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高龙岗 张 福
摘要 针对石油钻机转盘采用气胎离合器惯性刹车存在的刹车力矩小、响应速度慢等问题,
关键词 石油钻机转盘 钳盘式惯性刹车装置 刹车钳 刹车盘
0 引 言
1 技术分析
1 1 结构
图1 钳盘式惯性刹车装置结构及安装位置
1 输出轴(连接转盘);
2 刹车盘;
3 连接法兰;
4 加力泵;
5 气管线;
6 油管线;
7 减速器;
8 输入轴(连接原动机)。
图2 加力泵结构示意图
1 皮阀总成;
2 推杆;
3 活塞总
成;4 油杯;5 复位弹簧;6 壳体。
石 油 机 械
2009年 第37卷 第9期
*钳盘式惯性刹车技术已获国家专利,专利号:ZL 200520078644 9。
图3 刹车钳结构示意图
1 制动盘;
2 密封圈;
3 活塞;
4 摩擦块;
5 钳体。
1 2 工作原理
图4 钳盘式惯性刹车装置工作原理图
1 气源;
2 供气管线;
3 调压阀;
4 加
力泵;5 刹车钳;6 刹车盘;7 钳缸。
1 3 主要技术参数
额定工作气压:0 7MPa ;
工作介质:空气、耐高温合成制动液;工作温度:-30~80 ;加力泵增压比:1!18;最大液压排量:62 8c m 3
;活塞最大行程:50mm ;
刹车盘规格: 460mm ∀16mm;单刹车钳额定扭矩:8500N #m 。
1 4 性能特点
2 现场应用情况
钳盘式惯性刹车装置自开发研制以来,已累计生产100多套,目前在宝鸡石油机械有限责任公司近年来研制的系列交流变频钻机、直流电驱动钻机及复合驱动钻机上均有不同程度的应用,特别是该技术被应用到我国自主研制的ZJ90DB 、ZJ120DB 大型钻机及出口美国、阿曼ZJ70DB 、ZJ50DB 、ZJ70D 、ZJ50D 等各型钻机上后,因其良好的控制、使用性能而得到了用户的一致肯定。
参 考 文 献
[1] 曹寅昌 工程机械构造[M ] 北京:机械工业出
E -m a i:l g l g2559@sohu com 。
(本文编辑 刘 锋)
105 2009年 第37卷 第9期高龙岗等:石油钻机转盘惯性刹车装置
constant pressure and steady flo w contro,l achiev i ng the f unc ti ons,such as concentrated m onitor i ng,da ta sto rage and curve p l o tti ng,and gua rantee i ng the qua lity contro l of m i x ed ac i d and conti nuous stab ilit y o f fl u i d d i scharg e.The fi ve m ixed prepa ra ti on contro lm ethods ensure t hat the equ i p m ent is strong i n adapt ab ility,h i gh i n reli ab ility and can sati sfy the requ i re m ent o fm an y operati ons.T he equip m ent achieves the on li ne m i xed prepa ra ti on of acid so l uti on,i m prov i ng t he precisi on o f ac i d∃s m i xed preparati on,reduc i ng the opera tor∃s l abo r i ntensity,sav i ng the costs and protecti ng t he env iron m ent.
K ey wo rds:auto m atic acid m ix i ng,conti nuous ac i d m i x i ng, aci d m ix i ng skid,ac i dizi ng opera tion
Zhou Ji aq i(B eijing Petroleu m M achinery P lan t,B eij i ng), Zhang G uo tian,L i D ongyang,et a.l D eve l op m en t and appli ca ti on of t he f u lly hydrau lic wh ile-drilli ng bu m per sub.CP M, 2009,37(9):89-91
In ligh t of t he co mmon l y seen downho le breakdo w n of dr ill i ng p i pe stick i ng i n the dr illi ng process,the new-type f u lly hy drau lic wh ile-dr illi ng bu m per sub w as deve l oped.The sub m a i nly consists o f connec ting m echanis m,m echan ical latch m echan is m,to rque trans m i ssi on m echan is m,stri k i ng and sea li ng dev i ces.It is a k i nd o f ne w-type p i pe-free i ng too l cha racte r ized by the i ntegrati on of up-down str i king.In practical ope ra ti on,the do w n-str i king m echan i s m can be started to unfreeze the stuck pipe if t he sti cki ng happens i n the pu lli ng out process. T he up-stri k i ng mechan i s m can be started to free the bit freez i ng if t he stick i ng happens i n t he go i ng-do w n process o r t he bit ge ts stuck i n t he bottom ho le.T he fac t o ry bench test and the fi e l d app licati on i nd ica te t hat t he design of the who le bu m per sub is reasonable,the mechan i ca l l ocking force is li nearly stable, and the hydraulic de l ay ti m e is stable,thus sa ti sfy i ng t he re qu ire m ent o f the field appli cation.
K ey w ords:hydraulic,wh ile dr illi ng,bu mper sub
X u Ji ngtian(College of Energy,X i∃an Universit y of Science and T echnology,X i∃an),L iShugang,Zhang N a il u,et a.l The de si gn of the contro l syste m o f the S7-300so ft ware redundancy-based dr illi ng r i g auto m ati c bit f eed.C PM,2009,37(9):98-101 Chi na∃s first artifi c ial isl and7,000m deep r i ng ra il mobil e m odule r i g had a s m ooth spud-i n in H ebei P rov i nce∃s N anpu O ilfi e l d i n February,2008.T he S7-300so ft w are redundancy-based dr illi ng ri g automa ti c bit feed contro l sy stem used by the rig has now successfull y undergone the fie l d acceptance.T his automa ti c b i t feed syste m is equipped w ith one m ore PLC contro l syste m wh i ch has bo th manua l and automa ti c operati ng m ode ls. T he autom atic b it feed m onitor i ng syste m m a i nly consists ofm any m odules,such as auto m a tic bit feed constant bit load pen-case contro,l e l ec tron i c anti-bump i ng,prec ise pos itioni ng and dy na m ic de m onstration of the i d le ca r∃s po int,and fa ilure identifi ca tion,alar m i ng and treat m ent.The m on itor i ng system adopts the so ft w are redundancy scheme based on S i emens∃s S7-300LC.The PLC processor is used i n pairs.W hen the m a j o r
processor fails,the back-up processo r w ill achieve data syn chron izati on accordi ng to t he m on itor i ng progra m and data ex change process i ng prog ram and co m plete aut om atic s w itchi ng.
T he field app lica ti on i ndicates t hat t he syste m is si m ple in opera ti on and conven i ent i n s w itch i ng,i m prov i ng the ri g control∃s au to m atic l eve l and producti on m anag e m ent l eve l and guarantee i ng the s m ooth,safe and effecti ve opera ti on o f the r i g.
K ey wo rds:soft w are redundancy,au t om atic b it feed,d i sc brake,m on itor i ng syste m
G ao Longgang(Baoj i O ilfield M achinery Co.,Ltd.,Baoj i
C ity,Shaanx i Province),Zhang Fu.The i nertia brak i ng dev ice
o f the o il drilling r i g∃s ro tary tab l e.CP M,2009,37(9):104-105
Conside ri ng t he prob l em that s m all braki ng mom ent and sl ow response speed are ex istent i n the i nerti a brake emp l oyed by the a ir t ube c l utch o f t he current drilli ng ri g∃s ro tary i nertia brake,a k i nd of ca li per disc i nerti a brak i ng dev i ce was deve l oped.T he dev ice m a i n l y consists o f connecti on flange,brake
d i sc,brak i ng ca li p
e r,brac i ng fra m e,force-mu lti p lier pu mp,
hydropneu m a tic pi pe li ne and proporti onal con tro l valve.So far o ve r100sets of the i nertia braking dev i ces have been produced.
Its good performance o f contro l and operati on has w on a ll pra ises fro m t he users.W ith its f urther study,t he ca li per disc brak i ng ine rtia dev ice w ill have a good prospec t f o r applica ti on i n our country∃s o il dr illi ng r i gs.
K ey wo rds:dr illi ng ri g ro tary tab l e,ca li pe r disc i nerti a bra k i ng dev i ce,brak i ng ca li per,brake disc
Q i Jianx i ong(B eiji ng P etroleu m M ac h i nery P lant,Beijing), Zhang Junq i ao,Pang H ui x i an,et a.l The fail ure ana l ys i s of the top driv i ng dev i ce∃s ba l ance cyli nder and so l uti on sche m e.
In ligh t of the fracture of the balance cyli nder∃s shaft ea r ri ng i n ope ration site,i m prove m en ts w ere m ade on cy li nder structure,connecti ng m anner bet ween balance cy li nder and bian dan(.i e.carry i ng po l e)bea m,and balance m echanis m∃s hy drau lic syste m.T he i ntegration of the p i ston rod i ncreases the a r ea o f the shearing l a tera l secti on,avo i d i ng t he stress concentra ti on of the scre w t h read reli e f groove and g rea tly reduc i ng the da m age of s hear i ng to the p i ston rod.The spher ica l p i n structure releases som e freedom o f the cyli nder∃s front and back osc ill a ti on and reli eves the s hear i ng force produced by the osc ill a ti ng process.The i m prove m ent of the upward-bounc i ng f unc ti on of the balance m echanis m hydrauli c syste m re lieves the force cond i ti on o f the cy li nde r,re i n f o rces t he bounc i ng e ffect i n the break-out process and satisfies the requ irement of the bounci ng effect in operati on site.The fi e l d applica ti on show s t hat the prob le m of the s ha ft earr i ng fracturi ng has bas ica lly been so l ved.
K ey w ords:top dr i v i ng dev ice,ba l ance cy linder,shaft ea r ri ng fract ure,connection m anner,hydrauli c sy stem