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Title: Infrared sensing automatic microcontroller system


Along with society's development, the technical progress as well as the people living standard's gradual enhancement, each kind of convenience started in the life automatic control system to enter people's life, take the monolithic integrated circuit as the core automatic valve system was one of them. Simultaneously had also symbolized the automatic control domain has become digitized time one. Its usable, the function is complete, the technological advance, causes the people to believe that this is the advance in technology achievement. It lets the humanity understand that Digital Age's development will change humanity's life, will speed up the science and technology the development. through right “control automatic valve system” the research and the design, have composed the control automatic valve system paper carefully. The present paper elaborated emphatically take the monolithic integrated circuit as the main body;the sensor and step-by-steps the electrical machinery for the core system.

This design mainly 89C51 takes the control core using the monolithic integrated circuit, step-by-steps system which the electrical machinery, the pyroelectric infrared sensor, the potentiometer unify. Has displayed monolithic integrated circuit's performance fully. Its merit hardware circuit is simple, the software function is perfect, the control system is reliable, the performance-to-price ratio higher characteristic, has certain use and the reference value.

key words: The monolithic integrated circuit step-by-steps the electrical machinery sensor


摘要 ................................................................... I Abstract .............................................................. II 目录 ............................................................. III 第一章绪论 (1)

1.1 论文来源及意义 (1)

1.2本课题国内外研究现状及发展趋势 (1)

1.3论文预期成果的理论意义和应用价值 (3)

1.4本课题研究的意义和目的 (4)

第二章系统总体方案设计及论证 (6)

2.1系统设计要求及其分析 (6)

2.2系统控制核心对比及选择 (6)

2.3无刷电机与步进电机的对比及选择 (8)

2.4 系统的方案对比及最终方案 (9)

第三章系统硬件设计 (11)

3.1 传感器单元 (11)

3.1.1SD02热释电传感器结构与工作原理 (11)

3.1.2 SD02主要参数 (13)

3.1.3 红外传感信号处理器BISS0001 (13)

3.1.4 Honeywell SS41 数字型霍尔效应位置传感器 (18)

3.1.5 温度传感器AD590 (18)

3.2 AT89C51单片机系统 (19)

3.2.1主要特性: (19)

3.2.2 管脚说明: (20)

3.3 光电耦合器4N25 (21)

3.4 看门狗芯片MAX690A (22)

3.5 8155H芯片介绍 (23)

3.6 HD7279A (24)

3.7 ADC0809 (25)

3.8 并行实时时钟芯片DS12887 (26)

3.9 无刷电机模块 (28)

第四章系统软件设计 (34)

结束语 (40)

参考文献 (41)

附录1: (43)

附录2: (46)

附录3:系统设计硬件原理图 (55)
