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Some people think that university should not providetheoretical knowledge, but to give practical trainingthat is beneficial to society.

Do you agree or disagree?


The current hot issues concerning higher educationinclude the one of whether university should providetheoretical knowledge or practical training. In myopinion, this issue is closely related to the differentaims of different universities and the needs of theeconomic development of the respective country.

As we know, university education gives a student a better appreciation of such fields as art,literature, history, science, and human relations.

Therefore, it is necessary for the university to provide theoretical knowledge for thosestudents who intend to receive liberal education.

Most universities also have professional colleges that prepare students

for careers, such asteachers colleges, agricultural or dental colleges.

These colleges, apart from offering some liberal arts courses, usually allocate a certain periodof time for professional training. For example, a student at teachers college usually takes afield training at a high school as a student teacher for two or three months.

Another important factor on this issue is the needs of the economic development of arespective county. For instance, in China, a great number of advanced professionalpersonnel are needed to keep the pace with the rapid economic development. Therefore,cooperative education that combines classroom studies with practical work experience is moreappropriate an education China needs at the present time.

In a word, how much emphasis that should be laid on theoretical knowledge or practicaltraining is determined by the needs of the economy of a respective country and the needs ofall-round personnel for a democratic society.


Which plays the major role in children’s personalitydevelopment, nature or nurture?


Over the past few decades there has been anongoing nature-versus-nurture debate about thecauses of children’s personality. To the best of myknowledge, there are many influences on thedevelopment of a child’s personality, but the maincauses are his genetic makeup, environment, andbehavioral genetics.

There is evidence that both genetics andenvironment affect children’s personality. Studieshave shown that the tendency to acquire some personality characteristics – including activitylevels, anxiety, aggression, and independence –can be inherited. Although one’s geneticmakeup does not determine one’s behavior, it provides a child strong tendency to behave in aparticular way.

Personality is also influenced by environment. Thus, a child with particular personalitycharacteristics is more likely to show them if the home environment reinforces them. Forexample, harshly punishing a child who has a genetically based tendency for aggressioncontributes further to the child’s aggression.

Major advances have been made through behavioral genetics, the field concerned with therelative influence of genetic and environmental factors on individual behavior. For example, if westudy the personalities of identical twins who have been separated since birth, we may findthat the twins have the same genetic makeup but differ in the environments in which they arereared. Similarities and differences can help reveal the relative importance of genetic andenvironmental influences.

To sum up, the shaping of a child’s personality is attributed ma inly to the role of specific socialexperiences and environmental events, his genetic makeup as well as the behavioral genetics.


What are the causes for losing varieties inlanguages and cultures?

