诗歌Robert Browning

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(1806 – 1861)
Love Story,
Sonnets from the Portuguese
Robert Browning’s Bells and Pomegranates(《铃铛与石榴》) attracted the attention of Miss Elizabeth Barrett, a famous poetess and six years older than Browning. She wrote a poem to praise him, and then Browning wrote a letter to thank her in Jan. 1845. At that time, Barrett was an invalid confined to her room by a nervous disorder. But with Browning’s constant urging, she gained steadily in strength, hope, and will. But their love met Elizabeth’s father’s strong opposition. So they married secretly on Sept. 12, 1846 and eloped to Italy in that year. And since then, they made Casa Guidi “(加萨古伊迪) in Florence their home and lived there until Mrs. Browning died.

Robert Browning---the most original poet
1. Son of a wealth banker in London with a library of 6,000 volumes of books 2. Studied at London University for one year but educated at home 3. Began to exchange correspondence with Elizabeth Barrett, an invalid since thirteen; 4. Eloped with her to Italy because of her father’s disapproval of their marriage and secretly married there 6. Father of one son 7. lived with her sisters in London and often traveled to the country and abroad 8. Died in Venice and was buried in the Poet’s Corner 9. A follower of Shelley

Browning, together with Tennyson and Arnold are generally called “The Big Three” of Victorian poets.
Born in a well-to-do family and grew up in a household of significant literary resources. At the early age of 5, he began to write poems.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
• Born in a well-to-do family and had a happy childhood. • In the age of 13, she published The Battle of Marathon(《马拉松战役》). • In 15, she fell from the horse and her pines were badly injured which turned her to an invalid person. • Translated the Greek tragedy Prometheus Bound in English. • Paid lots of attention to the social and political problems. (The Cry of Children) • She is a woman of great ability and high talent.
1845年她第一次与罗伯特相见,此前他们 已为诗歌神交已久,据说有一段时间两人 每天一封信。罗伯特与她见面后,便开始 了热烈的追求,丝毫不介意她大他6岁,年 已39,且久病在床。 1846年 不顾父亲的反 对,和诗人罗伯特·布朗宁(1812~1889) 私奔,在教堂举行简单的婚礼后,各自出 发逃往意大利,并在比萨会合,去继续他 们的生活。他们成功了。三年后,即1849 年,他们已在意大利中部的佛罗伦萨定居 。
勃朗宁出生于伦敦郊外一个中产阶级 家庭,父亲是颇有艺术修养的银行职员, 母亲是德国血统的苏格兰人。勃朗宁青 少年时代没有受过多少正规教育,而是 依靠父亲的藏书自学成才。他兴趣广泛, 博览群书,培养了诗歌、绘画和音乐等 多方面的艺术才能。1833年他匿名发表 自传性质的长诗《波琳》,被批评为 “有强烈的病态的自我意识。”此后他 在诗歌创作中便力求以客观描写取代直 抒胸臆。1835—1845年间勃朗宁连续发 表八部诗剧和诗集《戏剧抒情诗》 (1842)、《戏剧浪漫斯及抒情诗》 (1845)。在后两部诗集中,诗人创造 了别具一格的、以心理分析为主旨的戏 剧独白诗。
Contribution to Literature

He is famous for his development and his masterly creation of “dramatic monologue.” His monologues often serve as masks that help to reveal the various facades of his characters as well as the poet’s owm complex ideas. “My Last Duchess” is a good representative work in the form of dramatic monologue.
Robert Browning
Robert Browning

(1812 – 1889)
an English poet and playwright whose mastery of dramatic verse, especially dramatic monologues, made him one of the foremost Victorian poets.
Robert Browning’s Works
•Pippa Passes 《皮帕走过》 •The Ring and the Book 《指环与书》 •Home Thoughts, from Abroad 《异国思乡》 •The Pied Piper of Hamelin 《哈姆林的吹笛人》 •Dramatic Lyrics 《戏剧抒情诗》 •Dramatic Romances 《戏剧浪漫史》 •Men and Women 《男男女女》 •My Last Duchess 《我的前公爵夫人》 •Parting at Morning 《晨别》