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Part I Listening Comprehension(1 5 point,l point each)

Section A(5 points)

1.A)Nott0 take the train.B)Look for a new wallet·

C)Guard her money.D)Not tO go shopping downtown.

2.A)what they will d。that afterno。n.B)Working。n an assignment together·

C)Returning boob t。the 1.hrary.D)H。w they will spend the weeke nd.

3.A)He didn,t have time t。go to the movie.B)He didn’t understand the movie·C)The movie was inexpensive.D)The movie was not Worth seeing·

4.A)The book is confusing.B)He is doing weU in the class·

C)The 1ectures are from the book.D)The lecture is not verY clear·

5.A)The man has become a better person.B)The man is handsome·

C)The man ate a lot every day.D)The man used tO be unhealthy·

Section B(5 points)

Conversation 1

6.A)They are n。t afraid t。make mistakes.B)They don’t speak much in class.C)They are passive.D)They rarely ask you t。explain s。methi“g·

7.A)1ndependent.B)Passive.c)Hardworking.I))Both A)and c)·Conversation 2

8.A)A comfortable hotel.B)A modern hotel.

C)An inexpensive h。tel.D)A traditi。nal family-style h。tel·

9.A)A p。liceman.B)A passer-by.c)A waiter.D)A h。tel recepti。ni。t·】0.A)Next to a bank.B)On the left side of the street·

C)In the next street.D)Tw~minute drive to the west·

Section C(5 points)


12.A)Having a break.B)Not on the job.

C)Working with police uniform.D)Working with normal clothes.


14.A)Because she was held back by a bad traffic jam on her way to the hospital.

B)Because someone jumped out at her.

C)Because she was having a baby.

D)Because some robbers were stealing money from her.

15.A)He called the police station for help.

B)He lend her a hand when she was giving baby.

C)He drove her to the hospital with his police car.

D)Together with another policeman.

PartⅡVocabulary and Structure

l 6_A smart appearance makes a——impression at an interview.

A)favorable B)favorite C)favored D)favoring

1 7.It is recommended that passengers—————————smoke during the flight.

A)would not B)could not C)need not D)not

18.The price of beer——from 50 cents tO$4 per liter during the summer season.

A)ranged B)differed C)separated D)altered

19.As we all know,fresh air,nutritious food and exercise to better healt}L

A)attribute B)add C)contribute D)distribute

20.He failed in this exam,——proves that he wasn’t working hard enough.

A)which B)what C)it D)that

2 1.——with the size of the whole earth,the highest mountain does not seem high at a11.:

A)Compare B)Compared C)Comparing D)While comparing

22.After the flood,the villagers are trying their best to get thing back to——.

A)usual B)common C)normal D)ordinary

23.The murderer was brought in,with his hands——behind his back.

A)to be tied B)tied C)being tied D)having tied

24.To be frank,I really prefer the former program to the——.

A)latter B)later C)lately D)late

25.We received 400 applications——the job.

A)on B)for C)in D)of

26一This hotel $60 for a single room with bath.

A)costs B)pays C)charges D)prices

27.the content is concerned.the book is worth reading.

A)As long as B)As good as C)As well as D)As far as

28.He hoped the firm would——him to the Paris branch.

A)transfer B)remove C)exchange D)transmit

29.Not only you and I but Peter.the top student in our grade,——not able to solve the problem.

A)am B)iS C)are D)were

30.You should have to———————your way of thinking to the new life style.

A)adjust B)adapt C)adopt D)adept

31.Only when he had done it——that he had made a mistake.

A)did he realize B)he realized C)he then realized D)before he realize

32.The European Union countries were once worried that they would not have———————supplies of


A)potential B)proficient C)efficient D)sufficient

33.This iS the first time you have been late.

A)by nO means B)by all means C)in any case D)in some cases

34.Not having a good command of English can be a serious——preventing you from achieving your


A)distress B)fault C)offense D)obstacle

35.He thinks he is superior——his classmates because his father is an important person.

A)than B)of C)tO D)with

PartlV Translation(20 points,2 points for each)

Section A Translate the following English into Chinese.(10 points)……………………………………………

56.His ignorance of the company’S financial situation resulted in his failure to take effective
