国际交流英语视听说 (2)

Exploring the Theme
Protecting Our Planet
1. Lions and other types of big cats are dying at a rapid rate. What do you think is the biggest threat to these animals?
Think and Discuss
2. What are some reasons that animals become extinct?
Example Answers Species can become extinct due to over-hunting or overfishing , climate change, loss of habitat, or competition from invasive species.
Exploring the Theme
Protecting Our Planet
2. If a plant species becomes extinct, what effect does this have on the environment?
Example Answers
If a plant species becomes extinct, then any insect species or animal that depends on it could go without food and shelter. In addition, plants are important to the soil and the air, so losing a plant species could have several negative effects on the environment.

国际交流英语视听说B2国际交流英语视听说Book 2 Unit 1Energy and Our PlanetC ontentThink and DiscussExploring the ThemeAnalytical Listening Sharing Y o u r Ideas Viewing the WorldEngagingFurther ListeningUnit 1 Energy and Our PlanetT hink and DiscussQuestions1. What do you think the colors inthis photo mean?2. Look at the information on thispage. What do you think you willlearn about in this unit?Thermal image of ahouse in New Haven,Connecticut, USAQuestions1. What do you think the colors in this photo mean?Questions2. Look at the information beside the photo. What do you think you will learn about in this unit?国际交流英语视听说Unit 1 Energy and Our PlanetE xploring the ThemeEnergy and Our PlanetPrudhoe Bay: a region on the northern coast of Alaska, U.S.A., north of the Arctic Circle. One of the largest oil reserves in North America were found there in 1968. 普拉德霍湾Energy and Our PlanetMiddelgrunden: the world’s largest offshore wind farm. It was built in 2000 near the city of Copenhagen. It supplies around four percent of the city’s energy needs. ⽶德尔格伦登风电场Energy and Our Planet A| Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the following questions.1. What kinds of energy or fuel do you see on these pages?2. How is our energy use affecting the environment?3. What are some examples of renewable energy?Energy and Our PlanetLondon, Britain at nightEnergy and Our PlanetA grizzly bear and her cubs walk along an oil pipeline in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. Our use of fossil fuels is impacting the environment in a variety of ways.Energy and Our PlanetWind turbines at Middelgrunden Wind Park in Copenhagen, Denmark provide a renewable form of energy. Many countries are using renewable forms of energy such as wind, hydroelectric, and solar power.Energy and Our Planet 1. What kinds of energy or fuel do you see on these pages?Energy and Our Planet 2. How is our energy use affecting the environment?Energy and Our Planet 3. What are some examples of renewable energy?Energy and Our PlanetB | Look at the pie charts on page 3. Then discuss the questions.1. How much of the world’s production of energy comes fromoil?2. How much of the world’s production of renewable energycomes from wind power?Energy and Our PlanetThese pie charts show the world’s productionof renewable and non-renewable sources ofenergy. Each section represents a differentsource of energy. The numbers show whatpercent each source of energy makes up of allenergy production.Energy and Our Planet 1. How much of the world’s production of energy comes from oil?。

Unit 1Book 2Energy and Our PlanetUnit 1 Energy and Our PlanetF urther ListeningListening 1This coal-fueled power plant issending carbon into the atmosphere.Listening 1A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about global warming and check (√) any ideas that are NOT part of the talk.☐Our use of fossil fuels has increased.☐The earth receives less sunlight because of air pollution.☐A very much higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather.☐Climate change is being driven by both natural and human-made forces.☐New reserves of fossil fuels will be hard to find.☐We need to produce more alternative energy.☐We can personally try to conserve energy.☐Changes in the way of life in rapidly developing countries will make a big impact on the world’s greenhouse gases.√√√√√Listening 1B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.1.Our demand for fossil fuels like _______ and ____________is growing.2.Burning fossil fuels puts __________ into the air.3.When there is more heat in the earth’s atmosphere,__________________________ increases.4.Climate change can have _______________________ onpeople’s lives.5.People are starting to __________________ by trying to useless fuel.oil natural gas carbon the average temperature a negative impact conserve energyListening 1Our demand for fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas is growing. This growing need for energy causes us to burn more and more fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels such as coal puts carbon into the air. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, and other gases reduce the amount of heat that goes out into space. When less heat goes out into space, it means that more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere. When more heat stays in the earth’s atmosphere, the average temperature increases, making it warmer.To be continued >>>Listening 1A significantly higher average temperature leads to climate change and changes to the weather. Climate change can have a negative impact on people’s lives. For example, climate change can make it difficult to grow food in some places. People are starting to conserve energy by making changes that cause them to use less fuel. For example, people are buying smaller cars. Smaller cars are more efficient because they use less gas and oil.Listening 2Yoho National Park, British Columbia, CanadaListening 2A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about energy andenvironment and check (√) the main idea you hear.☐Global warming is inevitable. Little can be done about it.☐Global warming is having a negative impact on our environment. There could be quick switches to lessen theeffects of global warming.☐Stopping global warming requires urgent, unheard-of international cooperation. It is too big a job for us.√☐Global warming poses a threat to our environment. There could be some practical ways we can help protect theenvironment.Listening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.1.Cut back on ___________ by using public transportation orwalking more often.2.Shop at _____________ close to your home.3.Turn off _______________________ once you are not usingthem.4.Replace ________________________ with new, efficientmodels.5._______________ the electricity and gas you use.driving local stores lights and electronics your old appliances Keep track ofListening 2B | Read the statements. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.6._______________________ for your energy use each month using your energy journal.7.___________________________ your lifestyle to reduce the amount of energy you use.Set a lower target Make small changes toListening 2Scientists believe that the earth’s temperature is increasing. Theybelieve this increase in temperature is having a negative impacton our environment. You might think that protecting the planet istoo big a job for you, but it isn’t. There are many small andpractical ways you can conserve energy and help protect theenvironment. Here are some helpful tips.Cut back on driving by taking public transportation or walkingmore often. You will save a lot of gas if you drive to work two orthree days a week instead of five! Shop at local stores close toyour home.To be continued >>>Listening 2You will drive less, so you can spend less money on gas and more money on food. Turn off lights and electronics whenyou aren’t using them so you don’t waste electricity. Replace your old appliances like refrigerators and dishwashers with new, efficient models. Old appliances consume more energy than new ones. Keep track of the electricity and gas you use and how you use it. Write down the different activities you do that use gas or electricity and how often you do them in an energy journal.To be continued >>>Listening 2Use your energy journal to help you set a lower target for your energy use each month. For example, if your energy bill is $100 one month, try lowering your bill to $80, or by 20 percent the next month. Try to reduce the amount of energy you use by making gradual changes to your lifestyle. You will see that making small changes each month can have a big impact on the amount of energy you use—and help protect our beautiful planet!Listening 3 Dictation.Listen to some ideas about energy saving and write down what you hear. Altogether the ideas will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the ideas will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work.A woman is drying her dishes byhand.Listening 31. Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the dishwasher. Dry them by hand instead of using energy by drying them in the dishwasher.2. Cut back on your use of hot water. Take a five-minute shower, or use only four inches (10 centimeters) of water in your bath.3. Keep track of your electric bills. Make a chart of how much energy you use, and watch the numbers go down every month.4. Recycle all of your cans, bottles, and paper. Recycled materials consume much less energy than new materials.5. Unplug computers, printers, TVs, and cell phone chargers when you aren’t using them. They use electricity even when they are turned off—up to eight percent of your electric bill!Thank You!Unit 2 Book 2Culture and TraditionF urther ListeningUnit 2Culture and TraditionF urther ListeningListening 1A cowboy working on a cattle driveA | Read the questions. Then listen to a talk about cowboy life and culture and answer the questions.1.What was the job of cowboys in the 1800s?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. How long did cowboys generally work in a year ?____________________________________________________________________________________________Listening 1The job of cowboys in the 1800s was tomove the cattle in Texas to a railroad townin big cattle drives.Cowboys generally worked for four months.B|Read the statements. Then listen again and check (✔) T for trueor F for false.Listening 11. Many cowboys could take more than3,000 cattle to a railroad town.2. The average cowboys were old.3. Cowboys would sing to the cattle to keepthem quiet.4. Cowboys earn little money, so fewerpeople want to work as cowboys now.5. Cowboy culture is being preserved bymany people.T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Answer Keys1. F (Only 10 cowboys could take more than 3,000 cattle toa railroad town.)2. F (24 years old.)3. T4. T5. TListening 1In the 1800s, cowboys worked with cattle all across the western region of the United States. An important factor in the cowboys’ work was the railroad. Most cattle were in Texas, but the railroadwas more than 1,000 miles (1,609 kilometers) away. Cowboysmoved the cattle there in big cattle drives. Experts estimate that in a cattle drive, only 10 cowboys could take more than 3,000 cattle to a railroad town. Cowboys typically worked for about four months, and received all their pay at the end. Then they spent it very quickly in the town. The average cowboy was only 24 years old. Working alone with their cattle, cowboys developed some very interesting customs. For example, at night, some cowboys would sing to the cattle to keep them quiet. Some traditional American songs came from these singing cowboys. Cowboys have not disappearedTo be continued >>>Listening 1completely, but there are not nearly as many as there were in the past. One reason for this is very few young people want to workso hard for so little money, so the cowboys’ way of life is endangered. Although the number of actual cowboys has decreased, there are many people who help preserve aspects of the cowboy culture. For example, cowboy hats and boots are very popular, especially in the western part of the United States, and many places still have rodeos.Listening 2At a charreada in Mexico, cowboys called “charros” compete in teams.A |Read the questions. Then listen to a conversation between students and their professor and answer the questions.Listening 21.Which country has the first real cowboys?______________________________________________2.Are there still cowboys in that country? Are all the cowboys the same in that country?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Mexico has the world’s first real cowboys.There are still cowboys in Mexico, but they’re not all the same. There are charros, who ride their horses in contests, so it’s mostly a sport or hobby for them. There are also vaqueros, who work with cattle every day, so for them being a cowboy is their work.B | Listen again and complete the chart.Listening 2Charros• They _________________ in contests called charreadas .• They do it as a __________________ .• For them, it is mostly ____________________.To be continued >>>ride their horses hobby a sport or a hobby.Listening 2Vaqueros• They ___________________ every day.• They do it as a _______________________ .• For them, it is _________________________.B | Listen again and complete the chart.work with cattle job their workListening 2Emily: You said that Mexico had the first real cowboys. Are there still cowboys today?Professor Daley: Yes, there are. They’re workers who live with the cattle and take care of them. Some ranches are very large and cattle need to be moved from place to place, so yes, there are still cowboys.Li: You also talked about two kinds of cowboys in Mexico. Could you explain that?Professor Daley: Sure. The most famous cowboys in Mexico are the charros. They ride their horses in contests called charreadas.The other kind of cowboys are the vaqueros—the ones whowork with cattle every day.To be continued >>>Listening 2Li: I still don’t understand.Professor Daley: Let me explain. Some Mexican cowboys do it asa hobby, and others do it as a job. For the charros, it’s mostly asport, or a hobby. For the vaqueros, it’s their work.Li: So, what you mean is that Manuel Rodriguez is a vaquero, and not a charro.Professor Daley: Exactly!Emily: Do you mean that charros aren’t really cowboys? Professor Daley: No, charros are a part of the tradition, but many of them don’t do it as actual work. What I mean is, they arecowboys—but it isn’t a job.Listening 3 Dictation.Listen to a passage aboutbagpipes and write down what you Array hear. Altogether the passage will beread to you four times. During thefirst reading, which will be done atnormal speed, listen and try tounderstand the meaning. For thesecond and third readings, the passagewill be read sentence by sentence, orphrase by phrase, with intervals of 15seconds. The last reading will be doneat normal speed again and during thistime you should check your work.Listening 3Bagpipes are a very old musical instrument. They have a bag that holds air, and one or more small pipes that make the notes of the music. The player blows air into the bag, and then the air comes out slowly through the pipes to make the sound. There are holes in the pipes that the player covers with his or her fingers to play different notes.Bagpipes have a long history. Musicians in ancient Rome played a similar instrument with an airbag and pipes. Today, the most famous bagpipes are in Scotland and Ireland, but there are many different instruments like this in different regions of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.Thank You!Unit 3Book 2A Thirsty WorldUnit 3 A Thirsty WorldF urther ListeningListening 1A | Read the statements. Then listen to a talk about Australia’s water and check (✔) T for true or F for false.1. The rain stopped in some areas in Australiaseveral years ago and it became a crisis forthese areas.2. Some children have never seen rain in theirwhole lives in Australia.3. The government made rules to allocate waterfor domestic uses.4. Australians’ main use of water is for industry.5. Rain is the only source of water for farming inAustralia.Listening 1T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Answer Keys1. T2. T3. T4. F (Australians’ main use of water is for agriculture.)5. F (Farmers use water from rivers and undergroundreservoirs for farming.)B |Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.Listening 11. Australia is considered to be one of the _____________ continents in the world, and water is very _____________ in many regions.2. Years ago, many parts of the country experienced a_____________—a time of extremely dry _____________.3. The government made rules about use of water for things such as gardens, swimming pools, and _____________.4. Farms produce rice, grapes, oranges, _____________, and many other foods, and these _____________ a lot of water.driestscarcedrought showers cattle require To be continued >>>weatherB |Read the sentences. Then listen again and complete the sentences with what you hear.Listening 15. Some parts of Australia have had more _____________amounts of rain recently, while in many other places there, the _____________ continues.6. Other countries may also face urgent _____________ aboutwater use like Australia has.normal crisis decisionsListening 1Water is important in any country, but in Australia, it is the most important resource. Australia is one of the driest continents in the world, and water is very scarce in many regions. The normalamount of rain in some places is only one inch (25 millimeters) peryear.Several years ago, the rain stopped falling in Australia, and manyparts of the country soon experienced a drought—a time ofextremely dry weather. Children in some towns have never seen rainin their whole lives.It was a crisis for the entire country, and many people were veryworried. The government had to decide how to allocate water fordifferent uses. Rules were made about domestic use of water forthings such as gardens, swimming pools, and showers.To be continued >>>Listening 1Some water is also needed for industry because the country makes cars, ships, and machines. But Australians’ main use of water is for agriculture. Farms produce rice, grapes, oranges, cattle, and many other foods, and these require a lot of water. Instead of rain, Australia uses water from rivers and underground reservoirs for farming.Some parts of Australia have had more normal amounts of rain recently, but in many places there, the crisis continues. And with the earth’s climate getting hotter, other countries will face urgent decisions about water use like Australia has.luxury n. 奢侈品plumbing n. (建筑物内的)管道系统haul v. 拖,拉merry-go-round n. (供儿童玩耍的)旋转木马spin v. (使)快速旋转Patricia Molope 帕特里夏·莫洛普(人名)exhaustinga. 使人筋疲力竭的chore n. 家庭杂务Listening 2Listening 2A |Read the questions and answer choices. Then listen to a talk about PlayPumps and choose the correct answers.Listening 21. What was the traditional way for some rural Africans toget clean water?a. They asked a taxi driver to carry water for them.b. They pumped water from the well in their village.c. They walked to a far-off well to carry water back.2. Who would do the traditional chore of carrying water?a. Women and girls.b. Men and boys.c. Boys and girls.c aB | Read the questions. Then listen again and answer the questions.Listening 21. How heavy are the traditional water containers the people were using? And how far did they have to go to get water?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What may be the main parts of a PlayPump?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The traditional water containers weigh about 40pounds (18 kilograms), and people walked eightkilometers to get the water.One main part is the merry-go-round part thatchildren turn. It operates a pump underground. Another main part might be a large tank where the water is stored.B | Read the questions. Then listen again and answer the questions.Listening 23. Why have the PlayPump locations become a center of social activity?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The PlayPump locations have become a center of social activity because children can play there and adults can gather while they collect the water.Listening 2In rural Africa, clean water is a luxury. Many small villages in Africa don’t have access to clean water. Most people don’t have plumbing in their homes. Instead, they often must walk longdistances to wells and haul heavy containers of water back.Traditionally, people must walk eight kilometers to get water, and carry very heavy containers that weigh about 40 pounds (18 kilograms).A new invention called the PlayPump is changing life in manyvillages. It uses a children’s toy called a merry-go-round toprovide clean water. As the merrygo-round spins, it pumps cleanwater up from deep underground and stores it in a huge tank.People are welcome to come and help themselves to the water.To be continued >>>Listening 2Patricia Molope, 17, explains that before her South African village got a PlayPump, people would pay a taxi driver to take them to afar-off well. “Sometimes the taxi drivers were busy, and we wouldhave to go without bathing in order to save our water. It was too far to walk there. But now we have our own clean water in our village, and life is better.”The exhausting chore of carrying water traditionally falls to womenand girls. Hauling water for miles—and hours—each day is such abig job, it sometimes prevents girls from being able to attend school. Thanks to the PlayPump, getting water is quick and easy—and even boys join in. The pumps have become a center of social activity where kids and adults gather to visit while collecting water.。

This passage is mainly about the benefits of parks and other green spaces in Paris. They include better health, better environment, less crime and impro现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Unit 1 Living for Work
Unit 2
Good Times, Good Feelings
urther Listening
Further Listening
Further Listening
Listentements. Then listen again and check (√) T for true or F for false.
1. F (She has a full-time job as a sales manager.
Listening 1
A | Listen to four people talking about their free time activities and note down them in each box.
Example answers: Miranda: not have much free time; spend time with her children; go to the beach; go to the park; make her feel young; give her great joy. Mike: take walks in park; love the outdoor; walking a good exercise; keep healthy Cindy: cooking, a common hobby; know a lot of people who like to cook; friends come over and cook together; laugh and tell stories Tim: listen to music; classical music; drawback is almost never spending time outside
国际交流英语视听说B1U2 ppt课件

Having regular vacations and time away from work helps us feel good.
Exploring the Theme
Good Times, Good Feelings
We feel good when we do physical exercise.
Example Answers
• having close friendships and family connections • having vacations and time away from work • doing physical exercise • helping other people
Think and Discuss
2. How do you think the man in the photo feels?
Example Answers The man must be feeling very relaxed, refreshed and comfortable.
Book 1
2 Unit
Good Times, Good Feelings
Think and Discuss Exploring the Theme Analytical Listening Sharing Your Ideas Viewing the World Engaging Further Listening
Exploring the Theme
Good Times, Good Feelings
2. Do you do any of these activities? Do they make you feel good? Why or why not?

Unit 2Book 2 Culture and TraditionThink and Discuss Viewing the WorldExploring the ThemeAnalytical ListeningSharing Your IdeasEngagingFurther ListeningC ontentUnit 2 Culture and TraditionT hink and Discuss1.Look at the photo. What do youknow about cowboys?2.In which countries do cowboyslive and work?A cowboy and a cowgirlherding horses in Oregon,U.S.AQuestionsQuestions1.Look at the photo. What do you know about cowboys?Example AnswersI know that cowboys ride horses, and their job is to takecare of cows, or cattle. Many cowboys work on ranches,which are farms where cattle and other animals are raised.Questions2.In which countries do cowboys live and work?Example AnswersCowboys live and work in North and South America, from Canada and the U.S.A. to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.国际交流英语视听说Culture and TraditionUnit 2E xploring the ThemeCulture and Tradition Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions.1.Where do these people live?2.How are these people similar?3.What are some cultures that interest you? Why?4.What are some things that make your own culture special?An Argentine gaucho, or cowboy, herdsblack cattle through a field.Culture and TraditionIn Japan, geishas are female entertainers. The wordgeisha means “art person”. Geishas spend a lot of time studying how to perform traditional Japanese music and dances.Culture and TraditionCulture and Tradition The Sherpa people live in Array the Himalayan region. Theword Sherpa means “easternpeople”. The word Sherpaniis used for female Sherpas.guides and help peopleclimb mountains,particularly MountQomolangma.The Roma people lived in India before they moved to Europe. Today,there are many Roma people living in Romania, Hungary, and otherEuropean countries. When Roma children go to a school where people speak a different language, they often stop speaking their Roma language. Scientists estimate that 3,000 languages might disappear in the next 100 years as people stop speaking their native languages.Culture and TraditionCulture and TraditionAborigines are the original people of Australia. There are many different groups of Aborigines living there. Each group has its own language, culture, and customs.In the United States, the Navajo Indians still do their traditional dances, and many speak both the Navajo language and English.Culture and TraditionGauchos are cowboys from Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay. Gauchos’ work involves moving herds of cattle from one place to another.Culture and TraditionCulture and Traditiongeisha: a woman who works as a traditional Japanese entertainer. Geishas are trained in traditional Japanese arts including singing, dancing, as well as conversation and games. 日本艺妓Culture and TraditionSherpa: a member of an ethnic group living in the Himalayan region. The Sherpas are best-known for their work as expert mountaineers and porters (行李搬运工) who take expeditionsup the mountains in the Himalayas. 夏尔巴人gypsy:a name used to describe a member of the Roma ethnic group. The name comes from a mistaken historical belief that they were Egyptian in origin. The Roma have several different languages and cultures. Most Roma live in Europe, though there are Roma populations in North and South America. 吉卜赛人Culture and TraditionAborigine:a name used to describe people who are historically native to a region. The best-known example is the people who lived in Australia before European settlers arrived. The term “indigenous person” has the same meaning and is usually considered more acceptable. 澳大利亚土著居民Culture and TraditionNavajo Indian: a member of a tribe of native American Indians in the U.S.A. Many Navajo live in the Navajo Reservation ( 纳瓦霍印第安人居留地) which occupies parts of the states of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. The Navajo people are famous for their traditional arts and crafts, including weaving and silver jewelry. 纳瓦霍印第安人Culture and Traditiongaucho:a person who rides a horse and works with cattle in parts of South America. Gauchos are famous for their rugged ( 吃苦耐劳的) and independent lifestyle. 加乌乔牧人Culture and TraditionCulture and Tradition 1.Where do these people live?Example AnswersGeishas live in Japan.The Sherpa people live in the Himalayan region.The Roma people live in Romania, Hungary, and other European countries.Aborigines live in Australia.The Navajo Indians live in the United States.Gauchos live in Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay.Culture and Tradition 2. How are these people similar?Example AnswersThese people represent old cultural traditions in the placeswhere they live. They also represent smaller culturalgroups—not huge populations.Culture and Tradition 3. What are some cultures that interest you? Why?Example Answers• I’m interested in the Hawaiian culture because I think huladancing is beautiful and the Hawaiian Islands are verybeautiful.• I’m interested in the Sami people of Scandinavia because they herd reindeer, their culture and language are very old,and their customs are disappearing quickly.• I’m interested in the culture of Sri Lanka because it has been influenced by several ethnic groups, including theSinhalese (僧伽罗人), Tamil (泰米尔人), etc.Culture and Tradition 4. What are some things that make your own culture special?Example AnswersMy own culture, Chinese culture, is special because it is soancient. Its history goes back thousands of years. Chineseculture is also special because China covers such a largegeographical area, and Chinese food, customs, andlanguages have traveled to many places, includingSingapore, Indonesia, and Malaysia, to name a few.国际交流英语视听说A nalytical ListeningUnit 2Culture and TraditionRobb Kendrick 罗布·肯德里克(人名)Tyrel Tucker 蒂雷尔· 塔克(人名)ranch n. 大牧场Wyoming 怀俄明州(美国西部州)Manuel Rodriguez 曼努埃尔·罗德里格斯(人名)Coahuila 科阿韦拉州(墨西哥东北部州)La Mora Ranch 拉莫拉农场Listening 1Listening 1vaquero: a Spanish word used to describe a man who rides a horse and works with cattle. The vaquero style of working with cattle came historically from Spain to Mexico and spread to California, New Mexico, and Texas in the U.S.A. 牧牛人charro: a kind of traditional cowboy from Mexico. Thecharros are best-known for their colorful hats and clothes, and for their traditional Mexican rodeos (牛仔竞技表演), called charreadas . 墨西哥牛仔Listening 1Prior Knowledge. Discuss the questions with a partner.Before Listening Listening 11.What do you know about cowboys’ lifestyle?2.Besides North America, do you know of any other regions that have cowboys? What arethey called in those places?Cowboy still work onranches in the westernUnited StatesListening 11.What do you know about cowboys’ lifestyle?Example AnswersThe lifestyles of cowboys involve being away from home for long periods, riding horses, and living and working with cattle outdoors.Listening 12. Besides North America, do you know of any other regions that have cowboys? What are they called in those places?Example AnswersBesides North America, there are cowboys called gauchos who live in Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Other cowboys called paniolos live in Hawaii, and vaqueros live in Mexico.A |Listening for Main Ideas.Listen to the first part of the lecture and check(√) the main idea you hear.A LectureListening Listening 1☐The last cowboys disappeared a long time ago.☐Fewer young people want to be cowboys because of the money matters.☐In some parts of the world, there are still traditionalcowboy customs.√Listening 1Professor Daley: OK, so let’s continue. A lot of people today think that the last cowboys disappeared a long time ago. It’s true that there are fewer cowboys today, and the cowboy way of life is endangered. Money is a big factor here. Cowboys usually don’t make a lot of money for all the hard work they do, so fewer young people today want to be cowboys—it’s not an easy lifestyle. Even so, in some parts of the world, cowboys still ride their horses, watch the cattle, and practice traditional cowboy customs.B | Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture and complete the notes about the two cowboys.Listening 1•________ years old when the photo was taken•got his first horse when he was_________________•one winter, he worked alone with his_______________ on a ranch •took care of _________ cattle •lived in a shack with no ___________•_____________ the work Tyrel Tucker18two years old older brother2,300electricity enjoyedListening 1 •started working with his father whenhe was _______________•_________ generations of his familyhave worked on the same ranch•got ____________ and moved to thecity•wants to ______________ to thecountryside and work as a vaquero again Manuel RodriguezB| Listening for Details.Listen to the entire lecture and complete the notes about the two cowboys.four years oldfourmarriedmove backC| Making Inferences. Read the statements. Then listen again and check (√) T for true or F for false. The statements are not in the professor’s exact words. You need to think about what you hear.Listening 11. Tyrel liked school.2. Tyrel and his brother ate a healthy diet.3. Both Tyrel and Manuel would be very unhappy living in a big city.4. The two men want to get better jobs.T F ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐Listening 1Example Answers1. F (He was happy to leave school at the age of 17.)2. F (They ate the same few foods every day, and didn’t eatvegetables or fruits.)3. T4. F (Tyrel enjoys cowboy work, and Manuel plans to work as acowboy again after his first child is born.)Listening 1D| Discussion. Read the questions. Then listen again and discuss the questions with your partner.1. When did the cowboy tradition start in Mexico? Why?2. Who did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?3. What did the Mexican vaqueros wear? For whatreasons did they wear those clothes?4. Which part of America did the Mexican cowboys firstmoved into?5. How many kinds of cowboys are there in Mexico today?What are they?Listening 11.When did the cowboy tradition start in Mexico? Why?Example AnswersThe cowboy tradition in Mexico started in the 1600sbecause Spanish people brought cattle to the NewWorld. Workers are needed to take care of the cattle.Listening 1 2. Who did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?Example AnswersThe Mexican vaqueros used to work for people whoowned big ranches.Listening 13. What did the Mexican vaqueros used to work for?Example AnswersThe Mexican vaqueros used to wear big hats to keep the sun off their faces and high boots to protect their legs.Listening 1 4. Which part of America did the Mexican cowboys firstmoved into?Example AnswersThe Mexican cowboys first moved into Texas in the southern U.S.A.Listening 15. How many kinds of cowboys are there in Mexico today?What are they?Example AnswersThere are two kinds of cowboys in Mexico today. Onekind, called charros, ride horses and compete in sports.The other kind, called vaqueros, work with cattle on the ranches.Critical Thinking.Form a group with two or three other students. Discuss the questions.Listening 1After Listening 1. Why do you think Robb Kendrick used an old kind of camera for his pictures?2. What kinds of people want to be cowboys now?3. Why do you think they like the cowboy’s way of life?4. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?5. Are there cowboys in China? If yes, what is their way of life like?Listening 11. Why do you think Robb Kendrick used an old kind of camera for his pictures?Example AnswersRob Kendrick used an old camera probably becausecowboy work is an old tradition, and Kendrick wantedthe photos to look old-fashioned, not modern.Listening 1 2. What kinds of people want to be cowboys now?Example AnswersPeople who want to be cowboys now probably likeanimals and enjoy working outdoors, and they don’t expect to make a lot of money or live in luxury.Listening 1 3. Why do you think they like the cowboy’s way of life?Example AnswersThey probably like the cowboy’s way of life because they have a love for freedom.Listening 1 4. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?Example Answer 1Yes, because I’d like to seek a life of loneliness in the wild nature. I also like freedom and enjoy workingoutdoors, so the cowboy lifestyle would work for me.Listening 14. Would you like this way of life? Why or why not?Example Answer 1No, because it’s important to me to earn enough money to save and invest. I need to live with my family, so the cowboy lifestyle wouldn’t work for me.。

国际交流英语视听说2答案U11、72.I really don’t know how to thank you , but for your help, I ()my lost necklace.[单选题] *A.couldn’t have found(正确答案)B.mustn’t have foundC.couldn’t findD.wouldn’t find2、Mrs. Black is on her way to England. She will _______ in London on Sunday afternoon. [单选题] *A. reachB. attendC. arrive(正确答案)D. get3、I gave John a present but he gave me nothing_____. [单选题] *A.in advanceB.in vainC.in return(正确答案)D.in turn4、All he _______ was a coat. [单选题] *A. had on(正确答案)B. had toC. had a restD. had a good time5、24.I often ask my English teacher some questions ________ e-mail. [单选题] *A.by(正确答案)B.inC.forD.with6、53.On your way home, you can buy some fruit, meat, vegetables and ________. [单选题] * A.something else(正确答案)B.else somethingC.everything elseD.else everything7、Do not _______ me to help you unless you work harder. [单选题] *A. expect(正确答案)B. hopeC. dependD. think8、43.How much did you ________ the man for the TV? [单选题] *A.pay(正确答案)B.takeC.spendD.buy9、You have failed two tests. You’d better start working harder, ____ you won’t pass the course. [单选题] *A. andB. soC. butD. or(正确答案)10、We are living in an age()many things are done by computer. [单选题] *A. thatB. whichC. whyD. when(正确答案)11、67.—What can I do for you?—I'm looking at that dress.It looks nice.May I ________?[单选题] *A.hold it onB.try it on(正确答案)C.take it offD.get it off12、If you had told me earlier, I _____ to meet you at the hotel. [单选题] *A. had comeB. will have comeC. would comeD. would have come(正确答案)13、19._______ will the film Country Road last? [单选题] *A.How farB.How oftenC.How soonD.How long(正确答案)14、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of15、63.There will be? ? ? ? ??? water on the road after the heavy rain. [单选题] *A.too much(正确答案)B.much tooC.too manyD.many too16、18.Monica wants to be a _______. She is good at sports and she loves teaching others. [单选题] *A.coach(正确答案)B.secretaryC.architectD.waiter17、( ) My mother told me _____ in bed. [单选题] *A. not readB. not readingC. don’t readD. not to read(正确答案)18、The story has _______ a lot of students in our class. [单选题] *A. attracted(正确答案)B. attackedC. appearedD. argued19、I've never been to Africa, but that is the place(). [单选题] *A. where I most want to visitB. in which I most want to visitC. I most want to visit(正确答案)D. that I want to visit it most20、The notice put _______ on the wall says “No Smoking”. [单选题] *A. up(正确答案)B. offC. awayD. out21、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] *A. four-hour(正确答案)B. four hoursC. four-hoursD. four-hour's22、It’s raining outside. Take an _______ with you. [单选题] *A. cashB. life ringC. cameraD. umbrella(正确答案)23、What did you _______ at the meeting yesterday? [单选题] *A. speakB. tellC. say(正确答案)D. talk24、56.Sam is in a hurry. Maybe he has got ________ important to do. [单选题] *A.everythingB.nothingC.anythingD.something(正确答案)25、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] *A.stronger, loudB.strong, louderC.strong, loudD.stronger, louder (正确答案)26、His sister ______ the chess club.()[单选题] *A. want to joinB. want joiningC. wants to join(正确答案)D. wants joining27、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base28、Which animal do you like _______, a cat, a dog or a bird? [单选题] *A. very muchB. best(正确答案)C. betterD. well29、Chinese is one of ____ most widely used languages in ____ world. [单选题] *A. a, theB. /, theC. the, the(正确答案)D. a, /30、It’s so nice to hear from her again. ______, we last met more than thirty year ago [单选题] *A. What ‘s wordB. That’s to sayC. Go aheadD. Believe it or not(正确答案)。

Listening 2
Jack: It’s been a long time, Dakarai! Tell us—how is life in Kariba Town?
Dakarai: Life is pretty good, Jack! The town is growing fast. Jack: I suppose people go there because there’s interesting wildlife
To be continued >>>
Listening 2
Jasmine: Why is it a problem?
Dakarai: It’s the same problem as everywhere else, especially
other places in Africa. There’s a conflict between
Listening 1
Professor: All right, today we’re going to continue our discussion on ethics. We’ll discuss the question, “Should the Inuit people of North America be allowed to hunt seals?” It’s an important question, and in recent years, the European Union made it illegal to trade seal products. So in Europe, you can’t buy or sell seal skins, or seal oil, or anything made from seals. Now, you probably don’t wear seal-skin clothing or use a lot of seal oil, right? And the law is popular with most people in Europe. Why? Because they see pictures of cute baby seals, and then they see pictures of the seal hunt. People kill the seals with a gun, or in the more old-fashioned way, by hitting them on the head.

国际交流视听说2答案【篇一:国际交流英语视听说4 u2 听力原文总结及翻译】lk about the difficulties of protecting both animals and their habitats. 对话谈论的主要话题是保护动物及其栖息地的困难。
b: dialogue to guide the beginning of the extinction of the dusky seaside sparrow.and the birds that lived one place-on merritt island in florida have become extinct because of the people use of chemicals, and the development and use of wetlands, which have lost their habitat.对话以导游介绍海滨灰雀的灭绝开始。
c: the situation with the dusky seaside sparrow makes one thing very clear. we need to protect endangered animals. however, it’s a better strategy to protect the animals and their habitats, too. after all, if an animal’s habitat is destr oyed, the animal will likely become extinct.海滨灰雀的情况让我们明白了一件事。

国际交流视听说2听力材料材料一:One common challenge that people face when they live in a foreign country is the language barrier. This can make it difficult to communicate with locals, navigate the city, and understand important information. However, there are strategies that can help overcome this challenge.Firstly, learning the basics of the local language is essential. Taking language classes or using language learning apps can provide a foundation for speaking and understanding the language. Additionally, practicing with native speakers or immersing oneself in the local culture can be helpful.Secondly, using technology can be a game-changer. Translation apps can help with understanding signs, menus, and important information. Language exchange apps can connect you with native speakers for language practice and cultural exchange. These apps can be particularly helpful for building confidence in speaking. Thirdly, it is important to have an open mind and be willing to make mistakes. Language learning is a process, and it is normal to have misunderstandings or mispronunciations. By embracing these mistakes as learning opportunities, one can improve their language skills more quickly.Finally, having a positive attitude and being patient with oneself is crucial. Language learning takes time and effort, but with perseverance, it becomes easier. Celebrating small victories and setting realistic goals can keep motivation high.In conclusion, while the language barrier can be a challenge when living in a foreign country, there are strategies that can help overcome it. By learning the basics, using technology, being open-minded, and having a positive attitude, one can successfully communicate and navigate in their new environment.。

英语视听说2试题及答案一、听力理解(共20分)1. 根据所听对话,选择正确答案。
(每题2分,共10分)(1) What is the man going to do this weekend?A. Visit his parents.B. Go to a concert.C. Stay at home.Answer: A(2) Why does the woman refuse the man's invitation?A. She has to work.B. She is not interested.C. She has another appointment.Answer: C(3) What is the weather like today?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Cloudy.Answer: B(4) What does the man suggest they do?A. Go shopping.B. Watch a movie.C. Have dinner together.Answer: B(5) What is the relationship between the two speakers?A. Colleagues.B. Friends.C. Strangers.Answer: B2. 根据所听短文,回答问题。
(每题2分,共10分)(1) What is the main topic of the passage?Answer: The importance of environmental protection.(2) What does the speaker suggest we should do to reduce pollution?Answer: Use public transportation and recycle more.(3) What are the consequences of ignoring environmental issues?Answer: Loss of biodiversity and health problems.(4) How can individuals contribute to environmental conservation?Answer: By planting trees and reducing waste.(5) What is the speaker's final call to action?Answer: To take immediate action to save the planet.二、口语表达(共30分)1. 根据所给情景,完成对话。

Listening 1
1. Where is the Three Gorges Dam located? Why was it built? Example Answers The Three Gorges Dam is locatein China’s Hubei Province. The dam was built to produce electricity, enable more shipping on the river, and control flooding.
Book 2
Think and Discuss
Exploring the Theme
Analytical Listening
Sharing Your Ideas
Viewing the World Engaging Further Listening
Analytical Listening
Listening 1
B | Listening for Details. Listen again and complete the notes. Three Gorges Dam (Yangtze River, China) — Dr. Paul Benjamin Size: ________ miles long and ________ 1.4 607 feet tall Reservoir ___________ miles long 410 Workers: more than ___________ 26,000 Benefits / Reasons for Building the Dam: renewable source of energy • provides a ____________________ • control floods on Yangtze: in the 20th century ___________ about 300,000 people were killed larger ships can travel farther up the river • river deeper, so ______________

一、听力理解1. 听力练习1:理解对话主题- 问题:对话主要讨论了什么?- 答案:对话主要讨论了国际商务会议的准备事项。
2. 听力练习2:细节捕捉- 问题:会议的具体时间是什么时候?- 答案:会议将在下周三下午3点开始。
3. 听力练习3:识别说话者意图- 问题:说话者A的意图是什么?- 答案:说话者A的意图是确保所有参与者都清楚会议的议程。
二、口语表达1. 口语练习1:自我介绍- 参考答案:Hello, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am from [Your Country]. I am here to learn more about international business practices and to share my own experiences.2. 口语练习2:表达观点- 参考答案:In my opinion, effective communication is key to successful international business. We should always be open to different perspectives and be willing to adapt our strategies accordingly.3. 口语练习3:提出建议- 参考答案:I suggest that we establish a clear communication protocol for our international team to ensure that everyone stays informed and engaged.三、视听结合1. 视听练习1:观看并总结- 问题:视频中的主要信息是什么?- 答案:视频中展示了如何在国际会议中使用专业术语,并强调了文化敏感性的重要性。

Unit 11.Don’t waste energy drying your dishes in the dishwasher. Dry them by hand instead of usingenergy by drying them in the dishwasher.2.Cut back on your use of hot water. Take a five-minute shower, or use only four inches 10centimeters) of water in your bath.3.Keep track of your electric bills. Make a chart of how much energy you use, and watch thenumber go down every month.4.Recycle all of your cans, bottles, and paper. Recycled materials consume much less energythan new materials.5.Unplug computers, printers, TVs, and cell phone chargers when you aren’t using them. Theyuse electricity even when they are turned off-up to eight percent of your electric bill!Unit 2Bagpipes are a very old musical instrument. They have a bag that holds air, and one or more small pipes that make the notes of the music. The player blows air into the bag, and then the air comes out slowly through the pipes to make the sound. There are holes in the pipes that the player covers with his or her fingers to play different notes.Bagpipes have a long history. Musicians in ancient Rome played a similar instrument with an airbag and pipes. Today m the most famous bagpipes are in Scotland and Ireland, but there are many different instruments like this in different regions of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East.Unit 31.Brazil has more fresh water available for its people than any other country.2.Farmers require 911 gallons (3,449 liters) of water to produce 2.2 pounds (one kilogram)ofrice.3.Clean water is very important for staying healthy, About one million people die each yearfrom drinking dirty water.4.Melting snow and ice is a fast and easy way to provide drinking water for people in coldplaces.5.China has built more than 22,000 dams to manage water for different uses such as electricity.6.Scientists say that 13 gallons (49 liters)of water per day is enough for one person.7.You can collect water in a desert with just a sheet of plastic and an empty can.8.Water is a renewable resource, so we can use the same water again and again.9.The Nile River in Africa (the longest river in the world) flows through four differentcountries.10.People in Australia use the smallest amount of water of any country in the world.Unit 4For the past four weeks we have studied attachment theory, beginning with Harry Harlow’s experiments with monkeys. In those experiments, researchers took baby monkeys from their mothers. The monkeys had many emotional problems without their mother’s love. We also studied john Bowlby. His work showed us that human babies need a sense of security, too. Without this security from an adult, they have problems in future relationships. Finally, we looked at Phillip Shaver’s recent ideas about attachment theory and romantic love.Your assignment is to plan a class presentation of 10 to 15 minutes. First, select tow of theresearchers we studied. You will briefly summarize their research and then explain which scientist’s work you think will have the greatest impact on people today. Be sure to support your opinion with reasons.Unit 5There are fewer than 800 mountain gorillas in the world. They live in four national parks. In Africa. Mountain gorillas live in family groups with as many as 40 gorillas, Adult male gorillas can weigh over 400 pounds (180 kilograms). Female gorillas become mothers at around 10 years old, and have one baby every here or four years. Mountain gorillas are mainly vegetarian. They eat so many plants that they rarely need to drink water. Mountain gorillas are shy. Most of the time, they avoid human beings. They gorilla’s only predators are humans and leopards. Losing the land where they live s a much larger problem for them.Unit 6Bernard Weber wanted to use modern technology to bring the people of the world closer together. He knew that the original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World were chosen by one person. Si of the wonders don’t exist anymore. So he created a way to let the world determine the New Seven Wonders: an open election using the Internet and text messaging. Anyone could nominate a special site, and anyone could vote. Naturally, many people voted for sites in their own countries. In some places, people were encouraged by their government to vote. Sites in 220 countries were nominated, so there were plenty of wonders to vote for. Millions of votes were registered, and on July 7th, 2007, the seven winners were announced in Lisbon, Portugal. Fourteen finalists were also announced-perhaps because it was difficult to limit the Wonders of the World to only seven.Unit 7Anthropologists, scientists who study human beings, have long said that modern humans first lived in Africa, and then moved east toward Asia, north across the Mediterranean, and later throughout the world.Now a very large genetic study supports that theory. They study looked at nearly 1,000 people in 51 places around the world. It found the most genetic diversity in Africa, and less genetic diversity farther away from Africa. How did this happen? When small groups of people moved away, they took only a small amount of all the possible genetic information with them. People in the small groups reproduce. Their offspring inherited their parents’ more limited set of genes. Their traits were very similar to those of their parents. This process continue as small groups of people continued as small groups of people continued to move farther from Africa.Unit 8A business plan is your map to success. In it, you write down what you hope to achieve n your new business and how you will do it. Your business plan should answer the following questions:1. How big is the market for your service or product? 2. Who will your customers be? 3. How will you advertise your business and products to reach these people?4. What is your budget for your new business?5. How much is the potential income from your business? How much money do you expect to earn in the first three years?6. Do you have enough money to start your business, or will you have to borrow money? Who might lend you this money?7. What do you what to achieve in your first year?8. What problems do you predict in the first year? What action can you take to solve or prevent these problems?。

Exploring the Theme
Good Times, Good Feelings
2. Do you do any of these activities? Do they make you feel good? Why or why not?
Example Answers Yes. I have close friendships and family connections, I do exercise regularly, and I help others whenever I can. All these make me feel good. Let’s say doing exercise. I feel relaxed and energetic after it. And it makes me feel free from worries or unhappy things.
Think and Discuss
1. Look at the photo. What is this man doing? Why? Example Answers The man in the photo is standing at a lake or river. He is greeting the sun, extending himself and breathing the fresh air, after several days of rain.
Exploring the Theme
Good Times, Good Feelings
Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions.

In Japan, geishas are female entertainers. The word geisha means “art person”. Geishas spend a lot of time studying how to perform traditional Japanese music and ns
2. In which countries do cowboys live and work?
Example Answers Cowboys live and work in North and South America, from Canada and the U.S.A. to Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, etc.
Exploring the Theme Culture and Tradition
The Sherpa people live in the Himalayan region. The word Sherpa means “eastern people”. The word Sherpani is used for female Sherpas. Many sherpas work as guides and help people climb mountains, particularly Mount Qomolangma.
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5 Unit
Treasures from the Past
Think and Discuss Exploring the Theme Analytical Listening Sharing Your Ideas Viewing the World Engaging Further Listening
2. How do you think people used these objects in the past? 3. Why do people want to find these objects now? 4. Do you think it is important to try to find objects like these?
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
Gold beads, chains, and coins found in a Spanish Armada shipwreck, Ireland
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
2. What can we learn about the past from these objects?
Example Answers We can learn why these objects went down in the ocean and how they were used in the past; we can also learn about ancient trade and early explorers.
A diver discovered a gold plate by accident off the Florida Keys, Florida, U.S.A.
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
A scuba diver examines a bottle found in the Aegean Sea off Serce Limani, Turkey.
Serce Limani: a natural harbor on the coast of Turkey. It is directly north of the island of Rhodes (罗得岛), Greece. 塞尔切- 利马尼 (土耳其海湾)
Exploring the Theme Treasures from the
These coins and jewelry are from the Whydah Galley shipwreck. The ship sank in 1717 near the coast of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
Think and Discuss Questions
Treasures from the Past
Aegean Sea: part of the Mediterranean Sea. It is located between Greece and Turkey. 爱琴海
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
Unit 5 Treasures from the Past
Exploring the eme
Treasures from the Past
Spanish Armada: the fleet of Spanish ships that sailed to fight England in 1588. Around 50 of the fleet’s 130 ships were lost in battle and in stormy seas. 西班牙无敌舰队
1. What man-made objects do we find at the bottom of the ocean?
Example Answers Ships, coins, airplanes, jars, jewelry, etc.
Think and Discuss Questions
Unit 5 Treasures from the Past
Think and Discuss
Think and Discuss Questions
1. What man-made objects do we find at the bottom of the ocean?
2. What can we learn about the past from these objects?
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
Florida Keys: a chain of about 60 islands off the coast of southern Florida, U.S.A. 佛罗里达群岛
Exploring the Theme
Exploring the Theme
Treasures from the Past
Discuss the questions.
1. What kinds of man-made objects do you see on these pages? Where did people find them?
Look at the photos and read the captions. Then discuss the questions.
A diver explores the wreck of the ship
Liberty, sunk by the Japanese in 1942,
Bali, Indonesia.
Why or why not?
Exploring the Theme