


8.desktop computer specifications台式计算机规格
9.radio frequency射频
10.wearable computer可佩带式计算机
Section C
PDAPrizefight:Palm vs. Pocket PC
I.Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:
4.Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器
5.开始按钮Start button
6.指定输入区designated input area
7.手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system
8.字符集character set
Unit 2
Computer Architecture
19.operating instructions操作指令
20.input device输入设备
III.Fill in each of the blanks with one of the wordsgivenin the following list, making changes if necessary:
Section A
I.Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:
1.input; output; storage
2.Basic Input Output System
3.flatbed scanners; hand-held scanners
5.dot-matrix printers; inkjet printers




)Henry: 最近互联网上信用卡账号的公然欺骗无疑为我们敲响了警钟。


Mark: 也许你可以使用第三方支付服务来保证在线支付更简单、更安全。

Henry: 什么是第三方支付服务?Sophie: 简单地说,在使用第三方支付服务时,你可以把自己的资金转移到一个在线账号中,然后从那个账号中进行支付。


Henry: 这种方法听起来更安全。

有哪些第三方支付服务可以方便地使用?Mark:在美国最受欢迎的服务是eBay公司掌控的PayPal,但也有一些其他的服务,如 Payment等。


Henry: 我明白了。

Sophie: 做出选择之后,建议你留意选择更加安全服务的一些细节。

Henry: 什么是更加安全服务的一些细节呢?Sophie: 首先,阅读隐私政策,并确保自己同意其中的条款。




Mark: 当使用第三方支付服务时,Henry,请记住千万不要回复来自第三方支付服务机构发送的要求确认如密码或其他私人身份识别信息等与账号细节相关的电子邮件。


Henry: 那么,怎样才能更安全地确认或处理我的账号细节呢?Sophie: 如果需要确认或更新账号信息或者修改密码,我建议你可通过个人书签或者在浏览器中直接输入支付服务网站的URL来访问相应的网站。



计算机英语(第二版)清华大学出版社课后习题答案专业英语课后习题答案Chapter1I. 1.Application software2. -128 1273. system software4. hardware system software system5.microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, supercomputersII. 1. false 2. false 3. false 4. true 5.trueIII. (2)CPU(3)bit(1)integrated circuit(IC)(4) ASCIIIV. (1)编码技术(2)应用软件(3) 浮点数据(4)分时(5)存储容量VIII.1.By using various coding techniques, groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers but also other discrete symbols通过应用多种编码技术,一组二进制数字不但可以表示二进制数据,而且还可以表示其它的离散符号2.System software includes not only the complex programs used by technicians to create application software in the first place but also the organizational programs needed to start up the computer and govern its use of other programs.系统软件不仅包括技术人员用于创建应用软件的复杂程序,而且还包括用于启动计算机和提供给其他程序使用的管理程序。

3.Data are numbers and other binary-code information that are operated on to achieve required computational results.数据是数字和其他的二进制代码信息,通过处理这些数据得到所需要的计算结果。



《计算机英语》参考译文和练习答案目录第一单元 (2)课文A:计算机概览 (2)第二单元 (4)课文A:计算机硬件 (4)第三单元 (7)课文A:操作系统 (7)第四单元 (10)课文A:编程语言 (10)第五单元 (12)课文A:计算机程序 (12)第六单元 (16)课文A:分布式计算机系统 (16)第七单元 (19)课文A:进入关系数据库的世界 (19)第八单元 (22)课文A:电信与计算机 (22)第九单元 (24)课文A:计算机网络 (24)第十单元 (26)课文A:网络拓扑结构 (26)第十一单元 (29)课文A:因特网是如何工作的? (29)第十二单元 (31)课文A:信息革命 (31)第十三单元 (34)课文A:电子商务简介 (34)第十四单元 (37)课文A:计算机安全 (37)第十五单元 (40)课文A:比尔•盖茨文摘(1): (40)比尔•盖茨文摘(2): (41)练习答案 (43)第一单元课文A:计算机概览一、引言计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数值数据进行运算或者对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。












计算机英语第二版课后习题答案练习答案PART ONE Computer BasicsUnit 1 My ComputerSection A I(Fill in the blanks with the information given inthe text:1( Charles Babbage; Augusta Ada Byron 2( input; output3( VLSI4( workstations; mainframes 5( vacuum; transistors6( instructions; software7( digit; eight; byte8( microminiaturization; chipII(Translate the following terms or phrases from English intoChinese and vice versa:1( artificial intelligence 人工智能2( paper-tape reader 纸空阅读机3( optical computer 光学计算机4( neural network 神经网络5( instruction set 指令集6( parallel processing 平行处理7( difference engine 差分机air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house thefirst element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof andceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters:ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materialsrequire higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,8( versatile logical element 通用逻辑器件9( silicon substrate 硅基10( vacuum tube 真空管(电子管)11( the storage and handling of data 数据的存储与处理12( very large-scale integrated circuit 超大规模集成电路13( central processing unit 中央处理器14( personal computer 个人计算机15( analogue computer 模拟计算机16( digital computer 数字计算机17( general-purpose computer 通用计算机18( processor chip 处理器芯片19( operating instructions 操作指令20( input device 输入设备III(Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:We can define a computer as a device that accepts input, processes data, stores data, and produces output. According to the mode of processing, computers are either analog or digital. They can beclassified as mainframes, minicomputers, workstations, or microcomputers. All else (for example, the age of the machine) being equal, this categorization provides some indication of the computer’s speed, size, cost, and abilities.air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia,hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof andceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilationnatural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materialsrequire higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,Ever since the advent of computers, there have been constant changes. First-generation computers of historic significance, such as UNIVAC, introduced in the early 1950s, were based on vacuum tubes. Second-generation computers, appearing in the early 1960s, were those in which transistors replaced vacuum tubes. In third-generation computers, dating from the 1960s, integrated circuits replaced transistors. In fourth-generation computers such as microcomputers, which first appeared in the mid-1970s, large-scale integration enabled thousands of circuits to be incorporated on one chip. Fifth-generation computers are expected to combine very-large-scale integration with sophisticated approaches to computing, including artificial intelligence and true distributed processing.IV(Translate the following passage from English into Chinese.A computer system includes a computer, peripheral(外围的)devices, and software. The electric, electronic, and mechanical devices used for processing data are referred to as hardware. Inaddition to the computer itself, the term “hardware” refers to components called peripheral devices air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulationproperties, and thicken the North wall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normallighting,air, keep house air fresh, cooling, moisture, reduce the body temperature of the chicken, which is a measure of the chicken house the first element of the environment. (1) the parameters: ventilation in summer peak demand calculations, 4~5 cubic metres per kilogram of body weight per hour, harmful gas concentration does not exceed 20ppm ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, l0ppm, co 0.15%. (2) ventilation natural ventilation and mechanical ... 5. thermal insulation roof cold season is the region of greatest heat loss, are also hot towel sunlight than any other region, so the roof insulation is the most important region, followed by the walls, if open sheds to make doors and Windows switches freely, and seal well. On most of the walls and roof insulation must be taken or equivalent devices, thermal insulation materials require higher thermal resistance, good thermal insulation properties, and thicken the Northwall must also be taken of thickness and measures such as roof and ceiling canopy. In places with more rain, due the eaves of roofs on both sides extending outward. Pheasants (pheasants) farm building (a) site choose pheasant fields should be selected gaozao terrain, sand texture, well drained, slightly to the South of terrain. Mountain areas should be selected under the sunny, spacious, ventilation, sunshine, where the drainage is good. Pheasant farms should be built in a quiet, safe place, away from residential areas, factories, the main traffic artery, but taking into account feed, transportation problems. A clean water source, water is not contaminated. To have a reliable power supply, not only to maintain normal lighting,that expand the computer’s input, output, and storage capabilities. Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool. To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other computers in a network so users can share information.计算机系统包括计算机、外围设备和软件。








Sophie: 真的吗?那该怎么做呢?Mark: 第一步是确保你拥有所需要的设备。


Sophie: 让我想想。


那接下来怎么办?Mark: 下一个步是连接无线路由器。



Sophie: 那么,我怎么可以知道它们已经正确连上了?Henry: 那很容易。




Sophie: 嗯,还有其他的吗?Henry:接着,配置无线路由器。



Sophie: 我怎样获得地址和密码?Henry: 可以在路由器附带的说明书上找到。

Mark: Sophie,在配置过程中你要特别注意三件事:无线网络的名称也就是服务区标识符、无线加密或者Wi-Fi保护访问,以及能够控制无线网络的管理密码。


[3]Sophie: 好的,我了解了。

Henry: 现在,我们进入最后一步,连接计算机。

Windows 7应该显示一个包含有可用的无线网络列表的无线网络图标。



《计算机英语》参考译文和练习答案目录第一单元 (2)课文A:计算机概览 (2)第二单元 (4)课文A:计算机硬件 (4)第三单元 (7)课文A:操作系统 (7)第四单元 (10)课文A:编程语言 (10)第九单元 (12)课文A:计算机网络 (12)第一单元课文A:计算机概览一、引言计算机是一种电子设备,它能接收一套指令或一个程序,然后通过对数值数据进行运算或者对其他形式的信息进行处理来执行该程序。


















Unit 1单词:〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文系统面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,你可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。


Ex. 9〗用that从句做宾语将下面汉语译成英语你应该知道,你不仅仅能读取磁盘上的数据,也能够往上面写新的信息1. You should know that you can not only read data from the disk but also write new information to it.你应该意识到,软盘容纳不了多少数据2. You should realize that floppies do not hold too much data.我们计算机老实说,USB要比火线慢多了3. Our computer teacher said that USB is much slower than Firewire.我认为CPU主要责任是执行指令4. I think/believe that the CPU is primarily responsible for executing instructions.Unit 2单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 3〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 4单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 5单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文佳能打印机有五种样式,价格从$80 到$500不等,满足了任何想打印相片用户的需求。



Unit Nine: The InternetUnit Nine/Section AI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. research2. ICANN或the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers3. router; gateway4. temporary/dial-up; permanent/dedicated5. ISP或Internet service provider6. network; host7. decimal8. mnemonicII. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2. IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3. autonomous system 自主系统4. dial-up connection 拨号连接5. network identifier 网络标识符6. binary notation 二进制记数法7. mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8. Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9. name server 名称服务器10. Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11. 助记地址mnemonic address12. 网吧cyber cafe13. 宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14. 顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15. 因特网编址Internet addressing16. 点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17. 因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18. 专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19. 主机地址host address20. 硬件与软件支持hardware and software supportIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:Early computer networks used leased telephone company lines for their connections. Telephone company systems of that time established a single connection between sender andreceiver for each telephone call, and that connection carried all data along a single path. Whena company wanted to connect computers it owned at two different locations, the company placed a telephone call to establish the connection, and then connected one computer toeachend of that single connection.The U. S. Defense Department was concerned about the inherent risk of thissingle-channel method for connecting computers, and its researchers developed a differentmethod of sending information through multiple channels. In this method, files and messagesare broken into packets that are labeled electronically with codes for their origins, sequences,and destinations. In 1969, Defense Department researchers in the Advanced Research ProjectsAgency (ARPA) used this network model to connect four computers into a network called theARPANET. The ARPANET was the earliest of the networks that eventually combined to become what we now call the Internet. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, many researchers inthe academic community connected to the ARPANET and contributed to the technological developments that increased its speed and efficiency.IV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:因特网只是提供了将许许多多的计算机连接在一起的物理与逻辑基础结构。





如果您在使用中发现问题,或者有任何建议和意见,可与我们联系:联系人:赵硕联系电话:64962011电子邮箱:zhaos@计算机专业英语(第二版)参考答案Unit 1Lesson1Look and LearnA 1 Monitor 显示器 2 Modem 调制解调器 3 System Unit 系统单元,主机4 Mouse 鼠标 5 Speaker音箱 6 Printer 打印机7 Keyboard 键盘B 1.麦克风可以用来刻录声音。




DialogueA 略B 1. Mary is good at computer.2. Because it hasn’t the computer software system, Mike’s computer can’t work.3. Mike is a computer outsider.Reading179A Input Device: keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, graphics tabletOutput Device: monitor, speaker, printerB Input device (输入设备) convert into(把….转变为) output device(输出设备) translate into (翻译成)Lesson 2Look and Learn1 BIOS-ROM 芯片2 Flash memory 闪存3 memory bank内存条4 CMOS setup CMOS 设置DialogueA Install configuration error utility invalidB1.Mary works at PC Support Center.2.Bill should run the CMOS setup utility to solve the problem.ReadingA 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 eB 1. Random access memory (RAM); RAM is volatile storage because everything in most types of RAM is lost as soon as the computer is turned off.2. Cache memory; Cache memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU.3. Flash RAM; Flash RAM can retain data even if power is disrupted.1804. Read only memory (ROM); ROM chips are not volatile and cannot be changed by the user.1 Floppy disk 软盘2 CD-ROM 光驱3 Hard disk 硬盘4 Flash Disk 闪存盘;u盘 5 mobile hard disk 移动硬盘DialogueB1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. YesReadingA 1 A 2 Bseries prevent unrecoverable comprise dustB concentric181Lesson 4Look and Learn1. CPU slot (CPU插槽)2. Memory slots (内存插槽)3.AGP slot(AGP 插槽)4.PCI slots(PCI插槽)5. Power connector (电源接口)6.Input/Output ports(输入输出端口)DialogueA interface socket battery slot processorB 1.Because the battery of the motherboard is getting low.2. The socket types of both the processor and the motherboard have to be the same for them to work with each other. The motherboard must have updated BIOS in order for the certain CPUs to work right.ReadingA tower medium component expansion serial specializeB 1 No 2 Yes 3 NoUnit 2Lesson1Look and Learn1. desktop2. Pop-up Menu3. Folder4. Screen saverDialogue182B1.His card is an external sound card.2.Windows will look for and install a driver automatically.ReadingA 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. aB1. Operating system recognizes input from the keyboard and sends output to the display screen.2. Operating system keeps track of files and directories on the disk.3. Operating system controls peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.Lesson2Look and LearnA Word Access Excel PowerPointB 1.Title bar 2.Menu bar 3. Toolbar 4.Row 5. Column 6. Cell 7.Statusbar DialogueA1. word2. icon3. dialog boxB1. NO2. Yes3. YesReadingA command grid software interface interact formulaB 1. a 2. b 3. cLesson3Look and LearnA. PhotoshopB. FlashC. 3DS MAXD. After EffectsDialogue1. web pages2. Flah Player3. Plug-in4. browser183ReadingA visual audio technology interactivity navigationalB 1. B 2.C 3. BLesson4Look and Learn1. carbon copy2. subject3. attachment4.salutationDialogueA 1. Yes 2. NO 3. Yes 4. NoB 1. set up 2. log 3. Outlook ExpressReadingA filter intention instruction confidentialB 1. D 2.C 3. A 4. BUnit 3Lesson1Look and Learnwork interface card2.Hub3. Switch4.Wireless Router5.CableDialogueB 1. NO 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. NOReadingA 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. cB 1. a 2.c 3. bLesson2Look and Learn1841. Domain name2. Browser3. Website4. ProtocolDialogueA 1.ADSL 2. ISP 3. IP and DNS addressReadingA cable upload motorway permanentB 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. bLesson3Look and Learn1. bus2. star3. ring4. treeDialogueA 1.Toplogy 2. star 3. dynamicB 1. Yes 2. NO 3. Yes 4. NOReadingA format device protocol destinationB 1. c 2. a 3. bLesson4Look and Learn1. firewall2. antivirus3. spam4. virusDialogueA 1.Control panel 2. antivirus 3. securityB 1. NO 2. Yes 3. NO 4. YesReadingA hack management maintenance attackB 1. a 2. b185Unit 4Lesson1Look and learn(1)销售副总(2)营销经理(3)销售代表(4)销售助理(5)采买部经理(6)采购员DialogueAB 1. ABC Company and Huaxia Commercial Company2.products design3. configuration and priceReadingA 1.No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. YesB 1.B 2.B 3.DLesson 2Look and learn1. discount stores2. catalogue3. promotion4. market share Dialogue186187B1. Not at all.a.你怎么啦?有什么问题吗? 2. What ’s wrong with you?b.期待再次相见。



第4单元操作系统第一部分听力和对话对话:关于操作系统的讨论(Henry想要了解更多有关于操作系统的内容,所以他在课后向Mark和Sophie请教)Henry: 一个操作系统可以实现的确切的功能是什么?Sophie: 它控制包括视觉体验、键盘、鼠标、麦克风以及触摸屏等搜集用户需求的用户接口的关键因素。


Henry: 我了解诸如Wind ows、iOS等很基础的操作系统,但是我认为还有其他的操作系统有很广泛的用途。




你在学校、在家或在工作中使用的电脑大部分都配置有台式机操作系统,如Microsoft Wind ows,OS X,或者Chrome OS。




Mark:Linux,、UNIX,、Wind ows和OS X服务器都是流行的服务器操作系统。















如果您在使用中发现问题,或者有任何建议和意见,可与我们联系:联系人:赵硕联系电话:64962011电子邮箱:zhaos@计算机专业英语(第二版)参考答案Unit 1Lesson1Look and LearnA 1 Monitor 显示器 2 Modem 调制解调器 3 System Unit 系统单元,主机4 Mouse 鼠标 5 Speaker音箱 6 Printer 打印机7 Keyboard 键盘B 1.麦克风可以用来刻录声音。




DialogueA 略B 1. Mary is good at computer.2. Because it hasn’t the computer software system, Mike’s computer can’t work.3. Mike is a computer outsider.Reading179A Input Device: keyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, graphics tabletOutput Device: monitor, speaker, printerB Input device (输入设备) convert into(把….转变为) output device(输出设备) translate into (翻译成)Lesson 2Look and Learn1 BIOS-ROM 芯片2 Flash memory 闪存3 memory bank内存条4 CMOS setup CMOS 设置DialogueA Install configuration error utility invalidB1.Mary works at PC Support Center.2.Bill should run the CMOS setup utility to solve the problem.ReadingA 1 b 2 a 3 d 4 c 5 eB 1. Random access memory (RAM); RAM is volatile storage because everything in most types of RAM is lost as soon as the computer is turned off.2. Cache memory; Cache memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU.3. Flash RAM; Flash RAM can retain data even if power is disrupted.1804. Read only memory (ROM); ROM chips are not volatile and cannot be changed by the user.1 Floppy disk 软盘2 CD-ROM 光驱3 Hard disk 硬盘4 Flash Disk 闪存盘;u盘 5 mobile hard disk 移动硬盘DialogueB1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. YesReadingA 1 A 2 Bseries prevent unrecoverable comprise dustB concentric181Lesson 4Look and Learn1. CPU slot (CPU插槽)2. Memory slots (内存插槽)3.AGP slot(AGP 插槽)4.PCI slots(PCI插槽)5. Power connector (电源接口)6.Input/Output ports(输入输出端口)DialogueA interface socket battery slot processorB 1.Because the battery of the motherboard is getting low.2. The socket types of both the processor and the motherboard have to be the same for them to work with each other. The motherboard must have updated BIOS in order for the certain CPUs to work right.ReadingA tower medium component expansion serial specializeB 1 No 2 Yes 3 NoUnit 2Lesson1Look and Learn1. desktop2. Pop-up Menu3. Folder4. Screen saverDialogue182B1.His card is an external sound card.2.Windows will look for and install a driver automatically.ReadingA 1. b 2. d 3. c 4. aB1. Operating system recognizes input from the keyboard and sends output to the display screen.2. Operating system keeps track of files and directories on the disk.3. Operating system controls peripheral devices such as disk drives and printers.Lesson2Look and LearnA Word Access Excel PowerPointB 1.Title bar 2.Menu bar 3. Toolbar 4.Row 5. Column 6. Cell 7.Statusbar DialogueA1. word2. icon3. dialog boxB1. NO2. Yes3. YesReadingA command grid software interface interact formulaB 1. a 2. b 3. cLesson3Look and LearnA. PhotoshopB. FlashC. 3DS MAXD. After EffectsDialogue1. web pages2. Flah Player3. Plug-in4. browser183ReadingA visual audio technology interactivity navigationalB 1. B 2.C 3. BLesson4Look and Learn1. carbon copy2. subject3. attachment4.salutationDialogueA 1. Yes 2. NO 3. Yes 4. NoB 1. set up 2. log 3. Outlook ExpressReadingA filter intention instruction confidentialB 1. D 2.C 3. A 4. BUnit 3Lesson1Look and Learnwork interface card2.Hub3. Switch4.Wireless Router5.CableDialogueB 1. NO 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. NOReadingA 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. cB 1. a 2.c 3. bLesson2Look and Learn1841. Domain name2. Browser3. Website4. ProtocolDialogueA 1.ADSL 2. ISP 3. IP and DNS addressReadingA cable upload motorway permanentB 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. bLesson3Look and Learn1. bus2. star3. ring4. treeDialogueA 1.Toplogy 2. star 3. dynamicB 1. Yes 2. NO 3. Yes 4. NOReadingA format device protocol destinationB 1. c 2. a 3. bLesson4Look and Learn1. firewall2. antivirus3. spam4. virusDialogueA 1.Control panel 2. antivirus 3. securityB 1. NO 2. Yes 3. NO 4. YesReadingA hack management maintenance attackB 1. a 2. b185Unit 4Lesson1Look and learn(1)销售副总(2)营销经理(3)销售代表(4)销售助理(5)采买部经理(6)采购员DialogueAB 1. ABC Company and Huaxia Commercial Company2.products design3. configuration and priceReadingA 1.No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. YesB 1.B 2.B 3.DLesson 2Look and learn1. discount stores2. catalogue3. promotion4. market share Dialogue186187B1. Not at all.a.你怎么啦?有什么问题吗? 2. What ’s wrong with you?b.期待再次相见。



Unit 1单词:〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文系统面板和普通键盘有专门控制键,你可以使用这些控制键实现主要的多媒体功能:观相片、听音乐和看电影。


Ex. 9〗用that从句做宾语将下面汉语译成英语你应该知道,你不仅仅能读取磁盘上的数据,也能够往上面写新的信息1. You should know that you can not only read data from the disk but also write new information to it.你应该意识到,软盘容纳不了多少数据2. You should realize that floppies do not hold too much data.我们计算机老实说,USB要比火线慢多了3. Our computer teacher said that USB is much slower than Firewire.我认为CPU主要责任是执行指令4. I think/believe that the CPU is primarily responsible for executing instructions.Unit 2单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 3〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 4单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)Unit 5单词〖Ex. 3〗根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)〖Ex. 5〗把下列短文翻译成中文佳能打印机有五种样式,价格从$80 到$500不等,满足了任何想打印相片用户的需求。


12.1 Multimedia
Vector graphics use mathematical formulas to recreate the original image. In a vector graphic, the dots are not defined by a row-and-column address; rather they are defined by their spatial relationships to one another. Because their dot components are not restricted to a particular row and column, vector graphics can reproduce images more easily, and they generally look better on most video screens and printers. Common vector graphics formats are Encapsulated Postscript (EPS), Windows Meta (WMF), Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language (HPGL), and Macintosh graphics (PICT). 矢量图形用数学公式来重现原始图像。在矢量图形中,点不是用行和列 的地址来定义的;相反,它们是由相互之间的空间关系定义的。因为它 们的组成点不严格限制在特定的行和列上,矢量图形可以更容易地复制 出图像,而且它们在大多数视屏和打印机上看上去效果更好。常见的矢 量图形格式有附录显示格式(EPS)、Windows图元文件格式 (WMF)、惠普图形语言(HPGL)和麦金托什图形文件格式。



unit1Ex. 1 根据课文内容,回答以下问题。

1. It is primarily responsible for executing instructions.2. Through the monitor.3. All processors, memory modules, plug-in cards, daughterboards, or peripheral devices canbe plugged in those sockets.4. The binary system is used.5. Through clever formatting.6. They are similar to each other. ROM only cannot be altered and does not lose its contentswhen power is removed.7. Mouses.8. Floppy disks c an be removed from their drives and hard disks can’t.9. Because it is faster than many types of parallel port.10. I/O Port.Ex. 2 根据下面的英文解释,写出相应的英文词汇(使用学过的单词、词组或缩略语)。

英文解释词汇A processor whose elements have been miniaturized into one or a few integrated circuits. It is usually used in PC.CPUThe main board of a computer, usually containing the circuitry for the central processing unit, keyboard, and monitor and often having slots for accepting additional circuitry.motherboardA unit of a computer that preserves data for retrieval. memoryA hand-held, button-activated input device that when rolled along a flat surface directs an indicator to move correspondingly about a computer screen, allowing the operator to move the indicator freely, as to select operations or manipulate text or graphics.mouseA set of keys, as on a computer terminal, word processor, typewriter. keyboardA connection point for a peripheral device. portA machine code telling a computer to perform a particular operation. instructionThe information or image displayed at a given time on a monitor, display, or video terminal.screenAn input device, sometimes part of a standard typewriter keyboard,consisting of a separate grid of numerical and function keys arranged for efficient data entry.keypadInformation put into a communications system for transmission or into a computer system for processing.inputEx. 3 把下列句子翻译为中文。



计算机专业英语课后答案(清华⼤学出版社第⼆版)第⼀章Computer system overview(操作系统概述)I. Pre-reading Questions1.What is a digital computer?The digital computer is a digital system that performs various computational tasks. The word “digital”implies that theinformation in the computer is represented by variables that take a limited number of discrete values. These values are processed internally by components that can maintain a limited number of discrete states. Digital computer is also called electronic computer or computer.2.Are there any differences between the binary number system and the common decimal number system?The decimal digits has ten digits: 0,1,2,,, and 9. The binary number system has two digits: 0 and 1. The binary numbers use a base 2. The decimal digits use a base 10.3.How many types of computers do you know? Name at least four of them. Computers are usually classified into four broad categories: microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers and supercomputers.II Fill in the following blanks.1.Application software is designed to accomplish real-world tasks in fields.2. An 8-bit signed integer can have any value between -128 and 1273. System software controls the computer and enables it to run the hardware and applications software.4. A computer system consists of hardware system and software system .5. List four types of computers: microcomputers, minicomputers , mainframe computers,and s upercomputers .III True or False.1. The software system is the physical equipment that you can see and touch. 1.F2. Typically, a data value is set to zero to represent FALSE and 1 value forTRUE. 2.F3. In the earliest general-purpose computer, most input and output media were magnetic disks. 3. F4.T4. Supercomputers are largest, fastest, and most expensive computer available.5. A computer system consists of hardware system and software system. 5. T IV Matching terms.1、(b) CPUThe processing unit is at the heart of a computer.2、(c) bit A unit of information conveyed by a single binary digit.3、(a) integrated circuit (IC)A complete electronic circuit that packages transistors and other electronic components on a small silicon chip.4、(d) ASCII A system for encoding characters as binary digits.V Translating Terms.(1) coding techniques 编码技术(2) application software 应⽤软件(3) floating point data 浮点数据(4) timesharing 分时,分时技术(5) storage capacities 存储容量VI Choose the best one of the four answers given to fill in each blank.This chapter introduces digital computer, data types, the evolution of computers, and types of computers. 1 is known to all, it’s hard to find a field in 2 computers are not being used. Digital computer, also called electronic computer or computer, is a digital system that 3 various computational tasks. Digital computers use the 4 number system, which has two digits: 0 and 1.By usingvarious coding 5 , groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers 6 other discrete symbols, such as decimal digits or letters of the alphabet. A computer system consists of hardware system and software system. Programs tell the hardware what to do. 7 software is designed to accomplishreal-world tasks in fields such as accounting, entertainment, and engineering. Computers are usually 8 into four broad categories: microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, and supercomputers. It’s hard to give a 9 definition to each type because computer speeds and storage 10 change rapidly.1. A. As B. It C. As it D. That2. A. what B. which C. where D. when3. A. performs B. carries C. makes D. integrates4. A. decimal B. binary C. Arabian D. American5. A. technique B. Technology C. techniques D. technologies6. A. instead of B. rather than C. but also D. as well7. A. Application B. System C. Word D. Excel8. A. put B. made C. conducted D. classified9. A. precious B. progress C. proceeding D. precise10. A. capacities B. capable C. capabilities D. capacity1.A2. B3. A4. B5. C6. C7. A8. D9. D 1 0.CVII. Translate the following into English.1.By using various coding techniques, groups of bits can be made to represent not only binary numbers but also other discrete symbols.通过应⽤各种编码技术。



-128 127 hardware system software system 5. microcomputers, minicomputers, mainframe computers, supercomputersII. True or False.1. F2. F3. F4.T5. TIII. Matching terms.2. c3. a4. dl. bIV. Translating Terms.1. 编码技术2. 应用软件3. 浮点数据4. 分时,分时技术5. 存储容量V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary ・1 ・ He __ from the accident unharmed ・emerged2. This material is ____ to be pure silk.warranted3. He changed his pounds for the ____ amount of dollars ・equivalent4・ The regulations ___ that you may use a dictionary in the examination.specify5. ____ mathematics has become popular in recent decades because of its applications tocomputer science ・Discrete6. The ____ 0.61 stands for 61 hundredths.decimal7. The electrically charged gas particles are affected by ____ f orces.magnetic& Bessie has ____ her life to caring for others.dedicatedVL Look at the following sente nee take n from your readi ng passage ・ Just think about what else you can “increase” and fill in the sentences with the right words ・e.g. A special very-high-speed memory called a cache is sometimes used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and data available to the CPU at a rapid rale.2. The plan is to increase the effi ______ of the railway services and provide more choices for passengers.I. Fill in the following blanks.1. Application software2.3.System software4.ciency1.The aim of this course is to increase the awa ____ of self-worth of our black children・reness4.Their purposes in studyi ng in the United States in elude increasing their com _____ of En glish, to finish high school, and to understand the American way of life as much as possible・mancl3.When we are learning a new language we have to lake into account the increasing inter ____ of different cultures in society.actio n6.He in creased his sp ____ to overtake the lorry.eed5.This new teaching tool shows how to combine traditional classroom techniques with the use of video and this will increase the con _____ of teachers who may be unfamiliar with the medium, fidenceVII.Choose the best one of the four answers given to fill in each blank・A2. B3.A4. B5.C6.C7. A &D9. D 10.CVIII.Translate the following into English.1.通过应用各种编码技术。



Unite 1Section A: 1、artificial intelligence 人工智能2、paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器3、Optical computer 光学计算机4、Neural network 神经网络5、Instruction set 指令集6、Parallel processing 并行处理器7、Difference engine差分机8、Versatile logical element 多用途逻辑元件9、Silicon substrate 硅衬底10、Vaccum tube 真空管11、数据的存储与管理the storage and management of data12、超大规模集成电路large-scale integrated circuit13、中央处理器central processing unit14、个人计算机personal computer15、模拟计算机analog computer16、数字计算机digital computer17、通用计算机general purpose computer18、处理器芯片processor chip19、操作指令operating instructions20、输入设备input devicesSection B1、artificial neural network 人工智能神经网络2、Computer architecture 计算机体系结构3、Robust computer program 健壮的计算机程序4、Human-computer interface 人机接口5、Knowledge representation 知识代表6、数值分析numerical analysis7、程序设计环境programming environment8、数据结构data structure9、存储和检索信息store and retrieve information10、虚拟现实virtual realityUnit 2Section A:1、function key 功能键2、V oice recognition module 声音识别调制器3、Touch-sensitive region 触敏扫描仪4、Address bus 地址总线5、Flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪6、Dot-matrix printer 矩阵式打印机7、Parallel connection 并行连接8、Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管9、Video game 电子游戏10、Audio signal 音频信号11、操作系统operating system12、液晶显示liquid crystal display13、喷墨打印机inkjet printer14、数据总线data bus15、串行连接serial connection16、易失性存储器volatile memory17、激光打印机laser printer18、磁盘存储器floppy disc19、基本输入输出系统basic input/output system20、视频显示器video displaySection B:1、interrupt handler 中断处理程序2、Virtual memory 虚拟内存3、Context switch 上下文转换4、Main memory 主存5、Bit pattern 位模式6、外围设备peripheral device7、进程表process table8、时间片time slice9、图形用户界面graphics user interface10、海量存储器mass storageUnit 3Section A:1、storage register 存储寄存器2、Function statement 函数语句3、Program statement 程序语句4、Object-oriented language 面向对象语言5、Assembly language 汇编语言6、Intermediate language 中间语言7、Relational language 关系语言8、Artificial language 人工语言9、Data declaration 数据声明10、SQL 结构化查询语言11、可执行程序executable program12、程序模块program module13、条件语句conditional statement14、赋值语句assignment statement15、逻辑语言logic statement16、机器语言machine language17、函数式语言functional language18、程序设计语言programming language19、运行计算机程序run a omputer program20、计算机程序员computer programmerSection B1、native code 本机代码2、Header file 头文件3、Multithreaded program 多线程程序4、Java-enabled browser 支持Java的浏览器5、Mallicious code6、机器码machine code7、汇编码assembly code8、特洛伊木马程序trojan9、软件包software package10、类层次class hierarchyUnit 4Section A1、inference engine 推理机2、System call 系统调用3、Compiled language 编译执行的语言4、Parellel computing 并行计算5、Pattern matching 模式匹配6、Memory location 存储单元7、Interpreter program 解释程序8、Library routine 库程序9、Intermediate program 中间程序10、Source file 源文件11、解释执行的语言interpreted language12、设备驱动程序device driver13、源程序source program14、调试程序debugger15、目标代码object code16、应用程序application program17、实用程序utility program18、逻辑程序logic program19、黑盒ink cartridge20、程序的存储与执行storage and execution of program Section B1、Messaging model 通信模式2、Common language runtime 通用语言运行时刻(环境)3、Hierarchical namespace 分层的名称空间4、Development community 开发社区5、CORBA 公共对象请求代理体系结构6、基本组件basic components7、元数据标记metadata token8、虚拟机VM virtual machine9、集成开发环境IDE(intergrated development environment)10、简单对象访问协议SOAP(simple object access protocol) Unit 5Section A1、system specification 系统规范2、Unit testing 单元测试3、Software life cycle 软件的生命周期4、System validation process 系统验证过程5、Evolutionary development process 进化发展过程6、Simple linear model 简单线性模型7、Program unit 程序单元8、Throwaway prototype 一次性使用原型9、Text formatting 文本格式10、System evolution 系统演变11、系统设计范例paradigm for system design12、需求分析与定义Requirements analysis and definition13、探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach14、系统文件编制system documentation15、瀑布模型waterfall model16、系统集成system integration17、商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf software18、基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering19、软件维护工具software maintenance tool20、软件复用software reuseSection B1、check box 复选框2、Structured design 结构化设计3、Building block 构建模块4、Database schema 数据库模式5、Radio button 单选按钮6、系统建模技术system modeling techniques7、模型驱动开发MDD(model-driven development)8、数据流程图data flow diagram9、下拉式菜单drop-down10、滚动条scroll barUnit 6Section A1、end user 终端用户2、Atomic operation 原子操作3、Database administrator 数据库管理员4、Relational database model 关系数据库模型5、Local data 本地数据6、Object-oriented database 面向对象的数据库7、Database management system 数据库管理系统8、Entity-relationship model 实体关系模型9、Distributed database 分布式数据库10、Flat file 展开文件11、二维表two-dimensional table12、数据属性data attributes13、数据库对象database object14、存储设备storage device15、数据类型data type16、数据插入与删除insertion and deletion17、层次数据库模型hierarchical18、数据库体系结构database architecture19、关系数据库管理系统ralational database management system20、全局控制总线global control busSection B1、nonvolatile storage system 易失性存储系统2、Equitment malfunction 设备故障3、Wound-wait protocol 损伤等待协议4、Exclusive lock 排它锁5、Database integrity 数据库完整性6、共享锁shared lock7、数据库实现database implementation8、级联回滚cascading rollback9、数据项data item10、分时操作系统time sharing operating system ;Unit 7Section A1、microwave radio 微波无线电2、digital television 数字电视3、DSL 数字用户线路4、analog transmission 模拟传输5、on-screen pointer 屏幕上的指针6、computer terminal 计算机终端7、radio telephone 无线电话8、cellular telephone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机9、decentralized network 分散型网络10、wire-based internal network 基于导线的内部网络,有线内部网11、光缆fiber-optic cable12、传真机fax machine13、线通信wireless communications14、点对点通信point-to-point communications15、调制电脉冲modulated electrical impulse16、通信卫星communication(s) satellite17、电报电键telegraph key18、传输媒体transmission medium (或media)19、无绳电话cordless telephone20、金属导体metal conductorSection B1、bit map 位图2、parallel port 并行端口3、direct memory access (DMA) 直接存储器存取4、universal serial bus 通用串行总线5、general-purpose register 通用寄存器6、电路板circuit board7、串行通信serial communication8、数码照相机digital camera9、存储映射输入/输出memory-mapped I/O10、有线电视cable televisionUnit 8Section A1、file server 文件服务器2、carrier sense 载波检测3、Protocol suite 协议族4、Peer-to-peer model 点对点模型5、bus topology network 总线拓扑网络6、inter-machine cooperation 计算机间合作7、Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协作集8、Proprietary network 专有网络9、utility package 实用软件包10、star network 星形网络11、局域网local area network (LAN)12、令牌环token ring13、无线网络wireless network14、封闭式网络closed network15、环形拓扑网络ring topology16、客户/服务机模型client/server model17、网络应用程序network application18、进程间通信interprocess communication19、打印服务机printer server20、广域网wide area networkSection B1、routing path 路由选择通路2、dual-ring topology 双环形拓扑结构3、extended star topology 扩展星形拓扑结构4、backbone network 基干网,骨干网5、mesh topology网络拓扑结构6、同轴电缆coaxial cable7、逻辑拓扑结构logical topology8、无冲突连网环境collision-free networking environment9、树形拓扑结构tree topology10、目的地节点destination nodeUnit 9Section A1、cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2、IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3、autonomous system 自主系统4、dial-up connection 拨号连接5、network identifier 网络标识符6、binary notation 二进制记数法7、mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8、Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9、name server 名称服务器10、Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11、助记地址mnemonic address12、网吧cyber cafe13、宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14、顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15、因特网编址Internet addressing16、点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17、因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18、专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19、主机地址host address20、硬件与软件支持hardware and software support Section B1、incoming message 来报,到来的报文2、application layer 应用层3、utility software 实用软件4、sequence number (顺)序号,序列号5、remote login capabilities 远程登录能力6、端口号port number7、软件例程software routine8、传输层transport layer9、文件传送协议FTP(File Transfer Protocol)10、万维网浏览器Web browserUnit 10Section A1、mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表2、proprietary software 专有软件3、cc line 抄送行4、bcc line 密送行5、forwarded e-mail messages 转发的电子邮件6、e-mail convention 电子邮件常规7、click on an icon 点击图标8、confidential document 密件,秘密文件9、classified information 密级信息10、recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件11、常用情感符commonly used emoticon12、已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail13、电子系统electronic system14、附件行Attachments line15、版权法copyright law16、电子邮件网规e-mail netiquette17、信息高速公路information superhighway18、签名文件signature file19、电子数据表程序spreadsheet program20、文字处理软件word processorSection B1、web-authoring software 网络写作软件2、template generator 模版生成程序3、navigation page 导航页面4、corporate logo 公司标识5、splash page 醒目页面,过渡页6、导航条navigation bar7、节点页面node page8、网站地图site map9、可用性测试usability testing10、图形交换格式gif(Graphics Interchange Format)Unit 11Section A1、customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略2、B2G transaction 企业对政府交易3、mobile telephone 移动电话4、dot-com bust 网络不景气5、smart card 智能卡,灵巧卡6、digital piracy 数字盗版7、dot-com boom 网络繁荣8、C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易9、Web auction site 拍卖网站10、fingerprint reader 指纹读取器11、射频识别装置radio-frequency identification (RFID) device12、电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)13、库存管理技术inventory management technology14、知识产权intellectual property15、条形码bar code16、货币兑换currency conversion17、电子图书electronic book18、视网膜扫描仪retina scanner19、个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)20、企业对企业电子商务B2B electronic commerceSection B1、software suite 软件套件2、text box 文本框3、virtual checkout counter 虚拟付款台4、static catalog 静态目录5、browser session 浏览器会话期6、动态目录dynamic catalog7、购物车软件shopping cart software8、供应链supply chain9、企业资源计划软件enterprise resource planning (ERP) software10、税率tax rateUnit 12Section A1、encryption program 加密程序2、deletion command 删除命令3、authorized user 授权的用户4、backup copy 备份5、voltage surge 电压浪涌6、circuit breaker 断路器7、electronic component 电子元件(或部件)8、data-entry error 数据输入错误9、electronic break-in 电子入侵10、power line 电力线,输电线11、检测程序detection program12、电源power source13、破坏性计算机程序destructive computer program14、计算机病毒computer virus15、软件侵权software piracy16、硬盘驱动器hard-disk drive17、病毒检查程序virus checker18、主存储器primary storage19、电子公告板electronic bulletin board20、浪涌电压保护器surge protectorSection B1、phishing attack 网络钓鱼攻击2、graphics card 显(示)卡3、heuristic analysis 试探性分析4、infected file 被感染文件5、virus dictionary 病毒字典6、数据捕获data capture7、恶意软件malicious software8、病毒特征代码virus signature9、防病毒软件antivirus software10、内存驻留程序memory-resident program。




Unit OneSection CPDA Prizefight: Palm vs. Pocket PCI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. With DataViz’s Documents To Go, you can view and edit desktop documents on your PDA without converting them first to a PDA-specific ________. (format)2. Both Palm OS and Windows Mobile PDAs can offer e-mail via ________ so that new messages received on your desktop system are transferred to the PDA for on-the-go reading. (synchronization)3. The Windows Mobile keyboard, Block Recognizer, and Letter Recognizer are all ________ input areas, meaning they appear and disappear as needed. (virtual)4. Generally speaking, Windows Mobile performs better in entering information and playing ________ files while Palm OS offers easier operation, more ________ programs, better desktop compatibility, and a stronger e-mail application. (multimedia; third-party)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. data field数据字段2. learning curve学习曲线3. third-party solution第三方解决方案4. Windows Media Player Windows媒体播放器5. 开始按钮Start button6. 指定输入区designated input area7. 手写体识别系统handwriting-recognition system8. 字符集character setUnit ThreeSection BLonghorn:The Next Version of WindowsI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. NGSCB, the new security architecture Microsoft is developing for Longhorn, splits the OS into two parts: a standard mode and a(n) ________ mode. (secure)2. It is reported that Longhorn will provide different levels of operation that disable the more intensive Aero effects to boost ________ on less capable PCs. (performance)3. With Longhorn’s new graphics and presentation engine, we can create and display Tiles on the desktop, which remind us of the old Active Desktop but are based on ________ instead of ________. (XML; HTML)4. The most talked-about feature in Longhorn so far is its new storage system, WinFS, whichworks like a(n) ________ database. (relational)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. search box搜索框2. built-in firewall内置防火墙3. standalone application独立应用程序4. active desktop 活动桌面5. mobile device移动设备6. 专有软件proprietary software7. 快速加载键quick-launch key8. 图形加速器graphics accelerator9. 虚拟文件夹virtual folder10. 三维界面three-dimensional interfaceUnit FourSection CArraysI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. Given the array called object with 20 elements, if you see the term object10, you know the array is in ________ form; if you see the term object[10], you know the array is in ________ form. (subscript; index)2. In most programming languages, an array is a static data structure. When you define an array, the size is ________. (fixed)3. A(n) ________ is a pictorial representation of a frequency array. (histogram)4. An array that consists of just rows and columns is probably a(n) ________ array. (two-dimensional)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. bar chart条形图2. frequency array频率数组3. graphical representation图形表示4. multidimensional array多维数组5. 用户视图user(’s) view6. 下标形式subscript form7. 一维数组one-dimensional array8. 编程结构programming constructUnit FiveSection BMicrosoft .NET vs. J2EEI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. One of the differences between C# and Java is that Java runs on any platform with a Java Virtual ________ while C# only runs in Windows for the foreseeable future. (Machine)2. With .NET, Microsoft is opening up a channel both to ________ in other programming languages and to ________. (developers; components)3. J2EE is a single-language platform; calls from/to objects in other languages are possiblethrough ________, but this kind of support is not a ubiquitous part of the platform. (CORBA)4. One important element of the .NET platform is a common language ________, which runs bytecodes in an Internal Language format. (runtime)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. messaging model消息收发模型2. common language runtime通用语言运行时刻(环境)3. hierarchical namespace分等级层次的名称空间4. development community开发社区5. CORBA公用对象请求代理(程序)体系结构6. 基本组件base component7. 元数据标记metadata tag8. 虚拟机virtual machine9. 集成开发环境IDE(integrated development environment)10. 简单对象访问协议SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol)Unit SixSection ASoftware Life CycleI. Fill in the blanks with the information given in the text:1. The development process in the software life cycle involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and ________. (testing)2. In the system development process, the system analyst defines the user, needs, requirements and methods in the ________ phase. (analysis)3. In the system development process, the code is written in the ________ phase. (implementation)4. In the system development process, modularity is a very well-established principle used in the ________ phase. (design)5. The most commonly used tool in the design phase is the ________. (structure chart)6. In the system development process, ________ and pseudocode are tools used by programmers in the implementation phase. (flowcharts)7. Pseudocode is part English and part program ________. (logic)8. While black box testing is done by the system test engineer and the ________, white box testing is done by the ________. (user; programmer)II. Translate the following terms or phrases from English into Chinese and vice versa:1. standard graphical symbol标准图形符号2. logical flow of data标准图形符号3. test case测试用例4. program validation程序验证5. white box testing白盒测试6. student registration system学生注册系统7. customized banking package定制的金融软件包8. software life cycle软件生命周期9. user working environment用户工作环境10. implementation phase实现阶段11. 测试数据test data12. 结构图structure chart13. 系统开发阶段system development phase14. 软件工程software engineering15. 系统分析员system(s) analyst16. 测试工程师test engineer17. 系统生命周期system life cycle18. 设计阶段design phase19. 黑盒测试black box testing20. 会计软件包accounting packageIII. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the words given in the following list, making changes if necessary:development; testing; programmer; chart; engineer; attend; interfacessystem; software; small; userdevelop; changes; quality; board; UncontrolledIV. Translate the following passage from English into Chinese:软件工程是软件开发的一个领域;在这个领域中,计算机科学家和工程师研究有关的方法与工具,以使高效开发正确、可靠和健壮的计算机程序变得容易。

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Unite 1Section A: 1、artificial intelligence 人工智能2、paper-tape reader 纸带阅读器3、Optical computer 光学计算机4、Neural network 神经网络5、Instruction set 指令集6、Parallel processing 并行处理器7、Difference engine差分机8、Versatile logical element 多用途逻辑元件9、Silicon substrate 硅衬底10、Vaccum tube 真空管11、数据的存储与管理the storage and management of data12、超大规模集成电路large-scale integrated circuit13、中央处理器central processing unit14、个人计算机personal computer15、模拟计算机analog computer16、数字计算机digital computer17、通用计算机general purpose computer18、处理器芯片processor chip19、操作指令operating instructions20、输入设备input devicesSection B1、artificial neural network 人工智能神经网络2、Computer architecture 计算机体系结构3、Robust computer program 健壮的计算机程序4、Human-computer interface 人机接口5、Knowledge representation 知识代表6、数值分析numerical analysis7、程序设计环境programming environment8、数据结构data structure9、存储和检索信息store and retrieve information10、虚拟现实virtual realityUnit 2Section A:1、function key 功能键2、V oice recognition module 声音识别调制器3、Touch-sensitive region 触敏扫描仪4、Address bus 地址总线5、Flatbed scanner 平板扫描仪6、Dot-matrix printer 矩阵式打印机7、Parallel connection 并行连接8、Cathode ray tube 阴极射线管9、Video game 电子游戏10、Audio signal 音频信号11、操作系统operating system12、液晶显示liquid crystal display13、喷墨打印机inkjet printer14、数据总线data bus15、串行连接serial connection16、易失性存储器volatile memory17、激光打印机laser printer18、磁盘存储器floppy disc19、基本输入输出系统basic input/output system20、视频显示器video displaySection B:1、interrupt handler 中断处理程序2、Virtual memory 虚拟内存3、Context switch 上下文转换4、Main memory 主存5、Bit pattern 位模式6、外围设备peripheral device7、进程表process table8、时间片time slice9、图形用户界面graphics user interface10、海量存储器mass storageUnit 3Section A:1、storage register 存储寄存器2、Function statement 函数语句3、Program statement 程序语句4、Object-oriented language 面向对象语言5、Assembly language 汇编语言6、Intermediate language 中间语言7、Relational language 关系语言8、Artificial language 人工语言9、Data declaration 数据声明10、SQL 结构化查询语言11、可执行程序executable program12、程序模块program module13、条件语句conditional statement14、赋值语句assignment statement15、逻辑语言logic statement16、机器语言machine language17、函数式语言functional language18、程序设计语言programming language19、运行计算机程序run a omputer program20、计算机程序员computer programmerSection B1、native code 本机代码2、Header file 头文件3、Multithreaded program 多线程程序4、Java-enabled browser 支持Java的浏览器5、Mallicious code6、机器码machine code7、汇编码assembly code8、特洛伊木马程序trojan9、软件包software package10、类层次class hierarchyUnit 4Section A1、inference engine 推理机2、System call 系统调用3、Compiled language 编译执行的语言4、Parellel computing 并行计算5、Pattern matching 模式匹配6、Memory location 存储单元7、Interpreter program 解释程序8、Library routine 库程序9、Intermediate program 中间程序10、Source file 源文件11、解释执行的语言interpreted language12、设备驱动程序device driver13、源程序source program14、调试程序debugger15、目标代码object code16、应用程序application program17、实用程序utility program18、逻辑程序logic program19、黑盒ink cartridge20、程序的存储与执行storage and execution of program Section B1、Messaging model 通信模式2、Common language runtime 通用语言运行时刻(环境)3、Hierarchical namespace 分层的名称空间4、Development community 开发社区5、CORBA 公共对象请求代理体系结构6、基本组件basic components7、元数据标记metadata token8、虚拟机VM virtual machine9、集成开发环境IDE(intergrated development environment)10、简单对象访问协议SOAP(simple object access protocol) Unit 5Section A1、system specification 系统规范2、Unit testing 单元测试3、Software life cycle 软件的生命周期4、System validation process 系统验证过程5、Evolutionary development process 进化发展过程6、Simple linear model 简单线性模型7、Program unit 程序单元8、Throwaway prototype 一次性使用原型9、Text formatting 文本格式10、System evolution 系统演变11、系统设计范例paradigm for system design12、需求分析与定义Requirements analysis and definition13、探索式编程方法exploratory programming approach14、系统文件编制system documentation15、瀑布模型waterfall model16、系统集成system integration17、商用现成软件commercial off-the-shelf software18、基于组件的软件工程component-based software engineering19、软件维护工具software maintenance tool20、软件复用software reuseSection B1、check box 复选框2、Structured design 结构化设计3、Building block 构建模块4、Database schema 数据库模式5、Radio button 单选按钮6、系统建模技术system modeling techniques7、模型驱动开发MDD(model-driven development)8、数据流程图data flow diagram9、下拉式菜单drop-down10、滚动条scroll barUnit 6Section A1、end user 终端用户2、Atomic operation 原子操作3、Database administrator 数据库管理员4、Relational database model 关系数据库模型5、Local data 本地数据6、Object-oriented database 面向对象的数据库7、Database management system 数据库管理系统8、Entity-relationship model 实体关系模型9、Distributed database 分布式数据库10、Flat file 展开文件11、二维表two-dimensional table12、数据属性data attributes13、数据库对象database object14、存储设备storage device15、数据类型data type16、数据插入与删除insertion and deletion17、层次数据库模型hierarchical18、数据库体系结构database architecture19、关系数据库管理系统ralational database management system20、全局控制总线global control busSection B1、nonvolatile storage system 易失性存储系统2、Equitment malfunction 设备故障3、Wound-wait protocol 损伤等待协议4、Exclusive lock 排它锁5、Database integrity 数据库完整性6、共享锁shared lock7、数据库实现database implementation8、级联回滚cascading rollback9、数据项data item10、分时操作系统time sharing operating system ;Unit 7Section A1、microwave radio 微波无线电2、digital television 数字电视3、DSL 数字用户线路4、analog transmission 模拟传输5、on-screen pointer 屏幕上的指针6、computer terminal 计算机终端7、radio telephone 无线电话8、cellular telephone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机9、decentralized network 分散型网络10、wire-based internal network 基于导线的内部网络,有线内部网11、光缆fiber-optic cable12、传真机fax machine13、线通信wireless communications14、点对点通信point-to-point communications15、调制电脉冲modulated electrical impulse16、通信卫星communication(s) satellite17、电报电键telegraph key18、传输媒体transmission medium (或media)19、无绳电话cordless telephone20、金属导体metal conductorSection B1、bit map 位图2、parallel port 并行端口3、direct memory access (DMA) 直接存储器存取4、universal serial bus 通用串行总线5、general-purpose register 通用寄存器6、电路板circuit board7、串行通信serial communication8、数码照相机digital camera9、存储映射输入/输出memory-mapped I/O10、有线电视cable televisionUnit 8Section A1、file server 文件服务器2、carrier sense 载波检测3、Protocol suite 协议族4、Peer-to-peer model 点对点模型5、bus topology network 总线拓扑网络6、inter-machine cooperation 计算机间合作7、Ethernet protocol collection 以太网协作集8、Proprietary network 专有网络9、utility package 实用软件包10、star network 星形网络11、局域网local area network (LAN)12、令牌环token ring13、无线网络wireless network14、封闭式网络closed network15、环形拓扑网络ring topology16、客户/服务机模型client/server model17、网络应用程序network application18、进程间通信interprocess communication19、打印服务机printer server20、广域网wide area networkSection B1、routing path 路由选择通路2、dual-ring topology 双环形拓扑结构3、extended star topology 扩展星形拓扑结构4、backbone network 基干网,骨干网5、mesh topology网络拓扑结构6、同轴电缆coaxial cable7、逻辑拓扑结构logical topology8、无冲突连网环境collision-free networking environment9、树形拓扑结构tree topology10、目的地节点destination nodeUnit 9Section A1、cell phone 蜂窝电话,移动电话,手机2、IP address 网际协议地址,IP地址3、autonomous system 自主系统4、dial-up connection 拨号连接5、network identifier 网络标识符6、binary notation 二进制记数法7、mnemonic name 助记名,缩写名8、Internet-wide directory system 因特网范围的目录系统9、name server 名称服务器10、Internet infrastructure 因特网基础结构11、助记地址mnemonic address12、网吧cyber cafe13、宽带因特网访问broadband Internet access14、顶级域名top-level domain (TLD)15、因特网编址Internet addressing16、点分十进制记数法dotted decimal notation17、因特网服务提供商Internet service provider (ISP)18、专用因特网连接dedicated Internet connection19、主机地址host address20、硬件与软件支持hardware and software support Section B1、incoming message 来报,到来的报文2、application layer 应用层3、utility software 实用软件4、sequence number (顺)序号,序列号5、remote login capabilities 远程登录能力6、端口号port number7、软件例程software routine8、传输层transport layer9、文件传送协议FTP(File Transfer Protocol)10、万维网浏览器Web browserUnit 10Section A1、mailing list 邮件发送清单,邮件列表2、proprietary software 专有软件3、cc line 抄送行4、bcc line 密送行5、forwarded e-mail messages 转发的电子邮件6、e-mail convention 电子邮件常规7、click on an icon 点击图标8、confidential document 密件,秘密文件9、classified information 密级信息10、recovered e-mail message 恢复的电子邮件11、常用情感符commonly used emoticon12、已删除电子邮件deleted e-mail13、电子系统electronic system14、附件行Attachments line15、版权法copyright law16、电子邮件网规e-mail netiquette17、信息高速公路information superhighway18、签名文件signature file19、电子数据表程序spreadsheet program20、文字处理软件word processorSection B1、web-authoring software 网络写作软件2、template generator 模版生成程序3、navigation page 导航页面4、corporate logo 公司标识5、splash page 醒目页面,过渡页6、导航条navigation bar7、节点页面node page8、网站地图site map9、可用性测试usability testing10、图形交换格式gif(Graphics Interchange Format)Unit 11Section A1、customized marketing strategy 定制的营销策略2、B2G transaction 企业对政府交易3、mobile telephone 移动电话4、dot-com bust 网络不景气5、smart card 智能卡,灵巧卡6、digital piracy 数字盗版7、dot-com boom 网络繁荣8、C2C transaction 消费者对消费者交易9、Web auction site 拍卖网站10、fingerprint reader 指纹读取器11、射频识别装置radio-frequency identification (RFID) device12、电子数据交换electronic data interchange (EDI)13、库存管理技术inventory management technology14、知识产权intellectual property15、条形码bar code16、货币兑换currency conversion17、电子图书electronic book18、视网膜扫描仪retina scanner19、个人数字助理personal digital assistant (PDA)20、企业对企业电子商务B2B electronic commerceSection B1、software suite 软件套件2、text box 文本框3、virtual checkout counter 虚拟付款台4、static catalog 静态目录5、browser session 浏览器会话期6、动态目录dynamic catalog7、购物车软件shopping cart software8、供应链supply chain9、企业资源计划软件enterprise resource planning (ERP) software10、税率tax rateUnit 12Section A1、encryption program 加密程序2、deletion command 删除命令3、authorized user 授权的用户4、backup copy 备份5、voltage surge 电压浪涌6、circuit breaker 断路器7、electronic component 电子元件(或部件)8、data-entry error 数据输入错误9、electronic break-in 电子入侵10、power line 电力线,输电线11、检测程序detection program12、电源power source13、破坏性计算机程序destructive computer program14、计算机病毒computer virus15、软件侵权software piracy16、硬盘驱动器hard-disk drive17、病毒检查程序virus checker18、主存储器primary storage19、电子公告板electronic bulletin board20、浪涌电压保护器surge protectorSection B1、phishing attack 网络钓鱼攻击2、graphics card 显(示)卡3、heuristic analysis 试探性分析4、infected file 被感染文件5、virus dictionary 病毒字典6、数据捕获data capture7、恶意软件malicious software8、病毒特征代码virus signature9、防病毒软件antivirus software10、内存驻留程序memory-resident program。
