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Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge. ) Hsiao:
odd-pinnately compound:奇数羽状复叶 pinnae:小叶,由拉丁语转变而来,复数 stipule:托叶 lanceolate :披针形的
资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改Biblioteka Baidu。
racemes:总状花序 corolla:花冠 keel:龙骨瓣
calyx: 花萼 standard:旗瓣 diadelphous:二体雄蕊
campanulate:钟状的 wing:翼瓣 stalked:柄
Description 资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。
Cylindrical, some branched, upper part relatively thick, 30~90cm long, 1~3.5cm in diameter. Externally pale brownish-yellow or pale brown, with irregular, longitudinal wrinkles and more transverse lenticel-like protrusions, cork easily exfoliated, exposing yellowishwhite cortex, sometimes showing reticulated fibre bundles.
Main contents
Origins Plant Morphology Collection and Preparation Production and Commerce
Description Microscopical Characters Chemical Constituents Physical and Chemical Identification
❖ It is the dried root of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bge. var. mongholicus (Bge.) Hsiao or Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch. ) Bge. , family Leguminosae.
tenacious:粘性的 striation:纹理 fissure: 裂隙
Transver section 资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。
Cork consisting of many rows of cells. Phelloderm, 3~5 rows of collenchymatous cells. Outer part of phloem rays often curved and fissured; fibres in bundles, walls thickened and lignified or slightly lignified, arranged alternately with sieve tube groups; stone cells sometimes visible near phelloderm. Cambium in a ring. Xylem vessels scattered singly or 2~3 aggregated in groups; wood fibres existing among vessels; stone cells singly or 2 ~ 4 in groups, sometimes visible in rays. Parenchymatous cells containing starch granules.
Plant Morphology
A perennial herb, 40~80cm high. Main root stout, relatively long and straight. Stem erect, branched at the upper part. Leaves odd-pinnately compound, alternate, with 12~ 18 pairs of pinnae; stipules lanceolate.
cylindrical:圆柱形 cork:木栓层
Description 资料仅供参考,不当之处,请联系改正。
Texture hard and tenacious, uneasily broken, fracture highly fibrous and starchy, bark yellowish- white, wood pale yellow with radiate striations and fissures, the centre part of old root occasionally rotten-wood-shaped, blackish-brown or hollowed. Odour, weak; taste, slightly sweet and slightly bean-like on chewing.
Pharmacology Action Indication
❖ Huangqi(黄芪) is also called huangqi(黄耆) and was first recorded in Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing as a superior herb. According to Li Shizhen, the Chinese name huangqi(黄耆) consists of huang(黄) and qi(耆), huang meaning yellow, and qi meaning “leader”. It is one of the most important tonic herbs, and that is why it was given this name.
Flowers in axillary racemes; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed; corolla yellow or yellowish, 1.8 ~ 2cm long; standard oblong-ovate; wings and keel clawed; stamens 10, diadelphous; ovary long stalked. Legume (pod) , membranaceous, inflated to be semiovate, 1.1~1.5cm in diameter, glabrous. Flowering season Jun. ~Jul. ; fruiting season Jul.~Sept. .