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查理•卓别林(Charlie Chaplin 1889.4.16—1977.12.25),英国电影演员、导演、制片人,无声电影时期最富创造力和影响力的喜剧大师。早在一次大战前,卓别林便以表演才华征服了世界影坛,正如萧伯纳所评价的,“卓别林是电影工业时代独一无二的天才”。从童年时踏上维多利亚舞台和英国音乐堂,直到88岁生命终结那一刻,卓别林的舞台生涯持续了75年光阴,他一生共拍摄了80余部喜剧片,代表作有《淘金记》、《城市之光》、《摩登时代》、《大独裁者》、《凡尔杜先生》、《舞台生涯》等。这些影片反映了卓别林从一个普通的人道主义者到一位伟大的批判现实主义艺术大师的过程。卓别林以其精湛的表演艺术,对下层劳动者寄予深切同情,对资本主义社会的种种弊端进行辛辣的讽刺。同时,卓别林高调的公共形象与私人生活饱受谄媚与争议。50年代麦卡锡时期,卓别林因左翼倾向被迫移居欧洲。60年代晚期,卓别林完成最后一部影片《香港女伯爵》,健康状况逐渐下降。1972年,卓别林获得奥斯卡终身成就奖。1977年的圣诞节,定居瑞士Vevey的卓别林在熟睡中悄然离世。
Charlie" Chaplin, (16 April 1889–25 December 1977) was an English comic actor and film director of the silent film era who became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War. Chaplin was one of the most creative and influential personalities of the silent-film era. Just like George Bernard Shaw called him "the only genius to come out of the movie industry". His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in theUnited Kingdomas a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88. His high-profile public and private life encompassed both adulation and controversy. Chaplin's identification with the left ultimately forced him to resettle inEuropeduring the McCarthy era in the early 1950s. Chaplin's robust health began to slowly fail in the late 1960s, after the completion of his final film A Countess from Hong Kong, and more rapidly after he received his Academy Award in 1972. Chaplin died in his sleep in Vevey, Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977.
Charles Chaplin made Limelight at the most troubled period of his adult career. In the late 1940s, America¹s Cold War paranoia reached its peak, and Chaplin, as a foreigner with liberal and humanist sympathies, was a prime target for political witch-hunters. It did not help that he had recently been cited in an unseemly paternity suit. Pilloried as he was by the right-wing press and reactionary institutions like the American Legion, it seemed thatAmericahad turned against the man it had once idolised.
Charles Chaplin was a Painter and engraver born in Andelys on June 8th 1825. He was best known for his sentimentally graceful portrayals of young girls, in truth, with more success than Francois Boucher whose son he studied with inEngland. He was not a naturalized Frenchman, rather, settling there in 1886. He studied under Drolling, making his debut at the Salon with portraits and landscape scenes. His earlier works were notable for their powerful and strong naturalism, although Chaplin completed a great many works in his early days, including floral studies which he showed at the Salon des Fleurs, and a large canvas ‘Un Reve’ for Prince Demidoff, it wasn’t long before he modified his style. He settled on the genre that was to establish him as a painter of some note, as we see here, more feminine and graceful portraiture.
In this atmosphere, his 1947 film, Monsieur Verdoux, with its sardonic view of war, was attacked as being anti-American. Not surprisingly, then, in choosing his next subject he deliberately sought escape from disagreeable contemporary reality. He found it in bitter-sweet nostalgia for the world of his youth - the world of theLondonmusic halls at the opening of the 20th century, where he had first discovered his genius as an entertainer.
Chaplin’s work has withstood the test of time and remains as popular today as indeed it was during his long and successful career. His works can be seen in the Museum’s ofBayeux,Bayonne,Bourges,Mulhouse, Rouens and Saintes.
He workedin brilliant yet delicate colors and gained manyprizes during his career, b51, a 2nd class at the Annual Suivante and a 1st class medal in 1865. He was awarded the Legion d’Honneur in 1879 becoming an Officer in 1881. This scene is typical of the kind of works that established this artist and was one he repeated many times in various guises. The enchanting young girl poses with a basket of roses on her arm. She wears a delicate dress of the finest silk for the sitting which was possibly a commission from one of the noble families that became his patrons. It is a delightful scene and surely one of the most commercial works the artist ever completed.
His story concerns a once-famous comedian who has lost the ability to command his audience. Chaplin said that he based the character on real-life stage personalities whom he had seen lose their gifts and their public - the American black-face comedian Frank Tinney (1878-1940) and the Spanish clown Marceline (1873-1927) with whom he had himself worked as a boy. Clearly he was also thinking of his own present bitter experience of a faithless public.