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CHINA IN THE WORLD ECONOMY 作者:英国《金融时报》首席经济评论员马丁•沃尔夫

China is a rapidly emerging economic superpower. Yet China is still far from a high-income country. What does this novel combination mean for China itself and for its place in the world?


In setting out to address that question, we must start with the obvious point. A country with such a huge and growing impact on the world cannot ignore its effect on others. The defining characteristic of such a superpower is that it cannot expect to remain a free rider. What it does and does not do has consequences for the entire global system. As William Shakespeare might have said, China has achieved greatness and now has responsibility thrust upon it.

要解答这个问题,我们必须从显而易见的一点出发。一个对世界拥有巨大且越来越大影响的国家,不能忽视自己对其它国家的影响。这样一个超级大国的关键特征是,它不能指望继续“搭便车”。中国无论做什么与不做什么,都会对整个全球体系产生影响。套用威廉•莎士比亚(William Shakespear)的话说,中国已达到了伟大的境界,如今面对着随之而来的责任。

Defining China’s interests 界定中国的利益

China needs to develop a policy not just for its interaction with the global economic system, but also for the development of that system. In doing so, it will have to start from a definition of its national interests, values and objectives.

I would argue that China’s overwhelming national interest lies in maintaining a stable, peaceful and co-operative global political and economic environment. It is only in such an environment that China can be confident of maintaining rapid economic development.


How should China, as one of the world’s leading powers, seek to achieve that objective? Broadly, I would argue that this interest would be best secured via


development of a rules-governed, institutionally-based global system. With this general objective in mind, I want to discuss four principal areas of policy: finance; money; trade and direct investment; and natural resources. This is not an exhaustive list, by any means. But these are some of the principal issues now facing China. 域:金融、货币、贸易与直接投资、以及自然资源。这并非一份全面的清单,但它们是中国如今面临的一些主要问题。

Global finance 全球金融

In the long run, China is likely to emerge as the most important player in the global financial system. Its objectives must be, first, to create a domestic financial system that is capable of supporting its own economic development; second, to help promote a global financial system that supports a rapidly growing and reasonably stable world economy; and, third, to protect the former – the domestic financial system – from the excesses of the latter – the global financial system. This is, in fact, a huge challenge, because of the complex interaction between global and domestic finance.


I would argue that in achieving this complex reconciliation China’s policies should be guided by the following four broad principles.


First, the Chinese authorities should assume that in the long run, possibly as long as a generation, China’s financial system will not only be fully integrated into global finance, but is likely to emerge as one of its hubs.


Second, the transition to full integration will be not just lengthy, but complex and fraught. For this reason, it will take some time and needs to be carefully orchestrated. An important step along the

