


1. Some people laugh at others ____ themselves laughed at.

A. and only find

B. only finding

C. only to find

D. to find only

2. To be honest, the plan you brought forward remains _____ further.

A. to be improved

B. improve

C. improving

D. to have improved

3. Quite a few students believe that they ______ English by reading a daily English language newspaper.

A. are sure of improving

B. are sure of having improved

C. are sure to have improved

D. are sure to improve

4. Rather than _____ the apples to go bad, the grocer preferred ____ them at half price.

A. allow, to sell

B. allow, selling

C. to allow, to sell

D. to allow, selling

5. “Mum, why do you always make me drink a glass of milk every day?”

“_____ enough nutrition as you ______ up.

A. Get, are growing

B. To get, bring

C. Getting, bring

D. To get, are growing

6. Such a wooden box ____ that is heavy _____.

A. like, to lift

B. like, to be lifted

C. as, to lift

D. as, to be lifted

7. When I handed the report to George, he said Peter was the person _____.

A. for sending it

B. for sending it to

C. to send it

D. to send it to

8. The government is trying _____ something _____ better understanding between the two countries.

A. doing, to promote

B. to do, promoting

C. to do, to promote

D. doing, promoting

9. Almost everyone fails ____ his driving test on the first try.

A. to pass

B. to have passed

C. on passing

D. passing

10. I didn’t go mountain-climbing on that rainy day because I was afraid _____.

A. to

B. that I would

C. not

D. so

11. “Would you like a bag _____?”“No, thank you.”

A. for putting your shoes

B. putting your shoes in

C. to put your shoes

D. to put your shoes in

12. The pressure _____ causes graduating students to be energetic, but it also puts them under a constant emotional strain.

A. to compete

B. competing

C. to be competed

D. having competed

13. “Shall I give the dog a chocolate?”“It’s better _____.”

A. not

B. not give

C. not to

D. to not

14. No matter is _____ small _____ escape his attention.

A. so, to

B. too, to

C. very, to

D. so, as to

15. “I’d like a bicycle for my daughter. Would you show me the latest model?”

“All right. We have several new models ______.”

A. of your choice

B. for you to choose

C. for your choosing

D. for you to choose from

16. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him ______.

A. not to

B. not to do

C. not did it

D. don’t to

17. Such a comment on Jerry, whom we know ____ so kind and thoughtful, is unfair.

A. as

B. being

C. to be

D. for

18. “I’d love ____ with you on your trip in Greece. You must have had a good time.”

“Yes, I really enjoyed my trip very much.”

A. to be

B. to have been

C. being

D. having been

19. “I regret _____ you again, Jimmy.”“I’ll be glad to be of any help.”

A. having troubled

B. to have to trouble

C. to have troubled

D. having to trouble

20. A clever student will try _____ mistakes.

A. to learn by

B. to learn from

C. learning through

D. learning

21. The two leaders have agreed on the principles, but the details _____ out later.

A. are worked

B. being worked

C. to be worked

D. are to be worked

22. The police concluded that the bosses themselves were as much ____ as anybody for the accident.

A. blame

B. to be blamed

C. blaming

D. to blame

23. Have you ever responded to someon e’s question about the weather by saying it was warm, only _____ out the person thought it was cold?

A. finding

B. found

C. to find

D. to have found

24. I am busy preparing for the mid-term examination, so I can’t help _____ housework at home.

A. doing

B. to do

C. being done

D. to be done

25. There are so many ties _____, but I really don’t know which one suits me best.

A. to choose

B. to be chosen

C. to choose from

D. for choosing

26. In Europe some people hold that the more conservative(守旧的) the world becomes, the smarter ____ have old furniture, old houses and old paintings.

A. is to

B. it is to

C. is it to

D. is one to

27. I can’t write anything because I have got neither a pen nor a pencil _____.

A. for writing

B. to write

C. for me to write

D. to write with

28. _____ away from the noise in the living-room, Sally went to the garden behind the house.

A. To be

B. Being

C. Having been

D. For being

29. There are five pairs _____. But I’m at a loss which to buy.

A. to be chosen

B. to choose from

C. to choose

D. for choosing

30. “Mum, why do you always make me eat any egg every day?”

“______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.”

A. Get

B. Getting

C. To get

D. To be getting

31. A computer does only what thinking people ______.

A. have it do

B. have it done

C. have done it

D. having it done

32. “Does your brother intend to study German?”“Yes, he intends _____.”

A. /

B. to

C. so

D. that

33. He claimed _____ in the supermarket when he was doing shopping yesterday.

A. being badly treated

B. treating badly

C. to be treated badly

D. to have been badly treated

34. To fetch water before breakfast seemed to me a rule _____.

A. to never break

B. never to be broken

C. never to have broken

D. never to be breaking

35. She can’t help _____ the house because she’s busy making a cake.

A. to clean

B. cleaning

C. cleaned

D. being cleaned

36. Do let your mother know all the truth. She appears _____ everything.

A. to tell

B. to be told

C. to be telling

D. to have been told

37. In such dry weather, the flowers will have to be watered if they ______.

A. have survived

B. are to survive

C. would survive

D. will survive

38. I feel it is your husband who _____ for the spoiled child.

A. is to blame

B. is going to blame

C. is to be blamed

D. should blame

39. In order to gain a bigger share in the international market, many state-run companies are striving ____ their products more competitive.

A. to make

B. making

C. to have made

D. having made

40. Quite a few people used to believe that disaster _____ if a mirror was broken.

A. was sure of striking

B. was sure of having struck

C. was sure to be struck

D. was sure to strike

41. Don’t forget ______ your map next time you come to school.

A. to take

B. bringing

C. to bring

D. taking

42. Sandy could do nothing but _____ to his teacher that he was wrong.

A. admit

B. admitted

C. admitting

D. to admit

43. In order to improve English, ____.

A. Jenny’s father bought her a lot of tapes

B. Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself

C. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny

D. a lot of tapes were bought by Jenny’s father

44. Little Jim should love ____ to the theatre this evening.

A. to be taken

B. to take

C. being taken

D. taking

45. The daughter asked her father whether he had any clothes ____ because she was doing so.

A. would be washed

B. being washed

C. washed

D. to be washed

46. There’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that I can’t make up my mind _____ to buy.

A. what

B. which

C. how

D. where

47. When the streets are full of melting snow, people can’t help _____ their shoes wet.

A. get

B. but get

C. but getting

D. but to get

48. Charles Babbage is generally considered _____ the first computer.

A. to invent

B. inventing

C. to have invented

D. having invented

49. Why does the lady look so worried? She seems _____ something.

A. to lose

B. to have lost

C. to be losing

D. having lost

50. His method has proved _____ very effective and it is worthy of _____.

A. to be, adopting

B. being, being adopted

C. to be, being adopted

D. being, adopting

51. I don’t want you _____ your brains about such problems.

A. being always bothered

B. always to be bothered

C. to be always bothering

D. to be always bothered

52. You have to consider _____ these old letter.

A. what to do with

B. how to do with

C. doing what with

D. how doing with

53. Everybody said the problem was very difficult _____ him to ______.

A. for, work out

B. to, work it out

C. for, work it out

D. to, work out

54. To succeed in passing the exam, _______,

A. one needs to be diligent

B. diligence is needed

C. one needs be a diligent person

D. diligence is what one needs

55. My God! You were _____ tell lies to the police.

A. very foolish as to

B. so foolish as to

C. too foolish as to

D. rather foolish as to

56. I’ll be ____ from you.

A. much glad to hear

B. only too glad to hear

C. too glad only to hear

D. too only glad to hear

57. The old gentleman has relied on his daughter _____ house in the past five years.

A. keeping

B. to keep

C. to have kept

D. keep

58. ______ long, one must eat healthy food and do some exercise.

A. To live

B. Living

C. Having lived

D. Live

59. There was nothing left to do but ______.

A. staying

B. to stay

C. stay

D. stayed

60. This kind of machine is believed _____ in a few years.

A. to have been made

B. to be made

C. should be made

D. to make

61. The first computer is universally thought _____ by Charles Babbage.

A. to invent

B. to have been invented

C. to have invented

D. having been invented

62. There is no need ______ too anxious about the result of the exam.

A. to become

B. become

C. becoming

D. to be become

63. We thought it a pity _____ him to the tea party.

A. being not invited

B. not to have invited

C. to not have invited

D. not to have been invited

64. The young officer left home, _____.

A. never returned

B. never to return

C. never returning

D. never having returned

65. I seated myself in the front row so as to make myself ______ the speaker.

A. understand

B. understood

C. understanding

D. to understand

66. Would you be ______ to help me with my English?

A. so kind as

B. enough kind

C. so kind

D. as kind as

67. In 1938 Pearl Buck became the first American woman _____ the Nobel Prize for literature.

A. to receive

B. she receive

C. receive

D. received

68. It is good _____ you to have half an hour for sports every day.

A. of

B. for

C. to

D. at

69. I think that this problem is hard ______.

A. to deal

B. to deal with

C. to be dealt

D. to be dealt with

70. I went to see William, ______ that he had left two days before.

A. only to learn

B. learning

C. to learn

D. learned

71. Alexander Braham Bell is believed ______ the telephone.

A. to invent

B. inventing

C. to have invented

D. having invented

72. “I’d like to buy a colour TV set.”“Well, we have several models _____.

A. to choose from

B. to be chosen

C. of choice

D. for choosing

73. We should do as we are required _____.

A. doing

B. to

C. so

D. to be done

74. My aunt decided not to make a trip to Singapore _____ where she was.

A. but remained

B. so she remained

C. but to remain

D. instead of remaining

75. The movie star _____ with your sister, didn’t he?

A. was used to dance

B. used to dancing

C. used to dance

D. was used to dancing

76. She told us that she had written ______ being elected to be head of the office.

A. to congratulate her friend on

B. to congratulate on her friend

C. to congratulate her friend’s

D. to congratulate on her friend’s

77. Listen! The students of Class Four seem _____ some important matters in the classroom.

A. to be discussing

B. to have discussed

C. that they are discussing

D. to have been discussing

78. “I wish you had brought your wife and daughter with you.”

“I’ll get them _____ on the next trip.”

A. coming along with me

B. come along with me

C. to come along with me

D. to coming along with me

79. Amily was admitted into a senior high school which happened _____ in her neighbourhood.

A. to locate

B. to have locate

C. to have been located

D. to be located

80. “Why did he write to the mayor’s office?”

“_____ about the poor taxi service of the city.”

A. He complained

B. To complain

C. Complaining

D. For complaining

81. With nothing left ______ the fire became weak and finally died out.

A. to burn

B. burning

C. burnt

D. burn

82. Wilma wasn’t chosen to do the job as she ______ experience.

A. considered lacking

B. was considered to lack

C. was considered that she lacked

D. considered that she lacked

83. We went in on tiptoe _____ not to disturb the readers.

A. as if

B. so as

C. if only

D. as for

84. Thousands of houses were said _____ damaged during the severe flood.

A. to have been

B. to be

C. that had been

D. that were

85. Because of the acid rain, the entire hardwood forest in Canada ______ with extinction.

A. believes to be threatened

B. is believed to be threatened

C. believes in threatening

D. is believed to threaten

86. His work was so good _____ him internationally famous.

A. only to make

B. having made

C. as to make

D. that made

87. The computer is useful in watering trees as it can correctly decide the right quantity of water ____.

A. to use

B. to be used

C. of using

D. of being used

88. It seemed ____ windy. The leaves were being blown about.

A. to get

B. to be getting

C. to have got

D. getting

89. Have you ever considered _____ after graduation from university?

A. what to do

B. what doing

C. which to do

D. which doing

90. We had great hopes of his success only ____ later.

A. to be disappointed

B. being disappointed

C. having disappointed

D. to have disappointed

91. The man is _____ to carry the heavy box ____ books.

A. too strong, filled with

B. strong enough, filled of

C. so strong as, full of

D. so strong enough, filled with

92. James walked round the museum, and stopped ____ only the works of art that he found especially attractive.

A. studying

B. to study

C. in studying

D. to have studied

93. The front door is shut. Why not _____ at the back door _____ in?

A. to try to knock, for getting

B. to try knocking, getting

C. try knocking, to get

D. try to knock, to get

94. The musician felt it an honour _____ to play the composition at the concert.

A. asking

B. to ask

C. being asked

D. to be asked

95. I never expected the shoes ____ so soon.

A. wearing out

B. to be worn out

C. to have worn out

D. being worn out

96. They appear ______ in the accident.

A. to injure

B. to be injured

C. to have been injured

D. being injured

97. I hurried to Professor Wang’s house only _____ he was out.

A. finding

B. find

C. to find

D. found

98. I am glad _____ a chance to visit your country.

A. to be given

B. to have been given

C. to have given

D. to give

99. This semester I am very busy. I have six subjects ______.

A. to major in

B. to be majored in

C. to major

D. to have majored in 100. Here you are the papers _____ by Mr. Wilson when he returns from his holidays.

A. signed

B. to be signed

C. being signed

D. having been signed 101. The sick old man had some one ____ after him from Monday to Friday, but not at weekends, so Jia Ming came to his help.

A. looked

B. to look

C. looking

D. look

102. Once _____, he threw himself into his work.

A. recovering

B. his recovering

C. recovered

D. he has recovered

103. Mary tried for the post of secretary, but was too late ______ for it.

A. to consider

B. to be considered

C. to have been considered

D. to be considering

104. To make greater progress, _____.

A. one must work hard

B. working hard is important

C. it is important to work hard

D. to work hard is necessary

105. We’re going to visit the Great Wall. Everybody says this is _____ chance _____.

A. a too good, for being lost

B. too good a, to be lost

C. a too good for being missed

D. too good a, to missing

106. We have a nice restaurant _____.

A. to eat

B. eating at

C. to eat at

D. for eating

107. There is no need _____ the door of the meeting room tonight.

A. to lock

B. to be locking

C. to be locked

D. locked

108. We should do _____ we should ____ others when we know they are in trouble.

A. what, to help

B. all, to help

C. what, help

D. all, help

109. I prefer ____ at home rather than go out in such bad weather.

A. to stay

B. stay

C. staying

D. stayed

110. Would you be _____ to lend me a hand?

A. as kind as

B. as kind so

C. so kind as

D. very kind to

111. He ordered the room _____ at once.

A. to swept

B. swept

C. to be swept

D. sweeping

112. She didn’t know _____ to do at present.

A. how b. what C. where D. when

113. “What did John ask you?”“He asked me _____ him some money.”

A. for borrowing

B. to borrow

C. to lend

D. that I lend

114. Let’s ______ time.

A. not to waste

B. waste not

C. not waste

D. don’t waste

115. The last man _____ the office is always Mr. Zhu.

A. left

B. to be leaving

C. to leave

D. leaves

116. I would like ______ me what happened the day before yesterday.

A. you tell

B. you telling

C. that you tell

D. you to tell

117. The doctors in this hospital are ______ provide the patients with their requirements.

A. very ready to

B. far ready to

C. only too ready to

D. so much as ready as to 118. The beautiful is _____ the evil in the end.

A. to be supposed to win

B. believed to overcome

C. thought of to overcome

D. considered winning

119. You have spoiled your child. You _____ and not your wife.

A. are blamed for it

B. are to blame

C. blame for it d. are to be blamed

120. His words reminded me ______.

A. in when kept silent

B. that when to keep silent

C. when to keep silent

D. of when keeping silent

121. To learn English well, ______.

A. it must be spoken regularly

B. much practice is needed

C. it is necessary to do much practice

D. one must do much practice

122. When Alice first came to China, she couldn’t use the chopsticks _____.

A. to eat

B. eating

C. for eating

D. to eat with

123. Two years ago I didn’t know _____ the new equipment and now I have learned ____ it.

A. what to do with, how to deal with

B. how to do with, what to deal with

C. what to do with, what to deal with

D. how to do with, how to deal with

124. It was not the tools he uses but _____ the tools that ______ him successful.

A. to use, makes

B. to use, make

C. how to use, makes

D. how to use, make 125. He can’t help _____ the bike because he is busy doing the homework.

A. to repair

B. repairing

C. repaired

D. being repaired

126. ______ frank, I’d rather you were not involved in the case.

A. To be B . Having been C. Being D. By being

127. _____ Mrs. Johnson on my way to the supermarket.

A. It happened to me that I met

B. I happened that I meet

C. I happened to meet

D. It happened for me to meet

128. The experiment is not ______ until everything is ready.

A. to do b. to be done C. doing D. done

129. She had saved only $1.87, _____ for Jim.

A. was not enough to buy a present

B. to buy a present was not enough

C. not enough to buy a present

D. to buy a present not enough

130. He asked me if I had decided which hotel _____.

A. I to stay

B. is to stay at

C. to stay at

D. is for staying

131. The young worker who saw the car _____ into the river telephoned the police station.

A. plunged

B. plunge

C. was plunging

D. to plunge

132. Did you notice anyone ______ away?

A. took the purse and ran

B. taking the purse and running

C. take the purse and ran

D. who take the purse and ran

133. She spoken in a whisper _____ the children, but only ______ a lot of misunderstanding.

A. not frightening, causing

B. not to frighten, to cause

C. not frightened, caused

D. not to frightened, to cause

134. Would you be so kind ______ me a favour?

A. to do

B. of doing

C. for doing

D. as to do

135. ______ such a good chance, she tried hard and ______ good preparations.

A. Not missing, make

B. Not to miss, made

C. Having not missed, made

D. Not having missed, make 136. If you think there’s something wrong with the machine, I’ll have Jake _____ over and ___ it for you. I’ll have it _____ soon.

A. come, check, repaired

B. coming, checking, repaired

C. come, checked, repaired

D. coming, check, repaired

137. The problem _____ tomorrow will be of great importance to our company, and I’m pretty sure there will be a ______ discussion then.

A. to discuss, heating

B. to be discussed, heated

C. for discussing, heated

D. for discussion, heating

138. Sam made the cards himself ______ to his friends ______ money.

A. send, so as to save B . to send, in order to save

C. to send, for saving

D. send, for saving

139. It’s most kind of you _____ me the beautiful vase. I’ll do something ____ you.

A. to give, to repay

B. giving, repaying

C. given, repaid

D. to have given, for repaying 140. All the guests have been invited here to the celebration _____ tomorrow.

A. holding

B. held

C. to hold

D. to be held

141. We must get her ______ the doctor. We can have someone _____ her to the hospital.

A. to see, take

B. see, taken

C. seeing, taking

D. see, to take

142. You had better not _____. I’ll teach you _____ electricity from water power.

A. to worry, to get

B. worry, getting

C. worry, how to get

D. to worry, how getting 143. Having broken the vase, the boy stood still without ____ his head.

A. daring raise

B. dare raising

C. being able to rise

D. daring to raise

144. We feel it a great honour ____ to visit this beautiful city.

A. to invite

B. inviting

C. having invited

D. to be invited

145. Have you got anything interesting _____ in the holiday?

A. to read

B. reading

C. for reading

D. to read it

146. I think he should get a permanent job, but you can’t force him _____.

A. /

B. to

C. do

D. so

147. I need some paper ______.

A. for writing a report

B. to write a report

C. for writing a report on

D. to write a report on 148. Having stood for a long time, I was eager to find a chair ______.

A. for sitting

B. so as to sit

C. to set

D. to sit in

149. All the printing mistakes are said to ______.

A. be correct

B. having been corrected

C. have corrected

D. have been correct 150. More and more trees in the area are found ______ from the effect of polluted air.

A. died

B. to be dying

C. having died

D. to be dead

151. He was just _____ up when he felt something moving near his feet.

A. to jump

B. about to jump

C. jumping

D. jumped

152. If you drive in England, you’ll have _____ on the left side of the road.

A. to get used to driving

B. used to drive

C. to be used to drive

D. used to driving

153. I need that book badly. If you go to the bookshop this afternoon, please remember _____ a copy for me.

A. to buy

B. buying

C. having bought

D. to have bought

154. Mr. Brown isn’t in at the moment. I’ll _____ you as soon as he’s back in the office.

A. have him calling

B. have him call

C. tell call

D. ask him calling

155. Don’t _____ the door when you leave the room.

A. remember to lock

B. remember locking

C. forget to lock

D. forget locking

156. I’m very sorry _____ for such a long time.

A. keeping you wait

B. to keep you to wait

C. for keeping you to wait

D. to have kept you waiting 157. What you have to do right now is ______.

A. having the dishes wash

B. to have the dishes washed

C. to have the dishes washing

D. having the dishes to wash

158. The students went to the spare-time school _____ their English.

A. for improving

B. to improve

C. by improving

D. so that improve

159. I did not want to do harm to you. I meant _____ you.

A. to help

B. helping

C. having helped

D. for helping

160. Some of the stars are so far away that it is impossible _____ in miles.

A. that we measure it

B. to us to measure

C. for us to measure them

D. that measures them 161. We are _____ have an outing.

A. longing for

B. longed to

C. longing to

D. eager

162. We sat up late to _____ our lessons for the examination.

A. prepare

B. doing

C. preparing

D. does

163. He knows ____ his books.

A. how use

B. how to use

C. how using

D. how used

164. Don’t make the little baby ______.

A. cries

B. is crying

C. cry

D. cried

165. It took me a long time ______ what he meant.

A. taking in

B. take in

C. to take in

D. in taking out

166. Let’s not _____ tonight. There’s a good film on TV.

A. to go somewhere

B. go to some where

C. go nowhere

D. go anywhere

167. Many parents allow their children _____ own decisions.

A. to make their

B. to make the

C. making their

D. making the

168. The first thing a dog needs to learn in order to be trained is _____.

A. to attack

B. to obey

C. to stay still

D. to run

169. My books seemed _____.

A. so heavy to carry

B. so heavy to be carried

C. so heavily to carry

D. so heavily carrying 170. He begged his father _____ him.

A. excusing

B. excused

C. to excuse

D. excuse

171. ______ the text?

A. Whose turn is it reciting

B. Whose turn is it to recite

C. Whose is it turn to recite

D. Whose is it turn reciting

172. The policeman observed the man _____.

A. leave

B. to leave

C. left

D. is leaving

173. You look pale. You’d better _____ the doctor _____ you a check-up.

A. have, to give

B. have, given

C. get, give

D. get, to give

174. Having taken the medicine, I felt my cough seemed ____ a lot.

A. to go out

B. to disappear

C. to have been relieved

D. to be well

175. Whom would you rather _____ with you to Hangzhou?

A. have to go

B. to go

C. have go

D. have gone

176. Students are often too busy _____ their lessons _____ outdoor sports.

A. doing, to take part in

B. to do, taking part in

C. doing, taking part in

D. to do, to take part in

177. They have been determined ______ for Mary to come back.

A. having been waiting

B. to have waited

C. to wait

D. waiting

178. It would be better _____ to George about the bad news instead of phoning.

A. write

B. to write

C. writing

D. to have written

179. In 2000, Mary Pierce became the first French woman _____ the French Open since Fancoise Durr in 1967.

A. winning b. to win C. won D. having won

180. Pu Dong International Airport is said ______ already.

A. to build

B. to be built

C. to being built

D. to have been built 181. The problem is believed _____ at the meeting two weeks ago.

A. to have been discussed

B. to discuss

C. to be discussing

D. to have discussed

182. It is better for you to go to bed than ____ watching TV.

A. staying up

B. stay up

C. to stay up

D. to get up

183. We look forward only _____ a narrow path _____ to the top of the mountain.

A. to seeing, leading

B. to see, leading

C. to seeing, lead

D. to see, led

184. “What’s the matter with John?”“He didn’t pass the test but he still _____.”

A. hopes so

B. hopes it

C. hopes that

D. hopes to

185. I would love ____ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.’

A. to go

B. going

C. to have gone

D. having gone

186. People are not allowed ______ the garden to prevent the flowers ______.

A. entering, being destroyed

B. to enter, to destroy

C. to enter, being destroyed

D. entering, destroying

187. It looks like rain. It _____ go out and watch TV at home.

A. is better not to

B. had better not

C. isn’t better to

D. had no better

188. With the watch _____, he could do nothing but _____ a new one.

A. stolen, to buy

B. stolen, buy

C. stealing, buy

D. being stolen, buying 189. He made up his mind _____ playing volleyball.

A. to be devoted to

B. to devote to

C. to devote himself for

D. devoting his life to 190. One of the books you have bought is hard ______.

A. to be read

B. to read it

C. to read

D. to have read

191. There are many ways for people ______ what is going on at home and abroad.

A. to inform of

B. to inform about

C. to be informed about

D. informing of

192. It is said that the best way to learn a language is _____ the people who speak it.

A. communicate with

B. communicating about

C. to communicate with

D. communicated about 193. Does the doctor think it difficult ______ the baby?

A. to treat

B. treating

C. in treating

D. for treating

194. I am sorry ______ so rude to your guest last Sunday.

A. having been

B. to have been

C. to be

D. being

195. Every minute is made full use of ______ the test.

A. to prepare for

B. preparing

C. preparing for

D. being prepared for

1. CADAD 6. CDCAA 11. DACDD 16. ACBBB 21. DDCBC 26. BDABC 31. ABDBA 36. DBAAD 41. CABAD 46. BBCBC 51. CAAAB 56. BBACB 61. BABBA 66. AABBA 71. CABCC 76. AACDB 81. ABBAB 86. CBBAA 91. CBCDB 96. CCBAB 101. DCBAB 106. CAAAC 111. CBCCC 116. DCBBC 121. DAACA 126. ACBCC 131. BCBDB 136. ABBAD 141. ACDDA 146. BDDBB 151. BAABC 156. DBBAC 161. CABCC 166. DABAC 171. BADCC 176. ACBBD 181. ACBDC 186. CABAC 191. CCABA


非谓语动词补充材料 1.不定式的构成 不定式是由不定式符号to+动词原形构成,在某些情况下to也可省略。不定式一般 主动式被动式 一般式to do to be done 完成式to have done to have been done 进行式to be doing / 完成进行式to have been doing / 1) 不定式的一般式所表示的动作通常与主要谓语的动作同时或几乎同时发生,或是在它之后发生。如:They invited us to go there this summer. 他们邀请我们今年夏天去那儿。 He stood aside for me to pass. 他站到一边让我通过。 2)不定式的完成式 不定式的完成式所表示的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,它在句中可作表语、状语、宾语,有时也可作主语、定语等。如: She seemed to have heard about this matter. 她似乎已听说过这件事。 I am sorry to have kept you waiting so long. 我很抱歉让你等了这么久。 I meant to have told you about it, but I happened to have an important thing to do. 我本来想告诉你这件事的,但我碰巧有一件重要的事要做。 It has been an honor for me to have traveled so much in your country. 对我来说,在你们国家旅行这么多地方是一件很荣幸的事情。 3)不定式的进行式 不定式的进行式表示正在进行的与谓语动词同时发生的动作。它在句中可以用作除谓语以外的所有成分。如: It’s nice of you to be helping us these days.你真好,这些天一直帮我们。 He pretended to be listening to the teacher carefully. 他假装在认真地听老师讲课。 We didn’t expe ct you to be waiting for us here. 我们没料到你一直在这儿等我 4)不定式的完成进行式 如果不定式表示的动作是谓语所表示时间之前一直进行的动作,就需要用完成进行式。如: They are said to have been working in Tibet for 20 years. 据说他们已经在西藏工作20年了。 We are happy to have been helping each other these days. 我们很高兴这些天能互相帮助。 5)动词不定式的否定形式是由not或never加不定式构成。如: Try not to be late again next time. 尽量下次不要再迟到。 He wished us never to meet her again. 他希望我们永远不要再见到她。 6)疑问词+动词不定式: 不定式和疑问词whether, what, which, whom, where, when, how, why等连用可以在句中起名词的作用,通常跟在tell, know, show, decide, learn, wonder, explain, advise, teach, discuss, find out等动词后面作宾语,有时也可以充当主语、表语等。如: On hearing the news, he didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. 听到这个消息,他不知道该哭还是该笑。 When to hold the meeting has not decided. 什么时候开会还没有决定。 The most important problem is how to get so much money. 最重要的事情是如何搞到这么多钱。 介词后一般不直接接不定式,但可以接疑问词+不定式短语作宾语。如: Mary gave some advice on how to learn English. 玛丽提了一些如何学习英语的建议。 I have no idea of how to do it. 我不知道该怎么做。 但是but和except后面可以跟不定式。如: He did nothing but wander on the street. 他除了在街上闲逛外,没有做什么。


高考英语非谓语动词常见题型及答题技巧及练习题(含答案) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.(湖南) There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, ___________ at the night sky. A.to stare B.staring C.stared D.having stared 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查非谓语动词用法。句中的动词stare的逻辑主语是隐含主语I,两者之间为主动关系,故用现在分词。句意:没有比背躺在草地中间,盯着夜空更快乐的事情了。故B正确。 考点:考查非谓语动词用法 2.______ the pictures on the screen more clearly, they moved to the front row. A.To watch B.Watching C.Watched D.Having watched 【答案】A 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:为了更清楚的看屏幕上的图片,他们移到了前排。表示目的用不定式,故选A。 3.______ to as much English as possible is a good way to learn English well. A.Exposed B.Being exposed C.Having exposed D.To expose 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:句意:尽可能多的接触英语是学好英语的很好的办法。这里is是谓语,前面是主语,应该用动名词,而且be exposed to“暴露于,接触”,所以选B。 考点:考查动名词做主语 4.On the third floor there are two rooms, ________ used as a meeting-room. A.the larger of which B.one of them C.and a larger of them D.the largest one of which 【答案】B 【解析】 考查过去分词的独立主格结构。句意:三楼有两个房间,其中一个被用作会议室。如果选A项,是非限制性定语从句,从句应该用一般过去时态的被动语态,此处used是过去分词,所以A错;如果选C项,中间加and表明是并列句,the+比较级,才表示“两个当中更大的”,故C项错;因为是两个房间,不可能出现最高级,故D项错;只有选B项是过去


英语非谓语动词对比辨析100题 1. (1)__from the top of a hill, our house looks like as a car. (2) ____the dog came over, our friend ran away. (3) ________ from the top of a hill, and you’ll find the city more beautiful. d) ________ more clearly, they came up and got close to it. A. Seeing B. To see C. Seen D. See 2. (1)Disneyland is well worth______________. (2)Disneyland is worthy of______________. (3)Disneyland is worthy to______________. A. be visited B. visiting C. visit D. being visited 3. (1)Tom said to the doctor, ”I don’t want_____” (2)Tom said to the doctor,” I don’t want you_____ me.” (3)Tom said to the doctor,” The machine wants_________. A. examining B. to examine C. to be examined D. examined 4. (1)I’ll have my brother________ my radio tomorrow. (2)I’ll have my radio __________tomorrow. (3)Tomorrow the radio needs___________. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair 5. (1)We were watching TV when we heard the door___________. (2)We were watching TV when we heard someone ___________ at the door. (3)We noticed him_________ the door just now. A. knocked B. knocking C. knock D. to knock 6.(1)After a rest, we went on____ the same problem. (2)After a rest, we went on______the next problem. A. go B. going C. to go D. went 7. (1)The old lady needs__________ after. (2)The old lady needs__________ after her grandson. A. looking B. looked C. look D. to look 8. (1)I’m sorry I can’t make myself__________. (2)I’m sorry I can’t make you__________ me. A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understand 9.(1)I’ve never heard a word of Italian_______. (2)I’ve never heard you________ a word of Italian. A. speaking B. speak C. spoken D. to speak 10.(1)These young men asked the government_______ them to work in Xinjiang. (2)These young men asked_______ to work in Xinjiang. A. sending B. to send C. to be sent D. send 11.(1)The organizer expected the meeting___next week. (2)The organizer expected__the meeting next week. A. to hold B. to be held C. hold D. held 12.(1)He went to a party without________. (2)He went to a party alone without_____________ anyone else. A. inviting B. invited C. being invited D. invite 13. (1) _____ by Hank, we entered the dining room. (2) ____ Hank, we entered the dining room. (3) _____________ Hank, and we entered the dining room.


基础课程教学资料祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 高考英语语法:谓语动词 总述: 谓语动词的变化形式取决于时态和语态:英语的时态有十六种, 中学英语中有十二种常见的时态; 语态有两种, 即主动语态和被动语态祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 1.在主动语态中, 各种时态的谓语动词的一般形式如下: 一般进行完成完成进行 现在do / doesam / is / are doinghave / has donehave / has been doing祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 过去didwas / were doinghad donehad been doing 将来shall / will doshall / will be doingshall / will have doneX 祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量祝福您及家人身体健康、万事如意、阖家欢乐!祝福同学们快乐成长,能够取得好成绩,为祖国奉献力量 如果谓语是be动词, 则可用be动词的适当形式( be / am /is / are / was / were / been)代替以上表格中的黑体字部分. 此外, 过去将来时的形式是: should / would do或should / would be 2.在被动语态中, 各种时态的谓语动词的一般形式如下: 一般进行完成完成进行 现在am / is / are doneam / is / are being donehave / has been doneX 过去was / were donewas / were being donehad been doneX 将来shall / will be doneXshall / will have been doneX 另外, 过去将来时的被动语态形式是should / would be done 主动语态 在主动语态中, 高中英语中常见的有十二个时态 一.一般现在时: 1.构成: 通常以动词原形表示. 主语为第三人称单数时, 则用动词的第三人称单数形式来表示 2.用法: ①.表示现状, 性质, 状态, 经常的或习惯性的动作 a. It is fine today. b. I am a student. c. I get up at six every day. d. My father never takes a bus; he walks to his offic e. ②.表示客观事实或普遍真理 a. Japan is to the east of China. b. The sun rises in the east. c. A horse is a useful animal. ③.表示将来确定会发生的动作(如己安排好或计划好的动作或按时刻表将来一定会发生的动作), 可以这样使用的动词有: go, come, leave, start, arrive等 a. My train leaves at 6:30. b. The football match is played the day after tomorrow. ④.在时间和条件状语从句中可用一般现在时动词代替一般将来时动词 a. I will let you know as soon as I hear from him.


非谓语动词常考知识点用法必背 一、作宾语 (一)以下动词后,只能跟不定式作宾语 afford to do(付得起),agree to do(同意),decide to do(决定),determine to do(决心),expect to do(期待),fail to do(未履行),help (to )do(帮助),hope to do(希望),learn to do(学会),manage to do(设法),offer to do(主动提出),plan to do(计划),pretend to do(假装),promise to do(答应),refuse to do(拒绝),seem to do(觉得好像),want to do(想要),wish to do(希望)happen to do 举例:1.The driver failed to see the other car in time. 司机没能及时看见另一辆车。 2. I happen to know the answer to your question. 我碰巧知道你那道问题的答案。 3. He managed to pass the driving test. 他设法通过了驾驶考试。 4. My father promised to buy me a new bike. 我爸爸答应给我买一辆新单车。 5. He can’t afford to buy an expensive car. 他买不起昂贵的小车。 6. We decide to study hard from now on. 我们决定从现在起努力学习。 (二)以下动词后,只能跟动名词作宾语 avoid doing(避免) ,consider doing(考虑做),enjoy doing(乐于做),keep doing(继续做)finish doing(完成),suggest doing(建议做),dislike doing(不喜欢),escape doing(逃脱)cannot help doing(禁不住),imagine doing(想象),mind doing(介意),miss doing(错过),practise doing(练习),appreciate感激,欣赏 举例:1. You can hardly avoid meeting her if you both work in the same office.如果你们两人在同一个办公室做事,你几乎免不了要遇见她。 2.We are considering going shopping this afternoon.我们正考虑下午去购物。 3. I enjoy reading in the library at weekend. 我喜欢周末在图书馆看书。 4. The little girl escaped being injured in the accident. 这个小女孩没有在这次事故中受伤。 5. We often practice speaking English in the morning. 我们经常在早上练习说英语。 6.I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago. 我很感激两年前能有出国学习的机会. (三)以下动词后,既可跟动名词又可跟不定式作宾语,但意义不同 stop to do停下、、、去做另一件事mean to do计划/打算做某事try to do尽力做某事 stop doing停止做某事mean doin g 意味着try doing尝试做某事 regret to do遗憾没有/要去做某事go on to do接着去做某事forget to d o忘记去做某事regret doing后悔做了某事go on doing继续做某事forget doing忘记曾做过某事remember to do记得要去做某事remember doing记得曾做过某事 (四)作介词宾语: devote to(doing) sth 献身于,object to (doing) sth.反对,pay attention to注意 get down to开始着手做,lead to导致, look forward to(doing ) sth.盼望stick to坚持,be used to ( doing) sth习惯于等give up doing 放弃 feel like doing想要做某事keep on doing 继续insist on(doing)坚持 e.g.1. I am looking forward to seeing you again. 2. The little boy feels like being taken outside. 3. My grandfather is used to getting up early in the morning. 4. He has devoted his whole life to teaching. (五)以下动词后,既可跟动名词又可跟不定式作宾语,但意义没有大区别 begin to do begin doing start to do start doing开始做continue to do continue doing继续做 like to do like doing 1

非谓语 动词知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细)

非谓语动词知识点梳理及经典练习(超详细) 一、非谓语动词 1.________, he has to listen to tapes every day. A. To learn English well B. Learn English well C. Learning English well 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:为了学好英语,他不得不每天听录音。选项部分在句子中表示目 的,故用动词不定式,故选A。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意动词不定式的成分。 2.My friend invited me ______ the Art Club , and I accepted it with pleasure. A. join B. to join C. joined D. joining 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我的朋友邀请我参加艺术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。A.动词原形;B. 动词不定式;C. 动词过去式;D.动词的ing形式。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。结合句 意及结构,故选B。 3.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体 验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 4.My parents didn't allow me ______ to the party. A. go B. to go C. goes D. went 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】:本题考点为非谓语动词(固定用法)。allow sb. to do sth.,即“允许某 人做某事”。故答案为B。 5.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future. A. used, be used B. is used, be used C. used, use D. is used, use 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问 题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是


Non- finite Verbs in writing StepⅠPre-writing : 学生原作赏析: Our Spring Outing National College Entrance Examination is coming. To relax ourselves, our class had a meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. Having a barbecue is our choice. The next day, we set off early in the morning. We climbed the mountain, talking and laughing. When we arrived, we began to barbecue. Having had a big dinner,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view. We were tired but happy. 找出非谓语动词,并判断成分 ? 1. Making o ur city greener is everyone’s duty. ? 2. The government is determined to continue the green program. ? 3. I found my hometown changed so much. ? 4. Having fresh air, trees can reduce air pollution. ? 5. Every effort to the program makes a difference. Proof-reading: 1.Looking from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful . 2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. 3. —Which team is good at cooking? —A team called itself the supper cook. Summary:________________________________________ StepⅢ: While-writing Activity1: ①It is high time we took part in some activities. ②We wanted to make ourselves more healthy. → ____________________________________________________ ①Wangqi climbed so hard that she lost her temper. ②She complained about the long walk. → ____________________________________________________ ①The monitor has set a good example for us . ②The monitor deserves the honor and we should learn from her .


谓语动词与非谓语动词的区别 首先你要明白在一个英语的单句中只有一个谓语,那么你就要学会怎样划分英语句子中的结构。 先说下什么是单句,单句就是只有一个完整句子结构(句号才是整个句子结束的标志)的句子,没有连词和引导词(像and,what,where,这些的词都没有)。具体的单句结构(五个)就不用我说吧。 eg: ①I love my mother.就是一个单句。 ②English is my best subject which i like.这就是一个复合句(which引导的限制性定语从句),在主语中,english是主语,is是系动词,my best subject 是表语。在从句中(引导词后边的是从句),which作宾语指代subject(subject 是从句的先行词),I作主语,like在这里是行为动词(vt.)作谓语。 给你一个划分简单句结构的例子: eg:I like playing basketball. 这个句子中,I是主语,like是谓语,playing basketball是动名词做宾语,在宾语中playing是非谓语动词,因为我刚刚说过了,一个单句中只有一个谓语,所以like做了谓语,playing就一定是非谓语动词了。

现在和你说下最简单的分辨谓语和非谓语的方法:划分句子的结构。 每个句子首先找到主语,然后是谓语,谓语一般都会和主语靠近(有特殊的情况),那么除去谓语之外的其他动词,都是非谓语动词了。 谓语动词:有以下几种分类 ①行为动词:行为动词又可分为及物(vt.)与不及物(vi.) 那么vi.和vt.的区别可以通过造句的方式来确定。 及物动词:可直接接宾语。(如果不接宾语,那么句意会不完整) 不及物动词:不可以直接接宾语,需借用介词。 eg: I go to school by bus.(go不及物动词,但是和home连接时为go home)He drinks water.(drink是及物动词,中文翻译为他喝水,如果没有宾语water,就成了他喝,那他喝什么呢?句意就不完整了。) ②系动词:be动词(is,am,are,were,was)表主语状态,感官动词(hear,look,listen,tast,sound,appear,seem等),持续性动词(keep,stay,lie,remind等),变化动词(become,go,get,turn等)... ③情态动词:could,should,can,must,may等。


一、表格的用法 1.doing 的用法 (1)在要求动词后(作宾语):avoid避免appreciate 感激/欣赏acknowledge承认/自认admit 承认advocate 提倡/主张consider 考虑can't help不禁can't stand受不了contemplate细想complete完成confess坦白dislike 不喜欢,讨厌deserve值得delay延迟deny否认dread可怕defer拖延detest嫌恶enjoy享有/喜爱envy嫉妒endure忍受excuse借口escape逃跑/逃避finish完成forgive原谅fancy幻想/爱好favor 造成/偏爱figure描绘/计算hate讨厌imagine设想involve卷入/包含keep保持miss错过mention说到/讲到mind 介意pardon原谅/饶恕permit允许postpone推迟practice 实行/实践prevent阻止quit放弃停止risk冒险recall回想resist抵抗/阻止resume恢复repent悔悟resent怨恨stand坚持/忍受suggest建议save营救/储蓄tolerate忍受worth值得You should try to avoid making mistakes. The book is worth reading. The book deserves reading. (2)表进行 Walking on the grassland, I saw a snake.=When I was walking on the grassland, I saw a snake. The man speaking English is Tom. = The man who is speaking English is Tom. (3)表主动 The man speaking English is Tom = The man who speaks English is Tom. = The man who spoke English is Tom. Nobody dinks boiling water but boiled water.= Nobody dinks water that is boiling but the water that has boiled. (4)表伴随 I stand outside waiting for Mr. Chen. I lie in bed reading a novel. (5)表性质;特点 The film is very moving. She is understanding, so you had better discuss your business with her. (6)概括性,一般性 Climbing mountain is very interesting. Driving a car during the rush hour is tiring.在高峰时刻开车令人厌烦。(概括性,一般性) Our work is serving the people. (7)动名词的逻辑主语为;①人称代词的所有格+动名词;②名词's+动名词。例如: Tom insisted on my going with them.他坚持要我和他们一起去。 He dislikes his wife's working late.他不喜欢他妻子工作得很晚。


非谓语动词用法辨析 (一)非谓语动词在句中的成分 不定式几乎可以充当除谓语以外的所有成分,动名词起名词的作用。现在分词和过去分词起形容词和副词的作用。 (二)非谓语动词在同一成分中用法的辨析 1.做主语:-般来说,不定式和动名词成份相同时,表示客观性、一般性行为为多用动名词表示,而表示一次性、具体性行为则多用不定式。 Looking after children is her job. To clean the classroom is his job today. 2.做宾语: I like swimming, but I don't like to swim today because I don't feel well. (1).有些动词只能接不定式做宾语,这些动词接上不定式,含有明显的主观性和将来性意义。如:help,hope,ask,refuse,decide,promise,wish,pretend,expect,arrange,learn,plan,demand,dare,manage,agree,prepare,fail,determine,offer,choose,desire,elect,long,(happen,seem),等等。 He refused to speak on the radio. He desired to see you.

(2)..有些动词只接动名词做宾语,这些动词接上动名词,含有明显的"依据往事或经验来作出理解和判断"的意思。mind,finish,enjoy,suggest,permit,appreciate,consider,miss,dislike,keep(on),avoid,permit,imagine,risk,escape,admit,stand(忍受),allow,forbid,excuse,等等。 短语动词:give up,put off,look forward to,feel like,insist on,object to,prevent…from,set about,can't help,be/get used to等 短语:be worth doing,be no good doing,be no use doing,be busy doing等The mother did agree to let the boy risk swimming across the river. She can't stand having nothing to do at home. His wife doesn't allow smoking inside the room and often advised him to give up smoking. All the family insisted on my staying with them a few days longer. It's no good learning without practicing. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. She doesn't feel like eating anything,being ill for a few days. (3).有些动词后面既可接不定式,又可接动名词,其意义基本相同,区别不大。如;like,love,hate,delay,continue,attempt(企图),afford(提供),prefer.omit(省略),begin,start. The Einsteins, however, could not afford to pay for(or:paying for)the advanced education that young Albert needed. I prefer staying (to stay) at home on Sunday. 注意:begin和start本身为进行时,或后面动词为心理变化意义的动词时,须接不定式。 When we came in, they were beginning to have supper. After his explanation, I began to understand it / realize that I was wrong. (4).有些词后面既可以接不定式.亦可接动名词,但其意义有很大区别,须特别注意: A.remember,forget,regret接动名词,表示完成意义(=having done),接不定式,表示将来意义: Please remember to bring me the book I want next time. I remember seeing her (=having seen her) somewhere before. Don't forget to write to me soon. I never forget visiting (=having visited) them for the first time. I regret missing that good film last week.(后悔干……事) I regret not taking (not having taken) your advice. I regret to say I can't take your advice. (遗憾=be sorry) B.mean:mean to do=want to do打算,想要……;mean doing:意味着,就是 I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I meant to call on you, but I was so busy. Learning a foreign language doesn't mean just working in class.


非谓语动词 在句中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词。非谓语动词分为三种形式:不定式、动名词和分词(分词包括现在分词和过去分词) 不定式 一、不定式的作用 1、作主语不定式作主语时,谓语用单数。往往用it 作形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。如: It took us two hours to finish the job. It is impossible for us to get there on time. It is very kind of you to help us. 注意:(1)其他系动词如look, appear等也可用于此句型。 (2)当不定式作主语的句子中又有一个不定式作表语时,不能用It is …to…的句型。试比较:It is to negate my own idea to believe him.(错) To believe him is to negate my own idea .(对) (3)It is+ adj. of / for sb. to do sth. 结构中,当不定式的逻辑主语和前面的形容词可以构成系表结构时,用of, 否则用for. 2、作宾语 (1)动词+不定式。如: He managed to escape from the fire. I find it hard to get along with him.(it 作形式宾语) 注:下列动词通常用不定式作宾语:want, try, hope, wish, need, forget, know, promise, refuse, help, decide, begin, start, learn, agree, choose, get等


非谓语动词的用法总结 李靖 非谓语动词(不定式、动名词、分词)不是真正意义上的谓语动词,在句中都不能单独作谓语。但都具有动词的某些特点,可以有自己的宾语或状语,构成非谓语动词短语。不定式表目的,表将来;动名词表主动,表进行;过去分词表被动,表完成。 一.作主语( 动名词、不定式、过去分词前面加being, 动名词做主语谓语动词用单数) 1)不定式、动名词都可做主语,但是动名词做主语多指抽象的概念性的动作,可以是多次的经常的行为;不定式多表示具体的动作,尤其是某一次的动作。如: Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火危险。(泛指玩火) To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火会发生危险。 2)用动名词做主语的句型: It’s no use/no good/pleasure doing sth 做.......没有用处/好处/乐趣 It’s a waste of time doing sth 做.... 浪费时间 It is worth doing sth 值得做某事 It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收 It is worth making an appointment before you go. 去之前预约一下是值得的。 3)不定式做主语的句型. It is + adj +for sb to do sth. 比较:表示人的品质时只能用of sb 如considerate/kind/nice/foolish/stupid/rude/cruel /wise/clever/brave/selfish/crazy/good/careful/careless/impolite/right/wrong等单词出现 时。 It is silly of you to say so. It is important for us to learn English well. It is a must/ a necessity for us to have a good command of the English language. 4) “Wh- + to 不定式”可做主语。如: When to leave hasn’t been decided yet.什么时候动身还没定呢。 Whether to drive or take the train is still a problem.是自驾车还是乘火车仍是一个问题。 5)一般情况下,不定式和动名词作主语,谓语动词一般用单数形式。如: Seeing is believing.= To see is to believe 眼见为实。 . Planting flowers needs constant watering. 但and连接的多个动名词作主语,谓语动词大多用复数(如果前后动名词的语义一致, 谓语一般用单数)。如:Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎与盗窃是不道德的。 6) 动名词前面可以加上形容词性物主代词构成动名词的复合结构。如: ----- What made him angry? ------ Mary’s /My/His/Her /Their/ The boy’s/ The president’s being late(made him angry. 7being,构成动名词,做主语。如: . Being examined twice a year , driver must obey in this city. 经典练习:
