Book6 Module5 Frankenstein's Monster选修六五模块弗兰肯斯坦的怪物

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Welcome to my English class
—Liu Juan
Module5 Reading & Vocabulary
Frankenstein’s monster
Frankenstein’s monster
by Liu Juan
Review words and phrases
vein n.
Frankenstein feels regretful
The monster’s appearance
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
The monster came into being
Part 2 Careful reading Read paragraph1 & 2 and write down 3-4 full
He is a young scientist from Geneva, Switzerland. 2. What does he create? He creates a creature --- the monster.
Part 1 The story of Frankenstein Careful reading:
Listen and watch to learn the text
Frankenstein’s monster
Fill in the blanks without looking at your books:
Frankenstein is a young scientist from Geneva, in Switzerland. While _st_u_d_y_in_gat university, he d_i_sc_o_v_e_rtshe secret of how to create life. Using bones from dead bodies, he creates a creature thatre_s_e_m_b_l_esa human being and gives it life. The creature, which is very large and strong, and is also e_x_t_re_m_e_lyugly, _te_r_ri_fi_e_s anyone who sees it. He wish he had not created the creature.
The monster was the ugliest thing that Frankenstein had ever seen! The beauty of the dream v_a_n_is_h_e_d, and horror and d_i_s_g_u_st_ filled his heart. When the monster looked at Frankenstein, he felt unable to stay in the same room with him. He r_u_s_h_e_d_out, and for a long time he walked up and down. He _th_r_ew___ himself on his bed and when he woke up, he found the monster _s_ta_n_d_in_gby his bed. He ran out and hid in the garden.
Read the paragraph and complete the plot :
Frankenstein creates a c_r_e_a_tu_r_e_by using dead bodies, but the monster becomes _l_o_n_e_ly__ and unhappy. When Frankenstein_r_e_fu_s_e_s_ to create a wife for him, the monster _m_u_r_d_e_rs_the scientist’s _b_r_o_th_e_r_, best friendneawndwi_fe______. Frankenstein _c_h_a_s_e_s_ the monster into the Arctic to destroy him, but he dies there. Finally, the monster_d_i_s_ap_p_e_a_r_s into the ice and snow.
Part 2
Extract from Frankenstein
Part 2 Fast reading
Match the main ideas with each paragraph by reading the first and last sentences.
Frankenstein’s nightmare
6. to kill somebody illegally
fiancee n. rush v. murder v.
refuse v.
make a sound
again and again
contrast with
Watch a video of Frankenstein and share your feelings.
Discussion: What would you do if you were Frankenstein?
Thank you all! Good bye
burn out
wing n.
chase v.
1. a terrible dream
nightmare n.
2. make someone feel sick disgust v.
3. a strong feeling such as love emotion n.
4. a woman who promises to marry someone 5. to move very fast
Read paragraph 3&4 to find out Frankenstein’s thoughts and behaviors.
He wish... He wish… WHehawt ihseh…thought He wish… He wish…
Her_u_s_h_e_d__o_u_t ___,
_w_a_lk_e_d__u_p__a_n_d, down then_Wt_hh_rea_wt_h_h_ei_md_is_de_l_f on _____th_e__b_e_d______ andh_a_d__n_i_g_h_tm__a_r_e,s
next_w_o__k_e_u_p_,_s_h_a_king _____w__it_h_f_e_a_r____, finally_h_id__in__t_h_e_g_a_r_d.en
Part 1 The story of Frankenstein
Part 1 The story of Frankenstein Fast reading:
Read the paragraph quickly and answer the questions:
1. What is Frankenstein?
sentences to describe the appearance of the
What do they have in common?
ugly horrible disgusting terrifying terrible
Part 2 Careful reading