
便条/留言条/便函(Notes)写作要点-便条类似于非正式的简短书信,格式较随意通常不需要写收信人和寄信人的地址结束语也可省略不需要信封日期可以略去不写,也可在便条上方注明(必要是可以注明具体时刻,但年份可省略,因为其内容多为近期内的事情)-便条一般采用非正式或口语表达便条常用语1.通知前往某处As soon as / when you receive this note, please come to ….见条后请即到……Come / Go to …as soon as you see the note.见条后请即到……Upon receiving this note, please come to my office.见条后,请立即来我办公室。
2.辞行It is a pity not t be able to see / meet you. I …很遗憾未能见到你,我……This is to say goodbye to you. (infml)想和你说声再见/与你告别。
(非正式)This is to bid you farewell. (fml)今特来向你辞行。
(正式)3.其它I shall feel obliged if you will favor me with a call at your earliestconvenience.如您方便,请早日来电,我将不胜感激。
Delighted! Will call at 2 p.m. tomorrow.来条收悉,定于明天下午两点拜访。
I shall be very happy to call at your house at 6:30 this evening.我定于今晚6:30去你家,望等候。
Please accept this little gift as a small token of my esteem foryou.奉上这小小的礼物,以表达我对您的崇高敬意。

典型例文1:(便条)dear mr eric,i came to see you this morning but it so happened that you were out. so i have to leave this note to you.i'm so glad to tell you that after raining so many days, it is said to be fine this sunday. therefore some of my friends and i have decided to go for an outing. we'll meet at the gate of the forest park at 8:30 . then we'll go climbing and have some games. we'll have a picnic. in the afternoon we'll go boating in the river nearby. if possible, we'll go to pick some wild fruits. i'm sure we'll take some photos, too. will you join us? we'll be very happy if you will. ring me up before 5 ., please.yours,典型例文2:(请假条):wang gangdear mr. du,i'm sorry to tell you that i can't go to school today. i've caught a cold because i went swimming yesterday. this morning i had a headache and had a fever. the doctor advised me to stay in bed for two days. now i'm writing to you to ask for two days' sick leave.yours respectfully,英语便条的范文十篇及翻译第3篇一、概述便条也是书信的一种形式。

-一,祝贺类1 It is the most joyful news I have heard for a long time. 这是我这么长时间以来听到的最开心的消息。
2 I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world. 愿你们得到世界上所有的快乐和幸福。
3 I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that you···我在报纸上看到你的消息很惊喜。
4 We hope you will have nothing but joy and happiness in your life and in your chosen career.我们希望你的生活和事业充满快乐和幸福。
5 Congratulations on your promotion/gratification/success/progress/achievements.恭喜你升职/毕业/成功/进步/取得成就。
6 Wish you the best luck and every happiness.愿好运和幸福伴随你。
7 Sincere congratulations upon your···衷心祝贺你8 Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend. Congratulations and all best wishes to you!好朋友在这里道一声生日快乐,并把最好的祝愿送给你。
9 Please to allow me to congratulations on10 A word of congratulations just dosen’t seem enough, so I am sending you a gift that I am sure you’ll find useful.恭、贺之词不足以表达我的心情,今寄去一点儿礼,我想你会用得找。

正文:1. 日期与时间日期和时间是便条中必须包含的重要信息,它能够帮助接收者准确地了解事件发生的时间。
在便条上,你可以使用以下格式来表示日期和时间:日期:YYYY年MM月DD日时间:HH:MM AM/PM例如:日期:2022年10月15日时间:9:00 AM2. 标题便条的标题应该简明扼要地概括便条的主要内容,让接收者能够快速地了解便条的目的和内容。
例如:重要会议安排3. 正文内容在便条的正文部分,要尽量简洁明了地表达你想传达的信息。
例如:- 明天下午2点有一次重要会议,请务必参加。
- 请准备好相关报告和资料,并在会议开始前提交给我。
4. 署名与通信方式在便条的结尾处,应该留下你的署名和通信方式,以便接收者能够在有需要时与你进一步交流。

便条范文模板篇11. 结构的含义作用:①使文章言之有体。
2. 安排结构的原则③要适应不同文体的要求。
3. 结构的要求便条范文模板篇2范例--便条便条就是一种简单的书信,内容简短,大多是临时*的留言、要求等。

便条写作8大类型及模板1. 约会2. 道歉3. 邀请4. 请求5. 致谢6. 祝贺7. 慰问8.留言一、约会1. 结构特点约会是因事与收信人约定面谈的便条,包含三个方面的内容:A. 约会事由;B. 建议约会时间和地点;C. 期待对方作出回复,并可表示感谢2. 模板3. 实例练习Write on ANSWER SHEET TWO a note of 50-60 words based on the following situation:You, as a head of the company, are planning to hold a general meeting of the whole staff. You want to make an appointment with your colleague, Lynn, to discuss the time and place of the meeting. Write him a note, making an appointment.Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.Sample:4. 妙言锦句1)I’d like to see you …if you have time.2) How about come to…?3) What do you say if we talk about it at …?4) I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet at …?5) Could I see you sometime next week, as I’d like to…6) I’d like to make an appointment to see you.7) Would it be possible for us to talk to in person about that?8) Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?9) Would you like to …with me this weekend?10) How about …with me tonight?11) Do you have any special plans for the weekend? Maybe we can…How does that sound?12) What do you sa y…?13) When can we meet to talk?14) When is it convenient for you?15) What time would be convenient for you?二、道歉1. 结构特点致歉型便条——是向收信人表示歉意的便条。

**即日...便条的格式先在什么写称呼,什么写作文May 15th Dear Alice. I wonder if you eould lend me your Chinese-English dictionary. I will return it three days later. Now I am translating an important Chinese article into English. However, I often meetsome Chinese words which I don't know how to say in English. So I have to turn to the Chinese-English dietionary for help from time to time. But mine is lost. I will take good care of your dictionary. I will definitely not damage it. Thank you very much! Jenny亲爱的艾丽丝:我想知道你能否把你的汉英词典借给我,三天后还给你。

May 20thDear Tom,``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文`````````````````````````````````````````` ``````````````正文``````````````````````````````````````````` `Yours Sincerely, Kate###############################################################################May 20thDear Tom,```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````正文```````````````````````````````````````````Yours Sincerely,Kate时间日期称谓:正式或非正式(是否全名,是否不知道对方名称)分段不需要空格,直接空行署名的正式性应该和对方称谓一致此处使用逗号此处使用逗号Truthfully, respectfully,约请(Invitation)⏹诚挚邀请对方参加某活动⏹介绍活动的内容、时间、地点,相关内容⏹再次发出邀请或者期待对方回复开头用语①Will you do us the favor of joining our party?您是否愿意参加我们的聚会?②May I take this opportunity to invite you to our university to give a lecture?我是否能借此次机会邀请你来我们学校做一次演讲?②If you have no other plans for …,will you come to our party at my home?如果您在…没有特殊安排的话,是否愿意来我家参加这次聚会?③I hope you will give me the pleasure of your company on the occasion of a dinnerwith a few friends…我希望您能给我机会邀请您与…共进晚餐④I am extending to you our formal invitation to...我在这里向您发出正式的邀请⑤It is with the greatest pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to attend themeeting.在这里我诚挚地邀请您能够参加我们的会议。

一 便条的概念和种类
部 分
二 便条的组成部分
部 分
三 便条的特点
部 分
四 便条的基本格式
部 分
目 录
便 条
概 念
和 种
便 条 的
种事位条写格便 最务或据简式条 简中个类便,是
在日常交流中,没有 见到对方,但有些话 要向对方说,有些事 要托对方办,只好写 张条子留给对方,这 种简明条子就叫留言 条。
留言条 X X X:
......留言的具体内容...... XXX
X X年X X月X X日
留言条 小张:
我有急事外出一会儿,约 二十分钟左右回来,你来后请 稍候!
此致 敬礼
因为什么事?请哪几天 假?
学生:小明 2020年3月5日
王老师: 本人3月11日至3月12日因母亲突
然重病住院,无人照料,需我前往医 院护理,特请假两天。 此致
敬礼 2020年3月11日 请假人:李小明
小明4月1日至4月7日要去北京 参加中国诗词大会比赛,需向 班主任张老师请假一周,请你 为他写一张请假条
李小明 2020年3月11日
托事条 X X X:
......托事的体内容...... XXX
X X年X X月X X日
托事条 曾蓉:


2)称呼(Salutation):称呼可以正式(如Dear Mr。
White),也可以随便些(如Dear Peter)。
3)正文(Text):正文写明要留言的内容,但语言要简单扼要,通俗口语化,把事情说清楚就行. 4)署名(Signature):署名部分写上留条人的姓名,写在右下角。
如果是很熟悉的人,只要写上名就可以了,如John,Kate等,也可以写上全名,如John Smith1请假条(Notes Asking for Leave)请假条应写明收条人的姓名.正文中,开头应清楚地写明请假的原因、时间、并为请假可能引起的不便表示歉意。
最后表达你对对方准予请假的愿望.请假条可分为病假条(Asking for Sick Leave)和事假条(Asking for Business Leave).范文【例1】March 1 Dear Mrs。
SmithOwing to a server headache, I should be unable to attend classes today, I enclose a medical certificate from the doctor and ask for a sick leave of two days。
Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance.【例2】Dec。
1 Dear Director,I beg to apply for one week's leave of absence from the 1st to 7th instant, both days inclusive,in order to return home to see my grandfather, who is now seriously ill。

⏹交待对方所遭遇不幸的内容⏹表示对对方理解并安慰⏹表达良好祝愿,或鼓励对方坚强起来,渡过难关,可能的话表示能够给予对方帮助DateDear …,I am really sorry to hear/learn that ____. I understand it is due to ____. Don’t worry and take it easy. I hope you ____. D o feel free to tell me if I can offer any help.Sincerely yours,XXX⏹I am truly sorry to hear of your illness.⏹I cannot tell you how sad I felt when I was informed of your illness.⏹News of your loss has saddened us.⏹I’m most grieved to learn of …⏹Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to …⏹With heartful prayers for your recovery.your best wishes. (1999)May 15, 1999Dear Jimmy,Sorry to learn the bad news that you are ill these days. How are you feeling now? I can imagine your pain of the disease. Take good care of yourself. But you are very strong-willed and will be alright soon. I’ll visit you sometime tomorrow.I wish you early recovery.Yours truly,about it. Write a note to comfort her and give her some encouragement. (2004)May 10thDear Jane,I’m terribly sorry to hear that you failed the final exam. I understand how distressed and disappointed you may feel now. However, we all know it is due to your illness at that moment. Don’t worry about it and just take it easy. I’m sure you will succeed in the makeup after recovery.If you have any questions regarding the lesson, do feel free to tell me. Yours,Byour own name at the end of the note, using “John” instead.June 23Dear Charlie,I’m really sorry to learn the fire that broke out last night destroyed your house. I am writing to tell you how deeply distressedI am. And I’m very anxious to know how you and your family are atthe moment. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. With best wishes to you. Yours affectionately,J式。

Note-writing 便条写作• What is a note? • 便条是完成预约、道歉、邀请、请求、致谢、投诉等功能的简短的书信形式。
• 便条的分类 (Classification):• 1 请求建议类:请求便条(请求允许,请求帮助),建议便条• 2 表达感情类:道歉便条、致谢便条、祝贺便条、安慰便条• 3 邀请约会类:邀请便条、接受邀请便条、拒绝邀请便条• 4询问咨询类:询问便条、信息便条、通知• 5 留言口信类:有关他人的致电、到访、口信等的便条下面介绍12种便条写作的方式:1. 邀请便条:①发出邀请aApril 20, 2008Dear Fiona,I am going to hold a dinner party with several other friends of ours. The party will be held in Room 6 of Lijing Hotel at 5:00 p.m. today, I sincerely hope you can attend and we will have a very happy time together. Please let me know whether you can make it.Yours,Amelia发出邀请bApril 20, 2008Dear Fiona,Here is a piece of good news for you. The * will give a performance in the * tomorrow evening. I am sure that you willbe happy to watch it .The performance will begin at seven o’clock sharp. I will wait for you at the theater entrance. Please let me know whether you can make it at your earliest convenience.Yours,Amelia发出邀请cApril 20, 2008Dear Professor Zhou,I am Amelia from class 052; I need you to give me some suggestion on my project. If it doesn’t trouble you too much, shall we have a meet at your office tomorrow? Time is up to you.Respectful yours,Amelia发出邀请d(通知)April 20, 2008Dear girls and boys in Class 0403,This Saturday evening, from 7 p.m. to 9 p. m., at Singeing dining hall, there will be a ball held by Class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together.Yours,MikeMonitor of Class 0301②接受邀请April 20, 2008Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I wouldlike to come. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this evening. (如果是办在家里:I shall be very happy to call at your house right after I finish my work at 6:30 this evening.) Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours,Fiona③拒绝邀请April 20, 2008Dear Amelia,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, I would like to but I have a meeting to attend this evening, please give my best regards to them all and I hope my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience, have fun.Yours,Amelia2.请假条April 20, 2008Dear Ms. Jiang,I am terribly sorry that I shall be unable to attend this morning two per iods of English Class (I‘m terribly sorry to apply for ten days’ leave from the Aug. 23rd to Sep. 3rd)due to a bad cold and high fever. I will show you the certificate from the doctor to support my application. I will go back to school as soon as I recover.(I promise I will do my best to catch the missed lessons on after I come back.)Wish for your allowance.Yours respectfully,Amelia3.请求便条a.讲清事情的因由(为什么请求)b.请求行为c.请求实现方式d.致谢套句:请求帮助: Would you do me a favor? Would you be so kind as to…?/ Could I troubl e you to send this book for me?/ I wonder if you would tell me…?/ If it is not too troublesome, could you…?/ I hope this request will not trouble you too much.请求允许:Please give me a few more days./May I have a look at your dictionary? / Would you mind if I opened the window? /I wonder if I could open the door. / Would it be possible to havea talk with you?请求做事(要求与暗示):Let’s go to the bookstore this afternoon./ I want to have a look at your book. / I wish you could…/ I would like ask you to clean the room./ You are making a big mess./ I feel a bit hungry now. What time is it now?范文:April 20,2008Dear Professor Hu,I am very happy to have the chance to listen to your lecture on “American Literature”. But it is a pity that I was late that day due to an accident on my way to the lecture and failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my English study, so I wonder if you could kindly e-mail the handout to the address: ******************.cn.Heartfeltthanks.Respectfully yours,Amelia4.抱怨投诉便条(关键词complain, dissatisfaction)a.抱怨投诉行为b.投诉内容具体描述c.要求弥补纠正赔偿d.抱怨投诉者对弥补纠正赔偿等的敦促或威胁套句:行为描述I’m writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had withHere’s the problem…解决方式的要求:It would be very kind( considerate) of you to…address this problem soon. / take steps to rectify this situation soon. / turn it down a little? /敦促或威胁: Frankly, I really can’t put up with the situation any more. You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court. / If you can’t give me a satisfactory a nswer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association.范文:April 20,2008Dear Sir or Madam,I went to your store to buy a Radio watch last Sunday. When I mentioned the high price, the No. 5 saleswoman replied in a sarcastic tone, “You can go ahead and buy a cheap fake from other stores”. She didn’t know how to treat a prospective buyer! I hope you can improve your service and give me a face-to-face apology. My telephone number is 010-********.Sincerely yours,Amelia5.道歉便条a道歉的行为与内容,b具体理由,c弥补方法,d进一步致歉。

家长:王小民 4月10日二、借条、收条和领条:格式:借条、收条和领条,是借用或收(领)到钱物时,写给对方作为凭证的条子,第一行,中间写“今借(或收、领)到”。
三(1)班图书馆管理员赵玲 1月5日三、写日记:写日记有一定的格式。
通知 3月5日(星期五)下午3时,在大礼堂举行学习雷锋诗歌朗诵会。
少先队大队部 3月1日。
3 、在右下角写上写条人的姓名。
4 、换一行对准姓名写上写条的日期。

英语便条写作X例1)请假(Asking for Leave)例1Directions: You are about to write a Business Leave Note of about 60 words. Please describe this information clearly.1) the reason you ask for the leave2) the time and how long you will leaveAug. 22ndSecretary Li,ep., 3rd instantly, as the time is urgent. My father now in the hospital is badlyill and I have to take care of him for a few days, for I’m the only child in my family. I will show you the tel egram about my father’s illness to support my application. I promise I will do my best to catch the missed lessons on aft er I e back. Wish for your allowance.Yours respectfully ,×××或:例2Aug. 22ndDear Mr Li,I'm very sorry to tell you that I can't attend school today becauseof a bad cold. I enclose the doctor's certificate(证明) and ask you for three days sick leave.Yours,Li MingEnclose(附):the doctor's certificate for sick leave练习①X先生:因爷爷病重,我打算回家探望,要求请假一星期,从本月10日到16日止。

概念: 一定格式、内容单一、书写简便、
分类 :请假条、留言条、托事条
1、组成部分 :标题、称谓、正文、落款
2、 四个要素 :称谓、正文、署名、日期
称谓:另起,顶格,加冒号 正文 :另起,空两格(致敬语:
今天很美好! 请加油!
便条是一种具有一定格式、内容单一、书写简便、使用广泛的条据 类应用文,是人们在处理日常事务使用的一种最简便的书信。
请假条:因病或因事不能照常工作或学习,而向单位或个人说明情况。 留言条:是在不能面谈的情况下,把要说明的内容写下来给对方看的 一种便条。如:走访别人未遇、临时有一活动请对方参加、有事不便当面 谈,又必须让对方知道等。 托人办事条:是托人办事、购物、传话、知告事情等的一种便条。
2.你想让住在新华书店附近的小红同学帮你代购一本《新 华字典》。请你就此事给小红同学写一张托事条。
留言条 爸爸妈妈:
我去同学王小明家商量明天参加设计制图 竞赛的事,下午六点准时回来。请不要担心。
儿:小 强 2020年10月10日
托事条 小红:
听说你家住在新华书店附近,请帮我代购 一本《新华字典》,谢谢!
正文在称谓下 一行空两格
请假事由+请 假时间+请假

便条写作模式及常用语句一.道歉道歉的行为与内容 -- 具体理由 --(弥补方法)-- 进一步致歉1.致歉(开头)I’m writing to apologize / show my apology for…I would like to express my apologies / regret for not being able to…I’m very / really / extremely / awfully sorry about / to say thatExcuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment.I really regret that I cannot …2.具体理由I had a minor accident./ I had a minor operation. (一般过去时态)The fact is that…I failed to do sth. because / due to …3. 弥补方法To make up for the mess I have made, I would like to …I wish I could be given a chance to make up for my inconsiderateness.I am sure I can make up the loss by…It would be very kind (considerate) of you to give me another chance to…I promise (it will never happen again.)I can assure you that we will…4. 再次致歉(结尾)I make a second apology to you.Please allow me to say sorry again.Many apologies.Do please forgive me.Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.I sincerely hope that you will forgive / excuse …I sincerely hope that you understand me and excuse me / accept my apologies. 二.建议:背景陈述—建议内容—建议理由—鼓励话语1. 背景陈述(开头)With regard to…, I will try to make some constructive suggestionsI saw an advertisement just now, saying …You have asked me for my advice with regard to … and I will try to make someconducive suggestions.2. 建议内容I (do) suggest that …I think it might be/ seems a good idea to …I think it would be better if …If I were you, I would …You’d better …I would like to strongly recommend that…3. 建议理由… might be appropriate for you since …The reason why I put forward the suggestions above is …4. 鼓励话语(结尾)I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.I hope you will find these suggestions / proposals/ recommendations helpful /practical.Hope you enjoy …I would be ready to discuss this matter in further details.三.邀请A.发起邀请:邀请事因—具体细节—再次提出邀请(希望赴约的愿望);1. 邀请事因(开头)非正式:I am pleased to invite you to …I would like to invite you to …I am pleased to invite you to participate inI am writing to ask whether you would be willing to …I hope that you have not any plan for …, as I would like you to…I sincerely ask you to …We were wondering if you could / wanted to attend …正式:I request the honor of your presence at …It is my pleasure / a great honor for me to invite you to attend …It is my pleasure to extend an invitation to you to… for the purpose of…I take great pleasure in inviting…2. 具体细节…to be held from.. to... in…3. 再次邀请(结尾)a. We sincerely hope you can be present.I am longing to see you soon.I do very much hope that you will be able to accept this invitation.Please do come. We look forward to your arrival.We hope that you can come and look forward to seeing you.I would be very happy if you could come.We sincerely/ faithfully hope you can attend.Please accept my invitation.Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.Call or write to say that you are coming.Be sure to give me a ring if you’re not coming.B. 接受邀请: 表示感谢—接受邀请—(接受原因)—再次致谢;1. 表示感谢I’m happy to be informed of …Thank you very much for asking me to …I’m very happy to be invited to attend …Many thanks for your invitation and you may be sure that I will be there.2. 接受邀请I will certainly come.I can’t wait to come.… has much pleasure in accepting the kind invitation to …… accepts with pleasure …’s invitation to …You can count on me to be punctual / attend …3. 接受原因I won’t miss the chance to meet all my old friends.I have long heard about …I have always been interested in …4. 再次致谢(结尾)Thank you for asking me.Looking forward to seeing you.Again, my gratitude.I’m counting the days to see you all.C. 拒绝邀请:表示感谢—拒绝邀请—拒绝原因—衷心祝贺/表示感谢1. 表示感谢(同上)2. 拒绝邀请I regret that I will not be able to accept your kind invitation to…This is indeed tempting, but I’m afraid I couldn’t …I’m afraid I can’t be present.I’m dreadfully sorry to have to be absent from this important occasion.3. 拒绝原因I really ought to be there, but as I …I should be present but …It is so thoughtful of you to ask me, but unfortunately I …4. 衷心祝贺/表示感谢(同上)I hope you’ll have a wonderful time.Please extend my congratulations to …四.问询:询问主题—具体细节—期待答复—表示感谢1. 询问主题I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with informationregarding…I am writing to ask you to kindly provide us with…Would you be so kind as to let me know…?Would you be kind enough to give me some information about …?Can I make a request for the following information?I would be particularly interested to know if …I am writing in the hope that you could inform me of …2.具体细节What about the price?What is the size of …?I hope you don’t mind, but is it the latest model?Could you possibly tell me the salary?3. 期待答复I am eagerly awaiting your reply to this matter.I am looking forward to your prompt response / a favorable reply at yourearliest convenience / hearing from you soon.Could you please inform me / let me know as soon as possible so that I couldmake an arrangement?4. 表示感谢I would appreciate your advice as to what I should do next.I would very much appreciate your advice on such matter.Thank you for your attention to this matter.Your prompt attention to this latter would be highly appreciated.Sorry to bother you, but your kind help would be greatly appreciated.Nothing can be more precious for me than your understanding andencouragement.五.安慰:表示同情—安慰对方—(提出建议)—鼓励对方/良好愿望1. 表示同情I’m sorry to learn that …We were shocked at the sad news in the morning this morning.It grieves us deeply to learn that …I am greatly sadden by the news of the passing away of …Our deepest sympathy is with you.Our hearts are saddened by your loss.We wish to express our sympathy in your loss and to let you know that ourthoughts are with you.Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to…I am writing to express my deep sympathy.I would like to express my sorrow at…2. 安慰对方It is a great loss to all.His happy laughter still rings in our ears.I will always miss her great humor …3. 提出建议(参考建议句式)Please cheer up and enjoy your reading.4. 鼓励对方My kindest regards and best wishes.Please accept our profoundest condolences.Please convey our profoundest condolences to your brother andsister-in-law as well as to your parents.Please extend our condolences to your parents.With best regards to you all.六.致谢:致谢—具体内容—再次致谢1. 致谢I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for…I’m writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for …I’d like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely help and assistance.I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for…It was nice / good / thoughtful of you to…You were so kind to (send me those lovely flowers.)2. 具体内容Imagine my happiness/ pleasure at seeing …Just what I need as we are…3. 再次致谢Thank you again for your wonderful hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Thanks again for your courtesy.A thousand thanks for your help and encouragement.Words fail to convey my true gratitude.七.请求:背景陈述—具体请求—请求回复表示谢意1. 背景陈述I am now writing to ask / seek for your help / assistance in…I would appreciate it if you would provide me with …I am writing to ask if you can kindly help…I am sorry that I have to ask a favor of you, with the hope that you will be kindenough to help me.I would be very grateful if you could …I wonder if you could…Would it be possible for you to let me know whether …2. 具体请求I sincerely welcome you to attend…Would you please…3.请求回复表示谢意I would be most grateful for your favorable consideration of this request.Please call me if you…I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.Thank you very much for your kind help.Your answer will be gratefully received.八.祝贺:祝贺内容—表示祝贺—衷心祝福1. 祝贺内容Allow me to congratulate you on…Congratulations on your graduation / promotion/ success / achievements.I am pleased / glad to hear of … Congratulations to you!.2. 表示祝贺I am delighted to see your efforts rewarded.Your honors brings to all of us.3. 衷心祝福Congratulations to you and every good wish for your success and happiness.Good luck with your project.All the best wishes to you in your new job.Luck and success in the coming year!May you come into a good fortune!九.留言/转告:留言事由—留言事项(人/时间/要求)—注意要点1. 留言事由Here is a message from…Here are some … for you.I am writing to ask you to…I’m happy to inform you that…… called on you when you were out just now.…sb. called you at 9:50 a.m.. He said…/ He asked if you agree to…2. 留言事项Call on home as soon as you can.Please call him back at once. This is urgent.3. 重申注意要求Please ring me up after reading the message.Please notify me after you get the message.Please contact me at 24653212 if you have any problem.Please let me know as soon as you read the note.十.转让/求购/求租:原因—物品详情—价格商定—联系方式1. 原因In order to…, I want to sell/buyIn need of …, I would like to sell / buy…To …, I’d like to sell / buy…I have … for sale.2. 物品详情… is in good condition.… works perfectly well.3. 价格商定I can pay at most … yuan for it.Would … yuan be possible for me to get it?I’d like to charge … yuan for it.Would … yuan be a reasonable price?4. 联系方式Please call me at…Contact me at…十一.通知/海报:通知事件—具体细节—欢迎参加1.通知事件This is to announce / declare…2.具体细节… is organized by…… will organize a … to……is advocated and sponsored by…There will be … on…3.欢迎参加Those who (have interest in…) are welcome to take part in …All the students who… are welcome to participate in …Those who… will benefit a lot from…十二. 投诉:投诉内容—建议/改善措施—期待回复—表示感谢1.投诉内容I am writing to complain about/ that…/ make a complaint about…I am writing to express my concern about / dissatisfaction with / disappointmentat…I am writing to inform you that I am dissatisfied with…I am totally / completely disappointed/ upset to find…To my great disappointment / dissatisfaction, …This is more than I could tolerate.I would like to draw your attention to…I must invite your attention to the fact that…I hope you will kindly investigate…2.建议改善措施To remedy the matter, I suggest making the following changes:To improve the situation / solve the above problem, it is advisable for you to take the following measures:I would respectfully suggest…3.期待回复I would like to have this matter settled by the end of …I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter.I hope that you could do something to put a stop to…I would like to see a prompt settlement of the issuePlease give this matter your immediate attention.I expect to be further informed about this issue / situation.I would be most grateful if you would…十三. 请假条:请假时间—请假原因—请求批准1.请假时间I am writing to ask for a two-day leave.I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 21st to 25th instant, bothdays inclusive.I’d very much like to have a leave for a day or two.2.请假原因I’m awfully sorry that I can not come to the office today owing to a severe headache.I’m still lying in bed with the bad cold.The doctor advised a rest if three more days.3.请求批准I will do my best to make up my lesson to be missed during my absence.I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.I hope my request will be kindly granted.I will be very much obliged if you will grant me any application.。

英语专四便条写作范文12类便条范文1. 通知NOTICEWe warmly invite you to take part in a ball to be held by the Mouse Club on this Saturday evening from 7 to 9 at Canteen 1. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, food and various games. And we’ll have a chance of communication, which can enhance our friendship. Come and enjoy ourselves together.Mouse Club2. 接受邀请June 6Dear Tom,It’s so kind of you to invite me to the dinner party, and I am glad to be present. I will go to the place right after I finish my work at about 5 p.m. this afternoon. Thank you again for your hospitality and I am looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours, Jack3. 感谢邀请July 7Dear Tom,I’m writing to show my gratitude for your inviting me to your birthday party. That was a really wonderful party. I appreciate your consideratearrangement and wonderful performance. And it also offered me a chance to meet many old friends. I really enjoyed that night and I will keep it in my memory for life.Yours, Jack4. 祝贺August 8Dear Tom,I am so excited to learn that you’ve been admitted by Forest Cook Studies College as a graduate. Warm congratulations on the realization of your dream. This has meant years of your hard work, and you can really be proud of it. Your success is really an encouragement to me and I wish we can meet there next year. Best wishes to you.Yours, Jack5. 道歉Sept. 9Dear Minnie,12类便条范文I am sorry I missed seeing you last night. The fact is that my director at the last moment asked me to prepare an urgent cartoon and it had been about 10:30 when I finished it. I am terribly sorry. I would like to ask you out this weekend as an apology. Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply.Yours truly,Mickey6. 请求October 10,Dear Professor Tom,I am wondering if you could kindly e-mail the handout you distributed before your last night lecture on “How to Catch a Mouse”. I was late due to a minor traffic accident on my way, and it is a pity that I failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my anti-cat union, so I will appreciate it if you could send a copy to nocat@. Heartfelt thanks.Yours sincerely,Jack7. 安慰November 11,Dear Tom,I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your being bitterly beat by the hostess, and I am anxious to know how you are now.I am sure you are having a hard time. I wish you could take good care of yourself and have a speedy recovery. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the kitchen soon.Yours, Jack8. 投诉December 12Dear Sir or Madam,I bought a Nokia Z521 cell phone from your branch at Mouse Club on Saturday December 11 but now I find that for some reason I cannot make outgoing calls but can only receive calls. I would like you to change it for another of the same model or refund my money. I enclose a copy of the receipt and guarantee.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,Tom9. 邀请January 1Dear Professor Jack,I am a mouse language major at Cat University and wonder if it is possible for you to give us a lecture on “The Peaceful Coexistence of Mouse and Cat”. We have heard so much about your theory and would love to listen to your12类便条范文lecturing it in person. We have provisionally booked the lecture hall for 2 p.m. on Tuesday January 3. Please let us know if this date is convenient for you.Yours sincerely,Tom10. 呼吁February 2Dear fellow mice,Some of you may have heard about Tom, our playmate, who has recently contracted Cat Flu. As this will mean a lengthy and expensive hospital stay and as her parents have limited financial resources, I am sure you would like to make a contribution towards the medical fees so that Tom can receive the best treatment. Donations can be made to the Save Tom Fund at the mouse branch of the Animal Protection Bank.Mouse Red Cross11. 请假March 3Dear Mr. Wilson,I am writing to ask for a leave of three days beginning on Oct.3 as a telegram from my parents has just arrived saying that my grandma is seriously ill and urging me to go home at once. I miss my grandma very much and I hope that my request will be granted.Yours sincerely,John Smith12. 推荐April 4Dear Tom,I’ve just come back from one-week stay in Hangzhou and I think it would be an ideal place for you to visit in summer. Hangzhou is well known for its West Lake, which deserves its fame as a paradise on earth. You would certainly love the foodstuff with local flavor. Remember to take some good hiking boots and a big rucksack for souvenirs.。
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⏹交待对方所遭遇不幸的内容⏹表示对对方理解并安慰⏹表达良好祝愿,或鼓励对方坚强起来,渡过难关,可能的话表示能够给予对方帮助DateDear …,I am really sorry to hear/learn that ____. I understand it is due to ____. Don’t worry and take it easy. I hope you ____. D o feel free to tell me if I can offer any help.Sincerely yours,XXX⏹I am truly sorry to hear of your illness.⏹I cannot tell you how sad I felt when I was informed of your illness.⏹News of your loss has saddened us.⏹I’m most grieved to learn of …⏹Please accept our deepest sympathy and convey our best wishes to …⏹With heartful prayers for your recovery.d May 15, 1999Dear Jimmy,Sorry to learn the bad news that you are ill these days. How are you feeling now? I can imagine your pain of the disease. Take good care of yourself. But you are very strong-willed and will be alright soon. I’ll visit you sometime tomorrow.I wish you early recovery.Yours truly,Meng MengMay 10thDear Jane,I’m terribly sorry to hear that you failed the final exam. I understand how distressed and disappointed you may feel now. However, we all know it is due to your illness at that moment. Don’t worry about it and just take it easy. I’m sure you will succeed in the makeup after recovery.If you have any questions regarding the lesson, do feel free to tell me. Yours,Bai HeJune 23Dear Charlie,I’m really sorry to learn the fire that broke out last night destroyed your house. I am writing to tell you how deeply distressed I am. And I’m very anxious to know how you and your family are at the moment. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. With best wishes to you. Yours affectionately,John左上方写下如下信息:.To: 假条是递给谁的.From:请假人.Date:写假条的日期(注意不是请假的日期).Subject:写上请假字样.交代清楚请假的时间.请假的原因,必要时附上证明,并尽可能表示对此带来工作不便的歉意.讲明会补做因请假耽误的事情,并请求准假非正式请假条DateDear …,I’d like to know if I could ask for a leave for ___ day on ___. This morning I received a phone call, ___. I’ll try my best t o finish my work on ____. M any thanks. I’m looking forward to your kind reply. Sincerely yoursXXX半正式请假条To: Geroge Smith, ManagerFrom: Lily, Financial DepartmentDate: April 2, 2008Subject: Note for Sick LeaveDear Mr. Smith,I am still lying in bed with the bad cold. I would like to apply for ___ days leave of absence, starting from ____ and finishing on ___, both days inclusive.I herewith submit the certificate from the doctor.I apologize for the inconvenience my absence from work may cause. I should be much obliged if you grant me leave.开头常用句式和套话⏹I’m writing to ask for a two-day leave.⏹I beg to apply for one week’s leave of absence from the 21st to 25th instant, both days inclusive.⏹I’m awfully sorry that I can not come to the office today owing to a severe headache请假原因常用句式和套话⏹I’m still lying in bed with the bad cold.⏹The doctor advised a rest of three more days.⏹Please give me an extension of leave for another three days.⏹Will you kindly excuse Tommy’s absence from school on Friday?结尾常用句式和套话⏹To support my application, I herewith submit a telegram to that effect received from my brother.⏹I will do my best to make up the lesson to be missed during my absence.⏹I trust my absence will not cause you any serious inconvenience.⏹I hope my request will be kindly granted.of your letter, using Warner instead.Feb. May 15Dear Manager,I’m awfully sorry that I cannot go to work today owing to a severe headache. It may possibly be a few days before I’m able to resume my duties. I will try my best to make up my work that will be missed during my absence. I hope my request will be kindly granted. I am sorry again for any inconvenience that my absence may cause you.Yours faithfully,Warner⏹询问具体问题并说明询问的目的及原因,强调所需信息的重要性。
⏹表达获取信息的强烈愿望,提供联系方式以便收信人与本人联系,并对有关人员表示感谢DateDear …,I am ___, a ___ from __. Would y ou be so kind as to let me know ____? It’s of vital importance for me to ___. I’m looking forward to your early reply.Your answer will be gratefully received.Faithfully yours,XXX⏹I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding …⏹Would you be so kind as to let me know…?⏹Would you mind sending me…?⏹Would you be kind enough to give me som e information about…?⏹I should be obliged if you could let me have details of …⏹I am writing in the hope that you could inform me of …⏹I am eagerly awaiting your reply to this matter.⏹Could you please inform me as soon as possible so that I could make an arrangement?⏹I would appreciate your advice as to what I should do next.⏹Your assistance in this matter would be a real blessing to me.⏹Your prompt attention to this matter would be highly appreciated.Sept. 6thDear Jack,This morning T om told me that you would se ll your walkman. It happened that mine broke down last week and I’d like to have yours if possible. Could you please let me know about its present condition and the price you’d like to charge? Would 60 Yuan be an acceptable price? I am eagerly awaiting your reply to this matter.Yours,Lily例You have got to know that your classmate, Michael, is organizing a weekend excursion for the class. And you are thinking of joining the trip. Write him a note expressing your interest in the excursion and asking for information on two details related to the excursion. (2006)例You are a graduate and saw an advertisement for a post. Please write a note to inquire about it and get some detailed information祝贺; 表示对对方付出的努力的赞扬或表示良好的祝愿⏹Congratulations on your success/achievements!⏹Allow me to congratulate you on …⏹Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your graduation from …⏹I wa rmly congratulate you on what you’ve achieved.⏹I am pleased to hear of …. Congratulations to you!结尾常用句式和套话.All the best wishes to you in your new job!.Luck and success in the coming year!.Let me offer my hearty good wishes for your success.Dear Jason,I met Jack on my way to the dormitory this morning. And he told me that you had won the first prize in the Provincial English Speech Contest. How wonderful! No pains, no gains. I dare say your oral english is perfect since you have been working hard all the time. Your perspiration has been rewarded. Congratulations! Keep me informed of your good news in future. Yours,Bens内容包含:交待转让或求购的原因; 描述转让或求购的物件; 商定价格; 留下联系方式⏹In order to …, I want to buy/sell…⏹In need of …, I would like to sell/buy…⏹I have … for sale.⏹… is in good condition.⏹Would … yuan be possible for me to get it?⏹I can pay at most … yuan for it.⏹Would … yuan be a reasona ble price?⏹Please call me at …Contact me at …April 13thDear schoolmates,I’m a senior from the English Department and will graduate from this university in a month. I’ve decided to sell my bike. It is half new, silver and light. With curved bars, it is mainly for lady’s use. I’d like to sell it for seventy yuan. If you’re interested, welcome to Room 402, Student Dormitory Building No. 5 to have a look at it or ring me up between 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. at 12345678. Yours sincerely,Linda通知。