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Part II V ocabulary and structure (20%)

13. I really hope that we shall have an opportunity to meet again on anther__.

A)environment B)occasion C)situation D) condition

14. Coal was formed out of dead forest by chemical_______.

A)procedure B)process C) progress D)pracice

15. Over one hundred soldiers have been called in to guard the embassy_____futher attacks.

A) against B)with C)for D) on

16.We regret inform you that the chemistry textbooks you wished to order are out of______

A)order B)reach C)stock D)place

17. In recent years,the tourist industry_____ greatly to the economy of our country.

A)benefits B)assists C)supports D) conteibutes

18. Mr. Phil Fogg didn’t have to work._____he went to his club every day.doing the same thing at the same time.

A)Instead B)Despite C)Despite of D)Instead of

19. We are talking about a water-tank with a _____of 2000 M³ to hold all that water.

A)dimension B)standard C)volume D)capacity

20. In this university.the best student are______special scholarships.

A)awarded B)honored C)favored D)qualified

21. I’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.

A)advantage B)benefit C)profit D)occasion

22. As we have expected. This new concept was quickly______ by post-80s and post-90s.

A) received B) accepted C)obtained D) acquired

23.You’d beeter employ a more______ sale manager than the one you currently have.

A) sufficient B)representative C)respective D)efficient

24.The management finally agreed to______with the union about wage raise.

A) argue B)fight C)negotiate D)associate

25.Several of these washers and dryers are out of order and need______

A)to repair B)repaired C)to be repairing D)assciate

26.As my mother______ here before. I went to meer her at the railway station.

A)had never been B)had been never C)has never been D)never was

27.I put the picture of my most admired basketball star______ I can see it every day.

A) which B)whether C)where D)when

28.How long______ in this city? It seems that you know every place of it.

A)would you have been staying B)had you been staying

C)have you been staying D)are you staying

29. ______with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at all

A) while comparing B)when compared C)comparing D) compare

30.But for the excellent performance of the pilot,the air crash______ many more deaths

A)would cause B)would have caused C)had caused D)has caused

31.Nobody but jack and Jane in the class______ visited the elderly home recently.

A)have B)had C)has been D)has

32.John and Susan have agree to come to our party. ______has made Lucy very happy.

A)what B)that C)which D)who

Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)

Passage One

Questions 33 to37 are based on the following passage.

Did humans live at the same time as dinosaurs?

The answer is of course no,but about a third of Australians got it wrong in a recent survey.

The survey results are being used to highlight what is being described as a disturbing ignorance(无知) about science.

Dr Cathy Foley,pesident of the Australia Scientific and Technological Societies,says Australians have a long questions in a survey of 1,500 people and only 3 or 4 per cent of them got them all correct ,”she said.

“Unfortunately” 30 per cent of Australians think reptiles(爬行动物) or dinosaurs and humans were alive at the same time,for example.

“Also basic things like how much of the Earth is covered by water,how much of the water we have is fresh.

“these are things we should probably know just as general knowledge while a significant portion,about 30 per cent,of the population,are’t able to answer correctly”

Dr Foley says Australia finds itself in a grey situation where the number of science and mathematics teachers is declining.

“30 to 50 per cent of science and mathematics teachers are going to be retiring in the next five to 10 year,”she said.

“ I think we are in need of investing as much as we can into making sure we have strong teachers, who everyone has to agree are probably one of the most fundamental groups of people in society that make us what we aer

33.The incorrect answers given by many Austalinans about dinosaurs are seen as_____.

A)an error in the survey result B)a mistake in survey design
