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1、“是”类系动词----表示事物处于某种状态或特性以及这种状态或 特性的延续。如:be (am / is/ are ) , keep , remain , stay , prove 等
2、“变成” 类系动词-----表示事物从一种状态到另一种状态的变化 过程或事物变化的最终结果。如:become , get, grow , turn , fall , go , come , turn out 等
1、人人都说她是个好护士。 Everybody says she is a good nurse .
2、你必须说话清楚,以便他们能够听懂你的话。 You have to speak clearly in order that they can understand you .
3、正在跳舞的那个人是我的兄弟。 The man who is dancing is my brother .
(2) My father and mother go to work at seven in the morning and
come back home at eight in the evening . (并列主语,并列谓语)
并列句是由两个或两个以上的简单句组成,多由并列连词and , but , so , or , for 等连接的句子,即简单句+并列连词+简单句。
(3) She looked happy . 形容词作表语
(4) He is out . 副词作表语 (5) He looks in good health . 介词短语作表语 (6) Two plus two is four . 数词作表语 (7) The room is five meters long . (数词+形容词)作表语 (8) Our purpose was to master English in a year . 不定式作表语 (9) She became discouraged . 过去分词作表语 (10) The story is interesting . 现在分词作表语 (11) I was very fond of her .
(4) He heard the news that his team had won . 同位语从句
(5) The news that he told me is that Tom would go abroad next year .
(6) Wherever you are , you should work hard . 状语从句
(3) I know he is doing his best , but he says that he is a little weak in
English .
主系表句型是由系动词+表语构成的句型,其突出的特点是动词必须是系 动词。系动词不能表达一个完整的意思,必须加上一个表明主语身份或 状态的表语构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。英语中常用的系动词 和可以做系动词用的行为动词大致可以分为以下三大类:
(1) There was a concert last night .
(2) There are some knives on the table .
(1)Both Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang are from Beijing . (并列主 语)
by 8:00 .
由主句和从句组成的句子叫复合句,即 主句+关联词+从句 或 关联词+ 从句+主句。
(1) What he said is not true . 主语从句
(2) I know it’s difficult to master English well .
(3) That is why I am late . 表语从句
The students often keep their classroom clean and tidy .
6、There be 句型 There be 句型在英语里是一种常见句型,表示“某地或某时存在什
么事物”。在这种结构中,there是个引导词,本身没有意义,be是谓 语,要跟后面的主语在数和人称上保持一致,be后边跟名词或相当于 名词的短语作主语。主语之后常有表地点或时间的状语。
并列复合句是含有复合句的并列句,有三种形式:简单句+复合句; 复合句+简单句;复合句+复合句。
(1) Thomas wants to go to the party , but his wife says she is too tired . 简单句+复合句
(2) She said the old man was rich, but he didn’t agree with her . 复合句+简单句
4、他把墙漆成黄色。 He painted the wall yellow .
5、他专心学习。(absorbed) He is absorbed in study .
6、有志者事竟成。 Where there is a will, there is a way .
Good BLeabharlann Baidue!
一、简单句 二、并列句 三、复合句 四、并列复合句
由一个主语部分和一个谓语部分组成的句子叫简单句,即主语部分+ 谓语部分。
1、主谓句型:Spring is coming . 2、主系表句型:My father is a scientist . 3、主谓宾句型: We learn English . 4、主谓双宾(间接宾语+直接宾语)句型:She bought me a dictionary . 5、主谓复合宾语(宾语+宾补)句型:
(1) He was absent from the meeting , for he was ill . (2) These flowers are white and those flowers are red . (3) I am a worker but my brother is a professor . (4) let’s hurry , or we’ll be late . (5) The train leaves at 8:15 , so they must arrive at the train station
She was good at maths . (12) He is sure to succeed . (形容词+不定式)作表语
1. His words sounds reasonable . (主+系+表) 2. The old man enjoys living in the countryside . (主+谓+宾) 3. He failed . (主+谓) 4. He bought her a book . (主+谓+间宾+直宾) 5. We consider her a clever woman . (主+谓+宾+宾补) 6. That you have to leave is a pity . (主语从句) 7. It is very true that success lies in diligence . (主语从句) 8. My hope is that he will soon be well again . (表语从句) 9. She guessed that he might leave her soon , and she very much
3、“似乎”类系动词-----表示人体感官对外界事物的反映,或某人 的假装行为。如:seem , appear , smell , feel , look , sound , taste 等例句欣赏:
(1) She became a doctor . 名词作表语
(2) The book is Tom’s . 名词所有格作表语
wanted to know when he would start . (并列复合句) 10. I have been to Beijing many times but my parents have never been
there . (并列句)
Translate these sentences into English .