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Chinese classical handsome
: shanxi province,xiaxian county :xijin :metaphysician (玄学家) : Delicate and white
Chinese classical handsome
About WeiJie,I think what he left to future generations is the mystery of his death, although its authenticity (真 实性)should be disputable(有争议 的), but for a master in literature it is something of the tragedy.
Chinese classical handsome men
Do you know who they are?
Chinese classical handsome
Chinese classical handsome
: pan an : Henan province,zhongmou county (郡,县) :xijin :writer :talent ,appearan ce ,love,filial (孝顺的) :the most
Chinese classical handsome
: Hubei province,yicheng county :state of chu, the Warring States Period :Poet(辞赋家) : scintillation( 才华横溢)
Chinese classical handsome
: He has a outstanding literary talent and a master in the literary world .he is the most famous poet after quyuan. Once he argued with Dengtuzi(登徒子) which lust for women(好色) between them two, finanlly he defeat dengtuzi and made him widely known as a lecher(好色之徒) because of the gift of gab(能说会道).
All people’s hearts are in a tumult (骚动) in the slaughter(屠杀) of turbulent(混乱的) days. Lanling King‘s beauty is just like the fragrance(芬芳) of plum blossom(梅花) fluttering(飘散) in the blood making all the people heartbroken.Unfortunately he was wrong by the Emperor so that he died.But in our eyes, he is such a perfect man.
Chinese classical handsome
: The northern qi dynasty
: Brave and
fierce Make many outstanding military exploits(功绩)
Chinese classical handsome
beautiful male
Chinese classical handsome
: Throughout PanAn’s life, he set talent, beauty, the special sentiment(情操) and political crime at a suit.He is a complicated contradictions(矛盾) of the individual life.
Chinese classical handsome