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1. ________ a language requires time and effort.

A. Learn

B. Learning

C. To learn

D. Being learned

2. It is not always easy ________ invitations.

A. to refuse

B. refusing

C. to be refused

D. being refused

3. How __________ the problem will be discussed at

tomorrow’s meeting.

A. to solve

B. to be solved

C. being solved

D. solving

4. It __________ forty-five minutes __________ there by bus.

A. cost, to get

B. takes, getting

C. takes, to get

D. takes, to get to

5. It is no good __________. You should give_________.

A. to smoke, it up

B. smoking, it up

C. smoking, up it

D. to smoke, up it

6. He gave us some advice on how ____ English.

A. learning

B. Learned

C. to learn

D. learn

7. It ’s a pay day, and they are waiting ____.

A. pay

B. paying

C. paid

D. to be paid

8. I don’t know whether you happen, but I’m going to study in the U.S.A this September .

A.to be heard B. to be hearing

C.to hear D. to have heard

9. I forgot _____ my name when I finished ____ the composition.

A. to sign, to writing

B. to sign, writing

C. signing, writing

10. ---You were brave enough to raised objections at the meeting.

---Well, now I regret ____ that.

A. to do

B. to be doing

C. to have done

D. having done

11. She can’t help ____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. to clean

B. cleaning

C. cleaned

D. being cleaned

12. Her wish is __________ an engineer.

A. becoming

B. become

C. to become

D. being come

13.Some people’s greatest pleasure is __________.

A. fishing

B. to fish

C. to be fishing

D. being fish

14. The report was so _______ that they were all __________.

A. inspiring, exciting

B. inspiring, excited

C. inspired, excited

D. inspired, exciting

15. ---“You look pale.”

---“I feel a little __________.”

A. tire

B. tired

C. tiring

D. tiresome

16. She said she had an important meeting ______.

A. to attend in

B. to attend

C. attend

D. attending

17. He is always the first ______ questions.

A. to answer

B. answering

C. to be answered

D. being answered

18. The Olympic Games _______ in the year 2012 was a great success.

A. being held

B. to be held

C. held

D. to hold

19. The first textbooks ____ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in

the 16th century.

A. having written

B. to be written

C. being written

D. Written

20. At present, English is the main subject ___________ here.

A. to be taught

B. being taught

C. teaching

D. to be teaching

21. ---"Who are those people with the banner?"

---"A group _______ itself the League for peace."

A. calling

B. calls

C. called

D. is called

22. The pen __________ belongs to me.

A. which it is on the table

B. lying on the table

C. is on the table

D. which on the table

23. The doctor advised Lao Li __________ more rest.

A. that he get

B. to get

C. would get

D. get

24. Soon they saw the boy _________ in the crowd.

A. disappear

B. to disappear

C. disappears

D. disappeared

25. Birds are seldom heard __________ at night.

A. sing

B. singing

C. to sing

D. to be singing

26. He kept me __________ for many hours.

A. to wait

B. having been waited

C. waiting

D. waited

27. Mother caught the boy __________ in the corner.

A. smoke

B. to smoke

C. smoking

D. being smoked

28. Having read the Emperor's New Clothes, we all found it ___.

A. interest

B. interested

C. interesting

D. to interest

29. I need this chapter __________ before tomorrow.

A. rewriting

B. rewritten

C. rewrite

D. to write again

30. When she returned home, she found the window open and something


A. to steal

B. losing

C. missed

D. stolen

31. There was so much noise that the speaker could not make himself _________.

A. being heard

B. heard

C. hearing

D. Hear

32. I have enjoyed my visit here. I'll be very sorry __________.

A. for leaving

B. of leaving

C. to leave

D. left

33. I went to see him __________ him out.

A. finding

B. find

C. only to find

D. only found

34. __________ the cry for help, people immediately rushed out of the rooms.

A. To hear

B. Hearing

C. Having heard

D. They hearing

35. __________ Hello, he reached out his hand.

A. Said

B. Saying

C. Talked about

D. Talking to
