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八年级上册Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show?


1.new(adj.)新的→(n.)news 新闻

2. lose →lost (vt.) 丢失

cational (adj.)教育的,有教育意义的→(vt.)educate 教育→(n.)education 教育

4. successful (adj.) 成功的→(vt.)succeed 成功→(n.)success 成功

5.unlucky (adj.)不幸的,倒霉的→(adj.)lucky 幸运的→(n.)luck 运气

6. lose →lost (vt.) 丢失


1.think of认为

2. learn from从……获得;向……学习

3.find out查明;弄清楚

4. talk show谈话节目

5.game show游戏节目

6.soap opera肥皂剧

7.go on发生

8. watch a movie看电影9.a pair of一双;一对10.try one’s best尽某人最大努力11.as famous as与……一样有名12. have a discussion about就……讨论13.one day有一天14.such as例如15.dress up打扮;梳理16.take sb.’s place代替;替换17.do a good job干得好18.something enjoyable令人愉快的东西19.interesting information有趣的资料20.one of……之一21.look like看起来像22.around the world全世界23.a symbol of……的象征


1.let sb. do sth.让某人做某事

2. plan to do sth.计划/打算做某事

3.hope to do sth.希望做某事

4.sth happen +时间、地点某地、某事发生了某事

5.expect to do sth.盼望做某事

6.How about doing…?做……怎么样?

7.be ready to do sth.乐于做某事8. try one’s best to do sth.尽力做某事


1.I don 't mind them. 我不介意它们。

mind 此处用作及物动词,意为“介意,反对”,通常用于疑问句,否定句或条件句中,其后可接名词,代词或动词-ing 形式。mind (sb/one’s) doing sth.介意(某人)做某事

We don't mind this heat. 我们不在乎炎热。

Do you mind taking care of my cat while I am out? 我外出期间你介意照顾我的猫吗?

[拓展]mind 还可作名词,意为“思想、主意”。

Do you want to change your mind? 你想改变你的主意吗?

相关短语:change one\'s mind 改变主意;keep...in mind记住......;

never mind不要紧make up one's mind 决心;决定

2.Because I hope to find out what' s going on around the world.


because 连词,意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句

He didn't go to school because he was ill. 他没有上学因为他生病了。

hope 动词,意为“希望”,常用于两种结构:hope to do sth. 希望做某事

hope + that 从句希望……

I hope to see your father as soon as possible. 我希望尽快见到你父亲。

We hope that you have a good time. 我们希望你过得愉快。

(1)辨析:hope 与wish两者都有“希望”之意,其区别是:

hope 指对实现某一愿望有信心、把握,而且其后不能接宾语

wish 常指难以实现或不能实现的愿望,其后可以接宾语

即:hope sb. to do sth. ( 错误) wish sb. to do sth (正确)

(2)find out 意为“查明;弄清楚”。

辨析look for,find,find out


A. look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。如:

—What are you looking for?你在找什么?

—I'm looking for my bike.我在找我的自行车。

B. find意为“找到”“发现”,强调“找”的结果,其宾语往往是某个丢失的东西或人。如:—Did you find Li Ming yesterday?你昨天找到李明了吗?

—No,we looked for him everywhere,but didn't find him


C. find out着重表示通过理解、分析、思考、询问等“弄清楚”“查明”一件事情,其后的宾语常常是某个情况、事实。如:

Please find out when the train leaves.请查一下火车什么时候离站。

(3)go on 此处意为“发生”,与take place 同义I wonder what was going on .

我想知道发生了什么事?around the world 意为“全世界”,与all over the world 同义

I think people around the world like sports. 我认为全世界的人都爱好体育。

3.Oh , I can't stand them. 哦,我无法忍受它们。

Stand 此处用作及物动词,意为“忍受”,通常与can't 连用,表达对某事物到了不能容忍的程度。can’t stand doing sth.不能忍受做某事。

I can’t stand waiting for people who are late over an hour.

I can't stand the hot weather. 我忍受不了这种炎热的天气。

What do you think of the talk show? 你认为这个谈话节目怎么样?

---I can't stand it. 我无法忍受。

『拓展』stand 作动词,还可意为“站;站立”。Don't stand there. 不要站在那里。

4.I like to follow the story and see what happens next.


happen v.发生,一般指偶然发生,主语为事,不能为人。

s th .+ happens to sb. 某人发生了某事A traffic accident happened to his elder brother yesterday. sth .+ happens + 地点/时间,意为:某地/某时发生了某事An accident happened on Park Street. happen v,表示“碰巧”,主语可以是人,后常跟动词不定式to do sth ,表示“碰巧做某事”.

sb. + happens to do sth.某人碰巧……I happened to see my uncle on the street.

take place 意为“发生,举行,举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排。

例:Great changes have taken place in China. The meeting will take place next Friday. 5.I hope to be a TV reporter one day. 我希望有一天成为一名电视记者。

one day 意为“有一天”。可以表示过去的某一天,也可以用于表示将来的某一天。

One day I met my Chinese teacher on the street.有一天我在街上遇到了我的语文老师。

I hope that one day skipping will be an event of the Olympic Games.


『拓展』some day 意为“某一天”,表示将来的有一天或日后的某一天。在表示将来某一天时可以与one day 互换。

I will go to see you some day. 日后我会去看你的。

6. serious adj. 严肃的,认真的He is a serious man.

be serious about sb./sth. 对某人/某事认真

Peter is serious about Jenny. He wants to get married to her.
