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eg. (1) We are in Class 1, Grade 7 .

→Are you in Class 1, Grade 7 ?

(2) He's polite and helpful .

→Is he polite and helpful ?

(3) There are some birds in the big tall tree .

→Are there any birds in the big tall tree ?

(4) Some Americans are going to visit our school next week .

→Are some Americans going to visit your school next week ?

(5) A new modern bridge is being built over the Changjiang River .

→Is a new modern bridge being built over the Changjiang River ?


eg. (1) They can park their cars in front of the supermarket .

→Can they park their cars in front of the supermarket ?

(2) I'd like some more dumplings .

→Would you like some more dumplings ?

(3) Children must be kept away from fire .

→Must children be kept away from fire ?



eg. (1) I have finished reading the interesting book .

→Have you finished reading the interesting book ?

(2) The old woman had been dead before her dauther arrived .

→Had the old woman been dead before her dauther arrived ?

4、句子的谓语动词如果是行为动词的一般现在时或一般过去时,在改为一般疑问句的时候,根据主语的人称和单、复数,需要添加助动词do、does或did 。

eg.(1) We enjoy the football matches very much .

→Do you enjoy the football matches very much ?

(2) Her mother does some cleaning every morning .

→Does her mother do some cleaning every morning ?

(3)She went to see her doctor yesterday .

→Did she go to see her doctor yesterday ?



由肯定句变为否定句的规则是在句中的助动词之后添加否定词not。如果句中的谓语动词的情况和上述1、2、3点相同,则直接在be动词、情态动词和have、has或had之后添加否定词not 。除了be动词的am词形外,否定词not可以和助动词缩写为“助动

词 + n't”。而如果句中的谓语动词是行为动词的一般现在时或一般过去时,则要先添加助动词do、does或did,再在其后添加否定词not,分别可以缩写为don't、doesn't和didn't 。

注:在行为动词一般现在时和一般过去时的否定句中,行为动词也一律为动词原形。eg.(1) He is from England .

→He isn't from England .

(2) They can look for things on the Internet in Computer lessons .

→They can't look for things on the Internet in Computer lessons .

(3) I have seen the interesting film already .

→I haven't seen the interesting film yet .

(4) His brother often plays foogball after school .

→His brother doesn't often play football after school .

(5) My grandma came for dinner yesterday evening .

→My grandma didn't come for dinner yesterday evening .


(1) I think + 宾语从句。

该句型在变为否定句时,否定词not应放在主句上,即为:I don't think + 宾语从句。

eg. I think it will rain tomorrow .

→ I don't think it will rain tomorrow .

(2) 祈使句

祈使句的特征是没有主语,以动词原形开头。在变为否定句时,应在动词原形之前添加助动词don't .

eg. (1) Water the flowers .

→ Don't water the flowers .

(2) Please clean the blackboard .




英语中主要的疑问词有:what , who , when , whose , where , why , which , how , how old , how many , how much , how long , how often , how soon , how far , 等。疑问词的确定要根据句中的划线部分作什么成分。上述疑问词的用法主要为:

what :用来询问事物、人的姓名和职业。另外,和不同的词一起使用还可询问具体的方面,

如what time询问时间,what colour询问颜色等。

who :用来询问人,尤其指人与人之间的关系。

whose :用来询问归属,即和人之间的所有关系。

when :用来询问时间,一般指较大的时间范围。(小范围的时间可用what time)where :用来询问地点。

which :用来询问哪一个,主要针对名词的定语提问。

why :用来询问原因,标志是because .

how :用来询问方式、程度。

how old :用来询问年龄。
