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in,on,under,at,of,about,for,from,to,with,after,before begin

classes __________ about 8 :00.

2. We all like working ____ China.

3. Her mother usually gets up ____ six thirty.

4. The store has shirts _____ a great price.

_______ the picture.

call Jim _____ 9876543.

7. The student often showers _______ dinner.

girl likes running ___ class.

that, the old man begins to run. likes to play soccer school.

11. The kid usually does his homework ______ going ________ bed.

_______ your letter .

13. _____ kids, the movie is too scary.

14. We have vegetables and fruit ____ lunch.

sell the sweaters ___ $40 each.

16. She plays the piano _______ an hour every day.

kid buys a cake ____ his uncle.

you tell me ________ your day?

' t you think we can learn much ___ Chinese history ____ the documentaries? are ________ school ______ Monday _______ Friday.

_______ the blanks _______ the words ______ the box.

you help me ______ my math?

cousin likes to play ______ his dog best.

daughter often goes to see Beijing Opera _______ her grandpa.

old woman usually watches comedies _______ TV.

school has an Art Festival ________ December 31st every year .

don' t have any classes ________ weekends.

you get up early ________ Wednesday ?

' s computer game ' s ______ the floor.

your clothes _______ the dresser?

birthday cake ' s ________ the table.

socks are _______ sale.

33. What ' s ______ your backpack?

do you like doing _______ the evening ?

you say it _______ French?

American _______ white is his friend.

can be _______ our club if you can play the piano,the trumpet,the guitar or the drums.

history teacher isn ' t __________ the classroom.

like to work _______ China.

40. What can you see ______ the picture?.

speech contest is __ January.

,my pencil ' s ________ your I can ' t find it.

does he get ______ school ?

aunt goes _____ work early every Thursday.

_______ our English party!

say “ Hello ” ____ the American teacher every morning. take the case _______ their parents.

write ______ her soon.

49. What time does your brother go _____ school?

students listen ________ the teacher ______ class.

early bus usually takes Scott _______ work _______ eight thirty. are the parents ___ my cousin.

' s a photo ____ Dick ' s family.

kind _____ movies do you like best?

eat lots _______ healthy food every day.
