IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 首先,我要强调的是,读书本应是一种享受。
2. 我这里所说的“您”,是指那些有闲的成年人,他们想读的不是非读不可的那些书。
3. 关于这类书籍,我无意置喙。
Key to the Exercises--- An Integrated English Course - Book 6Unit 1 Technology in Reverse●Text ComprehensionI. CII. 1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. Refer to Paragraph 1.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5.3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, buthe believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. Refer to Paragraph 7.4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improvemarriages and save “family values”. Refer to Paragraph 9.● Language WorkI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive2. a sudden increase3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time4. can supposedly help, at the same time5. need to be able to use6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding10. usually, insignificantII. Fill in the banks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. customized2. traumatized3. promotional4. paradoxical5. frivolity6. subscribers7. successors8. inanities9. institutionalized10. subsidyIII. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. are clogged with2. purports to3. a vista of4. bombarded…with5. exulted over6. scribbled all over7. find… alluring8. make a comeback9. call up10. tossed … into11. was eliminated12. compress… intoIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. weak2. entrance to3. full of4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax5. shows all the signs of6. excitement and danger7. spent the afternoon discussing8. increase her confidence9. very often10. quick diveV. Correct the errors in the following passage.VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.1. millionaires2. computer3. breed4. programs5. companies6. generation7. popularity8. provide9. sales10. times11. valuable12. life● Translation1.The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6. Yo u’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9. There’s a smashing view from her office.10 The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。
Unit 4 Matriculation FixationChinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 两年前的一天,我坐在费城一所医院的大厅里焦急地等待着,一位素不相识的人突然向我讲述了他女儿的大学就读计划。
2. 这位女生虽然算不上出类拔萃,但还算出色,她已经被一所一流名牌大学接受,不过没有助学金。
3. 我本世俗百姓,对一些陌生人的婚姻、职业和嗜好最为私密的细枝末节耳熟能详,因此很早便掌握了调解这类危机的必备技巧。
4. 我告诉他,我自己就毕业于费城一所二流大学,和她女儿要就读的学校并无二致,而我也已在世上为自己找到了一小块立足之地。
5. 这位父亲从来没有听说过我,也没有读过我的作品。
6. 我始终没有弄明白他为什么去那医院。
7. 我之所以提及此事,是因为它折射了在该送孩子上大学的时刻到来时家长们神经质到了什么程度。
综英第六册课后翻译参考答案Unit 11.这项计划为智力迟钝者提供长期的照顾。
The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.他有一台又粗笨有庞大的旧电脑,速度慢,使用麻烦。
He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. 他沿着房间后部慢慢移动,尽量不引起别人注意。
He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. 安装一个不同的计算机系统将会导致巨大的变化。
It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. 她再次与金牌失之交臂。
The gold medal continues to elude her.6. 你真是个傻瓜,竟然没抓住这么好的机会。
You’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7.她的薪水将猛增10%。
Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8.我草草的留了张纸条给希拉里,塞在门缝底下。
I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9.她的办公室视野极佳。
There’s a smashing view from her office.10 去那儿旅行很愉快,只是旅馆有些脏兮兮的。
The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.Unit 21.这家公司是由几名有事业心的年轻人创立的。
Key to the ExercisesAn Integrated English CourseBook 6Chief Complier: He ZhaoxiongZhang ChunboShanghai Foreign Language Education PressUnit 1 Technology in ReverseText ComprehensionI CII1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. Refer to Paragraph 1.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5.3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, but he believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. Refer to Paragraph 7.4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improve marriages and save “family values”. Refer to Paragraph 9.Language WorkI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive2. a sudden increase3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time4. can supposedly help, at the same time5. need to be able to use6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding10. usually, insignificantII. Fill in the banks with the appropriateforms of the given words.1. customized2. traumatized3. promotional4. paradoxical5. frivolity6. subscribers7. successors8. inanities9. institutionalized10. subsidyIII. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrasetaken from the box in its appropriate form.1. are clogged with2. purports to3. a vista of4. bombarded…with5. exulted over6. scribbled all over7. find… alluring8. make a comeback9. call up10. tossed … into11. was eliminated12. compress… intoIV. Explain the meaning of the underlinedword or phrase in each sentence.weak2. entrance to3. full of4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax5. shows all the signs of6. excitement and danger7. spent the afternoon discussing8. increase her confidence9. very often10. quick diveV. Correct the errors in the following passage.VI. Fill in each blank in the passagebelow with ONE appropriate word.1. millionaires2. computer3. breed4. programs5. companies6. generation7. popularity8. provide9. sales10. times11. valuable12. lifeTranslation1.The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6. You’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9. There’s a smashing view from her office.10 The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.II. T ranslate the following passage into Chinese.在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。
IV. Chines e Transl ation of Paragr aphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。
2. 也只有在旅行之时,我们才赞赏古旧之物。
3. 我们旅行的时候,会放下戒备和忧虑,渴望回归过去;我们是向后倒退而非向前迈进;我们培养着自己的歇斯底里。
4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。
5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。
6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。
教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。
7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。
The foreign students at New York University come from more than 130 countries. Fifty percent are from Asia, especially South Korea, Japan and China. Foreign students are studying in all fourteen schools within the university. These include arts and sciences, law, business and education. Seventy-five percent of the foreign students are in graduate school. About twenty-five percent are in four-year programs that lead to a bachelor’s degree.The cost of attending New York University is different in each of its schools. For example, one year of study at the Wagner Graduate School of Public Service costs about $19,000. Some other schools within NYU cost more. Some cost less. The housing cost is about $9,000 a year.Bachelor’s degree students at NYU can borrow money from financial institutions to help pay for their studies. Foreign students in graduate school at NYU can get teaching or research jobs at the university. They can also get loans from financial institutions.three十五年前,计算机专家们扩展了因特网系统。
英专综合教程6册课文翻译及课后答案Answer to Unit 4
Unit 4 Matriculation FixationChinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 两年前的一天,我坐在费城一所医院的大厅里焦急地等待着,一位素不相识的人突然向我讲述了他女儿的大学就读计划。
2. 这位女生虽然算不上出类拔萃,但还算出色,她已经被一所一流名牌大学接受,不过没有助学金。
3. 我本世俗百姓,对一些陌生人的婚姻、职业和嗜好最为私密的细枝末节耳熟能详,因此很早便掌握了调解这类危机的必备技巧。
4. 我告诉他,我自己就毕业于费城一所二流大学,和她女儿要就读的学校并无二致,而我也已在世上为自己找到了一小块立足之地。
5. 这位父亲从来没有听说过我,也没有读过我的作品。
6. 我始终没有弄明白他为什么去那医院。
7. 我之所以提及此事,是因为它折射了在该送孩子上大学的时刻到来时家长们神经质到了什么程度。
英专综合教程6册课文翻译及课后答案Answer to unit 5
IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs引言中文译文本文“为迷信辩解一二”最初发表在1978年11月20日的《新闻周刊》上。
1. 在我们当代有关“非理性复兴”的严肃讨论中,迷信并未对理性和科学形成严重挑战。
2. 很少有人承认自己迷信,因为那意味着幼稚或愚昧。
3. 你不知道迷信有四种存在的方式吗?神学家使我们确信它们确实存在。
4. 第二种是占卜,即求神问卦。
5. 第三种是盲目崇拜,大学里面这种情况司空见惯,举不胜举。
This company was started by a couple of enterprising young men.2、那是他唯一一次自己在午夜前睡觉的,因为他实在太累了。
It was the only time when he went to bed of his own accord before midnight,because he was really too tired. 3、经过长时间的仔细酝酿,书才得以完成。
Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book..4、她从头到脚穿着一身黑。
She was attired from head to foot in black.5、为攒我们去度假的钱,我节衣缩食整整一年。
I have been scrimping and saving all the year to pay for our holiday.6、我知道他是好意,但我希望他别来管我们。
I know he is well-meaning,but I wish he’d leave us alone.7、当有人指出他犯错误时,他非常生气。
He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.8、说了多少次了,安东尼,刀子和叉子要放入中间的抽屉。
I have told you for umpteen th times,Anthony,knives and forks go in the middle drawer.9、缝纫恐怕不是我的专长。
I am afraid sewing is not my forte.10、观众热烈的欢迎使她十分高兴。
She was buoy ed by the warm reception her audience gave her.纽约大学的外国学生来自130多个国家,50%来自亚洲,主要是韩国、日本和中国。
Key to the Exercises--- An Integrated English Course - Book 6Unit 1 Technology in Reverse●Text ComprehensionI. CII. 1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. Refer to Paragraph 1.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5.3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, buthe believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. Refer to Paragraph 7.4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improvemarriages and save “family values”. Refer to Paragraph 9.● Language WorkI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive2. a sudden increase3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time4. can supposedly help, at the same time5. need to be able to use6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding10. usually, insignificantII. Fill in the banks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. customized2. traumatized3. promotional4. paradoxical5. frivolity6. subscribers7. successors8. inanities9. institutionalized10. subsidyIII. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. are clogged with2. purports to3. a vista of4. bombarded…with5. exulted over6. scribbled all over7. find… alluring8. make a comeback9. call up10. tossed … into11. was eliminated12. compress… intoIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. weak2. entrance to3. full of4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax5. shows all the signs of6. excitement and danger7. spent the afternoon discussing8. increase her confidence9. very often10. quick diveV. Correct the errors in the following passage.VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.1. millionaires2. computer3. breed4. programs5. companies6. generation7. popularity8. provide9. sales10. times11. valuable12. life● Translation1.The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6. Yo u’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9. There’s a smashing view from her office.10 The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。
Unit 1 在得到加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的研究生奖学金后,玛丽对人类行为各个方面的研究的兴趣变得更加浓厚起来。
Having been granted a fellowship at the University of California at Berkeley, Mary’s interest in research on all dimensions of human behavior has come alive. 她渴望尽早完成计划中的各项试验。
She is now itching to carry out the various experiments she has planned as soon as possible. 目前,她特别想搞清楚优雅的举止在商业谈判中具有何种举足轻重的分量。
At present she is particularly keen on finding out how important a role graceful manner can play in business negotiations. 她希望她的研究结果能够通过媒体广为流传,以便从事商业谈判的人们能够从她的研究中受益。
She dreams that her findings will be circulated widely through the help of the media so that people engaged in business negotiations will benefit from them. Unit3 At a recent art exhibition ,i bought a sketch of an old peasant done by Wang Jie ,astudentfrom the outskirts of ChenDu. When i showed it to my friend,they would like to meet the youngartist. So i invited Wang Jie to my home. Wang Jie was shy but after a couple of beers,he begain toopen up and came out with something that he had not let on to others:the old peasant in the pictureis his father in fact. He said his father thought that he had lost his mind when he wanted to sketchhim doing farm work. “but to me ,”said Wang Jie,”this picture testifies my love for my father.”Unit7 玛亚是一位职业赛车手。
IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。
2. 也只有在旅行之时,我们才赞赏古旧之物。
3. 我们旅行的时候,会放下戒备和忧虑,渴望回归过去;我们是向后倒退而非向前迈进;我们培养着自己的歇斯底里。
4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。
5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。
6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。
教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。
7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。
8. 当然,旅行最普通的原因就是为了远离家乡。
IV. Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。
4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。
5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。
6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。
教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。
7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。
Key to the Exercises--- An Integrated English Course - Book 6Unit 1 Technology in Reverse●Text ComprehensionI. CII. 1. F. Not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. Refer to Paragraph 1.2. T. Refer to Paragraph 5.3. F. It is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, buthe believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. Refer to Paragraph 7.4. T. Refer to Paragraph 7.5. F. The author expresses his doubt in a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improvemarriages and save “family values”. Refer to Paragraph 9.● Language WorkI. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive2. a sudden increase3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long time4. can supposedly help, at the same time5. need to be able to use6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable9. consequence, people who know nothing about technology, impeding10. usually, insignificantII. Fill in the banks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. customized2. traumatized3. promotional4. paradoxical5. frivolity6. subscribers7. successors8. inanities9. institutionalized10. subsidyIII. Fill in each of the blanks with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. are clogged with2. purports to3. a vista of4. bombarded…with5. exulted over6. scribbled all over7. find… alluring8. make a comeback9. call up10. tossed … into11. was eliminated12. compress… intoIV. Explain the meaning of the underlined word or phrase in each sentence.1. weak2. entrance to3. full of4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax5. shows all the signs of6. excitement and danger7. spent the afternoon discussing8. increase her confidence9. very often10. quick diveV. Correct the errors in the following passage.VI. Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE appropriate word.1. millionaires2. computer3. breed4. programs5. companies6. generation7. popularity8. provide9. sales10. times11. valuable12. life● Translation1.The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. The gold medal continues to elude her.6. Yo u’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7. Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8. I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9. There’s a smashing view from her office.10 The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.II. Translate the following passage into Chinese.在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。
Unit 1 A Class Act1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。
2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。
3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。
4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。
5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。
6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。
我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。
8. 一天,我们全家在一家报纸举办的不收取费用的肖像模特摄影比赛中获了奖。
Chinese Transla tion of Paragra phs1. 电话的发明,产生了一个始料不及的后果,书写过时了。
2. 与之相比,当前计算机网络上发生的现象就更为惊人了。
3. “我确信电子邮件和网上会议正在教会整整一代人写文章是多么有用,可以灵活到何种程度,”《旧金山纪事报》的专栏作家乔恩·卡洛尔这样写道。
4. 可是这种比较又引出一个问题:如果说当今的网络写作代表了某种复兴,但为何这么多网络作品又如此糟糕呢?网络写作可能会低劣不堪:文体拖沓、漫无边际、愚蠢幼稚、不合语法、拼写糟糕、结构不当,有时甚至毫无内容可言,正如网络上典型的短信息所示:“嗨!!!1!我觉得金属乐队酷毙了!1 !!!”5. 当然,原因之一就是电子邮件不同于常规写作。
IV. Chinese Transla tion of Paragra phs1. 旅行好比私通:人总受到背叛自己国家的诱惑。
2. 也只有在旅行之时,我们才赞赏古旧之物。
3. 我们旅行的时候,会放下戒备和忧虑,渴望回归过去;我们是向后倒退而非向前迈进;我们培养着自己的歇斯底里。
4. 我们旅行的时候会呈现出自己最好的一面,正如我们穿上自己最漂亮的衣服出行一般,只有我们的护照才会提醒我们,实际上自己是多么平淡无奇!我们出国去认识我们那个陌生的自己,那个诞生在飞机上且令人激动的陌生人。
5. 我们每个人都在伪装——不然缘何我们会戴上墨镜并在谈吐举止中尽力模仿另一个地方的本土居民呢?在家里,我们才做回自己;出国后,我们则尽力成为自己始终想做的人。
6. 人变得好奇起来,旅行也就开始了。
教会的影响力、传统的生活方式、缺乏钱财、难得闲暇, 都制约了人们的好奇心。
7. 旅行可增长见识,可洞悉本国或异域的文化,可造就现代人的厌倦感。
Unit 61). 这么多年过去了,现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希望。
(cling to)2). 为了友谊,他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默。
(in the name of)3). 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货——似乎他根本没资格在那儿。
(impostor)4). 她因滑稽、粗俗和大胆成了美国最出名的电视名人之一。
(profane)5). 一群好奇的旁观者很快聚拢过来看发生了什么事。
(onlooker)6). 再次听到那支曲子使他内心充满了怀旧之情。
(nostalgia)7). 我讨厌不得不在天还没亮时起床。
(detest)8). 地方政府的这项新政策引起了环保组织的强烈抗议。
(provoke)9). 这本书中有好几个优美的描写片段。
(sublime)10). 我察觉到他对安排不大满意,于是预订了另一家旅馆。
(perceive)Keys1). 这么多年过去了,现在他仍然抱着她会被他的爱所感动并嫁给他的希望。
(cling to)✍ After so many years he is still clinging to the hope that she will be moved by his love and marry him.cling to: to stick to or fit very tightly on somethinge.g. Gareth's dripping clothes clung to his body.2). 为了友谊,他选择对约翰的严重错误保持沉默。
(in the name of)✍He chose to remain silent abo ut John’s serious mistake in the name of friendship.in the name of: representing someone or somethinge.g. They said they came in the name of peace.3). 他感觉自己在所有那些聪明人中间像个冒牌货——似乎他根本没资格在那儿。
Chinese Translation of Paragraphs1. 二战时,曼彻斯特饱受空袭之苦。
2. 不过,我的父母最是乐观向上。
3. 问题是:虽说我的衣服熨得有棱有角,皮鞋擦得铮亮铮亮的,可总有些地方不符合标准校服的要求。
4. 由于战争影响,开始实施配给制度,大部分学校也放宽了对正规校服的要求,因为学校明白能有衣服穿已属不易。
5. 尽管我试图去解释我为何没能按规定着装,尽管我也正逐渐向全套校服靠近,我每天依然会被揪出队列,在台上罚站,作为对违反校服规定者的警戒。
6. 我每天站在同学面前,只能强忍泪水,不仅羞愧难耐,而且常常只有我一人挨罚。
我多么希望在这所可怕的学校里,哪怕只有一位老师能睁开双眼看看我能够做什么,而不是不停地告诉我不能做什么啊!7. 不过,12岁的我在心里也毫无选择,只有眼睁睁地挨受惩罚。
8. 一天,我们全家在一家报纸举办的不收取费用的肖像模特摄影比赛中获了奖。
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综英第六册课后翻译参考答案Unit 11.这项计划为智力迟钝者提供长期的照顾。
The program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded.2.他有一台又粗笨有庞大的旧电脑,速度慢,使用麻烦。
He’s got a cumbersome, bulky, old computer—it’s slow and complicated to use.3. 他沿着房间后部慢慢移动,尽量不引起别人注意。
He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room.4. 安装一个不同的计算机系统将会导致巨大的变化。
It would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system.5. 她再次与金牌失之交臂。
The gold medal continues to elude her.6. 你真是个傻瓜,竟然没抓住这么好的机会。
You’d be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.7.她的薪水将猛增10%。
Her salary will go up by a hefty 10%.8.我草草的留了张纸条给希拉里,塞在门缝底下。
I scrawled a quick note to Hilary and put it under her door.9.她的办公室视野极佳。
There’s a smashing view from her office.10 去那儿旅行很愉快,只是旅馆有些脏兮兮的。
The trip out there was swell, but the hotel was a bit crummy.Unit 21.这家公司是由几名有事业心的年轻人创立的。
The company was started by a couple of enterprising young men.2.他是前重量级冠军,预计会轻松地拿下这场拳击赛。
He’s a former heavyweight champion and is expected to win the bout easily.3.为写此书,投入了许多小时一丝不苟的前期准备。
Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the book.4.她从头到脚穿一身黑。
She was attired from head to foot in black.5.我节衣缩食整整一年,为的是攒我们去度假的钱。
I’ve been scrimping and saving all the year to pay for our holiday.6.我知道他是好意,但我希望他别来管我们。
I know he’s well-meaning, but I wish he’d leave us alone.7.当有人提出他犯了错误时,他非常生气。
He became very indignant when it was suggested he had madea mistake.8.说了多少次了,安东尼,刀子和叉子放入中间的抽屉。
For the umpteenth time, Anthony, knives and forks go in the middle drawer!9.缝纫恐怕不是我的专长。
I’m afraid sewing isn’t one of my fortes.10.观众热烈的欢迎使她十分高兴。
She was buoyed by the warm reception her audience gave her.Unit 31. Mundane matters such as going to the market to buy food do not interest her.2. I still remember my carefree student days.3. it’s very difficult to undo the damage caused by inadequate parenting in a child’s early years.4. The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.5. The Venice Film Festival has always been the showcase of the Italian cinema.6. She suffered brain damage from a car accident and regressed to the mental age of a five-year-old.7. Be careful or he’ll take you for a ride.8. Her story is a cautionary tale for women traveling alone.9. She left her home and traveled across the sea in search of a utopia, but she never found it.10. The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout our lives.Unit 41.她对上市场买菜之类的凡俗之事不感兴趣。
Mundane matters such as going to the market to buy food do not interest her.2.我还记得我那快乐的学生时代。
I still remember my carefree student days.3.在孩子幼年时由于缺少家长养育造成的损害是很难消除的。
It’s very difficult to undo the damage caused by inadequate parenting in a child’s early years.4.观众显然为她的表演所陶醉。
The audience was clearly enchanted by her performance.5.威尼斯电影节一直都是展示优秀的意大利电影的盛会。
The Venice Film Festival has always been the showcase of the Italian cinema.6.她因车祸大脑受损,智力退化到一个五岁孩子的水平。
She suffered brain damage from a car accident and regressedto the mental age of a five-year-old.7.小心点,否则他会欺骗你的。
Be careful or he’ll take you for a ride.8.她的故事对那些单身旅行的女性来说是一种告诫。
Her story is a cautionary tale for women traveling alone.9.她离开了家园,漂洋过海寻找乌托邦,但是从来都没能找到。
She left her home and traveled across the sea in search ofa utopia, but she never found it.10.他的论点的实质是教育应当贯穿我们的一生。
The essence of his argument was that education should continue throughout our lives.Unit 51.很多少有人像山姆一样流露出如此的自信。
Few people exude such confidence as Sam.2.他两次被判犯了纵火罪。
He has twice been convicted of arson.3.经过三年多的侦破,他们终于上周抓获了那个大毒枭。
After tracking down the drug baron for more than three years, they finally arrested him last week.4.由于战争,他们失去了一个正常的童年时代。
They were deprived of a normal childhood by the war.5.银行计划给他们建于30年代的办公楼进行彻底的翻新改造。
The bank is planning to give its 1930s’ building a complete face-lift.6.节俭的概念对于我来说是陌生的。
The concept of thrift is foreign to me.7.顶嘴的孩子被认为是厚脸皮和不懂礼貌的。
Children who talk back are regarded as cheeky and disrespectful.8.刑满释放人员找工作总是很不容易。
It’s not always easy to find a job after you’ve done time.9.她已经放弃了对这一项目的所有职责。
She has abdicated all responsibility for the project.10.冰箱里几乎什么都没有,我怎么凭空给他的六个朋友变出一顿饭来?How am I expected to conjure up a meal for six of his friends with almost nothing in the fridge?Unit 61.他是家里的长子,所以也是唯一得到过父母全心照顾的孩子。
Being the eldest son in the family, he was the only one to have gained the undivided attention of his parents.2.他不具备干这项工作所需要的技能。
He lacked the requisite skills for the job.3.在那场危机中,联合国在当地政府和叛军之间进行了斡旋。
The United Nations mediated between the local government and the rebels during the crisis.4.他用杰出的成就为自己在学术界谋得了一个顶尖科学家的席位。