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●… plays a very important role in …

●Nowadays, it is a hot issue/ a heated discussed topic that …

●A common ground has been reached that …. It goes without saying that …

●In recent years, … is very important. In my opinion/ From my point of view, it is …


●The importance of … lies in the following aspects. (topic sentence)

Firstly, … is necessary to …

Secondly, … can also …

●… benefits us in many ways. Firstly, … Secondly, … Besides, …

●First of all, …

Another benef it is …

What’s more, …

●The first reason why I have such a view is that … To illustrate this point clearly, we can see that … For example …

The further reason is that …

Last but not least, …

●The first and most important reason is that … If you look around, you will always see … For instance, …

Another reason is that … In fact, …

Moving on to wider themes, …


●To sum up, …

●It is clear that …

●On the whole, …. Therefore, …

●All in all, from what has been discussed, we can reach this conclusion that …

●From the above reasoning, we can easily see the importance of / function/ harm of …

●In sum, from what has been discussed above, we may finally/ naturally draw the conclusion that … Therefore, we should …



●Th e issue of … may raise much controversy among people of diverse backgrounds. Although many people believe that …, I believe that …

(Agree or disagree)

●Some people argue as if it is a general truth that …. But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold confidence in them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.



●In a word, …. Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that …

●Given the factors I have just outlined, I c an only say that ….

●This is not to say that the argument/ another choice is neither

rhyme nor reason. But in terms of …, it is ….


Basic pattern

●Introductory paragraph

a. the importance or the necessity of solving the problem

b. to raise the solution or table a proposal


a. evidences 1,2,3 …with illustration

b. steps 1,2,3 with detailed explanation

●Concluding paragraph

suggestion of taking the action and a prospect


●We often hear about … these days. People’s attitudes towards it vary greatly, while from my point of view, it is a good way to …●… is very important/ crucial in our life. After pondering this question on many occasions, I finally reach the opinion that … is something worthy to do and I cannot skip it.



●We can conclude from the foregoing reasons and examples that ….

●To put all into a nutshell / In a nutshell, I ….

●The benefits of … are more than I have stated, I believe that ….●From the above evidence, we can easil y see the effect … may bring us in solving the problem of …. We are expecting ….
