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Lesson 1, a private conversation

Private 私人的


A:How much money do you make a year? 一年挣钱多少

B:Well, this is our first-time dating. Do you have an interest in me or in my money我们第一次约会,你对我有兴趣还是对我的钱又兴趣?


Income, marital status and religion----- these are three private things that people care about. 收入,婚姻状况以及宗教信仰,这三个隐私人们很在意

Age, weight and height are three private things that girls care about 年龄,身高,体重是女孩子在意的三个隐私

爱恋帅哥have a (huge)crush on a cute boy 媒人,红娘“go-between” “match-maker”

漂亮女孩希望私下里见帅哥,要求我做牵线人A pretty girl wanted to meet the cute boy in private and asked me to be the go-between.


do sth in private 私下里做了某事

They met in private, talked about everything and left me totally in the dark



There is cooperation between the two companies. And I am the go-between/match-maker.




You wanted to call your girl friend but your brother-in-law picked up phone.

她现在不在,有事请留言She is out/not in at the moment. Can I take a message?// you can leave a message

有点私事,稍候打来。”Well, it’s a bit personal/it’s a bit private. I will call later

Personal /private affairs私事

A: Why are you here? 你来这里干嘛---〉what brings

you here?什么风把你吹来了

B: I am here for some personal/private affairs我来这里有些私事

You are not supposed to be here你怎么在这里? (质问,责备,不应该)

He is supposed to be here right now. 他现在应该到场(埋怨)



私人物品private/personal stuff.(小东西共通,大东西用private)

私宅 a private mansion mansion气派,表明地位和身份


In the west, they have private schools and public schools. The former have better teachers and facilities and the latter receive money from the government

新东方是私立学校,在纽交所上市,募集了很多资金。New oriental is a private school. It has gone public in NYSE and raised a lot of money.

Stock exchange证券交易所


It’s all rubbish stuff.都是垃圾junk food 垃圾食品---〉it’s all crap都是废话

废话少说,直奔主题cut the crap and get to the point


1, conversation 非正式的谈话,闲谈(书面正式)

一开始销售人员设法搭讪,然后设法销售一些东西Firstly the salesman tried to start a conversation and then he tried to sell me something

2, chat亲切的交谈(多见熟人之间,为了交流个人的情况等。)



have a long chat about our family/business. .

You are chatty, I am talkative你罗嗦,我健谈

Have an eloquent tongue 旁证博引,字字珠玑

3,Chat--→ gossip 贬义词,议论别人的私生活, 三八She is a terrible gossip专爱说三道四→she has a big mouth. She can’t keep any secret 她大嘴巴,无法守住秘密–〉sorry,I slipped up 不好意思,我说漏嘴了(真正的大嘴巴have a big and sexy mouth)
