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1. -What do you think of ______ coming 2010 Shanghai World Expo(世博会)?

-I am sure it will be ______ success.

A. the, a

B. the, /

C. a, a

D. a, the

2. -Do you know the boy ______is sitting next to Peter?

-Yes. He is Peter’s friend. They are celebrating Peter’s ______ birthday.

A. who, ninth

B. that, nineth

C. which, ninth

D. which, nineth

3. -May I surf the Internet now? -No, ______ you finish doing the dishes.

A. unless

B. if

C. because

D. when

4. -Who will send you to the new school, your mom or your dad? -______. I’ll go there alone.

A. Both

B. Either

C. Neither

D. None

5. ______ things are getting more and more serious, ______ we should do our best.

A. Though/ but

B. Although/ but

C. Though / yet

D. although/ yet

6. -Did you have any problems when you traveled in foreign countries?

-Yes, ______really traditional Chinese food.You know, I wasn’t used to western food.

A. look for

B. looking for

C. to look for

D. looked for

7. —I hear not only many foreign countries but also China ______ involved in the financial crisis(经济危机) last


A. is

B. are

C. was

D. were

8. Korea lies ______ Asia. It is ______the northeast of China and ______the west of Japan.

A. in/to/on

B. in/on/to

C. on/in/to

D. to/on/in

9. -______a day do you walk your pet dog? -Once in the morning and once in the evening.

A. How often

B. How much time

C. How many times

D. How long

10. -Could you tell me how long it will take to get to the zoo?

-About 30 minutes by bus because it is ______ from here.

A. 10 kilometres far

B. 10 kilometres away

C. 10 kilometres long

D. 10 kilometres’ long

11. -Would you like another cup of tea? -______? Thanks.

A. Do I

B. Will I

C. May I

D. Am I

12. -All the T-shirts look nice. I can’t decided ______. -The red one looks the best, I think.

A. what shall I buy

B. which one can I buy

C. if I can buy one

D. which one I should buy

13. -Did you like the newest film “The Hurt Lock er(拆弹部队)”?

-Yes, very much. In fact I have never seen ______ one before.

A. a more wonderful

B. the more wonderful

C. a most wonderful

D. the most wonderful

14. People admire Mother Teresa because she ______ everything for ______.

A. gave up/ the others

B. gave/ the others

C. gave up/ others

D. gave / others

15. -Nice to meet you, Mike. ______?

-Everything is OK. Thanks.

A. What are you doing

B. Where have you been

C. How is it going

D. What's wrong with you


A farmer found a wounded eagle (受伤的鹰) in his field. He was so _ 16 _ that he took it home and cleaned its wounds. After that he placed it outside in the yard, in the hope that it 17__ be well soon.
