.08~1.10/cm3(20℃)储存温度:0~35℃泡沫性质: 低泡,不适用于高硬度水洗涤系统。
产品酸碱性: PH值 10~12(1%水溶液,20℃)应用指南推荐最佳使用量每100公斤衣物加入本品400~600毫升。
40201 碱性助洗剂AKLINE BUILDER本品适用于采用自动液体分配器进行加料的隔离式全自动电脑洗衣机及需用液体产品进行无尘衣物洗涤的操作.产品成份产品由NaOH、KOH、NTA、柠檬酸盐、非离子表面活性剂组成,完全无磷配方。
密度:1.20~1.25/cm3(20℃)储存温度: 0~40℃泡沫性质: 无泡。
产品酸碱性: PH值 14(1%水溶液,20℃)应用指南在预洗或主洗时推荐最佳使用量每100公斤衣物加入本品250~350毫升。
Whitecat Sanitizer is a disinfection liquid based on sodium hypochlorite . It kills intestinal bacteria and streptococcus pyogenes, as well as inactivates the virus. This product is especially suitable for the disinfection of tableware, kitchen supplies and surfaces.
This product is for professional use only. For the use of this product, please refer to the Product Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Please follow the instructions on the product package. Store in original sealed containers and preserve the product on a secure place. Do not expose the product to light or heat.
Technical Parameters来自Appearance:
Yellow transparent liquid
pH (stock solution):
Specific gravity [20℃]: 1.0 ~ 1.1
Safe handling and storage information
Company Introduction公司简介Titan Wind Energy was founded in 2005 as a tower specialist with the largest manufacturing scale worldwide. The total asset values 2,000 million (USD$328 million). In Dec, 2010, Titan was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. (Stock code 002531sz)天顺风能(苏州)股份有限公司成立于2005年,是全球最具规模的专业风力发电塔架制造专家。
Ever since its establishment of head quarter located in Taicang, it has founded 7 factories:●Taicang factory, China●Lianyungang factory, China●Shenyang factory, China●Baotou factory, China●Taicang new offshore factory, China●Europe factory, Denmark●India factory (under construction)公司以太仓为总部,拥有7个生产基地:●太仓生产基地●连云港生产基地●沈阳生产基地●包头生产基地●太仓港区海上风电生产基地●欧洲生产基地●印度生产基地(建设中)Titan Wind Energy is the only tower supplier who was approved by world top WTGs, such as Vestas, GE, Siemens, Gamesa, Goldwind, etc.天顺风能是国内唯一一家同时获得多个世界顶级整机厂商合格供应商认证的公司,例如:Vestas,GE,Siemens,Gamesa,Goldwind等。
ART:504353 SUPPLIER CODE: 1682225
Rn20706687 MADE IN CHINA
Rn20706687 MADE IN CHINA
ART:504353 SUPPLIER CODE: 1682225
Rn20706687 MADE IN CHINA
Rn20706687 MADE IN CHINA
ART:504245 SUPPLIER CODE: 1682225
70 × 27 MM PNPBR01:Plain bra 51 × 41 MM
Do not tumble dry
Do not bleach
Do not tumble dry
Rn20706687 MADE IN CHINA
ART:504243 SUPPLIER CODE: 1682225
PNPBL01: Plain boyleg
SAFETY DATA SHEETLYRECO WHITEBOARD FOAM CLEANER 400MLProduct name LYRECO WHITEBOARD FOAM CLEANER 400MLProduct number978,587,ZPInternal identification AWBF400LYR_EU; AWBF400LYR_EE; AWF400LYR_FE1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstIdentified uses Cleaning ProductUses advised against At this moment in time we do not have information on use restrictions. They will be included inthis safety data sheet when availableSupplier LYRECORue du 19 mars 1962, F-59770MARLYFRANCE+33 (0) 3 27 23 64 001.4. Emergency telephone numberEmergency telephone+33 (0) 3 27 23 64 00 This number is serviced during office hours onlyPhysical hazards Aerosol 3 - H229Health hazards Not ClassifiedEnvironmental hazards Not ClassifiedHuman health Contact with liquefied gas might cause frostbites, in some cases with tissue damage.Signal word WarningHazard statements H229 Pressurised container: may burst if heatedPrecautionary statements P102 Keep out of reach of children.P251 Do not pierce or burn, even after use.P210 Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Nosmoking.P260 Do not breathe vapour/spray.P410+P412 Protect from sunlight. Do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50°C/122°F.2.3. Other hazardsThe Full Text for all R-Phrases and Hazard Statements are Displayed in Section 16.Composition comments Ingredients not listed are classified as non-hazardous or at a concentration below reportablelevels.,Ingredients are registered on AICSInhalation Move affected person to fresh air at once. Keep affected person warm and at rest. Getmedical attention immediately.Ingestion Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth thoroughly with water.Skin contact Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Get medical attention if any discomfort continues.Eye contact Remove any contact lenses and open eyelids wide apart. Continue to rinse for at least 15minutes and get medical attention.Notes for the doctor Treat symptomatically.Suitable extinguishing media The product is not flammable. Use fire-extinguishing media suitable for the surrounding fire.5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSpecific hazards Vapours are heavier than air and may travel along the floor and accumulate in the bottom ofcontainers. Vapours may be ignited by a spark, a hot surface or an ember. Containers canburst violently or explode when heated, due to excessive pressure build-up.Hazardous combustion products Oxides of carbon. Thermal decomposition or combustion may liberate carbon oxides and other toxic gases or vapours.Protective actions duringfirefightingMove containers from fire area if it can be done without risk.Special protective equipment for firefighters Wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and appropriate protective clothing.Personal precautions Avoid inhalation of vapours and contact with skin and eyes.Environmental precautions Do not discharge into drains or watercourses or onto the ground.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upMethods for cleaning up Absorb in vermiculite, dry sand or earth and place into containers.6.4. Reference to other sectionsReference to other sections Wear protective clothing as described in Section 8 of this safety data sheet. See Section 11for additional information on health hazards. Collect and dispose of spillage as indicated inSection 13.Usage precautions Provide adequate ventilation. Avoid inhalation of vapours. Use approved respirator if aircontamination is above an acceptable level.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesStorage precautions Store at moderate temperatures in dry, well ventilated area.Specific end use(s)The identified uses for this product are detailed in Section Control parametersPROPAN-2-OLLong-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 400 ppm 999 mg/m³Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 500 ppm 1250 mg/m³2-BUTOXYETHANOLLong-term exposure limit (8-hour TWA): WEL 25 ppm 123 mg/m³Short-term exposure limit (15-minute): WEL 50 ppm 246 mg/m³SkWEL = Workplace Exposure LimitSk = Can be absorbed through the skin.PROPAN-2-OL (CAS: 67-63-0)DNEL Industry - Dermal; : 888 mg/kg/dayIndustry - Inhalation; : 500 mg/m³Consumer - Dermal; : 319 mg/kg/dayConsumer - Inhalation; : 89 mg/m³Consumer - Oral; : 26 mg/kg/dayPNEC- Fresh water; 140.9 mg/l- Marine water; 140.9 mg/l- Sediment; 552 mg/kg- Soil; 28 mg/kg8.2. Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controls Provide adequate general and local exhaust ventilation. Observe any occupational exposure limits for the product or ingredients.Eye/face protection The following protection should be worn: Chemical splash goggles. EN166Hand protection Chemical-resistant, impervious gloves complying with an approved standard should be worn ifa risk assessment indicates skin contact is possible. It is recommended that gloves are madeof the following material: Nitrile rubber. Gloves should conform to EN374Other skin and body protection Wear appropriate clothing to prevent any possibility of liquid contact and repeated or prolonged vapour contact.Hygiene measures Use engineering controls to reduce air contamination to permissible exposure level. Provideeyewash station. Wash hands at the end of each work shift and before eating, smoking andusing the toilet. Use appropriate skin cream to prevent drying of skin. When using do not eat,drink or smoke. Do not smoke in work area.Respiratory protection If ventilation is inadequate, suitable respiratory protection must be worn. EN143879.1. Information on basic physical and chemical propertiesAppearance Aerosol. Liquid.Colour Colourless.Odour Characteristic.pH pH (concentrated solution): 7 - 8Initial boiling point and range>100°C @Vapour pressure@ °CRelative density0.995 @ @ 20°CSolubility(ies)Soluble in water.Auto-ignition temperature> 750°C9.2. Other informationReactivity There are no known reactivity hazards associated with this product.10.2. Chemical stabilityStability Stable at normal ambient temperatures and when used as recommended.10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactionsPossibility of hazardousreactionsNot available. Will not polymerise.Conditions to avoid Avoid heat, flames and other sources of ignition. Avoid contact with acids and alkalis.10.5. Incompatible materialsMaterials to avoid No specific material or group of materials is likely to react with the product to produce ahazardous situation.10.6. Hazardous decomposition productsHazardous decomposition products Thermal decomposition or combustion products may include the following substances: Carbon monoxide (CO). Hydrogen fluoride (HF). Carbonyl fluorideOther health effects There is no evidence that the product can cause cancer.Acute toxicity - oralATE oral (mg/kg)153,803.87099502Acute toxicity - dermalATE dermal (mg/kg)96,898.20051233ATE inhalation (vapours mg/l)66.06695489General information No specific health hazards known.Inhalation Gas or vapour in high concentrations may irritate the respiratory system. Symptoms followingoverexposure may include the following: Headache. Fatigue. Nausea, vomiting.Ecotoxicity Not regarded as dangerous for the environment.Persistence and degradability There are no data on the degradability of this product.12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialBioaccumulative potential No data available on bioaccumulation.Mobility The product contains volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which will evaporate easily from allsurfaces.This product does not contain any substances classified as PBT or vPvB.Results of PBT and vPvBassessmentOther adverse effects Not available.General information Do not puncture or incinerate, even when empty.Disposal methods Empty containers must not be punctured or incinerated because of the risk of an explosion.Dispose of waste to licensed waste disposal site in accordance with the requirements of thelocal Waste Disposal Authority.General This product is packed in accordance with the Limited Quantity Provisions of CDGCPL2, ADRand IMDG. These provisions allow transport of aerosols of less than 1litre packed in cartonsof less than 30kg gross to be exempt from control providing that they are labelled inaccordance with the requirements of these regulations to show that they are being transportedas Limited Quantities. Aerosols not so packed must show the followingUN No. (ADR/RID)1950UN No. (IMDG)1950UN No. (ICAO)1950AEROSOLSProper shipping name(ADR/RID)AEROSOLSProper shipping name(IMDG)Proper shipping name (ICAO)AEROSOLSProper shipping name (ADN)AEROSOLS14.3. Transport hazard class(es)ADR/RID class2ADR/RID subsidiary riskADR/RID label 2.2IMDG class 2.2IMDG subsidiary riskICAO class/division 2.2ICAO subsidiary riskTransport labels14.4. Packing groupADR/RID packing group N/AIMDG packing group N/AICAO packing group N/A14.5. Environmental hazardsEnvironmentally hazardous substance/marine pollutantNo.14.6. Special precautions for userEmS F-D, S-UEmergency Action CodeHazard Identification Number(ADR/RID)Tunnel restriction code(E)14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL73/78 and the IBC CodeTransport in bulk according toNot applicable.Annex II of MARPOL 73/78and the IBC CodeNational regulations The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2009 (SI 2009No. 716).The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (SI 2002 No. 2677) (asamended).Rivers (Prevention of Pollution) Act 1961.Control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations 1980 (as amended).EU legislation System of specific information relating to Dangerous Preparations. 2001/58/EC.Dangerous Preparations Directive 1999/45/EC.Dangerous Substances Directive 67/548/EEC.Commission Directive 2000/39/EC of 8 June 2000 establishing a first list of indicativeoccupational exposure limit values in implementation of Council Directive 98/24/EC on theprotection of the health and safety of workers from the risks related to chemical agents atwork (as amended).Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction ofChemicals (REACH) (as amended).Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (asamended).Guidance Workplace Exposure Limits EH40.Approved Classification and Labelling Guide (Sixth edition) L131.No specific authorisations are known for this product.Authorisations (Title VIIRegulation 1907/2006)No specific restrictions on use are known for this product.Restrictions (Title VIIIRegulation 1907/2006)15.2. Chemical safety assessmentRevision comments Revised in accordance with CHIP3 and EU Directives 1999/45/EC and 2001/58/ECIssued by David BrayRevision date15/05/2015Revision2SDS number13251Risk phrases in full NC Not classified.R11 Highly flammable.R20/21/22 Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed.R22 Harmful if swallowed.R36 Irritating to eyes.R36/38 Irritating to eyes and skin.R38 Irritating to skin.R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes.R65 Harmful: may cause lung damage if swallowed.R67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness.Hazard statements in full H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour.H229 Pressurised container: may burst if heatedH302 Harmful if swallowed.H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H312 Harmful in contact with skin.H315 Causes skin irritation.H319 Causes serious eye irritation.H330 Fatal if inhaled.H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness.H411 Toxic to aquatic life with long lasting effects.This information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process. Such information is, to the best of the company's knowledge and belief, accurate and reliable as of the date indicated. However, no warranty, guarantee or representation is made to its accuracy, reliability or completeness. It is the user's responsibility to satisfy himself as to the suitability of such information for his own particular use.。
Croûte de cuir de porc
Rabbit fur
Poils de lapins
Pelo di coniglio
Futerko królicze
Pelo de conejo
Jemná králičí kůže
Maintenance instructions
Codes d’entretien
Codici per lavaggio e stiratura
Sposób prania
Codigos de mantenimiento
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低温特种清洗剂LOW TEMPERA TURE CLEANER产品简介水基碱性清洗剂,该清洗剂含有乳化剂、特种分散剂及对锌、铝、铜和锡缓蚀剂。
特 点★ 无易燃性。
★ 适用于各种储罐的清洗。
★ 高浓缩、经济性稀释比例。
★ 快速渗透、乳化和分散动植物油、聚醚和增塑剂。
★ 易于漂洗。
★ 可以除去坚硬的氧化油脂污垢。
主要成份 非离子表面活性剂、偏硅酸钠、螯合剂 技术指标外 观:无色或微黄色液体 总碱度(Na 2O )%: >3.5比 重:1.05~1.15使用方法在储罐及货舱被卸空后应尽可能快地用冷水冲洗储罐,以防止聚合反应或轻油组分的挥发。
推荐用量表: 对于不同的储罐残留物,下表给出了大致的用量。
储罐残留物 手喷 循环 直接喷射 *大约的循环消耗量, 升/1000立方储罐体积脂肪酸、脂肪醇 100% 3-5% 2-4% 180-300 干、半干植物油 50-100% 2-4% 1-3% 120-240 非干性植物油 氧化油脂 50-100% 50-100% 2-4% 4-6% 1-3% 2-4% 120-240 180-300 石油化学品 50-100% 2-4% 3-5% 120-240 聚醚 100% 3-5% 3-5% 120-240 增塑剂100%4-6%3-5%180-300*当使用循环方式时,需清洗的储罐应注水至加热盘被淹没。
有 效 期 三年包装规格25L/桶(塑桶) 60067-51200L/桶(塑桶)60067-53商品编号:60067 商品简称:白猫1号L O W TE M P E R AT U R E C L E AN E RProduct DescriptionWater based alkaline cleaner, containing emulsifier, dispersant, corrosion inhibitors to prevent the corrosion of metals such as zinc, aluminum, copper and tin. Suitable for dispersing polymer and plasticizer.Feature★Non flammable.★Suitable for all tank-coating.★High concentrated.★Easy to rinse.★Can be used for cleaning the solidified oilIngredientNonionic surfactant, anionic surfactant, sodium metasillcate, chelating agent.Properties Appearance:Colorless or pale yellow liquidDensity: 1.05~1.15(g/cm3,20℃)Total alkalinity:>3.5Use DirectionsAs soon as possible after the cargo has been discharged, the tanks should be flushed with cold water to prevent polymerization and evaporation of the lighter oil fractions.Whenever possible, the cleaning solution should be heated to 30-80℃.However, the polymerizing nature of some natural oils may demand lower cleaning temperature.The most economical method of using LOW TEMPERATURE CLEANER is by direct injection followed by recirculaion washing, using tank cleaning machine.If this method is not possible, other conventional methods such as separate rate direct injection, recirculation, or hand spraying provide acceptable options.Dosage tableCargo residue Hand Spray RecirculationDirectInjection*Approx. recirculationconsumption, Litersper 1000m3 Tank spaceFatty acid, fatty alcohols 100% 3-5% 2-4% 180-300Drying & semi-dryingvegetable oils50-100% 2-4% 1-3% 120-240Non-drying vegetable oils 50-100% 2-4% 1-3% 120-240 solidified oil 50-100% 4-6% 2-4% 180-300Petrochemicals 50-100% 2-4% 3-5% 120-240Polyethers 100% 3-5% 3-5% 120-240Plasticizers 100% 4-6% 3-5% 180-300coils are covered. As an average, this is approximately 0.6%of the volume of the tank. The figures mentioned in this column are the quantity of NON-CAUSTIC ALKALINE DETERGENT required to obtain the recommended solution strengths.NoticesAlkali product. Keep away from children. Safety gloves are necessary when dealing with the product.If swallowed, drink plenty of water immediately to dilute. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. See a physician.Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Lifting upper and lower lids intermittently. See a physician or ophthalmologist.Shelf time 3 yearsPackaging 25L/ Plastic Drum 60067-51200L/ Plastic Drum 60067-53Product Code:6006760067低温特种清洗剂安全数据资料部分2:有害成分信息成分名称重量百分含量%表面活性剂1~10% ——碱性助剂1~30% ——部分3:危害性鉴别食入:腐蚀嘴、咽、食道和胃。
pH :碱性。
60067 LOW TEMPERATURE CLEANERMaterial Safety Data SheetPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSComponents contributing to the hazard concentration range % CAS No.Surfactant 1~10 -additive 1~30 -3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONIngestion: Swallowing material may cause burning feeling; reddening and possible chemical burns to the mouth, throat, and mucous membrane.Eye contact: Contact with the eyes will cause irritation, reddening, and possible chemical burns. If not removed immediately may result in injury to eyes.Skin contact: Contact with the skin will cause light uncomfortable feeling and reddening that results from irritation4. FIRST-AID MEASURESIngestion: If swallowed, drink plenty of water immediately to dilute. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. See a physician.Eye contact: Immediately flush with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Lifting upper and lower lids intermittently. See a physician or ophthalmologist.Skin contact: Wash with water for at least 15 minutes. If necessary, see a physician.5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing media: Water spray.Flammable hazard: None.Explosion hazard: None.6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions: Safety goggles and safety gloves are necessary when dealing with major spills. Environmental precautions:Spills should be diluted with plenty of waterMethods for cleaning up:Dilute with copious amount of water.7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling: Aviod contact with skin and clothing, Don’t get in eyes. Should not be allowed to enter drain’s or water courses.Don’t contact with acid product.Storage: Store in cool, dry, well-ventilated areas away from sunlight. Store only in approved containers, under approved conditions.8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONEquipment / measures: Safety goggles or safety visor. Safety gloves made of butyl rubber, neoprene or PVC.Protective clothing made of polyester or acrylic. Eye bath.9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance and odor: Colorless or pale Yellow liquid.PH (1% solution,25℃): 11.0~13.0Density: 1.05~1.15 (g/cm3,20℃)Solubility in water: Soluble in all proportions.10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Stable in common condition.Incompatibility: Acid.Hazardous decomposition: None.Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur.11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute toxicity: Not data available.Local effects: Not data available.12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONPossible environmental effects, behavior and fate: Not available.13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSWaste disposal method: Note that contaminates of the product must be consider when disposing. Consult appropriate federal, state and local regulatory agencies to ascertain proper disposal procedures and comply with them. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONInternational regulations: Not available.15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONRegulations specifically applicable to the chemical product: None.16. OTHER INFORMATIONProduct uses: Industry cleaning无苛性碱碱性清洗剂ALKLEEN LIQUID产品简介无苛性碱水基碱性清洗剂,含有腐蚀抑制剂可以保护铝、铜、黄铜、锡等金属不被腐蚀。