

TOPIC 1 Environment

Section One Each of the students will be asked one question on the topic “Environment”.

1.Why are plastic bags harmful to the environment?

2.Why are paper bags harmful to the environment?

3.Why are reusable bags the best for the environment and energy usage?

4.What environmental problem do you think is the most serious and urgent in China?

Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic:

What can be done in our daily life to help relieve environmental problems? Please give as many examples as possible.

During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.

TOPIC 2 Environment

1.Which types of energy should we use: wood, coal, petroleum, water power, nuclear energy or

solar energy and why?

2.Whenever we watch TV, we are helping send greenhouse gases into the air. Do you know any

other things we do help send greenhouse gases into air and why?

3.Do you know any machine or appliance that is powered by solar or wind energy? Can you list

any other clean energy technologies?

4.The sandstorm, known as a “sand devil,” has become a great concern. Please briefly explain

the reasons behind this phenomenon.

5.Do you know some other climate disasters caused by the pollution of environment?

Topic discussion

Global warming may be the most harmful environmental problem human beings have created. Please discuss its causes, consequences and what we can do to reduce it.

TOPIC 3 Travelling

1.What attracts you most when you visit a new place?

2.People travel for various reasons. Please talk about some of them.

3.What is your favorite way of travelling, alone or in a group? Why?

4. Introduce a tourist attraction that you have been

Topic discussion

A lot of people after travelling often say: Travelling means sort of suffering. That implies they don’t eat well, sleep well, and they are very tired on the trip. Do you agree with it ? Give your reasons and explain.

TOPIC 4 Transportation

1.What means of transportation is most popular in China? Why?

2.How good is the public transport system in your city/region?

3.If you go on a long journey, how do you prefer to travel?

4.Which kind of car do you want to buy if you have enough money?

Topic discussion

What is the most serious problem of China’s present transportation and what are the solutions?

TOPIC 5 Drug Abuse

1. What do you know about drugs and drug abuse?

2. What kind of people are easier to turn to drugs? Why do

people use drugs like Ecstasy?

3. How do drugs affect the drug takers? What do drugs like Ecstasy do to the people who take


4. How should you avoid doing things that appear to be pleasant at first but will turn out to be

really harmful? (e.g. drug abuse, smoking, alcoholism, addiction to computer games, etc.) Topic discussion

Who should be responsible for drug abuse?

TOPIC 6 Advertising

1.Is advertising worthwhile for companies and consumers? Explain why.

2.What is opinion on competing companies spending large amount of money advertising their


3.Are you easily influenced by ads? Should people buy products according to what ads say?

4.Should young people follow fashion advertised by famous stars?

Topic discussion

What are the pros and cons of advertising?

TOPIC 7 Education

1.Do you think education is important in your life? Can you cite some examples to illustrate your viewpoint?

2.Where do you get your college tuition, from parents, part-time job, or loan ?

3.Is college education the only way to success? Is it worth the price?

4.If you had chance to continue learning after graduation, what subject do you like to choose?


Topic discussion

The importance of lifelong Education

TOPIC 8 Values

1. What do you know about “value?

2. Can you give an example of one English saying or proverb and further explain it?

3. Have you ever encountered an occasion when a cultural clash happened? Describe it.

4. Do you know any taboos in American/ Britain? What are they?

Topic discussion

Do you feel Chinese traditional values are endangered with the globalization?

TOPIC 9 Growing Pains

1.What qualities do you value most in a young person?

2.Do you think that the process of growing up is something painful? Why or why not?

3.Generally speaking, in what way(s) do you think young people born in the 1990s are different

from the older generations?

4.What do you think are the problems that young people usually have to face?

Topic discussion

Advantages and disadvantages of living with parents

TOPIC 10 Famous Brand Names

1.Can you name some famous brands? Why do people like them?

2.Do you think college students should pursue famous brands? Why or why not?

3.Some famous brands have a very long history. Why are they so popular among generations of

people? (Take Ivory Soap for example.)

4.How can a national famous brand build its name in a foreign country? (Take Haier for


Topic discussion

What are the secrets of business success?

Topic 11 Cloning and Ethics

1.Do you want a clone of yourself? Explain.

2.What kind of people are in favor of cloning science?

3.Do you think a cloned Einstein would be a great person? Why or why not?

4.Do you think cloning is against ethics? Why or why not?

Topic discussion

What are the pros and cons of cloning?

TOPIC 12 Stars and Fans

1. Who is your favorite star and idol ? why?

2. What do you think of idol worshipping?

3. Which do you prefer, Chinese movies or foreign movies? Why?

4. What’s the best /worst movie you’ve ever seen? Describe it.

Topic discussion

What type of film do you like most and why?

TOPIC 13 Education

1.Do you think it is important for a person to have a college education?

2.Is college education satisfactory from your own experience?

3.Do you think college education means more than study?

4.There are some graduates going to the technical school to study again. What do you think of


5.What suggestions would you like to give to the college education?

Topic discussion

Does a college degree really worth it?

During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.

TOPIC 14 Success

1.What would you say to the people in the hall and the whole world if you won the Nobel Prize

and was standing in front of the microphone?

2.What do you think makes a successful scientist?

3.How to achieve success in your academic study?

4.What would you do if you were awarded the Nobel Prize?

Topic discussion

What preparations should a university student make for future success?


男:同学们大家好,欢迎收听英语沙龙。我是播音员··· 女:我是播音员··· 男:首先,先跟大家说一件好事儿。我们栏目现在准备正式改革了,如果你有好的建议,或者是希望本栏目设立的板块的话,那千万别浪费你的心思哟,赶紧写在站门口的本子上吧。 女:当然,我还得跟大家提个小醒,赶快参加话题发表吧,现在,可是有几个人的分数很高了呢。还不抓紧时间,礼物可就让别人拿走了呀。还有,下周四可能有活动哦。 男:好,步入正题。欧阳茜彤,你们家是不是常有喜事呢? 女:当然了。大家说的祝福语可是一大套一大套的呢,基本没重的。 男:那你会说吗? 女:你以为我那么2呀?连这点常识都没有,还算个中国人吗? 男:唉,你弄错了。我说的是英语祝福语。 女:哦,那我可不会。 男:好吧,下面跟着好好学学。 关于友情的 From majestic mountains and valleys of green to crystal clear waters so blue, this wish is coming to you. 越过青翠的峻岭和山谷,直到晶莹湛蓝的水边,飞来了我对你的祝愿。 It's joy to know you, wishing the nicest things always for you, not only today, but all the year through because you are really a joy to know. 认识你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最美好的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且天天拥有,因为认识你真是一种慰藉。 A friend is a loving companion at all times. 朋友是永久的知心伴侣。 When I think of you the miles between us disappear. 当我想起你,相隔千里,如在咫尺。 You're wonderful friend, and I treasure you more with every year. 你是一位难得的挚友,我对你的珍重与岁俱增。 慰问 With warmth and understanding at this time of sorrow…and friendship that is yours for all the tomorrows.


1. 学校生活School life? 例一要点: ? 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校; 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣;? 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到来自学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很喜欢他的学校。 Jack is a Year 8 student at a school near London.His favorite subject is Chinese. He thinks learning foreignlanguages is fun. His school has a Reading Week every term. Jack and hisclassmates love it. They can read many books and magazines from the school library. Jack loves his school very much.? 例二要点: 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生; 2.她每周放学后打两次排球;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习; 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好朋友。 Nancy is 14 years old. She's in the seventh grade. Twice a week, she plays volleyball after school. She loves thisgame and spends a lot of time practising. Every Monday, Nancygoes to a Buddy Club. There older students talk to new students about school life. Her buddy Julie helps her learn all about her new school . Julie is her good friend. ? 2. 阅读Reading? 例一要点:? 1.我喜欢看罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的书,我认为它们真的太精彩了;? 2.比如,《金银岛》讲述的是一个小男孩的故事;他出海航行,寻找宝藏;故事给了我很大的信心; 3.读了这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞;将来,我还想去旅游,拥有一些令人兴奋的经历。 I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because Ifind them really exciting.For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy.He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be.I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future. 例二要点:? 1.我喜欢阅读;每周我花七个多小时阅读各种类型的书;我对历史题材的书感兴趣,但是我


英语口语话题200篇 【篇一:英语口语话题200篇】 hypothetical 假设类的英语口语话题 what would you do if you were late for an important appointment? what would you do if someone accused you of a crime you didnt commit? what would you do if you got lost in an unfamiliar city? what would you do if you left something in a locked building? what would you do if your best friend stole something from you? what would you do if you didnt have enough money to pay your bills? what would you do if your children were caught shoplifting? what would you do if your car got a flat tire on the freeway? if you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? if you could change one major historical event, what would it be? situation 情景类的英语口语话题 someone asks you a question you do not want to answer. what do you say? you need to borrow some money from a friend. what do you say? you broke your sisters favorite vase. what do you say? you forgot your mothers birthday. what do you say when you see her? you want to buy an item located behind the cashier. what do you say? you arrive late to a meeting because you couldnt get a taxi. what do you say? your friend ?wiped out? while skiing and looks hurt. what do you say? the man in the seat next to you is smoking. what do you say? your child is playing with matches. what do you say? you need more time to finish an exam. what do you say to the teacher? description 描述类的英语口语话题


1.Are you an optimist or a pessimist about future? Please give reasons I am an optimist about future. Anything can be come true as long as we work hard. We sometimes suffer from failure in our life, but we shouldn’t be discouraged. Because I think failure is temporary. Each person will encounter failure on the road to the success. We shouldn’t give up. We should go on. We must be able to beat failure. So life is beautiful, we should be full of confidence, and as an optimist about future. We believe our life must be happy in the future as long as we keep a happy heart. 2.How to win love? Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love. To the extent that it is genuine, my caring is not a something of the person or a possessive clinging. On the contray, my caring liberates both of us. I can care about you, I’m concerned about your growth, and I hope you will become all that you can become. I can grow with you together and bocome more fully. Authetic love is not given with strings attached. There is an unconditional quality about love. 3.What do you think are the tasks of university education (concerning academics of arts and academics of science)? I think that university can tell you “how to live”. It could train people either in a specific career or to give you a grounding in “the humanities”. It could give people the tools to master their lives through the study of culture rather than using culture just for the sake of passing an exam. It could draw on traitional areas of knowledge but could angle its material toward active concerns. It could never take the importance of culture for granted. It would know that culture is kept alive by a constant respectful questioning, not by an excessive and snobbish attitude of respect.It also helps people to understand themselves and others better by giving them a better understanding of the world. 4.What do you know about American individualism and Japanese collectivism? What do you think is the right attitude toward different cultures? American individualism is seeking the freedom of personality. They worship their personal heroism. Everyone fight with difficulty alone. They seek their dream by themselves. Companies implement reward individuals. A successful businessman is one who can make a unique decision and proceed to capitalize financially on it. Japanese collectivism makes people to work well together and to encourage one another to better efforts. They work together, and any idear that one of them may have are actually developed by watching others and talking to others. If one of them was singled out for being responsible for such an idear, it would embarrass all of them. The Japanese


[英语口语话题Topic] 英语跟我学 2008-03-29 16:18 阅读1611 评论6 字号:大中小 ·Topic:Something about the birthday Hint: When is your birthday? Usually how do you celebrate your birthday? When is your parents' birthday? How did you celebrate the birthday for them? You think what is the birthday present your parents really want or appreciate? ·今日话题: Secret love Were you a secret admirer for someone? How was your feeling? How do you think about secret love? What is real love in your opinion? ·今日话题: 写博客 Do you have your own blog? How do you think about writing the blog? What kind of content would you like to write in your blog? Do you think people should write private things in the blog? ·今日话题:减压 Do you have pressure for life and work? Do you often feel upset or disappointed? How will you release your pressure? What is the best way to release our pressure? ·今日话题: 最难忘的一次生日 Do you often celebrate your birthday? How do you celebrate your birthday?


English Speaking Topics for Final Exam(Preliminary) 第一部分生活life 1.This is my house 2.I want to buy a cell phone 3.House work 4.Today is holiday 5.What do you do in your daily life 6.My hobby 7.Do you like flowers 8.Music can make me feel happy 9.Do exercises 10.Today is my birthday 第二部分工作学习work and study 1.I like reading ing computer to study 3.My school 4.This is my teacher 5.Let’s go shopping 6.Movie is wonderful 7.I am a good student 8.Do you know how to drive

9.Time is important 10.Bad habit 第三部分人际interpersonal relationship 1.Bad temper 2.Don’t bother me 3.Someone I hate 4.I will have a party this Sunday 5.Which season do you like 6.How should I arrange my money 7.Long time no see 8.Breakfast is important 9.Saying goodbye 10.Let me introduce my friend to you 第四部分社会society 1.Heavy rain 2.Rent a house 3.Eating out 4.Read news paper 5.Traffic jams 6.Ask for direction 7.The working day


英语口语考核话题材料 以下对话内容可供参考,请认真准备周一周二进行的口语考查, 由其它班老师来考查我们班级, 请认真对待! 注意:评价标准是,话题的内容是否齐全, 对话要流畅, 要顺利完成任务! 1、话题:看电影 条件:周末你打算邀请你的好朋友去看电影,你想看动作片,由成龙主演的,你们约好在周六下午2点在学校碰面。 -What are you going to do this weekend? -I have no idea. Do you have any good ideas? -What about going to the movies? -That sounds fun. What kind of movies do you like? -I like action movies. -Whose action movies do you like? -I really like Jackie Chan’s movies. I think he is a great actor. -Yes, I like him, too. -Great. Then let’s go to the movies this Saturday, OK? -Pretty good. -When shall we meet? -What about 2 p.m? -Then where shall we meet? -Let’s meet at school. 2、话题:购物

条件:到商店去买一件4号的男式蓝色衬衫,最后以100元的价钱买了下来。-Can I help you, Sir? -Yes, I’d like a shirt. -What color would you like? -I like a blue one. -What size? -Size 4. -Yes, oh, how about this one. It’s size 4 and blue. -Good. How much is it? -120 yuan. -I think it’s a little expensive. How about 100 yuan. -OK. Here you are. -Yes, here is the money. Thank you! 3、话题:参加俱乐部 任务:你想参加音乐俱乐部,你会唱歌和弹吉他,但你不会跳舞。 -Excuse me? Are you the organizer of clubs? -Yes, what club do you want to join? -I want to join the music club. -Why? Do you like music? -Yes, I like music. And I want to learn something more about music. -Good. Can you dance? -No. But I can do other things.


英语角话题汇总(1) 一、变化的利与弊 每个人都必须面对社会的变迁、生活的变化,你喜欢变化吗?ed带你讨论变化的利与弊。 二、社会热点问题 人类正面临各种公共问题,经济、就业、房子等,richard带你讨论社会热点问题。 三、运动员成功的秘诀 ed带你观看比赛短片,讨论优秀的教练和队员成功的秘诀。 四、剑桥国际英语教学 来自美国的年青外教christian尝试剑桥国际英语的教学并讨论部分话题。 五、奥运会 a. 2008年北京奥林匹克奥运会。 b. 北京奥运会对中国会有怎样的影响? 六、世界杯 2006年世界杯足球赛。 七、专题讲座

邀请澳大利亚艺术家lanm arr举办专题讲座。 八、交际英语 特邀广州英语频道主持人matthew与你分享如何通过交际英语实现有趣而愉快的谈话。 九、面试 在面试中如何赢得面试官的欣赏,你又需要做哪些准备,rich带你身临其境面试种种。 十、信仰 特殊人群有着有着不同的“奇怪”信仰,ed带你讨论佛教信徒、基督教信徒、无神论者观点。 十一、广告宣传 如何制作广告宣传自己,如何让产品与众不同?ed带你观看广告篇,发现其中奥秘。 十二、整形手术 整形手术上演着一幕幕人间悲喜剧,如何评判它的功过与是非?peter 整形手术在当今社会已司空见惯,你对此有何见解? 十三、健康 你认为自己面临着食品卫生、健康等方面诸多问题吗?谈谈你的问题并讨论如何解决。 十四、文化差异

richard与讨论文化差异在宗教、婚姻等方面所引发的问题及爱情是否永恒的时尚话题。 十五、精力管理 知道你每天的最佳精力时段吗?matt将引导一场关于增强精力的讨论。 十六、毒品问题 一种新型类似可卡因的药物juicybake在社区蔓延,richard与你讨论是否非法。 十七、优先权 德国外教ed同你讨论优先权“priorities” 十八、 助人为乐、礼貌待人是否各有优缺点?德国外教ed设置不同情景带你进入热烈讨论。 十九、特殊职业 你想象过从事某些特殊职业吗?宇航员或者兽医这些已渐成为生活的一部分。 二十、乐观与悲观 关于乐观主义与悲观主义你有何见解?有多年英语教学经验,教育学专业背景德国外教与你一起探讨。 二十一、假如 如果你**世界,你将有何作为?喜爱中国功夫的英国外教理查德带给你新鲜时尚有趣的话题。


英语口语课课件-话题 H o b b y(总2页) -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1 -CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除

H o b b y Talking a. What do you like to do in your spare time b. What's your hobby? Why do you like it? c. How much time do you spend on your hobby? d. Does your hobby change when you get older? Hobbies Words hobby 兴趣爱好 spare time 业余时间 be interested in 对…有兴趣 be crazy about 对…疯狂,对…痴迷 skiing 滑雪 reading 阅读 movie 电影 travel 旅游 hiking 徒步 fishing 钓鱼 Chinese chess 中国象棋 shopping 购物 singing 唱歌 mountain 山 beautiful 美丽 的;迷人的 scenery 风景 world 世界 calm 平静的,冷静的 relax 放松,休息 delicious 美味的 culture 文化 Dialogue A: Hey, what is your hobby? B: I love sports very much, especially skiing and running. A: Why do you like them B: Because sports can help to keep healthy and reduce pressure. When I go skiing in winter, I can also enjoy the beautiful scenery of snow mountain. A: Sounds great. B: What do you like to do in your spare time


New Horizon College English(IV) Unit 1&2 Topics for Oral Quiz Choose one of the following topics to make a dialogue with your parner. 1.A asks B he looks furous. B says he wanted to buy an ordinary digital camera, but was tricked into buying an expensive professional one. When he went back and asked to exchange it for a cheaper one, the shop assistant behaved rudely. As B left, he heard the assistant say he was too poor to buy a good camera. A suggests that B complain to the Consumer Protection Agency and ask them to help him get a refund. 2. John and Sally meet on the street. Owing to a series of plastic surgery operations Sally has had, John fails to recognize her at first sight. Sally explains that she had the bridge of her nose raised, her single-folded eyelids made double-folded, and her teeth straightened in order to find a good job. John objects, saying that practical abilities count more than good looks.


一、D irect and Indirect Communication 1. Do you feel that you are a direct communicator or an indirect communicator? Give an example. 2. Who do you feel you can communicate directly with and who do you feel you should communicate indirectly with? 3. In the following situations, is direct communication or indirect communication more effective? Why? a) Asking a favor b) Breaking up with a boyfriend/girlfriend c) Telling your teacher you didn?t do your homework d) Firing an employee 4. Have you ever had a bad experience in which someone said something to you too directly? 5. If someone is communicating with you indirectly and you don?t understand the message they are trying to tell you, how do you deal with the situation? 二、F riendship 1) Come up with a definition for what friendship means in China. 2) What are 3 qualities you want in a good friend? What are 3 qualities you don?t want in a friend? Why? 3) How and where do people in China make their closest friendships? 4) If you move to a new place, what is a good way to make new friends? 5) What advice would you give a foreigner about how to develop good friendships with Chinese people? 6) If there is a foreign volunteer in your group, ask him/her what advice he/she has about being friends with westerners. 三、E ducation 1. Tell your group about your most enjoyable learning experience of the past. What made it good? 2. Describe what qualities you think the ideal teacher must have. What are some qualities you don?t want in a teacher? 3. In Chinese society, do teachers have a high status or a low status? Do you think being a teacher is a good job? Why or why not? 4. Is it the teacher/school?s or the parents? responsibility to teach a child good morals and behavior? 5. In your opinion, do men or women make better teachers? 四、H olidays 1. What is your favorite Chinese holiday? Which Western holiday most interests you? 2. Do you think holidays are very significant? What meanings are expressed by such holidays as National Day, Mid-Autumn Festival, Christmas, Spring Festival and Thanksgiving? 3. What is the history of your favorite Chinese holiday? (For example, what?s the history of Dragon Boat Festival?) 4. What did you think of the National Day celebration? 5. Describe your ideal holiday. 五、R ich and Poor 1. Rank the following in order of importance to you: a) health b) family c) money d) a good reputation e) education. Why did you choose that order?

English Corner Topic(英语角口语主题资料汇编)

English Corner Topic: Responsibility What kind of responsibilities do you have to your family? Are those responsibilities based on love for your family or a sense of duty or obligation? What responsibilities do you have to your neighbors and your neighborhood? Are the qualities that make for a good neighbor in the city the same as those in the countryside? What kind of responsibilities do you have to your classmates/colleagues? Can you think of a time that a classmate/colleague negatively effected class/work environment by not fulfilling his/her responsibilities? What does it mean to be "socially responsible?" What are your social responsibilities? How do you know that those are your responsibilities? Are they learned or did you think of them yourself? English Corner Topic: Reality TV What is your favorite reality tv show? Why do you like that one better than the others? Why do you think reality tv shows have become so popular in recent years? Do you think that dramas and sitcoms have fallen in popularity? Do you think that reality tv brings out the best in the participants or the worst? How do you think reality tv shows affect the people watching them? If you could participate in a reality tv show, which one would you want to be on? Do you think you would be the kind of person that would do anything to win or the …nice? kind of participant? English Corner Topic: Thankfulness What five things are you most grateful for in your life? Are they tangible things or intangible? What person in your life do you feel the most grateful to? Why? If someone helps you in a big way, how do you express your gratitude? Do you use words, gifts, treat them to dinner, etc.? If you do something good fo r someone but they don?t express thankfulness, how do you feel? Should you do something in that situation? Is it right to expect people to be grateful? English Corner Topic: Love How would you define love? What different kinds of love are there? What are some different ways to express love? Do you think the way you receive love and show love is the same or different? Do you think that the people you love know you love them? What do you think about telling someone, “I love you”? When do you think that is appropriate? When is it inappropriate? Is it as meaningful if you say it in a language that?s not your native language? Why is love important? Do you think love is as important as movies and songs imply that it is? What kind of love is most important? English Club Topic: Trust How would you define trust? Is it just a feeling? Is it a decision? How do you come to trust a person? Does building trust require time and experience with another person or can you trust someone as soon as you meet them? Are there different levels of trust for different people in your life? Who in your life do you trust the most? How has that person gained or earned your trust? If you found out that person had lied to you, would you trust them again or not? 4.What do you think is a worse quality in a person- being too trusting or not being trusting enough? In


大学英语(四) 1-7单元讨论话题11个 Unit 3 Who are teachers’ pets, boys or girls? How to avoid gender bias in classroom? Unit6 Why would people like to take risks? What are the links between health risks and environmental pollution? Unit 7 Talk about the similarities and differences between your expectations of college life and the reality. 大学英语(四)汉译英句子 Unit 1 1. 还在小时候,布利茨恩(Blizten)就会戏弄祖母,把她的拖鞋挪走。 Even when young, Blizten would tease Grandma by carrying her slippers away. 2.这个笑话的幽默之处在于第二位男士说他的妻子不是一位贵妇。 The humor lies in the fact that the second man is saying that his wife is not a lady. 3.一个真正有幽默感的人在任何聚会上常常是注意力的焦点。 The truly humorous individual is often the focus of attention in any gathering. 4.双关语与其他幽默形式相比需要更细微、更巧妙的语言技巧。 Puns require more subtle and sophisticated language skills than other humor forms.
